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ERIC ED446898: The Use of the Software MATLAB To Improve Chemical Engineering Education. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED446898: The Use of the Software MATLAB To Improve Chemical Engineering Education.

DOCUMENT RESUME SE 063 523 ED 446 898 Damatto, T.; Maegava, L. M.; Filho, R. Maciel AUTHOR The Use of the Software MATLAB To Improve Chemical TITLE Engineering Education. 2000-00-00 PUB DATE NOTE 7p. Reports Descriptive (141) PUB TYPE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Chemical Engineering; *Computer Software; Computer Uses in DESCRIPTORS Education; Educational Technology; Engineering Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Undergraduate Study Brazil IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT In all the Brazilian Universities involved with the project "Prodenge-Reenge", the main objective is to improve teaching and learning procedures for the engineering disciplines. The Chemical Engineering College of Campinas State University focused its effort on the use of engineering softwares. The work developed by this project has allowed all Chemical Engineering undergraduates to deal with commercial softwares which make engineering calculations and estimates easier. The following works aids Chemical Engineering Process Simulation and Control improvement through the use of the commercial software MATLAB. The main concern is to develop some useful case studies which are able to bring out the important characteristics for the control structure design and implementation. Beyond the process simulation and control application, the user has the main concepts related to control theory readily available in an interactive fashion. The present work has been divided in two parts. The first one consists of Process Control fundamental theory so that an undergraduate can either review or have a first contact with the subject. The second part of the work is an ideal binary distillation column study where some important aspects of the control theory have been implemented. (Author) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE MATLAB TO IMPROVE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION T Damattol L.M. Maegava2 and R. Maciel Filho3 , Chemical Engineering College Campinas State University (UNICAMP) Campinas, S.P.,Brazil C.P. 6066, 13083 970 , The process variables can be divided in 3 groups: ABSTRACT - In the Brazilian all Universities manipulated variables, controlled variables and load Reenge", the involved with the project "Prodenge main objective is to improve teaching and learning variables. Manipulated variables procedure for engineering disciplines. The Chemical They are independent variables which are entering or , Engineering College of Campinas State University leaving the process and can be changed to make the focused its effort on the use of engineering softwares. The work developed by this project has allowed all control. Controlled variables Chemical Engineering undergraduates to deal with They are the variables in which the control will be,. engineering commercial softwares make which made. This control can be made either maintaining .11' The following calculations and estimates easier. these variables as constant as possible or making them work aims Chemical Engineering Process Simulation ;41 and Control improvement through the use of the follow a desired trajectory. , Example: Temperature inside a'reactor. commercial software MATLAB. .g to develop some useful case Load variables The main concern is It is not possible to manipulate with these variables. studies which are able to bring but the important Although the effects of the load variables, the control characteristics for Me control structure design and system must be prepared to work perfectly. implementation. Beyond the process simulation and control application, the user has the main concepts in an What is a controller ? related to control theory readily available interactive fashion. The present work has been divided in two parts. The The construction and operation details of a controller first one consists of Process Control fundamental to manufacturer, but its change from manufacturer theory so that an undergraduate can either review or basic functioning is the same. have a first contact with the subject. The second part All controller aims to compare the signal which of the work is an ideal binary distillation column comes from the transmitter with the set-point and study where some important aspects of the control sends a signal to the control valve. The way that the theory have been implemented controller compares the process signal with the set point depends on the type of action wanted. Basically Part One there are 3 kinds of actions in a feedback controller: integral action and derivative proportional action, The first part consists of some important process action. Some of them are presented definitions. control bellow. Proportional controller (P) Types of variables The output signal is compared to the set-point and is changed proportionally to the input signal error. A Scientific initiation advised student. