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Preview ERIC ED360433: The Mirror: A Newsletter of Multicultural Children's Literature, 1991-1993.

DOCUMENT RESUME UD 029 368 ED 360 433 Jackson. Gloria D., Ed. AUTHOR The Mirror: A Newsletter of Muiticultural Children's TITLE Literature, 1991-1993. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 42p. Reference Serials (022) PUB TYPE Collected Works Bibliographies (131) Materials Mirror: A Newsletter for K-8 Educators; n1-7 Dec JOURNAL CIT 1991-Spr 1993 MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE American Indians; *Childrens Literature; Cultural DESCRIPTORS Awareness; *Cultural Differences; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; *Ethnic Groups; *Fiction; *Minority Groups; *Multicultural Education; Newsletters; Nonfiction ABSTRACT This document consists of all seven issues that were published of a newsletter devoted to multicultural children's literature that reflects the many cultures in our pluralistic society. The newsletter presents book reviews of fiction and non-fiction with multicultural themes for children in kindergarten through grade 8 schools. Some issues provide brief bibliographies on selected issues, and most issues give a summary list of works reviewed for ready reference. Some of the issues contain feature (2) respect (1) holiday stories; articles on the following themes: for nature in the Native American heritage; (3) ignorance of others (4) reflections of a pluralistic society; and (5) brings fear; multicultural books in the mainstream of children's literature. (SLD) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ******************************************************ft******tA******** The Mirror: A Newsletter of Multicultural Children's Literature, 1991-1993 Gloria D. Jackson, Ed. December 1993 V I. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Once c Educational dO8011,Ch and invecresmenu MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER ERIC) int. document has Men raoroducd mamma, trotn um person or organ/W.0n onponaund .1 C Maw charges% tuna men made m improve ramr0Ouctron auehty Pants of um., or options stare° ,n Inn dor.. ',Ord dO not ne..OSMnly ,e0,Sent caeca. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OEM positron or mho, INFORMATION CENTER IERICI' 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE A Newsletter for K-8 Educators Coal e. a Pluralistic Society Reflecting Multicultural Literature Introductory Issue I December 1991 Created by D. Jackson. NILS. MA Gloria I Layout/Graphics - Lynn Clark Holiday Time For permission to copy contact G. !! Jackson Say, A Tree of Cranes (1991) by Allen writer. His books span Allen Say is a Japanese-American artist and Tjle pfrrfxrwof this News- pictures always show traditional and contemporary stories and his letter is to present childitt!rfs litera- of space and careful attention to cultural detail, and have a feeling ture that reflects the many culturrs of his first light. In this elegant picrure book a boy tells the story present in our plur4li;tic society. .. His American mother brings in 2 little pine tree cm If the%t- books ari_ to be and small candles - a and decorates it with silver paper cranes real,. by nuinNticam Ond minority California. In this way she remembrance of her past Christmases in children, they mu,' bk: child. A gentle story with pictures of catty introduced by Ica( 1U 1\ and shares her customs with her bi-cultural traditional home in Japan. The little boy may live and a contemporary yet librarians excitement about presents as any dress differently but he has the same My "1/.11 1s I1 t:111 (1111.17e% American child! Wi1l:A.101\ to 111t. 1X1(11,+111 the .American students who have spent time in EXTENDED USE 1 hacker] .11111 u1 "IVe .111 S441001 stories about how other counmes can use this as a model to write mulct \land ride fit i1t-nnt-IN t-1 the culture of they adapted their Christmas ( or other) customs to rind olficiN..mil mcir.m-1.1 g of their host countries ..or vice versa! ing skills_ (1989 )by Elizabeth Tree BELATED READING: Chita's Christmas this warm Afican Kwanzaa (1991) by FitzgeraldHoward. Set in the early 1900s in Baltimore NEW remembrance.. Little Chita and her A.P. Porter is an easy-reading , American Christmas story is a personal and write her name on father (a physician) go out to choose a Christmas tree how-to-do-it book covering the cre- Christmas Day. Though in picture ation of this festival by Maulana it - hoping that Santa Claus will bring it on various pre-Christ- book format. there are short chapters covering Karenga. its symbols. vocabulary, including a SCM1MDtiOUS Christ:: as Eve mas activities of Chita. c:-.nciples and purpose. The illustra- 01(.1, lighted tions are aunctive and there is a and finally the Christmas Tree decorated and rA.L ../.,Ifamily dinner, The pictures glow with o ziossary with pronunciation of in the family home on Christmas morning. . ,.. r proclaim tile holiday spirit. 