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DOCUMENT RESUME CE 066 789 ED 372 199 Kerka, Sandra AUTHOR New Technologies and Emerging Careers. Trends and TITLE Issues Alerts. ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational INSTITUTION Education, Columbus, Ohio. Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), SPONS AGENCY Washington, DC. 94 PUB DATE RR93002001 CONTRACT NOTE 3p. Bibliographies (131) Reference Materials PUB TYPE Information Analyses - ERIC Clearinghouse Producta (071) MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Annotated Bibliographies; *Career Change; *Career DESCRIPTORS Education; Economic Change; Educational Change; Educational Needs; *Emerging Occupations; Employment Patterns; Employment Practices; *Futures (of Society); Organizational Change; Pastsecondary Education; *Role of Education; Secondary Education; *Technological Advancement; Vocationat/Education ABSTRACT Technological innovation& are giving rise to structural changes :n the economy that are in turn creating profound changes in the nature of work and work organizations. Predicted changes are: traditional hierarchical organizations in the workplace will give way to network or weblike forms of organization; customary vertical divisions of labor will be replaced by horizontal divisions characterized by collaboration among autonomous teams; customized manufacturing will replace mass production; new service industries and occupations.will evolve; the numbers of specialists and integrators will increase; and a "freelance economy" will emerge. The following are some implications of these changes for education and training: more occupations will deal with abstract information and procedural or mathematical reasoning; prepare.tion for work will include formal education plus contextual or craft knowledge; formal education may impart just a disciplined way of thinking and the habits/skills of lifelong learning; the increased value of experiential learning will require new forms of tech prep and apprenticeship for youth and adults alike; and individuals will need to develop new attitudes about the cyclical nature of careers, career paths,-and continuous learning. (An annotated list of 17 related publications is included.) (MN) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education {ERIC ALERTS TRENDS AND ISSUES 1994 by Sandra Kerka New Technologies and Emerging Careers The education and training issues associated with these "We are, right now, in the very early stages of a new econ- changes include the following (Barley 1992; Model 1993; fundamentally different from its omy, one whose- core is . . . "The New Economy" 1994; Zemsky and Oedel 1994): predecessor's" ("The New Economy" 1994, p. 36). Technol- ogy is the heart, though not the only driver, of this new More occupations, including current blue-collar ones, will economy. Just as technological change readers some occupa- deal with abstract, symbolic information and procedural tions obsolete, it brings other careers into being. Trends in and mathematical reasoning. the relationship between new technologies,and careers and the "The new crafts challenge the tradition of managers being issues they raise for education, training, and career develop- educated at universities while workers below them rely ment are the focus of this publication. solely on high school education" (Gapper 1992, p. 2). Preparation for the new kinds of work will include formal Technological innovations usually give rise to new jobs, and education plus Contextual or craft knowledge"the most this era is no exception. The Institute for the Future (1990) valued Skills appear to be those developed inii hands-on predicts that virtual reality parks, "lifestyle protection pro- conversation with materials and techniques" (Barley 1992, grams," environmental services, and the burgeoning electronic p. 15). marketplace are some of the areas where new occupations will Formal education may impart just a disciplined way of emerge. Other examples of new careers are work flow ana- thinking and the habits and skills of lifelong learning. lyst, network security manager, biophotographer, and cyto- Higher education may be able to confer status on the technologist. However, some argue that technology is now emerging new occupations by providing new credentials causing a fundamental shift in the economic infrastructure and degrees. from an economy centered around electric motors and engines The increased value of experiential learning suggests a to one based on computers, which take over work that can be need for neW forms of tech prep and apprenticeship, both routinized and perform coordination functions (Barley 1992; for youth and adults in career transition. This structural change will do more than Kiechel 1993). Individuals will need to develop new attitudes about the create new occupations: It will profoundly change the nature cyclical nature of careers, career paths, and continuous of work and work organizations. The following technology- learning. driven trends are reshaping the workplace (Barley 1992; New organizational forms will necessitate learning new Kiechel 1993; "The New Economy" 1994; Paracone et al. ways to manage (coordinate) autonomous teams. 