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ERIC ED433134: California's Child Support Program: The Cost of Failure. Report [and] Data Supplement. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED433134: California's Child Support Program: The Cost of Failure. Report [and] Data Supplement.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 433 134 PS 027 855 TITLE California's Child Support Program: The Cost of Failure. Report [and] Data Supplement. INSTITUTION Children Now, Oakland, CA.; National Center for Youth Law, San Francisco, CA. SPONS AGENCY Rosenberg Foundation, San Francisco, CA. PUB DATE 1998-00-00 NOTE 32p.; Jointly published by Children Now, National Center for Youth Law, and the Child Support Reform Initiative. AVAILABLE FROM Children Now, 1212 Broadway, 5th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612; Tel: 800-CHILD-44 (Toll Free); Tel: 510-763-2444; Fax: 510-763-1974; Web site: www.childrennow.org PUB TYPE Reports Evaluative (142) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Accountability; *Child Support; Child Welfare; Children; Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Program Termination; *State Programs; State Surveys; Statistical Surveys IDENTIFIERS California; *Child Support Enforcement Program ABSTRACT After 10 years of development, the California Statewide Automated Child Support System, run by the Department of Social Services (DSS), has been scrapped and the state has begun developing a new child support collection computer. This report evaluates the performance of publicly-funded child support collection programs in California, examining the history of the state collection program and describing the leadership needed for an effective child support system. Also provided are data to assess the current capacity of the state collection program. The report concludes that although there has been much improvement in child support collection, California still ranks among the worst-performing states in child support performance. Further, the report maintains that although DSS has statutory authority over the program, the department has never received enough support from the governor to effectively manage it. The report focuses on gross errors in the measurement of child support collections as a percentage of total support owed and the measurement of whether families are able to leave welfare and receive child support. The report concludes with recommendations for strong commitments by the California Governor, Attorney General, Legislature, DSS, every state district attorney, and the Judiciary to reform the child support program and build accountability into the system. A data supplement document presents tables enabling county comparisons within California and state comparisons with the rest of the United States with regard to child support enforcement. 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TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 California's Child Support Program: Children Now, Board of Directors The Cost of Failure Richard Atlas This report evaluates the performance of publicly -funded Atlas Family Foundation, Founder Leroy T. Barnes, Jr. child support collection programs in the state. It is jointly The Gap, Inc., Vice President & Treasurer published by the National Center for Youth Law, the Child Louise Henry Bryson fX Networks, Fox, Inc., Former Sr. Vice-President Support Reform Initiative and Children Now, based on William Coblentz the most current, confirmed data available. Coblentz, Patch, Diffy & Bass, Lip Senior Partner Anita L. DeFrantz The Child Support Project of the National Center for Amatuer Athletic Foundation, President Youth Law seeks to improve child support enforcement in Ms. Jane Gardner Foote, Cone & Belding, Executive Vice President California through advocacy and education. The National Allan K. Jonas Center for Youth Law advocates nationally on behalf of Jonas & Associates, Owner Donald Kennedy children affected by poverty. Stanford University, President Emeritus, Children Now is a nonpartisan, independent voice for Bing Professor of Environmental Science & IISGlobal Environment Forum children. With particular concern for those who are poor or Michael Klein Modulus Guitars, Chairman and CEO at risk, Children Now is committed to improving condi- Phil Lee, M.D. tions for all children. Institute for Health Policy Studies, Professor Emeritus, Senior Advisor to the School of Medicine, UCSF Theodore R. Mitchell A REPORT PUBLISHED BY The Getty Educational Institute, VP for Education The National Center for Youth Law, & Strategic Initiatives Jim Plunkett The Child Support Reform Initiative Retired Oakland Raiders and Children Now Hon. Cruz Reynoso UCLA, School cf Law, Professor Susan Rothstein ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Three Guineas Fund, Director Lois Salisbury The publishers wish to thank the Rosenberg Foundation for Children Now, President generously supporting our work to improve child support Leigh Steinberg Steinberg & Moorad, Partner collection. James Steyer Children Now, Founder; JP Kids, CEO Kaye Theimer, Ph.D. Psychologist Michael Tollin Tollin/Robbins Productions, Partner Reed V. Tuckson, M.D. American Medical Association, VP Professional Standards kin Watson HAL Investments, Inc., President NOTE: Organizations are listed fin- identification purposes only. 2 Introduction Department, Department of Motor in child support performance, col- California's troubled child sup- Vehicles and Health and Welfare lecting support for just 17% of the port collection program is at a cross- Data Center. Successful child sup- families that depend on the state roads. After ten years of develop- port collection requires the effective program. Today, over $8.2 billion is ment, the Statewide Automated coordination and integration of owed to California children. With Child Support System (SACSS) has these agencies, along with the 58 many families facing time-limited been scrapped and the state has county programs. welfare, improved child support