4"7"7-77" warmth, and the red and green accents Swahili words. holiday book. (Be sure to read the book jacket -neertnediate grade so:dents An exceptionally happy Silver Whistle (1989) by Alice Happy explaining the background for the story)The cat, read and discuss Have a about a boy bringing a gift to Tonapert, is a Christmas story set in Mexico .'.1989).. by Mildred Pins Walter, an ceremonies. Nice story and colorful award winning author. It is a nicely the Child during the traditional village (1989) by Virginia Hamilton is a illustradons. The Bell s of Christmas crafted contemporary story woven hundred years ago as Traditional story of Christmas holiday activities a around the African American fest- Jason Bell, whose African American. Kwanzaa - celebrated after shown through the eyes of 12-year-old al - Older children can family has lived in Ohio since the early 1800s. Christmas day. The seven principles the authentic "period detail " that inter woven into the stori. read this chapter book alone and appreciate are nicely is evident in the pictures and plot. Note should also be taken of Capote. Writ= many What a Morning; The Christ- .4 Christmas Memory (1984) by Tin:man mas Story in Black Spirituals been reissued with wonderful illusntions. In , years ago this literary gem has when he w as seven years 1987) by John Langstaff with it Capote recalls with poignancy a Christmas season old relative. Not sentimental, vibrant illustrations by the noted old and living in the county with an eccenth c oider children . These books, black aids: and author. Ashley but certainly a loving tribute. Read it aloud to study, and English to :hers could also add A orr.:s and musical Bryan. can make a good comparative fea- discusscion. scores for the spirituals are Christmas in Waies (Dylan Tnomasi to the Tured alongside the illusrrations. 11. LI NEW- Picture Bride (1991) (1991)by Rachel Isadora NEW-At the Crossroads Author/ by Yoshiko Uchida A sensitive illustrator . and absorbing novel by a well-estab- Set in the segregated townships of South Africa this picture book lished Japanese-American author. focuses on the children eagerly waiting at the crossroads to welcome The story is of young Hana Omiya home their fathers, who have been working in the city for ten months. ,:ho leaves Japan to come to Califor- The ebb and flow of preparation,excitement, disappointment. hope. nia:in 1917, holding the picture of the suspense and final happiness are shown in the pictures of adults and an she has promised to marry - children. their activities and expressions. As night falls and some Taro Takeda. The book deals with fathers have still not returned. the bright colors give way to dark skies and the harsh realities of Asian immi- shadowy fields, reflecting the somber mood of the few children. still waiting grant life of the time - the poverty, and the joyful cry rings out - at the crossroads. At last the Tuck rumbles in - and also with the "Our fathers are home"! strength of family and cultural ties. rail'- First Pink Light (1991) by Eloise Greenfield. A good companion There is loyalty, tenderness, book, showing a young African American child wanting desperately to stay determination and heart- awake to welcome his father when he comes home at dawn. Even young break in the story. Hana and children will recognize the similarities in the books, and the older children Taro have one child - a differences behind the stories. may want to discuss the socio-oolitical daughter who eiopes with a it is goon to see more DOOKS reiaang cung American doctor and forsakes generational picture books featuring to the Hispanic/Latino culture enter- her community, just before World grandparents interacting with chil- ing the market. War II breaks out. The drama in the dren. NEW The Gold Coin (1991) by story picks up as it relates the tag NEW-- Taking Sides (1991) is a Alma For Ada is excellen :.Though edits of the "evacuation ", when all novel by Gary Soto. a Hispanic au- it is =original story (Central America Japanese Americans in California thor who writes honestly and sparsely it has the elements of a setting) were sent to internment camps where of life in the central California val- folktale and can very effec- condidons were unhealthy and inad- ley. His stories and poems are care- for used tively be equate. to say the least. The charac- fully crafted with meticulous