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DOCUMENT RESUME FL 026 655 ED 451 716 Lee, Bill, Ed. AUTHOR . The Language Teacher, 1999. TITLE Japan Association for Language Teaching, Tokyo. INSTITUTION ISSN-0289-7938 ISSN PUB DATE 1999-'00-00 794p.-; Published monthly. Laura MacGregor edited Numbers NOTE 1-5. Malcolm Swanson co-edited Numbers 11-12. JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Building, 5f, 1-37-9 Taito, AVAILABLE FROM Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, Japan (cover price: 950 yen). Tel: 03-3837-1630; Fax: 03-3837-1631; Web site: http: / /www.langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp /jalt /pub /tlt. Serials (022) Collected Works PUB TYPE English, Japanese LANGUAGE Language Teacher; v23 n1-12 1999 JOURNAL CIT MF05/PC32 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Class Activities; Classroom Techniques; Computer Uses in DESCRIPTORS Education; Elementary Secondary Education; English (Second Language); Foreign Countries; Higher Education; *Professional Associations; Second Language Instruction; *Second Language Learning; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods; World Wide Web *Japan IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This journal is a monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), a nonprofit professional organization of language teaches dedicated to the improvement of language learning and teaching in Japan. ,?ALT'S publications and events serve as vehicles for the exchange of new ideas and techniques, and a means of keeping abreast of new developments in a rapidly changing field. Each issue of the journal contains several sections and departments: feature articles; opinions and perspectives; net nuggets; my share (where teachers share some of their most successful and innovative teaching techniques and classroom activities); JALT undercover (a survey of some of the latest developments in the field of language teaching and learning); and JALT departments, whidh includes news, book reviews, items recently received, a bulletin board, events of national significance, JALT chapter reports and meetings, a conference calendar, a job information center with a listing of positions, and an advertiser index. (KFT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. The Language Teacher, 1999. Bill Lee, Editor Volume 23, Numbers 1-12 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization G. van Troyer originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 2 ISSN 0289-7938 t'At I Assodoti ctti for tangovitTeados` Volume 23; Number 1 ionuaqi, 1999 A Y950 report Introduction 5 1998 TESOL RussiaFar East International 37 Conference feature articles by Stephen Ryan Functional Grammar, Register and Genre 9 Theory in the Language Classroom: An In- a chapter in your life terview with James Robert Martin Toyohashi 39 by Nathan Edwards Beyond the Sentence: Finding a Balance 11 my share Between Bottom-Up and Top-Down Read- The Poster Preview Task 41 ing Approaches by Keith Ford by Pddraic Frehan Jigsaw Crossword Puzzles for Conversa- 42 tion Management and Lexical Review Local Area Networks: Online Communica- 15 by Keith Lane with Roberta Golliher tion in the Japanese EFL Classroom Pass It On: A Flexible Activity 43 by Phillip Markley & John Herbert by Stu Ruttan Questionnaire Construction and Classroom 19 MIT news special Research by Dale T. Griffee Standing Committee on Employment Prac- 45 tices: Report from the JALT President Illegal Drug Issues in the Classroom 23 by Gene van Troyer by Kyoko Yamada departments Comparative Cultures Course: Education 27 Book Reviews 47 in Ten Countries Recently Received 49 by Carol Browning, Kawagishi Masako, JALT News 49 & Seto Harulco Bulletin Board 51 *ffltl:iztEtZ El*A§M-04-tV-S. Of National SIGnificance 32 53 Chapter Reports 55 a Chapter Meetings 57 4tEE1 (Cross-Cultural Questions in Academic Conference Calendar 59 Studies: Japanese Students Working on Job Information