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Preview ERIC ED381202: Undergraduate Certificate Programs of Less than Two Years: 1991-92. Research Briefs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1995.

DOCUMENT RESUME JC 950 188 ED 381 202 Henderson, Cathy AUTHOR Undergraduate Certificate Programs of Less than Two TITLE Years: 1991-92. Research Briefs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1995. American Council on Education, Washington, D.C. Div. INSTITUTION of Policy Analysis and Research. PUB DATE 95 NOTE 14p. 1995 Research Brief Series, American Council on AVAILABLE FROM Education, Department 36, Washington, DC, 20055-0036 ($10 single copy; $58 one-year subscription; ACE member institutions 10% discount; orders must be prepaid). Research/Technical (143) Reports PUB TYPE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE College Programs; Community Colleges; Continuing DESCRIPTORS Education; *Educational Certificates; *Educational Trends; Education Work Relationship; *Employment Projections; Postsecondary Education; School Demography; *Student Characteristics; Two Year Colleges; *Two Year College Students; *Undergraduate Study ABSTRACT Many higher education institutions serve students enrolled in specialized training courses who receive undergraduate certificates rather than degrees. In academic year 1991-92, almost 65,000 postsecondary students earned certificates for programs of less than 1 year, and nearly 117,000 completed requirements for programs lasting between 1 and 2 years. Based on the National Center for Education Statistics survey of earned degrees and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) labor force projections for 1992-2005, programs of less than 1 year duration showed the following in 5 was characteristics: 53% of the students were women and about 1 an ethnic minority; 7 in 10 students received their certificates at community colleges; certificate programs were offered at 624 institutions; among men, the three most popular programs were commercial vehicle operator (14%), emergency medical technology (107.), and law enforcement (67.); and among women, the three most popular programs were nurse assistant (19%), administrative assistance (5%), and emergency medical technology (4%). For programs to 2 years, about 61% of students were women and 1 lasting between 1 in 4 students were ethnic minorities; two-thirds of students completed their certificates at public two-year institutions; programs were offered at 1,350 institutions; and mechanical trades were chosen most often by men, while the most common program for women (197.) was licensed practical nursing. BLS projections are favorable for occupations open to certificate programs. (MAB) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made , * from the original document. ********************************************************************** Undergraduate Certificate Programs of Less than Two Years: 1991-92. Research Briefs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1995. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U.S DEPANTNIEN* OF EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Office of Educational Research and Improve:nen! EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION M. Henderson CENTER (ERIC{ This document has ben reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it 0 Mmct changes have been made to improve rproduchol Quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of veep( opinions Stated in thisdocu- ment do not neCialtearily represent official INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC).- OERI position or polity Cathy Henderson American Council on Education, Washington D.C., Division of Policy Analysis and Research. 6 a 0 II Undergraduate Certificate Programs of Less than Two Years: 1991-92 CATHY HENDERSON undergraduate certificate programs of less than one year. and nearly hen most people think of less than two years. 117.000 completed their require- about undergraduates, they Two primary sources of data ments for programs lasting between envision students who are were used for this analysis: the one and two years. working toward an associate or 1991-92 National Center for Educa- Who are these students? Where bachelor's degree. However, higher tion Statistics (NCES) survey of do they receive their training? What education institutions also serve earned degrees and the Bureau of fields of study have they chosen? students enrolled in specialized train- Labor Statistics (BLS) projections What are the labor force projections ing courses who receive undergradu- of labor force changes for the for their occupations? How will ate certificates rather than degrees. period 1992-2005. The NCES changes in the labor force affect their In academic year 1991-92. almost annual survey of earned degrees ability to compete in the future? This 65.000 postsecondary students describes students receiving awards brief profiles students who complete earned certificates for programs and certificate's.' In addition to forecasts of general trends in labor THIGHLIGHTS force participation rates. BLS also analyzes the employment outlook I The majority of these Approximately 182,000 stu- for selected occupations by type of students were women dents earned undergraduate work performed, level of education (58 percent), and almost certificates at postsecondary expected for entry, and median one in