descrip- storytelling. The exquisite ters of Taro and Hana are well drawn, tive details, and yet have a touch of illustrations give i: the and they each react to these changing humor and gentle irony as he reveals Latino cultural flavor, and .onditior.s differently. The subsid- the joys and fears of young enhance the certainly iary characters reflect the different Hispanics coming of age. As storyiine. The story is of Dona Josefa :aces or Japanese American irrzni- such his stories also touch a who spends her time willingly help- Zallts of the time, so that there is no nerve with all adolescents - ing and healing her neighbors, and of stereotyping. boys especially. In this new Juan. who pursues her to steal from Thou- RELATED READING novel, 14-year-old Lincoln her.But during the pursuit Juan be- sand Pieces of Gold; A Biographi- Mendoza moves from the barrio to comes a changed man, and learns to cal Novel by Ruthanne Lum the suburbs, and herein lies the con- give rather than take. An outstanding McCunn ( 1981) will allow flict. As an ace basketball player he cook, by an educator who is knowl: older students to discuss the will now be playing for his new school edgeable and outspoken in her sup- similarities in the experi- against his old school - and his child- ort of bilingual and multicultural ences of young japanese and hood friends. Under this obvious con- education. Borreguita and the Coy- C'"^-,se women as irarnigrants flict lies the problem of adjusting to a ote (1991) by Verna Aardema is a the West coast ground the turn of the different kind of neighborhood and trickster tale from Mexico with faint Some students can read Sarah,Plain to the predominantly white school. . echoes of "The Three Billy Goats and Tall (1985) by Patricia (A different, yet similar conflict that Gruff". The little lamb avoids being MacLachlan to learn about Ameri- confronts immignnts to this coun- eaten by playing tricks on the coyote can mall-order brides who came out try.) Who wins in the final play-offs? and eventually putting him out of the West to marry men, sight unseen. The resolution in the plot is satisfac- Nice glossary carnivore business! Other books relating to the wartime tory, but unfortunately not through aad pronunciation of Spanish terms. evacuation of Japanese include Lincoln's own decision-making. A Good for informal dramadzation and Yoshiko Uchida's Journey to To- good exercise would be to have stu- In Abuela class oral participation. paz ;1971 )which fictionalizes her dents provide their own endings to (1991) by Arthur Borros, Rosalba experiences as a child in the intern- the story. Two other books by this and her grandmother take an imagi- men: ca:nos and A Child in Prison author are Baseball in April (short nary flying trip over New York City :amp (1071) by S hizue. Takashirna stories) and A Fire in my Hands and see the sights from that vantage te..ls of :he Japanese internment (poems). Keep both books for read- s: point! Wonderfully colorful. realis- Caza:ia thirtns: the war. aloud when there are spaces of time S tic style pictures of ethnic neighbor- to fill up. hoods and inner city communities. Can be used with many of the cross- MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE CREATE A DEMAND FOR LIBRARIES AND BOOKSTORES! ASK FOR THESE BOOKS LN Coyote: A 'Aardema, Verna - Borrezuita and the Petra Mathers. Knopf. tale frrrn Ayutla. Mexico. (1991) Illus. Illus. Neil Waldman., Atheneum *Ada. Alma Flor - The Gold Coin. (1991) Elisa Kleven. Dutton Dorros. Arthur - Abueia (1991) Illus. (c.1976. Illus. Jan S. Gilchrist. Black Butterfly Children's Bks. "Greenfield. Eloise - First Pink Light (1991) Harper) .11us. L. Davis. Harcourt *Hamilton, Vircrinia - The Bells of Christmas.(1989) Floyd Cooper, Bradbury Tree. (1989) Illus. *Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald - Chita's Christmas (1991) Greenwillow *Isadora. Rachel - At the Crossroads. (1985) Harper (also in pb - Harrier Trophy) MacLachlan, Patricia - Sarah. Straight and Tall. Biographical Novel. (c1981) In pb (1988 ) Beacon of Gold: A -McCunn. Ruthanne Lurn - A Thousand Pieces .y Janice Porter, Caroirhoda "Porter. A.P.. - Kwanzaa. (1991) Pictures Mifflin Say. Allen - Tree of Cranes (1991) Houghton (1991) Tundra Bks. in Prison Camp. (1971) Econociad In pb ' Takashi: a. Shizue A Child (1990) Thank you. Dr. Niarnn Luther King, Jr.! "Tate, Elenora E. Watts Macmillan Tamper.. Alice - The Silver Whistle. (1988) Reprint. Creative Arts Bks. "Uchida. Yos'niko - Journey to Topaz (c 1971) Northland Pr., Arizona 'Uchida, Yoshiko - Picture Bride. (1991) Have a Happy... (1989) Lothrop. Also ir. pb -Avon 'Walter. Mildred Pitts pb - paperback Ethnic authors announced