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ERIC ED397622: Euskal Herria: The Country of the Basque Language = Euskal Herria: El Pais de la Lengua Vasca. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED397622: Euskal Herria: The Country of the Basque Language = Euskal Herria: El Pais de la Lengua Vasca.

DOCUMENT RESUME' FL 021 206 ED 397 62' Intxausti, Joseba AUTHOR Language = Euskal Herria: The Country of the Basque TITLE Euskal Herria: El Pais de la Lengua Vasca. (Spain). General Basque Autonomous Community, Vitoria INSTITUTION Secretariat of Linguistic Policy. Jan 92 PUB DATE 71p. NOTE de Servicio de Publicidad, Gobierno Vasco, Duque AVAILABLE FROM Wellington 2, 01011 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Descriptive (141) -- Multilingual/Bilingual Reports PUB TYPE Materials (171) English; Spanish LANGUAGE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Diachronic *Basque; Cultural Awareness; Demography; DFSCRIPTORS Linguistics; European History; Foreign Countries; *Language Usage; Lexicography; *Official Languages; Taught Social History; Sociolinguistics; Uncommonly Languages; *Written Language *Geolinguistics; *Spain (Basque Provinces) IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT present English and Basque versions of this booklet that straddles the information on Euskal Herria, the Basque Country designates both land and Franco-Spanish border. "Euskal Herria" which constitutes people: "the Basque speech community." The area, the unbroken presence of the ancient Kingdom of Navarre, represents thousands of years, Basque people on the European continent over This richly illustrated longer than the Indo-European peoples. geographic and demographic booklet covers the following: current contributions of information; historical, religious, and cultural emigrants; the Basque language; Basque people in the area and as and institutional territorial changes, geolinguistic history, 16th and 17th uncertainties; the first literary works in the of the written language; centuries; literature and the consolidation in the 17th and 18th socivl acts for and against the Basque language Franco's dictatorship; the new centuries; cultural resistance during language has "the political era since 1976, in which the Basque Basque-speaking areas of character of official language in the been adopted; and the Navarre" and laws regar<ing language use have dictionaries and grammars to development of instruments such as (LB) enable the modernization of the language. *********************************************************************** be made Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can from the original document. *********************************************************************** /1 : DEPANTMENT OF EDUCATION U 011c ut Educationst Rimearo md Intorowoment EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) afehis docurmint hos boon rofood0000 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS teamed from the orson or otgambition MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY oroginoting it 0 Minor thong** hay* twin made to mom.* crA moroauction Quality Pants Of viwr Or Oomons Stated in Inuo docu- cr\ CV-t. 0.1)0r- rnent 00 not nOtoollorav roorotent othcost OERI posnoon or policy TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES . INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) gjp A BEST COPY AVAILABLE Author: JOSEBA INTXAUSTI 3 BEST COPY AVAILABLE The Country n the shores of the Atlantic of the Basque Ocean, at the very end of the Bay of Biscay and straddling the Franco- Language Spanish border, Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) opens up to the sea through its ports of Bilbao (Bilbo), San Sebastian (Donostia) and Bayonne (Baiona). Further inland, by way of contrast, beyond the mountain range running parallel to the coast, the horizon opens up to the southern lands, domains of sun and vineyards: these are the plains of Navarre with its provincial capital Pamplona/lruna and Araba (capital city: Vitoria-Gasteiz). This is the country of the Basque people, the Kingdom of Navarre of old. EUSKAL HERRIA This is what Euskal Herna looks like geographically. Its 20.742 km2 are