DOCUMENT RESUME JC 980 287 ED 420 340 Senate Rostrum: The Newsletter of the Academic Senate for TITLE California Community Colleges, 1996. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, INSTITUTION Sacramento. 1996-00-00 PUB DATE NOTE 42p. Descriptive Reports Collected Works Serials (022) PUB TYPE (141) Senate Rostrum: The Newsletter of the Academic Senate for JOURNAL CIT California Community Colleges; Nov 1995-Oct 1996 EDRS'PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. Affirmative Action; *College Governing Councils; *Community DESCRIPTORS Colleges; Curriculum Development; *Educational Legislation; Educational Policy; Faculty Development; Governing Boards; *Newsletters; Policy Analysis; Policy Formation; Program Implementation; Service Learning; Two Year Colleges Academic Senate for California Community Colleges IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This document consists of four issues (a year's worth:Nov 1995; Jan,Mar,Oct 1996) of a newsletter devoted to issues of importance regarding community college education and provides updates on activities and policies of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. The November 1995 issue highlights affirmative action and offers a legislative update, disciplines review, and articles on the implementation of cross-enrollment initiative SB 1914 and service learning. The January 1996 issue focuses on common course numbering, the curriculum colloquium, highlights from the fall 1995 Senate Session, and the California State University remediation proposal. The March 1996 issue highlights workforce development and provides a legislative update as well as articles on technology issues, the search for the new chancellor, and faculty development. The October 1996 issue focuses on the 1996 Fall Plenary Session, the Camarena settlement, accountability curriculum, vocational education, and affirmative action. Each issue also includes a message from the Senate President. (YKH) ******************************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ******************************************************************************** Senate Rostrum: O O N The Newsletter of the Academic Senate for California Community Collages November 1995 January 1996 March 1996 October 1996 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to R. M. Silverman improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 1 November 1995 =Rostrum 2 President's Message 6 Legislative Update 9 SB 1914 The Newsletter of the Academic Senate Service 10 Learning for California Community Colleges 12 Disciplines Review Affirmative action under review: System evaluates legality of regulations Legislature reconvenes in presented their viewpoints and + by January. disagreements with the findings Beverly In the meantime, a northern in the review. Faculty are consortium of faculty from the encouraged to read the review Shue Bay Area and Sacramento have and voice their thoughts on the been organized and are mobi- conclusions. lized, ready to serve as resource As a result of the "legal speakers to dispel misinforma- review," a writing team of tion about affirmative action. A representatives from the similar group in Southern Califor- consultation process are On June 1, 1995 Gov. nia is being organized. Any working with Chancellor's staff Wilson issued Executive faculty interested in participating to determine the need to Order W-124-95 which either in the North or South can change current affirmative embraces zero tolerance for contact me at the address below. action regulations. Thus far the discrimination and calls for the At the Fall session the Affir- group has been very vocal elimination of all state prefer- mative Action/Cultural Diversity about changing as little as ential treatment programs (AACD) Committee will present possible without undisputable based on race or gender that breakouts on Reasonable proof that the regulations are in exceed federal statutory or Accommodations for DSPS violation of current law. The regulatory, or state statutory students and programs, and writing team consists on requirements. He requested presenting accurate representatives from that the California Community information about the Academic Colleges take all necessary affirmative action. Senate, CFT, action to comply with this The information affirmative action Executive Order. gained will be used to officers and stu- The Chancellor's Office write a position paper dents. A breakout prepared a report "Legal supporting equal opportunity for will be offered at the Fall Review of Affirmative Action all students and affirmative session on the progress of this Programs" in which three action in all aspects of the team in order to receive areas were analyzed, Com- college community. direction from the field. munity College Contracting by These comments can be There are several anti- Districts, Faculty and Staff forwarded to the AACD Commit- affirmative initiatives and Diversity Programs, and tee of the Academic Senate, or legislative bills that were either Programs for Specialized you can e-mail me at: circulating for signatures to Student Populations. The [email protected]. qualify the issues on the ballot September Board of Gover- My mailing address is: or were introduced in the nors meeting included public Los Angeles Harbor College Legislature. All of the bills testimony on the legal inter- 1111 Figueroa Pl., were defeated, but some could pretations made in the legal Wilmington, CA 90744. be reactivated when the review, and many groups 3 President's Report Janis Perry Tremors subside after initial shaky start for new consultation process After many concerns were Institutional If it is considered an academic raised by the Academic Representatives and professional matter, the Senate and other community 2 CEOs Academic Senate will take the college orgaizations, the 2 Academic Senate lead, involving whatever other system Consultation Process 2 Student Senate groups necessary, especially underwent review and revision 1 CBO other faculty organizations. during the 94-95 year. The 1 CSSO This process is still different "Consultation Review Group" 1 CIO from the powers for local consisted of two members Organizational senates because the Chancel- from each of the standing Representatives lor still reserves the right to consultation councils, CEO's, 1 FACCC make a different recommen- Academic Senate, CIO's, 1 CCA/CTA dation to the BOG, but he CBO's, CSSO's, Student 1 CCC/CFT must first give his reasons for Senate, and the Council of 1 CCCI making a different recommen- Organizations. This group 1 Cal SACC dation to the Consultation then identified a smaller 1 CCCT Council. writing team to identify models 1 CEOCCC Interestingly enough, it was that reflected the discussions 1 ACCCA the Board of Governors who of the group. The writing The faculty made great first operated outside of the team members were repre- strides in strengthening their Consultation Process it sentatives from the Academic role in the Consultation Pro- approved in July. During the Senate, FACCC, CCLC, cess by having identified in the month of August, the BOG students, and Chancellor's policy the primary reliance on announced they had a draft of staff. As a result of the work the Academic Senate on a new Basic Agenda and of both of these groups, a new academic and professional would be meeting with trustee model for the Constultation matters, and the appointing representatives for input and Process was recommended. authority for faculty representa- then putting the document on The new Consultation Pro- tion on those issues. Believe it the Sepetember BOG meeting cess was approved by the or not, those concepts were agenda for first reading. Board of Governor's at the not identified in the old pro- Since the Basic Agenda has July '95 meeting. cess. What this means is traditionally been the major The Consultation Process when an issue is entered into policy directing document for now involves only one consul- consultation, it will be deter- the system, the Executive tation council, chaired by mined by the Council which Committee argued that it must Chancellor Mertes, which has groups should take the lead on be subjected to consultation the following representation: the development of the issue. (See President's Report, page 3) The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Janis Perry, President; Bill Scroggins, Vice President; Beverly Shue, Secretary; Jean Montenegro, Treasurer; Regina Stanback-Stroud, Past-President The Rostrum, November 1995. The Rostrum is a publications of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, 1107 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. The Rostrum is distributed to all faculty through college academic senate presidents and by individual mailing. Letters and unsolicited articles by faculty members are invited. For deadline information, call (916) 445-4753. Editor: Sherilyn Warner Chow. 2 SenateRostrum President's Report lost its "political value" and is All of the issues currently in (Continued from page 2) now in the consultation pro- consultation will be presented before going public. (Sources cess being worked on by a at the Fall Session to seek said that it was part of the small writing team of faculty, further direction from the political campaign agenda for student, and CEO/trustee body. one BOG member, and that representatives. The work An additional positive was was the reason for the rush.) thus far will be presented at the "first annual" Executive After numerous requests to the Fall Session for input and Committee/Chancellor's staff and individual BOG direction from the body. Cabinet Retreat. Members of members to hold off until Since the initial shaky start, the Executive Committee and consultation took place, the the Consultation Process has the Vice Chancellors and draft still appeared on the continued to be tested and Chancellor met on Friday, It did appear at the agenda. clarified, yet is experiencing a Oct. 13 to share goals and first Consultation Council lot of positives. As we deal priorities. The purpose was to meeting, but it was after the with issues such as the CSU identify common priorities and fact, so the other faculty Remedial Proposal, Affirmative activities. We will continue to