DOCUMENT RESUME IR 020 104 ED 443 393 AUTHOR Burns, Mary; Adams, Sharon Using What Learners Know. TITLE Southwest Educational Development Lab., Austin, TX. INSTITUTION Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), SPONS AGENCY Washington, DC. PUB DATE 2000-00-00 10p.; Theme issue. SEDL's Technology Assistance Program NOTE available electronically: RJ9600681 CONTRACT Serials (022) Collected Works PUB TYPE TAP into Learning; v2 n2 Spr 2000 JOURNAL CIT MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Uses in Education; DESCRIPTORS Constructivism (Learning); Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Internet; Learning Activities; *Spreadsheets ABSTRACT This issue of "TAP into Learning" focuses on technology-assisted learning activities for students, in particular on those that use spreadsheets. Articles include: "Using What Learners Know"; "Activity: Grade 7 and 8 Math, Social Studies and Language Arts"; "Managing Growth: Collaborative Decision-Making in Urban Planning"; "Spreadsheets"; "Getting Started with Spreadsheets"; and "But Aren't Spreadsheets Just for Math?" A sidebar discusses John Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding." The following six principles that make up a framework for constructivism are outlined: "Learners bring unique prior knowledge and beliefs to a learning situation"; "Knowledge is constructed uniquely and individually, in multiple ways, through a variety of authentic tools, resources, experiences and contexts"; "Learning is both an active and a reflective process"; "Learning is developmental. We make sense of our world by assimilating, accommodating, or rejecting new information"; "Social interaction introduces multiple perspectives on learning"; and "Learning is internally controlled and mediated by the learner." (AEF) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Using What Learners Know Mary Burns and Sharon Adams TAP into Learning Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. BEST COPY AVAILABLE ,r7 /;:t.rjan,..4,Afrf 4"7 5,v ,; ' 14 s'A; ' //fr ' Volume 2 Number 2 Using What Learners Know John Locke's Essay Spring 2000 Concerning Human Understanding (1688) Every learner has experiences that influence his or her understand- IN THIS ISSUE The English ing of the world. These unique experiences form the building blocks philosopher Using Spreadsheets of learning and the avenues that provide opportunities for personal and states- connections with new content. Using What man John Though our own unique experiences influence our understanding Learners Know. 1 Locke of the world, to what extent are individual differences reflected in (1632- classroom instruction or a school's curriculum? Often in classrooms Activity: Grade 7 and 8 1704) is the father of one silentexcept in giving rote answers to the student's voice is Math, Social Studies of the more commonly formulaic questions. Perhaps many kids "tune out" of school because and Language Arts .. 2 known educational teaching and learning do not fit into their range of experience and Managing Growth: metaphors: that of the because their voices are unheard. The challenge for the teacher is to Collaborative mind as a tabula rasa. engage these students from the outset so that they feel their ideas Decision-Making Though translated as and experiences are honored and so they believe that they have a .. in Urban Planning 4 "blank slate (tablet)," the stake in their own learning. metaphor took on a life of good teacher starts by being a diagnostician. She finds out A Spreadsheets 6 its own, thus implying a what students know about a particular domain or what experiences Getting Started with very different theory from students may have had that will impact their understanding of a Spreadsheets 7 what Locke had in mind: certain topic, and builds upon such knowledge. By accessing Children entered school the knowledge acquired by students' "funds of knowledge" ;i1 But aren't spreadsheets as "blank slates" with students' culture, socialization patterns, and non-school experiences, just for math? 7 no prior knowledge the teacher engages the students and allows them to connect their or understanding of own experiences and beliefs to the ideas and knowledge being the world. Onto these studied. Let's look at how this prior knowledge is elicited in an blank slates, teachers actual classroom activity on page two. grafted information. 1 Moll, L.. Amanti. C.. Neff. a. and Gonzalez, N. (Spring, 1992). Funds of Knowledge fir Teaching': umlauted au page 2 Using a Qualitatite Approach to Homes and Classrooms. In Thew). hao Practice, ,,CXXI, 2. Co A Framework for Constructivism Learners bring unique prior knowledge Learning is developmental. We make sense and beliefs to a learning situation. of our world by assimilating, accommodating, or rejecting new information. Knowledge is constructed uniquely and Social interaction introduces multiple individually, in multiple ways, through a variety perspectives on learning. of authentic tools, resources, experiences , To learn more about Learning is internally controlled and mediated and contexts. Learning is both an active and a reflective process. by the learner. SEDL's Technology Assistance Program, These six principles were distilled by the staff of SEDL's Technology Assistance Program from a visit our Web site at variety of sources on constructivism, brain research, and education research as well as staff members' experiences as teachers, learners, and observers in classrooms. 