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Preview ERIC ED349929: Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-Admissions Partnership. AIR Professional File.

DOCUMELT RESUME HE 025 859 ED 349 929 Urban, Ronald F. AUTHOR Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political TITLE Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-Admissions Partnership. AIR Prorecsional File. Association for Institutional Research. INSTITUTION AIR-PF-45 REPORT NO 92 PUB DATE NOTE 8p. Association for Institutional Research, 314 Stone AVAILABLE FROM Building, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-3038 ($2). Viewpoints (Opinion/Position Papers, Essays, etc.) PUB TYPE (120) AIR Professional File; n45 Sum 1992 JOURNAL CST MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE *Admission (School); *College Admission; *College DESCRIPTORS Choice; *Enrollment; *Enrollment Trends; Higher Education; Institutional Research; Liberal Arts; *Predictive Measurement; Statistical Analysis; Student Behavior *Whitman College WA IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT A technique is described for private liberal arts admitted colleges to assess the probable matriculation behavior of of data applicants. By performing a multiple discriminate analysis admissions obtained from applicants admitted during a previous to a decision-making strategy season, and applying the information to increase the used in political elections the procedure can be used detailed data institution's yield. The method calls for complete and immediately preceding admissions season which on applicants from the enrolled at provides the basis for differentiating between those who competitor target institution, and those who matriculated at analysis of this data set schools. In addition, information from the applicants in order must be applied to findings on currently admitted factor weights to build a prediction function consisting of the and currently produced from the initial data with the available data prediction admitted applicants. The information, subject to the high, equation, produces categories of candidates with a school. intermediate, and low probability of matriculating at the of the application of Included in the paper is a detailed description Whitman College (Washington) this system to the admissions process at in 1988. (JB) *********************************************************************** best that can be made ikplooucLions supplied oy zintb are the from the original document. *********************************************************************** The Association for institutional Research Summer, 1992 Professional File Number 45 lot Management Research. Policy Analysis, and Planning Ai Professional File Student Yield Using a Increasing Admitted and Discriminant Analysis: Political Targeting Model Research-Admissions Partnership An Institutional Ronald F. Urban Director of Institutional Research Whitman College "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY AIR TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Office or Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATtON CENTER (ERIC) C This document Ma been reproduced as received trom the person Of Organtzatton nfrpmahnp 11. EfUnor changes nave been made to morose reproduction gustily Polntsol sensor °rentals Mated tn MIS (tegu- ment Op not nOCCIllartly represent &noel OERI posoteon or Wig... BEST COPY iiiitl1 bPIE The Association for Institutional Research Professional File Number 45 Sum--; 1992 PAR for Management Research, Policy Analysts, and Nanning AIR Professional File Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Discriminant Analysis: Political Targeting Model and Partnership An Institutional Research-Admissions Ronald F. Urban Director of Institutional Research Whitman College Conceptual Background Introduction In preparing for local and national elections, political During the current period of comparatively fewer 18 to 24 experts seldom spend resources on geographical areas or year-old high school graduates, admissions officials repea- precincts that produce consistently poor results for their tedly must confront two challenging issues: 1) achieving the candidates. For example, a Republican candidate seldom budgeted class size, and 2) ensuring the appropriate allocates costly resources to historically liberal neighbor- Recent evidence academic "quality" of the entering class. hoods because experience indicates that it is usually very indicates that the impact of the much-discussed demo- difficult to convince these voters to cast their ballots for a graphic decline finally is being experienced by many institu- targeting strategists Similarly, conservative candidate. tions in the form of fewer applications and, as the result of generally do not concentrate major resources in precincts increased competition, lower yields (Wilson, 1990). While no that traditionally have performed very well for their candidate. shortage of information exists concerning techniques to Thus, a Republican candidate typically does not spend much expand the number of inquiries and applications from highly time and effort in traditionally very conservative areas. The qualified applicants, the practical concern of encouraging a reasons for this strategy are straightforward: first, is it greater percentage of admitted candidates to enroll at the comparatively difficult to produce