DOCUMENT RESUME SP 037 252 ED 406 360 Joyce, Mark L. AUTHOR The Development of Resource-Level Expertise and TITLE Competencies in Fields of Academic Endorsement. Concordia Coll., Ann Arbor, MI. INSTITUTION PUB DATE 97 NOTE 6p. Instructional Materials (For Classroom Use PUB TYPE Guides Learner) (051) MFO1 /PCO1 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Bachelors Degrees; College Students; *Degree DESCRIPTORS Requirements; Education Majors; Elementary Education; Higher Education; *Independent Study; Practicums; *Preservice Teacher Education; *Resource Materials; *Student Educational Objectives; *Teacher Competencies; Undergraduate Study *Concordia College MI IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This prospectus defines a senior project to be completed over three years in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor of arts degree in elementary education at Concordia College (Michigan). This senior project requires students to document (1) a achievement of four goals of a professional development plan: (2) resource-level desire and capacity for self-directed learning; expertise in two academic fields selected from elementary school (3) desire and capacity for ongoing professional growth curriculums; (4) and leadership in peer inservice or mentoring and development; settings. The prospectus sets objectives to be achieved: In the sophomore year the student must demonstrate ability to develop, initiate, continue, and expand professional conversations, including membership in professional organizations, participation in computer-mediated communication, and initiation of a pedagogical review of the literature in both selected academic fields. The junior year expands on these objectives and additionally requires participation in staff development seminars. The senior year objectives add design, delivery, and evaluation of a needs-based, peer-led inservice or mentoring program in each academic field. To assist the student in meeting these objectives, the prospectus lists questions and situations to be addressed in designing the development plan and also includes a list of assessment measures and indicators for each goal. (CH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** GOALS : EDU483 SENIOR PROJECT THE DIVISION OF TEACHER EDUCATION ELEMENTARY SENIOR PROJECT PROSPECTUS Using the Senior Project: Professional Development Plan, the student will THE develop and demonstrate: DEVELOPMENT GOAL 1 A desire and a capacity for (self-directed) learning both now and in the future; OF GOAL 2 RESOURCE-LEVEL Resource-level expertise (knowledge, insight, fluency) in (two) academic (endorsement) fields selected from elementary school curriculums; EXPERTISE GOAL 3 A desire and capacity for ongoing professional growth and development; and COMPETENCIES GOAL 4 (pending) IN Resource-level competency (demonstrated through the ability to provide leadership in peer inservice or mentoring settings.) FIELDS OF ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT FACULTY CONTACT: DR. MARK L. JOYCE COORDINATOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CONCORDIA COLLEGE 4090 GEDDES ROAD ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48105-2750 EDU483 SENIOR PROJECT 313-995-7348 OFFICE: OF THE TO BE COMPLETED AS PARTIAL FULFILLMENT 313-995-7405 FAX: REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE E-MAIL: [email protected] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND ' Mice of Educational Research and Improvement interaction individualization interaction REVISION 6 2:18:97 DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION HA BE N GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) 3 This document has been reproduced 00 received from the person or organization originating it 3 Minor changes have been made to improvo reproduction Quality. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in thin deco.' 2 ment do not necessarily represent TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OERI position or policy. INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) ASSESSMENT MEASURES & INDICATORS EDU483 SENIOR PROJECT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION For successful completion of this Senior Documentation of Development Checklist Project, the student will document: GOALS 1 & 2 GOALS 1 & 2 passing scores on the Michigan Tests of passing scores on the Michigan Tests of Teacher Competency for endorsements Teacher Competency for endorsements in (two) academic fields; in (two) academic fields; a five-year review of the content & a five-year review of the content & pedagogical literature for each academic pedagogical literature for each academic endorsement field; endorsement field; a (three-year) record of memberships in a (three-year) record of memberships in professional organizations serving each professional organizations serving each academic endorsement field; academic endorsement field; a (three-year) record of e-mediate a (three-year) record of e-mediate activity through written compilations, activity through written compilations, profiles and evaluations of resources; profiles and evaluations of resources; a (three-year) record of conference a (three-year) record of conference participation related to academic participation related to (two) academic endorsement fields through a endorsement fields through a conference journal which includes: conference journal which includes: - descriptive paragraphs of sectionals - descriptive paragraphs of sectionals attended (taken from the conference attended (taken from the conference program) program) - reflective assessments of each of the - reflective assessments of each of the major sessions and sectionals attended; major sessions and sectionals attended; and and significant ideas or connections - significant ideas or connections derived from each session, if any. derived from each session, if any. GOALS 1 & 3 GOALS 1 & 3 Participation and learning derived from Participation and learning derived from peer-led inservice/mentoring peer-led inservice/mentoring programs; and programs; and