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ERIC ED388823: Conserving Limited Resources. Learning Guide 14. Project Connect. Linking Self-Family-Work. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED388823: Conserving Limited Resources. Learning Guide 14. Project Connect. Linking Self-Family-Work.

DOCUMENT RESUME CE 070 218 ED 388 823 Conserving Limited Resources. Learning Guide 14. TITLE Project Connect. Linking Self-Fardily-Work. Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc., Hartford, CT.; INSTITUTION Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale. Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield. Dept. SPONS AGENCY of Adult, Vocational and Technical Education. PUB DATE 94 W000945 CONTRACT 53p.; For related guides, see CE 070 204-235. NOTE Teaching Guides (For Classroom Use PUB TYPE Guides Teacher) (052) MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Adult Education; .Behavioral Objectives; Competency DESCRIPTORS Based Education; *Conservation (Environment); Conservation Education; *Consumer Education; Depleted Resources; Family Work Relationship; Fuel Consumption; *Home Economics; *Homemaking Skills; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; *Natural Resources; Recycling; State Curriculum Guides; Teaching Guides; Wastes Illinois IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This learning guide on conserving limited resources is part of a series of learning guides developed for competency-based adult consumer and homemaking education programs in community colleges, adult education centers, community centers, and the workplace. Focus is on the connections among personal, family, and job responsibilities so that these aspects of living will complement each other. Introductory material includes general guidelines/check list for users with key to symbols used to designate enhancement activities and an introduction. The guide covers four competencies: identify resources available to individuals and families; identify use and misuse of resources; determine how use of resources affects the environment and their availability; and apply principles of conservation in consumption practices. Materials provided for each competency include a list of learner outcomes, key ideas, definitions, facilitator strategies, and suggested learner activities. Twenty-four supplements contain information and activity sheets on the following: personal resources, goals, environmental crisis, earth-friendly shopping, solid waste, garbage, lifestyle options, recycling, and labels. A bibliography contains 67 items. (YLB) *********************************************************************** * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. *********************************************************************** no /MIL U S DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Offic ot Educabonal ReeterCh and Improvement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDVCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) ettns document has been reproduced u recanted trom the Coere On or orgernebon ongmatmg .1 0 Mmor changes have been made to unmet, reproduchon Ouahty PC"nts at n.Ovr o. OdenOnll stated m thus docu- TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ment do not necossardy reoreeent othciel INFORMATION CENTER OE RI posdoon 01 pohcy (ERIC)" 10 I I I I I I I ebb dab 0 REST COPY AVAILABLE PROJECT CONNECT COORDINATORS COMMITTEE Project Director: Mary Beth Stine Contract Administrator: Susan P. Burge Coordinators: Phyllis Bubnas Brenda Ferguson Bessie Hackett Mary Lou Hubbard Mary Jo Oldham Carol McGee Vicky Turl John S. Washburn Brenda Yates This Learning Guide was developed for the PROJECT CONNECT program under contract from Flora Community School District, Mary Beth Stine, Director. The CONNECT program is funded 100% by the Illinois State Board of Education through the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and pplied Technology Education Act of 1990. Learning Guides were written and field tested at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 under the dire0on of Phyllis Bubnas and John S. Washburn. Researchers were Beth Anderton, Deborah Lustman, and Judy Martin- Lighty. The word processor for this project was Marilyn R. Juhlin. © 1994, Illinois State Board of Education. 4 61111.,11111.131,31C.E1.12.11.0 l IP a 0, , 2 General Guidelines/Checklist for Users 1 ..... 4 Introduction. . 5 Competency One Identify resources available to individuals and families. 7 Competency Two Identify use and misuse of resources. 10 Competency Three Determine how use of resources affects the environment and their availability. 12 Competency Four Apply principles of conservation in consumption practices. 