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ERIC ED398570: A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews To Increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading. Reading Research Report No. 55. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED398570: A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews To Increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading. Reading Research Report No. 55.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 398 570 CS 012 591 AUTHOR Reinking, David; Watkins, Janet TITLE A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews To Increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading. Reading Research Report No. 55. INSTITUTION National Reading Research Center, Athens, GA.; National Reading Research Center, College Park, MD. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. PUB DATE 96 CONTRACT 117A20007 NOTE 100p. PUB TYPE Reports Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Book Reviews; *Classroom Environment; Classroom Research; Grade 4; Grade 5; *Independent Reading; *Instructional Effectiveness; Intermediate Grades; *Multimedia Materials; Reading Research; *Teacher Role ABSTRACT Using an approach to classroom research that D. Newman (1990) has termed a formative experiment, a study investigated the effects of engaging elementary school students in creating computer-based multimedia reviews of books they read independently. Formative experiments are designed to investigate how an instructional intervention can be implemented to achieve a pedagogical goal in a particular educational environment. Creating multimedia book reviews was the intervention; increasing the amount and diversity of students' independent reading was the pedagogical goal. Diverse quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during 2 academic years in 9 4th-grade and 5th-grade classrooms across 3 schools. Consistent with the intent of formative experiments, results are presented guided by the following questions: (1) What factors in the educational environment enhance or inhibit the intervention's effectiveness in achieving the pedagogical goal?; (2) How can the intervention and its implementation be modified during the experiment to achieve more effectively the pedagogical goal?; (3) What unanticipated positive or negative effects does the intervention produce?; and (4) Has the educational environment changed as a result of the intervention? Results indicated that the multimedia book review activity contributed to achieving the pedagogical goal of increasing the amount of children's independent reading; and school environments and teachers' roles to some extent shaped the effects of the activity. Findings suggest that formative experiments can address the limitations of conventional research methods previously used to study computer-based literacy activities in classrooms. (Contains 64 references, and 4 tables and 11 figures of data. Appendixes presents parent and teacher questionnaires.) (Author/RS) A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews to increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading David Reinking Janet Watkins University of Georgia EDUCATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Improvement Office of Educational Research and INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES CENTER (ERIC) as This document has been reproduced organization received from the person or originating it. to Minor changes have been made improve reproduction quality. this Points of view or opinions stated in represent document do not necessarily official OERI position or policy. National Reading Research Center READING RESEARCH REPORT NO. 55 Summer 1996 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE NRRC National Reading Research Center A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews to Increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading David Reinking Janet Watkins University of Georgia READING RESEARCH REPORT NO. 55 Summer 1996 The work reported herein is a National Reading Research Project of the University of Georgia It was supported under the Educational Research and and University of Maryland. Development Centers Program (PR/AWARD NO. 117A20007) as administered by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. The findings and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of the National Reading Research Center, the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, or the U.S. Department of Education. 3 NRRC National Reading Research Center National Advisory Board Executive Committee Donna E. Alvermann, Co-Director Phyllis W. Aldrich University of Georgia Saratoga Warren Board of Cooperative Educational John T. Guthrie, Co-Director Services, Saratoga Springs, New York University of Maryland College Park Arthur N. Applebee James F. Baumann, Associate Director State University of New York, Albany University of Georgia Ronald S. Brandt Patricia S. Koskinen, Associate Director Association for Supervision and Curriculum University of Maryland College Park Development Jamie Lynn Metsala, Associate Director Marsha T. DeLain University of Maryland College Park Delaware Department of Public Instruction Nancy B. Mizelle, Assistant Director Carl A. Grant University of Georgia University of Wisconsin-Madison Penny Oldfather Barbara McCombs University of Georgia Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (MCREL) John