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ERIC ED380082: A Reader-Response Analysis of "A Book from the Sky." PDF

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Preview ERIC ED380082: A Reader-Response Analysis of "A Book from the Sky."

DOCUMENT RESUME IR 017 003 ED 380 082 Ma, Yan AUTHOR A Reader-Response Analysis of "A Book from the TITLE Sky." PUB DATE [95] 21p.; In: Imagery and Visual Literacy: Selected NOTE Readings from the Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (26th, Tempe, Arizona, October 12-16, 1994); see IR 016 977. Illustrations may not reproduce clearly. Research/Technical (143) Reports PUB TYPE Speeches /Conference Papers (150) MFO1 /PCO1 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Age; *Art Criticism; Art Education; *Chinese; DESCRIPTORS Cultural Influences; *Data Interpretation; Ethnicity; Foreign Countries; Imagery; Professional Occupations; *Reader Response; *Reader Text Relationship; Sex; Visual Arts; Visual Literacy *Book from the Sky (A); China; Gender Issues; United IDENTIFIERS States ABSTRACT This study applies reader-response criticism to investigate subject positions of gender, age, ethnicity, and profession through the poststructural analysis of an art work entitled "A Bcok from the Sky," and examines the relationship among viewer, text (the art work), and artist. A description of the art work is provided as an introduction. The study's general concern is "What meanings do viewers with different ethnicity, gender, age, and profession construct from viewing this work of art?" The study compares the similarities and differences of the interpretations given by United States (novice) viewers and Chinese (expert) critics; ascertains the author's intention in making the "Book"; compares, his intention with viewer reactions; and describes the codes in the "Book." An introduction to the Chinese language is provided, and the foll,wing language codes are defined: images; sounds; radicals; (Contains 39 grammar. Three illustrations of the "Book" are provided. references.) (MAS) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** A Reader-Response Analysis of A Book from the Sky THIS EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE U.S. DEPARTMENT Of and Improvernont BY )Mice of EducattOnal Rataitoch MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED INFORMATION Yan Ma EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE ICS ) CENTER (ER Alice Walker. as bean felooducd 0 This document hall Of organization recchvO0 from the periOn ohgmatmci made to improve C Minor changes have been reproduction quality stated in this docu- RESOURCES points of clew 04 Opmi One TO THE EDUCATIONAL represent official ment do not necessarily INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." OERI position or policy of mass production Introduction because in the The late twentieth industrial society. This study applies reader-response century has witnessed the innovations of criticism to inve3tigate subject positions technology ranging from telephone of gender, age, ethnicity, and profession networks, communication satellites, radar through a poststructural analysis of an art systems, programmable laser videodiscs, work entitled A Book from the Sky robots, biogenetically engineered cells, (hereafter referred as Book). This study computer networks, rocket guidance examines the relationship between and systems and to artificial intelligence. Bill among viewer, text (the art work), and Nichols (1988) has carried Benjamin's It artist. explores the relationships inquiry forward as he describes the mass between and among subject positions of production in the age of cybernetics. The viewers, text, and historical moments of aura of a cultural product has been lost in viewing, and investigates how the art of copy production mass machines, work positioned viewers in the social computers, etc. Although critiques of art change and meaning construction. Since works based on the ideas of Benjamin and the Book possesses political, social, and Nichols have been carried out in the cultural values, the study is a postmodern West, Eastern scholars have not educational enterprise. The study is also articulated these ideas. An ambitious contribution a work of art, however, has appeared in to postmodern art education. For the purpose of the study, China of incorporates it both and both textual analysis and social science Benjamin's major topics, namely, the research methods, such as survey and aura of an art work and the nature of interviews, were used. mass reproduction with letterpress printing. Description of A Book from the Sky The art work is entitled A Book from the Sky. In his essay The Work of Art in the One copy of the Book Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter consists of four volumes each 40 cm x 36 Benjamin (1936) described a crisis that cm. The Book's format resembles that of occurred in the late twentieth century. The artist, Xu Chinese holy classics. He warned that the originality or the years making the Bing, spent :nree "aura" of an art work had been lost volumes. The characters in the Book are BEST COPY AVAILABLE IVLA - 218 2 reacted differently to this Book. The made up, designed, carved, and printed Book was praised highly and discussed They look like real words by the artist. heatedly in China before the Tiananmen The artist but they are not real words. Square incident on June 4th, 1989. From has created a totally "new" language, by 1985 to 1989, there was a new trend in combining traditional Chinese printing Chinese art which was labeled as