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Preview ERIC ED437318: Core Works Program: The Montclair Kimberley Academy.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 437 318 SO 031 236 Core Works Program: The Montclair Kimberley Academy. TITLE Montclair Kimberley Academy, NJ. INSTITUTION PUB DATE 1999-00-00 NOTE 38p. The Montclair Kimberley Academy, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, AVAILABLE FROM NJ 07042. Tel: 973-746-9800; Fax: 973-783-5777; Web site: <http://www.montclairkimberley.org>. Descriptive (141) Guides - Non-Classroom (055) PUB TYPE Reports EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Art Education; *Core Curriculum; Elementary Secondary Education; *English Instruction; *History Instruction; *Integrated Curriculum; *Music Education; Preschool Education; Program Descriptions; Social Studies; Student Needs National Endowment for the Humanities IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This program lists texts, music, and art works that have been selected as a core of studies that continue through the curriculum from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade at The Montclair Kimberley Academy (New Jersey). The selections are representative of important texts, music, and art that have been taught to the Montclair Kimberley Academy (MKA) students throughout the years. MKA faculty have made their selections from the texts, music and art available, using a construct of four criteria of significance developed by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The four criteria include: timelessness (judged important by thoughtful men and women over long (2) centrality (involves major themes and motifs, uses periods of history); accepted methods of inquiry, is innovative with the promise of considerable influence); and (3) originality (not novel, but represents a genuine, fundamental shift in perspective that has the potential for meaningful new vision and understanding of any "human achievement worth understanding" [Wayne Booth]). To those criteria, MKA added "accessibility" as it relates to student ages and development. The bulletin notes that an outcome of the program is the opportunity to include significant non-Western texts, music, and art in the curriculum. All students engage in a coherent core of studies in writing, mathematics, science, foreign languages, technology, and "Philosophy" (Anticipated citizenship. The table of contents includes: (1) Outcomes, Special Curriculum Considerations, Operational Considerations, and "Core Works Narratives." Afterthought); "Core Works by Grade"; and (3) (2) (BT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND Offic of Educational Research and Improvement EDU ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization Gree.c- Te:Ver originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this o INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 1 The Montclair Kimberley Academy PP ST COPY AVAILABLE 2 Table of Contents Philosophy 3 Anticipated Outcomes 4 . Special Curriculum Considerations. 5 . . Operational Considerations 5 . Afterthought 7 . Core Works by Grade 8 Core Works Narratives 13 Timelessness Centrality Influence Originality Accessibility 4 Delattre went on to talk about the power 'Avery Barras, our school's illi g legend (1928-1956), once of ideas: eac If what I am saying goes over chal enged, your-'head, raise your head." Great schools Ideas are enormously powerful. If the idea is are made of such convictions and attitudes good, the fruit is wholesome. If the idea is evil, toward education and excellence. MKA the fruit is bitter, and its effects harmful. faculty and administrators took this Justice is an idea; so is bigotry. They both have challenge to heart and acknowledged our hugely dramatic and durable fruits. Cultures school's motto, "Knowledge, Vision, and rooted in good ideas deserve respect; those Integrity," as they initiated the Core Works rooted in the ideis of tyranny, bigotry, and Program in 1999. This unique program contempt for human dignity do not. This, clarifies and declares just another example children deserve to learn. But despite their of serious intellectual purpose, and presents power, ideas are powerless unless people learn another reason why our school is worthy of them, learn how to use them, apply them, the trust of its students, parents, and keep them vital, make them their own by hard faculty. The Core Works Program elevates and disciplined thinking. Ideas have little life of and advances the well-being of students and their own, little power to keep themselves faculty by identifying significant literature alive in the breasts and intelligence of human and art guaranteed to be taught by our beings. For this, parents, teachers, and books faculty to all students in each grade. are needed...and a way to tell the good ideas from the bad is needed. There is another powerful reason why this The Montclair Kimberley Academy has newest MKA program is essential to our taken Delattre's telling comments to heart students, to our school, and to the nation. and is determined to "keep good ideas In a July 1989 speech, "Ideas Die," given to alive" for all its students by constructing a The Council of the Great City Schools, our friend Dr. Edwin