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Preview ERIC ED345994: Reflections on the Establishment of Constitutional Government in Eastern Europe.

SO 022 138 ED 345 994 Varat, Jonathan D. AUTHOR Reflections on the Establishment of Constitutional TITLE Government in Eastern Europe. PUB DATE 91 NOTE 29p. Viewpoints (Opinion/Position Papers, Essays, etc.) PUB TYPE (120) -- Information Analyses (070) EDRS PRICE /0701/PCO2 Plus Postage. Constitutional History; *Constitutional Law; DESCRIPTORS Democracy; Democratic Values; Foreign Countries; *Governmental Structure; Government Rae; Political Power; Political Science; *Politics; Social Change IDENTIFIERS *Europe (East) ABSTRACT Establishing constitutional government involves not simply the creation of a written document that purports to create the political structure of a nation and guarantee rights to its people, but 'constitutionalism" in the sense of meaningful and effective adherence to constitutional norms of democratic organization and the protection of individual liberty, even when the cost of that adherence is sacrifice of what seams temporarily expedient. An examination of the nature of constitutional democracy focuses on antimajoritarian limits to the power exercised by democratic political processes. The conditions in Central and Eastern Europe in which constitutional creation would take place are surveyed. The hardly ideal conditions include the need for fundamental political and economic reforms, ethnic and cultural tensions, a lack of established political parties, and potential military insecurity. Despite potential barriers, the momentum for establishing constitutional government existed throughout the region and it was supported by most of the world. Additional elements that are central to establishing a well-functioning constitutional democracy are discussed, some of them specific to federal systems, some vital to Among any constitutional democracy whether federal or unitarr provisions of the U.S. Constitution that axe critical to one or both types of democracy are measures mandating cooperation among constituent states as well as protection of their integrity; freedom of movement; the Supremacy Clause mandating that the federal constitution shall be the supreme law of the land; an independent judiciary; control of military organizations; and the right to amend the Constitution. (DB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * * *********************************************************************** CONSTITUTIONAL REFLECTIONS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GOVERNMENT IN EASTERN EUROPE by Jonathan D. Varat Professor of Law University of California, Los Angeles article should be addressed to Correspondence reganding this 405 Hilgard Varat, UCLA School of Law, Professor Jonathan D. 90024-1476, FAX (213) 206-7147 Avenue, Los Angeles, California, V&MMMMMOTWEDISCANM (joke aV Educenonor Preeareh end Improvement ECRICATION4t, RESOURCES iNFORpmnon CENTER f ERt0 The document hoe Peon reproduced as fecoiwed from tne pereem or cepartuuthon onontottep it r Minor changes hare been mode to Improve roProductoon muddy Pour or vie* conkons !Meted in duadocu 'nem Ito not neceopprev repreeent office/ °FRI position or polcv 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS SEEN GRANTED BY A 1%1 _RA TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." (;)) 2 ST COPY AV LE Constitutional Reflections on the Establishment of Government in Eastern Europe Jonathan D. Varat* between an American anxious to In the apocryphal exchange archetypical Englishman, improve the aesthetics of his yard and an lawn as beautiful as yours?" the American asks, "How can I have a growing your lawn six hundred years The Englishman's reply: "Start to grow constitutional The most effective advice on how ago!" probably inaccurately group democracy in the countries that we might take a similar tack. together as belonging to Eastern Europe in the West, particularly in Successful constitutional democracy number of Commonwealth nations, the United States/ Britain, and a It grew, with sporadic freedom- did not sprout all at once. soil, from at least the time enhancing measures that fertilized its Not only were there many periods during of Magna Charta in 1215. fragile or vulnerable, but any which constitutional democracy was how unusual its stable serious reader of history must be aware of tended in order to maintenance is and how it must constantly be Most importantly, it must be flourishing. assure xts survival and agents of the populace/ but by tended not just by the government their participation and their firm, the people themselves through its preservation. preferably peaceful, insistence on constitutional government is both an The establishment of It is idealistic in its practi!cal undertaking. idealistic and a entitled by virtue of their recognition that all human beings are government that operates humanity to certain basic freedoms and to University of Associate Dean and Professor of Law, ° 1991. * California, Los Angeles. It is mundanely practical in the interest of their welfare. recognition of human ambition and insofar as it is premised on the human qualities present self-interest, and the dangers that those It is also political power. when combined with the bestowal of mechanisms of government intensely practical in its search for and substantive freedoms structure and enforcement of procedural abuse of government power that successfully will constrain the without disabling it entirely. government," I