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ERIC ED416083: Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (21st, Lahti, Finland, July 14-19, 1997). Volume 2. PDF

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DOCUMENT RESUME SE 061 120 ED 416 083 Pehkonen, Erkki, Ed. AUTHOR Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for TITLE the Psychology of Mathematics Education (21st, Lahti, Finland, July 14-19, 1997). Volume 2. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics INSTITUTION Education. ISSN-0771-100X ISSN 1997-00-00 PUB DATE 337p.; For Volumes 1-4, see SE 061 119-122. NOTE Proceedings (021) Collected Works PUB TYPE MF01/PC14 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Communications; *Educational Change; *Educational DESCRIPTORS Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; *Mathematical Concepts; Mathematics Achievement; *Mathematics Education; Mathematics Skills; Number Concepts *Psychology of Mathematics Education IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT The second volume of the proceedings of 21st annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education "The Dilemma of Transparency: Seeing and contains the following papers: (1) Seeing through Talk in the Mathematics Classroom" (J. Adler); (2) (D. Aharoni and U. Leron); "Abstraction is Hard in Computer-Science Too" (3) "Effective (J. Ainley); "Constructing Purpose in Mathematical Activity" (4) Teachers of Numeracy in UK Primary Schools: Teachers' Beliefs, Practices and (M. Askew, M. Brown, V. Rhodes, D. Wiliam and D. Johnson); Pupils' Learning" (R. R. Baldino, A. Buttner "Can the Average Student Learn Analysis?" (5) "Cognitive Units, Connections and Ciani and A. Carolina Leal); (6) "Subjective Elements in (T. Barnard and D. Tall); Mathematical Proof" (7) Children's Comparison of Probabilities" (M.J. Canizares, C. Batanero, L. "Reunitizing Hundredths: Prototypic and Serrano and J.J. Ortiz); (8) Nonprototypic Representations" (A.R. Baturo, and J. Cooper); "Students' (9) Perceptions of the Purposes of Mathematical Activities" (A. Bell, R. "Stereotypes of Literal Symbol Use Phillips, A. Shannon, and M. Swan); (10) "Approaching Theoretical Knowledge in Senior School Algebra" (L. Bills); (11) through Voices and Echoes: A Vygotskian Perspective" (P. Boero, B. Pedemonte, "The Transition from Arithmetic To Algebra: Initial and E. Robotti); (12) Understanding of Equals, Operations and Variable" (T.J. Cooper, G. M. Boulton-Lewis, B. Atweh, H. Pillay, L. Wilss & S. Y. Mutch); (13) "Exploring "Teachers' Framework for Imagery in P, M and E" (C. Breen); (14) Understanding Children's Mathematical Thinking" (G.W. Bright, A.H. Bowman and "The Story of Sarah: Seeing the General in the Particular?" N.N. Vacc); (15) (16) "Effective Teachers of Numeracy in UK Primary (L. Brown, and A. Coles); (M. Brown, M. School: Teachers' Content Knowledge and Pupils' Learning" "Metaphorical Thinking and Askew, V. Rhodes, D. Wiliam and D. Johnson); (17) Applied Problem Solving: Implications for Mathematics Learning" (S. (18) "Algebra as Language in Use: A Study with 11-12 Year Olds Carreira); "Emergence of Novel Problem using Graphic Calculators" (T.E.A. Cedillo); (19) (20) "NESB Migrant Students Studying Solving Activity" (V. Cifarelli); Mathematics: Vietnamese Students in Melbourne and Sydney" (P.C. Clarkson and L. Dawe); (21) "Young Children's Concepts of Shape" (D.H. Clements, J. Sarama Multi-page SFR--- Level =l +++++ +++++ ED416083 Has Distributed Theories of (22) "Learning from and S. Swaminathan); Indonesian Student Teacher (23) "Australian and Intelligence" (P. Cobb); Conroy Classic Ratio Task" (J. and Performance on a Beliefs about Mathematics Cognitive Arithmetic To Algebra: A "The Transition from (24) and B. Perry); Wilss Atweh, H. Pillay, L. Boulton-Lewis, T.J. Cooper, B. Perspective" (G.M. An Example Intelligent Tutoring Systems: (25) "A New Approach for and Mutch); (26) "Early Cuevas); Activities" (G. Bueno and C.A. for Statistical Children: The Representation Among 6-13 year-old Development of Algebraic and F. Jorge-Tarcisio Da Contract" (L.A.P. Brito Importance of Didactic Problem-Solving" (V.A. in Mathematical (27) "The Affective Domain Rocha); Context: The Use of a (28) "Creating a Shared DeBellis and G.A. Goldin); K. McClain, and Development Course" (H.M. Doerr, Multimedia Case in a Teacher Students' Frame To Interpret "Triple Approach: A Theoretical J. Bowers); (29) (30) "When Does a Way of Drouhard and C. Sackur); Activity in Algebra" (T.