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Preview ERIC ED365421: National Directory of Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Institutions.

.DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 421 PS 021 773 TITLE National Directory of Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Institutions. Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition, INSTITUTION Washington, DC. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 115p. AVAILABLE FROM Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition, 1341 G Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005-3105. Reference Materials PUB TYPE Directories /Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Degrees (Academic); *Early Childhood Education; Higher Education; *Institutions; Professional Education; *Teacher Education; *Teacher Education Programs CDA; *Child Development Associate IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This directory contains a listing of 610 formal education programs in early childhood education and childhood development in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The directory is limited to the following types of institutions that provide postsecondary education in.the early childhood and child development area: two- and four-year colleges, technical institutes, and occupationally oriented vocational schools. Each entry contains the following information: (1) institution name, address, and telephone number; (2) contact (3) type of institution; (4) specialty area or areas; and (5) person; an indication of whether the institution offers the Child Development Associate (CDA) program. The appendix contains a listin¢ of the institutions which have indicated interest in offering inar instruction during Phase II of the CDA Professional Preparatior. Program. 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Copies of the National Directory of Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Institutions can be purchased from the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. Copyright 1993 by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Printed in the United States of America. COUNCIL FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION 1341 G Street, N.W., Suite 400 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3105 (202) 265-9090 THE COUNCIL for Early Childhood Professional Recognition was founded in 1985 through the efforts of the National Association for the Education ofYoung Children. The Council administers the Child Development Associate credentialing program, providing uniform procedures for assessing the competence of early childhood caregivers. The Ccincil works to improve the professional status of early childhood workers and is helping to meet the growing need for qualified child care staff with the creation of the CDA Professional Preparation Program (CDA P3). Contents Introduction MISSOURI 40 MONTANA 41 Institutions by location NEBRASKA 42 ALABAMA 1 NEVADA 42 ALASKA 2 NEW HAMPSHIRE ARIZONA 42 3 NEW JERSEY ARKANSAS 43 4 NEW MEXICO CALIFORNIA 44 4 NEW YORK CANADA 45 1 I NORTH CAROLINA COLORADO 49 11 NORTH DAKOTA CONNECTICUT 52 13 OHIO DELAWARE 53 14 OKLAHOMA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 54 14 OREGON FLORIDA 56 15 PENNSYLVANIA GEORGIA 57 17 PUERTO RICO GUAM 59 19 SOUTH CAROLINA HAWAII 60 19 SOUTH DAKOTA IDAHO 62 19 TENNESSEE ILLINO'S 63 20 TEXAS INDIANA 64 24 UTAH 67 IOWA 25 VERMONT 68 KANSAS 28 VIRGIN ISLANDS KENTUCKY 68 29 VIRGINIA 68 LOUISIANA 30 WASHINGTON MAINE 71 31 WEST VIRGINIA MARYLAND 74 3I WISCONSIN MASSACHUSETTS 74 WYOMING MICHIGAN 77 34 MINNESOTA 37 Appendix MISSISSIPPI CDA Professional Preparation Program (CDA P3) Institutions institution provide coursework for individuals who Introduction wish to work with infants and toddlers, preschoolers, or school-age children?) (column four), whether or not This National Directory of Early Childhood Education the institution offers CDA training (c3lumn five). Institutions contains a listing of 610 formal education All programs indicated they offered some form of programs in early childhood/childhood development financial assistance. Federal law mandates financial in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto assistance must be offered to students who take a Rico and the Virgin