F. O'Flahavan Luis C. Moll University of Maryland College Park University of Arizona James V. Hoffman Carol M. Santa University of Texas at Austin Cynthia R. Hynd School District No. 5 University of Georgia Kalispell, Montana Robert Serpell Anne P. Sweet University of Maryland Baltimore County Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Betty Shockley U.S. Department of Education Clarke County School District, Athens, Georgia Louise Cherry Wilkinson Linda DeGroff Rutgers University University of Georgia Peter Winograd University of Kentucky Publications Editors Production Editor Research Reports and Perspectives Linda DeGroff, Editor Katherine P. Hutchison University of Georgia University of Georgia James V. Hoffman, Associate Editor University of Texas at Austin Dissemination Coordinator Mariam Jean Dreher, Associate Editor Jordana E. Rich University of Maryland College Park University of Georgia Instructional Resources Lee Galda, University of Georgia Text Formatter Research Highlights Angela R. Wilson William G. Holliday University of Georgia University of Maryland College Park Policy Briefs NRRC - University of Georgia James V. Hoffman 318 Aderhold University of Texas at Austin University of Georgia Videos Athens, Georgia 30602-7125 Shawn M. Glynn, University of Georgia Fax: (706) 542-3678 (706) 542-3674 INTERNET: [email protected] NRRC Staff Barbara F. Howard, Office Manager NRRC - University of Maryland College Park Kathy B. Davis, Senior Secretary University of Georgia 3216 J. M. Patterson Building University of Maryland Barbara A. Neitzey, Administrative Assistant College Park, Maryland 20742 Valerie Tyra, Accountant Fax: (301) 314-9625 (301) 405-8035 University of Maryland College Park INTERNET: [email protected] About the National Reading Research Center The National Reading Research Center (NRRC) is Dissemination is an important feature of NRRC funded by the Office of Educational Research and activities. Information on NRRC research appears in Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education to several formats. Research Reports communicate the conduct research on reading and reading instruction. results of original research or synthesize the findings of The NRRC is operated by a consortium of the Univer- several lines of inquiry. They are written primarily for researchers studying various areas of reading and sity of Georgia and the University of Maryland College Park in collaboration with researchers at several institu- reading instruction. The Perspective Series presents a tions nationwide. wide range of publications, from calls for research and The NRRC's mission is to discover and document commentary on research and practice to first-person those conditions in homes, schools, and communities of experiences in accounts Instructional schools. that encourage children to become skilled, enthusiastic, Resources include curriculum materials, instructional lifelong readers. NRRC researchers are committed to guides, and materials for professional growth, designed advancing the development of instructional programs primarily for teachers. sensitive to the cognitive, sociocultural, and motiva- For more information about the NRRC's research tional factors that affect children's success in reading. projects and other activities, or to have your name NRRC researchers from a variety of disciplines conduct added to the mailing list, please contact: studies with teachers and students from widely diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds in pre-kinder- Donna E. Alvermann, Co-Director garten through grade 12 classrooms. Research projects National Reading Research Center deal with the influence of family and family-school 318 Aderhold Hall interactions on the development of literacy; the interac- University of Georgia tion of sociocultural factors and motivation to read; the Athens, GA 30602-7125 impact of literature-based reading programs on reading (706) 542-3674 achievement; the effects of reading strategies instruction on comprehension and critical thinking in literature, John T. Guthrie, Co-Director science, and history; the influence of innovative group National Reading Research Center participation structures on motivation and learning; the 3216 J. M. Patterson Building potential of computer technology to enhance literacy; University of Maryland and the development of methods and standards for College Park, MD 20742 alternative literacy assessments. (301) 405-8035 The NRRC is further committed to the participation of teachers as full partners in its research. A better understanding of how teachers view the development of literacy, how they use knowledge from research, and how they approach change in the classroom is crucial to improving instruction. To further this understanding, the NRRC conducts school-based research in which teachers explore their own philosophical and pedagogi- cal orientations and trace their professional growth. Editorial Review Board NRRC Peter AMerbach Mary Graham Suzanne Clewell Montgomery County Public Schools McLean, Virginia University of Maryland College Park Rockville, Maryland Rachel Grant Jane Agee Joan Coley University of Maryland College Park University of Georgia Western Maryland College Barbara Guzzetti JoBeth Allen Michelle Conuneyras Arizona State University University of Georgia University of Georgia Frances Hancock Janice F. Ahnasi Linda Cooper Concordia College of Saint Paul, University of Buffalo-SUIVY Shaker