3 BEST COPY gVAL ABLE r 11111WIR TAP into Learning 2 Asa mi ma. , Grade 7 and 8 Math, Social Studies and Language Arts Activity The teacher begins by asking the t John Locke's Essay continued from page I students what they know about the Great Lakes region ("Chicago, Cleveland, Lake Michigan? Are any of these names This transmission model familiar?") from readings, TV programs, of education governed stories, or perhaps trips they've taken Or' pedagogy for the next The Bulls play in Chicago," answers one hundreds of years. boy. "That's right. How many of you are In Book 2 of his Essay Bulls' fans?" A number of hands are raised. Concerning Human Before assigning the chapter, the teacher tells the students that Understanding, Locke they will be taking a road trip to one of the cities in the region discusses knowledge and they should be thinking about where they would like to visit and history of ideas. Perhaps you'd as they read the text. "Several of you are Bulls fans. Ideas originate in like to go to Chicago and catch a home game. If so, what time of individual's sensory the year would you need to go? What will the weather be like?" experience of external The teacher asks the students to think about and share vignettes objects and are formed from trips they have taken in the past. "What kind of preparation into concepts by is involved?" (The students brainstorm as the teacher notes these the mind's power of ideas on the chalk board: food, gas, money.) "How much of cognition. While the each?" "How can we obtain information on a certain city?" mind is initially a tabula (American Automobile Association (AAA), the Internet, rasa, it gradually forms people who have visited the city, almanacs, etc.) ideas from data gathered Students choose the city they want to visit and record by senses, experience, their reasons for doing so. For some students, it's a grand- and intuition. From this parent who lives in Detroit or Gary. For others their destination "raw data" as it were, city is influenced by a favorite sports team, TV show or entertainer knowledge develops The students then e-mail the various Chambers of Commerce for from simple to increas- information on their chosen city; interview people who have been to ingly complex ideas. or are from that city; use spreadsheets to calculate their budget for A careful reading of gas, food, and lodging; plan the route of the trip using the Internet Locke reveals a thinker and AAA maps; and word process daily journal entries about the who would be more geography, culture, economy, and people of that city. All informa- aligned with student- tion is assembled in a portfolio and shared with others in the class. centered approaches. The portfolio includes such information as the travel budget, the He criticized schools length of time to drive from the student's home to the city, photos, "where education descriptions of noteworthy people and places and history, and the fits us rather for the city is similar to and different from the student's hometown. ways the university than the In this example, the teacher still presents a curriculum-based world." He believed lesson but students have choices in determining the focus of the that education should activity. The teacher initially hooks the students by finding out be varied according to what they know about a locale in particular and travel in general, the individual and that and by assessing their general interests. While adhering to the children learn best by curriculum, the teacher encourages students to make choices based doing. Finally, Locke knowledge on their interests and experiences and builds upon that advocated that teachers and interest in creating a learning experience for students. note and encourage a Activity modified from a unit developed by Michelle Garza, Irish Leal, child's aptitudes. Jane Kennesson, Sharon Roy and John Schwertner of 4 Kea ling Junior High School, Austin, TX. BEST COPY AVAILABLE TAP into Learning 3 great lecture or a workbook exercise? This activity Student-centered activities, particularly Possibly, but probably not. Or did it most those involving technology, certainly require is too time likely involve a projectan activity in which more time than the traditional lecture/ consuming. you were engaged, excited, and got a worksheet types of activities. All teachers chance to show off some of your talents, face major time constraints (time to plan, Why should knowledge and experiences? Do you still to grade, to cover the curriculum and to I spend all this remember much of what you learned? prepare students for tests), hence the time eliciting By tapping into their knowledge about a temptation to forego the time-intensiveness particular topic we allow students to make of such activities for the efficiency of the their prior connections between ideas, facts and lecture/worksheet models. knowledge? concepts. These connections may provide