the with book-making. He kept the aura of Art works "New Wave of Fine Arts." original art by creating more than four influenced by the New Wave were similar "characters," the individual thousand style or art Western in method of printing to and applied the After the June 4th number of copies printed are related to conceptualization. incident, the government set a policy to the concept of mass production discussed The artist used control arts. The Book was criticized by in Benjamin's essay. some conservative critics as an example letterpress printing to print one hundred of "bourgeois product of the and twenty copies of the Book. When it liberalization" during the "New Wave" was exhibited, it was installed in three (Yang, 1990). thread-bound books, ceiling fashions: (an exaggerated form of a draperies deprived of the The Book Chinese scroll), and wall hangings (an is of communication: means exaggerated form of Chinese painting on standard reading. Though it is considered a book walls). in its form and format, it resists reading. Because it resembles a real Chinese book, Artist Xu Bing, spent three years it invites viewers to read, understand, and making these unrecognizable characters interpret, but its characters are simply art during the time when China was opening It was presented to a United forms. its door to the rest of the world; allowing States audience during the period from 30 the flow of Western ideas into China; November 1991 to 19 January 1992. ideas rejecting and accepting and philosophy of old and new, Eastern and The Book is a challenge to viewers Western, traditional and contemporary in not only visually but also culturally. It As Erickson (1991) a mixed condition. "denying the meaning of challenges viewers to rethink the meaning pointed out, of language and the relationship with its Chinese culture by deconstructing the written word has political overtones in culture. Chinese young echoes It itself. The general concern of this study intellectuals' frustration with a system of "What meanings do viewers with constrained by the tightly is culture gender, and age, ethnicity, different authorities and questions the validity of a profession construct from viewing this civilization that could produce such a the compares situation" (p. 12). study The Book?" . of the differences and similarities interpretations given by United States The appearance of the Book in viewers (novice viewers) and Chinese China spurred reaction from art circles critics (expert viewers); ascertains the and other viewers as well as reactions author's intention in making this Book; from other countries in Asia. Viewers viewer with intention with different social, economic, political, his compares educational, and cultural backgrounds reactions; and describes the codes in the IVLA - 219 3 Because Book. the investigator has questions stated earlier, a research design, available only the critiques written by which consists of personal interview, Chinese critics, these critiques are used survey, and a poststructural analysis using for comparison. reception theory to analyze collected data is developed. Objective and Focus Questions are used to gather responses Interviews A number of focus questions are related of the from viewers United States. to the objective of the study. Following are used to Interviews ascertain the are the objective and focus questions for intention of the artist who created the the study: Book. Using reception theory to compare and is used in case there are more Survey contrast between and among the artist, the viewers than the investigator could handle itself, Book and the viewers, at one time. A questionnaire is mailed the researcher asked following focus the only to those who have been to the show questions: and whose gender and age group are known to the investigator in order to 1. What is the intention of the artist who avoid sensitive questions. Therefore, this created this Book? group of respondents are those whom the 2. What are the codes in the Book? investigator personally knows. 3. What meanings are constructed when viewers interact with this Book? Ttxtual analysis is used in this study. It 3a. How do Chinese critics react to this cc; sists of the analyses of the text (i.e., Book? the Book); the critiques of Chinese critics; 3b. How do the United States viewers the of transcriptions interview and react to this Book? questionnaire of novice viewers, and the 4. How do the Chinese critics' perception artist: interview transcription. Chinese of the codes compare with the United characters are the symbols of Chinese States viewers' perception of the codes of culture. When the cultural symbols are the Book? deconstructed and reconstructed into What 5. are the similarities and familiar but new symbols, how do people and among differences between the of different ethnicity, age, gender, and of intention the artist and the profession construct meaning when they . interpretations of the Chinese critics and are interacting with these new symbols (in the United States viewers? this case those in the As Book)? What 6. are the similarities DeVaney (DeVaney & Elenes, and 1990) of differences the interpretations pointed out "A post structural textual generated by the United States viewers analysis has the power to answer questions about cultural meanings. " Codes or syntax of the from groups differing in gender, age, and are analyzed Book profession? because a close textual analysis is of primary importance to a further analysis Methodology of the relationship between and among reader and artist. text, The textual In