Heights City Schools Minnesota Shaker Heights, Ohio Patty Anders Kathleen Heubach University of Arizona Karen Costello University of Georgia Connecticut Department of Education Harriette Arrington Hartford, Connecticut Sally Hudson-Ross University of Georgia University of Kentucky Jim Cunningham Cynthia Hynd Gibsonville, North Carolina Marta Banning University of Georgia University of Utah Karin Dahl Gay Ivey Ohio State University Jill Bartoli University of Georgia Elizabethtown College Marcia Delany David Jardine Eurydice Bauer Wilkes County Public Schools Washington, Georgia University of Calgary University of Georgia Janet Benton Robert Jimenez Lynne Diaz-Rico California State University-San Bowling Green, Kentucky University of Oregon Bernardino Irene Blum Michelle Kelly Mark Dressman Pine Springs Elementary School University of Utah Falls Church, Virginia New Mexico State University James King Ann Duffy David Bloome University of South Florida University of Georgia Amherst College Kate Kirby John Borkowski Ann Egan-Robertson Gwinnett County Public Schools Notre Dame University Amherst College Lawrenceville, Georgia Fenice Boyd Jim Flood Linda Labbo University of Georgia San Diego State University University of Georgia Karen Bromley Dana Fox Michael Law Binghamton University University of Arizona University of Georgia Martha Carr Linda Gambrell Donald T. Leu University of Georgia University of Maryland College Park Syracuse University Barbara M. Palmer Susan Lytle Bernard Spodek Mount Saint Mary's College University of Pennsylvania University of Illinois Bettie St. Pierre Stephen Phelps Bert Mangino University of Georgia Las Vegas, Nevada Buffalo State College Susan Mazzoni Mike Pickle Steve Stahl Baltimore, Maryland Georgia Southern University University of Georgia Ann Dacey McCann Amber T. Prince Roger Stewart University of Maryland College Park Berry College University of Wyoming Sarah McCarthey Gaoyin Qian Anne P. Sweet University of Texas at Austin Lehman College -CUNY Office of Educational Research and Improvement Veda McClain Tom Reeves University of Georgia University of Georgia Louise Tomlinson University of Georgia Lisa McFalls Lenore Ringler University of Georgia New York University Bruce VanSledright University of Maryland College Park Randy McGinnis Mary Roe University of Maryland University of Delaware Barbara Walker Eastern Montana University-Billings Mike McKenna Nadeen T. Ruiz Georgia Southern University California State University- Louise Waynant Sacramento Prince George's County Schools Barbara Michalove Upper Marlboro, Maryland Fowler Drive Elementary School Olivia Saracho Athens, Georgia University of Maryland College Park Dera Weaver Elizabeth B. Moje Athens Academy Paula Schwanenflugel Athens, Georgia University of Utah University of Georgia Lesley Morrow Jane West Robert Serpell Rutgers University Agnes Scott College University of Maryland Baltimore County Bruce Murray Renee Weisburg University of Georgia Elkins Park, Pennsylvania Betty Shockley Fowler Drive Elementary School Susan Neuman Allan Wigfield Athens, Georgia Temple University University of Maryland College Park Wayne H. Slater John O'Flahavan Shelley Wong University of Maryland College Park University of Maryland College Park University of Maryland College Park Margaret Smith Marilyn Ohlhausen-McKinney Las Vegas, Nevada Josephine Peyton Young University of Nevada University of Georgia Susan Sonnenschein Penny Oldfather University of Maryland Baltimore Hallic Yopp University of Georgia County California State University About the Authors David Reinking is Professor of Education at the Janet Watkins is a doctoral student in the Depart- ment of Reading Education at the University of University of Georgia where he serves as head of Georgia. Her research interests include investigat- the Department of Reading Education. He is also a principal investigator with the National Reading ing how technology can enhance literacy instruc- tion in schools. In addition to her work on the Research Center and is Editor of the Journal of present study, she has assisted in developing Literacy Research. Professor Reinking's primary software for beginning reading instruction and in research interest is the connection between tech- conducting research on its effectiveness. She has nology and literacy. His research publications in this area have appeared in Reading Research also developed an electronic portfolio application Quarterly, Journal of Reading Behavior, and for the Department of Early Childhood and Read- ing at Georgia Southern University, where she is Handbook of Reading Research. He edited Reading an instructor. Ms. Watkins taught English and and Computers: Issues for Theory and Practice reading at the middle and secondary levels for 12 (published by Teachers College Press), and has written a commercial software program for in- years. creasing reading comprehension, which has been distributed nationally to elementary and secondary schools. Dr. Reinking taught reading and math at the elementary school level for 8 years. National Reading Research Center Universities of Georgia and Maryland Reading Research Report No. 55 Summer 1996 A Formative Experiment Investigating the Use of Multimedia Book Reviews to Increase Elementary Students' Independent Reading David Reinking Janet Watkins University of Georgia Abstract. Using an approach to classroom result of the intervention? In addition to describing research that