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ERIC ED450523: State & District-Wide Assessments of School Achievement. Issues in Education. Technical Assistance Bulletin. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED450523: State & District-Wide Assessments of School Achievement. Issues in Education. Technical Assistance Bulletin.

DOCUMENT RESUME EC 308 280 ED 450 523 State & District-Wide Assessments of School Achievement. TITLE Issues in Education. Technical Assistance Bulletin. Center for Innovations in Special Education, Columbia, MO. INSTITUTION Missouri State Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education, SPONS AGENCY Jefferson City. Div. of Special Education. 2001-00-00 PUB DATE 8p.; The development and printing was supported by federal NOTE funds appropriated in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Center for Innovations in Special Education (CISE), AVAILABLE FROM Department of Special Education, Parkade Center, Suite 152, 601 Business Loop 70 West, Columbia, MO 65211-8020; Tel: 800-976-2473 (Toll-Free); Tel: 573-884-7275 (Voice). Non-Classroom (055) Guides PUB TYPE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Academic Accommodations (Disabilities); Academic DESCRIPTORS Achievement; Accountability; Achievement Tests; Compliance (Legal); *Disabilities; *Educational Assessment; Educational Legislation; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Legislation; Guidelines; *Inclusive Schools; State Legislation; *State Standards Alternative Assessment; Amendments; *Individuals with IDENTIFIERS Disabilities Educ Act Amend 1997; Missouri; Missouri Assessment Program; *Outstanding Schools Act (Missouri 1993) ABSTRACT This bulletin provides guidelines to Missouri educators concerning inclusion of students with disabilities in state and district-wide assessments of school achievement as required under Missouri's Outstanding Schools Act and the reauthorization of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997. It stresses the greater focus on accountability for educational services provided to students with disabilities. The five questions and answers address the following topics: (1) reasons for requiring students with disabilities to participate in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and district-wide assessments; (2) decisions of the individualized education program (IEP) team concerning a (3) assessments included in the MAP; student's involvement in assessments; (4) assessments that must be considered at the district level; and (5) factors that IEP teams need to consider in deciding about a student's participation and accommodation in assessment. An inset lists eligibility criteria for participation in MAP-A and a table lists accommodation codes for IEP students. (Contains references.) (DB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. State & District-Wide Assessments of School Achievement. Issues in Education. Technical Assistance Bulletin. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY This document has been reproduced as 171 received from the person or organization P. Barks originating it. O Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 1 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Technical Assistance Bulletin Issues in EDUCATION from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Division of Special Education State & District-wide Assessments of School Achievement Why are students with 4.71)04 What IEP team disabilities required to participate in the Missouri members need to This Technical Assistance Ylssessment Program and Bulletin will provide IEP district-wide assessments of know... team members with the student achievement? information they need to make decisions about Participation of students with each child's participation disabilities in state and district- in these assessments. wide assessments of student achievement is required by a number of state and federal laws and regulations. But more impor- k tantly, it sets the expectation that students with disabilities can achieve the standards that have been established for all students. Both the passage of Missouri's Outstanding Schools Act (OSA) and Participation in these assessments the Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education should lead to improved teaching Act (IDEA) of 1997 have called for a greater focus on the accountability and learning. Participation of of educational services for students with disabilities. The Missouri School students with disabilities will also allow local district administrators Improvement Program (MSIP), which accredits school districts in Missouri, and boards of education to con- uses the performance of all students on the Missouri Assessment Program sider the needs of all students (MAP) subject area assessments as one measure of performance. The when they make instructional decisions and set policy (i.e., Division of Special Education has identified the performance of students curriculum adoptions, staffing with disabilities on the MAP as one of its Performance Goals as required patterns, professional develop- by IDEA. This focus on educational achievement and outcomes for ment). It is important to expect students with disabilities is intended to direct attention to the accom- students with disabilities to meet the high standards and expecta- modations and supports needed by students with disabilities to access tions that have been set for all and progress in the general education curriculum. Participation in state students using the accommoda- and district-wide assessments goes hand in hand with access to the general tions and supports provided by special education. It is also education curriculum. 