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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 358 539 EA 024 974 AUTHOR Smith, August W. TITLE Leadership: Developing Leaders and Organizations. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 6p. PUB TYPE Journal Articles (080) Guides Non-Classroom Use Reports (055) Research/Technical (143) JOURNAL CIT Updating School Board Policies; v24 n2 p1-4 Spr 1993 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Boards of Education; Elementary Secondary Education; *Leaders; *Leadership; *Leadership Qualities; *Leadership Responsibility; Leadership Styles; *Leadership Training; Private Sector; Public Sector ABSTRACT According to a survey of over 1,200 public- and private-sector leaders, many new factors are reshaping present and future world leaders. Leaders are developed, not born, through experience and present situation characteristics. The test of leadership occurs during changing situations when risks must be taken. Leadership is an ongoing process of decision making, motivation, and innovation. Leaders do more than manage situations and people; they utilize them to meet challenges. Leaders also recognize the importance of coworkers and involve them in decision making. Instilling leadership qualities into the members of an organization so that they continue and flourish is another characteristic of a leader. The new influences of requirements, relationships, and resources are changing leadership. Developing leaders is an ongoing process and involves five stages: temporal leadership, transactional leadership, transitional leadership, transformational leadership, and total leadership. Each of these stages is defined and discussed in this article. (JPT) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Updat Schad! Board A component of the National Education Policy Network of the National Volume 24/Number 2 School Boards Association provided to NSBA National Affiliates and NEPN subscribers Spring 1993 In previous issues of Updating School Board Policies we have considered two elements of the fourfold thrust for leadership by local school boards advocated by NSBA. NSBA believes these four elements will ensure both excellence cez and equity in the public schools and are pivotal in keeping America free and first among the nations of the world as we enter the 21st century. The November 1992 Updating issue addressed VISION; the Early Winter 1993 issue discussed S'IRUCIVRE. In coming issues, we will look at ACCOUNTABILITY and ADVOCACY In this issue. in preparation for CC examining accountability and advocacy, we will look at the changing demands on educational leadership and some approacbesfor meeting those challenges. This article was written by a manap,entent consultant who has an education background, and has been adapted to meet the needs of local school board members. CYZ Leadership: Developing Leaders 7.74 and Organizations U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Once of Educational Resarch and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) eiThis document has been ftlefoduCed of received from the Pomo co Organization originating a Minor changes haft been made to improve reproduction cpway Points of view Or °dimwit Meted n this dOCu- men' do not necitSsarify represent official OERI position or policy PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL IN OTHER THAN PAPER COPY HAS BEEN GRANTED TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Updatingroo licielsBoard Volume 24/Number 2 A component of the National Education Policy Network of the National School Boards Association provided to NSBA National Affiliates and NEPN subscribers Spring 1993 III previous issues of Ipdating School Board Policies we hair considered two elements of the four-jbld thrust .fin. leadership by local school boards advocated by .v.swA 'SBA believes these four elements will ensure both excellence and equity in the public schools and are pivotal in keeping America free and first among the nations (dam u.orld u.e enter the 2 Ist century. The .N'ot.ember 1992 plating issue addressed 17.570,V the Early Winter 1993 issue discussed STRICT( 'RE. In coming issues. we will look at AC'COU.NTABLITY and ADI'OCACI'. In this issue, in preparation for examitring accountability aiul ach.ocacy. we will look at the changing denim tds on educatioltal leaderchip and some aMwoctchesfor meeting those challenges. This article was management asnsithant who basalt education 117111M by a background. and has been adapted to meet the needs of local school board members. Leadership: Developing Leaders and Organizations by August W. Smith, PhD Multi-dimensional Who are the most effective leaders Leadership is a Process and Leadership today? What special traits and skills set Product leaders apart? What makes some lead- Leaders are made not horn. Leaders Leadership is an ongei. " process and ers more effective or less effective? are developed and shaped by their art of influencing people and motivat- What styles and roles are needed in work requirements. background expe- ing them to achieve desired results. different situations? How can we pre- riences. organization structures and Leaders help others contribute to shared pare. as leaders. for the new changes working relationships. economic con- This includes empowering goals. and challenges of the 1990s and the ditions and resources. internal and people parents, school staff. commu- next millennium? external cultures, and training and de- nity members and students) to partici- These and other questions were velopment opportunities. pate in planning and decision making. recently asked of over 1,200 public and The -acid test- of leadership occurs and to introduce new initiatives and private leaders executives. adminis- in changing situations and is often seen innovations with the goal of improv- trators, managers, politicians, com- in the willingness and ability to take ing performance and results. manders, middle managers and super- risks in handling certain tasks. excep- continued on page 2 visors. Their responses indicate that tional problems and major crises. In many new factors are reshaping present fact, it is during tough times that