Center/Positions 61 Authors Degrees at American Universities, by Hajime 21 Advertiser Index Llmeda) 63 cA INTERNATIONAL CHANGING THE JAPAN LEARNS ENGLISH 11111 incorporating leading ELT publishers, Heinle & Heinle/Newbury House and ITPAsia ELT THOMSON ASIA ELT Go For It by David Nunan This four-level series uses dynamic language-building tasks to interest middle/high school students in communicating in English while exploring their personal connections to such popular topics as entertainment, sports, and friends. a task-based approach incorporating lots of games and problem-solving activities encourages students to learn by doing a central focus of each lesson is getting students to explore and describe their personal connection to teen topics such as sports, entertainment, and friends units consist of two short (50-minute) lessons. The first introduces students to key language points, while the second focuses on the use students can make of these language points to communicate actively and authentically explicit learning objectives motivate students to chart their I I .411""`- progress, while frequent self-checks guide students to )4 x r 04384-6773 3 ,Stdden't Book.11m114pp4 monitor and individualize their learning ' ",l1 838467,741; "TM Tevacheil's Edditinli\*" 4'k'tirfaiX9St4 e tt. .. 0 438479$144 Test Package;lt, and Game 65)2614-il 0-838401100, p 4 Eavontes View Edit Help Window e Stiiditil--13U -2 (114p) :::.. '*04384-6777,6` ' http //gofont.heinle corn r,, ie 4 Audio:apeZ. z 3f,Tekiand,Gam;esyackage2t.. 0-438417972,34 C-' 043'8448i4 -.; .44`.Rot*11-;,.%:' el '3: s`studefittopie):(1146)=-: 043i4-67827,2', ,0-084743rt Teacher's Edinon , For more information about this series, please contact: . 0438446784" -- ',Tett and Games Package ':,0-4384-7963-411 INTERNATIONAL THOMSON PUBLISHING JAPAN 078384.,o923 -7 5/F Palaceside Building ,:81ttdent Ilook 4,01401i), 1-1-1 Hitotsubashi Chiyoda-ku .s.{104384=6785-,7:,s,; '`; WOridloOk24 04344,67862.5, Tokyo 100-0003 ''04384=6787.4, TesaChei''s' Tel: (03) 5218 6543 -Audio Tape 4 0-8384=6788-1 . Fax: (03) 5218 6551 Testafid cial'pesTAcale 4 -t0438417954-5 rs email: [email protected] ",0-8344=0932=6 Submissions presenter's name, (d) include the month in which 500 words should be sent to the editor by the The editors welcome submissions of materi- the presentation was given, (e) conclude with 15th of the month, 3 months prior to publica- als concerned with all aspects of language the reporter's name. For specific guidelines con- tion, to allow time to request a response to teaching, particularly with relevance to Ja- tact the Chapter Reports editor. Deadline: 15th appear in the same issue, if appropriate. TLT pan. All English language copy must be of the month, z months prior to publication. will not publish anonymous correspondence typed, double spaced, on A4-sized paper, ItZilS000*roCAAGAIMr-to unless there is a compelling reason to do so, with three centimetre margins. Manuscripts (b) RV) and then only if the correspondent is known to should follow the American Psychological fitztech.G 4 a. ramoDIMI: (a) ZISOZ the editor. (c)itAtZt (d)ctAtcvsi--ibittzh, Association (APA) style as it appears in The Want& t"."..a)Mi, Language Teacher. The editors reserve the right bc3)-t,bagittleST < The Language Teacher /z, (e)ScAziztfl* to edit all copy for length, style, and clarity, 1,000711P3, f 11JU. lua litattt1.311< 431St < t.! 4tta,I.:IfiTizts ttlA without prior notification to authors. Dead- *gr.:716IORI7RO3iing4015131:134q§EZ ant f4015 El I: Chapter Reports lEZ lines: as indicated below. 