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ERIC ED365980: Writing to Read: Computer-Assisted Instruction and Reading Achievement. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED365980: Writing to Read: Computer-Assisted Instruction and Reading Achievement.

DOCUMENT RESUME CS 214 152 ED 365 980 Jones, Zipporah AUTHOR Writing to Read: Computer-Assisted Instruction and TITLE Reading Achievement. PUB DATE [93] NOTE 14p. Research/Technical (143) PUB TYPE Reports EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. Comparative Analysis; *Computer Assisted Instruction; DESCRIPTORS Elementary School Students; Grade 3; *High Risk Students; Minority Group Children; Primary Education; *Program Effectiveness; *Reading Achievement; Reading Research; Writing Improvement Chicago Public Schools IL; Iowa Tests of Basic IDENTIFIERS Skills; *Writing to Read Program ABSTRACT A study investigated whether statistically significant differences in reading achievement developed after an exposure to the Writing to Read (WTR) program. Subjects were 15 third-grade students from a 100% minority population elementary school on Chicago's west side who were exposed to the Writing to Read program and 15 students from the same school who were not exposed to the program. Subjects' reading scores of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills were used as pre- and posttests. Results indicated: (1) no statistical differences existed between the groups at the beginning or at the end of the treatment period; and (2) although differences in reading scores were not statistically significant at the 0.05 level, the WTR program group had a greater mean gain than the control group's mean gain. (Contains 1 table of data and 19 referenc.es.) (RS) ********************************************* *************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** -r WRITING TO READ:COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUOION AND READING ACHIEVEMENT THIS U S. DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE 011.ce & Educahona; Pi/march and Improvement GRANTED BY MATERIAL HAS BEEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Nkirns document has been (*produced as Zipporah Jones eCented from the person or orgarnzahon onginatIng .1 C Msnor changes have been rnacN to improve reproduction quility Points& new a opinions statedin this dOCu- RESOURCES TO THE EDUCATIONAL inent .10 nOt nCSSanly 1.0111111R1 Rft.calt (ERICr INFORMATION CENTER OE RI positiOn Or COliCy Although the computer is a frequent classroom companion, not much evidence is available of its benefits in raising the scores of students. Iowa Test of Basic Skills The (ITBS) expected benefits for computer assisted instruction, where the interaction between the computer and the student, with oo the computer adjusting to every response, would be expected 12) But is this the casc? to rival those of a personal tutor. er) There is little conclusive evidence on the benefits derived computer and pr lifecation the increased from of the Becker (1987) conducted a "best technology in the classroom. evidence analysis" of the empirical research on the effects n learning, and concluded that of computer-based approaches existing evidence of computer effectiveness is scanty. He stressed the need for further research to compare computer and traditional instructional approaches. It is important to determine if benefits accrue to the students by reason of the proliferation of computers and to Choices add to the availa le knowledge of these benefits. must be made about proa-ams and knowledge to be transmitted Information and their value to the student and to society. integration effectiveness of the needed of on the is which for applications and software, hardware, pr(3raffls Infurmation is needed on the benefits of computers ar?.. used. and grade levels, varied instruction areas, computer in advantage of take order full populations to in student whatever benefits exist. k.4 Accurate indicators would help suppress the temptation to invest in technology for technology's sake or to appear on and rational be must Decisions cutting c.je. q5 the 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE justified by expenditures proper results. The must be information will help Local School Councils, administrators, teachers and parents make the best decisions about the use of funds and about the education of their children. Although research on Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) the proliferation of computers in has not been conclusive, elementary feverish continues classroom pace. the at a Ninety-eight percent of elementary and secondary schools in Ten percent United States microcomputers. have of the thirty percent schools have students per computer; to 1 9 have 10 to 19 students per computer; twenty percent have 20 to 30 students per computer; thirteen percent have 30 to 44 students per computer; and twenty-eight percent have 45 or more students per computer (Quality Educational Data, 1992). Computer-based instruction has had minimal, measurable Bv any method of learning impact on lea=ina achievement. achievement, or significant cnanges in styles of teaching and learning, or of curric'ulwa reform, the conclusion is "little A recent meta-analysis of 184 studies that or no effect." examined the effects of computer-assisted instruction reports standard deviation