real and future leaders around the world. Inside Updating.. leaders tend to emerge. For such . This article reviews some of the key risk-taking. adaptive leaders will he Tips 'n Techniques findings, paradigm shifts. and new chal- P. 5 needed to handle the rapidly changing lenges in order to ',emit better under- What to do About Reporters situations and unforeseen challenges standing of how requirements. rela- Trends in the future in education. p. 8 tionships and resources affect leader- Critical Thinking for Students ship, performance and results. Leadership and Luck and Schools Leadership is partly a matter of luck -- School Boards in the '90s p.15 August W. Smith is President of De- being in the right place at the right Public Participation velopment Dynamics, an Austin-based Rut there is no long-term luck. consulting firm that advocates time. and Controversy and real leadership begins where luck public private partnerships and inter- Policy Adviser p. 16 active management. Dr. Smith is a and chance stop. Leaders are people Self-Orientatiott for former faculty member at the Univer- who can turn threats and problems Neu. Board Members sity of Texas and Texas A&M Univer- into challenges and opportunities sity. 0 it 2,tpdating/Spring 1993 Developing Leaders and Organizations from page 1 tor, introduced ideas and values that Ideally, leadership should be evalu- leverage their results through others, have influenced the development of just as financiers leverage capital to ated more in terms of objective perfor- character education throughout the mance, productivity and public ac- increase earnings and long-term return American education system. Perhaps countability rather than on subjective on investment." Leaders know their views, personalities, perceptions. less well known by name is Swiss people and consider them assets. Lead- educator Johann Henrich Pestalozzi. power plays and politics. Yet, in the ers take the time to find out more about real world, we need to understand Pestalozzi promoted allowing children each person who works for and with to learn and develop at their own how the political, behavioral, social them. Leaders share their power and and organizational sciences influence individual ability levels, stressed the empower others to obtain their full performance. importance of edt- zation for citizen- cooperation and commitment. ship. and advocated education as a When a real leader is in charge, Leadership is More Than government responsibility rather than everyone wins. Others get a chance to Management a church function. His ideas had a prove themselves, and the more subor- significant impact on Horace Mann, dinates look good. so do their leaders. Management is a "mindset,- but leader- s mutual interactions and trust in- the champion of free public education ship is a "spirit.- Managers "do.- main- crease so do loyalty and real team- in the United States. tain and or manipulate resources: they Results are often unexpected work. provide continuity, stability and con- New Leadership Paradigms and may be synergistic. The more sistency in handling basic transactions freedom and options we provide to We are witnessing major shifts in tradi- and operations. Leadership is a more tional leadership practices and pro- people. the greater their potential con- dynamic concept. Leaders are seen as found changes in many organizations, tributions in groups and organizations. those who -develop- people and other from corporate boardrooms to local The current effort in school settings to resources to meet present and future boards of education. Old paradigms or empower teachers and parents pro- requirements. Leaders have a vision prevailing ways of seeing and doing vides a starting point from which we that allow s them to think beyond im- things are changing in both public and can begin to utilize all human compe- mediate operations. to make things private organizations, in different work tencies and resources to their full po- happen and move ahead: they build cultures and environments and in coun- tential. relationships and bridges to cross in tries around the world. the future. Leadership is a Legacy New realities in leadership are evi- Leaders are prepared to prevent prob- Real leaders leave a legacy that often dent in terms of requirements, relation- lems instead of reacting to them. Lead- lives beyond their time in a given ships, and resources. Without require- ers deal more with options and oppor- is no reason to lead. ments, there leadership position. Leaders instill their tunities than with operations and ob- Without relationships. requirements concepts and techniques in others. As stacles: they are proactive in introduc- these leadership values become more cannot be realized. Without resources. ing changes needed for the future. entrenched they spread throughout no activities can occur. It is the inter- Leaders emphasize improvements and the organization. ply between these three Rs (require- V'hat works well innovations to make things better and gets copied and is emulated by more ments. relationships, resources ) that more progressive and effective over people. determine the big R" Enthusiastic leadership re- results. time. Leaders are visionaries. news organizations as its living legacy. Requitments reflect both continuing Leadership is Leverage Two examples demonstrate the and changing demands in varying de- power of a leader's legacy. Booker -r. one of the respondents to our survey grees. Washington. preeminent black educa- )f leaders stated that "effective leaders Traditional views emphasize conti- nuity and stability in meeting require- Updating Si Into! Board Puhcucs t. published clever) times AISMI President ments. Modern paradigms emphasize annually ancl provided to every Board nu:miler and the policy William Souk aclininistrator of .chool districts that participate in the National continuous change as the normal ex- School Boards Nssi x iation's National Affiliate Program or sub- Exec wire Director pectation for school boards. One need scribe to NsliA., National Edw.