attitude or behavior change target institution (i.e., increasing yield) has received some- among those who are firmly committed to the opposition; Consequently, institutions with com- what less attention. and second, seeking to convert those already embracing the petitive admissions policies may find utility in predicting the desired candidate approximates "preaching to the choir." In With such likely enrollment of each admitted applicant. sum, political experts do not exhaust resources on voters information admissions personnel would be able to utilize who are likely to be unreceptive, nor on those who are solid thereby yield enhancement resources more effectively, Instead, voting behavior supporters of their candidate. improving their institution's capacity to enroll desired stu- pundits typically focus their attention on "swing" neighbor- In this regard the office of institutional research can dents. hoods or precincts--those with approximately equal numbers provide useful assistance by specifying the likely matricula- of sympathetic and unsympathetic voters (Salmore and tion outcomes of admitted applicants. Utilizing this approach, experts maximize Salmore, 1989). This paper presents a technique to assess the probable their efforts in terms of securing the largest possible number matriculation behavior of applicants admitted to a private of votes. liberal arts college, although the basic ideas can be extended While not completely analogcus to the political process, By performing a to other types of institutions, as well. election targeting strategy can be used to enhance admis- multiple discriminant analysis of data obtainec' from ap- sions yield at colleges and universities. From an admissions plicants admitted during a previous admissions season, and perspective, not all admitted applicants represent equally applying the information to a decision-making strategy used Generally, those with attractive choices to the institution. in political elections, this essay describes a procedure that superior academic credentials receive more post-admission Moreover, can be used to increase the institution's yield. attention than those with less favorable records. However, depending on the size of the admitted applicant pool, and not all outstanding candidates represent likely matriculation existing computer capabilities, the statistical procedures can prospects, and by exhausting resources on those who be completed either on micro- or mainframe systems. Copyright 1992, The Association for Institutional Research 2 AIR Professional File, Number 45, increaeng Admitted Student Weld Using a Political Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: Ar: !nstitutional Research-Admissions Partnership status professions tend to enroll elsewhere, and so forth. probably will enroll at other institutions, admissions officers Ultimately, the researcher seeks to combine all relevant infor- may be allocating post-admission conversion resources easure that can be used to mation into a single numerical Alternatively, by developing the means to inefficiently. m_ assess the actual vs. predicted enrollment behavior of each all admitted identify the probable enrollment choice of admitted student. Although several multivariate techniques applicants, admissions officials can make more effective use are available to compute the required prediction measure, of available resources, thereby improving their institution's the present study uses multiple discriminant analysis. Additionally, the more efficient use of resources yield. While the current discussion of multiple discriminant permits the reassignment of "more costly" techniques to the analysis necessarily must be limited, a thorough yet nontech- most desirable applicants. A central concern of this discus- nical account appears in Klecka (1980). In brief, multiple sion, therefore, focuses on the issue of: "Which admitted discriminant analysis explores the relationships between a candidates should receive what kinds of admissions conver- dependent variable consisting of actual groups or categories, sion resources?" At this point the general model employed and a set of independent (predictor) variables. That is, the by political strategists can provide some guidance. dependent variable consists of predicted group membership- in the present instance the categories "enrolled at the target Related Research institution," or "enrolled elsewhere." Moreover, the procedure assesses the relative contribution of each predictor variable Although a review of the literature on the college selection in determining into which group a given individual should be process reveals the existence of sophisticated methodology classified. Certain statistical criteria indicate whether or not and an emerging theoretical foundation, with certain excep- a specific predictor variable is sufficiently related to the tions, the available sources do not provide information that dependent variable to justify its inclusion in the prediction admissions offices can translate directly into practical action The usefulness of the equation, or model, ulti- equation. in order to increase yield. For example, Wen, Sullivan, and mately is judged by its ability to classify individuals used in Brodigan (1983) describe a plan that some have described the analysis into the correct original groups. The percentage as a model admissions marketing approach, but their efforts of