organizations joined with the Action Regulations Review, work closely with the Academic Senate in giving a The Basic Agenda, Workforce Chancellor's staff on curricu- public admonishment to BOG Training, and on-going legisla- lum issues and distance at their meeting. As a result of tive and budget issues, the education, workforce develop- all of this activity, the Basic Academic Senate remains a ment issues, and affirmative Agenda draft appears to have strong influence on the issues. action/faculty diversity issues. Technology Committee looks to the future by Ric Matthews have a mechanism where all of the campuses in The Technology Committee of the Academic the system could easily exchange voice, video and data. A similar discussion is occurring with Senate is starting its first full year of operation. a proposal named the Community College We have established several goals for ourselves where there is interest that include assisting all local senates in gaining Instructional Network and regularly using Infonet. Infonet is the in developing a single major studio for develop- current bulletin board system available as a ing instructional media and being able to upload such programming to satellites. The proposal communication vehicle for the Academic Sen- ate. There are areas on the service of Senate includes strategies to obtain satellite download immediate information, for legislative equipment for each campus. Alert! issues and for committee reports. The commit- The Academic Senate is fortunate to have a commitment by Mira Costa College to help in the tee is investigating other possible vehicles that development of a homepage. If you have might be able to increase our access and access to a World Wide Web provider, enter the information exchange. following address for a visit to this evolving Other projects that we are involved in are the formation of a Statewide Strategic Master Plan resource: for Telecommunications. This task force is Let us know what you think. Please contact coordinated out of the Chancellor's Office. Its Ric Matthews at (619) 536-7366 if you need goal is to identify the needs of the field systemwide, and to make recommendations as assistance. to the best hardware solution. The goal is to 1995 November 3 Are prerequisities that hard to establish? used to display this compari- necessity of the prerequisite, by son. 2) the faculty member's Bill Content review is sufficient appraisal of the students' Scroggins justification for all advisories. readiness, and/or 3) grades, It is also enough to justify either at midterm or final. prerequisites in a sequence in Assessment results can a subject matter area, such as be used either as a prerequi- An. English 1A for English 1B. In site or for advisory placement. _ Prerequisite regulations vocational areas, content Since 1990, the use of were changed in both 1990 review justifies prerequisites assessment must: 1) if based and 1993. Keeping up with even in other disciplines, such on a test, use one which is these changes has been a as Welding 1 for Automotive 1. either on the Chancellor's challenge. Many just dropped An out-of-discipline prereq- Office list or is locally vali- prerequisites altogether. This uisite can be established by dated, 2) if based on a test, article is a pitch to those of finding an equivalent prereq- locally validate cut-off scores, you with curriculum responsi- uisite at 3 UC and/or CSU 3) use multiple measures, and bilities to redouble your efforts campuses. Establishing this 4) study disproportionate to put prerequisites in place in prerequisite can be as simple impact on historically under- a manner which both follows as providing copies of the UC/ represented groups, and, if the regs and is meaningful for CSU catalog descriptions, for found, develop a plan to your college. For those of both the target and prerequi- address the problem. If these you who have everything in site courses, along with the steps are in place, assess- place, bravo! Others, read content review. This justifica- ment may be used as a on! tion is sufficient for all but math prerequisite. For example, Evaluation of prerequisites and English prerequisites for students may qualify for falls into three categories, courses in other disciplines. English 1A by taking "Subject called levels of scrutiny. 1) For example, UC/CSU equiva- A" or meeting a cut-off score content review, 2) equivalent lency could be used for on a test combined with a prerequisites at UC/CSU, and Chemistry 1A as a prerequisite secondary measure such as a 3) data collection and analy- for Biology 1A. However, for a minimum workload. The sis. prerequisite such as English catalog description for English Content review involves 1A for History 1A or Math 1A 1A would read, "Prerequisite: assessing the material used for Physics 1 A the highest Subject A' or appropriate skill to teach the course and level of scrutiny is required: a level demonstrated through deciding on a list of skills research study. the English assessment Data collection and without which students would process." be highly unlikely to succeed. analysis is required, along Scrutiny of