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Preview ERIC ED359381: Barriers to Women Entering the Workforce: Math Anxiety. Research Bulletin No. 3.

tl DOCUMENT RESUME ED 359 381 CE 064 012 AUTHOR Bernstein, Joan D.; And Others TITLE Barriers to Women Entering the Workforce: Math Anxiety. Research Bulletin No. 3. INSTITUTION Montclair State Coll., Upper Montclair, NJ. Life Skills Center. PUB DATE 92 NOTE 6p.; For the full report summarized here, see CE 064 011. PUB TYPE Reports Research/Technical (143) JOURNAL CIT New Jersey Equity Research Bulletin; n3 Fall 1992 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Attitude Change; Change Strategies; *Demography; Ethnic Groups; Females; High Schools; *High School Students; *Mathematics Anxiety; Racial Differences; Sex Differences; State Surveys; *Student Attitudes; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS New Jersey ABSTRACT One of four research projects designed to examine barriers to the entrance of women into the workforce, the study described in this bulletin examined the feelings of math in students in single parent and nontraditional career preparation programs in relation to selected demographic characteristics. Survey instruments consisting of a brief math test (to evoke feelings of math anxiety in students prone to them) and an attitude scale were administered to 1,152 students in vocational-technical and comprehensive schools in 12 New Jersey school districts. At age 12, males felt slightly more math anxiety than females did. By age 14, however, females were more anxious about math than males were. The feelings of math anxiety expressed by females were consistently higher than those of males until age 19. As they aged, students of both sexes became significantly less anxious about their math abilities. Males in the African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American groups exhibited high levels of math anxiety, as did females in the African-American and Hispanic groups. Math anxiety was significantly lower among students of both sexes who had completed college preparatory mathematics, algebra (I and II), and geometry. Actions recommended for confronting mrth anxiety included asking math instructors to conduct a self-assessment of gender and ethnicity disparities in the classroom, starting a math club for females, and learning the visualization technique of anchoring. (Contains 12 references.) (MN) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** BARRIERS TO WOMEN ENTERING THE WORKFORCE: MATH ANXIETY RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 3 Life Skills Center Montclair State College "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Once o) Educahonal RoSeart.h MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY and Impreyemen1 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) True document has been roroduoO as rce.rj f 'Om Ole CoOrtoo Or Organ,: &roan ofigena $1 0 NI1/101. chinli Owe* been ..,,a0 10 improve roroduChon auality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Perot% of new Woointool Wiled m thOocu mint 60 not oCSaard riot's/int otho.al INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." OE RI odsaon Or poly O REST COPT 2 HEM PRE EQUITY WORM BEBE Fall 1992 Research Bulletin Na 3 Life Skills Center, Montclair State Purpose Barriers to Women The purpose of the research project was to examine the impact of math anxiety on EnteringtheWodcforce: students enrolled in single parent and nontraditional career preparation programs and to examine feelings of math anxiety as related to selected demographic characteristics. Math Anxiety A nontraditional career is defined as one held by seventy-five percent of the opposite gender. Additionally, the study examined participant characteristics most likely to be associated with feelings of math anxiety. Fear of math and working with mathematical JOAN D. BERNSTEIN, ED.D., concepts may be one of the factors which prevent women from choosing employment Project Director training programs which can lead to higher paying positions. Alexander and Martray LINDA B. REILLY, PH.D., (1989) define math anxiety as feelings of tension and anxiety which interfere with the Principal Investigator manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety JOANNE F. COTE-BONANNO, MA, of ordinary life and academic situations. Project Coordinator Review of literature wingthe1991-92schoolyearthe 0 Math anxiety has been suggested as an explanation for the lack of interest on the part A@IvJerseyDivisioncfAdult and of females in math and science intensive career options. Females are thought to suffer Occupational Education von- more from math anxiety than males. However, these feelings may be the result of the soredastudytoetzsminemath anxiety commonly accepted attitude that math proficiency is a part of the male doinain and that as it affects the ability of women to females are not expected to engage in math intensive careers (Singer and Stake, 1986). In order to enter theivi?rkforre. Flessati and Jamieson (1991) found that expressions of math anxiety are more learn more about the effect of math acceptable for female than male students even though females exhibited superior anxiety a study was conducted by proficiency in math. Females have been found to be less likely to select courses in the Life Skills Center at Montclair mathematics. Students who have more extensive math experience and report success State to measure the level of anxiety in math-related encounters are more likely to report lower math anxiety (Singer and Stake. 