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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 370 592 IR 055 045 AUTHOR Croft, Richard S. TITLE Fun and Games with Photoshop: Using Image Editors To Change Photographic Meaning. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 10p.; In: Visual Literacy in the Digital Age: Selected Readings from the Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (25th, Rochester, New York, October 13-17, 1993); see IR 055 055. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) -- Speeches/Conference Papers (150) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Computer Software; Copyrights; *Editing; *Ethics; *Nonverbal Communication; *Photographs; Technological Advancement; *Visual Literacy IDENTIFIERS *Digital Technology; Digitizing ABSTRACT The introduction of techniques for digitizing photographic images, as well as the subsequent development of powerful image-editing software, has both broadened the possibilities of altering photographs and brought the means for doing so within the reach of many. This article is an informal review of the ways image-editing software can be used to improve photographic communication. Image-editing software permits the correction of phltographic faults by providing simple means for cropping, adjusting brightness, contrast, and color balance, and retouching. A number of techniques are now available for focusing viewer attention on part of the photograph or for simplifying the subject by eliminating detail. Meaning can be added through color changes, annotations, enlargement of areas, and composition of drawn or other photographic elements with the original. Ethiial concerns have acquired new importance with the possibilities for changing meaning through editing and with the ease with which copyrighted works can be copied. Six figures illustrate some of the techniques. 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BEST COPY AVAILABLE Fun and Games with Photoshop: Using Image Editors to Change Photographic Meaning Richard S. Croft be certain of obtaining a photograph Introduction which clearly and concisely carries Modification of photographs to the desired meaning. However, by enhance or change their meaning is using a package like Adobe Photo- nothing new. However, the introduc- shop, we can make changes to an tion of techniques for digitizing pho- available photograph to increase the tographic images and the subsequent likelihood of the viewer interpreting development of powerful image edit- the message as we intend. Types of ing software has both broadened the image modification possible include possibilities for altering photographs improvements to the aesthetic quality and brought the means of doing of the picture, techniques for focus- so within the reach of anyone with ing the viewer's attention, methods of imagination and patience. Those who simplifying the subject, ways of add- wish to convey a message using pho- ing meaning to the image, and trans- tographs now have greater means formations which completely change than ever before of assuring that the the meaning of the image. The fol- communication will be clear. This lowing sections briefly discuss each article is an informal survey of the type of modification, and Aow exam- ways that we can use image editing ples of some techniques for accom- software improve photographic to plishing each kind of change. communication. Improving Image Quality Educators, among others, find themselves wishing to use the power A photograph that lacks aesthet- of visual communication, but cannot ic quality may prove ineffective in If the frame with the subject. However, at communicating a message. if the times the remaining background may distracting, is composition still be too distracting. Under these "muddy," or if the colors image is conditions, an image editor provides seem unnatural, the viewer may not the means of selectively altering ei- interpret the image correctly (or may not even look at it). the subject or ther the main Also, photo- graphs may suffer defects resulting from dust on the negative during printing or damage to the film emul- sion. Standard darkroom techniques can remediate any of these problems, but they require considerable skill and practice. Image editing software allows corrections to all of the listed faults by providing simple means for cropping, adjusting brightness and contrast, adjusting color balance, and (painting away defects retouching like dust spots). Figure One illustrates the use of cropping to improve composition by filling more of the viewing area with the subject of the picture and also the effects of adjustments to bright- ness and contrast. (Since this article is printed in black and white, it will include no requiring illustrations color.) Focusing Viewer Attention When it is necessary to direct the viewer's attention to a specific element of a photograph, without completely losing the context, one Figure One: A photograph before cropping may use one of a number of tech- (top), after cropping (canter) and after niques. The most straightforward is adjusting brightness and contrast (bottom). to simply crop the image to fill the remainder of the image to provide Putting the foreground subject in a emphasis to the desired focal point of new background is effective only if the picture. Some techniques the new background is are: truly ap- darkening the background, blurring propriate. Figure Two shows several the background, tinting the back- of these techniques applied to a pho- ground, removing color from the tograph of a pelican on a dock. background of a color image, or Simplifying the Subject changing the background completely. The choice of which technique Depending on the precise mean- one uses to emphasize the subject of ing we wish a photograph to convey, a photograph will depend on the pre- it is at times useful to remove some cise circumstances. Tinting a back- detail from the subject, leaving only ground is effective, but the results those which are of interest. Image may look unnatural. Blurring a back- editors provide a variety of tools for ground looks more natural, but if removing details, so that one may ei- there are any details of secondary ther cut the subject out of the picture importance, this may obscure them. for placement a on neutral bk .401011111111-1111111.,worallIlli 1NK Figure Two: Focusing Viewer Attention. Before (upper left), blurred background (upper right), darkened background (lower left), and new background (lower right). 