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ERIC ED353133: Effects of Instruction Using Part-Whole Concepts with One-Step and Two-Step Word Problems. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED353133: Effects of Instruction Using Part-Whole Concepts with One-Step and Two-Step Word Problems.

DOCUMENT RESUME SE 053 057 ED 353 133 Huinker, DeAnn M. AUTHOR Effects of Instruction Using Part-Whole Concepts with TITLE One-Step and Two-Step Word Problems. PUB DATE 92 35p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the NOTE American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, April 20-24, 1992). PUB TYPE Research/Technical (343) Reports Speeches /Conference Papers (150) EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PCO2 Plus Postage. Addition; *Cognitive Style; Division; Grade 4; DESCRIPTORS Instructional Improvement; Intermediate Grades; Interviews; Mathematical Concepts; Mathematics Achievement; Mathematics Education; *Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Skills; Multiplication; *Problem Solving; Schemata (Cognition); Student Attitudes; Subtraction; *Thinking Skills; *Word Problems (Mathematics) ABSTRACT Children begin school with the ability to use their informal and implicit conceptual knowledge to guide their problem solving, but shift to the use of superficial strategies in their attempts to solve word problems as they progress through school. This paper describes a study designed to investigate the effects of an instructional sequence that emphasized conceptual understanding of numerical operations using part-whole concepts and the integration of these understandings with students' problem solving knowledge. The study involving 384 fourth grade students from a large urban school system examined: (1) students' conceptual knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplicatiou, and division; (2) students' reasoning in the solution of one-step and two-step word problems; and (3) the effect of instruction using part-whole concepts on students' abilities to solve a variety of one-step and two-step word problems. Data were collected through written tests, interviews, and attitude surveys. Results indicated that instruction using part-whole concepts with work problems produced long-term achievement for all ability levels. Interviews indicated that after instruction, low and average ability students in the part-whole group exhibited concept-driven strategies during problem solving and improved ability to communicate their reasoning, whereas the practice and control group students exhibited little change in their approaches to problems. (Contains 30 references.) (MDH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** AO. C't EFFECTS OF INSTRUCTION USING PART-WHOLE CONCEPTS WITH ONE-STEP AND TWO-STEP WORD PROBLEMS De Ann M. Huinker Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201 414-229-5467 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research ens Improvement DeAnn M. Huinker EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) xi' Thts document has been reproduced as reCeived from the person Or organization originating a r MMOr changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Points of new or opmtons stated In this docu. ment do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Francisco, CA 20-24 April 1992 (r) MERLE BEST COPY V) 2 EFFECTS OF INSTRUCTION USING PART-WHOLE CONCEPTS WITH ONE-STEP AND TWO-STEP WORD PROBLEMS De Ann M. Huinker University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Children begin school with the ability to use their informal and implicit conceptual knowledge to guide their problem solving (Carpenter, Hiebert, & Moser, 1981; De Corte & Verschaffel, 1987; Moser & Carpenter, 1982), but as they progress through school many children shift to the use of superficial strategies in their attempts to solve word problems (Fischbein, Deri, Nel lo, & Marino, 1985; Sowder, 1988a, 1988b, 1989). These superficial strategies are based on the syntactic structure of word problems, key words, and procedural knowledge. Instead of relying on such strategies, children need to connect and extend their informal and implicit ideas to formal and explicit mathematical knowledge which they can use in problem solving. This paper describes a study designed to investigate the effects of an instructional sequence that emphasized conceptual understanding of the operations using part-whole concepts and the integration of these understandings with students' problem solving knowledge (Huinker, 1990). More specifically, this study (1) examined students' conceptual knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; (2) examined students' reasoning in the solution of one- step and two-step word problems; and (3) investigated the effect of instruction using part-whole concepts on students' abilities to solve a variety of one-step and two-step word problems. BACKGROUND Models of word problem solving have highlighted the importance of constructing cognitive representations of problem situations that involve the quantities and relations among the quantities (De Corte & Verschaffel, 1981; Kintsch & Greeno, 1985; Riley, Heller, & Greeno, 1983). These representations allow children to concentrate on the underlying mathematical structure of the problem situation while disregarding irrelevant information. Additionally, children who are 8 successful in learning mathematics appear to be those who continue to link their formal mathematical knowledge and use of symbols back to referents and informal knowledge, whereas weaker students allow this formal knowledge to become permanently disassociated from their informal knowledge (Resnick, 1986, 1988). The development of a part-whole schema is a promising approach for connecting children's informal and emerging understandings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to real- world situations and formal mathematical knowledge. Initially, children understand number through the "one more than" relationship based on counting. Eventually, children acquire a part- whole understanding of number based on the idea that a specific number can be thought of as the whole amount which can be separated into parts, as well as the parts can be combined to form the whole amount. Resnick (1983) asserted, "Probably the major conceptual achievement of the early school years is the interpretation of numbers in terms of part and whole relationships.... This enrichment of number understanding permits forms of mathematical problem solving and interpretation that are not available to younger children" (p. 114). This assertion is reflected in the most advanced level in the Riley et al. (1983) word problem solving model which involves the conceptual understanding of part-whole relations. They posited that "once children understand