14 Supplements 46 Bibliography 4 43.111.M.11112.31.0.8111.111.1DGI.12.11.1110 1 General Guidelines/Checklist for Users The terms "facilitator and "learner" Before addressing any of the Prepare playing cards as are used throughout to describe the competencies, the facilitator should directed in Supplement 5 to instructor and participants. check in advance to see what distinguish between wants materials or preparations are needed and needs. STRATEGIES (for facilitators) and for the competency as numbered. ACTIVITIES (for learners) as stated Duplicate Supplement 6 to in the guide are not always parallel Competency #1 - Identify resources review the decision-making as to numbering system. available to individuals and families. process. Facilitators need to find out where Duplicate Supplement 1 to Competency #3 - Determine how learners are with each of the assess learners' individual use of resources affects the competencies. For example, if and family resources. environment and their availability. working with learners who have been in a Home Economics program, the Consider duplicating case The facilitator may wish to facilitator may choose not to do all study in Supplement 2 to read Supplement 7, "The the competencies such as those illustrate the differences in Environmental Crisis," for related to health and safe resources available and ways background on this crisis. It environments. If working with JTPA resources are used. may be appropriate to clients, for example, it might be duplicate this supplement for necessary to cover all competencies. Duplicate Supplement 3 to aid learners. learner in identifying how Key to Symbols - The following resources might be The facilitator should try to symbols are used throughout the exchanged, developed, or have newspapers and guides to designate enhancement shared. magazines available activities: containing articles about The facilitator may cut out environmental issues. 0 related basic skills, giving pictures depicting items particular attention to language needed by learners. Pictures Duplicate Supplement 8, arts and mathematics could be drawn from a hat or "Pretest on Limited bowl. Then, alternative Resources," to raise learners' 9 related decision-making and resources to be used could be interests and to measure problem-solving skills, including identified. learners' knowledge about the application and transferability how use of natural resources of these skills to personal, family, The facilitator may wish to may affect the environment. and work responsibilities to be have available magazine Use of the facilitator guide demonstrated pictures and poster board or may be helpful for answers newsprint for a collage and explanations of pretest enrichment activities according to illustrating resources needed items. learner abilities and experiences during stages of the life cycle. Duplicate Supplement 9, 40 interrelationship of concepts to Duplicate Supplement 4 to list "Effects of Resource Use on personal, family, and work learners' goals and resources the Environment," to identify needed. some effects of resource use lit influence of technology on the on the environment. subject matter, application of Competency #2 - Identify use and '514` knowledge, and related work misuse of resources. Duplicate Supplement 10, "Earth-Friendly Shopping," to pre- anrgor posttest Duplicate Supplement 2 to identify earth-friendly choices assessment activities illustrate how use of resources when shopping. affects lifestyles. 5 2 412111.,1B.C3.13111) Duplicate Supplement 17 to If to use, contact a resource identify "voluntary simplicity" person to present information techniques used in case on water quality. situations. The facilitator may wish to Duplicate Supplement 18, have available pictures "Baker's Dozen," to identify depicting natural resources importance placed on being used. electrical appliances. Duplicate Supplement 11 to The facilitator may wish to identify environmental hazards provide examples of Energy in the home. Guide labels on appliances to comparison shop for energy Duplicate Supplement 12 to savings. give examples of nontoxic cleaning supplies. Duplicate Supplement 19 to define the 3 Rs in The facilitator may have conservation (Reduce, Reuse, available resources for learner Recycle). research on the local environment. Duplicate Supplement 20 to illustrate how to prepare Competency #4 - Apply principles of products for recycling. conservation in consumption ibpractices. If to use, contact a resource person to present information The facilitator may use on energy costs and Supplement 13, "Did You conservation. Know These Facts and Figures About Solid Waste?," Duplicate Supplement 21 to as a resource about waste. do a home garbage survey. Duplicate Supplement 14 for Duplicate Supplements 22 identifying individual learner and 23 to illustrate conservation practices. environmental symbols. The facilitator may collect and Duplicate Supplement 24 for display packaging from a meal ideas about a project using at a fast-food restaurant. "throw-aways." Duplicate Supplement 15, "A The facilitator may have Mountain of Garbage," or resources available for a Supplement 16, "Garbage Bag research project on Recipe," to define the need for conserving energy. conservation. The facilitator may wish to have a collection of magazine or newspaper pictures that depict a "throw-away" society. 