1991; United Way 1988; Zemsky and Oedel 1994): Ttaditional hierarchical organization will give way to vari- Print Resources ous forms, especially the network or web. Vertical division of labor (in which authority and expertise Barley, S. R. The New Crqfts: The Rise of the Technical increase at higher levels) will be replaced by horizontal, in labor Force and Its Implications for the Organization of which expertise is vested in individuals with specialties, not Work. Philadelphia, PA: National Center on the Educa- in positions. Collaboration among autonomous teams will tional Quality of the Workforce, 1992. (ED 358 321) replace chain-of-command management. The division of labor between- manual and intellectual, acting and reason- The trend toward an increasingly technical work force has not ing, is disappearing. only necessitated better educated workers but has challenged Mass production will be replaced by customized manufac- the ways in which the work force and the workplace are con- turing; new service industries and occupations will evolve. ceptualized and organized. More companies will shift some inhouse functions or ser- vices to "outsources" (external providers); smaller firms Barley, S. B. What Do Technicians Do? Philadelphia, PA: will increase in importance. National Center on the Educational Quality of the Work- specialists and Two tyjyes of occupations are emerging: force, 1993. integrators (highly educated generalists termed "gold-collar woikers" who add value to products and services). By 2000, professional and technical occupations will be the "Technization' of work may not only enhance the impor- largest occupational sector. The division of labor between tance of the horizontal division of labor, but also seems to engender a new breed of occupations" (Barley 1992, technicians and professionals is more collaborative (horizontal) than hierarchical (vertical) and the two groups command sub- Technical occupations (the "new crafts") will p. 15). stantively different knowledge and skills. become the new elite. Coates, J. F.; Jarrett, J.; and Mahaffie, J. B. Future Work: The emerging pattern has been termed the "freelance econ- Seven Critical Forces Rethaping Work and the Work omy" (Kiechel 1993), in whiCh multiskilled, flexible, entre- Force in North America. San Francisco: Jossey-Bus, preneurial workers derive pay, prestige, and status from their Their commitment may be INnewhat specialties or skills. 1990. divided between their employers and their specialtila. Some Examines trends and implications around seven themes: diver- assert that the concept of *job" may disappeer and be replaced sity, family-work relationship, global economy, restructuring, by "meaningful, market-driven work assignments in post-job knowledge-based work, rising employee expectations, and cor- organizations" ("The New Economy" 1994, p. 44). CS NPMINISI?il IMICATIN porate social responsibility. Oleo et Hamm hamen* NOPINOMPM IDOCAMOMMINVIVAMOKOMMON ONINSWINI pic=1011111401101 4..."4104 2 MISMele. IMMO IMIMM 04101111 P4 ION 11,410 AVAILABLE BEST COPY MISMOSIOM 004 Alcatii:1111084ZinCIM... 'NP Fortune, June 27, Dom, M.; Farid, M.; and Vasarhelyi. P. 'From Informal "The New Economy/Special Report.* Emergence of a Gatekeeper to Information Counselor: 1994, pp. 36-100. New Professional Role.