DOCUMENT RESUME UD 032 398 ED 461 693 Finn, Jeremy D. AUTHOR Class Size: What Does Research Tell Us? Spotlight on Student TITLE Success. Mid-Atlantic Lab. for Student Success, Philadelphia, PA. INSTITUTION Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), SPONS AGENCY Washington, DC. REPORT NO LSS-Ser-207 PUB DATE 1997-00-00 NOTE 6p. Laboratory for Student Success, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave., AVAILABLE FROM Philadelphia, PA 19122-6901. Tel: 800-892-5550 (Toll Free). Information Analyses (070) PUB TYPE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Academic Achievement; *Class Size; Disadvantaged Youth; DESCRIPTORS *Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; *High Risk Students; *Small Classes; *Teacher Student Ratio; Urban Schools; Urban Youth *Student Teacher Achievement Ratio Project TN IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This report summarizes the findings of some recent pivotal studies of class size, especially as they relate to students at risk. Of particular note is a large-scale study of class size, which was designed to test the conclusions of G. Glass and M. Smith (1978) and G. Robinson (1990) about the advantages of small class size. This study, Project Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio (Project STAR) was conducted in Tennessee beginning in 1985. Project STAR was a controlled scientific experiment that studied a large number of teachers (over 300 each year) and a large number of students (more than 10,000 in all) over 4 years. Both norm-referenced and curriculum-referenced tests were administered each year. Because of the tight experimental control of Project STAR and the magnitude of the study, (1) small classes (17 educations can be confident of certain principles: pupils or fewer) are more effective academically than larger classes (22 and (2) the advantage of small above) in the primary grades in all subject areas; classes is greater for minority students and students in inner-city schools than for white students; and (3) the advantage of small classes can probably be attributed to the fact that students are more actively engaged in learning compared to their peers in larger classes. Even these strong findings do not fully resolve questions of the cost effectiveness of small classes. In addition, there is still not enough information to tell whether small classes might be especially advantageous if the teachers received special training to take advantage of small class size. There is little information to tell whether small classes could be especially beneficial when used in conjunction with other compensatory or accelerated programs. Current research does not tell much about the effects of small class size in middle school or high school. (Contains 13 references.) (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. tit Class Size: What Does Research Tell Us? Jeremy D. Finn LSS Spotlight on Student Success A Digest of Research from the Laboratory for Student Success, No. 207 OF EDUCATION U.S. DEPARTMENT and Improvement Office of Educational Research INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES CENTER (ERIC) reproduced as 1:1 This document has been organization received from the person or originating it. )1( Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. in this Points of view or opinions stated represent document do not necessarily official OERI position or policy. 2 BESTCOPY AVAILABLE / LSS an' A digest of research from the Laboratory for Student Success No. 207 Class Size: What Does Research Tell Us? by Jeremy D. Finn Professor of Education, SUNY-Buffalo Visiting Scholar, Laboratory for Student Success might occur as well; and we are The debate about class size is current state of knowledge. The first uncertain whether any of these not new. In fact, the Babylonian is Glass and Smith's (1978) statisti- cal reviewa "meta-analysis"of benefits are worth the additional Talmud, completed in the sixth cen- expense. tury, contains class size principles for the findings of over 80 empirical stud- The intent of this report is to ies. While their review identified study of the Bible: "The number of summarize the findings of some many weaknesses in these studies, pupils assigned to each teacher is 25. If there are 50, we appoint two including the fact that no scientifi- recent pivotal studies of class size, teachers. If there are 40, we appoint especially as they impact on students cally controlled experiment had ever an assistant, at the expense of the at risk. Three themes are apparent been performed on the question of town" (translation from Epstein, class size, Glass and Smith arrived in this work: Small classes are academically 1976, p. 214, emphasis added). The at two major conclusions. First, "re- duced class size can be expected advantageous, particularly for two iirinciples embodied in this state- to produce increased academic minority students or students ment have confronted one another ever sincethe desirability of limit- achievement" (p. iv), and second, living in poverty. "the major benefits from reduced ing the number of students working Small classes promote the devel- with one teacher, and the real eco- opment of classroom behaviors class size are obtained as the size is nomic considerations to be faced. reduced below 20 pupils" (p. v). that are important to learning and Several years later, Educational Fourteen centuries later, we continue may provide significant long-term to debate the benefits and costs of