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Preview ERIC ED381481: Demistifying Research in Education and the Social Sciences. A Primer for LRE Folks.

DOCUMENT RESUME SO 024 945 ED 381 481 McBee, Robin Haskell AUTHOR Demistifying Research in Education and the Social TITLE Sciences. A Primer for LRE Folks. PUB DATE [93] NOTE 10p. Evaluative/Feasibility (142) Reports PUB TYPE MFO1 /PCO1 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Citizenship Education; *Educational Research; Higher DESCRIPTORS Education; *Law Related Education; *Qualitative Research; Social Studies; *Statistical Analysis ABSTRACT The article argues that the law-related educational better (LRE) community should understand education research methods the value of LRE to demonstrate to policy makers and funding sources To facilitate the and to evaluate alternative educational strategies. LRE reading and conducting of research, the article explains for practitioners research procedures and the format in which research described as a results are presented. The scientific method is systematically and objectively process of forming a hypothesis and experimentation. The testing the hypothesis through observation and qualitative article explains the differences between quantitative and basic and research, experimental and non-experimental research, sampling, applied research, and the problems of subject selection, (JD) reliability, and validity. Contains seven references. *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***************************************************************4******* Demystifying Research in Education and the Social Sciences A Primer for LRE Folks by Robin Haskell McBee U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Office ol Educatonal Remarth and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) yiThis document has been reproduced as , Pectived from the person or Organization originating rt ' O Minor changes have been made lo improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions slated in this dOCu ment do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY C TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) DEMYSTIFYING RESEARCH IN EDUCATION AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES A Primer for LRE Folks by Robin Haskell McBee Virginia Institute for Law and Citizenship Studies Virginia Commonwealth University if we don't understand the informed consumers Why Bother? language of the becomes reports? It research Most of us are involved in the field of law-related imperative, therefore, that we at least learn how to education because we intuitively know that it works. understand the talk, even if we never talk it ourselves. Our own personal experiences with the content and Research in education, psychology, sociology, and strategies, our informal observations of its "light bulb" follows the examples and social sciences other impact on teachers and kids, and our anecdotal standards set in the more rigorous natural sciences. inventory of success stories all tell us that it works. However, the language of this research need not leave Unfortunately, not everyone gets our front-row seat in us fit to be tied. There are some basics which we can the LRE theater; so not everyone benefits from the full acquire rather quickly, and that is the intent of this picture we get. Further, the world is full of doubters - paper, though this will by no means make us a group people who simply won't take our word for it. If you want to learn more, you might try of experts. Actually, they really shouldn't have to take our word taking a course at a local university. All of the social if it works, we should be able to prove it. for it; sciences have graduate level courses designed to teach Whenever people in other fields make a claim that the novice how to understand and interpret research in something works, the rest of us ask for proof - be it that field, although sometimes the textbooks are just as medicine, business, sociology, education, whatever. dense and difficult to read and understand as the Even in law we have our own system of gathering research, itself (another reason why I decided to try my factual data in order to prove that something is so hand at this paper). And it is painfully "beyond a reasonable doubt". The Reason for evident to many of us that the educational decision Scientific Research makers and power mongers require some substantiation Scientific research as we know it today has its before they adopt (AND FUND) a new program or rational roots in the growth of rationality (rational law, It is, therefore, important for us to begin approach. religion, rational economics, etc.), intellectualism, and acquiring some of the rudimentary skills for generating As cultural stability in the medieval western world. such proof. toleration for scientific inquiry grew and scientists One of the "skills" for proving your assertions is began to seek answers to questions about human being able to understand and use others' research to existence, they also sought cold, hard, observable bolster your own claims or to serve as a starting point In order to prove something, one had to be proof. is a for your own investigations. In education, there carefully eliminating one very logical and methodical - whole "club" of individuals, known as educational Slowly, the process of explanation after another. and researchers, who make their livings generating scientific inquiry (scientific method) evolved into a educational reporting on data which substantiate one hypothetical with a of beginning steps, series They have procedures and a claim or another. by explanation for a question of importance, followed field and language that are somewhat unique to their systematically and objectively testing that hypothesis, difficult - if not impossible - for the non-researcher or and characterized by the use of observation and Such researchers exist in lay person to under Land. experimentation which could be verified. further and other fields, as well, and as we move describes it, As sociologist Daniel Chirot (1986) we arena, prevention the viole_ice into further the "crowning achievement" of western science is their with face-to-face ourselves find repeatedly