But is the transmission model of lecture the hook to get students interested in a It is far more and short answer format really more efficient? subject or topic ("Hey, I didn't know that I Webster's Dictionary defines "efficiency" as efficient to knew that!") and allow them to shine in the maximum output with the minimum present them front of the teacher and their peers. By amount of expense or waste. Do students providing students with a rich, complex unit really retain the information presented in with the of study, we may increase the likelihood of the lecture/short answer model? Are they information. student engagement about a topic. When more engaged, attentive and interested? engagement is increased, the tendency for Educational research and common sense tell students to tune out decreases and the us that we learn best when we are engaged added enthusiasm may he evident in student with the material and when we see the performance. Less efficient in terms of time, material as meaningful. Think back to a but more effective in terms of results. wonderful learning experience you had as a student. Did the experience center on a are often surprised how technologically savvy How can may not. Your 6th grade It's true. They their students are. This appears to be one area students may not know about the structure I elicit in which students are encouraged to share of DNA molecules, but do they know about their prior prior knowledge and experiences. Perhaps forensics in court cases? Do they watch there's some connection between this and court TV shows where DNA testing is knowledge students' general enthusiasm about technology? mentioned? Why do we inherit certain when they Why spend so much time on prior characteristics from our parents? What know nothing knowledge? Because it provides the teacher does deoxyribonucleic acid sound like and students with a foundation from to you? (Go ahead, brainstorm.) Does any about this which to begin. Teaching is about listening part of this word sound or look familiar? topic? and learning is about talking. By building If we were to draw it what do you think it upon students' personal experiences, would look like? The diagnostician probes we allow students to actively construct until she ascertains the students' level increasingly complex pieces of knowledge. of understanding. Allowing students to connect their Or your students may surprise you by personal experiences with new knowledge what and how much they know and how makes that knowledge more relevant they've learned it. Teachers most often find and meaningful. this is true around the area of technology and relationship with students and may be very a diagnostician. Find out what your Be How can I surprised by what they know. students know. Tap into their experiences incorporate A thematic, interdisciplinary curriculum and beliefs. Challenge their ideas. Allow this prior that presents a larger picture is more for those uncomfortable seconds of silence recognizable and more meaningful than so that a student can think through an knowledge are isolated facts. A complex, overarching unarticulated response. Encourage students into my lesson theme (such as growth, revolution, native to teach one another. Ask them to write people, or community) offers a scaffold to and/ or talk about experiences or beliefs content? support student contributions. If students that impact the content area under study. are encouraged to construct relationships You'll begin to create a more personal continued on page 8 5 TAP 4 into Learning Managing Growth Collaborative Decisior The teacher presented the students V Ve need to preserve our drinking with their task: "You have been appointed water. We can't let people live in the to a citizen's action committee to recharge zone!" develop a desirable growth scenario "But then they'll build houses on the farm land and I think we need to keep for your community in the year 2010. To do this you will calculate population open spaces for the kids." demand and land supply in order High school seniors in this Central Texas to determine how and where urban school were wrestling with an issue that growth will occur. Your findings will confronts urban planners, city officials, be presented as a final suitability map service providers and residents on a daily and accompanying report to a team basis: How to maintain and promote the of community members including a positive effects of urban growth (more planner, developer and architect." jobs, infrastructure, and amenities) while Students broke into teams and began mitigating the negative implications of discussing what kind of future community growth (compromised air and water quality, they envisioned and desired, and how increased traffic congestion, and urban- growth could help or hinder the attainment sprawl 2, and the loss of the "small town" of this vision. Within their various teams, ambience of the community)? This very real they divided again into two groups. dilemma is faced by countless communities The first, a population projection group, all over the United States, particularly in the used historical US Census data and burgeoning southern and western parts of spreadsheet software