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DOCUMENT RESUME SE 064 180 ED 446 960 Woolf, Beverly Park; Poli, Corrado; Grosse, Ian; Day, AUTHOR Roberta Multimedia Tutors for Science and Engineering. TITLE 1998-00-00 PUB DATE NOTE 8p. Research (143) Reports PUB TYPE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Cognitive Processes; *Design; *Engineering Education; DESCRIPTORS Foreign Countries; Higher Education; *Manufacturing; Science Education; Three Dimensional Aids; *Tutors England IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT We have built several multimedia tutors for science and engineering education. This paper discusses Design for Manufacturing tutors and an electronic homework systems used by over 2000 students daily. The engineering tutors instruct students on efficient procedures for designing parts for manufacture. The goal is to support a deeper understanding of the interaction between features of a part being designed and the corresponding manufacturing requirements of the part in injection molding, sheet metal stamping, and finite element analysis. Animated sequences of the processes design. are either generated dynamically or indexed according to the possible Students create designs, and the tooling complexity is demonstrated through both 2D and 3D animations. (Author) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Multimedia Tutors for Science and Engineering Beverly Park Woolf*, Corrado Po lit, Ian Grosset, Roberta Day' PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY * Center for Knowledge Communication Department of Computer Science t Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department of Chemistry TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 [email protected], {poli/grosse} @ecs.umass.edu ' [email protected] Abstract accomplished in isolation. The problems are: nearly We have built several multimedia tutors 70% of the manufacturing cost of a product This paper is for science and engineering education. discuses Design for Manufacturing tutors and an determined at the early conceptual stages of design and electronic homework systems used by over 2000 yet manufacturing is not involved during these early stages; and no single person or group is in charge. instruct tutors engineering students daily. The At present, the educational systems provide students on efficient procedures for designing parts for support a deeper for manufacturing features: teach design manufacture. The goal to several is (DFM) at the early stage in the design process; understanding of the interaction between features of a with realistic faculty provide and the corresponding students and part a being designed understanding of manufacturing processes; identify a manufacturing requirements of the part in injection molding, sheet metal stamping, and finite element set of best practices in design for manufacturing; and analysis Animated sequences of the processes are state-of-the-art Web-based learning environments. Funded by NSF Engineering Educational and either generated dynamically or indexed according to Centers Division Grant No. EEC-9410393 through the possible designs. Students create designs, and the the Engineering Academy of Southern New England tooling complexity is demonstrated through both 2D have been built in (the Academy), three tutors and 3D animations Web-based to addition easy-to-search-and-find an Engineering Problems and Solution information system to enhance a student's access to professional level design-related information. which We have computer systems developed Engineering Tutors the manufacturing education across incorporate curriculum, addressing the scarcity of manufacturing- address topics The Engineering Tutors such as oriented engineering professionals and the increasing Injection Molding, Stamping, and Finite Element specialization of faculty. Intelligent tutors and Analysis. They constrain students' design choices, with provide students multimedia an systems provide straightforward feedback and show a library of to work on simulated manufacturing opportunity visualizations produced by commercial off the shelf to improve a student's projects. The objective is systems. The power of the tutors comes from three view address design problems and to ability to sources: students interact with content to accomplish different manufacturing practices in the context of provide immediate feedback a design task; tutors specific theme processes which are used recurrently 3-D (unlike and assignments); handed-in throughout the curriculum. behind complex intuition visualizations supply The primary manufacturing problem lies in geometric problems. the sequential mode of manufacturing operation which begins with the conception of an idea for a new Injection Molding Tutor product and the subsequent and often isolated process of the design, engineering, and analysis operations. 0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Manufacturing engineers only see the detailed and Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION production drawings after early these steps are CENTER (ERIC) his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization )(....i originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 2 direction. The Tutor then critiques the student's design The Injection Molding Tutor enables students to and a color animation of tooling that would be construct and examine molded polymer part designs, required to produce the part design is displayed. adding features such as bosses, 'thru' holes and tabs. r Hopper The Tutor provides an animated 3D tooling solution Ejector Pin \S, Ti, for the student's design, critiques the design, advises / about relative cost, and proposes alternative designs to save money. It constrains the students' design choices, provides straightforward feedback and shows WOhaped Cavity Part a library of visualizations produced by commercial off-the-shelf systems Figure 1. Injection Molding tooling required to of an The Tutor shows animation an produce a simple U-shaped part. a simple injection molding machine along with The student then open/shut mold, see Figure I. creates new designs, using either an "L-braket" or a box as the base, see Figure 2. The student selects features to add and then defines the mold closure .3 a 2,1 'a) Windows 12:51 PM Ear Settings Tutor Design About... Settings Windows 12:47 PM About... Tutor Design 0 Minim Mel Bet 1 I.81 Ow.ion Illiwitini:10recket I .10 Window: Lai dr k Dl I 1 Tooling of LBre ket I 1:3 YM SG= injection Molding T for Conlr I Penal 0.. loon, in 4 Destannneon: Aol funsras U ...kerne I. Is Mn Ones+ 4 Design Into Ill 031001+1. 