5 BEST COPY AVAILABLE background; remove color (which called faceting); reduce the image to may be distracting if the important a line drawing; or even convert it to a details are form and pattern); blur silhouette. interior lines, leaving only form and Knowlton (1966) describes a general coloration procedure (a taxonomy of visual representation based on the fidelity an image has for each of three attributes: elements in- pattern, and connections. cluded, Techniques for simplifying a photo- graphic subject all involve maintain- ing realism (high fidelity) in at least one of the image attributes while re- ducing fidelity in one or both of the other two. Figure Three presents the pelican from Figure Two simplified in several of the ways described in the preceding paragraph. Adding Meaning While at times one may need to remove detail from a photograph, there are also occasions that mandate the addition of information to suc- cessfully communicate. For in- stance, one may add color to a monochromatic image of a deep-sea fish to show how it looks beforn it is brought out of the water. Other ex- amples of adding meaning include annotations, enlarging of parts of the image, and compositing of drawn or photographic elements with the origi- nal photograph. Figure Three: Simplifying. Top: A cut out Annotation can take the form of image. Middle: Line drawing from the same photograph. Bottom: Silhouette from text or lines and arrows, and provides the same photograph. clear a emphasizing method of Sugar Maple Red Maple ALA . Figure Four: Adding meaning by using annotations. specific parts of an image or simply additional text annotation explains identifying the image. Figure Four the enlargement. shows two maple leaves with a textu- Composite images are useful al annotation identifying them as be- when we desire to illustrate with longing to different species. photographic realism some event or Enlarging a portion of a photo- object that simply cannot be photo- graph can be very helpful in empha- For example, an illustra- graphed. sizing specific details that might be tion of an animal's skeleton with a difficult to distinguish in the original "ghost" image of the live creature su- perimposed, or a image, while maintaining ample con- "photograph" of Figure Five shows the same text. some historical event predating pho- pair of maple leaves shown in Figure tography, may both be accomplished Four, with a portion of the leaf mar- using digital composites. To illus- gins enlarged to illustrate the differ- trate the "living skeleton" would re- ence between the two leaves. An quire a photograph of the skeleton Figure Five: Adding meaning by enlarging parts of the image and annotating. composited with a partially transpar- radical differences in content. For ent drawing or photograph. The his- instance, cropping a photograph of a torical scene would man wielding a hammer may convert involve compositing photographs of models a carpenter into a much more sinister figure, and the careful addition of (or actors) in appropriate dress with drawn or photographed elements. another human figure in the ham- Figure Six shows the creation of a mer's path will finish the job. A per- son who makes significant changes photographic interpretation of an ear- ly effort to ride over Niagara Falls in in a photograph's meaning may do so a barrel. purposes the for advertising, of deception, artistic expression, or a Changing Meaning combination of any of these. All of the previously described Ethical Considerations result transformations in some change in a photograph's meaning. One immediate concern in the to make possible scanners, it However, age of is which quickly 8 ; .-: c.f., 1.i - dl ' ' -ez: Et 4- Jr, ' - r f- " .2 , _Abair AIM 7 . ...111111Norrilut A. 11-- ::....j - 4.7 -.oat Ar., 4716. - t . I mew-- 1' A ,..., ,..,A, if' . grr o' ... ,,4=",e,',"- .".' I.. ', , c ilk e / . ; , s: - 'C' ,. t.- e - te ii ..., ., A v A t ' " - x , .1. . ' so t._ ... IV ,' ,, iz,' .- . , ,,,-t v .0,?.. li ' *1 I Figure Six: Creating a simple composite to simulate a "Barrel over Niagara Falls" incident. The barrel was painted in a separate graphics program. The last image in Figure Two shows another composite using all photographic elements. 9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE convert any artwork into a digital almost anything with a "photograph." that of copyright. While this new flexibility and power Even form, is can be used to further education and thOugh one may be able to easily ob- communication, they also hold po- tain an image from any publication, it is important to remember that use of tential for great misuse. Ethical prac- copyrighted photographs without the titioners will use them with care. owner's permission is illegal. Caveats A more subtle concern is related The originals of the images ap- to the confidence many viewers have in photographic images. The degree pearing in this paper are color photo- graphs belonging to the author, and of realism which digital composites may exhibit is both impressive and were included in a presentation giv- frightening, owing to the traditional en at the IVLA 1993 Conference. faith in photographic veracity. For The poor quality of the pictures this reason, one must consider care- is an artifact of the printing process fully how one applies changes in and not due to digitizing and edi- meaning, and if (for instance) one ting.Novice users should note that uses image editing to "recreate histo- image editing software requires fast ry" as described earlier in this paper, desktop computers with greater-than- it must be clear to the viewer that the average memory and disk space. Fur- image is indeed an illustration, and thermore, while many of the adjust- not a record made at the time of the ments used to improve image quality event. are easy to learn (cropping, bright- ness and contrast, color balance), Conclusion more sophisticated transformations require considerable time to learn. The introduction desktop of technology greatly increases the pos- For effective use of any of the meth- for photographic commu- sibilities ods outlined in this paper, a thorough Even a person who does understanding of photographic prin- nication. not have thJ time, equipment, or ex- ciples is helpful if not essential. perience to make a photograph speak References clearly should be able to find some- one who does have the equipment Knowlton, J. Q. (1966). On the definition of and expertise. Given familiarity with "Picture." AV Communication Review the possibilities and sufficient imagi- (14) 2, 157-183. nation, one may now communicate 10

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