successful classifications, usually adjusted for random focus largely on increasing the number of applications from assignment, represents the model's effectiveness. the appropriate categories of students. Similarly, quantitative Next, information gained from the multiple discriminant models (Zemsky and Oedel, 1983) have been produced that analysis of the initial data set must be applied to findings on enhance the development of college selection theory but Again, the data may be currently admitted applicants. such information frequently is not readily available to admis- acquired from official records, a ;nailed questionnaire, sions officials. telephone interviews, or some combination of these proce- Other researchers have studied phenomena associated dures. The newly acquired information is used to build a with post-admissions outcomes. Kissel (1986), for example, prediction function, consisting of the factor weights produced utilized academic performance criteria in order to develop a from the initial survey, along with the available data on technique to predict the classification status of students currently admitted applicants. The p diction equation then enrolling in a remedial education program, but the methodo- can be divided into appropriate categ, ties of candidates with logical assumptions were not clearly specified, nor presented a high, intermediate, and low probability of matriculating at in a form that can be duplicated readily by admissions the target school, and lists of applicants' names in each of officers. the categories subsequently can be supplied to the admis- In contrast, Sanders (1989) has developed a strategy that sions office. Of course the process is most useful only if it continuously assesses the enrollment potential of individuals can be completed between the time a student is admitted in the applicant pool for differential treatment by the admis- and when he or she must submit a deposit. Similarly, the present essay seeks to present a sions staff. It must be pointed out that this technique Is not intended decision-making process that is reasonably easy to repro- to produce a generalized theory of admissions yield, but duce, contains intuitive appeal to admissions officials who rather serves as a practical tool to enhance student matricu- may lack a background in statistical methods, and can be lation. Thus, the researcher's model should be evaluated in performed either on micro- or mainframe computers. terms of pragmatic considerations--do the selected variables produce an equation that contributes useful results? Once Methods a stable set of predictors subsequently has been identified, In order to develop a useful measure of efforts to develop a systematic theory might be possible. Overview. Example. During the 1988 recruiting season at Whitman currently admitted applicants' probable enrollment, two College, a survey of admitted applicants was conducted different sources of information must be examined by the during which time attitudinal, academic, and socioece .omic researcher. First, reasonably complete and detailed data on information was obtained'. These data elements were applicants from the immediately preceding admissions This provides the basis for chosen because their relevance to the enrollment decision season must be available. process had been established differentiating between those who enrolled at the target previously published in research (e.g., Zemsky and Oedel, 1983), and because institution, and those who matriculated at competitor schools. earlier locally conducted studies suggested differences in Data can be obtained from the previous year's official certain characteristics between enrolling and nonenrolling admissions records, an admitted applicant survey, or from a combination of both (assuming that a unique means of Several of the variables subsequently were applicants. identifying each individual appears in all files). It may be incorporated into a predictive equation using the Discriminant known, for example, that students from a given geographical program of SPSS, and the final model consisted of five inde- pendent variables. The coefficients and associated evalua- area are more likely to enroll at the target institution than at tive statistics appear in Table 1. other schools, or that students intending to major in high- 'The survey consisted of a mailed questionnaire with two follow-ups. The final resporse rate was 77 %. 3 AIR Professional File, Number 45, increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Partnership Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-AdmissiGas Table 1 Analytic Summary of Multiple Discriminant Analysis Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Variable -.9197503 -.44572 High School GPA .0019113 .15137 Verbal SAT .0025399 .20892 Math SAT .1648567 .21380 Family Income .3818045 .81443 No. of Applications -3.651916 (Constant) .462 Canonical Correlation .787 Wilkes Lambda Significance of Lambda However, the true utility of the above procedures appears The information above indicates that reasonably successful when results from the previous survey are used to predict differentiation was attained between enrolling and nonen- the likely matriculation behavior of subsequently admitted rolling applicants based on information contained in the 5 applicants. Toward this end, a telephone survey of 1989 The standardized discriminant coef- predictor