order to examine the research analysis of the consists of the Book IVLA - 220 4 following elements: codes of Chinese Chinese characters; Vietnam and Korea which formerly used Chinese characters, language, codes of Chinese characters, have kept some of the Chinese characters codes of classic Chinese books, and codes in their languages, making the population of installation of the Book. These codes of Chinese language users even bigger. are used in analyzing expert viewers' not critiques, novice viewers' interview and language Chinese Because is a phonetic based language, it causes more questionnaire transcriptions, and artist' difficulty in its use than do most of the interview transcription. world. Chinese languages the in characters consist of three parts: image, A Book from the Sky sound, and meaning. The Book is a text in this study. Chinese characters are the symbols of When the Codes of Images. Chinese characters are Chinese culture. cultural deconstructed constructed on the basis of the imitative and are symbols symbols or the characters but new carry that familiar reconstructed into As an origin, a symbols, how do viewers of different imitative components. ethnicity, age, gender, and profession Chinese character is created based on an The system of image of a real object. create meaning when they are interacting an basically characters with these new symbols (in this case the Chinese is of the one. "Because ideographic text)? In the fol! -wing discussion, codes or syntax of the Book are analyzed retention of the ideographic script, in is of because a close textual analysis China no conceptual separation occurred dividing writing from painting and the primary importance to a further analysis other arts. Calligraphy, in fact, had been of text, reader and artist. The textual 'the mother of Chinese pictorial art and of fo!lowing the analysis consists always its ally" (Miller, 1983, p. 44). elements: codes of Chinese lanF.uage, As a result, Chinese language becomes codes of Chinese characters, codes of Chinese books, and codes of the only language in the world that is an classic Chinese characters language. artistic installation of the Book. square shapes. The remain in arrangements of components of each Introduction to Chinese Language. T h e character are constructed in a square from Chinese language has a history of more top to bottom, from left to right, and than six thousand years (Zhen, 1983, p. from Gutside to inside. It is the oldest language still being 3). used in the world today. Unlike other The Book strictly languages, Chinese language grows on follows this pattern of structures to create thousands itself without the influence from others. of new retained characters. These Chinese language uses images as the basis invented newly structures the of a character to combine with sound and in characters attracts a Chinese reader to This combination forms an meaning. believe that they are real characters. intricate and diversified language system. Since China has the highest population in the world and Chines:, Codes of Sound. Chinese language is not the official is a phonetic based language nor a language of country, Chinese language the based on images alone. The special language is used by the greatest number feature is its combination of sound and of people. In addition, Japan is still using IVLA - 221 5 image. This feature began even during nouns have suffixes, such as -tion, -ness, the time of inscriptions on bones. More -ism and so on; adjectives have suffixes and more characters bearing this feature such as -tive, -ful, -less and so on; and were added to the vocabulary. By the adverbs have suffixes such as -1y. Cling Dynasty (1644-1911), in the Kang However, in Chinese there are no such Xi dictionary, there were about 49,030 grammatical functions to differentiate the characters which had the combination of features of speech. The form of plural is phonetic and image occupying ninety-two reflected in measure words. The feature percent of the total vocabulary (Zheng, of possessive concepts, changes of tenses, 1983, p. 4). Since so many characters and conditions of mood are characterized have phonetic components, the phonetics by the uses of auxiliary words which is give clues to the sound of characters and "an unstressed form word that performs the image provides the clues to the the grammatical functions of structure, meanings. tense, or mood (Departmer. of English Language, Beijing Foreign Languages The Book retains all the phonetic Institute, 1985, p. 917). Therefore, it is parts of Chinese characters, but newly impossible to tell which word is a noun, invented characters do not carry an adjective, or a possessive noun in the original of meanings the phonetic Chinese language without knowing the components. Thus, in appearance, they meanings of characters in a sentence. In seem pronounceable but actually they are other words, it is possible to create a fake not. English sentence with correct grammatical structure without retaining the meaning of Codes of Radicals. A Chinese character individual words. For example, "This is is put together by a number of strokes. a futication that was grotectically Several strokes, when combined become precuted." This made-up sentence invites character components or radicals, which reader to believe this English in is themselves have specifically defined language simply because the English Radicals are the essence of meanings. grammatical structure was retained. Chinese language. They are originally Though it is not possible to do this in individual, independent