prerequisites Next, identify how students with content review, for follows a definite timeline. would acquire those skills, communication and computa- Those in place before July usually through a course, but tion skills courses (English and 1990 which are still legal may perhaps involving other math) used as prerequisites to remain in force until reviewed, factors such as how recently courses outside the English but the review must occur the course was taken. These and math sequences and for before July 2000. Those can be documented by non-course prerequisites such approved after July 1990 including a "prerequisite skills" as recency. The analysis must have already been section in the course outline. determines the relationship reviewed or they cannot be Finally, student outcomes of between student success and enforced or printed in the the prerequisite course are whether or not the student met catalog. Prerequisites should shown to match those skills the prerequisite, using stan- be reviewed periodically without which students would dard research methods. thereafter, recommended to be highly unlikely to succeed. "Success" is specified as: 1) be every six years. Commonly, a simple grid is students' belief about the (See Prerequisites, page 5) 0 4 SenateRostrum Prerequisites is done and other courses or by non-evaluative methods (Continued from page 4) sections are available to meet such as first-come-first-serve, any degree or certificate lottery, or waiting list. If a prerequisite is estab- requirements. Students may Health and safety prereq- lished for one course in a be block enrolled by doing a uisites use content review to program, it can be used as a content review and assuring identify skills students should program prerequisite for that other courses or sections possess to avoid harm to entry into the entire program. are available to meet any themselves or others. For For example, Anatomy 1 can degree or certificate require- example, a nurse must have a be used as a prerequisite to ments. definite set of skills to enter a enroll in the Nursing program Finally, legal or contrac- clinical situation, including if content review demon- tual constraints may require math ability sufficient to strates that it is needed for prerequisites. For example, compute dosages. That set of any course in the program. enrollees in an advanced fire skills might be taught in a class Many programs use GPA as fighting course might need a such as "Math for Meds" which an enrollment criterion, really state certificate or students would then be a health and a non-course prerequisite entering a hospital clinical safety prerequisite for enroll- which requires data collection situation might need CPR ment in the Nursing program. and analysis. Such a study certification. In these situa- Health and safety is an impor- might take the form of a "look tions, the Board of Trustees tant consideration in science back" showing that previous acknowledges such prerequi- labs and vocational shops as students with low GPAs did sites when establishing the well. poorly in the program. Or it program or entering into the Performance courses may might necessitate studying contract. have limitations on enrollment, students who will be admitted This article has provided such as drama or athletic team with GPAs less than the only a brief overview of try-outs, if other courses are standard and following their prerequisites. As questions available to meet any degree performance. Prerequisites arise during implementation at or certificate requirements and are NOT a method of reduc- your college, feel free to disproportionate impact is ing the number of applicants checked. Honors courses or contact the Academic Senate to fit the seats available in the state office for assistance. sections can be established program. Prerequisites with limitations on enrollment establish a qualified pool from provided that a content review which enrollees are selected Vocational Education Committee update Faculty Leadership Seminars this year. Mark by Evelyn "Sam" Weiss your calendars now. The southern seminar will be held March 8-9, 1996 and the northern The Vocational Education Committee has seminar will be March 21-22, 1996. Feedback several projects in the works. Changes in the from last year's seminar was very positive. way vocational programs are funded are We are looking forward to increasing faculty being discussed in both Washington and Sacramento. The committee has been asked participation. The Regional Consortia have started to develop a paper to serve as the basis for meeting. The steering committee of each developing a Senate position on the increas- should have at least one faculty member ing role of the State Job Training Coordinating responsible for informing the local Senates of Committee in funding decisions. In addition activities of the consortia. The Vocational the committee, in conjunction with the Cur- Faculty Leadership Seminars are funded riculum Committee, will be developing "Stan- through the Regional Consortia, in this case dards of Good Practice for New Program the Bay Area Consortium. Other statewide Development." activities