Delattre noted that when Core Works segment of its curriculum. In Matthew Arnold's words, our purpose is to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered on the motel balcony in Memphis, a refrain include the best that has been thought and said in the world. Our purpose is also to of solace ran like wildfire through the offer MKA students and their parents a country. framework for excellence in education. The refrain was that the man was dead, the The Core Works Program lists significant man could be killed, the individual human being texts and significant art that have been could be snuffed out, but the ideas, the dream, selected by the faculty of the three could not be killed, could not be erased, could a common campuses as a core of studies not die. The ideas of Martin Luther King, it core of texts and art that continue was promised, would live, and it would remain through the curriculum from Pre- true that "we shall overcome." Kindergarten through 12th grade. It is Delattre comments that this refrain offered important to understand that the Core for Works selections are representative of us all scant solace in our heartache we knew it was not true. "We knew that important texts and art that have been taught to MKA students throughout the ideas do die. Dreams die. They die unless years. MKA faculty have made their they are transmitted from each generation to the next; they die unless they come to selections from the plethora of texts and life and retain vitality in the hearts and art available, using a construct of four minds of each generation as it grows criteria of significance developed by the toward adulthood and accepts the authority National Endowment for the Humanities and responsibilities of that station." plus one special MKA criterion. Our faculty selected our Core Works on the experience, to the best that has been basis of Timelessness (judged important written and said. This uniformity of by thoughtful men and women over long engagement by faculty and students will periods of history); Centrality (involves help us fulfill the following promises: major themes and motifs, uses accepted methods of inquiry, is innovative with the We promise that MKA students are promise of considerable influence); truly educated, that significant texts Influence/Importance (reaches beyond and art are kept fresh and alive through the discipline and is useful and interesting); their study, and that an internal Originality (not novel, but represents a consistency of studies is maintained at genuine, fundamental shift in perspective MKA. that has the potential for meaningful new vision and understanding of any "human We promise that MKA students will achievement worth understanding" [Wayne have a common language and common Booth]). To those criteria, MKA added experiences in their discussions. Accessibility (relates to student ages and development). We promise there will be a special foundation of study on which faculty The Core Works is a promise that commits can depend. each MKA student and faculty member in the departments of English, History, and Art We promise to provide a greater opportunity for parents and other at each specific grade level to engage in studies of carefully chosen and inclusive adults to join with MKA in the study of texts and art. In a way, our Core Works are common texts and art. the MKA equivalent of state and national standards thoUgh a difference is that We promise a commitment to mentor MKAs "enduring understandings" new faculty so that any potential (objectives) in the carefully prepared lesson erosion of coherent study and plans for each Core Work will not be vague curriculum is addressed. The Core or general. In our Core, all of our students Works Program will serve as an anchor study works of enduring significance in this regard and will provide for both including great works of literature, works vertical and horizontal curriculum from the visual arts and music, and articulation. documents and speeches that inaugurate, define, or explain our nation's institutions, We promise to make it easier for or which record important historical events colleges to know what to expect when and processes. they accept an MKA graduate, and that this information will help with the As one result of the Core Works Program, admission of MKA students to colleges students at MKA will inherit the significant and assist with the success of our ideas of Western and world cultures and students at the college and university traditions that are rightfully theirs. level. Aniticipaecl Outcomes We promise that the Core Works Program will establish logical lines The Core Works Program is meant to lead to of inquiry for faculty studies, a major result: that MKA graduates will necessarily increasing intellectual have a uniformity of exposure to some of collegiality among the faculty, and the great works that define the human enhance communication among faculty 6 Special Curriculum in the Primary, Middle, and Upper Considerations School campuses and across campuses. The Core Works Program does not drive the We promise that the Core Works MKA curriculum. Rather, the curriculum Program will help parents know more drives the selection and listing of the Core about what they can expect when they Works