for the an overall effect size of .32 over traditional instruction learning technologies (MERC, While this is positive evidence in favor of computers 1993) . it does nct realize the potential promised by in education, proponents of computer oased *nstruction (Hawkridge, et. al. 1990). computing must be educattonal reason then, ior The Hawkridge (1990) cited justified,rationalizea in other ways. thP proliferation of computers in four basic ratiynales schools: Policy makers want to be sure that all Social rationale children should be...aware, unafraid of how computers work. Learners should be prepared to understand computers and be aware of their role in society. BEST COPY AVAILABLE is an Learning to operate computers Vocational rationale children...may Teaching be important competency. a foundation for careers in Computer Science. Students can learn more from computers. Pedagogic rationale There are advantages to using computers Computers can teach. over other traditional metl-pds. be changed for the better Schools can Catalytic rationale become Computers computers. introduction of by the a They symbols facilitating factor to br_ag about change. a::e Computers seen as are They encourage learning. of progress. catalysts, enabling desired change in educat.Lon to occur. The rapid and extensive proliferation of computers in schools reinforces the notion that computers are symbols of "modern" schools and that awareness of computers will confirm This along with the the fact that schools are up-to-date. literacy computer basic perspective cultural that is a fundamental requirement for participation in the society of computer develops more generalized and using tomorrow, a intellectual abilities. The objective of this study is to compare the reading who grade students low-achieving third achievement of participated in IBM's Wricing-To-Read (WTR) program with low achieving student who did not. computer-based WTR is a Henry to by designed Martin1 John system instructional develop writing and reading skills of kindergarten and first- The WTR program student selection was based grade students. on reading scores as measured by Iowa Test of Basic Skills students defined students achieving as are Low (ITBS) . 3 or students receiving full-time achieving at starine 1, 2, And Elementary The ESEA classroom. instruction an in provides supplemental funds Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for educational opportunities f= low income students. The WTR center and interrelated learning stations are contained in the regular classroom and provide interaction, guidance, and command of the computer for students to direct their own The teacher is the instructional supervisor. learning. 1 IBM Literature ARE ^7--; ( ,^4F / _ said that the teacher is the most Fitzpatrick (1991) Computers challenge teachers to important variable 3.n CAI. learn a new technology and also to act as learner and teacher Teachers are challenged to experiment as at the same time. determine how best computers they to learn and use to While schools have made integrate CAI into the curriculum. progress in their efiort to train teachers in the use of instructional technology, many teachers remain unfamiliar and Apple uncomfortable technology. computers and with the (1992) noted research indicating that few teachers are given substantial information or training before computer curricula (1992) accuses schools of Kearsey, et. al. are implemented. failing to provide adequate training--enough or the right to properly learn a kind--the time and hands-on practice system is often overlooked or is too minimal. Hawkridge (1990) noted that when computers are used in to lcarn selected topics from the school's schools it is curriculum, with the computer and educational software either They are complementing or temporarily replacing the teacher. used to enrich the existing carricuiLtAra and improve the way in by using computers as sophisticated which it is delivered, traditional which ways extend of can educational tools new offer children information and presenting to with only possible techniques through opportunities The addition of microcomputers in the school computers. helps young people explore new technologies through which The computer permits future ideas will be communicated. putting students in decision interaction almost instantly, amounts endless of making positions, of in cc,ntrol information, and viEh tr9mendous power in cheir hands. Recent S.urvey data showed most elementary students use mainly occasionally and for purposes of lending computers, variety and enrichme_C, rather than as a central component of Expectations persist for CAI teacher instructional program academic student improve effective to be in helpi71g to Computer-based activities are motivational; the performance. clearest empirical research that exist about instructional uses of computers is that students overwhelmingly enjoy most computer learning activities. opportunity provide education Computer can to the address and enhance schooling-- fundamental goals of th -. equality of opportunity including basic skill development, But Apple and the realization of hurran potential. (1992) discussed other spcial implicat'.ons of computers in schools. into being turned suggested are the that He 8choc,ls "production plants" and tna..._ we must be very certain that the The introduction of new