Islands. Approximately 1,429 minimum of six (6) hours of coursework. institutions, compiled from Peterson's Guide to A brief analysis of the 610 respondents to the Postsecondary Institutions, Volumes I and II comprised the September/October 1992 survey follows: initial mailing sent in September 1992. We prompted additional responses through a second mailing in Oc- Percentage Type and number of institutions tober 1992. of total responding Through the process of elimination, and based 51.1% 312 Public 2-year colleges upon information received from a similar survey dis- 3.1% Private 2-year colleges 19 tributed by Wheelock College in the Spring of 1992, we l9 3A% State colleges deleted nearly 118 postsecondary education institu- 8.3% Private 4-year colleges 51 tions from the first mailing. The 118 institutions we 21.9% Public universities 134 11.47% Private universities eliminated were respondents to Wheelock's survey that 70 indicated they had no early childhood education pro- Specialty areas grams. In addition, from the 633 respondents to the 80.0% Infant /toddler courses 488 Council's survey, we did not list 23 education institu- 96.1% 586 Preschool courses tions who were kind enough to respond, but who do 80.3% 490 School-age courses not offer early childhood courses. Updated versions of (Elementary Education) this directory in the years to come may provide us with Degrees offered additional data, and hopefully more institutions elect- 38.4% 4-year ECE or 234 ing to offer these courses. Child Development Early childhood education coursework is conducted 56.6% 2-year or Associate Degree 345 by a variety of types of institutions, including many 43.3% 1-year Certificate 264 child care centers; however, this Directory is limited to Institutions with 39.8% 243 those institutions providing postsecondary education CDA Training in the early childhood/child development area. In- cluded in this Directory are universities, two-and four- CDA Candidates please note: Institutions that offer year colleges, technical institutes and occupationally- a CDA training program develop their program oriented vocational schools. Within intitutions, pro- independent of the Council's parti, ipation or en- grams are located in a variety of departments such as dorscment. Students are responsible for ensuring Child Care, Child and Family Studies, Child Develop- that whatever training they pursue meets the educa- ment, Child Psychology, Curriculum and Instruction, tion requirements stated in the Child Development Early Childhood Education, Education, Home Eco- Associate Assessment System and Competency Standards nomics, Human Development, Special Education, and hook. so on. E cly childhood education spans birth through third grade, although not all programs covered the Directory updates entire range. The Directory will be updated periodically. If your This Directory is organized alphabetically by loca- institution is not listed or if you wish to add, delete, tion. Within each location, cities are listed in alphabeti- or change information, contact the Development cal order. Each listing includes the following informa- Unit at the Council, or mail your changes to: tion: Name (column one), address and telephone number(s) of the institution (column two), type of Development Unit Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition institution (e.g., public/private, 2- or 4-year college/ 1341 G Street, N.W., Suite 400 university)and name of contact person (column three), Washington, D.C. 20005-3105 the early childhood specialty area(s) (i.e., does the 1 CDA SPECIALTY TYPE OF INSTITUTION/ TRAINING? AREA(S) CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS/TELEPHONE LOCATION ALABAMA Infant/toddler BIRMINGHAM YES! Public 2-year college LAWSON STATE COMM. COLLEGE Preschool Certificate available 3060 WILSON ROAD School-age BIRMINGHAM, AL 35221 PATRICIA G. McCULLUM, CHAIR (205) 925-2515 x21I Infant/toddler YES! Public 2-year college ENTERPRISE STATE JR. COLLEGE ENTERPRISE Preschool Certificate available P.O. BOX 1300 ENTERPRISE, AL 36331 REBECCA RICHTER, DIRECTOR (205) 347-2623 x219 Infant/toddler Public University YES! JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY JACKSONVILLE Preschool JACKSONVILLE, AL 36265 School-age DkJOYCE RAY, COORD. (205) 782-5781 (205) 782-5845 Pr school