rationality. Even if we never research reports and claims, too. It is based on calculability, on proof, 'mow which generate our own research, how will we and on empirical- observation in a way which of those claims are legitimate and which are not, that no economy, legal or political discard if to recommend to others and which ones to structure, or religious ethic can be. It idea what those reports say we haven't got the foggiest the domain of par excellence, is, least be and how to interpret them? How can we at 3 The body of the actual report usually begins with t It has also highly trained specialists. an introduction, which offers a context for the research taken on a life of its own... (p. 49) and problem to be studied and focuses on the reason This verifiable proof, based on objective observation, . for and significance of the study to be taken. Usually, is the essence of rational thinking and lies at the research question in the posed is the specific foundation of research in both the natural and social it has or paragraphs well. introductory paragraph Over the decades and centuries, as sciences. Following the introduction is a review of literature, become accepted procedure to go through certain steps which can be anywhere from a few lines to several It is these for proving the validity of your research. paragraphs. In it, the researchers outline what kind of steps and their explanation which seem so difficult to related research has already been done by them and understand to someone unfamiliar with such scientif.c The review focuses specifically on related others. procedures and reports. questions that have been "answered" and on holes in The scientific method and experimenter objecti. ty that research which lead to the question for this study. the are key to generating proof that is acceptable to Following the literature review, the report offers a larger world. A successful experiment or study is very specific hypothesis, followed by the description of the specific and limited enough in scope so that the method or design of the study. Often set aside in its researcher can be confident that the results obtained are own section, the research design specifically describes logically connected to or caused by the hypothetical who or what was studied and how they or it was explanation that has been offered. The method used to studied. This includes describing who the subjects of test the hypothesis must have a design which eliminates the study were and how they were obtained, what was rival explanations (known as possible other all done to the subjects (procedures), and what instruments There are, therefore, a explanations) for the results. etc.) were used to observations, surveys, (tests, variety of procedures used in selecting who or what This section measure the impact of the procedures. will be studied, how they or it will be studied, and also describes the statistical test(s) that was(were) used how the results or data will be analyzed (usually to analyze the results. These tests). statistical sophisticated involves The method section is followed by a report of the procedures and their explanations have become the results. Commonly, tables and graphs are included in language of social science research, and the remainder In the final two sections of the research this section. of this paper will seek to define and explain some of report, the author offers a discussion or analysis of the the basics of that language. The results and conclusions based on the analysis. The Scientific Process discussion section explains the results and interprets inquiry process begins with a The scientific them in light of other research and any weaknesses in question, problem, or idea which is clearly stated. The the design (where there are possible rival explanations question is related to already established conclusions or The for the results other than the procedure, itself). knowledge in the field. In other words, somebody else conclusion summarizes the answer to the research has already proven this, but no one has proven that. question based on inferences made from the results, A hypothesis is then offered as a possible explanation. weaknesses in the design, and the relationship of this That hypothesis must be credible to others at the study to others. The researcher also often recommends Following the generation of a hypothesis, an outset. results of the areas for further research based on the experiment or study is designed and conducted. The study. design must be careful not to leave holes in the process Types of Research which allow for rival explanations. After the study is If research: types general two are There conducted, the results are collected and analyzed and Quantitative research quantitative and qualitative. conclusions are drawn. The analysis and conclusions It is more numbers- comes from the hard sciences. world as must also be logical and credible to the larger oriented, requires complete objectivity on the part of well as to the researcher. the researcher, and calls for analyzing data using The Parts of a Resecrch Report deductive and statistical methods. Qualitative research The typical research report in the social sciences is not tied to numbers at all but rather to observations follows a similar pattern. After the title and author(s) and descriptions of one or more subjects in natural is(are) given, often an abstract of the study is offered. settings. The researcher often becomes more involved the In most reports this is a paragraph in small print at subjects and analyzes inductively, data with the beginning of the report which summarizes the research In LRE, a typical stressing themes and trends. similar question, design, results, and conclusions. It is quantitative study might be based on the institute for larger grant to the abstract you are asked to write evaluations teachers fill out; whereas, a qualitative proposals. 