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ERIC ED368396: The Library Head Start Partnership. A Guide to the Use of the Video for Programs and Workshops. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED368396: The Library Head Start Partnership. A Guide to the Use of the Video for Programs and Workshops.

DOCUMENT RESUME IR 054 982 ED 368 396 Mathews, Virginia H.; And Others AUTHOR The Library Head Start Partnership. A Guide to the TITLE Use of the Video for Programs and Workshops. Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Center for the INSTITUTION Book. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 44p. Center for the Book, Library of Congress, Washington, AVAILABLE FROM DC 20540 ($25 donation). Non-Classroom Use (055) Guides PUB TYPE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Child Development; Child Language; *Childrens DESCRIPTORS Libraries; *Library Services; *Partnerships in Education; Preschool Children; Professional Development; Public Libraries; Resource Materials; Videotape Cassettes Library of Congress; Multimedia Materials; *Project IDENTIFIERS Head Start ABSTRACT The Library/Head Start Partnership Project is administered through a joint agreement between the Library of Congress Center for the Book and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Head Start Bureau. Its purpose is to demonstrate how libraries that serve young children can plan and work with Head Start programs to enhance learning and parent involvement in children's literacy and language development. As part of a multimedia resource package produced to support the development and operation of the partnership, this guide is designed to assist Head Start staff and librarians who show the video which is also included in the multimedia package. Topics covered in the guide are: potential programs for the video; suggestions for using the video in a workshop for staff awareness/development; a list of state library agencies for referral and resources; the complete script of the video; and a list of books discussed in the video. (.TLB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** , U.S. DEPANTMIENT OF SOX/CATION 0,601 04 EduCational Reileafcn nd Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) L.' Th.3 aocumerh hail been reproduced as '0c/rived from the perOn Or otganantron ohigmaling 0 Minor changes neve been made to improve . raDrOdUCIrOn Gt./linty en Points of view or Opinions Slated in !Net:lacy 00 merit 60 not o41Cessanly repreeent otkcial OE RI posiboo or pohcy a I I Ilik . 4 c The Library A E ART Partnership 21°Vft- Res 111.-- JIM N PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS iftsCes, MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY John Cole F,EST COPY AVAIL= TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" Guide to the Use of The Library EA H gar AR Partnership Video for Programs and Workshops by Virginia H. Mathews assisted by Susan Roman and Marcia Trotta 3 BEST COPY AVAILAilli Virt;inia 11. Nlathcws is coordinator of the Librarv-I lead Start Partnership Project. Susan Roman is executive director of the Association for Library Service to Chiklren. a division of the American Library Association. and Marcia Trotta is deputy director of the Meriden Public Library in Nicriden. Conneclictit. The author also wishes to acknowledt.te the advice and help she received from Trellis Waxier of the I lend Start f3ureau and Carok. Talan. family hteracv specialist. C'alifornia State Library. TABU OF: CONTENTS Introduction to the Partnership 1 About the Video \Vhat it Conveys and Technical Information Potential Audiences for the Video Using it as a Proi4ram with Groups Using the Video 7 Suii.gestions for Usiniz the Video in a Workshop for Staff Awareness/ Development State Library Agencies A List of State Library Ai4encies tor Referral and Back-up Resources The Complete Script for the Video Video Segment I 17 "The Library/I lead Start Partnership" 93 Video Segment II 'Entering the World of Books" 29 Video Segment III "Evaluation/Selection of Materials" Video Segment IV "Library Assistance to Adults" A List of I3ooks Discussed in the I lead Start Video 4 1 5 INTRODUCTION TO THE PARTNERSHIP The Librarv-I lead Start Partnership Project is administered t hrouQh a joint aueement between the Center tor the I3ook in the Library of Conuess and the I lead Start Bureau of the [...S. Department of I lealth and I luman Services. The project is beim: carried out with the collaboration of the Association kw Library Service to Clnld:-en a division of the 55.000 mem- ber American Library Association. The project is designed to demonstrate in communities nationwide how libraries that serve young children can plan and work with Ilead Start