at the workshops I gave in November Publication of this multicultural newsletter was conference, and the CMLEA conference. The respons 1991 at the California Reading Association Introductory Issue of receive the publication! The result is this was positive with 70+ signups to free. THE MIRROR. which is being. sent to you during the school year. I plan to issue THE MIRROR five times January, there will b4hree,more issues sent out during_ During this partial year of 1991-92 form below and receive these three issues please fill in the March. and May 1992. If you wish to six 29 cent stamps to: return it soon, along. with its Gloria D. Jackson, 45 Moonlit Circle, Sacramento, CA 95831. PLEASE PRLtiT Position Your NAME Address ZIP Grade level /s Scool District =nu: --214 17-11 GLORIA JACKSON has been in public and school a librarian and an educational libraries, and.. of the. iiirnialcoutptitiof In this coluthrt I:shall. administrator for school district more literittire:,ziheYneatio answer Tieitionsthat li'oraries.S he has been active in giving content workshops for teachers and librarians. NecYsietter;..arict.the.egiser4:tOPfCiOf.:::haiern*titises:ic*O.site: grade... and in textbook selection and writing Her recent research curriculum. culminated in a Masters Project dO entitled - Multiethnic Literature in the Elementary School Curriculum - t .. . (CSUS/1991). She attended the White Iewsietter will . House Conference on Libraries and and.youngs.,-Lult boolcS;tisar.pOsi, Inform adon Sciences as an Alternate younger- siblings:. picture. bOoks:tO tively andirinestly refleeLthe:: (July 1991). She is now an educational Older St.tidentScan:diSCUSS.rel&ant cultures in. our school POpplations..: specializing in consultant themes -of riscrimiiiation The emphasis will be on minority Multicultural Literature for grades keerlom.Cultiiial:traditions:- ethnic culture ss.thotigh#,oks of K-8. She Will be thving a 1 unit credit and family customs-using:these... Anglo-European cultures. will be Literature course on K-8 Multiethnic books:.:. Teachers. canuse. excerpts inclucled.when appropriate... It. will. on five Saturday mornings-starting. from novels:to readio.yaiinger not include books in. other . Feb. 29. 1992 at California State recornd.books children:::..TlieconstanfinfOsion...of pages. It will . University, Sacramento. reinfOrce-the:. these nooks that meet the aiteria.that.will. be. validitYOf the:miiiotity:04, explained in future issues - in this- hitittliOself*aciOth#5:. (3) Main- FUTURE ISSUES column. Primarily fiction, .poezy, : streaM:reaChers.WilLget.a.n. under. -. biography andpiczure:books Look for books on the Ameri- standini of OthercUltiires by be included under:tht:UMbreila of. stories. legends. can Indian culture reading .a11:.leveli of. thesebooks. "literarare-.. . and how they rei2.te to Ecology. Books relating to the new Asian immigrants. STAFF RESOURCES There will be some emphasis on simi- and practice (2nd ed.) Banks. J.A. (1988) Multiethnic education: Theory larities in themes and foiktales. New. Rockleigh. NJ .Allyn and Bacon will recent and favorite older books Illus. by Beth Peck. Random Capote. T. (19841) - A Christmas Memory. be reviewed. COMMENTS will in- House clude information on ethnic authors. (Translated by Myra Friere. P. (1968) - Pedagogy of the Oppressed. and discussion of criteria for seiec- and Herder der groan Romas. 1970) Seabury, NY; Herder don of good books. of children's books: A Rollock. 3 (1988)- Black authors and illustrators Let me know what you find most Pr. biographical dictionary. New York, Garland useful, what you would like dis- III: A guide to juvenile Schon. I (1988)- A Hispanic Heritage. Series cussed. We are in this together!! Metuchen. NJ; Scarecrow Pr. books about Hispanic people and culture. AIIINIMINE111MIr 1111/M111111 AVAILABLE BEST COPY Me Mirror A Newsletter fir K-8 Educators January 1992 T'aaatrmarisitac Bathay 121(tailatoral lavia-maaarra akedileviams Respect for Nature The NativeAmerican Heritage Created by This we know,The earth does not belong to us,' We belong to D. Jackson, MLS, MA Gloria the earth." Layout/ Graphics - Lynn Clark For permission to copy contact G. than a century ago by Chief Seattle when the - These words were spoken more Jackson American government wanted to move white settlers into the Indian territory and was willing to pay for the 'and. Jeffers has combined art e^d poetic text to give us a moving "I never have sewr a man adaptation of this speech.