part-whole relations, they can use this knowledge to understand all change problems" (p. 181). Kintsch and Greeno (1985) agreed with this idea and asserted that children will also use their part-whole schema to solve comparison problems when their more-than and less-than schema is not sufficient. Morales, Shute, and Pellegrino (1985) have found that fifth and sixth grade students understood the difficult compare problems in a way that included part-whole relations. This knowledge of part-whole relations appears to be a key in advancing students' word problem solving ability because it provides a structure for interpreting the information given in word problems.This structure also allows children to broaden their conceptual knowledge of each operation to include many problem situations. The value of using a part-whole approach to number has been observed with kindergarten children (Fisher, 1988). The part-whole schema for number provided a stronger conceptual base for emerging addition and subtraction strategies as demonstrated in a transfer of their part -whole 2 knowledge to the solution of simple addition and subtraction change and combine word problems. Their mean score improved from 0.68 on the pretest to 5.63 on the posttest. The children in the other group scored 0.98 on the pretest and only 2.83 on the posttest. Dean and Malik (1986) have also found evidence of first and second grade students-successfully using part-whole strategies. In studies with third and fourth grade students, the author has also found that children can learn to successfully apply part-whole strategies to solve change and compare word problems (Huinker, 1989). The part-whole model appears to be effective for understanding and solving a variety of addition and subtraction word problems. In these same studies, students were also successful in using part-whole concepts to understand and solve multiplication and division word problems. The specific part-whole concepts which these students learned are listed in Figure 1. The development of these concepts appears to facilitate the linking of informal and formal mathematical knowledge during problem solving. Addition: Combining two parts to fiiid the whole amount. Subtraction: Separating the whole amount into two parts. Multiplication: Combining equal parts to find the whole amount. Division: Separating the whole amount into equal parts. Figure 1 Part-Whole Concepts for the Operations It was hypothesized that the part-whole schema would provide a general knowledge structure for understanding addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a wide variety of problem situations, and that this schema would provide students with conditional knowledge for setting and evaluating goals and subgoals while problem solving. It was also hypothesized that emphasizing conceptual knowledge and mathematical language (both oral and written) with connections among real-world, concrete/pictorial, and symbolic representations would result in superior word problem performance. Further, it was hypothesized that the practice of just giving students problems to solve without this explicit instruction would not result in improved problem solving performance. METHOD Subjects students from a large urban school The subjects in this study were 384 fourth grade Two classes were in from seven schools participated in the study. system. Thirteen intact classes departmentalized settings which resulted in eight self-contained settings and the others were in socioeconomic status of the school population was teachers being involved in the study. The population in this study was 99% African- characterized as low- and low-middle. The student American. Procedures design with three treatment groups. One This study used a pretest-posttest-retention test developed part-whole instructional sequence of 18 lessons group received intervention based on a in solving word problems without direct by the author. Another group received practice practice worksheets that contained the same instruction. This group received 16 word problem The other group acted as a control by continuing word problems used with the Part-Whole group. randomly assigned to schools. This resulted with their regular curriculum. The treatments were five classes and three teachers in the with four classes and three teachers in the Part-Whole group, in the Control group. The regular mathematics Practice group, and four classes and two teachers administered the evaluation instruments. The teacher for each class provided the instruction and such as lesson plans, worksheets, teachers were given the materials for their treatment group, inserviced by the investigator who transparencies, counters, and evaluation instruments and were interventions of their planning periods. The effects of the met with them individually during one interviews, and attitude surveys. The interviews were were evaluated through a series of tests, conducted by the investigator. the end of the school year. The The study began in November and continued through weeks followed by a three to addition/subtraction lessons and practice were presented over two lessons and practice were taught at the four week retention period. The multiplication/division and practice worksheets were beginning of the second semester in February. These lessons 4 presented over two to four weeks. The multi-step word problem lessons and practice were presented over two weeks following completion of multiplication and division. The final retention test was given three to four weeks later, in May, and included problems on all areas. Observations of the Part-Whole and Practice groups were made throughout the study with each teacher being observed at least twice. Evaluation Instruments Written tests. Students were given one-step and two-step word problem tests. On the one-step word problem tests, a response was scored as correct if the student was able to identify the relationships among the quantities in the word problem by writing a number sentence or expression that could be used to obtain the correct answer. Therefore, canonical and noncanonical number sentences and expressions were accepted as correct responses. Students were not required to figure out the answer even though many did. On the two-step word problem tests, students were asked to find the answer. The semantic structure of the word problems and the numbers used in the problems were held constant across all tests. but the names of people and the type of objects in the word problems were varied as well as the order of presenting the problems. The numbers used in the problems were chosen carefully to prevent an inflation of correct responses from children using the immature strategy of letting the size of the numbers determine the operation (Sowder. 