four (23 percent) institutions in 1991-92; some was an individual of color. weekly earnings anticipated. of these programs could be completed in less than a Labor force projections year, while others required through the year 2005 Programs Lasting Less between one and two years are generally favorable for of study. Than One Year occupations open to certifi- cate holders. Typically, Seven in 10 students Demographic Characteristics these are jobs that pay received their certifica, In academic year 1991-92, higher than average at community colleges. nearly 65,000 postsecondary students earnings and do not require college degrees. Students earned certificates in programs de- The most popular certificate can successfully compete programs completed by men signed to he completed in fewer than for these jobs it they have were divided among various 12 months. completed ..pecialized vocational field_, while the training in certificate health sciences clearly Slightly over half the recipients programs. ranked first among women. were women (53 percent). 3 Figure 1 Race/Ethnicity of Students Completing Undergraduate Certificates, by Length of Program: 1991-92 White Less Than One Y,.ar 1.1 African American 5 Hispanic L Asian American Native American NI Nonresident Alien One to Two Years 111 Unknown/Unrepo,ted 0.0% 40.0% 20.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data, 1994. Figure 2 Undergraduate Certificates Awarded, by Type of Institution: 1991-92 Less than Proprietary: Two Years or More One Year Proprietary: Less than Two Years Independent Four-Year Independent Two-Year Public Four-Year One to Two ill Public Two-Year Years 0.0% 40.0% 20.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% SOURCE: U S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data. 1994. 1 Page 2 North Carolina educated about half of all students About one in five students was an individual of receiving certificates requiring less than one year of color, either African American (13 percent), Hispanic study. Almost two in three students were enrolled in (5 percent), Asian American (3 percent), or Native a total of 10 states. American (1 percent). Another 1 percent were nonresi- dent aliens. The race/ethnicity of 6 percent of the re- Programs of Study cipients was unknown or unreported (Figure 1). Generally, students chose programs that provided training designed to lead directly to specific occupations. Institutional Affiliation and Geographic Distribution Among men, the three most popular programs were I truck/bus and other commercial vehicle operator The majority of these students (three in four) (14 percent); emergency medical technologist/ received their certificates from public two-year tec},nie an ( 10 percent); and law enforcement/police colleges (Figure 2). science (6 percent) (Figure 3). In 1 9 9 1-9 2, certificate programs of less than one year it Nurse assistants/aides attracted more women than any * were offered at 624 institutions across the United other occupation. Almost one in five (19 percent) States. However, students were concentrated in a few women had selected this program. The second and states: Florida, Illinois, California, Wisconsin, and Figure 3 Most Popular Certificate Programs of Less Than One Year for Men: 1991-92 4256 Truck/Bus/Commercial Driver 3096 Emergency Medical Technician 1828 Law Enforcement/Police Science 1287 Undesignated Fields 954 Automotive Mechanic/Technician 915 Nurse Assistant/Aide 833 Institutional Food Worker 688 Corrections/Correctional Admin. 617 Welder/Welding Technologist 565 Heat/Air Cond./Refrig. Mechanic 4000 5000 3000 2063 1000 0 1991-92. NOTE: These 10 most popular programs comprise 49 percent of the 30,619 certificates of less than one year completed by men in SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data, 1994. Page 3 Volume 6, No. 1 Figure 4 Most Popular Certificate Programs of Less Than One Year for Women: 1991-92 Nurse Assistant/Aide 6339 1606 Administrative Ass't./Secretary 1326 Emergency Medical Technician 1204 Medical Assistant 976 Institutional Food Worker 949 Undesignated Fields 886 Mental Health Services 872 General Office/Clerical Worker 111111 721 Accounting Technician 715 Paralegal /Legal Assistant 4000 2000 8000 0 6000 NOTE: These 10 most popular programs comprise 46 percent of the 34,160 certificates of less than one year completed by women in 1991-92. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data, 1994. third most popular choices women were admin- most often at community colleges. Indeed, two in three among istrative assistant/secretariai science (5 percent) and students had completed their certificates at public two- emergency medical technologist/technician programs year colleges. (4 percent) (Figure 4). Certificate programs lasting 12 to 24 months were offered at 1,350 postsecondary institutions. However, enrollment was concentrated in a handful of states. Programs Lasting More Than One Almost half the certificates were awarded in five But Less Than Two Years states: Pennsylvania, California. Texas, Illinois, Demographic Characteristics and Georgia. In 1991-92, almost 117.000 students completed cer- Programs of Study tificate programs that lasted between 12 and 24 months. / Mechanical trades were chosen most often by About tnree-fifths (61 percent) were women. men. The top three specific occupations were automotive mechanic/technician (7 percent): Almost one in four was an