grantees/classrooms to enhance learning and parent involve- ment in children's literacy and lanQuag.e development. The multimedia resource packaQe produced to support the devel- opment and operation of the partnership encouraQes !lead volunteers and parents Start teachers. home visitors. to inteQrate books and other library resources :Ind services into the day-to-day learniik: experiences tiid build brick:es be- tween I lead Start and the child's home. In addition to the video and this guide to us use, there will also be a loose-leaf notebook of resources. The resource note- book will be available alter it is lick! tested in several regional workshops in 1993-94. The Librarv-I lead Start Partnership Project is being devel- oped with the full cooperation of the Association for Library Service to Clnldren and many of its 4.000 members will con- 011ie to be involved. as they have been during the planning phase. with Head Start leadership across the country. The Qc al is a network of library and family literacy resources that will ensure that more younQ children reach school eager. and ready to learn. The Center tor the Book in the Library of Congress was es- tablished by law In 1977 to stimulate public interest in books. reading and libraries. In addition to 28 affiliated state centers. it has enlisted inure I han 100 organizations. private and gov- ernmental. as readint: promotion partners. This prc)ject with I lead Start continues a cooperative effort that began in 1989 with a symposium on "Learning Opportunities for Children: Li- braries and Their Partners-, which was co-sponsored with ALSC. Ilead Start was launched by the federal government in 1965 to help young children from low-income families Qet a better start in life. Aimed primarily at 3-5 Year olds. it is a compre- hensive child development program that fosters learninQ. better health, active parent involvement and family self-sufficiency. Today. over 721.000 children and families are served by I lead Start programs each year. 6 Additional copies of the video. with its user's guide. are available to librarians and others who wish to have it. and can be Obtained by sending a S25 contribution to The Center for the Book in the Libratx of Congress, Washington. D.C. 20540. with a request to send the video and guide. Details about the availability of the Resource Notebook \viil be disseminated later. All materials. prepared for the primary use of Head Start personnel, will be sent to them directly from the Head Start Bureati. This video cannot be used for commercial purposes. Any- one wishing to broadcast the video or any of its parts for educational purposes must obtain permission from the Center lOr the Book. Library of Congress. Washington. D.C. 20540. ABOUT THE VIDEO WHAT IT CONVEYS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION WHAT THE VIDEO IS INTENDED TO CONVEY Demonstrates/encourae,es development 01 a "print-rich- classroom. what librzinans who serve children do. and how they do if. Shows how hooks help to Alc\-.(ala...ze ,earnme; experi- h j ences ind stimulate inquir\-. Indicates how exp isure to. and familiarity with books -sets the staue- lor lielpinQ 3-5 year olds i2,et ready to learn to read tor themselves. Shows how hooks. caretullv lined to individuals. uan loip develop sell-esteem. conlidence, the desire to share ideas. emotional perspectives iind illld i sense 01. Demonstrates that books. and prouaillininL \vith hooks. provides a means for parents to hecome more closely in- volved in children's innzuf:inini2.,s. fears and interests. I lWllhILdlt A !wilily literacy potential and how parents can easily bec01110 illyolyCd ill 1110(irlill2, 1eadin2 enjoyment and bride,iniy, from home to classroom learnini and back 111C other way. Shows how library prow-ams can spin mit trom the chil- dren to other areas and spill over into becomini2; resources !or the whole tannlv. different kinds Depicts sctune,s. real and ilikiwnarv. ol characters: shows interactions of people ol different cul- tures exikiers and ;u2,es to Live children a sense of a world much wkier than the one they live in. Relates words. concepts and critical thinkinty, skills to all areas of the curculum in the education proL4ram. and also to other 1 lead Start components. Provides ideas about how librarians and I lead Start stall. parents and volunteers. can list' hooks and other media to reinforce and expand everyday activities in the classroom. Demonstrates how recoLmition of self and one's own feel- ini.y,s in books can help children overcome a sense of isola- tion and become more articulate. 