technology will benefit all of us. wide social already may technology increase computer Private schools and public schools in affluent imbalances. to computers and technology. areas will have more access Computers Poorer schools will be priced out of the market. further generate "naturally" computer will literacy and more label may affixing one to be We inequalities. broadened to will illiteracy" be students..."functional include computers. computers and availability use growing in of The education has prompted researchers to look for measurable effects of computer-a.:;sited :earnirlg on testable outcomes. Baird and Silvern (1992) att_emp-_ed to determine iE there were effects associated with learning in one mode and testing in A another; or test validit, in assessing computer learning. meta-analysis of 54 studies by Kulik, Kulik and Cohen (1980) uncovered and effect size for computer-based instruction that Thirty-seven of ranged from -1 to almost +3 on achievement. the 54 studies favored computer-based instruction while 17 The study did not examine favored conventional instruction. Many targeted learning. assess used test to type of variables may interact, which makes definite conclusions on Clark (1983) noted effect of computer instruction difficult. such results, conflicting as explanations the for some variance in teaching styles and applications of the computer, types of supplementary matPrials used in computer learning, and prior knowledge of the learner. also determined that the post Baird and Silvern (1992) represent an may learning assessment treatment of Most uncontrolled variable in research on computer learning. reported results of interactive CAI are based on pencil and These studies assume the pencil and paper paper assessments. BEST COPY AVAILABLE presented learning assessments indicators are of valicl Kirby through a medium which does not use paper and pencil. with schooling, pointed traditional its out thar (1979) emphasis on print material for both learning and assessment, with field independent, biased favor learners in of is Su:h students may test higher reflective learning styles. impulsive classmates. Current than their field-dependent, characterized by high interaction levels software of is environment. learning The learner between the and the difference between a computer environment and the regular computer assessment environment of suggest that school This raises the learning should be done on a computer. can learning computer augmented be question whether of effectively measured using static print formats. Robinson & Cooper (1990) studied students in an English Half of the students were assigned to composition class. using the computer and half to using pen and paper to write Analysis of the final essays revealed course assignments. that those subjects assigned to use computers wrote better There was a essays than those assLgned to work on paper. Studens in the computer significant: perfoxmcpca diFferenc. than section received higher scores on '-heir essays (M=5.8) Grades given did students in non-computer sectitJn (M=5.1). using Students results. showed same the by teachers computers were given grades of (M=7.8) and students who wrote Other dliferences were by hand were given grades of (M=6.9) . contained fewer computers written on Essays noted. essays handwritten did than punctuation errors (M=0.05) contained more Computer generated work words (M=0.31). than handwril-ten work (M=297.4); average sentence (M=364.5) for the COmputer generated work to (M=17.0) length (M=18 9) reater number of complex sentences for the handwritten work; for handwritten. cor zomputer generated and (M=6.8) (M=8.4 As measu,:-QJ by performance sccres, class grades, punctuation numbr of wor46, number length and sentence of errors, complex Gentene_es, the students who worked on computers wrote ey, et. al. 1990). better IR.obinb..)r, Stay( was critical of research which reported Becker (1992) score gains for huhdreus of students in two Chicago Public in those schools are The positive effect sizes Schools. 7 based not on substantial year-to-year gains during CAI years extremely low gai s during prior (comparison) years. but on students gained an average of about At these two schools, 7/10 to 3/4 of a grade equivalent per year prior to their use But in of computers, a level typical of inner-city schools. students gained only about 4/10 pre-computer years, of a grade equivalent per ye-ir, a level lower than likely to exist at any other regular public school in the country with normal test administration and scoring conditions (Becker, 1992). Arroyo (1992) studied the results of Extensive Computer grade seventh students. inner-city instruction on (ECI) Computers were situated in the "homeroom" and could be used She cites a number of studies that in all subject areas. suggest there is potential for improvement or improvement in The findings achievement when CAI is used in the classroom. from her research show a significant gain, as shown by the t and 1992 of (3.5)for the 1991 for scores of (0.307) experimental over the control group. conducted a study of WTR in two Collis, (1990) al. et. They through British Columbia Irom schools 1987. 