The unbroken presence of the incluoed within two different countries and three administrative territories the Basque Autonomous Community and the Fora! Basque people on the Continent over Community of Navarre as well as in the heart of the French .,Departernent" of the Pyrenees. thousands of years means that it is the most European of the Peoples of Europe, earlier than even the Indo- European peoples. Here in one single human 1ric7,2:4Kit, BIZKAIA community country, people and elPULKOA language have been inseparably united since time immemorial: a k. fascinating oddity. It seems that the Basques have only ever lived here, and that this is the only land where their language has thrived. It is not surprising, therefore, that all of this can be expressed in just two words: Euskal Herria. The term designates both land and people as well as serving as a self-definition: .the Basque speech community». 4 41mi Euskal Herria Today he Basque Country has a surface area of 20,742 sq. km., approximately a- Bare). cna ao 4 F-:.Aros en A .n., Gi.ow.voa E. 4SCO 1.1979) I ,CJRCE C, ., Prownc,) ae a.ja. ri Gette, Geo-gra:rt., !ne Navafmn 4. 3,8, raal, L 4 . half of which is taken up by the '3 B,rCeora 44 TOTAL OF BASQUE SPEAKERS 18661868) Charter Community of Navarre. BASQUE SPEAKERS POPULATION HSTORICAL TERRITORIES According to 1982, 1987 and 1988 04 65 000 80 000 CON'rtIEIrk BASOUE COLIN": 123 figures, the total population is 000 50 217 391 PENiNSULAR BASQUE CO:217, 760 '9 97 60 000 300 328 NAVARRE t'E67 681 2.884,900, 91.9% of whom live in the 9 000 494 '20 2 3 A,_AvA 1887) 8' '49 098 43 098 483 BIZKAIA f '8671 part of the Basque Country situated in 42 04 000 70 297 GPUZKOA 1867 476 the Spanish state, and the rest in the part in France. THE BASQUE POPULATION OF PEI History has divided the Basque 80 Country into the so-called Historical Territories of Araba, Biscay, Gipuzkoa, 70 Lapurdi, Navarre, Lower Navarre and 60 Zuberoa, thus reflecting the historical 59 THE THREE 50 and administrative peculiarities of HISTORICAL 5 TERRITORIES each. 40 Today the territories on the Iberian peninsula, included in the Spanish 26 3 state, are divided into two autonomous @ 23 administrative or self-governing 2 TF011101-11E5 I-11510111CA. 17 ° THE THREE regions, with Navarre forming the 10 Charter Community of the same name, NAVARRE and Araba, Biscay and Gipuzkoa 1900 1860 making up the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (Euskadi). The territories to the north of WM= Pnmary Sector 01.111 Secondary Sector the Pyrenees (Lapurdi, Lower Navarre ---77-1r Terhary Sector and Zuberoa) fall within the French .976 I e,14,r$ .16 43 49 SOURCE al,ca ar. 131134 S Département des Pyrénées- Atlantiques. During the last 130 years, the Basque Country within Spain has undergone substantial changes in its social and economic structure. In just (1877-1988), the total over a century BEST COPY AVAILABLE percentage which had been reduced BASQUE SPEAKERS (1866-18681 During tne last hundred TIC Merl...five years ine numoers a";!. to 13% (Navarre) and 5% have va, cc Basoesoeak ^g oercemages (Autonomous Community of the significantly The oilingua zation crecess nas ausonJed almost whole of the population Basque Country) by 1985. This startling change in demography can be explained in terms of two DEMOiECONOMIC SECTORIZATION (1860-19851 revolutions, one industrial and the in poninsuiar E,skai Heria. the "austrial revolution of the las: zemury e popu.ation not only oi,a veiy ijenerated imconant c-anges other migratory. The industrial put also in the Sectona oicinution of its population s working acirvity ant to understand the presem sock> This is an important factor if we revolution occurred in successive inguistz situation. and ultimately its o anning stages, beginning with the coastal provinces of Biscay and Gipuzkoa (1876-1930), and extending later on to the inland areas of Araba and Navarre (1950-1980). As far as the continental or French Basque Country is concerned, the population has increased from 126,000 inhabitants (1801) to 240,000 (1982). 'n the forty years between 1936 a. d 1975, there was a substantial population movement from the interior to the coast (Baiona- Angelu-Biarritz, etc.). In 1936, 61% of the population lived in this coastal area, whilst by 1975, the proportion had reached 94%. 