4314htiN1:IINLt,-.J1bgr13, !matt t'/Zilt to 13*-150ftliChapter Reports E1*35iAlk img,ftvi.:git 13*Lig2.soaawm:isz13, tiLt:IftZkEoUttatAL, t1:13111) < Z, kGirsazMMoktoMitaAtigLito ts6-<A4lalliiftaffli,r<floo 7-113, NA Chapter Meetings. Chapters must follow the Conference Reports. If you will be attending Ifliit'44.11613I1b1)ts < , precise format used in every issue of TLT (i.e., M&Q)a.VI gctt#7 i an international or regional conference and are topic, speaker, date, time, place, fee, and other ak-#' Zr-'9t, 1 far--1--, Off Ti5lit,tot.: Li able to write a report of up to 1,500 words, information in order, followed by a brief, ob- to 1 R0fittli, 41:1,1Z L -Q. please contact the editor. jective description of the event). Maps of new <ir.,61:53 h < tztvjat locations can be printed upon consultation The language Teacher 13, American Psychological with the column editor. Meetings that are -f-a2ItiiA-1;k1V...12,,11, El* 61- Association (Am) 0.2 4 4 11,1:it TO IT. 13*:§ scheduled for the first week of the month IIIVAmasan rig/i33lt 1: t.f tiEtott.V4.5chtOfltseoZM,ztor:Mtt should be published in the previous month's SA-et36(o issue. Announcements or requests for guide- ,:.'T.:1¢10A11, The Language i lines should be sent to the Chapter Meetings .t- a)B *ooaZ Teacirr(/), 'tom < editor. Deadline: 15th of the month, 2 months B*14113Ztl:firolott)t< Departments prior to publication. - 402tIlfre 4# My Share. We invite up to 1,000 words on a WA04Iht454:Z9% tgg tort. C:T*< igi41"11, successful teaching technique or lesson plan ewoam, 5tAZ, 13*. JAN, MAC ftfl ftl:fittlfiTRWL/:. oirbtitcomvsLamt,.77Atvg-tm you have used. Readers should be able to rep- 11116tLiz TZ ktISO) , licate your technique or lesson plan. Send sub- gad <t..10, missions to the "My Share" editor. tWitrt. itlAt NI& Wi'ite1:1AT ZURthrt 7 4 4' 701iMta-d-ZJ If, Chapter Announcements iglAt Feature Articles 5 -rt. #1191EyT(fg<fillfiTz to), gifrAtitc-A- English. Well written, well-documented ar- ggilc170MtWilLtztotiE5tfeit:affiLII-0 lift Nat is I) ticles of up to 3,000 words in English. Pages Aitzz. LtcT6 t fF1107ktot EMT, irda215 El I,: Chapter An- should be numbered, new paragraphs in- 0, t.:115011,:l 31MkOliTiMb 01-53611,' nouncements Et ZI,Z1r1-. dented, word count noted, and sub-headings ft kgoltopT3-7 nal:, Kart0 4 4 (bold-faced or italics) used throughout for the ttEAL, My shve Et Bulletin Board. Calls for papers, participation Age, 2009 Ff IJLo) ;3t convenience of readers. Three copies are re- <tit,. in/announcements of conferences, colloquia, 1$at.:::14aiztrbg.02 quired. The author's name, affiliation, and seminars, or research projects may be posted 11-110 2 )7'1 iii1015EIVarto contact details should appear on only one of in this column. E-mail or fax your announce- the copies. An abstract of up to 150 words, Book Reviews. We invite reviews of books and ments of up to 150 words to the Bulletin Board biographical information of up to too words, other educational materials. We do not publish editor. Deadline: 15th of the month, 2 months and any photographs, tables, or drawings unsolicited reviews. Contact the Publishers' Re- prior to publication. should appear on separate sheets of paper. view Copies Liaison for submission guidelines JALTA41.01341:1MDLW4e0430G-Q-, Send all three copies to Bill Lee. and the Book Reviews editor for permission to Lit JALT, k3011-f-ttl),41-011*1:16RAt, Mt 0g Et4gEScrto Vf-d'T review unlisted materials. LIT. muranotialz.t fiLlto rttl atti IT 41Z1181..., LT, -tO*011lbsitTv, rfff Tto LtaUI UT 6 011ufll:119-t61i7lel8/56 530 fp t'4'.'2 kit WAfIRROV'13a1.-T < 1,:tx-Ttotto fltf tilth,itZlkiNis Pub- #4-/, < JALT OA W/ The Language Teacher &V (t.! 01144T-E-it-FitE1/1L lishers Review Copies Liaison < IIT Ivo 531fI5t0NIA iliOrAMVIVET *5C00Mg II. *VX/11:15All-4' t. tall., The language Teacher tr:Nia-t- z , II, -0fiR1.-1:6 3013471-1r3L 7 13 7 e- otzt.f < .);,bLo*Tkke'ib411,1gTV.:125,*M1: < kg 141;111, 1$at:Watcts6-`4-MtiriPantiliii giII:{7-c,43111toot.:1.- # to Mop 5' 4 I- rLi3Ploft UndeiCover 0215 El I: Bulletin Board 4illtlATto i-Off, Con- glIto -71:ME, 1507 FAF'3037tOgi, 100 Itivs131115ttik-M.: feninceCalendar JALT News. All news pertaining to official JALT WAL S911412$3S 6 < organizational activities should be sent to the 13TH t, ::".