begun the process of developing a collection is more important than new child support collection com- ever before. The next Governor of puter. There are important lessons California will need to take imme- to be learned from the SACSS diate and deCisive action to meet experiencelessons that can save federally mandated requirements to the state millions of dollars and help improve the child support program. children get the support owed to As this report makes clear, the lack them. California's Child Support of executive leadership and program Program: The Cost of Failure looks accountability has cost taxpayers at the history of the state collection and families far too much. program and describes the leadership California has some of the toughest needed for an effective child support child support laws on the books, system. This report also provides data So who runs the state child world-renowned computer exper- to assess the current capacity of the support program? According to the tise and high per capita income. state collection program. federal government, it is DSS, since There is simply no excuse for our federal law requires that there be continued failure to collect ade- one state agency in charge of the quate support for children. program. Yet the Attorney General Who Runs the has stated that he is the "only offi- Collection Program? cial with any degree of authority over California's district attorneys."' Federal law requires every state The locally elected district attor- to have a single agency operate its neys, however, have operated their child support program. In county programs with a great deal California that state agency is the of autonomy. While DSS has statu- Department of Social Services tory authority over the child support (DSS). However, DSS contracts out system, it has never received enough the day-to-day operations of the support from the Governor to effec- collection program to the 58 county tively manage it. As a result, no district attorneys. Many other state clear authority exists. The manage- agencies are also involved in various While there has been some ment problems caused by this lack aspects of child support collection, modest improvement in child sup- of leadership and accountability including: the Attorney General's port collection, many severe prob- have cost California taxpayers and office, Franchise Tax Board, lems persist. California still ranks families billions of dollars. Employment Development among the worst-performing states 41 3 Ten Years of Costly Mismanagement President signs the Family Support Act of 1988 which requires states to complete child support automation projects by September 30, 1995. The federal government agrees to pay 90% of automation costs. Projected cost of California child support computer is $99,183,361. Projected cost increased to $164,937,800. California Department of Social Services (DSS) finally awards the Statewide Automated Child Support System (SACSS) contract to Lockheed Martin Information Management Systems (Lockheed). SACSS quality assurance vendor reports serious concerns with the general system design. Quality assurance vendor reports that Lockheed has failed to take any corrective action on report- ed problems with general system design. Projected cost of SACSS at $173,538,468. Lockheed acknowledges design flaws. After Department of Motor Vehicles automation fiasco, Governor creates Office of Technology to prevent future failure of automation projects in California. Quality assurance vendor reports significant problems with system testing and recommends not proceeding to next stage of project; responsibility for project is transferred from DSS to Health & Welfare Data Center. Quality assurance vendor reports that SACSS fails user acceptance testing; first California county Sierrais piloted on SACSS. Federal government extends deadline for completion of statewide automated systems to September 30, 1997; projected cost of SACSS grows to $260,497,475. With SACSS installed in seven counties, the Health and Welfare Data Center suspends further installation because of significant problems. More counties attempt to use SACSS. Projected cost of SACSS jumps to $298,509,542. State Department of Information Technology is created; projected cost of SACSS increases to $312,600,000. Oversight vendor finds over 1,400 defects in SACSS system. California terminates SACSS contract with Lockheed. California State Auditor issues report finding that SACSS failed due to a "cascade of events."' State submits a planning document seeking federal funding for an interim child support system design, projected to cost $267 million. President Clinton signs the Child Support Performance and Incentive Act of 1998, reducing the penalty for missing state child support automation deadlines. Source: California State Auditor, Health and Welfare Agency: Lockheed Martin Information Management Systems Failed to Deliver and the State Poorly Managed the Statewide Automated Child Support System (March, 1998); California Assembly Committee on Information Technology, The $260 Million Dollar Question: Will the State Automated Child Support System (SACSS) Ever Really Work? An Addendum (November, 1997); California ia Legislative Analysts Office. 