variables. admitted applicants was completed during which time ficients reveal that Number of Applications provided the information on the 5 central variables was obtained3. In greatest discrimination, followed by High School Grades, order to create a prediction function for recently admitted Family Income, and finally SAT score performance2. applicants, the raw value of each predictor variable was Additionally, 3PSS provides a means to assess the overall multiplied by its corresponding unstandardized discriminant success of the model by providing a classification function coefficient derived from the 1988 model, and in this manner which predicts the group (i.e., enrolling or nonenrolling) to a score was obtained for each admitted applicant. The which each admitted student would be assigned based on resultant function approximated a normal distribution with a the variables used in the analysis. In this regard, unstandar- mean of 0, and was constructed so that negative values dized discriminant function coefficients subsequently were represented Whitman-likely enrollment, while positive values used to develop a classification function that predicted each were associated with enrolling at other institutions. student's enrollment status. The resultant function produced A brief example illustrates the process. During the 1989 an array of scores (measured in standard deviation units) telephone survey, a student reported an overall high school organized into a continuum of low to high values. In the grade point average of "B" (coded as 2), scores of 560 and current example, negative scores were associated with a 450, respectively, on the verbal and math sections of the relatively higher probability of matriculating at Whitman, while SAT, a family income of $60,000 (coded as 5), and indicated positive values tended to be associated with enrolling at that she applied to a total of two schools. Each of the The function produced through this other institutions. original values (e.g., "2", "560", "450", etc.) was multiplied by analysis correctly predicted the enrollment status for 70% of the appropriate unstandardized discriminant function coeffic- the admitted applicants. A proportional reduction in error ient (from Table 1), and along with the constant, the terms statistic, tau, indicated that the above equation represents a were summed into a single "enrollment potential" score of - 39% improvement over chance (Klecka, 1980: 51). Hence, 1.6902. Similarly, computations were performed for all other the results of this phase of the investigation suggest that a respondents, and resulted in an array of scores associated reasonably effective and accessible method to differentiate with probable enrollment at Whitman College. between enrolling and nonenrolling admitted applicants was achieved based on the 1988 survey. other studies, the fact that "number of 2While the influence of academic performance and income measures on college choice have been demonstrated in outcome. At least two explanations could account for this phenomenon. applications" correlates negatively with enrollment at Whitman provides an intriguing the decreased probability of enrollment Second, such a measure possibly might First, ceteris paribus, a larger mean number of applications simply could indicate who think of themselves as highly desirable students may be applying to be considered as an index of the applicants' subjective academic self esteemthose however, since the present effort is not intended to test hypotheses nor to suggest theoretical many institutions. Additional speculation must await future research, refinements. mrs were available, producing a response rate of 69.5%. 3 Information was obtained from 536 of 757 admitted applicants for whom telephone 4 AIR Professional File, Number 45, increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-Admissions Partnership trate, Category IV, containing approximately 14% of the Next, in order to provide the greatest utility for the admis- candidates, represents those least likely to matriculate at sions office, the scores were grouped into smaller, more Whitman. Political experts argue that few yield enhancement In this manner a method to treat manageable categories. resources should be allocated to these people, since the applicants differently in terms of the types and amounts of odds of their being convinced to attend the institution are It must attention from the admissions office was developed. comparatively small (these individuals approximate the be acknowledged that the number of resultant groups is condition of being strong Democratic voters approached by somewhat arbitrary, depending on the number of applicants Republican candidates). However, since this group Includes in each group, and on the availability of resources to it would be very some of the most desirable applicants, At Whitman, for example, four groups were enhance yield 4. difficult to dissuade admissions officials from attempting to identified based on a combination of standard deviation attract them. In response, the institutional researcher should units, and "natural" breakpoints in the distribution of original encourage the admissions staff to direct fewer rescbrces to scores. The resulting groups represent four distinct matricu- individuals with a relatively greater probability of enrolling at lation categories with different economic, academic, and the target