to project the the nation. community's population for the year This interdisciplinary math, environ- 2010. Using the various functions of a mental science and geography unit spreadsheet, students generated their attempted to address the problem of urban population projection data in the form growth management. The teacher began of trend lines (showing whether growth asking students to talk about towns and was linear or exponential), a table and cities they had visited or lived in and liked. line chart. "What did you like about Boston?" Answers ranged from increased amenities like sports teams to a city's livability and architectural uniqueness: "They have sidewalks...All the houses are different. They're not all the same like here." The teacher then asked students to think about their community over time and how it differed from when they were children. What changes had they seen? What were the positive and negative changes? Since these students live in Central Texas, one of the fastest growing regions in the U.S. and home to a number of newly formed high tech companies, they could quite easily note the changes they had seen: more malls, restaurants and movie theaters; more traffic; less familiarity Teachers at Carencro Middle School in Carencro, LA with neighbors; and greater reliance also participated in the Managing Growth activity. on cars. Here, they present their community growth scenario 6 to colleagues. TAP into Learning 5 An example of a base map, in this case indicating land use. The dark shaded area Making in Urban Planning to the right is agricul- tural land. The lighter shaded area to the The second group, a land supply group, left is the Edwards used a series of base maps (showing such Aquifer Recharge features as land use, municipal boundaries, Zone. and the aquifer recharge zone 3), large transparencies and markers to color in to compromise in the face of increasing those areas that should be exempt from population demands. development. Dark areas signified areas of Student presentations to community existing development. Clear areas delineated members were animated and insightful, land available for development. Students reflecting the students' knowledge, values then overlaid this series of constraint maps and interest in their community. Planning to come up with a map that would show members took notes as students suggested where development could occur in 2010. increased lot sizes for new homes on the Once finished with their respective tasks, recharge zone, the conversion of farmland the population projection and land supply into an agricultural living history park group met again to set about allocating and the creation of an incentive system predicted population growth to the avail- to encourage greater use of mass able land supply and examining the results Using gridded transportation. of their decisions and assumptions. Students vellum to calculate This activity is illustrative of the way placed a vellum grid over all constraint population density prior knowledge can be used as the maps. Each team then attempted to "fit" (4 cells = 1 mile2). foundation of a unit of study and how their additional population into the land drawing upon student knowledge can available for development. Students again galvanize student engagement with the used spreadsheets to calculate the number topic at hand. The teacher began by focus- of new houses that would have to be built, ing on a topic about which students had a persons per household, and houses per great deal of knowledge and which held square mile. real meaning for studentstheir community. This process required making some In setting up the unit of study she elicited difficult choices and tradeoffs and was students' opinions about the positive and informed by the students' knowledge of negative effects of growth on their commu- and values about their community. Students nity and their observations about the struggled with targeting new development admirable characteristics of other toward the aquifer recharge zone to the communities they had lived in or visited. west of town or on farmland to the east. She then created an academically rich Should some of the lands categorized as interdisciplinary activity in which students unavailable be made available for develop- were encouraged to infuse their own ment? Students' positions on such issues values and aspirations for their community. number of beliefs and were shaped by a These goals formed the basis of their values. Though many were able to find desired growth scenario for the year 2010. evidence to support their beliefs, others had For more information 2 Sprawl is defined as -low-density, automobile-dependent development beyond the edge of service and on this activity, see employment areas of the city." <Sierra Club:> 3 Much of Central Texas sits atop the Edwards Aquifer, one of the most productive artesian aquifers in the United States. -mburns/resources/ Aquifers are geologic formations that hold significant amounts of groundwater from which water can be pumped for residential and commercial uses. The Edwards Aquifer is the sole source of drinking water for San Antonio, America's eighth largest city, and residents