$110PAII, Conference Calendar lgl4t Ig*On e- 2 fits, .11-3110EIVrtigillt1:13iA19 < JALT News editors. Deadline:15th of the month, I:1341Lth < too AR0fft, 1 M4rikltL IT. 2 months prior to publication. JIC/Positions. TLT encourages all prospective Opinion & Perspectives. Pieces of up to 1,500 Ltt ts ea)43/aG-q-IrNaLt.:Idii JALT employers to use this free service to locate the words must be informed and of current con- < tft,. ttVJII. JALT News IUS 'l l l most qualified language teachers in Japan. cern to professionals in the language teaching ffi0 ISE V: JALT 6-9-0564-111 02 t gt Contact the Job Information Center editor for field. Send submissions to Bill Lee. News intlUITT0 an announcement form. Deadline for submit- ts Tv,641* gitEMS ting forms: 15th of the month two months 0ftR., immix t,rtua-tz Of National SIGnificance. JALT-recognised Na- prior to publication. Publication does not indi- tional Special Interest Groups may submit a t WAtIttoo--7--ma, A:50 -f )1,, cate endorsement of the institution by JALT. It t', aw monthly report to the Of National SIGnificance oRtgo, <t! B*16/6111t1:t3ig is the position of the JALT Executive Board that editor. Deadline: 15th of the month, 2 months 11. 1$ (az-IfiZ:fsL-9-0211-110)2 )7)14'40158g, no positions-wanted announcements will be tTt. prior to publication. printed. i2O0 National Special Interest Group T, 4/3 JALT *MITT. MIL job Information Cen- Interviews. If you are interested in interview- 053/{1G-t t-lga L ing a well known professional in the field, ter/Positions Igikt I:Announcement Form ttai IR L 1002. 1Sgt.z-A-MIT:isb-9-oR1r1102t rIM:trz-v-coglim /001, please consult the editor first. T priaolsa tz N-sics intE,4T-1-0 -EVet 4 :/ a r4tAi -.0)1 > 9 022t1 A MO 15 B I: Job Information Center/Positions NJ Chapter Reports. Each Chapter may submit a Istg4T1-. The language Teacher IkCF JALTIi, monthly report of up to 40o words which should OffilOVNOP4gtfaitZ.L111`2-Q-/.. Readers' Views. Responses to articles or other (a) identify the chapter, (b) have a titleusually 53, /tIlM4l$1MVJALT Executive Board 0M1-c-r. items in TLT are invited. Submissions of up to the presentation title, (c) have a by-line with the January 1999 ra The Language Teacher JALT Publications Board Chair William Acton Nagaikegami 6410-1, Hirako-cho, Owariasahi-shi, Aichi-ken 488-0872; <[email protected] u.ac.jp> Editor Laura MacGregor 1-35-803 Kotoni 1-jo 6-chome, Nishi-ku, Sapporo 063-0811; t/f: 011-614-5753; <[email protected]> Japanese-Language Editor (Kinugawa Takao) itat1-11-1:t-t :/ 5' ; t/f: 0298-53-7477 (w); <[email protected]> T305-8577 < Associate Editor Bill Lee Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193; 1: 058-293-3118; <[email protected]> Japanese-Language Associate Editor 411f Efit(Ono Masakz) $X1-6-1-1-1 t>' 5 ; t/f: 0298-53-6839 (w); <[email protected]> -T- 305-8577 < l Assistant Editor Paul Lewis 602 New Urban Issha, 2-34 Issha, Meito-ku, Nagoya 463-0093; t/f: 052-709-1307 (h); <[email protected]> TLT Online Editor Bob Gettings Hokusei Gakuen Women's Junior College, Minami-4 Nishi-17, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 064-0804; t: 011-613-2488 (h); 011-561-7156 (w); f: 011-513-7505 (w); <[email protected]> Column Editors A Chapter in Your Life Joyce Cunningham & Miyao Mariko Joyce Cunningham: Faculty of Humanities, Ibaraki University, 2-1-1 Bunkyo, Mito 310-0056; t: 029-228-8455; f: 029-228-8499; English: < doycie @mito.ipc.ibaraki.ac.jp >; H 2Kgfi: <mariko @cs.kasei.ac.jp> My Share Sandra I. Smith & Oishi Harumi Sandra J. Smith: Suzugamine Women's College, 4-6-18 Inokuchi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-8623; t: 082 -278-1103 (w); o82-277-0301 (w); English: <smith @suzugamine.ac.jp>; <[email protected]> Book Reviews Katharine Isbell & Oda Masaki Send all column submissions to Katharine Isbell: Miyazaki International College, 1405 Kano, Kiyotake-cho, Miyazaki-gun 889-1605; t: 0985-85-5931 (w); f: 0985-84-3396 (w); <[email protected]> Publishers' Review Copies Liaison Angela Ota West Park Communication Services, Funakoshi 957-6, Gosen-shi, Niigata 959-1805; t: 0250-41-1104; 1: 