institution -- namely, those in Group I. college-selection characteristics. The groups consisted of Table 2 Actual Enrollment of 1989 Admitted Applicants Compared with 1988 Model Predictions Pct. Actually Enrolled n Predicted Group 72 77.8 Very Likely 60.2 191 Likely II 190 33.7 Unlikely 73 23.3 Very Unlikely IV Applicants appearing in Group I (14% of the total) were applicants who were "very likely' (Group I, 14% of the total), predicted to be most likely to enroll at the target Institution. "somewhat likely" (36%), 'somewhat unlikely' (36%), and Political election strategy suggests that the least costly 'very unlikely' (Group IV, 14%) to enroll at the College. resources should be expended here, since its members At the conclusion of the 1989 admissions season, the already appear to be firmly committed to the institution. accuracy of the predictions based on the above procedures Although Group I applicants certainly should not be ignored, First, predicted enrollment (based on the was assessed. by allocating comparatively fewer resources to these in- model) was compared with actual enrollment outcomes. A dividuals, additional support would be available for other point-biserial correlation between enrollment status and score groups--Including those who would add ethnic, geographic, on the prediction function yielded a coefficient of .36 (p or socioeconomic diversity. <.001), and while not quite as impressive as the correlation The applicants that should receive the greatest attention, for the 1988 study, these results nonetheless merit attention. according to political experts, include those appearing in Additionally, an effort was made to assess the results of the Groups II and III. Group II, involving 36% of the applicants, grouped scores in terms of actual vs. predicted outcomes. includes those who are intermediate in the likelihood of This Information appears In Table 2. enrolling at the target school. These individuals tend to favor As the above figures indicate, the percentage of actually the institution, but are not as firmly committed to enrolling as enrolled admitted applicants decreases when examined in For this reason, greater effort must be those in Group I. terms of ordered categories of predicted enrollment. Thus, In comparison, directed to encourage them to matriculate. is clear that the strategy appears to have produced it those in Group III (36% of the applicants), while somewhat workable results: information obtained from a prior year can more likely to matriculate than Group IV applicants, are not be used successfully to predict outcomes for a subsequent strongly motivated to enroll at the target institution. Political admissions season. theorists maintain that the greatest gains to admissions yield efforts will occur for Groups II and III, inasmuch as the odds Discussion at the target are approximately even of their enrolling institution, and because more than 70% of all respondents At this point the results of the empirical techniques may be appear within these groups. Consequently, considerable integrated with political decision-making strategy. To illus- provides an estimate for each 4The size of each stratum or group can be adjusted to fit the practical needs of Individual Institutions, since the discriminant function the absence of additional evidence it may be assumed that the If the prediction equation accounts for a reasonably large amount of discrimination, in applicant. statistical significance, greater confidence may be placed in the results. relationship described by the model Is linear. Moreover, if the resultant equation achieves likely to enroll at the College than those with scores of -1.96. The decision on Thus, at Whitman individuals with scores of -2.000 were judged to be slightly more how many students to include In each group was a matter of convenience. 6 AIR Professional File, Number 45, Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political 5 Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-Admissions Partnership resources should be directed towards these groups, be- References cause of their "swing" status. Also, prior research indicates that Group II and III applicants generally have not made a Kissel, M. A. (1986, June). "Discriminant Analysis as a Tool firm commitment to enroll at a specific institution until shortly for Admission Selection to Special Academic Programs." before the deposit deadline. Thus, it seems reasonable that Paper presented at the 26th Annual Forum of the As- appropriate actions to encourage vacillating candidates to sociation for Institutional Research, Orlando, Florida. enroll would be met with reasonable success. important to emphasize, however, that Caveat. is It Klecka, W. R. (1980). "Discriminant Analysis." Sage Univer- decisions regarding the treatment of admitted applicants sity Paper series Quantitative Applications in the Social should not rely exclusively on the above procedures: other Beverly Hills and London: Scfances, series no. 07-019. information possessed by the admissions office must be Sage Publications. the candidates' possible considered as well, including: "legacy" status, knowledge gathered during personal inter- Litten, L.H., Sullivan, D., & Brodigan, D.L. (1983). Applying Moreover, criteria views, and other subjective information. Market Research in College Admissions. New York: useful in predicting successful results at one institution may College Entrance Examination Board. not be appropriate for others. For this reason the researcher should conduct preliminary cross-tabular analyses in order Sa !more, B.G., & Salmore, S.A. (1989). Candidates, Parties, academic, demographic, and to identify the attitudinal, and Campaigns: Electoral Politics in America. (2nd Ed.) socioeconomic variables most relevant at the target school. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press. Lastly, since continuous demographic and social changes characterize the pool of college-age high school graduates, "'No Thanks, I'm Just Brow- Sanders, N. F. (1989, Fall). will be necessary to re-estimate the prediction function it sing': Determining Applicants' Recruitment Priority Status." periodically with updated information. The Admissions Strategist. No. 14, 47-52. Also, by relying exclusively upon survey data of currently admitted applicants, completed interviews for all respondents Wilson, R. (1990, Oct. 3). "Many Institutions Report Sharp probably cannot be obtained. Consequently, it will not be Drops in Freshman Rolls." Chronicle of Higher Education. possible to produce enrollment potential scores for a number Vol XXXVII, No. 5; Al, A35, A36. of admitted applicants, thlis necessitating other strategies for these individuals. The researcher can compensate partially Zemsky, R., & Oedel, P. (1983). The Structure of College by utilizing data that appear only in the applicants' official Choice, New York: College Entrance Examination Board. record, but this approach excludes the possibility of incor- porating other, potentially powerful, predictor variables into the model. Finally, when providing lists of applicants' names to the admissions office for differential yield enhancement :::eat- ment, the institutional researcher must be aware that in a The AIR Professional File is intended as a presentation of very competitive market, potential abuses of information papers which synthesize and interpret issues, operations, supplied by this technique could occur. Therefore, the and research of interest in the field of institutional research. researcher must support admissions practices that are Authors are responsible for material presented. The File is consistent with the ethical standards established by profes- published up to four times a year by the Association for sional associations of admissions officers. At the very least Institutional Research. care must be taken to discourage excessively intrusive contact with the applicants, and to avoid the use of ques- Editor-in-Chief: tionable practices. John A. Lucas Director, Planning & Research Summary William Rainey Harper College Algonquin & Roselle Roads at many institutions Although the admissions offices Palatine, IL 60067 engage in efforts to segment the high school student market, (708) 397-3000, Ext. 2263 effort occurs to differentiate admitted comparatively little applicants based on their likely enrollment. Thus, the Managing Editor: targeting philosophy underlying attempts to increase student Terrence Russell applications usually is not applied during efforts to increase Executive Director admitted applicant Given current demographic yield. The Association for Institutional Research uncertainties, admissions offices increasingly are examining 314 Stone Building, Florida State University In this context it seems ap- strategies to increase yield. Tallahassee, FL 32306-3038 enrollment management officials should that propriate (904) 644-4470 examine principles of market segmentation and targeting Since not all admitted during yield enhancement efforts. Copyright 1992 applicants have the same probability of enrolling at the target institution, such efforts should be targeted most efficiently. The technique outlined in this paper suggests a method to classify admitted applicants based on their likely matricula- tion. Once this has been achieved, admissions officials can develop appropriate strategies to increase institutional yield, as well as concentrate resources on selected categories of applicants such as those from certain geographic areas, minorities, and selected socioeconomic groups. 7 BEST CUP! AVAiLABLE AIR Professional File, Number 45, Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political 6 Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research-Admissions Partnership The AIR Professional File-1978-1992 Most issues are out of print," but microfiche or photocopies are A list of titles for the 44 issues printed to date (4/92) follows. available through ERIC (see Directory, p.18). Photocopies are also available from the AIR Executive Office, $2.00 each, prepaid, which covers just the costs of postage and handling. Organizing for institutional Research (J.W. Ridge; 6pp; No. 1) Dealing with Information Systems: The institutional Researcher's Problems and Prospects (L.E. Saunders; 4pp; No. 2) Formula Budgeting and the Financing of Public Higher Education: Panacea or Nemesis for the 1980s? (F.M. Gross; 6pp; No. 3) Methodology and Limitations of Ohio Enrollment Projections (G.A. Kraetsch; 8pp; No. 4) Conducting Data Exchange Programs (A.M. Bloom & J.A. 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Wilcox; 12pp; No. 44) Increasing Admitted Student Yield Using a Political Targeting Model and Discriminant Analysis: An Institutional Research- Admissions Partnership (R.F. Urban; 6pp; No. 45)

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