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ERIC ED401390: Human Cognition and Information Processing: Potential Problems for a Field Dependent Human Sequential Information Processor. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED401390: Human Cognition and Information Processing: Potential Problems for a Field Dependent Human Sequential Information Processor.

DOCUMENT RESUME CE 072 872 ED 401 390 Shaughnessy, M.; And Others AUTHOR Human Cognition and Information Processing: Potential TITLE Problems for a Field Dependent Human Sequential Information Processor. PUB DATE 96 NOTE 5p. Reports Information Analyses (070) PUB TYPE Research /Technical (143) MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Adult Education; *Adult Learning; Career Choice; Case DESCRIPTORS Studies; *Cognitive Processes; Comparative Analysis; Field Dependence Independence; *Job Training; *Nuclear Power Plant Technicians; *Vocational Aptitude Luria (A R) IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT Numerous cognitive psychologists have validated the hypothesis, originally advanced by the Russian physician, A. Luria, that different individuals process information in two distinctly different manners: simultaneously and sequentially. The importance of recognizing the existence of these two distinct styles of processing information and selecting a career suitable to one's method of processing information is illustrated by the cases of two sequential information processors who participated in training programs for nuclear power plant operators. Although both men handled serially ordered tasks very well, neither was capable of comprehending the overall structure of related tasks. Because both training programs in which the men were involved were designed for simultaneous information processors, each man failed his respective training course. One of the men chose a new career that was suitable for sequential information processors and went on to become a respected contributor in reactor engineering for a nuclear steam supplier. The other man eventually managed to obtain certification as a nuclear powef plant operator by enrolling in a different training program; however, his inability to process information simultaneously eventually led to failure as a nuclear power plant operator and loss of his nuclear license. (Contains 11 references.) (MN) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.B. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ''PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Onto or Eduutional Research end imoromment MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER has 000n reproduCed as document Thie G Knob from the portion or Organisation eceived originating it Minor changes node been made to improve reprOduCtion Quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this doCtr mont INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." do not nocestanly represent offiCial OERI oosatIon or policy. HUMAN COGNITION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING: POTENTIAL PROBLEMS FOR A FIELD DEPENDENT HUMAN SEQUENTIAL INFORMATION PROCESSOR Bonney Knobel Ronald Knobel DR. M. Shaughnessy Eastern NMU Eastern NMU Eastern NMU 1623 S. Ave 0 1623 S. Ave 0 Education Department Portales, NM 88130 Portales, NM 88130 Portales, NM 88130 (505) 356-2885 (505) 356-2885 (505) 562-1011 years other investigators into SUMMARY human cognitive processes (Das, Kirby, & Jarman, 1975), (Kirby & The driving forces behind the Das, 1977), (Kamphaus & Kaufman, present day understanding of 1986) and others have verified, information processing strategies validated, and refined Luria's in humans have been the various model, forming a consensus and studies and resultant findings of acceptance in the community of Luria and Das. What is remarkable cognitive psychologists for the is that in all the literature existence of the two independent viewed, there has been consistent human information processing agreement amongst the theorists, strategies of sequential and experimentalists, and evaluators simultaneous. concerning the existence of certain common strategies (i.e., II. CASE STUDIES simultaneous, sequential, etc.) for information coding and processing. We would like to tell you about The Luria model, with few two students. One was a student (we exceptions, has stood the test of will call him Willie) in the Naval time and today still stands Nuclear Power program at a unchallenged as the most important prototype in the East. The other concept in understanding how humans (we will call him Max) was a code and process information. student in the Civilian Nuclear Power Program at a training center I.INTRODUCTION operated for a nuclear steam supplier (NSS). What Willie and Max Dr. A. Luria, practicing in a had in common, though the training clinic outside Moscow, observed environments were greatly that patients undergoing treatment dissimilar as was the nuclear power for brain lesions (most were war plants they were studying and hoped veterans with head injuries) to qualify on, was that they were processed information in two both sequential information distinctly different manners.Thus, processors and were strongly field Dr. Luria developed a model for dependent. They both "locked on" to human