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ERIC ED354315: National Crime Information Center Mandatory Minimum Standards Curriculum for Full Access Terminal Operators. Volume Two--NCIC "Hot" Files. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED354315: National Crime Information Center Mandatory Minimum Standards Curriculum for Full Access Terminal Operators. Volume Two--NCIC "Hot" Files.

DOCUMENT RESUME CE 063 004 ED 354 315 National Crime Information Center Mandatory Minimum TITLE Standards Curriculum for Full Access Terminal Operators. Volume Two--NCIC "Hot" Files. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC. INSTITUTION National Crime Information Center. PUB DATE 92 1,403p.; For volume 1, see CE 063 003. NOTE Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice AVAILABLE FROM Information Services Division, Training Section, Washington, DC 20535. Teaching Guides (For Classroom Use Guides PUB _'PE Teacher) (052) MF11/PC57 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Competency Based Education; *Computers; Computer DESCRIPTORS Science; *Crime; Criminal Law; Criterion Referenced Tests; Curriculum Guides; Information Centers; Information Dissemination; *Information Networks; *Information Processing; Information Science Education; *Information Systems; Instructional Materials; Job Training; Law Enforcement; Lesson Plans; Online Systems; Postsecondary Education; Standards *Computer Related Occupations; *National Crime IDENTIFIERS Information Center ABSTRACT This document is the second volume of a two-volume set of lesson plans that together make up a complete training package for full-service terminal operators. The lesson plans are designed to (NCIC) ensure that a state's National Crime Information Center training program meets Advisory Policy Board standards. (NCIC is a nationwide computerized information system serving local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies.) This volume reviews policies of the 12 "Hot" Files maintained by the NCIC and provides instructions for completing transactions into the files. Separate lesson plans focus on these "Hot" Files: license plate; article; securities; vehicle; boat; gun; wanted person; foreign fugitive; United States secret service protective; bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms violent felon; missing person; and unidentified person. An introductory page to each lesson plan lists title, time allotted, target group, and method of instruction. The lesson plan consists of and test answers, a statement of goal and objectives, criterion test lists of required materials, and the instructional content itself. Certain materials are provided: information sheets, bibliography, overhead transparency masters, and handouts. The instructional part is an of each lesson plan is divided into 12 parts. Part 1 introduction to the importance of the file. Part 2 defines the file in for NCIC purposes. The various NCIC transactions are discussed of parts 3-10 (called "the message sections") each of which consists the following: a purpose section that explains the reason for each transaction; a requirements section that states the specific data needed to perform each transaction; an interpreting responses section that reviews all possible responses the operator may receive or generate to other agencies as a result of the transaction transmitted; and a guidelines section that reviews policy issues. Part 11 provides the amount of time the record remains in NCIC. Part 12 highlights the file and reviews critical points. (YLB) National Crime Information Center Mandatory Miu' simum. Standards Currier:dam For Full Access Tel Operators U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Etlocahonai Research and Improvement EOU ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION dCENTER IERICi hs document has been reproduced as ecen.e0 Iron, Ise (WSW, Or orvahrzahOn Ongthatmg 1 C Minor changes nave been made le improve reprOduCtOn gnaws Po.nis of new or Op,rohs stated tr.sdoco event do nol hecessrahhr 'ePreSeht Otfic,a, OEM Odstron Or orOhcv Volume Two NCIC "Hot" Files License Plate Article Securities Vehicle Boat Gun Wanted Person Foreign Fugitive United States Secret Service Protective Bureau Of AlcohoL Tobacco and Firearms Violent Felon lifissins Person Unidentified Person 41 BEST COY 441 )A= U.S.Department of Justice LICENSE PLATE FILE Federal Bureau of Investigation NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER MANDATORY MINIMUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM FOR FULL ACCESS TERMINAL OPERATORS i4CIC CENTER NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION STANDARDS CURRICULUM MANDATORY MINIMUM FOR OPERATORS FULL ACCESS TERMINAL It FILE LESSON PLAN: LICENSE PLATE THE NCIC LICENSE PLATE FILE TITLE OF INSTRUCTION: FOUR HOURS TIME ALLOTTED: FULL ACCESS TERMINAL, OPERATORS TARGET GROUP: INSTRUCTOR: LECTURE, OVERHEAD METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: TRANSPARENCIES, AND VIDEO TAPE PRESENTATION JULY 1, 1992 DATE: LPF-ii 7/1/92 QJ THE NCIC "HOT" FILES LESSON PLANS