30 1940 1985 1960 In 1982 the sectorial distribution of the population showed that 12% was population of the peninsular Basque occupied in the primary sector, 28% Country has increased from 754,000 in the secondary sector and 60% in to almost three million. Moreover, in services. These figures can be 1860, in the two Autonomous explained by the rapid growth of the Communities, 59% of the population tourist industry was employed in the primary secto,, a POPULATION Km ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORICAL TERRITORIES 233 000 3 060 THE CONTINENTAL BASQUE COUNTRY (LAPURDI. NAFARROA ElEHEREA, ZUBEROA) FRANCE 2.136.000 7 261 BASQUE AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY (ALAVA, BIZKAIA, GIPUZKOA) SPAIN 515 000 10 241 FORAL COMMUNITY OF NAVARRE 2 884 000 20 742 TOTAL \ 12Ctarist and mt.11%) tf.11.11ts trstOVS.,e I and 1982 4,1 ,!19' t TN) Cont.118,8 2.3t.lut CottrItt, "Yrnqrar,* Ifiver '988 dias7we 01.'unemeos COrnmufmv t,at.tt COM/MANI, 34.0 . 4_ 3 BEST COPY AVAILABLE The Basque Country A land of enturies before Isabel II of Spain migrations and Napoleon III brought tourism to San Sebastian and Biarritz, European the routes already crossed through Basque lands: the route from Burdigala (Bordeaux) to Asturica (Astorga) was used by Roman troops; the route from Aix-la-Chapelle to Zaragoza, via Roncesvalles (Orreaga), by Charlemagne's; and the route to Santiago de Compostela, through Zangoza, Eunate and Lizarra, by medieval pilgrims... Both these and other routes linked the Roman towns (Pompaelo and Veleia), the pilgrims' hospices, the merchants' boroughs, the monasteries, the Romanesque treasures... Europe entered into the Country. very heart of the Basque They came and we, the people of this land, left. People from Navarre places such went to Euro rean meeting in Paris (12th 13th as the Sorbonne LEIRE MONASTERY In the documentation oinich exists in rneoieyal monasteries we can find centuries), the Councils of Basle and abundant material referring to the knowledge of Euskara at the time. Latin ei.en though. as ii.as normal then this material o,as written in Constance, and the universities of Bologna and Salamanca. To the Royal Court of Navarre came the troubadours of Occitania, or those It sciences of the ti eager to learn the c provided Arab world; that same court Ci tAtA the world with beautiful musical compositions such as Leogundia (10th first of century), a unique work and the its kind. This patchwork of cultures Ketton brought the Englishman Robert in and Herman the Dalmatian together do, '7 to England, the North Sea, Norway medieval Iruna. to make the first and Spitzberg, and the Mediterranean translation of the Koran into Latin. at to Genoa and Palermo (15th century), the behest of Peter the Venerable, sighting the Antilles, Newfoundland Abbot of Cluny (1143). and the river Plate during the following When, later on in the Middle Ages, century and reaching both the the seas were opened up, thanks to Moluccas and the Philippines with their new ship-building techniques (from the men. Humble fishermen, reckless 13th century onwards), ships built in corsairs, arrogant admirals and the Basque Country sailed the Atlantic discoverers, the Basque seamen left their plates and place-names in Newfoundland and Canada, created a pidgin Basque-Icelandic in the North Atlantic and took part in the great sea battles. They had been preceded by others with diverse occupations, and they rqerred to themselves 'mainly as .Navar*se» or .Biscayan»: they went NEWFOUNDLAND The traditicral fishing activities of the Basque Country meant that to Paris, Bologna and Bruges. Basque lisherrien Nent to distant waters and lands where sometimes they even left reirnants of tneir language viinich still exist today in some Some of these people are well place names T- s is Me case of Newlounoland as can be seen trom the map oelow known: the navigator J.S. Elkano, who completed F. Magellan's round the world. sea voyage in 1523; Legazpi and Urdaneta, who opened the Pacific route to the Philippines in 1565; J. de Garai and M. de Zabala who founded Buenos