benefits. Research Service (Robinson, 1990) small classes. The advantages of small classes synthesized a much larger set of stud- Assessing the immediate costs ies. The review concluded that re- are best realized when there are sults were "mixed," that is, it is no major obstacles to implemen- of small classes is relatively straight- difficult at best to decide whether forward, although some schools are tation. finding ways to minimize the expense small classes are more effective than RECENT RESEARCH ON through principles of "substitution" large classes, but to the extent that SMALL CLASSES they are, two conclusions can be rather than "add-on." Assessing the benefits is more complex because of drawn. First, small classes are prob- The extensive research on small the uncertainties it involves. We are classes has been reviewed time and ably most beneficial in reading and mathematics in the early primary uncertain whether real achievement time again. Of the many reports that gains will be realized from smaller grades, and second, "students who have been produced, however, three classes; we are uncertain whether are economically disadvantaged or deserve particular attention because important non-achievement gains they created the foundation for the from some ethnic minorities perform Spotlight on Student Success is an occasional series of articles highlighting findings from the Laboratory for Student Success (LSS), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory, that have significant implications for improving the academic success of students in the mid-Atlantic region. For information about the LSS and other LSS publications, contact the Laboratory for Student Success, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19122-6091; telephone: (800) 892-5550; e-mail: [email protected]. Also visit our World Wide Web site at 3 better academically in smaller No differences were found on classes had fewer than 20 students; classes" (p. 85). the study's design enabled research- student self-concept or motivation. In interpreting these findings, ers to look at the effects on minority The magnitude of the small- one caveat must be noted. The con- as well as majority students. Project class advantage was about 2/10 of clusions drawn by Glass and Smith STAR was a controlled scientific ex- and by Educational Research Ser- a standard deviation, or about .1GE periment with a number of additional features: it was based on a large vice were not based on the analysis in kindergarten in each subject area. of pupil:teacher ratios for a school number of teachers (over 300 each The advantage was about 3/10 of a or district, since the pupil:teacher year) and students (over 10,000 in standard deviation, or about .2GE, ratio can camouflage many features all); students were followed for four in each subject in subsequent grades. The effect was slightly smaller of instruction. The studies were years; and both norm-referenced among White students and some- based on actual counts of the num- and curriculum-based achievement ber of pupils in a classroom. That tests were administered each year. what larger among minority students each year. The minority-White these two ways of looking at class Because of these features, Project STAR provided educators with sizeteacher:pupil ratios and actual achievement gap was reduced sub- student countsdo not have the definitive answers about the impact stantially in small classes, especially of small classes in the primary on the criterion-referenced tests. same impact has been demonstrated grades. For example, in regular classes the repeatedly (see, for example, Boozer The results of Project STAR & Rouse, 1995). Small classesto pass rate for African-American stu- the extent that they are effective are presented in numerous reports dents on the first-grade reading test (e.g., Finn & Achilles, 1990; was 14% below the rate for White owe their effectiveness to the small Mosteller, 1995; Word et al., 1990). students; in small classes, the differ- number of pupils in a particular class- Although the study had many ence was reduced to just 4%. room, with one or more teachers. facets, six primary findings stand To the credit of Project STAR The third noteworthy study is a researchers, the students were fol- large-scale experiment designed to out: lowed in subsequent years after Statistically significant differ- test the four propositions of Glass and ences were found among the Smith and RobinsonTennessee's returning to regular-size classes; three class types on every the continued effort was called Project STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio). In 1985, all the Lasting Benefits Study (LBS). achievement measure every year The carryover effects of small pupils entering kindergarten in 79 of the study; schools across the state were classes continued through at least The differences were always be- grade 7' although the small-class tween the performance of small assigned at random to a small class classes and other class types advantage was diminished to about (13-17 pupils), a regular class (22-26 not between teacher-aide and 1/6 of a standard deviation on each pupils), or a regular class with a full- time teacher aide. Teachers were regular classes; test. To date, minority-White differ- The same benefits were found also assigned at random to the class ences have not been examined in the for boys and girls alike; groups; no special instructions of any follow-up study. In each grade, there was a sort were given to the teachers