No Public University LIVINGSTON UNIVERSITY LIVINGSTON School-age STATION 32 LIVINGSTON, AL 35470 DR. BETTY COWAN, CHAIR (205) 652-9661 x220 Infant/toddler No MOBILE Public University UNIV. OF SOUTH ALABAMA Preschool UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD School-age MOBILE. AL 36688 THOMAS W. HEWITT, PROFESSOR (205) 460-7102 No Preschool Public University UNIVERSITY OF MONTEVALLO MONTEVALLO School-age DEPARTMENT OF ECE MONTEVALLO, AL 35115 DR. ANNE C. HAMILTON, PROFESSOR (205) 665-6355 (205) 665-6375 Infant/toddler YES! Public 2-yr. College TRENBOTON ST. TECH. COLLEGE MONTGOMERY Preschool 1225 AIR BASE BOULEVARD MONTGOMERY, AL 36108 JOANNA MIDDI.EBROOK, DIR. (205) 832-9000 (205) 264-1497 Infant/toddler YES! Public University UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA Preschool COLLEGE OF CONTINUING STUDIES School-age BOX 870388, MASHER HALL 202 TUSCALOOSA, AL 35487-0388 NANCY WILLIANIS, GOURD. (205) 348-8491 0 J 2 TYPE OF INSTITUTION/ CDA SPECIALTY TRAINING? CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS/TELEPHONE AREA(S) LOCATION ALABAMA cont. Infant/toddler No Private University TUSKEGEE TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY Preschool SCHOOL OF EDUCATION School-age THRASHER HALL 202 TUSKEGEE, AL 36088 1 KATHRYN NOORI, COORDINATOR (205) 727-8737 ALASKA Infant/toddler UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Public 2-yr. College FAIRBANKS YES! Preschool Certificate Available ECHD PROGRAM School-age 510 2ND AVE. FAIRBANKS, AK 99701 (907) 474-5503 JO KUYKENDALL (907) 479-6850 Infant/toddler Private University JUNEAU UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA/JUNEAU YES! Preschool Certificate Available SCHOOL OF EDUCATION School-age 11120 GLACIER HIGHWAY JUNEAU, AK 99801-8671 KATHERINE GREENOUGH (907) 789-4429 (907) 789-4583 Infant/toddler Public University No KOTZEBUE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Certificate Available CHUKCHI CAMPUS Preschool P.O. BOX 297 School-age KOTZEBUE, AK 99752 BARBARA R. WILSON, PROF. (907) 442 -2379 (907) 442-3885 Infant/toddler NOME NORTHWEST CAMPUS Public University YES! Preschool Certificate Available UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA POUCH 400 NOME, AK 99762 JUNE SPENCER (907) 443-2201 Infant/toddler Public University KENAI PENINSULA COLLEGE YES! SALDATNA Preschool UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA School-age 34820 COLLEGE DRIVE SALDATNA, AK 99669 DR. MARJORIE J. HAYS. WORD. (907) 262-5801 3 TYPE OF INSTITUTION/ SPECIALTY CDA ADDRESS/TELEPHONE LOCATION CONTACT PERSON TRAINING? AREA(S) ARIZONA Infant/toddler COOLIDGE CENTRAL ARIZONA COLLEGE Public 2-yr. College YES! Preschool 8470 N. OVERFIELD ROAD Certificate Available COOLIDGE, AZ 85228 School-age (602) 723-4141 CHERYL FOSTER, MANAGER Preschool NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVESITY FLAGSTAFF No Public University BOX 5774 School-age FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86011 JOANN BREWER, PROFESSOR (602) 523-2611 (602) 523-5856 Infant/toddler GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE GLENDALE Public 2-yr. College YES! Preschool 6000 WEST OLIVE Certificate Available GLENDALE, AZ 85302 (602) 435-3000 EILEEN SNIFF, DIRECTOR (602) 435-3196 Infant/toddler HOLBROOK NORTHLAND PIONEER COLLEGE Public 2-yr. College YES! ,'reschoo. P.O. BOX 610 Certificate Available HOLBROOK, AZ 86025 !: chool-age (602) 524-6111 x271 CLAUDE S. ENDFIELD Infant/toddler MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Public 2-yr. College MESA YES! Preschool 1833 W. SOUTHERN AVENUE Certificate Available MESA, AZ 85202 School-age (602) 461.7139 Infant/toddler PHOENIX PHOENIX COLLEGE Public 2-yr. College YES! Preschool 1202 W. THOMAS ROAD Certificate Available School-age PHOENIX, AZ 85013 LINDA TRAMEL, COORD. (602) 285-7311 Infant/toddler SCOTTSDALE No SCOTTSDALE COMM. COLLEGE Public 2-yr. College Preschool 9000 E. CHAPARRAL Certificate Available SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85250 DR. ROSEANNE DLUGOSZ (602) 423-6000 (602) 423-6204 Infant/toddler No ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY TEMPE Public University Preschool C&I/EARLY CHILDHOOD School-age TEMPE, AZ 85287-1711 JOAN MOYER, (602) 965-3527 COORD. 1 :)

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