-P (31) "Development (J. Duff in and A. Simpson); Working Become a Methodology" English); (32) "A Close Look Problem Posing" (L.D. of Seventh-Grade Students' (R. in Teacher Education" Mathematics-Classroom-Situation Cases at the Use of Algebraic Strategies in Advanced (33) "Action-Based Even and Z. Markovits); Combinatorial "Tacit Mechanism of Ferrari); (34) Problem Solving" (P.L. (35) "Shadows on Proof" (F. and A. Grossman); Intuitions" (E. Fischbein Lines--What is the Problem? (36) "Perpendicular Furinghetti and D. Paola); Cope with Students' of Knowledge on How To Pre-service Teachers' Lack Schemata in (37) "Actions and Invariant Vinner); Difficulties" (H. Gal & S. and A. Martinon); (38) "A Problems" (J.A. Garcia-Cruz Linear Generalizing Study" (R. Garuti); Historical Dialogue: A Case Classroom Discussion and an Developing a Critical Social Social Structure in (39) "The Importance of in (40) "Meaning of Proofs Education" (P. Gates); Psychology of Mathematics (41) "A Visual Godino and A.M. Recio); and Mathematics Education" (J.D. (F.V. Gomes and C. Study: Design and Analysis" Presentation of a Longitudinal (ASK) Hoyles). ******************************************************************************** made the best that can be Reproductions supplied by EDRS are from the original document. ******************************************************************************** Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education ERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND edited by DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL Erkki Pehkonen HAS BE N GRANTED Y THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement UCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as E received from the person or organization lginating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent July 14-19, 1997 official OERI position or policy. Lahti, Finland University of Helsinki Volume 2 Lahti Research and Training Centre 1997 EST COPY AVMLABLE 2 21st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education University of Helsinki Lahti Research and Trainin Centre BEST COPY AVAILABLE Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 2 Editor. Erkki Pehkonen Department of Teacher Education University of Helsinki P.O. Box 38 (Ratakatu 6A) FIN-00014 Helsinki Finland Fax: 358-9-191-8073 Email: EPehkonen @bulsa.helsinki.fi Copyright © 1997 left to the Authors All rights reserved ISSN 0771-100X Logo: The logo of the PME 21 Conference has been designed by Paivi Susiluoto. Printed by Gummerus Jyvaskyla, Finland 4 VOLUME 2 Table of contents Research Reports Adler ill 2-1 The dilemma of transparency: seeing and seeing through talk in the mathematics classroom Aharoni Dan & Leron Uri 2-9 Abstraction is hard in computer-science too 2-17 Ainley Janet Constructing purpose in mathematical activity Askew Mike, Brown Margaret, Rhodes Valerie, Wiliam Dylan & Johnson 2-25 David Effective teachers of numeracy in UK primary schools: teachers' beliefs, practices and pupils' learning Baldino Roberto Ribeiro, Ciani Andreia Batter & Leal Ana Carolina 2-33 Can the average student learn analysis? 2-41 Barnard Tony & Tall David Cognitive units, connections and mathematical proof Canizares M. Jesus, Batanero Carmen, Serrano Luis & Ortiz J. Jesus 2-49 Subjective elements in children's comparison of probabilities 2-57 Baturo Annette R. & Cooper Tom J. Reunitising hundredths: prototypic and non prototypic representations 2-65 Bell Alan, Phillips Richard, Shannon Ann & Swan Malcolm Students' perceptions of the purposes of mathematical activities 2-73 Bills Liz Stereotypes of literal symbol use in senior school algebra 2-81 Boero Paolo, Pedemonte Bettina & Robotti Elisabetta Approaching theoretical knowledge through voices and echoes: a Vygotskian perspective Cooper T.J., Boulton-Lewis G. M., Atweh B., Pillay H., Wilss L. & Mutch S. 2-89 The transition from arithmetic to algebra: initial understanding of equals, operations and variable 2-97 Breen Chris Exploring imagery in P, M and E Bright George W., Bowman Anita H. & Vacc Nancy Nesbitt 2-105 Teachers' framework for understanding children's mathematical thinking 2-113 Brown Laurinda & Coles Alf The story of Sarah: seeing the general in the particular? Brown Margaret, Askew Mike, Rhodes Valerie, Wiliam Dylan & Johnson 2-121 David Effective teachers of numeracy in UK primary school: teachers' content knowledge and pupils' learning 2-129 Carreira Susana Metaphorical thinking and applied problem solving: implications for mathematics learning 1 Cedillo Tenoch E. Avalos 2437 Algebra as language in use: a study with 11-12 year olds using graphic calculators Cifarelli Victor 2-145 Emergence of novel problem solving activity Clarkson Philip C. & Dawe Lloyd 2-153 NESB migrant students studying mathematics: Vietnamese students in Melbourne and Sydney Clements Douglas H., Sarama Julie & Swaminathan Sudha 2-161 Young children's concepts of shape Cobb Paul 2-169 Learning from distributed theories of intelligence Conroy John & Perry Bob 2-177 Australian and Indonesian student teacher beliefs about mathematics and performance on a classic ratio task Boulton-Lewis G.M., Cooper T. J., Atweh B., Pillay H., Wilss L. & Mutch S. 2-185 The transition from arithmetic to algebra: a cognitive perspective Bueno Graciela & Cuevas Carlos A. 2-193 A new approach for intelligent tutoring systems: an example for statistical activities Brito Lima Anna Paula & Da Rocha Falcao Jorge Tarcisio 2-201 Early development of algebraic representation among 6-13 year-old children: the importance of didactic contract DeBellis Valerie