3 important to remember that the 5. Health/Physical Education that a child will not participate in majority of students with disa- a district-wide assessment (or a (5 and 9) bilities identified under IDEA do part of an assessment), the IEP 6. Fine Arts (5) not have significant cognitive must state why the assessment is Students with disabilities must disabilities which would inhibit not appropriate and how the child take all of the MAP subject area their ability to participate and will be assessed. assessments (or portions of each progress in the general education In making these decisions, the subject area assessment as deter- curriculum. IEP team has the responsibility mined by the IEP team) or the and authority to determine the MAP-A. Students may not partic- individual accommodations that a ipate in some of the subject area student needs to support and assessments and the MAP-A. This ensure his or her participation in policy is based on the Office of state and district-wide assessments Special Education Programs' of student achievement. The (OSEP) Memorandum 0024, Department of Elementary and which is referenced at the end of Secondary Education (DESE) or this document. local school districts cannot limit The MAP-A has been devel- the authority of an IEP team in oped to allow all students with the selection of accommodations. In general, what deci- disabilities to participate in the If a specific accommodation is State Assessment Program. The s ons does the IEP i not on the list of accommodations MAP-A is designed for the student in the Examiner's manual, the team have to make regarding a whose educational program accommodation can still be used. centers on the functional appli- student's involvement in state See question 5 for further informa- cation of the Show-Me Standards. tion about documentation of these The student's IEP team must and district-wide assessments? decisions. All accommodation agree that the student meets all decisions made by the IEP team five of the criteria outlined in the An Individualized Education must be documented in the IEP. eligibility checklist for MAP-A. Program (IEP) team must make It is critical that IEP teams have These criteria are listed on page 3. decisions about how students with the knowledge and expertise The MAP-A is administered to disabilities participate in assess- needed to make these important eligible children who are 9, 13, or ment programs. These decisions team decisions. Districts seeking 17 years of age. It is expected that include whether a student will resources for training can contact no more than 1 to 2 percent of the participate in all six subject area the Effective Practices section of total district enrollment at a spe- assessments or the alternate assess- cific grade level would participate DESE at (573) 751-0187. ment that comprise the Missouri in the MAP-A. Thus, if a district Assessment Program (MAP). has approximately 500 students When making the decision about enrolled at each elementary grade, participation in the MAP subject What assessments no more than 5 to 10 students area assessments, the IEP team are included in the would be expected to participate must also consider the student's in MAP-A at age 9. MAP? need for accommodations. If they decide that the MAP subject area assessments are not appropriate MAP subject assessments are for an individual student, even given in the following six subject with the use of accommodations, areas and at the grades indicated then they can consider the in parentheses: student's eligibility for the MAP- 1. Mathematics (4, 8, and 10) Alternate (MAP-A). 2. Science (3, 7, and 10) The IEP must address the same 3. Communication Arts (3, 7, considerations for district-wide and 11) assessments of student achieve- ment. If the IEP team determines 4. Social Studies (4, 8, and 11) Page 2 Technical Assistance Bulletin 4 What do IEP teams Eligibility Criteria for MAP-A need to know in order to make decisions about a The five criteria that a student with a disability must meet to be student's participation and eligible for MAP-A are: accommodations in an effective 1.. The student has significant problems acquiring new skills, manner? and acquisition of skills must be taught in very small steps. 2. The student does not keep pace with peers; even with the It is important that IEP teams majority of students in special education, with respect to know how each of the three ses- the total number of skills acquired. sions of the MAP subject assess- ments have been constructed and 3. The:student's educational program centers on the functional what skills students will need to application of the. Missouri Show-Me Standards. take the test. One session is mul- 4., The IEP team, as documented in the IEP, does not tiple choice and requires students recommend participation in the MAP subject areas, or taking to "bubble in" their answers. The constructed response and per- the MAP with accommodations. formance event sessions require 5.-The student's inability to participate in the MAP written responses. Being familiar subject area assessments is not primarily the with the nature of the assessment .result of excessive absences; visual or items on the MAP and district- auditory disabilities; or social, cultural, wide assessments will assist teams language, or economic differences. in making decisions about accom- modations. DESE has a number of "released" assessment questions that IEP teams can review to assist them in making these decisions. More information can also be When determining alternative What assessments must found on DESE's web site: assessment methods for district- www.dese.state.mo.us/divinstr/ be considered at the wide assessments, the IEP team curriculum/releaseditems. must consider the purpose of the district level? Each IEP team must determine district-wide assessment and make what accommodations, if any, the sure the alternate method of District-wide assessments student needs in order to partic- assessment will produce a com- include those