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ERIC ED369652: Science & Engineering Indicators--1993. PDF

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DOCUMENT RESUME SE 054 375 ED 369 652 Science & Engineering Indicators--1993. TITLE National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. INSTITUTION National Science Board. NSB-93-1 REPORT NO PUB DATE 93 673p.; For the 1991 indicators, see ED 344 780. NOTE Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing AVAILABLE FROM Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 038-000-00589-8). Non-Classroom Use (055) Guides PUB TYPE MF04/PC27 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Educational Trends; Employment Opportunities; DESCRIPTORS *Engineering Education; Facul.ty Publishing; Government Role; Higher Education; International Communication; *Mathematics Achievement; Mathematics Education; Minority Groups; Public Opinion; *Research and Development; Science Curriculum; *Science Education; Science Teachers; Secondary Education; State Aid *Science Achievement IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This report provides policymakers in both the public and private sectors with a broad base of quantitative information about U.S. science and engineering (S&E) research and education and U.S. technology in a global context. Chapter 1, "Elementary and Secondary Science and Mathematics Education," discusses the student's achievement, interest, coursework, school, and curriculum, teachers and teaching; and the policy context. Chapter 2, "Higher Education in Science and Engineering," discusses the characteristics of higher education institutions, the undergraduate and graduate S&E student populations, major sources of financial support, and international science and engineering education. Chapter 3, "Science and Engineering Workforce," describes industrial S&E job patterns, demographic trends of recent S&E graduates and doctorate recipients, the supply and demand outlook for S&E personnel, and international employment of scientists and engineers. Chapter 4, "Research and Development (R&D): Financial Resources and Institutional Linkages," discusses national R&D spending patterns, federal support for R&D, state-based R&D expenditures, and international comparisons. Chapter 5, "Academic Research and development: Financial Resources, Personnel, and Outputs," describes the financial resources for academic R&D, and outputs of academic R&D for scientific publications and patents. Chapter 6, "Technology Development and Competitiveness," describes the global markets for U.S. technology, industrial R&D, patented inventions, diffusion of technology, and technologies for future competitiveness. Chapter 7, "Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding," includes discussions on comparisons of attitudes toward Science and Technology. (ZWH) p 4 4 AIL"- 1' r 4fr U I DIPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Mc. ol Educator+ Mamma and Intorovernant EDuCATIOkAl RESOURCES INFORLIATION CENTER (ERIC) X1D This dOcurnent has bum motoducO Ss obetturod Dont to. porsoo or 0oga/m*1mm 049raahno ut 1:2 Minor crumpet; hove Imo mad* to 'moo.* /Droduchoo duality Pants 01 vtatv or opmona $tatod m thu drama. rnnt do not necassanly +Vaunt odicial OER1 0044.04i 04 Ookci National Science Board CHARLES E. HESS, Professor and Director of JAMES J. DUDERSTADT (Chairman) Presioeiv. International Programs, Departmem of University of Michigan Environmental Horticulture, THOMAS B. DAY, (Vice Chairman) President University of California San Diego State University JOHN E. HOPCROFT, Associate Dean for College Affairs, College of Engineering, Cornell Univer:ity PERRY L ADKISSON, Regents Professor CHARLES L. HOSLER, Senior Vice President for Department of Entomology, Research, Dean of Graduate School, and Professor Texas A&M University of Meteorology-Emeritus, Department of WARREN J. BAKER, President, California Polytechnic Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University State University JAIME OAXACA, Vice Chairman. Coronado ARDEN L. BEMENT, JR., Basil S. Turner Distinguished Communications Corporation Professor of Engineering, Purdue University JAMES L. POWELL, Chief Executive Officer, BERNARD F. BURKE, William A. M. Burden Professor The Franklin Institute of Astrophysics, Massachusetts Institute of PETER H. RAVEN, Director. Missouri Botanical Garden Technology FRANK H. T. RHODES, President, Cornell University W. GLENN CAMPBELL, Counselor, Hoover Institution, IAN M. ROSS. President-Emeritus. AT&T Bell Stanford University Laboratories, Inc., F. ALBERT COITON, W.T. Doherty-Welch Foundation. ROLAND W. SCHMITT. President-Emeritus, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Director, Laboratory for