-awn Polk Network. NEPN Staff. Thomas A Stimuli in not look far in public education for Nlic hay) E. Fader. Associate Execiatk e I)irector; Adria I. Thomas. F)irector, Re..arch and Managt.mm Sent,. vs: Karen PuNNe, Deputy Elwc lane Director challenges requirements site-based 1)ottie Gray. Clearinghouse Ntanager. Edirne Editorial Board: I tarok] P. Scanlon management. choice, year-round M1`,:lfl Butler. Sally Zakana. Lynne Glassman. and their attendant rela- schooling Assoc-tate Evectate 1.4,v(totN ( )pinions e pressed in and h (Mating do not necessarily I )on E. Blom tionships and resources. reflect position. 1,1 the National Schtol Boards Association Michael P Fader Continuing requirements indicate Jeremiah Floyd stable and routine operations and situ- :anon 007701 19(1.3 .Vanonal .S.'hiK,1 Rooms .1s.v Susan I' Merry Michael A. Resnick :111 RIghIN ROetTed. P[MIL,N1()11 to 11p71111 Mal' IN' ations, and changing requirements in- Inittecteti through the Maw-. August W' Stinhilher continued on page 3 4 Updathip/Spring 19933 Developing Leaders and Organizations from page 2 this "leadership learning,- and it done in fostering and improving con- dicate uncertain and non-routine op- in- voles five stages of development. nections between the schools and the erations and situations. Every leader While there are a variety of leader- communities they serve. faces decisions on how to balance the ship styles, effective leaders move be- forces for continuity and for change. the materials avail- Resourcesrepresent tween the various approaches. using To change too little or too slowly is to able to work with to achieve results. them all at some point. In the following stalemate operations. maintain the sta- The way managers and leaders view tus quo. or even regress. paragraphs. we present the five leader- Yet, to resources is also undergoing major change too much or too rapidly can ship styles that are commonly observed. paradigm shifts. Earlier assumptions and cause As education leaders, each approach operations disrupt of abundant and inexpensive resources may be appropriate depending upon discontinuities. disruptions and divi- are giving way to the new realities of the situation you are facing. sions. In a limited and costly resources. 1. Temporal leadership involves school setting. traditional low wages are especially changed Relationships immediate concerns and pressing for teachers and basic facilities are by the new leadership paradigms. In problems. An giving way to higher salaries and so- inten.entimiapproach the past, positions and job descriptions is often emphasized segregated. parti- most useful in temporal leadership situ- phisticated technology. ations where problem solving, crisis Of course, all resources have ca- tioned, isolated and specialized roles and duties rather than roles which management and negotiation skills are pacities and limits. There are limits to needed. what people can do in different situa- required interaction with other internal There are different capacities style leader is domi- and external individuals and groups. The intervener tions. nant, directed and reactive. This is The result was that decisionmakers for handling information, funding. tech- Leadership by Direction. The leader nology. materials, work methods. fa- often made decisions without under- determines what is needed and when. cilities. processes and systems as re- standing how those decisions affected where and how to clo it. The leader sources. It makes little sense to have others. Roles for today's leaders include highly competent personnel and not focuses on immediate pressing prob- lems and concerns and corrects prob- developing relationships that involve give them the tools to use their special lems as they occur. hliell'ell(INempha- skills efficiently and effectively. Also. internal and external parties and build- :,ize authority, responsibility and physi- ing the trust and teamwork needed to it makes little sense to develop exten- insure cooperation and commitment. cal work conditions and safety-security sive facilities and information systems when personnel do not know low to needs. There is often little interaction The new paradigms emphasize expan- sion of the decisionmaking role to with others. use their special features to capacity. include not primary the Is this not a challenge facing many only 2. Transactional leadership fo- decisionmakers, but those on whom school boards% cuses on ongoing operations, concerns The best leaders relate human com- the decisions impact. and exceptions to standard operations. More and more. those who are af- petencies to other resour, e capacities This involves an in:Pie/nen/a/ion ap- to insure that they get the most out of fected by decisions are being encour- proah. The style leader implemeuter all available resources. This often aged to take on more roles to increase is consistent, cautious and current. This involves some give and take between their involvement and participation and is Leadership by Definition. The leader different resources and avoiding reli- to become full partners in the process. defines requirements and maintains ance on any one type of resource. Participating empowers people more standards by coaching subordinates. completely because they see the "big Developing Leaders The imp/en/enter strives for stable picture" and larger systems at work. operations, schedules and pelf( )rmance. Developing leaders and the organiza- The ideal in developing relation- emphasize accom- Implementers tions they guide is a never ending, ships is to for -ge internal and external plishment, efficiency. social order and dynamic process. Because internal and networks and join them in partnerships safety-security needs like interreuerx. external requirements. relationships to ensure a proper balance and overall There is a codependent relationship and resources are e er changing. the perspective. such as the Community between imp/ono/fox and others w ith Alliance Program in the Utica (MI) skills. roles and styles leaders use and whom s he much keep in touch to Community Schools. rely on must also change to meet the The school accomplish the work, This is basic latest needs. district's efforts in coalition- building management but limited, tie lensive lead- Leaders need to learn how to deal have resulted in a partnership between ership