individual of color, either heating. air conditioning, and refrigeration mech- African American (12 percent), Hispanic (8 percent), anic and repairer (5 percent): and electrical and Asian American (3 percent). or Native American electronics equipment installer and repairer percent). One percent were nonresident aliens. ( I (4 percent) (Figure 5). The race/ethnicity status of 5 percent of the recipients was unknown or unreported. By contrast, almost one in five women (19 percent) selected a single occupation: licensed practical nursing. Institutional Affiliation and The second and third choices among women were Geographic Distribution training to become administrative assistant/secretarial As with the shorter training programs. certificate pro- science employees (7 percent) and cosmetologists (5 percen3(Figurc 6). grams lasting be..ween 12 and 24 months were offered American Council on Et:nation, Research Brief Page 4 Figure 5 Most Popular Certificate Programs of One to Two Years for Men: 1991-92 3065 Automotive Mechanic/Technician 2491 Heat/Air Cond./Refrig. Mechanic 1805 Electrical Equipment Installer 1702 Undesignated Fields 1342 Licensed Practical Nurse 1328 Welder/Welding Technologist 1284 Electrician 1142 Electric/Electronic Technician 1137 Machine Shop Assistant 1120 Automotive Body Repairer 3000 3500 2500 2000 1000 1500 500 0 NOTE: These 10 most popular programs comprise 36 percent of the 45,962 certificates of one to two years completed by men in 1991-92. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data, 1994. Figure 6 Most Popular Certificate Programs of One to Two Years for Women: 1991-92 13774 Licensed Practical Nurse 4778 Administrative Ass't. /Secretary MIME 3451 Cosmetologist 2529 Child Care/Guidance Worker 2464 General Office/Clerical Staff Medical Assistant 2084 1939 Accounting Technician Dental Assistant 1859 Paralegal/Legal Assistant 1594 1577 Undesignated Fields 15000 12000 9000 6000 3000 0 completed by NOTE: These 10 most popular programs comprise 51 percent of the 70,911 certificate programs of one to two years women in 1991-92. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education NCES unpublished data. 1994. 7 Volume 6, No. 1 Page 5 Labor Force Projections 40 years of age by 2005 (BLS, 1994a). Consequently, workers in 2005 will face more retraining and adapta- General Changes in the tion to tr:chnology if they want to retain their positions Characteristics of Workers or advance in their careers. Analysts at BLS project that recent trends in the pool of available civilian labor force participants are likely to It is anticipated that the number of college graduates tit continue through the year 2005. The following assumptions in the U.S. population will continue to increase at a are based on the BLS set of moderate projections:2 steady rate. Between 1970 and 1991, the number of college graduates in the adult population almost Women are likely to gain in their share of the labor tripled, from 12 to 34 million people (NUCEA, 1994). force. In 1979, one in two adult women (51 percent) Unless an unusually high number of positions for was working; by 2005, that ratio is expected to in- well-educated workers arz created in the near future, crease to more than three in five (63 percent) (BLS. it is likely that there will be both I) accelerated compe- 1994a). Comparable percentages for men are projected tition among college graduates for positions that tradi- to remain more stable, falling slightly from the 1979 tionally have required a bachelor's degree as an entry figure of 78 percent to an expected level of 75 percent requirement, and 2) higher competition for some posi- by 2005. tions that historically have required fewer years of postsecondary education as a prerequisite. BLS projects that individuals of color will constitute * an increasing proportion of the civilian labor force. In Growth in Jobs 1992, their share was 22 percent; this is projected to BLS projects that almost 26.4 million new jobs will be grow to 27 percent by 2005 (BLS, 1993). available during the period 1992-2005. The majority of this employment growth will occur in occupations that pay If present trends continue, the average age of persons higher than average wages. addition, positions in which In working in the labor force will rise. In 1979, the me- the workers typically have one to three years of college will dian age of workers was 35; this is likely to increase to experience the largest percentage growth (Figure 7). For Figure 7 Projected Percentage Change in Employment Growth, by Level of Education of the Worker: 1992--2005 High School Diploma or Less Work-Related Training Postsecondary Educ., No Degree Bachelor's Degree or Higher 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 20.0% 35.0% 30.0% 15.0% 25.0% NOTE: Level of education means the entry level generally needed to be hired. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, No. 1, Spring 1994, p. 52. Page American Council on Education, Research Brief 6 Table 1 Projected Growth in Major Occupations, the Educational Attainment of Workers, and the Median Weekly Earnings in Selected Occupations Projected Growth Educational Attainment (1992) Percent Distribution (1992-2005) Expected Four or More One to Median Weekly Percentage High School Three Years Years of Earnings of College Growth or Less College (1992) Executives, administrators, and managers 26 27 48 25 $652 Professional specialty workers 72 $596 37 19 9 Technicians and related support workers 32 45 29 26 $489 Marketing and sales workers 46 22 $346 32 21 Administrative support workers, including clerical 37 14 13 50 $341 Service workers 26 $232 33 68 6 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and related workers 75 $258 17 4 8 Precision production, craft, and repair workers 26 68 13 6 $470 Operators, fabricators, and laborers 17 80 10 $331 3 Total 27 $406 22 50 23 SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Fall 1993. p. 36. 