Molecular, Structure and BENJAMIN S. SHEN, Reese W. Flower Professor, Bonding, Texas A&M University Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, DANIEL C. DRUCKER, Graduate Research Professor, University of Pennsylvania Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics HOWARD E. SIMMONS, JR., DuPont Experimental and Engineering Science, University of Florida Station MARYE ANNE FOX, M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner RICHARD N. ZARE, Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor Regents Chair in Chemistry, Department of of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin Stanford University PHILLIP A. GRIFFITHS, Director, Institute for Advanced Study NEAL LANE (Member Ex Officio), Director, National Science Foundation MARTA CEHELSKY, Executive Officer National Science Board Subcommittee on Science and Engineering Indicators - 1993 Arden L. Bement, Jr., Basil S. Turner Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Purdue University Daniel C. Drucker, Graduate Research Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics and Engineering Science, University of Florida Phillip A. Griffiths, Director, Institute for Advanced Study John E. Hoperoft, Associate Dean for College Affairs, College of Engineering, Cornell University Jennifer Sue Bond, Executive Secretary 3 SCIENCE & ENGINEERING INDICATORS 1993 NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD 4 The Cover The photomicrographs on the cover depict crystallites of the common vitamins (from left to right) Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D,), Biotin (Vitamin H), Niocin (a B-complex vitamin), and Ascorbic Acid demonstrate the synergy (Vitamin D. These images convey the beauty and excitement of science and of the arts and science. conducted early in this century which Vital Amines. The term vitamin derives from experiments indicated that proper nutrition was dependent upon the introduction of one or several vital nitrogen- that are containing amines into the diet. Vitamins are organic molecules (not necessarily amines) the same role essential to metabolism in all living organisms. While these molecules serve essentially in all forms of life, higher organisms have lost the ability to sythesize vitamins. The Image Photomicrography. The images on the cover were prepared using the technique of photomicrog- research scientist in charge of the optical and scanning probe raphy by Michael W. Davidson, (NHFML) at Florida State microscopy facilities at the NauJnal High Magnetic Field Laboratory and industrial photography University in Tallahassee. Davidson has won over 30 awards in scientific the packaging of competitions. His research interests include liquid crystalline biological systems, DNA in virus heads, and the interaction of drug molecules with DNA. for the future. This The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory represents a model partnership opportunities for federal-state-industry cooperarative enterprise holds the potential for broadening includes Florida State Univerity, research and ( lucation. NHMFL is operated by a consortium which funded primarily by the State of the University of Florida, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. It is Florida and the National Science Foundation. enhanced interest in the expanding Recent developments in the material sciences have led to an indispensable to the semiconduc- field of photomicrography. For example, the technique has become and monitoring the successive stages of integrat- tor industry for characterizing manufacturing defects ed circuit fabrication. photographic film to obtain "hard Photomicrography captures the images seen in the microscope onto photography assignments can be cou- copy" for research records. In a classroom environment, classical in photomicrography. pled with science microscopy studies to provide a multidicsiplinary program photomicrography at the high school To "read more about it" and learn about ways to introduce Photomicrography," Photomicrography, level, see Michael W. Davidson, "An Introduction to Journal of Biological Photography, September 1991; "Some Artistic Techniques in Photography," and Analysis, July 1993. October 1991; and "Moon Rocks Under the Microscope," Microscopy Cover design by Rachel Delgado-Simmons. National Science Foundation Recommended Citation National Science Board, Science & Engineering Indicators-1993. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993. (NSB 93-1) Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Stock Number 038-000-02589-8 :') Letter of Transmittal NATIONAL SCIENCE BOARD 4201 Wilson Boulevard ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA 22230 December 8, 1993 My Dear Mr. President: It is my honor to transmit to you, and through you to the Congress, the eleventh in the series of biennial Science Indicators reportsScience and Engineering Indicators-1993. The National Science Board is submitting this report in accordance with Sec. 4 (j) (1) of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. The Science and Engineering Indicators report provides policymakers in both the pub- lic and private sectors with a broad base of quantitative information about U.S. science and engineering research and education and U.S. technology in a global context. The data and analysis in this report are especially relevant to our Nation during these first years of the Post-Cold War era. Science and technology, including basic research, are key factors in meeting our strategic goals of improved international competitiveness and enhanced health and eco- nomic and social well-being. The Science and Engineering Indicators report series con- tributes to a better understanding of the science and technology enterprise and will be helpful as together we define and assess priorities and accomplishments. Mr. President, the National Science Board is proud to note that the Science and Engineering Indicators report is internationally renowned and has become a model for other countries. I join my colleagues on the National Science Board in expressing the hope that you, your Administration and the Congress will find this report useful as and seek solutions to our national you set priorities, make decisions on investments problems. Respectftilly yours, James J. Duderstadt Chairman The Honorable The President of the United States The White House Washington, DC 20500 V Science & Engineering Indicators -1993 Contents iii Letter of Transmittal xi Introduction xiii Acknowledgments xv Overview. Science and Technology: Changes and Challenges Chapter 1. Elementary and Secondary Science and Mathematics Education. .. 1 Highlights 2 3 Introduction 3 Chapter Background 3 Chapter Organization 4 Student Achievement 4 NAEP: An Indicator of Student Achievement 4 Trends in NAEP Mathematics and Science Test Achievement 5 Student Motivation and NAEP Achievement 7 Trends in Achievement by Sex 8 Trends in Achievement by Race/Ethnicity 9 Mathematics Achievement in 1992 Student Persistence in Math and Science Courses 10 Math Coursetaking and Achievement: New Findings from NELS:88 11 12 Student Attitudes Toward Math and Science 13 Student SME Intentions Change Over Time 14 Trends Among Higher Achieving Students: SAT Scores 16 International Comparisons of Achievement 18 Teachers and Teaching 18 Teacher Characteristics 19 Teacher Expertise and High Student Achievement 19 International Comparisons of Teachers 21 Instructional Methods and Teaching Tools 23 International Comparisons of Instructional Practices 24 Beyond the Classroom: Students' Ou-of-School Experiences 24 Parental Attitudes and Support 25 Tutoring and Mentoring 26 Extracurricular Activities Improvements for the Future: Assessing Achievement 26 and Revising Standards 26 Improvements in Assessing Achievement 28 Standardized Tests and Minority Students Trends Toward State Frameworks and Higher Standards 29 for Student Performance 30 References 33 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering 34 Highlights 35 Introduction 35 Chapter Background 35 Chapter Organization 36 International Comparisons 36 First University Degrees 37 Participation Rates in NS&E Degrees by Sex Contents v; 38 Characteristics of Higher Education Institutions 38 Institutions With S&E Programs 40 Classificaturn of Academic Institutions 40 Undergraduate Instruction by Type of Faculty 49 Undergraduate S&E Students and Degrees 42 Recent Trends in College Enrollments 42 Engineering Enrollments 44 Characteristics of American College Freshmen 46 Technical Education in Japan and Germany 46 Associate Degrees in S&E 47 Bachelors Degrees in S&E 49 Improving Minority Participation in S&E Education 48 Graduate S&E Students and Degrees 50 Recent Trends in Graduate Enrollments 50 Masters Degrees in S&E 50 Doctoral Degrees in S&E 52 Foreign Students in U.S. Doctoral Programs 53 Asian Students in U.S. Universities 54 Major Sources of Financial Support 54 Support for College Freshmen 54 Support for S&E Graduate Students 56 References 59 Chapter 3. Science and Engineering Workforce 60 Highlights 61 Introduction 61 Chapter Background 61 Chapter Organization 62 S&E Employment by Sector 62 Industrial S&E Employment 62 Industrial S&E Employment in Manufacturing 63 Engineering Employment in the 90s 64 Industrial S&E Employment in Nonmanufacturing 64 Federal S&E Employment 65 R&D Employment 65 R&D Employment in the United States 66 The Impact of Defense Downsizing on Technical Employment 67 R&D Employment by U.S. Companies