4 3 the attitudes and behaviors of a group that works with study might focus on extended observations of an ORPs and one which does not. Another LRE example exemplary mock trial coach in order to determine what of applied research might be testing the impact of it is that mock trial coaches do. student courts as a behavior management technique. Research can also be divided into experimental and Action research is a type of applied research which non-experimental categories. In experimental research, is used for a specific classroom setting or educational the experimenters are able to control or manipulate decision and is usually limited in scope. You might They are certain factors which affect the subjects. want to know, for instance, whether or not doing a full studying cause and effect or causal relationships group debriefing session on a daily basis at your between different factors. In non-experimental studies, summer institute is more effective than small group researchers are describing or analyzing information and debriefing, and you might conduct action research cannot manipulate or control the factors being studied. specific to your own situation in order to investigate They are seeking either to define or describe simple In another example of action research, this question. information or relationships (known as correlations) you might question the ability of a high tech interactive which tie two factors together or to analyze them (as in computer program to promote greater understanding of historical and legal analysis). An LRE experimental the law by having one of your classes use Tom study might analyze the impact of the case study Snyder's Decisions, Decisions: Prejudice to prepare an method on students' ability to understand the evolution essay on conflicting rights and another class use your of civil rights in the United States by using the case lawyer partner's presentation and a case study to do the study method, lecture, and text reading with one class same. and only lecture and text reading with another class. On the other hand, if you were trying to decide In such an example, the instructional strategies are the whether or not to do a full-scale, system-wide or state- factors or treatments that are being controlled and for Civic of Center the implementation wide manipulated. Surveys of LRE prevalence in classroom Education's Violence in Our Schools program, then teaching would be an example of non-experimental you might test it out on a selected group of classes to Here we are finding out what research in our field. start and make your decision based on the results of people are doing, but we are not changing any factors that study. This is a form of evaluation, which seeks that influence what it is that they are doing. to make larger, more wide scale decisions about the from time to time, run into You may also, effectiveness of a past or potential program. In references to action or evaluation research. These are another example, you might analyze the effect of your refer two of four general descriptive categories which sufficient providing summer LRE in institutes research. to the reason or purpose for conducting the information and demonstrations .o make your teacher are basic and applied The other two categories the teaching about comfortable participants feel research. content, or you might, several months later, survey the Basic research is intended to develop theories or to that same teachers to determine what content from Since this type of understand and explain phenomena. Finally, you might institute has actually been taught. inquiry usually lies at the foundation of the learning, what test the teacher participants' students to determine prevention violence and prevention, delinquency has been learned as a result of teaching that same theories with which we are more familiar, it normally content. takes place in contrived settings such as laboratories, Variables and it is not commonly found in the educational arena. Within educational and social science research Examining how one builds a cognitive framework for there are frequent references to several kinds of problem solving, or conditions that promote or detract variables which further describe the study being from memory building, or the age at which children As the common usage of this word undertaken. point of view are all are capable of taking another's implies, variables are aspects of the study whose examples of basic research. values, degrees, or categories can or do change. Applied research is geared toward the practical Gender, age, socioeconomic status, attitude, behavior, application of theories and ideas, and it normally takes teaching method, and achievement are all examples of This is much more place in the natural setting. Commonly in research studies there are variables. In law-related common in the education arena. references to independent and dependent variables. education, one might examine the application of or controlled usually - variables Independent bonding theory in delinquency prevention and the use manipulated by the researcher - influence, predict, or of outside legal resource people (ORPs) by comparing 4 influence the results and can vary from one group to cause dependent variables to change in some way. another, the way in which they are selected is a critical Most quantitative research is trying to determine how issue in applying the study results to other conditions one (or more) thing(s) affects another one (or more) and situations. thing(s). The "things" are the variables, and those that Randomly selected samples are selected in such a cause the effect are independent while those that are way that every member of the larger population has the affected are dependent. There are several means same chance to be selected. If we were studying the effect of participating in of accomplishing this. With systematic sampling every mock trials on knowledge of the criminal justice nth member is selected. Stratified sampling divides the system, we might deliver similar units on the criminal larger population into predetermined groups (e.g. new justice system to twelve classes, with six of the classes African-American and and experienced or treatment groups including a mock trial as a teachers, European-American, or low, middle, and high SES) culminating experience in the unit and six classes and randomly selects equal numbers of subjects from serving as the control groups. We would then look at each group. In cluster sampling, subjects are randomly the posttest results to see if there was a