9 Volume 6, No. 1 Page 7 Eight of the 10 most popular one- to two-year certifi- 0 example, jobs with both 1) higher than average earnings, cate programs for men were in precision production, entry requirements of some postsecondary training and 2) craft, and repair. Some of these certificate recipients but less than a bachelor's degree are expected to grow by may have difficulty finding work in these fields, million positions. These are the very jobs that nearly 2.8 however, because the expected growth rate is low postsecondary students who complete one- or two-year percent). But if work can be found, the median training programs might be able to secure. (13 weekly earnings are good ($470). Implications for Students Earning Certificates Another problem with some occupations may be Most students who have enrolled in postsecondary competition from employees who have learned their certificate programs have chosen to be trained for skills through on-the-job apprenticeship programs but specific occupations. Have these fields of study been who have not completed postsecondary certificates. good choices? What are the projections for these occupa- For example, BLS reports that, in 1992, two-thirds tions in the future? percent) of precision production, craft, and repair (68 The data in Table I illustrate three factors that affect workers were high school graduates who probably the outlook for broad categories of jobs. The first pertains want to remain in a higher-than-average earnings to the expected percentage growth in the available jobs by field once they have served their apprenticeship major occupations. The next factor shows the level of edu- and learned their craft. Therefore, unless the pace cation that most workers in certain occupations have at- of technological change accelerates sharply, new tained. The third factor is median weekly earnings. graduates with certificates in precision production. craft, and repair will face tough competition for Overall, the number of jobs is expected to increase by 0 existing openings. 22 percent between 1992 and 2005. Table I summarizes the general types of occupations In general. about half of U.S. workers have high 0 available to students who are considering postsecondary school diplomas as their highest degree credential, education training programs. Table 2 provides specific percent have completed some college. another BLS labor force projections for each of the top five 27 percent are college graduates. and the remaining programs selected by students earning certificates in 23 1991-92. These employment growth forecasts are based on national labor force trends and can be of general use The 1992 median weekly earnings for all occupations * to prospective students as they investigate the market for was $406. specific occupations. However, local and regional projections are far more Data from the BLS projections in Table 1 show that * important to people seeking employment. Most postsecon- programs that train technicians and related support dary students who enroll in certificate programs attend workers may he good choices for the following Community colleges near their homes. The particular reasons: First, the projected percentage growth in posi- courses offered at these sites have been developed not only tions is higher than average (32 percent vs. 22 percent), based on state and regional projected labor force needs but and second, the median weekly earnings exceed the also as a result of demands of the local economy. For ex- overall median ($489 vs. $406). ample, the opening of a large facility for senior citizens in a rural area may encourage a local community college to Several other major occupational groups in Table I expand its course offerings in licensed practical nursing or might seem attractive to workers who arc not college in institutional food preparation and management. graduates but who seek career advancement. Jobs for service workers are projected to expand by Potential for Advancement 33 percent, but median weekly earnings are the lowest What opportunities exist for advancement? In addition of all fields ($232). Likewise, although many people to becoming more skilled through on-the-job experience. are working as administrative support/clerical em- students who have earned certificates may want to further ployees, this field is not expected to grow rapidly their education. (14 percent). nor is it typically lucrative (averaging $341 per week ). Students seeking postsecondary For students who have completed certificate programs training in marketing and sales should he aware that 0 in specialized fields, the labor market outlook is en- the median weekly earnings in these positions are couraging. Their level of academic preparation is lower than average ($346). 10 American Council on Education, Research Brief Page 8

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