or An important component was aides. The class groupings were added to the grade-4 assessment greater small-class advantage for that may provide the key to under- minorities or for students attend- maintained through third grade, with assessments of achievement and standing why a consistent small- ing inner-city schools on some or class advantage was found each all measures; self-concept administered annually. Project STAR was built on the The small-class advantage began in kindergarten, increased by principles identified by Glass and the end of first grade, and Smith and by Educational Research ' Data collection continued through grade 1 1, Service. The intervention began in remained stable through grades but results for grades 7-11 have not been the early primary grades; small 2 and 3; analyzed to date. Spotlight on Student Success Page 2 0 Temple University Center for Research in Human Development and Education districts where their effects are year. In grade 4, teachers were more protracted interactions with needed most (e.g., Odden, 1990). their students. Kiser-Kling (1995) asked to rate each pupil on the Stu- And some schools are currently found that small classes are char- dent Participation Questionnaire, a 26-item scale that reflects the reconsidering their budgets with the acterized by a greater percentage of perspective that small classes effort the student puts forth in the "task-oriented events" and a smaller reduce the need for other special- percentage of "institutional events" classroom, the initiative the student takes with regard to learning tasks, ized services. (e.g., discipline; organization). and students' non-participatory On the benefit side, critics note WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE that the size of the effects obtained behavior (disruptive behavior and in Project STAR are not large in US TODAY? passive/withdrawn behavior). Previ- ous research had shown that these Because of the tight experimen- comparison to other interventions, for tal control exercised in Project example, peer tutoring or Success "engagement behaviors" are essen- for All. Proponents note that there STAR, and because of the magni- tial keys to learning in the classroom setting, and that poor engagement is more to Project STAR/LBS than tude of the study, educators can be meets the eye. In particular, the confident of certain principles: behaviors are especially problematic benefits associated with small among students at risk (Finn, Small classes (17 pupils or below) classes were realized in every sub- are more effective academically Pannozzo, & Voelkl, 1995). The ques- than larger classes (22 and ject area in every year of the study; tionnaire included such behaviors as the "total" impact is much greater above) in the primary grades in paying attention, completing assign- than any one statistic would reveal. all subject areas. ments on time, persisting when con- The benefits of small classes were The advantage of small classes fronted with difficult tasks, and asking realized by boys and girls alike and questions to get more information. is greater for minority students or students attending inner-city by minority and White students alike. The Project STAR follow-up showed schools than for White students. Small classes are not "band-aids" for that students who had been in small particular students having specific The advantage of small classes classes were significantly above their peers in regular-size classes on all can probably be attributed to the problems, but impact all students. fact that students are more behavior dimensions.' Small-class More significantly, small classes actively engaged in learning participation increased students' may reduce the need for other costly services. For example, the LBS active engagement in learninga compared to their peers in larger grade-4 study documented that set of constructive behaviors that classes. It also seems that teach- ers spend more time in direct persisted after small classes were students in small classes were less disruptive than their peers in regular instruction and less time in class- disbanded. At the same time, Project classes. Likewise, a small-class room management when the initiative in a high-poverty school number of students is small. STAR and LBS provided only lim- ited information about teachers' district in North Carolina resulted Questions About Implementing in reduced disciplinary problems behavior in small classes. Observa- Small Classes tions of Project STAR classrooms over successive years (Kiser-Kling, indicated that small classes had 1995). In short, the time and effort Question 1: Is it worth it? greater numbers of students "on needed to control discipline problems Even the strong findings of may be reduced. Likewise, there is task" and that small-class teachers were more consistent in managing Project STAR and LBS leave open some indication from Project STAR that grade retentions are reduced the classroom (Evertson & Folger, the question of whether the benefits of smaller classes offset the costs. 