0£03711. Uri ill 01.101341-0431011: LIN ante( I (in, Parallel le 31 Clllique Ill tors anal,. sew Man, .. 121 7.1.1 N.. of (+I sr, ITooling 1311..1 It* . Extorsal ninlorosta: 0 II I 111..torwsmr o HI (Mal Romobekr of isteraal 111P.lati.. Taal ....triotke seal: 125 151 lllattos tool ooa.rath. co.: 1.20 4.1 Dlattro tool nalestal at: 3.1 Help 171,0.1 .... : 1.44 171...1 rel.. oeslI 1.34 lOr«t 1 (IOCe Par.11.1 Is g) 011 ALTERNATE eloWn .DIM TSIDIATE DELIDN 1 1.11... I (MCP: Parielti_lt_sl 1911.t.. ...biz. Chat se. hasp. If Ea set IM sole h till t Milers pan.. Chat veole hap.. tf Ea at the stole thy y ants. lasora alms env.. parallel I* the y axis (b) (a) Figure 2. Critique (a) and tooling animation (b) for an L-bracket. chosen may result in an inefficient design. Currently, Stamping Tutor a cross-platform introduction, an interactive tutor, and 3D animations of stamping processes are available for The Stamping Tutor helps a student understand the distribution. relationship between sheet metal part design and The Tutor identifies required stamping stations. design issues including: dissimilar features, closely spaced features, narrow cutouts and projections and bends. It demonstrates how many stamping stations are needed for each design through both 2D and 3D animations. Then the student designs a part within an interactive environment, see Figure 3. Using an underlying internal representation of rules, the Tutor dynamically generates an animation of the proper number of moving stamping stations required to build the part, see Figure 4. The Tutor also provides a non-intrusive critique explaining why the features BEST COPY AVAILABLE 3 Figure 3. Students use an interactive environment Create the Stations to design a stamped part, moving cut outs, through holes, and thin or narrow projections onto a blank metal part. Make Another Port - Wit Interactive Module Figure 4. The tutor reasons about the student's design in Figure 3 and produces an animation of the four stamping stations required to make the student's part. Finite Element Analysis Tutor world problem to modeling, solution through a discretization, analysis and results interpretation. Several physical objects are provided and students are The FEA Tutor improves the ability of undergraduate asked to identify the symmetry, see Figure 5. mechanical and civil engineering students to address Another part of the that tutor teaches design problems which typically are real-world modeling is the cognitive process of transforming a analyzed using computer-based finite element analysis simplified system to a physical complex The Tutor illustrates how complex (FEA) tools. modeling make when and representation to physical systems can be transformed into simple The discretization module teaches simplifications. representations and highlights when FEA should and basic element and node concepts and discretization. should not be used. The finite element solution is an approximate one. Windows-based self-standing, This Since discretization is closely coupled to the concept intelligent interactive software program teaches the of convergence, both of these concepts are taught in basic principles, concepts and guidelines involved in this module. finite element analysis. The Tutor describes FEA, It presents a predefined model, loads, and identifies when it should and should not be used, boundary conditions and asks the student to determine illustrates the concepts of modeling and analysis and the necessary level of mesh refinement required for the then articulates the process of proceeding from a real- BEST COPY AVAILABLE 4 cumulative analysis costs. The student is critiqued solution of interest maximum deflection or (i.e. based on the total analysis costs and mesh refinement stress) to converge to within a specific tolerance of for Results for all necessary student believes the exact solution (see Figure 6). is level the possible mesh refinement levels are stored in the convergence. Tutor database. The Tutor plots the solution item of interest versus mesh refinement level in a window, as well as the estimated cost of each analysis and the Figure 5. The FEA Tutor teaches the basic concepts of model symmetry, load and boundary conditions and dimensional symmetry, including axisymmetry, plane stress and plane strain, and feature elimination. 