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement 2 Advisor. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) 3 Advisor. BEEN GRANTED BY his document has been reproduced as *.c eived from the person or organization S P-1261VK_ originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. 1 AVAILABLE BEST COPY proportional controller just acts when an error is Proportional Integral Controller (PI) measured. The equation of this type of controller is: C) m(t) = + Kc ?(Csp (I) integral controller has a proportional plus an An where: integral action. In an integral action the control valve m(t) = controller output signal which adjusts the moves based on the time integral of the error. This control valve action aims to bring back the system to the set-point M (t) = controller output signal when the error is zero and also avoids it to go away from the set point. One Kc = controller gain important characteristic of such controller is that, due C = process signal from transmitter to the integral action, the response can be very slow. Csp= set-point signal (process desired signal) The equation of this type of controller is: C - C,, = error (e(t)) great advantage of this strategy is that allows, it 1 e(t) dt M(t) = + theoretically, a perfect control. However, in many applications this is not feasible. 1 (2) Feedforward / Feedback control where: T = integral time Feedforward control is often used in combination with of Proportional Integral Derivative type control Each feedback control. compensates the disadvantages of the other one. Controller (PID) Ratio control All of the three actions (proportional, integral and derivative) are included. The derivative action is an a special type of feedback control. The This is action where the controller aims to anticipative objective is not to control the performance of two anticipate the future system characteristic based on the independent variables M, L but to control the ratio derivative of the error ( the time rate of change of the Re: quick and is always in error). This action is the M R = opposite direction of the error occurred in the system. The equation of a proportional integral controller is: L a m = -111 + Kc ? e + edt de-q (4) dt Some applications of ratio control are, for instance, the for a distillation control of a specific reflux ratio (3) column or the holding of a fuel air ratio to a furnace at where: an optimum value. T D = derivative time Part Two Control Strategies The second part of this work is an ideal binary There are many control strategies. Some of them are additional study. Several column distillation presented bellow. idealizations were made. These assumptions and hypothesis are sometimes valid but they are frequently Feedback Control only crude approximations. However, the purpose of studying this simplified model case is to reduce the problem to its most elementary form so that the basic The variable wanted to be controlled is measured and structure of the equations can be clearly seen. compared to a desired value (the set- point). The error First of all, the column was modeled considering between the process variable and the set-point is of vapor overflow (whenever a mole equimolal turned into an input so that the controller can act in vaporizes a mole of liquid), which condenses, it the system. Therefore, the controller does not make eliminates an energy equation for each tray. The any action until an error in the system is detected. It holdup of vapor is assumed negligible and a simple is an action to bring the system back to the set-point. linear relationship between the liquid holdup, (MN) and the liquid flow rate leaving the tray, LN is also Feedforward Control a pure considered. A further assumption made is binary system with constant molar relative volatility a through the column and perfect 100 percent efficient The variable is measured and a corrective action is trays. The variables used to model the column are taken before it upset the process. It is basically an action to maintain the system in the set-point. The presented bellow: 3 where: N, = feed tray of the column F = feed rate (moles/s) erro = -XD XD set-point The initial conditions given for the column are: xF = composition of liquid in the feed tray = 20 = holdup of liquid in the reflux drum (moles) NT MD xD= composition of the liquid in the drum set-point = 0.98 XD = top tray of the column XB set-poant = 0.02 NT yNT = composition of vapor in the top of the column XF set-point = 0.5 NF=10 R = rate of reflux (moles/s) D = rate of overhead distillate product removed MD0=100 moles MB0=100 moles (moles/s) M0=10 moles B = rate of liquid bottoms product removed (moles/s) Ro=128.01 molests xB = liquid composition in the base of the column V = rate of vapor generated in the reboiler of the Vo=178.01 moles/s F=100 moles/s column (moles/s) MB = holdup in the reboiler (moles) 11=0.1 a=2 MN = holdup on each tray (moles) The constants of the 2 controller are: xN = composition of liquid in each