1985 randomly non comparing the encountered diFficultiE in WTR classes with other classes and selected sample of int; commenting on the impact of WTR experience on achievement. period before WTR was six year Data accumulated over a Grade one students in the years implemented was analyzed prior to WTR were compared with students after a full year of The data compared student achievement implementation of WTR. in the same school, with the same teachers before and after The comparison of the two groups were not the WTR program. WTR significantly different in terms of reading achievement. appears to be associated with an improvement in some aspects of writing for grade one children but does not appear to be associated with any "signi-icant" improvement in reading when It was suggested that compared to "traditional" classrooms. the WTR system from more than the closer scrutiny of a criteria of achievement scores is needed et. (Collis, al. 1990). the WTR multi-year evaluation of Leahy did a (1991) a mid-sized suburban district. program between schools in 3 The study compared second grade students, who had received WTR in first grade, schools implementing WTR with second 3_1. grade students receiviLg "traditional" instruction in schools The reading and language arts not implementing the program. section of the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) and a Competency Based Writing Sample were the instruments of Statistically significant differences comparison. the at 0.05 level were found on all subtests between the WTR and Leahy also noted statistically significant NWTR students. gender differences between WTR and NWTR scores on the CTBS. average word count Competency Based Writing for The the Sample was not statistically significant when the WTR and However, the average number of NWTR students were compared. words produced by second graders did show a statistically significant difference when related to the sex of the student The average word count by WTR males in WTR and NWTR groups. was 61.46 words and NWTR males had a mean of 49.72 words, while WTR females produced 70.01 words on an average compared Leahy thought to 64.9 words for NWTR females (Leahy, 1991) . that the use of represented a a commercial program (WTR) confounding variable by its early emphasis on structure. The computer instruction teacher's role irt int eg rat i nq effectively with the readino progrm was seen as a weakness. i_tegration is structured into the In the WTR program program and not left up to the teacher who is trained to observe the readiness for interaction and progression. The teacher is the most important variable in reading instruction (Leahy, 1991). The jury is still out on the benefits derived from CAI; it has not lived up to expectations, but maybe expectations positive point Indicat9rs, though, to too were high. More and more research benefits for students and teachers. in achievement and many more shows some measurable gains CAI can positive i_nflue- 1:es on affective student behaviors. ..ncrease stAdent interest and motivation to learn; serve to enrichment and variety to the curriculum offer enjoyment, CAI can whilE it introduces students to a "new" technology. help to increase teacher ecfectiveness by being an available, on-going classroom lesource; and providing more time for the For the encourage and guide students. teacher to assist, CAI can offer renewed enthusiasm school and the classroom, for learning, curriculum reform, individualized instruction, and computer literacy. In conclusion, Ely (1993) put it best when he concluded that where deliberate efforts have been made by teachers or schools, one would have to say, the teachers and the learners They have gained new skills, new will never be the same. increased how and motivation, perceptions learn; of to Justification renewed enthusiasm for teaching and learning. for computer learning is often sought in research findings acquisition of their value knowledge as that "prove" in Perhaps there other are traditional tested means. by measures of success that have not been tested or are beyond willingness to testing such as attitudes toward learning, pursue problems until they are solved, and changing of the teacher from a presenter of information to a facilitator of Perhaps the "right" research questions have not learning. been raised (Ely, 1993). ocedures Population; The population for this study will include 60 third grade Laura S. students at the Laura S. Ward Elementary School. Ward School is located in a predominantly low socioeconomic in the Garfield Park neighborhood on Chicago's west side, The school's population is defined by the State community. population The schools' is low income. being 93% as minority and African-American 100% comprised 99.1% of students. From the sixty students who were in third grade in the 1992- Fifteen who had thirty were selected. school year, 1993 received WTR computer-assisted instruction and fifteen who Only those students whose pretest ITBS scores had had not. 2 or 3 were selected. stanine 1, Each spring the Tests Basic Skills of [owa (ITBS) is administered to each student in Chicago's Public Elementary Two samples were identified from school records Schools. from those students who had participated in the WTR program and thpse who had not. The pretest-posttest group design utilited will The reading be scores ITBS the of administered in the Spring 1992 will be used as pretest and reading scores of ITBS administered in Spring 1993 will be used as posttest. 1 0

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