assessments that are ipate in the state or district-wide parable purpose. In other words, part of the district assessment assessment. The purpose of an if the purpose of the district-wide program used to determine levels accommodation is to "level the assessment is to assess reading of student achievement. Districts playing field" so that a student ability, the alternative method should provide IEP teams with a with a disability can demonstrate must also result in an assessment list of the district-wide assessments what he knows and is able to do. of the student's reading ability. administered in their districts and The IEP team has the responsi- DESE has considered the option the grades at which they are bility to determine needed administered so the IEP team can for districts to use the MAP-A as accommodations. an alternate to a district-wide make participation decisions. If an Typically, the accommodations assessment of student achieve- IEP team determines that a par- needed by students with disabil- ment. Because the MAP-A ticular district-wide assessment (or ities in a testing environment are assesses the functional application a part of that assessment) is not also used by students in their of the Show-Me Standards, it has appropriate for an individual been determined that the MAP-A instructional program. IEP teams student, the IEP team must docu- need to be sensitive to the use of could not be an appropriate alter- ment in the IEP why the assess- accommodations and involve nate to a district-wide assessment ment is not appropriate and how students, especially older students, of student achievement. the student will be assessed. 5 Issues in EDUCATION Page 3 in making accommodation deci- might be needed by students with of the list that was used in the sions. Districts need to make disabilities. Each of the accom- spring 2000 administration of every attempt to administer modations has a code that must be MAP.*DESE will work with the accommodations in a sensitive documented on the SCS. These MAP test contractor to make and discreet manner. codes provide the state with data changes to this list for the 2001 to answer a variety of questions administration. If an IEP team Accommodations that are about the use of accommodations, determines the need for an determined necessary by the IEP such as which accommodations accommodation that is not on this team must be documented in the are being used by students with list, the accommodation must be IEP and the Special Codes Section disabilities and what percentage identified in the IEP and coded as (SCS) that is used in the MAP. of students are using accom- "other" on the SCS. The state has identified a list of common accommodations that modations. Table 1 is an example TABLE 1 Accommodation Codes for IEP Students Administration Accommodations (Admin) (Ode Code 08 Audiotaped administration of assessment Braille edition of assessment 01 09 Use of assistive device 02 Large-print edition of assessment 10 Using visual aids 03 Use of magnifying equipment Other 04 Oral reading of assessment 11 05 Signing of assessment (directions) 07 With student using amplification equipment (e.g., hearing aid or auditory trainer) Timing Accommodations (Time) 20 Extend time allotted to complete Session 3 23 Administer test using more than three testing periods Response Accommodations (Reap) (NOTE: Any use of an alternative response must be converted to a storable answer sheet.) 37 Use of brailler 30 Use of typewriter for responding 38 Use of communication device Use of computer/word processor for 31 39 Calculator responding 40 Abacus 32 Pointing to response Arithmetic tables 41 33 Giving response orally 42 Graph paper 34 Giving response in sign language 44 Other 35 Dictation to a scribe 36 Student-taped response Setting Accommodations (Set) 50 Testing individually Testing with small group 51 53 With teacher facing student (hearing-impaired) 54 Other Page 4 January 2001 6 Can parents request Additional resources that their child not participate in the MAP or OSEP Memorandum 00-24, Questions and Answers about Provisions in the Individuals with MAP -A? What about nonpar- Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 ticipation requests by parents for Related to Students with Disabilities and State and District-wide Assessments. [On-line]. Available: district-wide assessments? www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/OSEP. All students enrolled in a public or charter school are expected to participate in the MAP. There is no procedure for a parent to Do students with Are students who are request that their child not partic- ipate in the MAP. (MAP includes disabilities who score at enrolled in vocational both the subject area assessments the Step 1 achievement level schools, juvenile detention and the alternate assessment.) have to be retested as required centers, or placed in approved If the district has a policy and procedure for parents to request by H13 889? private agencies by local districts that their children not participate require() to take the MAP and in district-wide assessments, then Yes. There is no language in this that same procedure must be state law that allows an exemption district-wide assessments? available to parents of children for students with disabilities. with disabilities. If no policy exists Under HB 889, all students who Yes. The only students who are for parents to request nonpartici- score at Step 1 are required to exempt from state or district-wide pation for nondisabled students, receive remediation activities and assessments under IDEA are then districts may not have a retake the MAP. Remediation those who are students with policy for students with activities are not required to be disabilities convicted as adults disabilities. documented in the IEP, but IEP under State law and incarcerated services can be used to meet