A. & Goldin Gerald A. 2-209 The affective domain in mathematical problem-solving Doerr Helen M., McClain Kay & Bowers Janet 2-217 Creating a shared context: the use of a multimedia case in a teacher development course Drouhard Jean - Philippe & Sackur Catherine 2-225 Triple approach: a theoretical frame to interpret students' activity in algebra Duffin Janet & Simpson Adrian 2-233 When does a way of working become a methodology? English Lyn D. 2-241 Development of seventh-grade students' problem posing Even Ruhama & Markovits Zvia 2-249 A close look at the use of mathematics-classroom-situation cases in teacher education Ferrari Pier Luigi 2-257 Action-based strategies in advanced algebraic problem solving Fischbein Efraim & Grossman Aline 2-265 Tacit mechanism of combitonatorial intuitions Furinghetti Fulvia & Paola Domingo 2-273 Shadows on proof Gal Hagar & Vinner Shlomo 2-281 Perpendicular lines what is the problem? Garcia-Cruz, Juan Antonio & Martinon Antonio 2-289 Actions and invariant schemata in linear generalising problems Garuti Rossella 2-297 A classroom discussion and an historical dialogue: a case study 2-iv 2-305 Gates Peter The importance of social structure in developing a critical social psychology of mathematics education 2-313 Godino Juan D. & Recio Angel M. Meaning of proofs in mathematics education 2-321 Gomes Ferreira Veronica & Hoyles Celia A visual presentation of a longitudinal study: design and analysis BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2-v RESEARCH REPORTS 8 THE DILEMMA OF TRANSPARENCY: SEEING AND SEEING THROUGH TALK IN THE MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM Jill Adler, Witwatersrand University In this paper, talk is understood as a tool and resource for mathematical learning in school. As a resource it needs to be seen (be visible) to be used, and as a tool it needs to be seen through Ito be invisible) to provide access to mathematical learning. This paper argues that the dual function of visibility and invisibility of talk in mathematics classrooms creates dilemmas for teachers. An analytic narrative vignette drawn from a secondary mathematics classroom in South Africa illustrates the 'dilemma of transparency' that mathematics teachers face, particularly if they are teaching multilingual classes. INTRODUCTION The paper draws from a study of South African secondary mathematics teachers' knowledge of their practices in their multilingual classrooms (Adler, 1996a). In initial interviews, English-speaking teachers whose 'whites only' classrooms had recently and rapidly become racially integrated argued the benefit to all learners of explicit mathematics language teaching (Adler, 1995). This implies that language itself, and particularly talk, becomes the object of attention in the mathematics class and a resource in the teaching- learning process. Now that their classes included pupils whose main language was not English, it became obvious to these teachers that they needed to be more explicit about instructions for tasks, as well as mathematical terms and the expression of ideas. In follow-up workshops in the study, Helen specifically problematised the issue of explicit language teaching. She has tried to develop mathematical language teaching as part of her practice in her multilingual classroom. However, as she sees and reflects on her teaching she begins to question what this means in practice and whether and how explicit is mathematics language teaching actually helps. And we are alerted to a dilemma: There always the problem in explicit language teaching of 'going on too long', of focusing too much on what is said and how it is said. Yet explicit mathematics language teaching appears to be a primary condition for access to mathematics, particularly for those pupils whose main language is not English or for those pupils less familiar with educated discourse. This paper argues that Lave and Wenger's idea that access to a practice requires its resources to be 'transparent', while not usually applied to language as a resource, nor to learning in school, is useful and illuminating here. Explicit mathematics language teaching, where teachers attend to pupils' verbal expressions as a public resource for whole class teaching, offers possibilities for enhancing access to mathematics, especially'in multilingual classrooms. However, such practices easily slip into possibilities for alienation through a shift of attention off the mathematical problem and onto language per se. Teachers' decision-making at critical moments, while always a reflection of both their personal identity and their teaching context, requires the ability to shift focus off and then back onto the mathematical problem. The challenge, of course, is when and how such shifts are best for whom and for what. These assertions will be instantiated and illuminated through an analytic narrative vignette (Erickson, 1986) based on an episode in Helen's multilingual Std 9 (Grade 11) trigonometry class. BEST COPY AVAILABLE

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