1989). Other non-STAR studies sup- On the expenditure side of the port these conclusions. For example, Bourke (1986) found that teachers ledger, economists and others have 2 The Student Participation Questionnaire of small classes spend less time on recommended that small classes be was completed again in grade 8 but, to date, targeted to those schools and classroom management and have the data have not been analyzed. Spotlight on Student Success Page 3 © Temple University Center for Research in Human Development and Education feature is essential. Second, the when students are in small classes class: What do teachers do differ- teachers were all fully certified (Harvey, 1993). Finally, there is the ently? Paper presented at the meet- ing of the American Educational elementary teachers in Tennessee, real possibility, though undocumented, Research Association, San Francisco. that the need for special education qualified for the positions they were Finn, J. D., & Achilles, C. M. (1990). and other remedial programs (for given. It is an open question whether Answers and questions about class example, Reading Recovery) would less qualified staff members could size: A statewide experiment. counteract the positive effects of be reduced. Small classes are a fun- American Educational Research small classes. Third, no regular damental ingredient of all special Journal, 27, 557-577. education programs, not to mention school resources were "traded in" Finn, J. D., Pannozzo, G. M., & other interventions to serve students for the small classes (e.g., libraries Voelkl, K. E. (1995). Disruptive and having academic difficulty. Unfortu- or bilingual programs). inattentive-withdrawn behavior and nately, thorough analyses of these achievement among fourth graders. CONCLUDING REMARKS and other trade-offs have not been The Elementary School Journal, This report emphasizes re- performed to date. 95, 421-434. search on the effects of small Glass, G. V, & Smith, M. L. (1978). Meta-analysis of research on the Question 2: What conditions are classes in the early grades. There relationship of class size and necessary for positive outcomes to are two reasons for this. First, most achievement. San Francisco: Far be realized? of the current (and best) research West Laboratory for Educational to date has been conducted in kin- At present, about half the states Research and Development. in the U.S. are considering or imple- dergarten through grade 3. Second, Harvey, B. (1993, December). An menting small-class initiatives for the early years lay the foundation for analysis of grade retention for some or all of their school districts. much that follows. At the same time, pupils in K-3. Unpublished doctoral research to date does not clearly The questions that will be raised about dissertation. University of North implementation are uncountable. delineate the conditions and conse- Carolina, Greensboro. For example, there is little or no quences of small class size in the Kiser-Kling, K. (1995). Life in a small information available to tell us middle- or high-school grades. This teacher-pupil ratio class. Unpub- whether still greater benefits would work has yet to be undertaken. lished Ed.D. Dissertation. Univer- sity of North Carolina, Greensboro. accrue if teachers received special Mosteller, F. (1995). The Tennessee training to take advantage of the REFERENCES study of class size in the early small-class setting. And there is little Boozer, M., & Rouse, C. (1995, June). school grades. The Future of Chil- Intraschool variation in class size: or no information to tell us whether dren, 5(2), 113-127. Patterns and implications. (Work- small classes might be especially Odden, A. (1990). Class size and ing paper No. 344). Washington, efficacious if used in conjunction student achievement: Research- DC: National Bureau of Economic with other compensatory or accel- based policy alternatives. Educa- Research, Industrial Relations erated programs. tional Evaluation and Policy Section. At the same time, the Project Analysis, 12, 213-227. Bourke, S. (1986). How smaller is STAR/LBS studies were conducted Robinson, G.E. (1990). Synthesis of better: Some relationships between research on effects of class size. under conditions that, if disregarded, class size, teaching practices and Educational Leadership, 47(7), are likely to counteract some or all student achievement. American 80-90. of the small-class advantage. First, Educational Research Journal, 23, Word, E., Johnston, J., Bain, H., Fulton, the classes were comprised of a 558-571. D. B., Boyd-Zaharias, J., Lintz, M. small number of students (12-17) Epstein, I. (1976). Hebrew-English N., Achilles, C. M., Folger, J., & translation of the Babylonian with a single teacher in a single class- Breda, C. (1990). Student-Teacher room. This is not simply a ratio of Talmud (Baba Bathra, Vol. I). Ratio Achievement (STAR): London: Soncino Press. 15 to 1 (that might be attained with Tennessee's K-3 class-size study. Evertson, C. M., & Folger, J. K. 30 students and 2 teachers) but truly Nashville, TN: Tennessee State a small class environment; this (1989, March). Small class, large Department of Education. Spotlight on Student Success Page 4 © Temple University Center for Research in Human Development and Education 6 E KLC U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) MOW Imo Woman CM National Library of Education (NLE) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) NOTICE Reproduction Basis This document is covered by a signed "Reproduction Release (Blanket)" form (on file within the ERIC system), encompassing all or classes of documents from its source organization and, therefore, does not require a "Specific Document" Release form. This document is Federally-funded, or carries its own permission to reproduce, or is otherwise in the public domain and, therefore, may be reproduced by ERIC without a signed Reproduction Release form (either "Specific Document" or "Blanket"). EFF-089 (5/2002)