0250-41-1226; <westparkham @msn.com> Letters Bill Lee (See Associate Editor) & Koarai Mikiya 4,3 1Mt1t: t/f: 011-614-5753 (h); <[email protected]> N-SIG Reports Tom Merner 1-55-17 Higiriyama, Konan-ku, Yokohama 233-0015; t/f: 045-822-6623 (w); <[email protected]> Chapter Reports Diane Pelyk & Nagano Yoshiko Diane Pelyk: Fukumaru Bldg. ioB, 4-2-30 Masaki Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0024; t/f: 052-671-8232 H 4 46: <[email protected]>; English: <[email protected]> Chapter Meetings Malcolm Swanson & Tom Merner Malcolm Swanson: 2-19-28 Maigaoka, Kokura Minami -ku, Kitakyushu 8o2 -o823; t/f: 093-962-8430 (h); English: <malcohnolzseafolk.ne.jp>; 132M: <[email protected]> JALT News Thom Simmons & Ono Masaki Thom Simmons: #303 Tanaka Bldg., 2-28-10 Morigaoka, Isogo-ku, Yokohama 235-0024; t/f: 045-845-8242; <[email protected]> Bulletin Board David Dycus & Kinugawa Takao English: Dave Dycus: 3-57 Toriimatsu-cho, Kasugai 486-0844 <[email protected]>; Japanese: See Japanese-Language Editor Conference Calendar Lynne Roecklein & Kakutani Tomoko Lynne Roecklein: Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193; t: 058-293-3096 (w); f: 058-293-3118 (w); <[email protected] u.ac.jp> Job Information Center/Positions Bettina Begole & Natsue Duggan Bettina Begole: 436 Kuwabara, Aoya-cho, Ketaka-gun, Tottori 689-0529; <[email protected]> Occasional Column Editors Educational Innovations/Creative Course Design Daniel I. McIntyre Shuwa Residence #702, 4-11-7 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031; <[email protected]> The Region David McMurray Fukui Prefectural University, Kenjojima 38-7, 4-1-1 Matsuoka -cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui-ken 910-1142 t/f: 0776-61-4203 (h); <[email protected]> Net Nuggets Larry Davies, Nanzan University <[email protected]> Editorial Advisory Board Torkil Christensen (Hokusei Women's Junior College); Steve Cornwell (Osaka Jogakuin Junior College); Kathleen S. Foley (Aoyama Gakuin Women's Junior College); Michael Furmanovsky (Ryukoku University); Dale Griffee (Seigakuin University); Ron Grove (Mejiro University); Wayne Johnson (Ryukoku University); Steve McGuire (Nagoya University of Arts); Daniel J. McIntyre (Tokyo University); Miyanaga Chieko (Kyoto Tachibana Women's University); Tim Murphey (Nanzan University); Nancy Mutoh (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies); Jill Robbins (Doshisha Women's College); Lynne Roecklein (Gifu University); Sakui Keiko (Kwansei Gakuin University); Shiozawa Mayumi (Ashiya Women's Jr. College); Craig Sower (Shujitsu Women's University); Tamara Swenson (Osaka Jogakuin Junior College); Takahashi Sachiko (Okayama Notre Dame Seishin Women's University); Gene van Troyer (Gifu University of Education) Translation: General Translators EillfflRIS El1141F. [tilt U: Production: Proofreaders Michael Cholewinski, David Dycus, Scott Gardner, John Grummitt, Aleda Krause, Robert Long, Amy Peyton, Steven Snyder Design & Layout The Word Works; t: 045-314-9324; f: 045-316-4409; <[email protected]> Cover Graphic Printing The Word Works Koshinsha Co., Ltd., Osaka JALT Central Office thban Edge Bldg. 5F,1 -37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo i1o00l6; t 03-3837-1630; f: 03-3837-1631; <jalt@goicom> TLT Online: http://langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp/jalt/pub/tIt The Language Teacher 23:1 JALT Publications In addition to The Language Teacher, JALT offers the following forums in which to volunteer and publish: JALT Journal, JALT Applied Materials, JALT Conference Proceedings (in conjunction with conference publications). the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Zenkoku Gogaku Kyoiku Gakkai), wel- JALT Journal, comes practical and theoretical articles concerned with foreign language teaching and learning in Japanese, Asian, and international contexts. Contributions should provide readers with a link between theoretical and practical issues, espe- cially those addressing