cognitive information processing. The model was used on a given stimulus (alarm, horn, alarm light, evolution, etc.). Any normal adults without known brain other stimuli that arrived at their lesions and the results indicated (-4 N that two factors existed which he respective sensory register was identified as sequential and ignored until they resolved the 60 simultaneous information needs associated with the stimulus processing. Over the intervening they were locked onto. As teachers 2 strategies appear to overlap. of nuclear power plant design, However, factor analysis of results engineering, construction, and operations, like associates at the of tests designed to measure sequential and simultaneous time, we were at a loss at how to information processing strategies "unlock" these two students so that in humans (Das, Kirby, & Jarman, they could see the larger picture. We might have tried forever and not 1975) has shown that these cognitive processes are independent succeeded. You are all probably i.e., Varimax rotation of factors aware of people just like Willie clearly shows orthogonality (Das et and Max. People who seem to do a al, 1975 and Das & Dash, 1983). A very good job at serial, well substantial amount of work in the defined and confined tasks, yet who fail to comprehend or see how their area of overlapping cognitive strategies has been done. At this personal contribution fits into the point one might ask "Are Willie and larger, open and unconfined big Max not intelligent?" Willie was a picture. You yourself may be like graduate engineer, with some 20 Willie and Max. What was unknown at years of experience, who had risen the time that both failed to to the senior engineer individual qualify was the work of Luria contributor position of a large NSS (Luria, 1966), wherein he, working vendor. It is significant to note with World War II Russian veterans that he was not an engineering with mild to severe head wounds, identified the independent manager. Max, on the other hand, was a high school graduate who had cognitive processes we know as risen to the Senior Shift sequential and simultaneous information processing. Willie and Supervisor position, after some 20 or more years of experience, for an Max were sequential information eastern fossil fueled power processors. They could do very well on serial ordered tasks but were generating station. The work of unable to comprehend the overall Cowart and McCallum (1984) has structure of related tasks. Recent shown that the information work has identified allied concepts processing strategies of sequential of field-dependent (sequential and simultaneous are stable over a processor) and field-independent person's life span and no evidence have they found to indicate any (simultaneous processor). What change in these information Luria also identified (Luria, 1966) processing strategies as a function and what has been corroborated by a large number of cognitive of age. Merritt and McCallum psychological investigators (Das, (1982), and McCallum and Merritt Kirby,& Jarman, 1975 and Kirby & (1983) found that no gender differences exist in our Das, 1977 and Kamphaus & Kaufman, utilization of the sequential and 1986) among others, is that Willie and Max were born as primarily simultaneous information processing sequential information processors. strategies. Sahu and Devi (1984) They did not nor could they have showed that the cognitive learned it. We are all born information processing strategies naturally as sequential or of sequential and simultaneous are simultaneous information independent of individual processors. Some of us, unlike intelligence. Another question Willie and Max, are able to utilize could be "Why did they fail to some of each cognitive information qualify?" In a sense, we set them processing strategy. As with other up for failure. During their cognitive abilities that overlap, nuclear power training, no attempts these information processing made to identify how they 3 cognitively processed the mass of immediate action on emergencies, provide a pictorial format, again information they were being fed. as a flow chart. If the most recent In Willie's case, he chose a career incident at Salem (Nuclear News, position which was .suited to an June 1994) and the questions raised individual contributor, a by the Three Mile Island accident sequential information processor. are any indication, we still seem Max chose a career position for to have our operators burdened with which later events showed he was impossible procedures. This is not suited. Were Willie and Max, especially true for those the sequential information identified, or perhaps suspected, processors, unequipped with as being sequential processors. The operational procedural guidance procedures were not designed with specifically designed for their recognition of, and allowances made unique cognitive abilities, set up for failure? The answer is an for, their unique cognitive information processing strategies. unequivocal YES. The naval program, at which Willie was failed, utilized operational procedures that were written in lengthy III. CONCLUSIONS paragraph format. Even some Willie went on from his failure simultaneous information processors to become a well respected had trouble seeing