tray yN = composition of vapor in each tray KcD=1000 p= hydraulic constant of the trays KCB=1000 Ro = initial reflux rate TD=5 TB=1.25 MN = constant To make the control of the given column, a program and a are 4 equations per tray: a total There was made in the software MATLAB. The program component continuity, a liquid hydraulic equation and asks the student a perturbation the the in in a vapor-liquid equilibrium equation. These equations composition of the feed stream. The program is listed are presented bellow. bellow: Vapor-liquid equilibrium equation: % initial variables a ?x,, NT=20;NF=10;MD0=100;MB0=100;MO=10; Yr, R0=128.01;V0=178.01;F=100;BETA=0.1; + (a 1)?xn ALFA=2; % CONTROLLER CONSTANTS (5) Liquid hydraulic equation: KCD=1000;KCB=1000; M 17 TAUD=5;TAUB=1.25; LN = EN + ERINTB=0;ERINTD=0; N N % Perturbation Z=input('Enter with a perturbation between 0 and 1 (6) Z='); Total continuity: % INITIAL VALUES OF X d(M ) XB=0.02; LN L'N+I N dt X=[0.035 0.05719 0.08885 0.1318 0.18622 0.24951 0.31618 0.37948 0.43391 0.47688 ... (7) Component continuity: 0.51526 0.56295 0.61896 0.68052 0.74345 0.80319 0.85603 0.89995 0.93458 0.96079]; XD=0.98; d(MN ?xN) Vyipitial conditions LN ?xN + V ?yN_, LN+I ?xN +l dt for'SI=1:NT M(N)=MO; (8) MX(N)=M(N)*X(1,N); A feedback control was made through 2 controllers PI LO(N)=RO+F; which change the reflux R and the vapor V to control if N>NF bottom composition and distillate overhead xp LO(N)=RO; composition xB. The equations for each controller are: 1 end; end; err, ?dt,/ KcB ? err, + V = Vo Time=0;DELTA=0.005;ERINTD=0;ERINTB=0;i=1 (9) while Time<12 where: % LIQUID HYDRAULIC EQUATION AND VLE errs = XB set-point -XB 1 for N=1:20 Y(N)=ALFA*X(1,N)/(1+(ALFA-1)* X(1,N)); R = R D + KeD ? errD + err0 9dt-V L(N)=LO(N)+(M(N)-M0)/BETA; ID end; YB=ALFA*XB/(1+(ALFA-1)*XB); (10) 4 BEST COPY AVAILABLE end; % 2 CONTROLLERS FEEDBACK P1 MDOT(NT)=R-L(NT); ERRB=0.02-XB; MXDOT(NT)=V*(Y(NT-1)-Y(NT))+R*XD- ERRD=0.98-XD; L(NT)*X(1,NT); V=VO-KCB*(ERRB+ERINTB/TAUB); XDDOT=V*(Y(NT)-XD)/MDO; R=RO+KCD*(ERRD+ERINTD/TAUD); % Euler Integration D=V-R; Time=Time+DELTA; B=L(1)-V; XB=XB+DELTA*XBDOT; if R<0 disp('level too low or unreal composition ') for N=1:NT end; M(N)=M(N)+MDOT(N)*DELTA; if V<0 disp("level too low or unreal composition ') MX(N)=MX(N)+MXDOT(N) *DELTA; end; X(1,N)=MX(N)/M(N); if D<0 disp('level too low or unreal composition ') end; end; XD=XD+XDDOT*DELTA; if B<0 disp('level too low or unreal composition') ERINTD=ERINTD+ERRD*DELTA; end; ERINTB=ERINTB+ERRB*DELTA; % CALCULATION OF DERIVATIVES A(i,:)=[ Time XB X(1,10) XD R V]; XBDOT(L(1)*X(1,1)-V*YB-B*XB)/MBO; i=i+1; MDOT()=L(2)-L(1); end; MXDOT()=V*(YB-Y(1))+L(2)*X(1,2)-L(1)*X(1,1); figure(1);plot(A(:,1),A(:,2);c-'),xlabel(Time for N=2:NF-1 [hr]'),ylabel('XB');grid; MDOT(N)=L(N+1)-L(N); figure(2);plot(A(:,1),A(:,3),'r-'),xlabel('Time MXDOT(N)=V*(Y(N-1)-Y(N))+L(N+1)*X(1,N+1)- [hr]'),ylabel('XF');grid; L(N)*X(1,N); figure(3);plot(A(:,1),A(:,4),'g-'),xlabel('Time end; [hr]'),ylabel('XD');grid; % FEED TRAY figure(4);plot(A(:,1),A(:,5),'b-'),xlabel('Time MDOT(NF)=L(NF+1)-L(NF)+F; [hr]'),ylabel('R (moles/hr)');grid; MXDOT(NF)=V*(Y(NF-1)- figure(5);plot(A(:,1),A(:,6),'m-'),xlabel('Time Y(NF))+L(NF+1)*X(1,NF+1)-L(NF)*X(1,NF)+F*Z; [hr]'),ylabel('rate of vapor (moles/hr)');grid; for N=(NF+1):(NT-I) For a step perturbation in the composition of the feed MDOT(N)=L(N+1)-L(N); the program gives the stream from 0.5 0.55, to MXDOT(N)=V*(Y(N-1)-Y(N))+L(N+1)*X(1,N+1)- following graphics: L(N)*X(1,N); 5 Figure 1. Graphic of composition .x13 X time (hours) 0.9808 0.9807 0.9806 0.9805 0.9804 ..... ..... ........ .. . 0.9803 0.9802 0.9801 - 0.98 14 0 12 6 2 10 4 8 Figure 2. Graphic of composition xi, X time (hours) BEST COPY AVAILABLE Observing the graphics it can be seen that, after the output perturbation, the control acts in the system and the Reenge" was encouraged as well as the undergraduates' compositions stabilize. contribution. Other activities References All of the present work will be accessible to all Luyben, W.L; "Process Modeling, Simulation 1) Chemical Engineering undergraduates of. UNICAMP and Contro for Chemical Engineers"; 2" Edition; create a deep interaction through home-pages to Mc Graw-Hill, 1974. between the students and the studied subjects. Seborg, Dale E., Thomas F. Edgar and Duncan 2) Moreover, 2 performances regarding this work were A. Mellichamp; "Process Dynamics and made to professors of Chemical Engineering all Control"; 151 Edition; John Wiley and Sons, of UNICAMP. the both lectures College In 1989. participation of all professors in the project "Prodenge- AVAILABLE BEST COPY 7883910 DIRETORIA PAG.:01 08;48 15/12/'00 ,194,05D U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) [Image] [image] National Library of Education (NLE) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Reproduction Release (Specific Document) C" S I. DOCUMENT IDENTTFTCATTON: --AQ-k1 iknAlb +6 Ii\a/4- C)f Title: Nrkef?flci Author(s): *(9 Publication Date: Corporate Source: ource: > REPRODUCTION RELEASE: II. 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