1986: Flessati and Jamieson. 1991; Tocci and Engelhard, 1991). In research expressed and to examine the char- conducted by Wigfield and Meece (1988) grade level has also been found to be acteristics of the participants most significantly related to feelings of math anxiety. Ninth grade students, males and likely to express feelings of math females, were found to be the most math anxious while those in the sixth grade anxiety. Fear of math and working exhibited the lowest levels of math anxiety. The AAU\V Report (1992) How Schools with mathematical concepts has Shortchange Girls indicates that no gender differences were found in the problem- been suggested as one ofthefaaors solving abilities of middle school students. However. among students in the twelfth which limit women in academic grade, males were more likely to be in the top 10-20 percent of students in all content choices and career aspirations areas of math with the exception of algebra. The National Science Board (1989) reports (Hunsley and Assail, 1988). By that similar percentage:, of girls and boys took the same math courses up to the calculus understanding more about the level of instruction. Calculus was taken by 7.6 percent of males but only 4.7 percent of female students. Fennema and Sherman ( 1977) found a strong correlation between characteristics of.students suffering math achievement and math confidence. firym math anxiety, programs can be developed to increase feelings of Procedure self em and confidence. This study was one ofafourpartresearrh project This study was conducted. using a survey design, during the fall of 1991 with 1.152 students in twelve school districts located throughout New Jersey. Students in concerned with examining barriers to women preparing to enter the vocational technical schools and those in comprehensive schools were sampled. The instrument consisted of a short math test and an attitude scale to measure workfare. Otherbarriersstudiedwere students' feelings of math anxiety. The math test was not used to measure math smualharassmenAstudentknowlalge competence. but to allow the students to experience math anxiety in close and attitudes about nontraditional proximity to the time when they were asked to indicate their feelings about math. careers, and attitudes toward Math comprehension was not assessed in this study. women in nontraditional roles. 3 Fall 1992 111111 JERSEY fan RESEW' BRIBE Demographic math anxiety and demographic char- anxiety score for males was significantly acteristics indicated: lower than that for females in the 14- to Profile of Participants This finding sup- 19-year-old range. Gender. Age, and Math Anxiety ports other research findings that females The sample was divided between are more anxious about their math No significant differences were found males (51 percent) and females (49 in the general feelings of math anxiety abilities than males. The age at which for male and female students. How- percent). they are most vulnerable to feelings of math anxiety is the period between ever. when students were examined Participants ranged from 12 years to by age. the differences in their feelings twelve and thirteen years of age. more than Fig. 1 Math Anxiety as Related to Gender and Age 20 years of Math anxiety was found to be related to age, with a age for all students. As students became median age older they became significantly less anx- high2.2 of 15 years. ious about their math abilities. With The 17- each year of age the students exhibited year-old re- less anxiety until age eighteen. The stu- 2.0 - spondents dent group exhibiting the least math formed the anxiety were those in the fou.