this in adult prisons. requirement. Even if a student has Is out-of-grade-level received all of the credits necessary for a particular subject testing allowed in the area, the requirements of HB 889 The development and printing of this material was MAP? must be met. The purpose and supported entirely by federal funds appropriated In accordance with the Individuals with Disabil- focus of the remediation would be ities Education Act (IDEA). This bulletin will be No. In order to provide coher- to prepare the student for his or distributed periodically from the Division of ent information about student her best performance on the Special Education, Missouri Department of achievement and attainment of Elementary and Secondary Education, PO Box MAP. HB 889 does not require 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102; fax [573] state standards at specific grade these actions for students who are 526=4404, phone (573) 751-0699. This bulletin levels, out-of-grade-level testing in "Level Not Determined." Is made possible under contract by the Missouri cannot be permitted. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, which complies with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Services are provided without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or physical or mental disability. If you have needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need this publication in on alternative format, notify the Center for Innovations in Special Education at (573) 884-7275, (800) 976-CISE (MO only), or Relay MO (800) 735-2966 (TDD). Efforts will be made to accommodate your needs. Page 6 Technical Assistance Bulletin 7 The MAP subject area assess- are gen- What scores Are there other accom- ments also generate a score that is erated by the MAP mod ations that will referred to as a National Percentile (NP). This score is based solely affect the National Percentile? subject assessments and what upon the student's performance in impact does the use of accommo- What are the standard conditions Session 3 (the Terra Nova Survey/ multiple choice portion of the dations have on these scores? under which the Uerra Nova assessment). This NP score can be used to compare an individual Survey is administered? The MAP subject area assess- student's performance with other ments generate several scores. students in the nation. However, The Terra Nova Survey portion Two are especially important to in order to make such a compar- of the MAP subject area assess- IEP team decision-making: ison, the student must take this ments is administered in a group 1. Achievement Level score portion of the assessment under setting. The survey is a timed test. the conditions in which the Terra 2. National Percentile score Students receive directions from a Nova Survey was normed. For test administrator and then inde- Missouri uses five Achievement example, this portion of the pendently complete the test. Levels to describe a student's assessment is timed. In order for a Standard instructions for admin- performance on the MAP subject student to generate an NP that can istering the Terra Nova Survey can assessments: be compared with other students, be found in the Test Examiner's 1. Step 1 extended time cannot be used as manual. IEP team members can 2. Progressing an accommodation. However, if access this manual from their the IEP team determines that district test coordinator. Any 3. Nearing Proficient extended time is a needed accom- administration other than what is 4. Proficient modation for this portion of the described would produce an NP 5. Advanced test, then that extended time is that could not be interpreted as an permitted. The IEP team mem- In order for any student to NP generated under standard bers need to understand that the generate an Achievement Level conditions. NP generated under these condi- score, he or she must attempt at tions cannot be interpreted as or least one response in Session 1, compared with an NP generated the constructed response session, under standard conditions. one response in Session 2, the performance event session, and at least five responses or one correct response in Session 3, the Terra Nova portion, which is often refer- red to as the multiple choice por- tion of the test. Students who do not make such response attempts do not generate an Achievement The district has the Level score and are counted in a same obligation to "Level Not Determined" category. identify those accom- Students who take the MAP-A are modations that will and also counted in the "Level Not will not impact a student's Determined" category. score or results on district- wide assessments. IEP Students who use any accom- teams need to understand modations and make the response the implications of their attempts described above will gen- decisions and how those erate an Achievement Level score decisions might impact on the MAP subject assessments. individual students when consid- These scores will be included in the ering accommodations for district- building and district achievement level scores for all students. wide assessments. Issues in EDUCATION Page 5 8 ERIC U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) National Library of Education (NLE) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) NOTICE Reproduction Basis This document is covered by a signed "Reproduction Release (Blanket)" form (on file within the ERIC system), encompassing all organization and, therefore, or classes of documents from its source does not require a "Specific Document" Release form. This document is Federally-funded, or carries its own permission to reproduce, or is otherwise in the public domain and, therefore, may be reproduced by ERIC without a signed Reproduction Release form (either "Specific Document" or "Blanket"). EFF-089 (3/2000)

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