6 3 6.1B.M.P1.81.1§. Introduction Resources include all the ways and Times have changed. Expensive means one uses to reach goals and energy, scarce resources, maintain control over one's life. international political entanglements, People can influence quality of life a low growth economy, and an and lifestyle through decisions made environment in crisis are realities. A about the use or misuse of major concern is that humankind is resources to reach goals. rapidly using up the finite supplies of nonrenewable natural resources. It Many resources are available for has been said that "Mother Nature is use. Some resources are abundant about to pull the plug on the and some are scarce, but all American Dream." resources are limited. Few people have the resources to do or have This era of new values and limited everything they would like to. resources may mean changes for all. Choices must be made of which The roles of the consumer as money resources to use and how to use manager and buyer may be giving them wisely to meet needs. way to emphasis on the role of the consumer as citizen. Consumer Consumers make three kinds of education may be linked to choices: environmental education and now may include learning to make a 1. Choices as money managers positive difference in the impact one fitting spending to money makes through consumer choices. available to get the things Consumer rights and responsibilities wanted most may include more carefully analyzing 2. Choices as buyerschoosing wants and needs, taking time to be which product best suits needs sure the most informed decisions are and is the best buy for the made, selecting only those products money and services which maximize 3. Choices as consumer citizens personal and family satisfaction, creating an acceptable quality of voluntarily simplifying lifestyle life as well as considering the through choosing products and impact of decisions on others in minimizing pollution, reducing waste, the_ world and on the future considering the impact of choices on the community and world as well as How one consumes (i.e., what one oneself, gathering and using wants, how one shops, and how one information to balance personal buys and uses products and benefits against societal costs, services) depends to a large part making conservation a part of the upon the values learned while consumption process, and growing up. Many people grew up in considering the entire lifetime of a world of what seemed like products (including extending the never-ending abundance, where useful life of goods through consumption was almost a duty. A recycling, reusing, and repairing). highly industrialized society The dual goals of economic well- produced radical lifestyle changes in being and environmental protection the space of two generations. The would seem 1 one time to conflict, American Dream seemed to be to but now are essential to quality of make enough money to have the life. most and the best. 4 tit.,1; identify Resources Available to Individuals and Families. Learner Outcomes Definitions Develop awareness of existing what one uses to get what one needs and wants resource resources for the individual and family. time, energy, personal qualities, knowledge, talents, human skills, and attitudes which come from within the resources Determine how various factors person affect the resources one has. material possessions, money or purchasing power, nonhuman community resources; things and conditions outside resources Key Ideas of a person Resources include anything that predictable changes people go through in life; may life cycle would be useful in reaching specific include the stages of (1) birth and infancy, (2) goals. childhood, (3) adolescence and youth, (4) adulthood, (5) middle age, and (6) old age Resources may be human or nonhuman. Human resources come - necessary things, including emotional needs (love, needs from within the person and include belonging, feeling worthwhile) and physical needs time, energy, personal qualities, (food, air, water, clothing, shelter) knowledge, talents, skills, and attitudes. Nonhuman resources are - something to work toward; based on needs and goal not physically or mentally part of an requires use of resources individual and may include material Ooossessions, money or purchasing power, and community resources. Nonhuman resources may also Resources that are available may be include natural resources which are influenced by the following: all those things in the environment that provide for survival (including a person's ability to exchange soil, water, plants, animals, energy, (trade), develop (expand), or share minerals, and atmosphere). existing resources Resources are used to meet various economic factors (including emotional and physical needs. income, cost of living, whether a person is employed, whether While all people may have similar goods and services are available, needs, individuals and families differ availability and use of credit) in resources that are available to satisfy needs. Needs differ a person's stage in the life cycle somewhat from one family to another depending on size of family, age and health of family members, and other family circumstances. Goals help determine what resources are needed and the way resources are used. s 42.taa.n.upts.e.a.a.m.tza.m.s.mo 5 Strategies and Methods Suggested Activities The facilitator could begin by car or car pool with ne' .)bors to 1. Have learners complete 1 asking learners to tell what cut fuel use. Other examples Supplement 1 to identify comes to mind when the term could be generated. individual and family resources. 