are funded by other consortia. Plans are underway to have two Vocational 1995 November 5 7 Legislative update Marie McCarthy, Executive AB 444 (Archie-Hudson) .1. by Committee, College of Marin Charter Colleges Lee Lucy Sponsler, Las Positas Establishes a procedure for Haggerty College the establishment of charter John Suter, Sacramento colleges, if approves by the City College Board of Governors and a majority of a campus' faculty, The current Legislature is in which would receive public recess and will return to funding but would not be The Academic Senate for Sacramento on Jan. 3, 1996. subject to laws governing California Community At that time, the members of community college districts. College's Legislative Commit- the Legislative Committee will AB 445 (Archie-Hudson) tee was designed to review once again walk the halls of Joint Baccalaureate and analyze legislation that the State Legislature, meeting Program affects community colleges with legislators and their aides, Authorizes each community and make recommendations while representing the faculty college district to enter into to the President of the Aca- and students of the California any agreement with one or demic Senate and the Execu- community colleges. more CSU campus to offer tive Committee. The Legisla- The two-year session of the upper division undergraduate tive Committee also serves as Legislature means that many courses and to confer the a resource to inform and of the issues and bills dis- baccalaureate degree jointly educate legislators, while cussed this year will return at a community college making system-wide policy next year. We must continue campus. development recommenda- to focus on and oppose the AB 649 (Davis) tions. Members of the efforts of the Legislature to Student Competency Legislative Committee will eliminate affirmative action Testing track legislation and, based on programs and repeal tenure, Requires the CSU, UC and resolutions passed at previous as well as maintain our vigi- CCC to develop a test to plenary sessions and input lance on the Constitutional determine whether a student from faculty organizations, Review and Educational Code has the ability to perform influence the outcome of that revision processes that are mathematics and English at a legislation. underway. basic postsecondary level. The following is a list of the In the meantime, the AB 726 (Baldwin) faculty members and the Legislative Committee believes Charter College student who are your repre- the following priority list of bills Expresses legislative intent sentatives on the Legislative are crucial and warrant your to establish a procedure Committee. You may contact immediate attention: whereby community colleges these individuals to obtain AB 825 (Ducheny/Firestone) may operate independently information concerning Proposition 98 Split from the existing community specific bills: Includes $476 million to college structure upon a partially compensate for the petition signed by not less Lee Haggerty, Chair, 1994-95 shortfall..., 3.07% than 10% of the faculty. Executive Committee, COLA, and additional funding AB 978 (Thompson) Saddleback College for instruction equipment Education Code Revision Salvador Aceves, Napa replacement and other one- Commission College time expenses. Amendments removed Donna Babao, Yuba SB 347 (Campbell) repeal the Education Code College Student Residency and language establishes Barbara Davis-Lyman, Prohibits any person from criteria for future Education Sacramento City College establishing residency in Code statutes, including Thad Lunceford, Student California for the purpose of academic performance Body President, Cuyamaca paying in-state tuition unless (See Legislative, page 7) College he or she is a U.S. citizen. fl 6 SenateRostrum Legislative private appearances or professional field. Minimum (Continued from page 6) statements, urging the enrollment fees would be passage or defeat of any standards and accountability required. AB 1593 (Brewer) provisions. Amendments ballot issue. SB 450 (Solis) Community College establish a commission Common Course Investment Fund appointed by the Governor Numbering for Innovation and the Legislature to review Encourages the Board of the Education Code and make Creates the Community Governors, after consultation, Colleges Investment Fund For recommendations for revi- to develop, maintain and Innovation, to be administered sions. AB 979 (Thompson) disseminate a general com- by the Board of Governors, for Faculty Tenure the primary purpose of stimu- mon course numbering system for use by community lating instructional innovations As amended, reforms K-12 college districts. and paying for the professional faculty tenure (at present, AB 81 (Napolitano) development of faculty in community colleges not Intimidation of Undocu- learning new instructional included) and establishes mented Immigrants approaches for diverse student requirements for probationary Provides that all persons periods, peer evaluations and populations. AB 557 (Ducheny) within the state have the right professional growth. The bill Private Industry Council to be free from criminal