and ensures that the texts and art make the decision to enroll their are not the exclusive focus of a course, but children at MKA. give direction and energy to that course. In fact, the faculty selection of Core Works We promise to build a traditional study includes several works that are already of literature and art that, as a British taught as part of the MKA curriculum. columnist once remarked, does not lose the unifying thread of cultural The Core Works is not a listing of the only initiation. texts and art taught each year to students at The Montclair Kimberley Academy. In We promise to reestablish a link to the addition to the study of significant texts and founding principles of MKA. The art, all students at MKA engage in a Classical and Scientific courses at coherent core of studies in writing, Montclair Academy, as early as I 893- mathematics, science, citizenship, foreign 1894, focused on college-preparatory languages, and technology, as well as core works. There is also a strong link common experiences such as the 8th grade to the heart of MKA's current trip to Williamsburg and the 11 th grade trip statement of philosophy, Our Common to Washington, D.C. For example, in the Purpose: "Our primary goal is to 3rd grade, Trumpet of the Swan and Every graduate young men and women Living Thing are already studied. In the 7th who love learning, who acquire both grade, Florence in the Time of the Medici and the knowledge of fundamental subject Cortes and the Aztecs are already studied. matter and the power of learning, and In the 10th grade, several of the Federalist who are well prepared to select and Papers are already studied by most meet successfully the demands of a students. Throughout the grades, the Fine challenging college curriculum." & Performing Arts program is flourishing with Shakespeare, national award-winning Perhaps the most important outcome from MKA-produced movies, sculpture classes, the Core Works Program is that MKA is and a Distance Learning course in art taught seizing the opportunity for a unique and from Boston University. rigorous inclusion of significant non Western Operational Considerations texts and art in the curriculum. Most schools "wish" to teach non Western texts and art with more competence and MKA faculty members engaged in a difficult confidence. MKA is "willing" this to happen process of selecting significant Western and by including these in our Core Works and non Western texts and art. Once they had then engaging our faculty in studies with made their selection, faculty teams wrote scholars from across the nation. In this narratives for each of their selections using way, those works will come alive in the as a key reference the NEH's and MKAs classrooms, and MKA will assist its students criteria for "significance." The following to become citizens of the world and to substantial and complementary activities understand each other better. will also lead to successful teaching and learning: .First, all faculty in a given grade have who assisted with such works as Anansi the jointly designed common lesson plans for Spider, Lon Po Po, and Bringing the Rain To each text and work of art in the Core Works Kapiti Plain; the University of Rochester's Program. Faculty are to provide their Dr. George Grella, an expert on the film students the same general amount of Casablanca; Rafe Martin, the author of The engaged time with the text or art, though Rough-Face Girl, one of the 2nd grade's they may well add their own individual Core Works; Boston University's Dr. Steven knowledge and craft in different ways. For Tigner, MKA's close academic friend for six example, faculty team members in the 7th years, who worked with our Upper School grade who are responsible for the text by faculty on such texts as Gulliver's Travels and Pablo Neruda, "Then Up the Ladder," will Oedipus Rex; and SUNY-Geneseo's Dr. plan and reexamine for each September a Ronald Herzman, who has shepherded our related common lesson plan. Though they program since its inception and taught us will have common "enduring understandings," Dante's Divine Comedy. common materials and translations, common assessment practices, and will Each Core Works text and art piece has a engage their students in serious study of key faculty contact or "captain" responsible that text for a common period of time, for the team's activities: cultivation of each faculty member on that team can go information, knowledge, interdisciplinary beyond these commonalities to add his or opportunities, and the craft of teaching the her own teaching touches or to respective work. For example, the I Oth differentiate instruction for students of grade team will have "captains" for differing abilities. Macbeth, classic slave narratives, selections from the Bible, A Man For All Seasons, .Second, faculty are able to study with Raphael's The School of Athens, and for each other and with national scholars each Alexander Gardner's Civil War year so that their presentation of the texts photography. These captains will lead and art will be at the highest levels of faculty study, bring scholars to faculty study teaching and learning. MKA has budgeted sessions, and monitor the writing and sufficient funds so that faculty teams implementation of the