4 Blocking the Path to Improved Collection Massachusetts and Washington, that and never adequately resolved its sig- Policymakers need to understand run more efficient state-based collec- nificant problems. County district why SACSS failed if California is to tion programs. attorneys, by demanding that the sys- reform its troubled child support col- Unfortunately, district attorneys tem be customized to meet their needs lection program. The difficulties in in California are resisting a single, rather than adapting their operations to developing a functional statewide com- statewide computer and the state is a statewide system, made SACSS far puter are tied to the poor management acceding to their demands. The state more complex than necessary. While of California's fragmented system. now plans to operate four regional sys- state officials should have controlled Ten years ago the federal govern- tems. Not only do these systems require the various demands of individual dis- ment required all states to begin devel- substantial upgrading, linking them trict attorneys, they did not. Lockheed oping statewide automated child sup- together has a high risk of failure. largely attributes the failure of SACSS port systems. California took four years Given California's poor record of man- to the vastly different technical require- to award the contact to Lockheed aging automation projects, choosing ments of the 58 counties' Martin Information Management untested technology is risky. Systems ("Lockheed"). Almost imme Furthermore, while the federal govern- diately, major problems in the system ment may waive the single system were uncovered. Still, the state pro- requirement and allow some states to ceeded with the project. This basic pat- link together multiple systems, there is tern continued for years: major flaws no guarantee that California will were discovered but not resolved, and e` receive such a waiver. the project proceeded with Lockheed's 48) - As California begins another assurance that the system would one child support automation system day work properly. County implemen- ,. ,, already projected to cost hundreds of tation began despite problems so severe o. N millions of dollars, the state can learn ta that the state's quality assurance vendor much from its past mistakes. However, recommended against moving forward. according to the most recent report of By 1997, the projected cost of the ":,==t,.. ... --,--_."-' the California State Auditor, the state system had soared to well over $300 is again heading down the wrong path. million, with $111 million of taxpayer Disturbed by the process by which After years of delay, California is dollars already expended. The system California considered systems to subject to several critical deadlines to was installed in 23 of California's coun- replace SACSS, the Auditor stated, complete the automation process. The ties, but barely functioning. Counties, "The key point is that all alternatives state is already well behind schedule. such as San Francisco, began to leave should be thoroughly explored and California is now subject to federal the system. In November 1997, the eliminated from consideration for pro- penalties for failure to develop a func- state finally made the decision to ter- grammatic, financial, and technical rea- tional, statewide computer, increasing minate the contract with Lockheed. sons only. The decisions should not be each year from $12 million in 1998, to Lockheed and the state are now based on the arbitrary preferences, $143 million in 2002 and thereafter.' embroiled in very costly litigation over biases, and political considerations of Given the collapse of SACSS and the the failed project. various stakeholders."' possibility of incurring substantial Ultimately, nearly every entity It is time for the Governor and penalties, California should now be involved with the SACSS project the Attorney General to spearhead taking stock of its entire child support shares responsibility for its demise. The sweeping reform of California's frag- program. The state must review the federal government was slow to provide mented collection system. Politics county-based collection structure and states with system requirements. should not control policy and system demand more uniform procedures in Lockheed developed a flawed system administrators must be held account- order for statewide automation to suc- and failed to adequately test it. The able for their decisions. ceed. California could be taking lessons state accepted the flawed system, insist- from more successful states, like ed that it be implemented in counties 5 ; Tracking Child Support Performance Closing Cases or Helping Children? to appear to be making more Accurate information is the progress collecting support than is key to sound management. actually the case.' The net effect of Unfortunately, child support data this practice is that county collec- has never been completely reliable, tion performance looks better, but due largely to the reporting prac- fewer children are served. This tices of the county district attor- past year alone, California closed neys and insufficient oversight by the cases of almost 750,000 fami- DSS.'New data collection prob- lies, representing well over a mil- lems have also developed as a result lion children.' Nearly half of these of the failure of SACSS. While children are receiving welfare ben- officials continually claim to be efits and are now subject to strict making tremendous gains in child time limits, making receipt of support collection, a closer look at child support more important than the numbers tells another story. ever before. Closing these chil- For the last several years - dren's cases may well guarantee some county child support agen- that they never receive the child cies have focused considerable support to which they are legally effort on closing cases and elimi- entitled. While some of these nating families from their child cases legitimately should have support records. The Little been closed,' many were closed Hoover Commission found that simply to make program perfor- some district attorneys have mance appear better. manipulated caseload data in order 6 Child Support Performance in California and the Nation Key Collection Performance Measures this figure is worse than the rate in The most recent data'' on Families with Support Orders 1990. While no state does a great child support performance indi- 1007. job of collecting support, nine cates that California improved states, including Massachusetts, slightly on some performance 59.1% m m Minnesota, Pennsylvania and measurements and lost ground on 56.3% 55.4% 0 5 0 ........... Washington, collect support for other key measurements. Much of a 0 47.3% more than 30% of their families. 