also allows K-12 districts the Job Training intimidation on the basis of option of renewing a creden- their citizenship or legal Establishes, until Jan. 1, tial based on a faculty 1999, the Employment Re- member's teaching perfor- residency. This list of bills should by training and Economic Conver- mance and compliance with no means be seen as a sion Programs as a pilot these requirements. comprehensive list that faculty AB 1433 (Firestone) program to be implemented by Postsecondary Education should concentrate on, but private industry councils. The Code Revisions instead should serve as a program's purpose would be to priority list that will be updated permit PICs to distribute grants States legislative intent to and expanded as required. to employers on a dollar-for- enact a revised The Legislative Committee will dollar matching basis for Postsecondary Education continue to track this legisla- retraining employees and Code during the 1995-96 tion and ask you to invite your converting their business to legislative session. locally elected officials to your SB 400 (Haynes) other types of work. Faculty Evaluations for AB 1699 (Knox) campuses, so they are made State Job Training Council English Fluency more aware of the status and needs of our institutions. Requires the State Job Requires public higher Also, it is recommended Training Council, in conjunc- education institutions to that you consider holding tion with the Community evaluate its institutional faculty candidates forums on your College Board of Governors, to for oral and written fluency in submit a written plan to the campuses and invite the the English language, and candidates running for offices Legislature that makes specific requires each institution to recommendations with respect so that you may interview annually file a certificate of to meeting both the employ- them and determine which compliance to the California one will best serve as a friend ment needs of students and Postsecondary Education the labor needs of business in to community colleges. Commission. If you should want to SB 980 (Solis) emerging industries. SB 82 (Kopp) Open Enrollment for become involved in any of the Restrictions on Supporting Community College Faculty above mentioned activities or Opposing Initiatives and need assistance or have Permits any community questions, then please feel Repeals the provisions college faculty member to free to contact the Legislative allowing governing boards to enroll, without formal admis- Committee Chair or the sions, in a maximum of one prepare or disseminate Academic Senate Office. graduate course in his or her information, or make public or 9 1995 November 7 September Vision Conference a success by ment a broad-based facilitated equipment which made it Edith conference to shape a vision possible for attendees to view Conn of the community college of ideas and documents on a the future and to generate large, theater-size screen as suggestions as to how that they were formulated. In vision could be realized." addition, Jo Sumner, Presi- All persons involved with the dent of 4CSD, enabled conference contributed to its attendees to immediately view The Senate-FACCC Vision success. Susan Clifford and ideas on the big screen Conference held at DeAnza John Jacobs from Pasadena through the translation of College on Sept. 8-9, 1995 City College implemented a voices to computer memory. was very successful, primarily "Charette" process that was Perhaps one of the most due to expert leadership at used at the conference, and important outcomes of the the event, a wonderful envi- Mike McHargue served as event was a preliminary ronment and a miracle worker facilitator. Carla Lehn from statement toward a "Faculty on-site host. In addition, the FACCC served as staff during Vision," which all participants use of technology gave the event. took home with them. This attendees a "product" to take Technology used during the document is expected to be home with them. conference seemed to fit the discussed for possible adop- The idea for the conference theme of looking toward the tion at the Fall 1995 Senate was based on a Fall '94 future. A representative from session. resolution that directed the Apple Computer brought Senate to "plan and imple- Board of Governors Faculty Member `Grade' Expectations Nominations by Helen Tina Feiger, Santa Monica College Each year the Academic Senate nominates faculty for There's a moment in the semester in the times of students, a seat on the Board of one filled with expectations uncertainty and with ever so much hope. Governors. Any college or district Senate may nominate As each student hands in that last paper, or that final exam, one faculty member. Within our community college "Will you...? Will I...? system, we have many Is it possible?" Did I...? faculty members who could are the unanswerable questions. be excellent Board members. Submit your nominee as And that quiet moment is often broken. soon as possible. The "Thank you so much, it has been a great class," deadline is Oct. 31 for the student says nominations to be received in still hopeful the Senate office. 8 SenateRostrum 10