-teen-year- 1.8 - largest por- old male group. Those exhibiting the -41-- Male Att. tion of the most math anxiety were thirteen-year- Female Att. group and old females and males. Because this 1.6 - comprised appears to be the age at which girls. in low 20 percent particular. become less confident about lY the of 15 >20 13 16 17 18 19 1.4 their math abilities, programs should be 1.4 Age sample. The implemented to help students through smallest group was the 19-year-old this difficult group, two percent of the sample. period. See Fig. 2 Math Anxiety as Related to Race and Gender Fig. 1. The sample was composed of: 2.0 Gender, 25 % Single parents (n=231) high Race and -5 % not single parents (n=700) 1.9 Math Anxiety Race and ethnic composition of the 1.8 sample: a 3 0/0 Caucasian Race a 25 % African American found to be 1.7 10 % Asian significantly related 9 % Native American to 1.6 -1a-- Male feelings of ---- Female low Students enrolled in traditional ca- math anxi- reer programs comprised 57% of the et. Males in 1.5 Cam. Other N. Am. Hisp. Asian AF. Am. sample: nontraditional career pro- the African grams 43 %. (Traditional careers are American. Hispanic. Asian. and Native about math became more apparent. defined as those in which males American groups exhibited high levels Although not statistically significant at comprise -5% or more of the em- of math anxiety. The highest levels of age twelve, male students express ployees. math anxiety for females were found in slightly more math anxiety than female African American and Hispanic groups. students: at age thirteen the two groups Math Anxiety Among Asian and Native American exhibited similar feelings of anxiety: groups. males were found to be higher and by age fourteen female students and Student in math anxiety than were female par- were more anxious about math than Characteristics Male and female African ticipants. male students. The feelings of math American and Hispanic groups were anxiety expressed by females were con- similar in their feelings or math anxi- sistently higher than those of male stu- Analysis of the relationships between ety. Among Caucasians. females were dents until age nineteen. The mean math Fag 1992 HHH JERSEY WHY REM BEM found to be higher in feelings of math ematics, but they need to see how not been expected to perform well in anxiety than were males. See Fig. 2. math oriented tasks, this competency math is important to their lives. Career necessary for success in the is options which require math proficiency Gender, Math Courses and workforce. Lack of preparation in need to be presented as suitable for Math Anxiety mathematics has severely limited ca- both males and females. Previous experience in math courses reer options for females. was found to he significantly related to Examination of demographic charac- feelings of math anxiety. For male Gender was found to be significantly teristics indicated students who that students who had completed College related to math anxiety for students classified themselves as single parents, Prep Math, Al- or who live in single parent house- gebra I, Algebra Fig. 3a Math Anxiety for Females as Related to holds, and non-Caucasian respondents H. and Geom- Math Courses were most likely to indicate feelings of etry, feelings of 1.9 math anxiety. Programs need to be math anxiety targeted to these populations in order were signifi- that they he encouraged to engage in cantly lower 2 1.8- more math oriented experiences. These than for those Female - yes student groups are limited in career who had not e Female - no )ices by their feelings of math anxi- c taken those ety. Many technologically oriented and courses. X 1.7 -1 managerial positions are not available similar finding them because of their lack of ability t, was exhibited to work with mathematical concepts. for female stu- By increasing their proficiency in the dents who had 1.6 area of mathematics, additional career Algebra II Algebra I College Prep Geometry taken College opportunities will become available to Prep Math and Algebra II. Although them. females who had taken Algebra I and Experiences Fig. 3b Math Anxiety for Males as Related to Geometry experienced less math anxi- need to he Math Courses etv than those who had not taken these provided for 2.0 courses, the differences were not sig- female stu- nificant. See Fig. 3. dents which 1.9 increase their Conclusions familiarity with Male - yes Females have been considered by so- a wider variety 0-- Male - no of career op- ___,Oetv to he less confident of their math abilities than male students and these Young tions. feelings of math anxiety have been people, when considered to he deterrents to their choosing a ca- 1.5 ability to perform in math courses and reer, think first to their pursuit of math oriented ca- of the types of 1.4 reers. Although females have been jobs they have Algebra I College Prep Algebra II Geometry found to he as proficient in math as observed per- between the years of fourteen and males. they resist involvement in math who are raised in sonally. Children experiences and are not as likely as households with a single female head, nineteen. Prior to age fourteen, males males to select math oriented careers think of jobs which have traditionally and females were found to be similar in Flessati and Iohnson. been held by females. their feelings of math anxiety. How- Jobs which 1991). Re- searchers have suggested that females ever, at age fourteen, males exhibited require mathematical proficiency have do not see math as important to their not been traditionally thought of as significantly lower levels of math anxi- lives and that math is not an important ety than females. female dominated positions. This finding indi- How- part of their self definition. Society has cates that programs to alleviate math ever, if female children are exposed to tended to view math as a male domain varied job or career possibilities and anxiety need to begin in the elemen- are provided with adequate instruc- t Flessati and Johnson. 