* 1988. (ED 322 908) Describes the new economy as a tectonic shift and explores the service occupations, govern- changes through these topics: Explores the emergence of information counselors, a type of professional gatekeeper who adds value to user-oriented ment role, eddonal innovation, productivity, geographic booms, and no* ideas about globalism. information systems and services. Paracone, C.; Schiavone, N.; and Uberto, F. Description of Further Education Unit. The Key Technologies: Some Impli- cations for Education and Training.. London: Further a Framework of Macroproflles (Archetypes). Berlin: European Centie for the Development of Vocational Education Unit, 1988. (ED 294 012) Training, 1991. (ED 338 859) Key technologies that are likely to affect existing products or The new conception of work as a permanent creative process lead to new products may be classified in three groups: mate- has implications for job skills, labor relations, and training. rials, components, and manufacturing and process. They have Emerging skill needs are of two main types: specialist and the potential to improve competitiveness. integrator. Gapper, J. The Challenge: To Understand How ;he Growth 'Health Jobs You Might Not Know About." of Technical Jobs in the Middle of Organizations Is Stanton, M. Occupational Outlook Quarteriy 35, no. 4 (Winter 1992): Changing the Traditional Ways of Teaching Skills and 2-11. (EJ 442 424) Managing Work. Philadelphia, PA: National Center on the Educational Quality of the Workforce,,1992. (ED 349 New health occupations described are biomedical equipment 420) technician, perfusionist, orthotist, biocommunications mana- ger, biophotographer, health sciences librarian, instructional Predictions of Occupationel growth to 2000 show the impor- designer, medical writer/editor, and medical artist/illustrator. tance of new technical workers, who need a different blend of formal education and continuing training. Educators must prey The Status of Emerging pare students for jobs that do not fit the old categories bf U.S. Department of Commerce. managerial or entry-level work. Technologies: An Economic/Technological Assessment to the Year 2000. Washington, DC: DOC, 1987. (ED Gradler, G. C., and Schrammel, K. E. "The 1992-2005 Job 339 793) Outlook in Brief." Occupational Outlook Quarterly 38, Describes emerging technologies and their future impact on no. 1 (Spring 1994). the economy in seven categories: advanced materials, elec- tronics, automation, biotechnology, computing, medical tech- Presents future employment prospects for 250 occupations in 12 clusters, including major trends since 1950 and uncer- nology, and thin-layer technology. tainties about the future. The Future World of Work. United Way of America. Alexandria, VA: United Way, 1988. (ED 304 521). "Information Technology/Special Report." Fortune, July 11, 1994, pp. 44-144. Dacribes eight trends centered on family concerns; underused groups; education, training, and retraining; corporate environ- Looks at how network technology changes organization and ment; small' businesses; global marketplace; automation; and management, innovative companies developing goods anIser- employment prospects. vices needed by networks, and changes in desktop computing and telecommunications. Higher Education and the and Oedel, P. Zemsky, R. 1990 Ten-Year Forecast. Institute for the Future. Changbeg Nature of the American Workforce. Philadel- Menlo Patic,C,r--Institute for the Future, 1990. phia, PA: National Center on the Educational Quality of the Workforce, 1994. demography, social, Presents core forecasts in seven areas: Describes three labor market trends (service-sector shift, small labor force, economy, technology, environment/energy, and firms and labor market churning, and the rise of technical Discusses issues for consumers, employees, international. crafts) and their implications for higher education, including managers, investors, and government. the role of the college credential, job-related skills training, Kiechel, W. III. "How We Will Work in the Year 2000." and the struggle to balance changing labor markets and enroll- pp. 38-41, 44, 46, 48, 52. Fortune:May 17, 1993, ment pools., smaller com- Identifies six trends shaping the workplace: This Trawls and him AIM was developed with fintding from the Office of panies, networked Of webbed organizations, technicians MS the Educationsl Research and lniprovement, U.S. Department of Education, under new elite, horizontal division of labor, shift from products to Contract No. RR93002001. Opinions **premed do not necessarily reflect the services, and redefinition of work, including continuous learn- position or policies of OERE or the Dwartment. AIM: may be freely reproduced. ing and higher-order thinking. McGregor, E. "Emerging Careers." Occupational Outlook Qyartedy 34, no. 3 (Fall 1990): 22-25. (EJ 417 725) WI IN 111 ESUCATISI AU TIMM FIR EMPLIYINENT Although technology is fostering the evolution of new occu- NS OHIO RATS UNNIINEIY potions, ideatifyin; them is Challenging because of the dif- 11110 KIM WM COLUMNS. MO IWO ficulty of distinguishing between new careers and existing careers being changed by technology. BEST COPY AVAILABLE

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