Information Center (NCIC) is to assist The goal of the National Crime performing its duties by providing the criminal justice c,Dmmunity in system of accurate and timely and maintaining a computerized filing In this regard, NCIC documented criminal justice information. maintains the following files: Vehicle (VF) License Plate (LPF) Boat (BF) Gun (GF) Article (AF) Securities (SF) Wanted Person (WPF) Foreign Fugitive (FFF) United States Secret Service Protective (SSF) Missing Person (MPF) Unidentified Person (UPF) Bureau of AlcoLol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Violent Felon (VFF) to perform NCIC allows authorized criminal justice users including: various transactions into the "Hot" Files The purpose of an inquiry transaction is to II) Inquiry request a search of an NCIC file(s). The purpose of a locate transaction is to Locate indicate that the wanted person has been apprehended, the whereabouts of the missing property has person has been determined, or the been recovered. The purpose of an entry trarsaction is to place a Entry new record into the NCIC database. Supplemental - The purpose of a supplemental transaction is to add additional identifiers to an NCIC record. add-on transaction is to link a - The purpose of an Add-On stolen part to a stolen item of property. Modification - The purpose of a modification transaction is to add, delete, or change data in an NCIC record. LPF-iii 7/1/92 is to remove a The purpose of a clear transaction Clear is record from NCIC when the missing person apprehended, or located, the wanted person is the property is recovered. transaction is to Cancellation - The purpose of a cancellation add-on record, or any remove an NCIC record, when it additional identifiers from a NCIC record in the is determined that information contained record is invalid. the policies of The goals of the lesson plans are to review for completing transactions each "Hot" File and provide instructions into the files. Terminal Instructors should check with their State Control Agency (CTA) to determine the: (1) NCIC files available to users. (2) NCIC transactions available to users. LPF-iv 7/1/92 PREFACE parts. The "Hot" File lesson plans are divided into twelve Please review this The following is an explanation of each part. section prior to instruction. INTRODUCTION PART I: the file This is a brief statement as to the importance of and is intended to obtain the trainee's interest. DEFINITION PART II: This part defines the file for NCIC purposes. include the This definition sets the parameters for NCIC and does not state and local systems. MESSAGE SECTIONS PARTS III X: For ease These parts discuss the various NCIC transactions. consists of of instruction, each section follows the same format and the following: This section explains the reason for each Purpose: transaction. This section states the specific data Requirements: needed to perform each transaction. This section reviews all Interpreting Responses: possible responses the operator may receive or generate to other agencies as a result of the transaction transmitted. This section reviews policy issues Guidelines: and general information that the operator should be aware of when performing the transaction. State and local systems may have different message Please make modifications as requirements and responses. necessary. RETENTION PERIOD PART XI: This part provides the amount of time the record remains in NCIC. CONCLUSION PART XII: This part highlights the file and reviews critical points associated with the specific file. LPF-v 7/1/92 L.) NCIC LICENSE PLATE FILE LESSON PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LPF-1 STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVES LPF-2 CRITERION TEST LPF-4 CRITERION TEST ANSWERS LPF-6 ITEMS AND MATERIALS LPF-7 INTRODUCTION LPF-8 DEFINITION OF A LICENSE PLATE FOR NCIC PURPOSES . . LPF-9 INQUIRY OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-9 Purpose LPF-9 Requirements LPF-9 Interpreting Responses LPF-10 Guidelines LPF-12 LOCATE OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-12 Purpose LPF-12 Requirements LPF-12 Interpreting Responses LPF-13 Guidelines LPF-15 ENTRY OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-15 Purpose LPF-15 Requirements LPF-16 Interpreting Responses LPF-16 Guidelines ENTRY OF SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD TO NCIC LICENSE PLATE LPF-19 RECORD LPF-20 ENTRY OF ADD-ON RECORD TO NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD . LPF-21 MODIFICATION OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-21 Purpose LPF-21 Requirements LPF-21 Interpreting Responses LPF-22 Guidelines LPF-vi 7/1/92 ,) LPF-23 CLEAR OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-23 Purpose LPF-23- Requirements LPF 24 Interpreting Responses LPF-25 Guidelines LPF-26 CANCELLATION OF NCIC LICENSE PLATE RECORD LPF-26 Purpose LPF-26 Requirements LPF-26 Interpreting Responses LPF-27 Guidelines LPF-28 RETENTION PERIOD LPF-29 CONCLUSION LPF-30 BIBLIOGRAPHY LPF-vii 7/1/92 I ,1

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