7.C.k 11 8 shows librarians and Iliad Start stall. teamini.2, with par ems. how to help children throilult the use 01 hook!" (0 make choices. compare and contrast. predict ;Ind analvic. It shows that books and stories inspire children to create m words and pictures. stories of their own. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE VIDEO This video is a basks element in the resource packai4e tor the Library-I hsad Start Partnership. Complete on this sinWe video cassette. the lull prowam runs tor 39 minutes and 22 seconds. It is composed of one of which folle SCI2J11C1115. ally or in flexible combination with the others t;111 1)(' ttstd IA' 11501. .1s tune and need dictate. The video was shot chiefly at the Marun Kin 1.11lher Nlemorial Libran: HI the Dist net Hi Columlna Public Library System. and in the two sessionsone in the mornini.4. the other in the aftent000-01 the Viers Mill Elementary School of the Montl4ot _.ry County Public Schools. The school. as well as its flew] Start component. is outstandine; for its cultural d1versity and dynamic prouam. Thc video runs on a standard VI IS format. The sei..Iments run in order. with a short pause between them. Scument Il secon(Is) explores the si.ope ol the Library- !lead Start Partnership and how it can work: Seil,ment 11 (11 minutes. 38 seconds) is "is:met-int:. the World of Hooks- and demonstrates the wide variety of library prouain formats and lechniques. includini2 storytellini2,. readine: aloud. puppets ol litany types. draimilic play. related video and audio tapes. and many other enhancements and extenders that can help make books a ioyful discovery: Sewnent III (11 minutes. 32 seconds) is about -Evaluation and Selection of Materials- and provides enteria for decidine, "what makes a ii,00d book !2:ood- and lascinatini2; to children: and See,ment IV (10 minutes. 21 seconds) shows "Library Assistance to Adults- in the I lead Start v orldteachers. home visitc.rs. aides, volunteers and parents and others who may be lan_ily to the children. Sections of this final sei.;ment include "Buildini.!: BridLi.es to the lionte-: "Library Resources for Adults': and "Technical Assistance for !lead Start Stat fl This sewnent shows how the presence of library materials and staff in the lives of the chil- dren not only supports their educational and emotional expe- riences but can serve to reinforce the all-important parent involvement component of Ilead Start, and link libran- resources to all I Iead Start components. a USING IT AS A PROGRAM WITH GROUPS This video is huil,:eted primarily 10 I mid Siam skiff ih-id is intended to assist them in buildirg iF1 ellective partnership with librarians who Serve yo111111 Children. The secondary audi- ence is the librarians themselves. so that they realize what. raised expectations I lead Start staff may have of them. lowever. ihe vide() eau bc used to raise ;.twareness of the I lead Start program and of library programs and the value of forming their partnerships with many other audiences. among them: potential volunteers. potential ninding sources. the per- sonnel of other early childhood, and family serving agencies. 1 fere are sonic groups to whom you naght offer to show this video as an hour long program (including time for discussion): Friends of the Library and Trustees of the Library Adult learners and potential learners Daycare providers and claldcare/vouth services coordinating councils Elementary school teachers and members of PTA ,)rary school classes intd staff development I sessions for librarians City Councils and Boards of Supervisors Mayors and other local and state elected officials Staff and administration of local social service agencies Staff of city and county health departments Members of service clubs imd Organizations stall lS Rmary. Soroptomist. Kiwanis..AARP nnits. Since public libraries throughout the country have suffered ,,evere budg,et and sluff cuts. vntl 11101111. it appropriate. make plea lOr funds to assist librarians in taking on tlas addi- tional mato!. task of supporting I lead Start programs because of their important role in developing learners, and literacy. lie sure they understand that all the people in the video are really doing what they do and speaking without a Seript. Only the narration was scripted. If time is too short to show the entire video. Segment I and IV work well together. Segment IV emphasizes the importance of parent involvement as the chil- dren's first and primary teacher. These two give vou 1 7 min- utes of 111m, so they coUld, with brief discussion, lit into a hall hour time slot. You "fast forward- the tape through Segments II and III. Introduce a program for an audience by talking briefly about why kids need libraries and \vhat libraries can do to help meet the growing need for lifelong learning patterns and 1 0

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