0 "resource" is used. How is it 9 defined? Then the facilitator 5. Resources that are available can might define resources as what be affected by a person's stage 2. To illustrate use of alternative we use (ways and means) to in the life cycle. The facilitator resources, have learners draw reach specific goals. Have could have learners use pictures from a hat or box a picture of learners give examples of from magazines to illustrate something an individual or family resources. stages of the life cycle (See might need. Brainstorm ways "Definitions.") Pictures might the item might be obtained 2. Define goal as something one illustrate categories such as without the use of money or at a works toward. An example of a reduced cost. 9 II] food, shelter, clothing, health, goal could be "finding a job." transportation, energy use and Resources could be a utilities, personal services, 3. Have learners tell of an item determined and positive attitude; security, recreation, and recently acquired and the time spent job-seeking; good education. Discuss basic needs resources used to acquire the health and energy to do work; of people at various stages of item. Tell if the item or service close relationships with family the life cycle. Ask what related to needs or goals of the and friends as a source of resources might be used to meet person. Discuss what other emotional support; and former needs of people at various resources could have been employers who could give a stages of the life cycle. An used. good recommendation. example or two could be Continuing with the job-seeking companionship or health care for 4. Use magazines to prepare a example, the facilitator might ask an elder or a healthy diet for a collage illustrating stages of the learners which of these pregnant woman. life cycle. Have learner illustrate resources they have and how the stage of the life cycle they does one get such resources? 6. If appropriate, have learners list are now in, or have just left, or some goals to be attained within will be in. Discuss how one's 3. People often think of money as the next twelve months (use goals, needs, and resources the only resource, but everyone Supplement 4, "My Goal differ at each stage. For has other resources that can be Analysis"). For each goal, example, a person might . used in place of money to get name the resources that have the most time what is needed. Supplement 1, might be used. Discuss available in old age; the "I Have More Than Money," can how goals and resources least time available be used to encourage learners could be affected due to during adulthood. to identify individual and family economic conditions Compare other resources. such as resources one unemployment, may have 4. Resources available may be shortage of at different influenced by a person's ability goods stages in to trade, expand, or share and the life existing resources. Supplement services, cycle. 9 43(> 3, "What Can I Use .," may be credit, . . used to assist learners in prices, identifying how resources might and be traded, expanded, or shared increased in order to increase resources in energy each case situation. For costs. example, one might do more walking or use public transportation to cut costs of a 6 G.111.111.843. Identify Use and Misuse of Resources. Learner Outcomes Definitions Determine what factors may - desired things wants contribute to the use or misuse of resources. - necessary things needs Show how decision-making skills - way of living lifestyle can be used in determining appropriate use of resources. living based on - degree of satisfaction with way of quality of life how needs are met Identify use or misuse of resources in given individual situations. - a process involving planning, controlling, and resource evaluating use of resources to ensure goals management are met Key ideas the amount - when using a resource reduces use cost People can influence their quality of available for future use life and lifestyle through decisions .made in the use or misuse of resources to reach goals. The decision-making process Wise use of resources today should includes a series of steps such as include concern about quality of life for all people, and making choices of gathering and analyzing information, comparing the alternatives and ea way of living that is in harmony weighing results of each alternative, with the total environment. Limited making a choice from among resources must be protected from alternatives and taking action, and misuse and waste, for the benefit of evaluating the action or results. all people. The decisions we make regarding resources can help to achieve a desired lifestyle. Decision-making skills can help make appropriate use of resources. 1 0 7 431111.15E.

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