in the Austin-San Antonio corridor. The Recharge Zone is the surface area of the aquifer where faulting and fracturing of limestone and karst allow rain to seep in and replenish the aquifer. <http://www.edwardsaquifernet/> TAP into Learning 6 Spreadsheets balancing checkbooks, calculating grades, Spreadsheets are often likened to electronic ledger books, but are in fact creating charts, automating calculations, sorting data, and performing statistical more powerful. Computerized spreadsheets functions. When new information is insert- can calculate large quantities of data ed into an existing spreadsheet, revised easily, accurately, and efficiently, and are consequently a wonderful tool for calculations are performed automatically. Spreadsheet Structure Perhaps a more helpful metaphor for Spreadsheets are organized into rows and how spreadsheets are organized is that columns. Rows are horizontal lines of val- of a theater or concert hall. The theater ues (data) labeled by numbers (1,2,3 etc.). shares an organization similar to that of Columns are vertical lines of data labeled a spreadsheet: seats are arranged both by letters (A, B, C etc.). Cells are where horizontally (like the rows of a spreadsheet) the intersections of rows and columns meet and numbered as such: 1,2, 3 etc., and and are Libeled by both their letter and vertically (like the columns of a spread- number (Al, B2, C3 etc.). A formula is a sheet) and organized with letters: A, B, C mathematical statement used to calculate etc. Your seat, for example, A26, similar to the values stored in cells. Figure 1 provides the spreadsheet cell, is the junction of the a visual representation of this. row and column. Formula X s/ Figure 1: Overview of Spreadsheet 8 Structure ;,.! Lafayette population 1940-1998 1 2 j Includes City of Lafayette and Carencro Louisiana Total Lafayette Carencro 1940 914 :4314+C4Q 19210 Rows 1950 35128 1587 33541 41915 1960 40400 1519 1970 73275 2302 70973 1980 3712 81961 eon i 4 neketire 04 4 4 AA MICIROL Cell Columns 8 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 0 a- TAP into Learning 7 Getting Started with Spreadsheets atnerallhfirmitfontimaiiiiiighee There are a number of books and websites that can help you get started using spread- Top 50 Spreadsheet Books sheets. Most tutorials are very heavily http:/ / www URL: weighted toward the most commonly found All Publishers' Outlet Source: "brands," such as Microsoft Excel. If you're using QuattroPro, for example, the pickings 2: Microsoft Excel (PCSONifidowsi..95/98)*4:-'-..: are slim. However, most of the spreadsheet http://is.rice.eclu/-consult/cross/excel/inclex.html skills you learn are transferable to all other URL: Rice University types of spreadsheet software. Many of the Source: sites listed are tutorials with very clear step- by-step instructions and pictures that make Hands-on Exercises Using Windows 98 spreadsheet creation and analysis fun and www URL: easy to follow. A better way, perhaps, to classroom/o98/hoview.asp learn to use spreadsheets is to come up with Microsoft in Education Source: a project for yourself (creating a gradebook, setting up a vacation fund) and diving in. Microsoft Personal Online Help littp:// pport. asp URL: Microsoft Corporation But aren't spreadsheets Source: t just for math? 3. Microsoft Excel 98 (Macintosh) It is true that spreadsheets most easily URL: lend themselves to quantitative analysis, and for that reason are often used in more Southwest Educational Development Laboratory Source: analytical types of subjects such as math and science. However, spreadsheets can add rigor to other subject areas that are 4. Lotus 1-2-3 not often thought of as quantitative. 1-2-3 Basics URL http://w3.aces.uiuc.eclu/AIM/CCSOcourses/ Language Arts: The Outsiders new-lotushasics95_final.html The Outsiders is a short novel about a Computing and Communications Services Office, Source: young teen named Johnny who is orphaned Urbana, Illinois and who hangs out with a streetwise gang. Though basically a good kid, Johnny kills another teen and must go into hiding. Lotus Technical Support The novel follows his time in hiding and httpl /wvvw .lotus. corn URL: (search for "Lotus 1-2-3'9 examines the world of his gang. Lotus Development Corporation Source: In this 8th grade Language Arts class, students were asked to imagine that the I gang members had been arrested and were Introduction to ClarisWorks awaiting trial. The class divided itself among URL http://ripsaw.cac.psti.eclu/-sdp2/htmis/claris/ prosecutors and defendants and had to hclarisworksss.html create a personality profile of a character in The Outside's to be presented at the Stephen Peterson Center for Academic Computing Source: upcoming court case. For example, in PennState University analyzing Johnny, the main character, the students used spreadsheet software 1.1 I I to construct a table that would quantify Corel Product Support Johnny's personality traits. Column headings p:// URL: contained the character's main attributes or suppon.htm qualities (e.g. Columns A-C contained such Corel Products descriptors as "kindness," "loyalty," "anger"). Source: continued on page 8 TAP into Learning 8 the natural world if