Aires in 1583 and Montevideo in 1730 respectively; Friar J. de Zumarraga (1476-1548), first Archbishop of Mexico, who also introduced the printing press to the New World; B. de Etxabe, Mexico's national painter and apologist for the Basque language (1607); Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), founder of the Company of Jesus: Francis Xavier, *?;164.1... leader of the Christian Mission in the THE MUNTSARA7Z FORTRESS The first archbis-co of Mexico. Friar Juan de Zumarraga is the author Far East; or Lope de Aguirre, self- ot the longest kroNn text in Basque (1537) petore tre first book /las published in Basque (1545). In this family letter he mentions the confessed rebel against Philip II of fortress which be.onged :o his ancestors in tne Durango plains o' V.zcaya Spain, portrayed by W. Herzog in his 1973 film as «the Wrath of God»... Crossing into the 18th century, the Compania Guipuzcoana de Caracas had taken over the colonial trade with Venezuela (1729), whilst, somewhat later, the Country witnessed, together with the return of migrants who had made their fortunes in the New World such as those who had their coats of arms sculpted on their family homes arrival of -, the in the Baztan district the ideas and projects of the European Enlightenment: it was the Sociedad de Amigos del Pais set up by the gentry of Azkoitia, ahd the LOYOLA In the XVillth century. the Loyola Sanctuary, with the birthplace ot Saint Amigos del Pais de Tudela which Ignatius (lounger al the company of Jesus) was also a sanctuary ot the Basque language Here. important figures such as Larramenal and paved the way for the thinking and Kardaeraz worked reforms of theAge of the Enlightenment. The Royal Seminary of Bergara became an innovative educational model at the time of the Spanish Enlightenment (1776). It was with the uncertainties and flounderings of a new age at the very beginning of the 19th century that North young Basque men from the Basque Country experienced war under the leadership of Napoleon's Imperial Eagle; soon afterwards came the exile of pro-Fret-lc') peninsular inhabitants (1839), which was the first of a number of periods of exile to take "---MIEML,-11181=011111IL:=11111 q BEST COPY AVAILABLE place during this century after each of the Carlist wars. J.M. Iparraguirre, author of the anthem .Gernikako Arbola», (1853), can be taken, in his bohemian life in Europe and America, r* as a symbol of the thousands of men and women economic migrants or political exiles who left Europe for the Argentinian Pampas or the American West (Idaho, Nevada). During these comings and goings of BASQUE-SPEAKING EMIGRANTS its own children others, too, stirred by This family photograph (Elizondo. Baztan. 1924) reminds us that Euskal Herne has traditionally been a country of emigration (althouo also of curiosity, made the Basque Country immigration, to industrial-urban areas). In the XIXth century and the first half of the XXth century this emigrant population came from rural the object of their visits and left their Basque-speaking villages mark. Without forgetting the medieval pilgrims or later travellers (some of whom left us valuable testimonies of BASQUE ILLUSTRATION our language), these visitors included The roads of iilustration came into the country W. von Humboldt, founder of the arid were transmitted by the io-called i,Gentlemen r,702-. University of Berlin (1816), Victor ot Azkoitia The Intxausti palace became the Hugo, who lived in the fishing village cenacle of ther Ideas and initiatives, where of Pasai Donibane (1841-1843) and they created a Basque Prince L.L. Bonaparte, founder of dictionary and carried out Basque Dialectology studies (1863), theatre pieces and plays the German Romanist H. Schuchardt, who in 1900 re-edited the classic version of the Bible by Leizarraga (1571). Thanks to, for example, the interest shown by Basque scholars like the Frenchman Vinson, the Englishmen W. Webster and E.S. Dodgson, the Germans V. Stempt, H. --,!il Schuchardt and T. Linschinann, the Dutchmen W.J. van Eys and C.C. Uhlenbeck, Basque studies aquired a new status in scientific circles at the beginning of the century.

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