difference selected in equal numbers from naturally occurring In this between the treatment and control groups. groups, such as school systems in the northern section example, the independent variable is an instructional of the state or groups in certain neighborhoods of the mock trials, and the dependent variable strategy city. would be knowledge of the criminal justice system. If subjects are selected from a population for a or intervening, extraneous, other Sometimes particular reason (they are conveniently available; they confounding variables enter into the picture and muddy volunteered; they are representative of a particular These variables are not controlled by the it up. problem to be studied), then they are not randomly researcher or accounted for in the research design, and selected and, consequently, do not accurately represent whether or not the to questions raise as they the population. Therefore, you cannot generalize the the in change the caused variable independent study's results to the population from which that dependent variable or the change was caused by one of Further, if subjects volunteer to take sample came. these other variables. Examples of such intrusions on part in a study, they may bring particular biases to that include academic our study of mock trials might study which could further cloud the legitimacy of the ability, socioeconomic status (SES), and age or grade For example, if you conducted a survey on results. If levels of these variables are not consistent level. disciplinary practices of all the teachers in the school it might be one of across treatment and control groups, system, and the responses were completely voluntary, which these variables - rather than the mock trials those teachers who are either very pleased with the measured on the causes the difference in knowledge school system's and their own practices or very of posttest. A teacher's prolonged absence, the arrest displeased with them would be more likely to the uneven use of a student in one of the classes, or Therefore, the responses would voluntarily respond. other interactive strategies (some use them, some do likely be heavily weighted in one of those two not) might also confound the results. directions. Consequently, your picture of discipline in Common Issues in Research the system's schools would leave out significant It is not possible in the limited scope of this paper portions of individuals somewhere in the middle. possible (or of my own knowledge) to cover all of the Reliability threats or compromises to the validity of a particular Within a particular study or evaluation, specific Indeed, some of these threats piece of research. instruments (tests, surveys, observations, etc.) are used involve a sophisticated understanding of educational or the to measure information or collect data related to However, there are some other types of research. research question. It is assumed that no instrument can fundamental issues or concerns with respect to research perfectly indicate that which is being measured. There that might help you better understand, analyze, and use is always some degree of error associated with the research to your benefit. Responses may change over time or measurement. Subject Selection and Sampling show a lack of stability (that is, subjects who are not As earlier indicated, subjects are the people or the same part of any study perform differently on larger population to be groups who are selected from a different times). They measure when it is given at two studied or to participate in the study. They form the depending on the may vary by or lack equivalence called sample, and the process of selecting them is of 4th graders group being questioned (e.g. one group Since backgrounds and characteristics can sampling. C 5 avoid possible inferences and threats gives a different set of responses than another similar to the to conclusions that are drawn? Has the researcher Responses may also lack group of 4th graders). internal consistency or differ within the test accounted for other legitimate explanations for the itself results if they exist? depending on how the question is asked (e.g. subjects One type of internal validity is instrument validity, strongly agree that police are helpful in one part of the which is not the same as reliability. Instead, instrument and disagree with a similar statement in it instrument degree which to the the examines another part). legitimately measures what we say measures. it Since these changes or errors in measurement can Instrument validity can be established in one of three have an impact on inferences and conclusions that are We can compare our instruments to other drawn, researchers must strive to keep such errors to ways. similar, but already established measures (criterion- a minimum. Reliability, therefore, refers to the degree If, for example, there It is tested by related evidence for validity). is error free. to which the mean already exists an academic test of knowledge on the comparing scores a) on the same measure taken by the criminal justice system whose reliability is proven, then same group at two different times (stability); b) on the we might administer that test and our own test to a same measure taken by two different but similar groups group of students similar to those who'll participate in (equivalence); or c) scores on responses to similar the study and compare the results. A second way of questions in different parts of the same instrument establishing instrument validity is by having outside Where the instrument is an (internal consistency). content of the experts judge the instrument to observation scale, the reliability is tested by comparing determine whether its content truly represents the observation or rating scores for the same subject(s) but larger domain which is being considered. Known as given by different observers (interrater reliability). this type of content-related evidence for validity, Scores on tests of reliability are compared by evidence might be exemplified in the LRE field by computing a correlation coefficient which can range having several criminal justice experts review our test between .00 to .99. With correlations, we are trying for the mock trial study