current concerns in pedagogy, methods, and applied linguistics. Articles should be written with a general audience of language educators in mind, with statistical techniques and unfamiliar terms clearly explained or defined. Detailed guidelines are available from Sandra Fotos, JALT Journal Editor: Senshu University, 2-1-1 Higashi Mita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-0033 JALT Journal Contact Information: Sandra Fotos, Editor Nicholas 0. Jungheim, Associate Editor: Aoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, 4-21-25 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150 Shinji Kimura, Japanese-language Editor: Faculty of Law, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1-1-155 Uegahara, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662 Thomas. Hardy, Book Reviews Editor: Tamagawa University, 6-1-1 Tamagawa Gakuen, Machida-shi, Tokyo 194-0041 is targeted at improving the quality of research and academic writing in Japan and Asia by pub- JALT Applied Materials lishing collections of articles on subjects of interest to classroom teachers which are theoretically grounded, reader- friendly and classroom oriented. In the series thus far are Language Testing in Japan edited by James Dean Brown and Sayako Yamashita; and Classroom Teachers and Classroom Research edited by Dale T. Griffee and David Nunan. For additional information on JALT Applied Materials contact: Dale T. Griffee, Series Editor: Seigakuin University, 1-1 Tosaki, Ageo-shi, Saitama-ken 362-0053 offers presenters at the annual International JALT Conference on Language Teaching/ JALT Conference Proceedings Learning a forum to publish papers on their presentations. The Language Teacher In addition to feature articles, TLT welcomes contributions to our occasional columns: Educational Innovations Creative Course Design The Region The Language Teacher Recruitment Policy To make staff positions widely available and to encourage as many candidates as possible, The Language Teacher will now recruit staff continuously. We encourage readers with interests in editing and publishingexperienced and inex- perienced aliketo send a letter indicating those interests and availability, along with supporting material to William Acton, Publications Board Chair. As a staff position becomes vacant, the Publications Board will review the pool of applicants (including current staff members) and offer the position to the best-qualified willing candidates in succes- sion, until the vacancy is filled. Staffing The Language Teacher mandates frequent recruitment and rapid promotion: to provide opportunities for pro- fessional development to as many members as possible, to distribute the work load reasonably, and to serve readers with as large and as well-qualified a staff as we can. Consequently, filling vacancies through promotion often creates further vacancies. Moreover, positions often become vacant unexpectedly. TLT can ensure the fairest selection among the best-qualified candidates by recruiting ahead of time. Successful applicants can thus expect, regardless of entry position, a variety of experiences in editing and publish- ing appropriate to their interests, aptitudes, and commitment. The Language Teacher will continue to announce all regular vacancies as they are anticipated and the Publications Board will consider candidates from both the pool of prior applicants and those who apply specifically for advertised positions. Applications should be addressed to: William Acton, Publications Board Chair: Nagaikegami 6410-1 Hirako-cho, Owariasahi-shi, Aichi-ken 488-0872 Advertising Et Information JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg., 5f, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016; tel: 03-3837-1630; fax: 03-3837-1631. 