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ERIC ED435733: Schools and Staffing Survey, 1990-91: Data File User's Manual. Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED435733: Schools and Staffing Survey, 1990-91: Data File User's Manual. Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook.

DOCUMENT RESUME TM 030 366 ED 435 733 Gruber, Kerry J.; Rohr, Carol L.; Fondelier, Sharon E. AUTHOR Schools and Staffing Survey, 1990-91: Data File User's TITLE Manual. Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook. National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, INSTITUTION DC.; Bureau of the Census (DOC), Suitland, MD.; Pinkerton Computer Consultants, Inc., Baileys Crossroads, VA. REPORT NO NCES-93-144-II 1994-01-00 PUB DATE 1022p.; For related documents, see TM 030 365 and TM 030 NOTE 367368. AVAILABLE FROM National Center for Education Statistics, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20208-5651. PUB TYPE Non-Classroom (055) Guides MF07/PC41 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Coding; Data Analysis; Education; *Elementary Secondary DESCRIPTORS Education; National Surveys; School Personnel; *Teachers; *User Needs (Information) *Schools and Staffing Survey (NCES) IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This volume is part of a set that documents the data collection of the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Volume I provides the essential background information for the survey. This volume is the restricted-use codebook, which contains the variable names and position numbers for all survey and sampling variables. All data variables have been imputed to compensate for item nonresponse, and the imputed values may be identified by checking the status of any record of the variable's imputation flag. This volume contains a discussion of the created variables and user notes. Three appendixes contain the Teacher Demand and Shortage Public and Private School Codebook. the Public and Private School Administrator Codebook, and the Public and Private School Teacher Codebook. (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. M sm NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS P, User's Manual January 1994 Schools and Staffing Survey 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey: Data File User's Manual Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook ,01, SASS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 13.1..-document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to 1:1 improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. CD CD O O 2 U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement NCES 93-14441 AVAILABLE BEST COPY NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS User's Manual January 1994 Schools and Staffing Survey 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey: Data File User's Manual Volume II: Restricted-Use Codebook SASS Kerry J. Gruber Elementary/Secondary Education Statistics Division Carol L. Rohr Pinkert-on Computer Consultants, Inc. Sharon E. Fondelier Bureau of the Census U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement NCES 93-14441 3 U.S. Department of Education Richard W. Riley Secretary Office of Educational Research and improvement Sharon P. Robinson Assistant Secretary National Center for Education Statistics Emerson J. Elliott Commissioner National Center for Education Statistics "The purpose of the Center shall be to collect, and analyze, and disseminate statistics and other data related to education in the United States and in other nations."Section 406(b) of the General Education Provisions Act, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1221e-1). January 1994 Contact: Kerry J. Gruber (202) 219-1370 4 iii Preface to Volume II This set of volumes is intended to document the data collection of the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Surveys (SASS) and is intended for several types of readers. The codebooks for each survey (Volumes II and III, for the Restricted-Use Version and the Public-Use Version, respectively) contain the variable names and position numbers for all survey and sampling All data variables have been imputed to compensate for item nonresponse. The variables. imputed values may be identified by checking the status on any given record of the variable's imputation flag (F_varname). The imputation flags are listed at the end of each SASS component's codebook. However, there are a number of useful sections in Volume I for the programmer or researcher. Copies of the questionnaires (with variable labels affixed as necessary) can be found in Appendix F. Appendix A is a set of definitions of terms used in the SASS surveys, such as Local Education Agency. Crosswalks between the 1987-88 and 1990-91 variables are in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a crosswalk between the field-of-study codes in 1987- 88 and 1990-91. The SAS PROC CONTENTS is Appendix D. Appendix E is a number of cross-tabulated counts, both unweighted and weighted, for verification of programming results using the SASS datatapes. Those interested in the design and methodology of each SASS component may find the chapters on Sample Design and Implementation, Data Collection, Edit Procedures, and Imputation in Volume I to be useful A Caution concerning the use of . prior year estimates for trend comparisons (Section XIII) should be read by all researchers. The sections on confidentiality measures, created variables, and the User's Notes (sections XIV-XVI) may also answer some questions. We are interested in your reaction to the information presented here about the Schools and Staffing Survey data collection system as well as the microdata files we release. We welcome your recommendations for improving our survey work and data products. If you have suggestions or comments or want more information, please contact: SASS Datatapes Special Surveys and Analysis Branch Elementary and Secondary Education Statistics Division National Center for Education Statistics Office of Educational Research and Improvement 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20208-5651 We are also interested in the research you do using the SASS data sets. We would be pleased to receive copies of reports, working papers, and published articles you write, which use data from the SASS. Send them to the address above. V RESTRICTED-USE CODEBOOKS TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I iii Preface iv Acknowledgments Overview I. 1 Purpose of the Survey A. 2 Periodicity of the Survey B. 3 Objectives and Policy Issues C. 3 Target Population and Estimates D. 5 Survey Content 7 E. Changes in SASS Design and Content from 1988 to 1991 II. 9 Procedural Changes A. 10 Design Changes B. 10 Content Changes C. 11 Preparation for the 1991 SASS III. 13 Sample Design and Implementation IV. 15 Sampling Frames A. 16 Public Schools 16 1. Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools 2. 17 Private Schools 3. 17 Sample Allocation B. 18 Public Schools 18 1. Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools 20 2. Private Schools 20 3. Overlapping 1988 and 1991 SASS Samples C. 21 Public Schools 21 1. Private Schools 22 2. Sample Selection Procedures 22 D. Public Schools 22 1. Private Schools 23 2. Public School Districts 24 3. Teachers 25 4. 29 Data Collection V. Time Frame of the Survey 30 A. Data Collection Procedures 31 B. 6 vi VI. Response Rates 33 Survey Response Rates A. 34 Item Response Rates B. 34 Edit Procedures VII. 39 Field Office Edit A. 40 General Clerical Edit B. 40 Computer Pre-edit C. 41 D. Computer Edit 55 E. Interview Status Edit 55 Teacher Demand and Shortage Survey 1. 55 2. Public Schools (SASS-3A) 56 Private Schools (SASS-3B) 3. 56 4. Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools (SASS-3C) 57 5. Public and Private School Administrators (SASS-2A and 2B) 58 Public and Private School Teachers (SASS-4A and 4B) 6. 58 F. Post Processing Edit 59 Race/ethnicity Edit G. 62 Imputation Procedures VIII. 71 Teacher Demand and Shortage Survey (SASS-1A) A. 72 First Stage 1. 72 Second Stage 2. 73 Public and Private School Administrators (SASS-2A and 2B) B. 74 First Stage 74 1. Second Stage 2. 74 Public Schools (SASS-3A) C. 75 First Stage 1. 75 Second Stage 2. 75 D. Private Schools (SASS-3B) 76 First stage 76 1. Second stage 2. 76 Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools (SASS-3C) E. 77 F. Public and Private School Teachers (SASS-4A and 4B) 77 First stage 77 1. Second stage 2. 78 Imputation Flags G. 78 Weighting IX. 97 A. School Weight (SASS Questionnaire Forms 3A, 3B, and 3C) 98 School Weighting Adjustment Cells B. 99 Public School Adjustment Cells 99 1. Private School Adjustment Cells 2. 99 Administrator Weight (SASS Questionnaire Forms 2A and 2B) C. 100 D. Teacher Demand and Shortage for Public Districts (SASS Questionnaire Form 1A) 100 7 vii LEA Basic Weights E. 101 LEAs with Schools 101 1. LEAs Without Schools 2. 102 LEA Basic Weights for Delaware, Nevada and West Virginia 102 3. Teacher Weights (SASS Questionnaire Forms 4A and 4B) F. 102 Public Adjustment Cells 104 1. Private Adjustment Cells 2. 104 Variance Estimation 107 X. Replicate Assignment A. 108 Replicates: Public Schools 108 1. Replicates: Private Schools 2. 109 Replicates: Treatment of the Overlap Sample 109 3. Replicates: Administrators 4. 109 Replicates: Teachers 5. 109 Replicates: Local Education Agencies 109 6. Replicate Weights 110 B. Reinterview Program XI. 111 Reviewing the Quality of SASS Data XII. 115 Teacher Demand and Shortage Questionnaire for Public School Districts A. (SASS-1A) 117 School Administrator Questionnaires (SASS-2A and 2B) 127 B. School Questionnaires (SASS-3A and 3B) 127 C. Teacher Questionnaires (SASS-4A and 4B) D. 132 Cautions Concerning the Measurement of Change Estimates using 1987-88 XIII. and 1990-91 SASS 135 Confidentiality Protection Measures 139 XIV. Public-Use Files A. 140 Restricted-Use Files 141 B. File Linkage 142 C. Treatment of BIA Schools D. 142 Created Variables 145 XV. Variables Added to the Datafile 146 A. Analysis Variables Used in NCES Publications 149 B. User Notes XVI. 151 APPENDICES Appendix A. Definitions A-1 8 viii Appendix B. Crosswalk between items in the 1987-88 and 1990-91 SASS B-1 Teacher Demand and Shortage Questionnaire B-1 Public School Administrator Questionnaire B-8 Private School Administrator Questionnaire B-11 Public School Questionnaire B-14 Private School Questionnaire B-21 Public School Teacher Questionnaire B-28 Private School Teacher Questionnaire B-35 Appendix C. Crosswalk of codes for teachers' major field of study C-1 Appendix D. SAS Variable List D-1 Teacher Demand and Shortage Survey, Public and Private School Surveys D-1 . Public and Private School Administrator Surveys D-20 Public and Private School Teacher Surveys D-28 Appendix E. Selected Unweighted and Weighted Tables E-1 Teacher Demand and Shortage Survey E-3 Public School Administrator Survey E-13 Private School Administrator Survey E-33 Public School Survey E-49 Private School Survey E-69 Public School Teacher Survey E-73 Private School Teacher Survey E-85 Appendix F. Questionnaires F-1 Teacher Demand and Shortage Questionnaire (SASS 1A) F-3 Public School Administrator Questionnaire (SASS 2A) F-17 Private School Administrator Questionnaire (SASS 2B) F-27 Public School Questionnaire (SASS 3A) F-37 Private School Questionnaire (SASS 3B) F-53 Public School Teacher Questionnaire (SASS 4A) F-77 Private School Teacher Questionnaire (SASS 4B) F-103 Appendix G. Industry and Occupation Codes G-1 VOLUME II Preface to Volume II iii Created Variables I. xi Variables Added to the Datafile A. xii Analysis Variables Used in NCES Publications B. xv II. User Notes xvii 9 ix Appendix H. Teacher Demand and Shortage (SASS 1A), Public and Private School H-1 (SASS 3A and 3B) Codebook Public and Private School Administrator (SASS 2A and 2B) Appendix I. I-1 Codebook Public and Private School Teacher (SASS 4A and 4B) Codebook J-1 Appendix J. 10

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