respective lesson responsible for the teaching of a specific plans. The role of captain will rotate text or art piece will have the ongoing among team members each year. opportunity to work with scholars or to engage in other learning, e.g., traveling to eThird, faculty will consistently teach each Mississippi to participate in a William other a high form of collegiality and Faulkner seminar, and working closely with always a sign of a strong school, a strong experts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. curriculum, and a strong faculty. The In preparation for the first year of study, identification and sharing of articles, MKA faculty members have already studied reviews, and other information will become with Boston University's Dr. Paula_ more focused. For example, one 3rd grade Fredriksen, a noted authority on the Bible; faculty member might discover items in the Indiana University's Dr. John Patrick, an New York Times Book Review that inform international figure in the teaching of about The Mayflower Compact and founding documents; Merrimac College's Chartres Cathedral, a 6th grade significant Dr. William Wians, who accepted our art piece. That person could now share the invitation to study the Odyssey with us; first item with his 3rd grade team members Columbia University's Dr. Robert Simon, and share the second item with colleagues who counseled us on 19th Century art in the 6th grade. The 7th grade team might works; Bank Street School's Dr. Nina Jaffe, talk with each other about You Can't Take It 8 ongoing lesson plans for each work. The With You and discover new ways to integrate more effectively that work into documents will be constantly updated to the total 7th grade curriculum. provide internal tightness and advancement of teaching. Fourth, faculty will continually document Afterthought their successes and concerns with certain texts and art in the Core Works. This information can be relayed to the scholars, The process of selecting the Core Works for et al., and the teaching dialogue will each grade has been revealing. Faculty members with differing opinions, but with continue via e-mail, telephone calls, and through the use of MKA's Distance Learning good will, forged a Core Works Program list that will engender even more confidence in Room. For example, I Oth grade English the MKA curriculum and teaching. The faculty might sense that they should have faculty demonstrated that they understand drawn out more substantive understandings from a selection from the Bible, the story of compromise, that they understand the possibility that outsiders may point out "Ruth and Naomi." That faculty team another text or piece of art that "could would contact Dr. Ronald Herzman at have/should have" been used rather than SUNY-Geneseo to set up a Distance the one selected, or that someone will Learning, e-mail, telephone, FAX, or in- person conference to foster further quarrel with the definitions of "inclusion" and "non-Western." They understand that discussion. MKA has embarked on a unique program which requires their intense study, Fifth, MKAs Core Works is to be reviewed every five years to reexamine and renew it, continued scholarship, and collaboration. It is a splendid faculty. The Core Works is a and to address telling curriculum changes that have taken place. Should there be significant new program for us all. unanticipated, dramatic curriculum change Good ideas will not die at The Montclair within each five-year period, cogent adjustments will be made in the Core Kimberley Academy. Works. For example, the I st grade faculty With respect, might determine that they would change the major units and themes at that grade. The Nutcracker Ballet might not then be as easily integrated into the new curriculum. The I st grade faculty would petition for a Dr. Peter R. Greer, on behalf of the entire change of the Core Works art piece to one Core Works Faculty Committee and that meets the needs of the curriculum. Administration June 1999 Sixth, MKA anticipates that other schools Special Note: On January 28, 1999, the around the country will want to learn more Board of Trustees of The Montclair about the Core Works Program and how it Kimberley Academy unanimously has all turned out. MKA will be well poised approved this major program addition. to provide such information through conferences and articles and to assist others where it can. Permanent and "living" documents related to the Core Works Program include a listing of the significant texts and art, short narratives that explain why each piece was deemed significant, and Strand I (text) Pre-K My Very First Mother Goose (Opie, Editor) K The Children's Aesop (Calmenson, Editor) Charlotte's Web I (White) Rip Van Winkle 2 (Irving) The Mayflower 3 Compact 4 Paul Revere's Ride (Longfellow) Stories from Ancient 5 Greece (e.g., Pandora's Box; Phaethon and the Sun Chariot; The Trojan Horse) 6 English: The Extraordinary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Doyle) History: Magna Carta 7 To Kill A Mockingbird English: (Lee) History: The Cowtail Switch and Other West African Stories* (Courlander and Herzog, Editors) 8 English: Odyssey (Homer) History: The Declaration of Independence 10

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