- Brother Eagle, Sister ...Ay :A message from Chief that I thought was better Seattle by Susan Jeffers (1991) "How can you buy the sky? How can you own the than me. I've seen em who rain and the wind?" This message is now in the classrooms and courts. The book should had more money, sure or be read aloud and discussed in history, science , language arts and speech classes.The poetic more book learnin'; but text will be good for oral contests and can be easily adapted for choral reading. This is one that don't make him better of the most inspiring and elegant juvenile books in recent years. It epitomizes the legacy of inside, not by a long shot. the Native American - reverence for the earth.. Jeffers consulted with members of the nick IrslAwd r From _by Ruby Lakota and other tribes Grades 3 - 8 . Goodwin_ N371 - A book that speaks even more directly to the environmental issue is Keepers of the Animals; Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children Self Esteem (1991) by Michael Caduto and Joseph Bruchac(A benaki storyteller). This book of 266 Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King, pages is definitely a teacher's resource, in fact, it has a special Teachers Guide to go Jr! (1990) by Eleanora E. Tate. This along with it. It retells folktales about animals, birds etc. and each of the stories is followed revolves around Mary delightful novel by appropriate science topics (eg. migration, tidal zones, habitat etc); discussions of these Elouise. her African American family, & her topics and activities (art, science, drama, puppets, etc.) to use in the classroom. Use this to friends in the fourth grade. The conflict dramatically. This put literature in the science curriculum. and introduce scientific concepts concerns her reluctance to participate in the the Animals by the same book followed the success of the earlier book,Keepers of Black American History play at school authors. because she lacks self esteem. Her interaction NSW Another book championing the environmental cause is The People Who widi friends and family bring her to the Hugged the Trees (199 1).Deborah Lee Rose adapted this folktale of Rajasthan which realisation of her own value. This is an extols the philosophy behind the contemporary Chipko Movement in India. whose members honest story that sensitively explores the book tells of young jack of self-acceptance in some minority are dedicated to the "conservation...of natural resources." The picture ,:tiildren. and their eventual journey to self Amrita, who lived in a village and loved the trees, frequently hugging them. When a group esteem. Though the theme is serious, the of laborers come to cut down the trees. Amrita is outraged and mobilizes the villagers to hug plot and language abound in humor and each tree to prevent them being cut down. The Maharajah is summoned to deal with this reflect the experiences of pre-teens. defiance, but just as he orders the laborers to continue, a mighty sandstorm occurs. When Recommended for independent reading. it subsides it is ffiund that though there is extensive damage in the area the village and its well The Maharajah gets increased gain an will water has been saved because it was protected by the barrier of trees. Teachers the message - as your students will. Lovely water colors on each page, with authentic understanding of minority students from this -ook.Grades 4 - 7 cultural details. Gr. 1-3 ilF.177 Amazing Grace (1991) by Though there is only a very small percent of Native American children in our school Nary Hoffman is a picture book about an populations, the books from this culture have value because of their strong environmental African American child who has enormous this culture, in a sense , is the message, their inclusion in the curriculum and also because self-esteem and a vivid imagination. Grace heritage of all of us who now call ourselves Americans. :ikcs to act out and "be" all sorts of characters. Related Reading A recent useful series is the NATIVE AMERICAN LEGENDS Her friends think that she has overreached Though these are formula books-same author and format, they have some . herself when she decides that she wants to be special values. Each book recognizes and deals with a particular Indian nation,: ?eter Pan in the school play. But by using, rimer 47 retells its folkules , depicts its crafts, symbols etc. and then devotes 13 of the she gets the role and does .maginauon, information on that nation - including maps pages to factual , historical and contemporary well. The pictures of Grace dance through they are stylised and and photographs. Though the folktale illustrauons are colorful, _le pages in a variety of innovati ve costumes. Resource teacher. faceless. These books were favorably reviewed by a Nauve American She is a role model "to be what you want to be -. G racks K - 3 Famous People of Many Cultures N--2,77/ 