1988b). The number pairs used in the one-step word problems contained a one-digit number and a multiple of it. Some of the number pairs included: 8 and 24, 3 and 27, 5 and 30. A pretest, posttest, and two retention tests were given on addition and subtraction. These tests also contained multiplication/division distractors. The pretest contained five addition/subtraction problems and the posttest and retention tests contained 11 addition/subtraction problems. Each combine, change, and compare problem was of a different type (Riley et al., 1983). Reliability coefficients were calculated with the Kuder-Richardson formula 20 for each test and ranged from 0.47 on the pretest to 0.70 on the final.retention test. 7 multiplication and division. These tests A pretest, posttest, and retention test were given on contained two multiplication, two partitive contained addition/subtraction distractors. The pretest contained nine problems, three of division, and two measurement division problems. The posttest 0.79 respectively. each type. The reliability coefficients were 0.67, 0.81; and given on two-step word An initial test, pretest/transfer test, posttest, and retention test were four problems. The posttest and problems. The initial test and pretest/transfer test contained beginning of the study along retention test all six problems. The initial test was given at the very practice on all four operations the with the addition/subtraction pretest. Following instruction and part-whole concepts or practice with transfer test was given to determine if the instruction using performance on two-step word problems. This test was one-step word problems would improve The reliability coefficients ranged also used as a pretest for the work on multi-step word problems. from 0.56 on the initial test to 0.82 on the retention test. knowledge Interviews. The interviews examined the nature of the students' conceptual their reasoning when solving one-step of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and with three students from each class, and two-step word problems. Individual interviews were held beginning and end of the study. These students were selected by the a total of 39 students, at the mathematics. The same classroom teacher as having high ability, average ability, or low ability in retention period. Three of the students, except for three, were interviewed again during the final ability were interviewed. students moved during the study so three other students of comparable physical actions, such as the Each interview was audiotaped and notes were taken on the students' reactions that were not captured on the audiotape. The tapes use of counters and their fingers, and interviewer's notes. were transcribed incorporating the disposition Attitude Surveys. An attitude survey was administered to measure students' self-assessment of towards word problems, number problems, and math, and to measure students' problems. Eight their ability in math and their ability to solve word problems and number teacher, as students circled either a smiling face, statements were read out loud to the class by their their reaction to the statement. The same attitude survey a frowning face, or a sad face to reflect a was given at the beginning and end of the study. 6 Instruction Using Part-Whole Concepts Each lesson generally involved working through two or three word problems as a whole class followed by some independent work. The teacher displayed a word problem on the overhead projector and then used a three-step heuristic to guide the students' thinking for each word problem: (1) thinking about the structure (without numbers); (2) representing the situation; and (3) solving the problem (Rathmell & Huinker, 1989). First, the teacher and students discussed the structure of the problem situation using general terms rather than the specific numbers given in the problem. For example, perhaps LaVaugh has a package of cookies and he is going to share them with his friends. Next the students would represent the problem situation using counters at their desks. This representation was then modeled on the overhead projector. The teacher and students would discuss the representation, noting that they had taken the whole amount and made equal parts. This representation was then connected to a mathematical operation, a number sentence was written, and a solution was reached. The work with one-step word problems was then extended to multi-step word problems with explicit attention given to an adaptation of the word problem schema of one-step word problems (De Corte and Verschaffel, 1981). Instruction focused on the word problem schema of multi-step word problems: (1) an unstated "hidden" question needs to be found and answered before the stated question can be answered, (2) two or more computations may need to be performed to solve the problem, and (3) the result of the first computation is to be used in the next computation. RESULTS Written test data were analyzed separately for total scores on addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, and two-step word problems. Then results were examined further by partitioning the scores into three ability levels, high, average, and low, determined by the pre-test scores. Results were analyzed using analyses of variance and covariance with the pretest as a covariate and repeated measures with contrasts. 9 7 Addition and Subtraction Figure 2 shows the percent coma on each of the four addition/subtraction tests. The trend in the graph shows the superior performance of the Part-Whole group. ----------------- A 4. Part-Whole ....... Pratice Control 10 0 Ret I Post Ret 2 Pie Figure 2 Addition and Subtraction Test Results (Percent Correct) The mean number of items correct on each test are shown in Table 1. The pretest on addition/subtraction revealed no significant differences among the Part-Whole, Practice, and Control groups (F=2.41, p=.092). Significant differences did exist among the groups on the posttest and retention tests. The Part-Whole group significantly outperformed both the Practice and Control groups on the posttest (F=9.05, p=.003; F=11.62, p=.001, respectively), the first retention test (F=33.29, p=.000; F=34.02, p=.000, respectively), and the second retention test (F=26.23, p=.000; F=24.54, p=.000, respectively). There were no significant differences between the Practice and Control groups on any of the addition/subtraction tests. Table I Addition and Subtraction Test Results Post Retention 2 Retention 1 Pre (11 items) (11 items) (11 items) (5 items) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 7.061 (2.717) 5.985 (2.440) 6.393 (2.734) Part-Whole (n=66) 1.303 (1.277) 5.380 (2.395) 5.132 (2.598) 5.314 (2.429) Practice (n=121) 1.719 (1.253) 4.747 (2.749) Control (n=83) 4.904 (2.382) 5.157 (2.796) 1.482 (1.310)

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