their interest is captured How can I incorporate this prior knowledge into To contact the Technology by video games? Begin with your students' continue(' from page 3 my lesson content?, Assistance Program, please interests and build upon them. The social call us at 1-800-476-6861 or write to us at Technology studies teacher in the previous example and create metaphors for their understand- Assistance Program. SEDL, let the students choose a city for their trip. ing, they are more likely to make personal 211 East Seventh Street. Austin, TX 78701. You may There is no assurance that all the students connections to the content. Challenging also send us e-mail by writing will want to plan a trip, but offering them them to use higher order thinking skills to Vicki Dimock. Program Manager ([email protected]). an option gives them a start toward making asking them to analyze, create, or TAP into Learning is a the activity their own. If a current event has synthesize ideashelps to broaden collaborative effort by the captured the class mind for the moment, their view of the content. staff of the Technology the teacher may consider altering the clay's Assistance Program. Linking that broad view to direct student This issue was written lesson to follow that avenue of exploration. experience, however, can be difficult. How by Mary Burns and can a teacher lure student imaginations to Sharon Adams. Mary Burns. Editor. To learn more about SEDL's Technology Assistance Program, visit our Web site a spreadsheet simulation game in which at But Aren't Spreadsheets Just For Math?, students chose a particular European nation continued from page 7 Design. Jane Thurmond. Austin, TX (e.g., the Hapsburg Empire, Prussia, France, Each row (1,2,3 etc.) contained the page etc.), assumed the role of its leader and number that showed the incidence of that 4.alwww, Memos. ft...Immo Won., directed that nation's policy through the quality. Each incidence (of anger, loyalty course of the 19th century. Each column of etc.) was recorded, totaled and students © Southwest Educational the spreadsheet contained a critical event in Development Laboratory. created a chart graphically representing This publication was pro- the nation's history while rows contained the character's personality profile. The duced in whole or in part choices of potential decisions. By utilizing chart was copied into a word-processed with funds from the Office of the spreadsheet's "what-if' function, students Educational Research and report advocating the character's guilt or could choose one of the options presented Improvement, U.S. Depart- innocence. The spreadsheet table itself ment of Education, under or enter their own decision variable and was attached as an appendix to the report. contract #RJ9600681. examine the result of such decisions. Thus, The content herein does not the introduction of the spreadsheet tool necessarily reflect the views Home Economics: Nutrition Spreadsheet of the Department of personalized and vivified what might In order to create a nutrition profile, Education, any other agency have been otherwise rather meaningless these 9th grade Home Economics students of the U.S. Government, historical events. Though first piloted in analyzed their weekly diet. Using serving or any other source. SEDL is an Equal Employment a university setting, this activity has been sizes found on food packages, as well as Opportunity/Affirmative conducted in high school history classes. data gathered from the Internet, the students Action Employer created a spreadsheet showing the type of and is committed to For more information on this activity, contact affording equal employ- food consumed, the number of calories per Dr. James S. Brown at James.S.Brown@samfordeclu. ment opportunities to all serving, total calories, proteins, fats, sodium, individuals in all employment Art: What Are the Ten Greatest Manmade and carbohydrates. Students then created matters. Available in Creations in the World? a second spreadsheet that calculated their alternative formats. Students in this 10th grade art class average weekly amount of physical activity. set about answering this question. They From these two spreadsheets students were narrowed the categories for entry (art and able to compare food intake versus the architecture), devised criteria for judging amount of energy burned and subsequently "the greatest." then compiled their list devise a personal nutrition and exercise of examples in each category (e.g. plan for themselves. Michaelangelo's David, the Sears Tower). Using spreadsheets, students then entered History: Spreadsheet Nationalism Simulation the year the structure was created, Spreadsheets in history? Yes. Professor its dimensions (height, width, weight, James Brown wanted his freshman history circumference etc.), photos of each students to go beyond memorization structure and the time it took to construct. and recitation of dates and events in Using pre-determined criteria, students then Europe and understand the century 19th sorted their data in order to determine their motivations and decisions that prompted "Top Ten" greatest manmade structures. major political events. He thus constructed 10