the stable plant end state. A sequential processor individual contributor in reactor was hopelessly lost in the engineering for a large NSS vendor. verbiage. The work of Sahu and Devi Max went to another nuclear power training center at which he (1984) showed that good readers were simultaneous processors succeeded in qualifying. He was primarily, and possessed placed on shift at an eastern differentiated strategies (they nuclear generating station and, overlap), while poor readers were after a series of incidents, was not proficient at either sequential relieved of his shift duties, lost or simultaneous strategies and did his nuclear license, and retired not possess differentiated into obscurity. Could their stories strategies. Kirby and Robinson have turned out differently? Yes, a study of reading but we have to take into account (1987), in disabled-children, found that more of an individual's unique children with reading disabilities cognitive ability. This is employed simultaneous information especially important where it processing, if they possessed it, directly impacts not only how he in tasks where normal children used processes information cognitively, sequential information processing. but how that information This was Willie's and Max's processing, utilized by him problem: they utilized their determines how much and of what quality the information is that sequential strategy for reading and went from word to word and never reaches his long-term store. grasped the whole purpose of the procedure. Max's utility, as all did and may still do, utilized a IV. RECOMMENDATIONS lengthy paragraph format in its operational procedures. NASA, at We would strongly recommend that we least for the astronauts in the test all current and potential space shuttle, saw the need to future nuclear plant operators to attempt to pictorialize (flow chart determine their predominant format). Airlines, for the information processing cognitive 4 564-570, (1977). strategies, sequential or simultaneous. We then must design 3. R.W.Kamphaus, & training programs and procedures A.S.Kaufman,"Factor Analysis of that recognize these individual The Kaufman Assessment Battery equip the cognitive styles and For Children (K-ABC) For current and potential operators for Separate Groups of Boys and the emergencies that are still to of Clinical Girls,"Journal come. This will be especially Child Psycholoqv,15,3, 210-213, important as fusion reactors become a reality in the 21st century. Of (1986). course you will take note of your 4. A.R.Luria,Higher Cortical children. They are not tested Functions In Man, 149-471, Basic either for cognitive information Books, Inc.,New York, (1966). processing strategies, unless a is suspected learning disability 5. J.P.Das, & or is evident. Yet the sequential U.N.Dash,"Hierarchical Factor information processor in your Solution of Coding and Planning child's 5th grade class, maybe your Processes: Any New Insights, child, will struggle and struggle " Intelligence, 7, 27-37, throughout the subsequent school years. None of the school (1983). curriculum is specifically designed 7. C.A.Cowart, & R.S. McCallum, for the sequential processor. It "Simultaneous-Successive does not have to be for the processing aAcross The Life simultaneous processor; however, Span: A Cross-sectional who is probably bored to tears. As Examination of Stability And some of you may be aware, the Proficiency, Experimental Aging calculus curriculum is being Research, 10,4,225-229, (1984). extensively revised at many universities to make it more 8. F.M.Merritt, & R. McCallum "Sex- pictorial. The emphasis will be on related Differences in visual computer displays with the computer doing the traditional Simultaneous-Successive student's computational calculus Information Processing, "Clinical Neuropsych., 5,3,117-119, work. Will this display of functionalism be a boon or another (1982). bust for the sequential information 9. R.S.McCallum,& F. Merritt processor? "Simultaneous-Successive processing Among College REFERENCES Students,"Journal of Psychoed. Asses., 1,1,85-93, (1983). 1. J.P.Das, J.Kirby, & R.F.Jarman, 10. S.Sahu, & G.Davi,"Reading "Simultaneous and Successive Ability And Information Synthesis: An Alternative model Processing Strategies,"Journal for Cognitive Abilities," of Research in Readinq,7,1,33- Psychological Bulletin, 82,1, 87-103,(1975). 40, (1984) 2. J.R.Kirby, & J.P.Das,"Reading 11. J.R.Kirby, & G.Robinson "Simultaneous and Successive Achievement, IQ, and Processing in Reading Disabled Simultaneous- Successive Children,"Journal of Learning Processing,"Journal of Disabilities,20,243-52, (1987). Educational Psychology, 69,5, 5 6711?-1. 837 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ERIC Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OEM) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) REPRODUCTION RELEASE (Specific Document) DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION: I. *pow Reda-7-0-0Na : pa rez)7.7.404 <10 xi #1-2 CoG4417. 4/ 4r girviz A it Title PeArib-w5 for,e/i- Fe2b PePez)pe-iiir 141,0,z)eVea,-,}774e1 iteit/0 8 e" 1142.#440e#41,--5)4_; R0091.b /eNCeel) GOAAtie Publication Date: Corporate Source: e/f/n4k, REPRODUCTION RELEASE: II. 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