in Other Countries 68 S&E Labor Market Conditions 69 S&E Unemployment and Underemployment 69 New S&E Entrants 70 Engineers: Shifting Employment Opportunities and Trends 71 In-Field Employment 71 Attachment Rates 72 S&E Salaries 73 Engineering Salaries 73 Beginning Salary Offers 74 Forecasting the S&E Job Market 76 Employment of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers 76 Employment by Sector 76 Unemployment and Underemployment 78 Salaries 78 Special Populations in the S&E Workforce 78 Women 79 Factors in Female Underrepresentation 80 Minorities 82 Immigrant Scientists and Engineers vil Science & Engineenna Indicators - 7993 84 International Comparisons 84 S&E Employment as a Proportion of the Labor Force 84 Employment of Women 84 Employment by Sector 85 R&D Employment 85 References Chapter 4. Research & Development; Financial Resources and 87 Institutional Linkages 88 Highlights 89 Introduction 89 Chapter Background 90 Chapter Organization 91 National R&D Spending Patterns Aggregate Trends: From Growth to Leveling 91 94 Definitions 94 State Distribution of R&D Spending 97 International Comparisons 98 Purchasing Power Parities: Preferred Normalizer of International ix&D Data 100 Federal Support for R&D 101 Federal Focus by National Objective 104 Structure of Federal R&D Obligation Support 105 Health: The Growing Focus of National R&D Support 108 Cross-Cutting R&D Initiatives 110 Patterns in Federal Lab R&D Performance 110 Defense-Related Issues 116 Industry S&T Linkages 117 Industry-Government Interactions 118 SBIR Program Continues to Fuel Small Business R&D 120 Industry-University Partnerships 122 Industry-Industry Partnerships 127 References Chapter 5. Academic Research and Development: Financial Resources, Personnel, and Outputs 131 132 Highlights 134 Introduction 134 Chapter Background 134 Chapter Organization 134 Financial Resources for Academic R&D 134 Academic R&D in a National Context 135 Sources of Funds 136 Distribution of R&D Funds Across Academic Institutions 136 Industrial Support of R&D at Specific Academic Institutions 137 Academic R&D Expenditures by Field and Funding Source 138 The Nature of Engineering Research at U.S. Universities 138 Support of Academic R&D by Federal Agencies 138 The Spreading Institutional Base of Federally Funded Academic R&D 139 An Update on Congressional Earmarking to Universities and Colleges 140 Federal Academic Research Funding by Mode of Support 141 Academic R&D Facilities and Instrumentation 143 Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Active in Academic R&D 143 Trends in the Number and Characteristics of Academic Researchers 144 Changes in the Survey of Doctorate Recipients 144 Academic Researchers by Field 144 Women in Academic R&D Contents viH 145 Minorities in Academic R&D Teaching and Research as Primary Work Responsibility 146 147 Changing Age Structure of Academic Researchers 147 Research Participation 148 Participation of Graduate Students in Academic R&D 148 Federal Support of Academic S&E Researchers 150 Multiple Versus Single Agency Support Outputs of Academic R&D: Scientific Publications and Patents 149 149 World Literature in Key Journals 152 U.S. and World Publications in Biology and Biomedical Research 152 Patents Awarded to U.S. Universities 153 Income From Patenting and Licensing Arrangements 153 References 155 Chapter 6. Technology Development and Competitiveness 156 Highlights 157 Introduction 157 Chapter Background 158 Chapter Organization 159 The Global Markets for U.S. Technology 159 The Importance of High-Tech Production 160 OECD High-Tech Industries 160 Share of World Markets 161 Global Competitiveness of Individual Industries 162 Exports Share of Total Manufactu.ing Production 163 U.S. Trade Balance 165 The Home Market 167 Royalties and Fees Generated From Intellectual Property 168 International Trends in Industrial R&D 168 Overall Trends 168 R&D Performance by Manufacturing Industries 171 Patented Inventions 171 Granted Patents by Owner 174 Patents by Patent Office Classes 177 Patenting Outside the United States 177 International Patent Trends for Three Important Technologies 178 International Patent Families as a Basis of Comparison 178 Robot Technology 181 Genetic Engineering 183 Optical Fibers 185 Small Business and High Technoloay 185 Trends in New U.S. High-Tech Business Startups 186 Foreign Ownership of U.S. High-Tech Companies 186 New High-Tech Competitors 187 Leading Indicators of National Competitiveness 137 National Commitment 187 Socioeconomic Infrastructure 188 Technological Infrastructure 189 Productive Capacity 189 Summary: Assessment of Future Competitiveness 190 Preliminary Analysis of New Data 190 References 1 0

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