to maintain existing standards with different types of requirements. civic, government, social service, busi- and operations and set requirements, how to develop different kinds of ness. and parent groups. The district relationships and resources. relationships and how to) coordinate has been recognized on the state and continued on page different types of resources. We call national levels for the work they have 4 4/ Updating, Spring 1993 Developing Leaders and Organizations from page 3 3. Transitional leadership marks high degree of follower independence lion as they affect individuals, groups a critical turning point in leadership. It and more self-directed work teams. and organizations. is the shift from primarily defensi\ e This is proactive, fully offensive leader- The intewator emphasizes interde- management and maintaining opera- ship. pendence as the highest form of lead- tions to improving Operations. Empha- Note the progression from being an ership. Integrators also tend to utilize sis is on continuous process improve- interreneror defensive trouble shooter resources well because they are aware ment in all performance areas, and the and fire fighter. largely correcting past of overall requirements. relationships leader is usually an impnq.er problems and exceptions, to also be- and resources to meet major priorities The improver style leader is sup- ing an implementer responsive to cur- and to prepare for the future. portive. caring and participative. This rent operations and needs. Recogniz- In Good Times and Bad ing pressing problems and dealing is Leadership by Dedication. The leader consults with subordinates in setting with current operations often take most It is easier to be a progressive. offen- and adjusting their work requirements of the time and attention of supervisors sive leader in good times. Yet, the and standards. CA sTeration between and leaders. As leaders advance, there paradox is that more offensive leader- people and units is encouraged to is an 1dded impetus to prevent prob- ship is needed in hard and trying times. make everything better. lems and anticipate future operations This means While most leaders want to progress to interaction with implementers and in- and needs. This requires learning to higher levels of leadership. they often ten'eneIN to prevent problems. use the improver and innovator styles are forced to regress to lower levels to Feelings and interpersonal relation- and to integrate them into overall man- keep things going. Most leaders inte- ships are imponant to improvers. They agement and leadership practices. The grate styles and roles. emphasize acceptance. equity and more improver and innovator styles should Progressive leaders are more likely options. and social belonging. esteem be used by leaders at all levels. to be found in progressive organiza- and recognition needs. There is a tions with cultures that encourage and 5. Total leadership goes beyond health) counter dependence which recognize and reward c< mtinuous proactive changes and innovations to accepts different viewpoints from both change, improvement and innovation. fit them into the overall management leaders and followers. Leadership styles and roles often re- and leadership situation. It is possible flect organization traditions and expe- 4. Transformationalleadership to challenge people and still not coor- rience to date. builds upon earlier incremental im- dinate them to best advantage. Total Leadership is a critical resource in provements to now address areas where leadership means understanding all every organ izatic m. leaders contribute major changes and innovations are the other styles and roles and making in multiple ways to make new realities needed and are possible. It is impor- appropriate tradeoffs between them. possible. Real leaders make a lasting tant to note that without greater partici- It means balancing concerns for difference they leave a living legacy pation in adjusting operations. most continuing and changing requirements. that continues to grow and develop in managers and leaders and their follow- for building cooperation and joint pan- many other careers and lives. ers will not recognize the need for nerships. and for allocating and using If we truly want to achieve improve- major changes and will resist them. human and other resources to maxi- ment in our educational system and. The innoyakr style of challenging mize competencies and all resource thereby, in the lives of our citizens, we people and delegating decisions to capacities. must develop and support educational lower le\ els where new actions and The integrator style leader is hest leaders. School board members who initiatives arc needed helps make this able to perform total leadership. The possess vision, who understand and happen. integratmr is interactive and empha- develop structures that reflect their The innotmor style leader is cre- sizes coordinated teams. a common visions. who demand accountability ative, proactive and inventive. This is vision and shared identity. This is and are accountable themselves, and Leadership by Delegation. The leader Leadership by Design and Develop- who are effective advocates for educa- challenges each person to come up ment. The attegrator recognizes that tion are the leaders we want and need. with new standards and ways of meet- different approaches and models are Such leaders are the embodiment of ing work requirements. Individuals important in different situations. but multi-dimensional leadership, and rep- can take risks and fail without being that multiple styles better meet the resent the best of leadership. branded. Both leaders and followers needs of the overall situation. American education deserves no are expected to consider external rela- Integrators emphasize overall less. tionships and competition in coming achievement and accountability, effec- up with new initiatives. tiveness and excellence. They focus The innovator emphasizes au- on overall needs and priorities. The tonomy. opportunities. self-deter- emphasis is on balancing the fOrces of mination and partnerships. There is a continuity and change and coopera-

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