1991: Singer and tary years. Females not only need to Stake. 1986) Although females have tion in mathematics, a wider variety of have reinforcing experiences in math- Fag 1992 MR JERSEY BATY RESERifil MDR Bibliography Suiss. R. and R. Edwards. (1982). The career options should become possible Measurement of Mathematics Anxi- for females. Fennema. E. and J. Sherman. (1977). ety: The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Sex Related Differences in Math Recommendations Scale for Adolescents. Journal of Achievement. Spatial Visualization Clinical Psychology. 38, 576-580. for Action and Affective Factors. American Educational Research journal. 14, Tocci. C. and G. Engelhard. (1991). The harrier of math anxiety can he 51-71. Achievement. Parental Support. and confronted through the following types Gender Differences in Attitudes To- of activities: Flessati. S. and J. Jamieson. (1991). ward Mathematics. Journal of Edu- Gender Differences in Mathematics cational Research. 84. 280-286. 1. Analyze the situation in your An Artifact of Response Anxiety: school. Survey students about their Bias? Anxiety Research. 3, 303-312. Wigfield. A. and J. Meece. (1988). feelings about math. Consider your Math Anxiety in Elementary and Sec- findings as they relate to ethnicity Heher. R. P. The Use of the Fennema- ondary School Students. journal of and gender of students in high and Sherman Mathematics Anxiety and Educational Psychology. 80.210 -216. low level classes. Determine if sig- Confidence Scales as Predictors of nificant disparities exist. Success among -Business Calculus" Students and "Fundamental Concepts Participating 2. Ask math instructors to conduct of Mathematics" Students at the Col- a self assessment of gender and School Districts Salisbury State lege Level. ( 1988 ). ethnicity disparities in the classroom College Master's Thesis. as related to response opportuni- Bayonne Public Schools, Essex County Technical Vocational School, ties. response time, feedback. lis- How Schools Shortchange Girls. tening, and higher order question- Gloucester County Vocational Techni- American Association of University cal School. Irvington Public Schools, ing. Women. (1992). Washington. D.C. Mercer County Vocational Technical 3. Start a math club for females uti- School. Middlesex County Vocational Hunsley, J. and S. Flessati. ( 1988). lizing self esteem and confidence Technical School. Monmouth County Gender and Mathematics Anxiety: Vocational Technical School. Newark building activities, role models, and The Role of Math-Related Experi- Public Schools, Paramus Public extra support in math. ences and Opinions. Anxiety Re- Schools. Pinelands Regional School search. Vol. 1. 215-22-1. 4. Offer adult women considering District. Salem County Vocational entrance into nontraditional careers. Technical School. and Somerset County Lewis. A. ( 1970 1. The ambiguous word math refresher courses in a stress Vocational Technical School. -anxiety.- International .lournal of free environment with an instructor Psychology. 9. 63-78. This is a summary of research funded skilled in techniques to reduce math anxiety. by the New Jersey Department of Edu- National Science Board. ( 1989). Indi- cation. Division of Adult and Occupa- 1989; It omen and Minori- cators 5. Provide opportunities for guid- tional Education, P.L. 101-392, through ties. 15. a grant to the Life Skills Center at ance counselors to become knowl- edgeable about the importance of For further Montclair State College. Scannella. A. and P. Mitchell. Sending math for females and minorities. information and complete data, please the right signals: a training program I nservice workshops on nontra- contact the Life Skills Center, Mont- about dealing with sexual harass- clair State, Upper Montclair, NJ ditional assessment and counseling ment. Jersey City. NJ: Project VOW 07043. skills are helpful. Jersey City State College. 6. Learn the visualization tech- ( 1986). Math- Singer. J. and J. Stake. nique called "Anchoring- which ematics and Self-Esteem: Implications reduces anxiety and increases re- for Women's Career Choices. Psy- laxation when thinking about math chologyqf Women Quarterly. 10. 339- ( Mitchell and Scannella). 350.

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