Newman (1990) has termed a the study and reporting results, the authors discuss formative experiment, this study investigated the emerging understandings of formative experiments. effects of engaging elementary school students in They argue that formative experiments can address creating computer-based multimedia reviews of the limitations of conventional research methods books they read independently. Formative experi- previously used to study computer-based literacy ments are designed to investigate how an instruc- activities in classrooms. tional intervention can be implemented to achieve a Diverse approaches to research have been valued pedagogical goal in a particular educational used to study whether computer-based instruc- environment. In the present study, creating multime- activities can enhance literacy tional in dia book reviews was the intervention; increasing classrooms. However, most studies have the amount and diversity of students' independent conventional experimental used designs reading was the pedagogical goal. Diverse quantita- aimed at comparing the effectiveness of tive and qualitative data were gathered during 2 interventions with and without computer- academic years in 9 fourth- and fifth-grade class- based activities (cf. Means et al., 1993; Rein rooms across 3 schools. Consistent with the intent of - formative experiments, the authors present results king. & Pickle, 1993). Despite the prevalence guided by the following questions: (a) What factors of experimental studies, reviews of classroom in the educational environment enhance or inhibit research (e.g., Reinking & Bridwell:Bowles, the intervention's effectiveness in achieving the 1991) as well as the observations and findings pedagogical goal?; (b) How can the intervention of some researchers (Bruce & Rubin, 1993; and its implementation be modified during the Dickinson, 1986; Mehan, 1989, Michaels & experiment to achieve more effectively the pedagogi- Bruce, 1989; Reinking & Pickle, 1993; Rubin cal goal?; (c) What unanticipated positive or nega- & Bruce, 1990) suggest that conventional tive effects does the intervention produce ?; and experiments alone do not provide adequate (d) Has the educational environment changed as a 1 Reinking & Watkins 2 information about how computer-based activi- The limited scope of conventional experi- ties might effectively contribute to the acquisi- mental research involving computers in class- tion of literacy in schools. rooms may explain in part why that research Conventional experiments do not adequately has not produced clear recommendations for deal with the many interacting variables that educators interested in how technology might influence the effectiveness of computer-based enhance literacy instruction in schools. Indeed, interventions in schools; nor do they typically that research does not consistently support the deal with how a particular computer-based use of computer-based activities over other activity might produce unique effects depending interventions not using computers (Reinking & on how it is integrated into a particular instruc- Bridwell-Bowles, 1991; Roblyer, Castine, & Instead, tional conventional environment. King, 1988). As Becker (1992) states in his experiments require researchers (a) to control review of the computer-based integrated learn- the influence of most situational factors; (b) to ing systems, implement a well-defined intervention that remains unchanged during the experiment, . the widely varying effects sizes and . . often in the face of changing conditions in the the modestly positive effect sizes that are classroom; and (c) to focus primarily on post- typical suggest that . results differ as . . intervention outcomes. These requirements much based on the different conditions of the study as on the different software may perpetuate a point of view that restricts packages in use (and on the different the influence of technology in schools. As methodologies used to design and con- Emihovich and Wager (1992) state, duct the analysis). (p. 38) media are still perceived as add-ons . . . The relatively few qualitative and ethno- to the educational process . . [and] this . graphic studies investigating computers and perception will not change until educators literacy counter some of these limitations by begin to realize that media or technology use in schools should be examined from focusing on the influence of situational factors a holistic cultural perspective. That is, over time within a particular classroom or the introduction of any new technology school (Dickinson, 1986; Friedman, 1990; should be considered in relation to its McGee, 1987; Mehan, 1989; Riel, 1989; effect on the school culture as a whole, Turner & Dipinto, 1992). However, such including the way students and teachers studies typically do not focus on the most perceive the new technology, how admin- instructionally relevant questions: What istrators view it in relation to the organi- factors add to or detract from an intervention's zational climate of the school, and the in accomplishing a pedagogically success expectations parents and the broader valued goal and, more importantly, how might community share concerning the effects the intervention be adapted in response to of new technologies have, or should have, on learning. (pp. 435-36) those factors? NATIONAL READING RESEARCH CENTER, READING RESEARCH REPORT NO. 55 f, 10

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