to see if it is comprehensive to determine how closely one score is correlated to enough. The third means of demonstrating instrument another. The closer to 1.00 the coefficient is, the more validity is called construct-related evidence. This type strongly correlated the scores and, therefore, the more of evidence is used with instruments that measure correlation general, In instrument. the reliable difficult to observe variables, such as intelligence, coefficients above .60 are considered acceptable and In this validation or self-confidence. creativity, When reading a formal research above .75 good. process, the researcher seeks to tie together certain report, you should look for information indicating the attitude and such as constructs, psychological If it is not offered, this reliability of the instrument. motivation or self-concept and hostile interpretation of should raise questions for you as to whether the others' actions. Whichever form of evidence is used instrument used to measure change is able to do so to demonstrate the validity of our measures - whether accurately. it's proven instruments, judges, or constructs, it is Validity important to do so in a context similar to that of the Outside of research, when we speak of something study (e.g. similar age group, gender mix, academic being valid, we normally mean that it is solid, well- ability, etc.). founded, or persuasive. We might even be referring to Internal validity relates to the experimental design, However, in research arenas, it having been tested. How strong is the design in overcoming a itself. validity has much more specific meanings. In general, variety of challenges to the inferences and conclusions and appropriateness the refers to validity Does the design eliminate the that are drawn? meaningfulness of inferences that are made both within possibility of alternative explanations for our results? the study and in applying the study's results to larger We've already seen that the instrument and extraneous populations. We must ask ourselves, does the study variables can be threats to the study's validity. Other have internal validity, or are the inferences we make typical threats to internal validity include significant Does the test we're from the test data appropriate? differences in the subjects assigned to different groups using in this study really measure understanding of the (known as subject selection); bias on the part of the that court process, for example, or how do we know subjects; maturation of the subjects during the study this new personality inventory really does measure (that is, the fact that they have aged or that significant what we have defined as attitude toward the law? Is time has passed may strongly influence the results); the experimental design constructed in such a way as 4 6 experimental design can legitimately lead others to loss of subjects during the study (known as subject conclude that alternative explanations have not been attrition or mortality); subjects changing just because not critical for you to they are a part of the study (they feel While it special, eliminated. is understand all of these types of proced ures (and it is important, left out, don't want to let the experimenter down, etc.) or changing because of what they have far beyond my capability to explain them), it is helpful learned or heard from other subjects (known as to at least be able to recognize these terms and the fact that they are statistical tests when you read research diffusion of treatment); and subjects changing because Typical statistical procedures you will see reports. they have taken a pretest (from which they may have in research reports include chi-square, described learned something new or been alerted to certain types analysis of variance or regression analysis, t-test, of information). Also, what the experimenter says or of variance (ANOVA, analysis multivariate does may affect subject responses; the experimenter MANOVA), and analysis of covariance or multivariate may have a bias which influences observations or analysis of covariance (ANCOVA, MANCOVA). interpretations; or the number of times the treatment is It is also helpful to recognize that all statistical tests tested on different subject or subject groups may be are built on certain assumptions which, if not met in insufficient to draw conclusions other than that the the experiment's design, also threaten the validity of result,: happened by chance (known as a treatment Statistical procedures conclusions. statistical the replications threat). assume that the sample which is studied is drawn from When it comes time to analyze the results of a In other a population which is normally distributed. quantitative study, the research could suffer from yet words, the degree to which a particular characteristic another type of validity issue - statistical conclusion appears in a particular population will be consistently In quantitative research, standard statistical validity. distributed along a normal or bell curve. (This means tests are used to analyze the statistical significance of that most of the population displays the characteristic (It is important to differentiate between the results. to an average degree and is clustered around the statistical significance and real-world significance; a middle "hill" portion of the curve, while much smaller study's results may be statistically significant but portions of the population display the characteristic to useless in the real world.) A lay person might ask why a much lesser degree or to a much higher degree as just look we bother with the statistics at all? Why not represented by the two "valleys" or tails of the curve.) at the results and, if one is more than the other, then The larger the population from which the subjects are referred to as descriptive just say so? (This is drawn, the more likely it is that this is a normally statistics.) However, there is an important justification distributed population. for using statistical analysis. Such an analysis enables Another assumption behind statistical tests is that us to infer that our results have meaning beyond our subjects have been randomly selected and randomly Otherwise, we would not know specific study. The