a three-year, personalized extension of a three-year, personalized extension of the Professional Development Plan. the Professional Development Plan. GOAL 4 (pending) GOAL 4 (pending) Successful design, delivery & evaluation Successful design, delivery & evaluation of a needs-based, peer-led inservice or of a needs-based, peer-led inservice or mentoring program in each field. mentoring program in each field. interaction individualization interaction interaction individualization interaCtion 3 JUNIOR YEAR (both terms) SOPHOMORE YEAR (winter term) The foundations for Objective 1 are laid in Objective 1, both terms EDU333 Elementary Curriculum, the first Objective 2. Winter term (pending) required course in elementary education. OBJECTIVE 1 OBJECTIVE 1 The student will continue to develop and The student will develop and demonstrate the ability to initiate, continue, and expand pro- demonstrate the ability to initiate, continue, fessional conversations that are: and expand professional conversations through: im-mediate renewal of professional memberships; (direct interpersonal communication) participation in professional confer- Initiate memberships in the profes- ences related to specific academic * sional organizations of the selected endorsement fields and/or elementary academic endorsement fields; and education in general; participate in professional conferences participation in peer-led or professional inservice and/or mentoring programs. & inservice or mentoring programs. contributions as a novice resource-level e-mediate expert in professional studies and other (computer mediated communication) courses; Initiate participation and begin continued participation /documenta- annotated documentation of listserves, tion of e-mediate activity & resources; websites& other cybersources; continued development of (two) litera- (pending) using a personal homepage ture reviews. as a cyber-portfolio. am* mediated (print/nonprint, static/motion media) Begin development of a content and * pedagogical review of the literature in OBJECTIVE 2 (pending) both academic endorsement fields. The student will (prepare to) successfully design, deliver, & evaluate a needs-based, peer-led inservice or mentoring program in each academic endorsement field through: participation in the Senior Project Staff Development Seminars; cooperative development, administra- tion, and evaluation of a needs assess- ment of pre-professional peers; and the translation of the assessment find- THE TWO MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF THE ELEMENTARY SENIOR ings into a preliminary draft and calen- PROJECT ARE INTRODUCED IN THE SOPHOMORE & JUNIOR dar of Senior Inservice Programs. YEARS AND ASSESSED IN THE GRADUATION SEMESTER. 0000 00000000 00006000 interaction individualization interaction 4 SENIOR YEAR (professional semester) DESIGNING A PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF Register for one hour of EDU483 Senior RESOURCE-LEVEL EXPERTISE IN Project during your professional semester. TWO ACADEMIC ENDORSEMENT FIELDS The student will use the following checklist OBJECTIVE 1 to project a three-year professional devel- The student will: opment plan which specifically addresses continue to extend the personal, * the following questions/situations: professional development begun in What professional memberships and/ earlier years/semesters; or magazine subscriptions do you plan bring closure to both literature reviews; to continue/drop/add? Rationale. and What will be your strategies for keep- ing up with your professional reading? What professional conferences would you like to/ do you plan to attend? Project the conference of you first presentation and what your possible presentation topics might be. What strategies will you use to keep I worthwhile ideas, gleaned from conferences, alive when you get back to your in your school and classroom? What are your plans for using the Internet to share, maintain, and extend your level(s) of resource expertise? How will you keep your literature OBJECTWE 2 (pending) reviews current? The student will successfully design, deliver & evaluate a needs-based, peer-led What is your timeline for earning a inservice or mentoring program in each Master's degree? academic endorsement field. Present a three-year projection of your professional expenses budget including actual ( and/or researched) $ amounts. NON-INSERVICE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SENIOR PROJECT MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EVALUATION NO LATER THAN THE MIDTERM OF THE SEMESTER OF GRADUATION. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00006000 interaction individualization interaction The Development of Resource/Level Expertise & Competencies in Fields of Academic Endorsement Notes to readers of this document: The four, two-column pages were designed as the front & back side of a horizontal, 11x17 inch piece of paper, folded in fourths to make a brochure. The material will be most meaningful if the brochure is reconstructed using the following guidelines. When laid out for photocopying, the front and back sides of the master will have the following column headings: (front) GOALS: (COVER ASSESSMENT EDU483 EDU483... MEA... COLUMN) SENIOR PR... (back) DESIGNING SENIOR YEAR SOPHOMORE JUNIOR YEAR A... YEAR FOLDING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold the 11x17 inch sheet of paper in half, creating two 8.5x11 inch halves. Fold each end into the middle, creating four, 4.25x11 inch columns. The correctly folded brochure will have the "cover column" on the front and EDU483 SENIOR PROJECT on the back. As you open the brochure to read it, the logic of the layout and folding will become apparent. (Le E3::11C U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) REPRODUCTION RELEASE (Specific Document) I. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION: Title: T t= DeVst_c.p-y-t-eni-r- err Resoutc6..-Lzve-e- exec-R.7-n s-c- Co---01Tn./CiEs FIELAs O t>oRsE pk-cA jo\-1)C. Author(s): MPRK L. 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