words. When a Chinese, Chinese radicals, square-shaped, radical becomes of part a a new well constructed characters in real character, it carries its own meaning over paragraphical arrangements, sentences to the new one, which is influenced by arranged in book page formats provide the meaning of the radical. the syntax patterns or codes of Chinese To arrange language. all the fake Codes of Grammar. Grammar is the characters in book form, as was done in of system structure in a language. the Book, invites Chinese-speaking Chinese grammar contains three basic readers to read them. Therefore, the They are words, phrases, and units. fashion by which the Book was presented sentences. English grammar adds another element for the analysis of is characterized by the changes in verbs to the Book (Figure 1). indicate tense; and -s or -es or -ies to show plural. In English, nouns, Traditional Chinese books are pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs have protectively covered in wood boards or in their distinctive features. For example, wood cases. The title is pasted on the 6 IVLA - 222 , . ' : : - , , , , , . - , . . . . ' . . . V , 2 , , ; ' ' , , : , " , , , % , " " , ,. - , " , : , , / , ' , " e ' : . t ' : ` . : . ; v : ' , : " f , ; ; , , , , . , ' , , 5 - ; , . , 5 ; , , , ' , , , - c r , , 1 ' , * / , , p 5 1 2 - ' i , , , , , , 4 . . e , ; . . ' . ' . . 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' , 4 ' u y w S ` . > 9 . s w O V . : w - I " 4 , L < , t C " I - = , 7 , / / 4 , 1 , , : 1 : , , ) ; , , , , : , , ° , " ° * , , / i , W ' ' 6 . . , V , ' / , + . 5 , ' . ) . e : . . ' , . . 7 d . ' , , . ' A 7 . & S . % - " ' , . . . , . , ' ' . . : . ; . . 9 , : / : ' 5 7 ' , , 4 f ' " ' : : . . , : ' / 1 , ' . . . , ' ' , - . ' ' . . * n , " . e , : . ` V / I 1 r ' . ' , / ' , 4 ' Y 7 I ' , ' . 4 r ' ; ' / . 4 ' 7 C : ' . % - , 4 4 V . . g * : . . , , : , ' , - 4 ' ' , ; 1 f . v e , ; ' S i + ' . . s " ' , . ' . , ' j , : . , ' , , , - , . - . , , / r - - ' - , . . . / , ; , , . / . : ; i 4 9 ; : . F 5 - ' ' . i ' ' r i ' 2 ' ' . . . , : . - ' ; . . f . " . . : . " ; . : / . ' , . . ' ' cover board. The whole Rook was kept pattern gets created by the conventions of in a protective wood case (Figure 2 shows production which are repeated daily. The comparison of an the actual syntax patterns or codes are culturally classic Chinese book covered in wood boards and constructed. They need to be examined the Book covered in its wood case). The for paradigmatic meanings, which supplied by syntax patterns or binding of this Book is traditional Chinese stitched-binding style. Stitched-binding codes and readers can only work of represents centuries with codes with which they are evolution in Chinese book-binding. familiar and they are only familiar with codes that come from the Codes of Installation of the Book. The worlds or paradigms to which they installation of the exhibition was not a have access or which they have traditional one in terms of the usual experienced, in other words, their exhibitions of Chinese prints. The whole culture (DeVaney, 1991). installation clnsisted of three parts: three long, scroll-like strips were suspended or Expert Viewers' Critiques draped from the ceiling in a sweeping arc Various critiques by Chinese (Figure 3 shows the comparison of a critics are used for analysis. Tie codes in the Book are used to analyze the Chinese scroll and the piece exhibited in the Museum); printed sheets of fake critiques of expert viewers in order to characters covered the walls from floor to compare the similarities and differences ceiling; and hundreds of stitch-bound with the interpretations of the Book of the books in traditional Chinese classic United States viewers. The analysis also format were laid open in rows on the includes an examination of the expert floor with a number of wooden cases on viewers' readings of the Book at different either end of the rows. The main historical moments. In addition, the exhibition walls were black. To bind a analysis compares the similarities and book in a roll dates back to the earliest differences between the artist's intentions of history Chinese book-binding. and the expert viewers' reception of the Martinique (1983) indicated, "the first Book. example of Chinese written literature to be found was the rolled or folded slips of Novice Intervie Viewers' and bamboo and wood" (p. 65). Therefore, Questionnaire Transcriptions to a Chinese, a book in a roll signifies the The data collected from United To an traditional Chinese classics. States viewers' interviews and survey are American, it may seem to be a precious transcribed. The poststructural textual ancient document. The installation was analysis consists of an examination of open to the viewers' reactions. United States viewers' responses to the codes in the Book; comparisons of similar In summary the codes of Chinese and different interpretations of the codes , language: images, sound, and meaning; by United States viewers of different phonetic components; radicals; structures subject (i.e., positions age, gender, of Chinese characters; Chinese grammar; profession); and a comparison of United form of the Book; and finally, installation States viewers' responses toward the Book of the Book are actually syntax patterns and those of Chinese critics. which may be called codes. A syntax 8 IVLA - 224 kk.ttb'er's'Ots6 sy, 4.* N;s:kmkk,,; X \ "r <1%45 ett AVAILABLE BEST COPY afce,v4 111, "1,A-$11,kvi, tsk,,p0,1. scottax,k3t,**,,,, Figure 3 10 IVLA - 226

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