001:0 The sudden influx of Russian refugees and has given rise to an interest in books on this February is frequently the time students in elementary and middle schools are assigned to cuiture.Sorochintzy Fair (1991)is a read and report on biographies of famous people. Here is an unusual collection of picture fanciful tale of the Ukraine. It is an early books that span all grades and are particularly appropriate for heterogeneous classes. Older students can do research in encyclopedias etc. to back up the short text, adding dates, maps. work of Nikoiai Gogol .The story has been and other details to written or oral reports. These colorful books area good introduction to translated and adapted. and the illustrations impart a unique Russian cultural flavor.It is biographies. the story of young Paraska, whose parents MEW...Chingis Khan (1991) written and illustrated by Demi is a sophisticated oppose her marriage to the man she meets at picture book ..The illustrations are like a series of miniature Mogul paintings set on cool the Fair. There is a contract with a gypsy, an white walls that enhance their gilt frames and frequent gold accents. The text is simple but episode of the devil's visit and a magical primarily factual.relating the life of this 12th century military genius(also spelled Genghis) resolution of ail conflicts! Grades 1.3 trials and adventures of from his childhood on the arid plains of Mongolia, into the A Song of the Stars; an Asian Legend manhood, and the eventual creation of a massive war machine that was to conquer most of (1991) by Tom Birciseye offers an Persia, Hungary, Poland, Russia and China and make him "one of the greatest conquerors explanation for the Chinese Festival called in history". Grades 4 - 7 Chi Hsi (Festival of the Milky Way;) This NEW...The Last Princess; The story of Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii romantic legend of star-crossed lovers is (1991)by Fay Stanley is another biographical picture book that is written for older enriched by the iridescent, stylised illustration s that look like exquisite stained glass. children. It is a sad story of the betrayal of the Hawaiian people by the "haoles" (foreigners) during the 1890s. The first few pages read like a fairy talc -a beautiful princess growing up Grades 1-3 the Ox Star Fell from How in plush surroundings. But then the reader learns of the conspiracy to annex the islands to the US; the sudden death of the king; the abortive native revolt; the dethronement and Heaven(1991) by Lily Toy Hong. The imprisonment of Queen Liliuokalani. Kaiulani has been sent to school in England, but she village people in China were always hungry, Coolidge,though returns to go to Washington to intercede for her people. President so the Emperor of All the Heavens decreed sympathetic, is unable or unwilling to curb the greed of the white settlers. (Some parallels that they should eat "at least once every three Kaiulani emerges to the fate of Native Americans.) The story is dramatic and emotional. days." He sent his trusted messenger, the Gr.4-7 not-very-smart Ox Star down to earth to give as an intelligent and courageous young woman. this message. What the Ox Star said was Related reading: Shaka: King of the Zulus (1988) by Diane Stanley slightly different - "The Emperor has declared and Peter Vennema is a picture-book biography of another military genius, who that you shall cat three times a day, every "took a handful of Zulu fighters and turned them into an army of the finest warriors fir day"! The people were happy, but the I mer . in Africa" during the early 1800s. Grades 4 - 7 Emperor was not! And he banished the Ox to Peter the Diane Stanley is also the authorfillustrator of the award winning picture book, earth to be a beast o f burden . The illustrations Great ( 1986 )about another military genius who dominated Russian history in the early are stylised, full of rich colors and almost all 1800s .Gr.4-7 are double page spreads. Because of the The Wheel of I wish there were as many books about great men and women of peace. style there may be some criticism of KingAsoka(1977) by Ashok Dever, is currently out of print but may be on some library stereotype, but children should be told this is love it. shelvesit is a simple picture book about an Emperor in Ancient India about 3rd century BC. sheer fantasy - not reality. Kids After seeing the devastation wrought by his conquering armies Asoka proclaimed and Gr.K -2 You'll love Everybody Cooks Rice followed a policy of non-violence, and governed by the philosophy that "justice, peace and (1991)by Norah Dooley, A young girl love must go on." Allan Called Thoreau (1985) by Robert Burleigh