7 January 1999 3 Ainmcruolstsi-sckui ll tls ucrao lurse communication Miles A. Craven Destination USA is for young adults who want to fnd out more about multi-skits A American people and culture while at course in cross - cultural the same time improving their English. communication It is especially useful for students who wish to travel or live in the USA. Each of the 12 units is divided into six parts: Talk Back Listen Up Culture Corner Word Bank Speaking Personally Grammar Attack your Destination USA to encourage Use students to talk and to develop their knowledge of English language and American culture. Tap into your students' creativity, and you may be amazed at the results! Please send a sample of Destination USA. I'd like to consider it for adoption. Name: School: Address: Home School T School TEL: Home ELT Office Horizon Ishikawa 301, 5-19-10 Hakusan Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0001 Tel: 03-5977-8581 Fax: 03-5977-9996 Osaka Office MACMILLAN Minami-daiwa Building 5-303, 3-6-25 Minamisemba Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi 542-0081 T 06-h2tt4p5-.19/995 0b6n- 2tt4i 5c-099i p9/6 Fi3awx LANGUAGEHOUSE MacmillanLH E-MAIL [email protected] Introduction Since last year, nearly all of the work of editing, compiling, and proofreading TLT has been transferred from phone, fax, and postal mail to e-mail. As a result of these efforts, we been able to cut production costs significantly and we hope, produce a more professional looking, cutting edge publication. Thanks to the work of our staff translators and editors (see their names on page 3), we have also been able to provide readers with articles, news, and information in both English and Japanese. To continue this trend, the more bilingual support we can get from contributors and volunteers, the more we can provide you. We welcome, and urge you to contribute announcements, reports, opinion pieces, and letters in Japanese as well as in English. Help TLT continue to be a cutting edge publication with your contributions. Our web page, faithfully maintained by Bob Gettings, offers a regular sampling of TLT's pages to online readers and poten- tial subscribers. If you haven't paid it a visit, you'll be impressed when you do. Find it at: <http://langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp/ jalt/pub/tlt>. TLT online is another reason for readers to be proud of TLT as a cutting edge publication. Our first issue of 1999 opens with an interview by Nathan Edwards of J. R. Martin, a leading researcher in the field of regis- ter and genre theory and its practical applications to teacher training and curriculum design. Martin shares his views on func- tional grammar in the classroom. The next article, by Padraic Frehan, discusses the roles of background knowledge and prediction skills in improving reading skills. Phillip Markley and John Herbert introduce their work with Local Area Net- works (LANs), in which entire writing classes take part in real-rime conferences. In response to concerns over the misuse of questionnaires in research being conducted by classroom teachers and others in Japan, Dale T. Griffee has contributed an article which introduces basic procedures for constructing questionnaires that are in , at least some ways valid and reliable. Kyoko Yamada presents her high school English language classroom curriculum which addresses illegal drug issues in Ja- pan and abroad. Carol Browning, Kawagishi Masako, and Seto Haruko introduce their year-long university course which examines ten world cultures. They present a number of activities they use in class and include'a list of the materials they have found to be successful. Our Japanese language feature article this month by Umeda Hajime reports: the results of a research study of Japanese students in regular academic programs at Americanuniversitiesndtheir attitudes toward theif studies., Finally, Stephen Ryan reports_ on the 1998 TES01. RussiaFar East International Conference, held in September in Khabarovsk, Russia. Next month, we bring you a special issue of TLT on the topic of World Citizenship, guest edited by Michael Higgins. Laura MacGregor, Editor if /f*, Utz f-, tz Co-eVk-05 t 1,7*- t. RIOYP4U', AtM-, 7 'o) %Ili IITLTO) VI e A, II- t-k: Ii(0) 7), cD, e-mail , 1 n -* z to:/ ut,-.