randomness is critical assigned to test groups. whether or not our results are just a fluke or a matter because it assures that we have variability or that any of chance. Further, no one is likely to care about our variations that typically appear in the population also results unless we can somehow demonstrate that these appear in the sample. Because of the randomness, it is results are likely to happen again and again with also assumed that the level that any characteristic Here, then, groups similar to those who were studied varies in a group will be similar across all groups in is where the field of inferential statistics - which is the experiment. Using based on the laws of probability - comes in. Finally, it is important for the number of subjects various statistical tests we can determine how likely it levels in or subject groups not to go below critical is that our study's results will be true for the larger order for the conclusions to be valid. If a whole group population from which our sample came. We can also of people, like a class or a reading group, receives the determine the degree to which we can be certain that treatment at one time, this is considered one subject this conclusion is true. The degree of certainty about conventional group or one treatment replicatkn. The the conclusion is referred to as level of significance. wisdom for sample size is 15 treatment replications or You will see this reported as p 5.10 or .05 or .001. subjects for experiments and 30 for non-experimental is generally considered to be A p of .05 or less studies. Now that you know all of this, you should be statistically significant. studies are wary of the validity of results when There are many types of statistical procedures used conducted on small numbers of subjects or on subjects Failure to use the for various types of experiments. not randomly selected from the larger population. particular the for procedures appropriate most 7 Even if the study is internally valid - that is, the researcher, ask if he or she has adequately accounted results are statistically significant and there are no for any personal or professional information which may have affected analysis, and significant alternative explanations for the results, it collection, data This refers to our interpretation? Are there any biases on the part of the may not have external validity. researcher of evaluator? Has that individual changed? ability to generalize about the results or to apply them Has that individual been properly prepared and trained? to more generalized populations. For example, results Have the participants had or were they likely to have from studies conducted on populations that only had strong reactions to the researcher which may have represent one socioeconomic status (SES), such as the biased the way in which they acted or responded? very poor, are not necessarily generalizable to middle Finally, ask if there is ample data to support any Similarly, studies of in-school and high SES groups. conclusions that are drawn and if the researcher has 12th graders may not be generalizable to dropouts, or adequately considered negative cases or exceptions to by juvenile delinquents may not be responses the trends that appear in the data. generalized to the larger teenaged population. Case Study: Analysis of A Well Known LRE Credibilkyo0ualitative Research Experimental Study There are issues of credibility on the qualitative Many of us are familiar with the results reported side of research, as well. However, they have a very from a study 3-year, national funded, federally different orientation. Here, the major questions are the conducted in the early 1980's. In fact, that study's integrity and validity of the study, the accuracy of the results have served as our flagship in the relatively findings, and the credibility of the researcher. foggy void of studies generated by our field over the The purpose of qualitative research is to describe last twenty years. Unfortunately, some of the methods a phenomenon, not to explain what caused it or to used in the study raise serious questions about the other groups. to about make generalizations it internal and external validity of its reported results. Therefore the approach to conducting qualitative The purpose of this brief case study is not to denigrate research is very different from that for its counterpart. is to offer a familiar the research so much as it Sample sizes are small and purposeful. That is, a few example with which we might apply some of the highly representative or informative cases are selected principles described earlier. The for in depth study rather than large numbers. this study, with There were several stages to study is conducted in the natural setting, and the report In the first various approaches used at each stage. is very detailed in describing the context specifics of year's small study of LRE and control classes at ten Also, the study uses the phenomenon being studied. sites, researchers observed seven of the LRE classes multiple means (methods and resources) of generating and developed predictions as to which ones would information on the question being investigated. It result in greater student knowledge of the law and characteristically involves the researcher conducting greater improvements in self-reported attitudes and detailed observations or interviews. The researcher is behavior toward the law. In all ten sites, students were expected to get much more involved with those who pre- and posttested using a 41-item measure developed subjects) are being studied (called participants not study and scored by the group conducting the since this involvement is considered important to independently of the classroom observations. Sites for knowing what to ask and how to ask it. Scientific the study were not randomly selected (instead, they objectivity is, therefore, out of the question. Also, the were selected based on previous involvement and often becomes the instrument of data researcher interest in LRE); nor was student assignment to LRE collection, so credibility of the results often hinges on Overall test scores for and control classes random. the background, qualifications, and style or approach LRE classes improved in