is another short visits down the street at supper time looking and easy book that is beautifully written, with serene illustrations evocative of the man and fit in well with for her brother, and in the process tastes rice his philosophy (which is explained in simple language). This title will also dishes from Barbados. India, Puerto Rico, the environmental theme.Gr.4-7 China, Haiti and Vietnam. The book is ? His real Did you know there was a famous matador in Spain who was a Chinese-American colorfully, and realistically illustrated. told his unusual story in the picture name was Bong Way "Billy" Wong, and Allen Say has Recipes for the rice dishes arc given at the photographic-like pictures book, El Chino (1990). The first half of the book has sepia, An excellent book to show the back. influenced by with sparse facts. Billy, the son of Chinese immigrants grows up in Arizona commonalities in cultures. Gr. 1 . 7 be! Billy wants to be a his father's belief that in America you can be anything you want to No culture...retains its So he becomes an basketball star, but though he is an excellent athlete - he is too short. identity in isolation; identity mood of the text engineer. He visits Spain on vacation, and his ambition changes, as does the is attained in contact, in considerable odds but and the illustrations ,which burst into color. He perseveres against contrast, in breakthrough. bullfighter in Spain. This story crosses does eventually emerge as the very first Chinese ('arlos Fuentes I I found it exciting. Older cultural boundaries and is filled with the power of possibilities. in i.kanvolf started to lVrite" this interesung man. Gr. 3-7 students might try to research further details of Animal Five__ tlf 'Wien/turn/ Liter-Poi Teacher Resources students Introduce these books to teachers and I information .3ooks without Bias; Through Indian eyes Titles mentioned in this Newsletter have buying Some additional Edited by *B. S lapin and 'D. Seale. 1989 here.Prices have not been added since they can vary. *Ethnic authors Oyate Pubs., 2702 Matthews St, Berkeley, titles have been added as space permitted. CA 94702. 462pp Spiral bdg. 525.00 Teachers ISBN 1-55591-027-0 S19.95 ISBN 0-8037-1040.2 Amazing Grace by *Mary Hoffman. 1991 Dial Bks. uide - S9.95 (Reviews and Evaluates Native Susan Jeffers. 1991. Dial Bks Brother Eagle, Sister Sky; A Message from Chief Seattle by American children's books) ISBN 0-8037-0963-3 Graywolf Five: Multicultural Literacy; Chingis Khan by Demi. 1991 Holt ISBN 0=8050-1708-9 Opening the American Mind edited by El Chino by *Allen Say 1990 Houghton ISBNO-395-51028-1 Rick Simonson and Scott Walker. 1988 Caroirhoda ISBN 0-397- Everybody Cooks Rice by Norah Dooley. Illus/Peter Thornton Graywolf Pr. St. Paul, MN 32179-1 It's Good To Be Black by Ruby Goodwin, Harper ISBN 0-397-32179.1 His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut by Dorothy Carter. 1987 pb 1976 Southern Illinois U. Pr. Gr. 6-8 Keepers of the Animals: Native American Albert Whitman Pub. ISBN How the OxStarFellfrom Heaven by *Lily Toy Hong. 1991 Stories and Wililife Activities for Children 0-8075-3428-5 by Michael. Caduto and *Joseph Bruchac. Hawaii by Fay Stanley. illus. by The Last Princess; The story of Princess Kaiulani of 1991 Fulcrum Pub.,350Indiana St.,Golden, Macmillan/Four Winds ISBN 0-02-786785-4 Diane Stanley 1991 Colorado 80401 1985 ISBN 0-689-31122-2 A Man called Thoreau by Robert Burleigh Keepers of the Earth; Native American Rose with pictures by Birgitta The People Who Hugged the Trees adapted by Deborah Lee Stories and Environtneraal Activities for 0-911797-80-7 1990 Roberts Rinehart, Niwot, Colorado. ISBN Saflund. Children. By Michael Caduto and *Joseph 0-02786790-0 Peter the Great by Diane Stanley. 1986 Morrow ISBN Fulcrum Pub. ISBN I - Bruchac. 1988 ISBN 0-68807343-3 Shako: King of the Zulus by Diane Stanley. 1988 Morrow 55591-027-0 SI9.95 Teachers Guide S9.95 David Godine Pub. 1991 Sorochinrzy Fair by *Nikolai Gogol Illus/Gennadij Spirin. ISBN 0-87923-879-8 School 1990 Watts ISBN 0 -531- Middle. Hook Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.* by Eleanora Tate students on Biographical 15151-4 Not in print. Follett Fiction or Fictional Biography. The Wheel of King Asoka by *Ashok Davar 1977 Let them read, then ,rwearch SERIES the facts! Cohlene. Troll Assoc. 6 bks gr. 4-8 NATIVE AMERICAN LEGENDS. Author Terri 1 Juan de Pareja by Elizabeth Borten in paperback - Watermill Pr. Set in lib bdg - 589.70 ISBN 0-86593-000-7 Also available de Trevino. 