-itiyiG hi:A$ A is n, c) 1:11' LT t- 1 Pp.:7[166-c., r),.2aitno)thltkaiz k b"C ; 1_, t:.. 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",14 00 *-:..4 ki.:TLT75,096410tP41401'6-L L agft-14.)- Z PM k C l' -3 ho 7. Hit41:, Turt.WeVe.11-..134 L. 'I. t,, Z L to -) .11 L ti, o.).-.N±I',0.0.-C- t.....t a 9 I. -71'4 :/1:r011 L f..; -1' i )1,4,7140 0A t "C- 6 1) , 191141:i-it t"ItIMtV L t 9 1999V-0 it:IM a) F4ii, L., V.7. 4 Nathan Edwards l:.. LT to LI to :ca)Padraic '.n. -'Z'tt 1 0 I to 12. Mania° 4 :/ 4 11?il3t1"-icI3d'ZMig Frehart0.1allkelis Polffiltfit t- iINiii:.-.Dt,,--ckt--4...-c to 1 iblk '-qZ t.: 6 ottp:ma L Tillt)701k0.14:--DVi.. Uikt,t. L-Cot to fr Ifi 6:r k Phillip Markley John Herberit ct 4 (LAN) '1. t R.,*-. .2 F '7 , . Ia Ito Dale T. ft-C-1.067 ih-- F5131 Griffeell, 9 A "C"):7 )1, 5' 4 24*nial tfi .)IttAtr- ov''C'Cik.i. 41( hG7:z el:1 ..2-C El*Ts% to V-i'lefglifilili;±11Z .,...<:07):(01-filio-Cs n 1::-.Dvs-r:A^1-C1,, i to 7 :/ 4' F PI* z g*fei 7:t ontili tz-Dtot4A. L. stgi--4- M11-1-2- to I to -"C'tzlatc0,1M0A.Ifittt`t 9 * -1- 9 4 Kyoko Yamadalt H*331 VitY1-1,::311 Z 4-iP;c4ItilhIMI:zfA,4, Carol Browning, Ill I- tzlittaP) A 1- WIMP, *i*F16+111 0 0)3tft0111-4-7,.). 1 IPM.f2Otf-urt A 1::: ..t,t-C4illt- 1-1-1,4 :to NEAT-CU, IJA; htistfr-1 LliZ -:?/), , t-C1-011-P-I)Ilt*,< Mae 13/1- I- "C ot to ., . ii-:N.7i=r77.,,,L.--t''0) El *A*TIZ.bi VIA cD0D-1--Z tc:#tt ZIRAEtzoi,,-c (9#44/fIA.*tiv; L-c 4FEIEVO El 2144ai3t T a , AtIllaj-k2i'-: 4:13 it I to "1".0L RussiaN*111R1-2-1:::-to-ctath, L-C Stephen Ryantht9n 1,;j7X7a).,, R111,:... L It. f, q**- 310:11/Michael Higgins World Y - (42Z: M1441 n -9 I/ The Language Teacher is the monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Zenkoku Gogaku Kyozku Gakkar). Formed m 1976, JALT is a non-profit professional organization of language teachers, dedicated to the improvement of language learning and teaching in Japan. JALT'S publications and events serve as vehicles for the exchange of new ideas and techniques, and a means of keeping abreast of new developments in a rapidly changing field. JALT welcomes members of any nationality, regardless of the language taught. Note: TLT follows the recommendation of the Japan style sheet that Japanese names be given in traditional order, surname first. This convention is occasionally reversed, at the author's request. For more information, see Japan style sheet: The SWET guide for writers, editors, and translators (pp. 33-36). Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press. ISBN 1-880656-30-2. All materials in this publication are copyright © 1999 by their respective authors. 4 9 January 1999 5 Marathon Mouth PLUS Paul Shimizu & Brent Gaston Jr'ff The topic-based text for cooperative learning of English conversation in large classes, from high Lus- school to university level. wintetc0111 press FEATURES 14 units of student-centered, cooperative-learning methodology with listening exercises and extended dialogues Interesting, timely topics students want to learn about and discuss, relevant to their daily lives Do : se Taped listening exercises add listening comprehension dimensions, completed through peer correction, pair and group work activities so- - Information gaps, class surveys, interviews, About me!, etc. all of the I : . - . features of Marathon Mouth, at a more ID-. advanced level, plus listening! . : . - II Teacher's Edition with alternative methods - - to complete exercises depending on - student ability, as well as transcripts of listening exercises. "el.:. : "ff.:" I For information and samples of this book or any Intercom Press publication, contact: Intercom Press, Inc. 3-9-10-701 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 '00 OS ' tel: (092) 726-5068 fax: (092) 726-5069 10 email: [email protected] http://www.intercompress.com

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