four classes, declined in four of the researcher. and remained the same The in two. ask how classes, research, When reading qualitative however, were found to predictions of success, rigorous the researcher has been in gathering the data favorably compare with those groups who showed the and triangulating it or using multiple methods for such most gains on the test, and it was out of this study that data gathering and analysis (i.e. repeated observations; the "six prescriptions for successful LRE instruction" interviews coupled with surveys and document or were born. record reviews; interviews of people from varying The second year's larger study of 30 sites across perspectives; using different people to analyze the the nation again used observations and the 41-item Triangulation ensures an information richness, data). attitude measure of student knowledge and self-reported regard to the accuracy, reliability, and validity. With 8 the third year, there were only eleven treatment Again, sites were chosen because of and behavior. - not enough for any valid statistical replications their involvement in LRE, and most LRE and control classes had students who had not been randomly conclusions. Further, no evidence of independent tests assigned, thus resulting in a lack of equivalence for reliability was given for either the achievement At one junior high school in portion of the student test or the attitude portion of that between groups. Nor was any corroborating data (such as measure. Colorado, there were six randomly assigned classes (3 teacher or principal reports or police reports) given to Researchers report that there were LRE, 3 control). support the students' self-report of delinquent activity. 14 out of 32 (44%) possible main effects (statistical Finally, generalizability or external validity is highly analysis procedure) for the LRE classes, and all were questionable given the limited number of treatment in a favorable direction. study focused only on the replications offered in this particular portion of the The third year's study and the likelihood that the school's population Colorado junior high school where they could get a only represents one socio-economic status rather than random subject design with experimental true all (no data provided). assignment. Teachers received summer LRE training While these are not all the questions that have been (enhanced by the study's earlier findings of what leads raised about this study, it is easy to see from what little to successful LRE), and eleven classes of students at you've learned from this article that there are some the school received either LRE or civics during the fall very serious questions about the study's internal and Out of 41 possible measured semester's instruction. The study's results are, at best, external validity. effects of LRE (related to achievement, delinquency encouraging - not conclusive. We cannot rely on these theory, and delinquent behavior), 24 (59%) showed particular results as being truth, and we should be statistically significant favorable effects for LRE. The careful to look with a critical eye at the results of all conclusion was that LRE in that school "had dramatic studies prior to adopting their fiats or promoting the favorable impact on the students who participated" Further, we can never 11) and that the program had products which they evaluate. (Johnson, 1984, p. expect to be taken seriously as a field by the larger reduced the students' delinquent behavior. educational community and its decision makers, until The first question about the 3rd year study that we generate strong and valid data to support what we jumps to mind regards the conclusions themselves. Only 24 out of 41 or three fifths of the overall believe and assert to be true about LRE. measures and less than one third of the specific Sources Chirot, D. (1986). Social change in the modem era. delinquent behavior measures showed LRE to have a New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. statistically significant impact. Another way of looking Cook and Campbell. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: at the results is that there was no significant impact on Design and analysis issues for field settings. Chicago: (Results from the 2nd year 40% of the responses! Rand McNally; pp. 37-84. This is hardly a "dramatic were even weaker.) Johnson, G. (1984). When LRE is a deterrent to favorable impact" and should cause you to wonder Paper presented at Rocky Mountain delinquency about the bias of the researchers. Regional Conference of the National Council for the Beyond the questionable conclusions, the study, Social Studies, Phoenix. (ERIC Document Reproduction itself, had several challenges to internal and external Service No. ED 252 459) sites were not selected For example, validity. McMillan, J.H. (1992). Educational research randomly for participation in any year of the study. New York: consumer. the for fundamentals Sites were selected because they were already involved HarperCollins. Muraskin, L.D. (1993). Understanding evaluation in LRE, and so the results could only be compared to the way to better evaluation programs. [A publication of (In other sites with similar previous involvement. Inc., developed with funds from the U.S. Westat, words, we have no idea how the LRE would have Department of Education, contract number LC89089001]. influenced students and teachers in a school where Patton, M.Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and LRE was a brand new phenomenon.) During the first Research Methods. (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. two years, subjects were not randomly assigned, so Shaver, J.P. (1984). LRE project: A methodological accurate reliable comparisons between the experimental Paper presented at Rocky Mountain Regional critique. and control classes could not be made. We just can't Conference of the National Council for the Social know if the results were caused by the characteristics Studies, Phoenix. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service of who took part in the LRE and control classes or by No. ED 252 460) the approach, itself. While this problem was solved in 1 0

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