1965. Newberr. Winner. Ka-Ha-Si and the Loon (Eskimo); Clamshell Boy (Makah); Dancing Drum (Cherokee); Econociad. Cross cultura4yelazquez, Little Firefly (Algonquin) Spanish painter, : : (ESL Gr.5-8) Gr. 3-5 Easy reading biographies by Jeri Ferris. Caroirhoda Pr. Anthony Burns; theDleatandTritunph Arctic Explorer; The Story of Matthew Henson. 1989 of a Fugitive Slave. bi,E41firginia 1988 Go Free or Die; Story about Harriet Tubman Hamilton. 1988 Knopf : Picotte. 1991 Native American Doctor; The Story of Susan La Flesche The Secret Life of Pocahontas by Jean Truth. 1988 Walking the Road to Freedom; A Story about Sojourner Fritz 1988 What are you figurin' now? A story about Benjamin Banneker. Comparative Folktalcs; Overcoming Prejudice, Hold fast the FUTURE ISSUES - Themes will include Journey to Freedom; Dream. Do you have other suggestions? with the new address label that I hoped you toticed on your My daughter, the layout artist, generously gifted me this Newsletter for some time to come! Sc, please get C53 envelope! A thousand labels! I am, thzr^fore, committed to iCZOND subsciulat teachers and parents can receive this issue and the the word out! Interested librarians, March and Mav issues if they - THE MIRROR, Send their name/address and six 29 cents stamps to - , 45 Moonlit Circle, Sacramento, CA 95831 Position Name Address (with ZIP) District Gr: School GLORIA JACKSON has been a school galieencents...@Ea.(7,11 Cormffizernatta... librarian and library administrator during the last 17 years. Her recent research I am ap preci ati ve of the response to the Introductory Issue, and have taken into account some culminated in a written Masters Project - of your suggestions. I invite readers to send in comments and suggestions. We are in this Multiethnic Literature in the Elementary together, to enrich reading and promote understanding. SchoolCurriculum(CSUS/1991).Currently she is an educational consultant presenting Should culturally diverse books be equally represented, or represented in workshops on this topic. proportion to the minorities present in a school population? No For many There reasons. (1) These books are nozpublished in Preportion to the current demographics. culture because this literature are many more books, reflecting the African American The purpose of this Newsletter is to started being published earlier,during the push for Civil Rights in the 1960s. (2) A variety present children's literature that reflects the of multiethnic literature should be available to all minority and mainstream students to many cultures present in our pluralistic in. common, promote understanding. (3)Books about minority cultures have many thanes scoiety. and their appeal can and should be across cultures. (4) Many award-winnng minority- In order for these books to reach both culture books merit a place in libraries and classrooms just bemuse they are superior minority and mainstream students. they must literature. . be introduced enthusiastically by teachers It is most important that MANY books from MANY cultures be introduced and librarians. and available to MANY studitus and teachers, to avoid creadn g stereotypes. My goal is to provide information t . educators so that they will use these books Criteria for multiethnic children's literature, with students, and so give all children pride (1) Consider the ethnicity and/or authority of the author. Ethnic authoi-s are sensitive wand in themselves and increased respect for other knowledgeable about their own cultures. Mainstream authors should show the research and cultures. experience that backs then writing /illustrating of these books. Read the book jacket blurbs for author information. (2) Know the date of original or reprint publication. Cultural sensitivity has gradually COURSES & CONFERENCES examined emerged only after the late 1960s. Books published prior to this date should be more carefully for patronising or denigrating attitudes and content. Gloria Jackson will give a course on (3) Watch for smmotvpinq in characterization, setting. illustrations and language. LisMultiethnic Literature K-8 (4) Examine the plojapn tent to ensure the veracity of historical and c uluiral information and One Graduate Credit Unit - S90.00 attitude. Saturdays, 9 - 12 noon (5) Look for culturally relevant and/or universal themes., February 29 - Mar 28, 1992 (6) These books should of course, also meet the guidelines for appropriate and worthwhile Calif. State Univ. Sacramento children's literature.. Call her at 916/417-1956 for further information. The overriding criterion is that these books present a positive picture ofthe culture depicted. They should help to reinforce the self esteem of minority children, andencourage interest andrespectfrom all children and teachers.. 4111,.. 11 11 1 11 11 1 .t.

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