5 BESTCOPYAVA1 BLE (a) (b) Figure 6. The Tutor presents a student with predefined model (a), load and boundary conditions and ask for the necessary level of mesh refinement required (b). simulations and an incentive to perform the learning activity. Twenty interactive discovery environments Real-world problems, such as a long pipe have been developed in Java including topics such as under internal pressure and the shrink fitting of a uv-vis energies, orbital decay, radioactive collar onto a shaft, are animated to give the student a spectroscopy, chemical equilibrium and acids and very visual representation of the lesson material. At DUE-9653064 NSF, and bases (funding by the end of the modeling component, an experiential Department of Education, FIPSE). In an integrated module challenges the student to construct appropriate environment, the student is led to interact with the simplified models for a number of analysis problems. The initial questions. specific through If the student has failed several times in a row, the applets questions help the student discover how to interact system responds with the correct model and the reason help questions additional applet and with the why this model is the most appropriate. test and formulate observations, assimilate Electronic Homework System hypotheses, or reach conclusions. Initial response to these environments from students in the pilot group was favorable as they interacted with the limiting Our electronic homework system web supports reagents and electromagnetic radiation applets. delivery of questions, answers and feedback. It serves The second tutor on "molecular over 2000 students daily and is used by both the structure" serves as a prototype for subject areas that Physics and Chemistry Departments and at two are visual in nature, and in which students directly Extensive authoring tools support universities. manipulate images, see Figure 7. In this tutor, the generation of new questions, question delivery, student constructs Lewis diagrams using a palette of parameterized questions and the encoding of graphics tools for placing and moving symbols for atoms, and animations, and feedback drivers with multiple bonds, and electrons answers. Interactive discovery modules track performance and provide the student's interactive BEST COPY AVAILABLE Introduction I Dail 1111 Molecular Ceometre" In stru c ?ions The Fea Tutor was evaluated with twenty- CO2 five students. One group used the tutor and had no other formal instruction and the second attended a 45 Tool and Parts: minute lecture in FEA modeling. A homework (Bond assignment involved modeling a cylindrical pressure vessel and two different cap attachments methods: mating the end cap with a continuous circumferential weld or bolting the end cap flanges to the tank using cnargs: a uniform 18 bolt pattern around the cap. The r students who used the FEA Tutor performed 30% Show Grid? better than those that attended the traditional lecture. '..: There is 1 comment ; .. Based on the formula CO2, the compound has 16 zj Conclusion valence electrons, but you her onty 4 (including Those The goal of this work is twofold: to communicate Figure 7. The Lewis Structure Tutor complex engineering and science knowledge and to enable students to receive more immediate and active Evaluations feedback customized to their individual learning needs. The systems described above have been demonstrated We evaluated the engineering and chemistry tutors and to over a hundred faculty at more than twenty national showed that they are as effective as several hours of and international conferences. They are all cross- within and homework assignments a lectures platform and available for distribution. We are now traditional classroom For example, setting. the conducting summative evaluation on the systems at Injection Molding Tutor was evaluated with more two and four year colleges, and for a variety of than 100 students at UConn and UMass/Amherst, see students, including women and minorities. We are Table 1. Six groups of students were tested: Groups 1 working on wide evaluation studies, complete &3 used the Tutor first and then attended several dissemination and a commercialization plan for these lectures and completed homework, Groups 2 & 4 systems. attended lectures first and then used the Tutor and Groups 5 & 6 either attended lectures or used the The IMT and Stamping Tutors have been pressed to Tutor exclusively. A written test, with a total score CD-ROM and are available. The IMT tutor is also of 32, was administered after each activity, Tutor or Web at the available on lecture. Students who did not attend lectures and only http://www.ecs.umass.edu/mie/ used the Tutor understood the relationship between dfm/imm.html. For more information the about part geometry and tool complexity as well as the "OWL click on electronic homework system traditional students. One exception was the case of site our web Overview" at lecturer A who is a domain expert in manufacturing http://owl.chem.umass.edu/. The FEA Tutor can be and the author of the software. In all other cases, from protocol FTP using downloaded where the professor was not an expert in Injection medol.ecs.umass.edu. FTP logon under the account Molding, the results indicate that students using only name NSFFEA with the same password. Get the file the about knowledgeable Tutor were the as featutor.zip and use WinZip to extract the file. relationship of part geometry and tool construction difficulty as those who had the advantage of being exposed to a domain expert. Tutor Lecture Lecture Lecturer Tutor First Second First Second 23 23 Lecturer A* 25 16 1,2 9.6 12 Lecturer B 14 13 3,4 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 7 Tutor Lecture Lecture Tutor Lecturer First Second First Second 16 , Lecturer C 17 Software only 6 Table 1: Evaluation of Learning Using the Injection Molding Tutor (Perfect Score = 32) AVAILABLE BEST COPY 8 FROM WOOLF & CO 11-29-2000 10:23AM P.01 16142920263 TO Stagy" [BO U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational. Research and Improvement l) (C [Image] Palagei National library of Edtcation (NM ac) Educational Resources Information Center ( Reproduction Release (Specific Document) I. DOCUMENT IDENIVICATION: -rey EAViX0-44-j Tu4c',,S Title: 1-11\ify\ ej fel )e-AD Vidoi-C- Author (s ) : Publication Date: Corporate W\ f$Th) REPRODUCTION RELEASE: II. 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