43.9% the "gain" is simply the result of 43.5% 42.6% The amount of support col- closing families out of the system. lected for each family in the sys- Overall, the state's child support 07. program remains near the bottom tem has also improved somewhat 1996 1995 1993 1992 1994 this year. Collections are now of the nation, failing far more chil- nearly $420 per year for each fam- dren than it helps. The following ily who depends on the state child charts illustrate California's child Families with Support Collections support agency, which is less than support performance compared to 1007. $24 a month for each child who the nation. looks to the state system for assis- Obtaining a child support tance. This is more than 30% order is the first critical step to below the national average and collecting support. Without a sup- well below the averages of some of port order, no child support 20.5% 19.4% the best states which collect over 18.7% 18.3% 18.2% accrues for children. Today, over $1,000 annually for each family. 17.2% half the families in California's 13.9% 14.1% 12.9% 12.5% 0% Given that California has the 14th child support programrepre- 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 highest per capita income in the senting nearly two million chil- nation, the state should not rank drenlack support orders. near the bottom in child support California ranks in the bottom Collections per Family per Year collection. fifth, among the lowest in the $1,000 nation. States with superior child While collections have support programs, such as increased slightly, the amount of Washington State and unpaid supportsupport the state $622 5565 E555 E525 E530 Massachusetts, have support child support program has failed 0...0 orders for well over 75% of their to collecthas increased at a 0 $2 $432 40 4380 cases. $362 much faster rate. Five years ago, Of all families who look to the amount of uncollected support $100 the state for assistance in collect- in California's child support pro- 1995 1996 1993 1994 1992 ing support, California now col- gram was less than $3 billion. lects some support for just 17% of Today, that amount has soared to them. This represents an improve- over $8.2 billion, representing an 0 Key ment over the prior year, but the almost three-fold increase. California United States modest improvement is based, in Related to the increase in part, on deleting the cases of over unpaid support, the amount of one million children from the sys- child support California collects as tem. Today, five out of six families a percentage of what is owed has who need assistancerepresenting fallen dramatically in the last five over three million childrenstill years. Today, California collects BEST COPY AVAILABLE get no help from the state; and only 10% of the support owed. 7 California Uncollected Support whether families are able to leave This is more than 40% below the welfare with child support collec- state's performance just five years $10 tions. The United States General S8.2 ago and less than half the national Accounting Office (GAO) recent- rate. Of all states in the nation, $6.2 0 ly studied whether states are likely only Indiana has a poorer record. $5.0 to be successful obtaining child While California's child sup- S3.4 support for families reaching their port program performs poorly for $2.8 welfare time limits. Unfortunately, families, the profit the state real- the GAO found that welfare fami- izes from its operation has $0 lies will not be able to rely on child increased in the last few years. In 1996 1994 1995 1993 1992 support as a steady source of fact, state coffers have benefited income, particularly in states with substantially from the child sup- under-performing child support port program. This is because state 1996 Percentage of Support Collected programs." Federal statistics sup- child support programs are funded 25% port the GAO's conclusion: by a combination of federal grants 20.8% nationally only 7% of single-par- and welfare recoupment. In 1992, ent, welfare families are able to the state "profit" from the child 10.1% leave aid and obtain support; and support program was under $100 in California, only 3% can.' If million. Today it is nearly $140 child support performance does million, an increase of over 40% not improve dramatically over the and three times larger than the 0% next several years, almost every next largest "profit" state. This United States California single-parent family reaching the profit has not been put to work for end of welfare will not have children. received assistance from either the Finally, in light of welfare 1996 Families Leaving Welfare with noncustodial parent or the state reform and time-limited welfare Child Support Collections child support system. benefits, a critical measurement is 25% 6.7% 3.0% 0% United States California 8 BEST COPY AVAILA: County Child Support Collection Data Understanding the child in all likelihood also overstate the performance of the state and support performance of the 58 counties requires analysis of key the counties. The failure of SACSS child support data that district caused additional data problems attorneys are required to report to this year. For the 23 counties that DSS.9Unfortunately, despite the operated on the SACSS system, clear requirement to report accu- rate data, the information is often there is very little available infor- less than completely reliable. A mation. It is possible, however, to develop an understanding of some federal audit discovered "signifi- important aspects of county child cant errors" in the data reported support performance through by California and its counties." It is important to note that almost selected data elements. In some cases, the data from the 23 every error discovered by the fed- SACSS counties are sufficiently eral auditors resulted in an over- statement of California's child reliable to use; in other cases, data from the previous year were ana- support performance. Therefore, the data analyzed for this report lyzed for the SACSS counties. 9

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