mean not just By "establishing constitutional written document that purports to create the the creation of a rights to its people, political structure of a nation and guarantee of meaningful and effective but "constitutionalism" in the sense /c organization and demo adherence to constitutional norms of "-arty, even when the cost of that the protection of individu To temporarily expedient. adherence is sacrifice of what seems framework of democratic, liberty- hold to a fundamental and stable policy of tumultuous most the despite values respecting contending factions is the essence disagretments among a nation's of the constitutional spirit. arguing against the admittedly Much ink has been spilled constitutional, as distinguished from antimajoritarian features of to that position One powerful form of rebuttal democracy) pure, "Blessings of Liberty" above invokes the primacy of securing the government, of grace the Not control. democratic even and Secession, 58 U. Chi. See Sunstein, Constitutionalism this claim. for a probing response to L. Rev. 633, 636-43 (1991), heavily from Sunstein's useful account. My discussion here borrows 2 4 but the inalienable and democratically or otherwise selected, rights to natural rights of hunan beings, are the source of our choice, for freedom of conscience, to privacy, or to religious himself and not The "moral fact that a person belongs to example. whole"2 establishes that a person's to others nor to society as a even that government, rights precede the state anu natural interfere with democratic government, must justify its need to Government cannot dispense what it does not natural rights. therefore cannot rightly hold, and even a democratic positivism dispense or condition basic human freedoms. position, a second Unlike the anti-positivist natural rights democratic standard. line of rebuttal assumes the relevance of the not that what antimajoritarian is is however, insists, It Indeed, in choosing what elements to necessarily antidemocratic. that cannot be establish as minimum constitutional conditions constitutional amendment altered without invoking a legitimate the long-term those elements that crucially support process, rights of sustenance of democratic forms of government--such as and press, speech, of freedom and participation, political majorities association--must be put beyond the reach of current range of democratic precisely in order to preserve a vital freedoms, Expressive majorities. future by decisionmaking both as natural including freedom of inquiry, thus are justified rights in the maintenance rights of the person and as instrumental guarantee of their of a healthy, democratic regime, and so the (1977). Fried, Correspondence, 6 Phil. & PUb. Aff. 288-89 2 . 3 5 establishing in indispensable preeminently protection is I can do no better than to quote constitutional government. Justice Hugo Black of the United States Supreme Court: questions is as "Freedom to speak and to write about public In fact the important as is the heart to the human body. If that heart be privilege is the heart of our government. stilled, the weakened, the result is debilitation; if it be result is death."3 of individuals to More particularly, the absolute freedom if constitutional criticize their government must be guaranteed That is why it is so disheartening to democracy is to survive. Constitution discover that the most recent draft of the Romanian limits on freedom of apparently would, among other questionable right to defaur expression, allow the government to restrict the As a distinguished American law government.' the country or the professor first wrote a generation ago: its powers "[P]olitical freedom ends when government can use [T]he presence or and its courts to silence its critics. seditious libel defines absence in the law of the concept of it makes seditious libel an If the society. . . . . . what its other offense, it is not a free society, no matter 3. Milk Wagon Drivers Union v. Meadmoor Dairy, 312 U.S. 287, 301-02 (1941). and Eastern Central Pommy Report_of Proceedings, 4 . on the Draft Assistance Workshop European Law Initiative Technical Romanian Constitution, p.2 (August 19-23, 1991). 4 characteristics.0 depart from pure Structural elements of constitutions that representation--may majoritarianism--or even from pure proportional liberty, by dividing also be justified as strategies for preserving When a bicameral legislature's second house and balancing power. population, as when it is is not elected strictly according to federal nation, the apportioned by constituent sub-sovereigns of a perspective that will promote design is to introduce a different deliberation from distinctive viewpoints and offset more prudent Separating the legislative, the possibility of majority tyranny. legislative competence executive, and judicial powers, and dividing republics or states, are also between national and constituent to foster more designed to establish competing centers of power is brought sustained reflection before government's coercive power the concentration of power to bear on the citizenry and to thwart is the very definition of in one or a small set of hands that superimposed on the These multiple centers of power, tyranny. can act to prevent personalities, innate ambitions of human resistance of the others. domination by one center because of the rejects the romantic notion of The theory of constitutionalism It does individuals. utopian societies consisting of altruistic the people, but creates a not assume cooperation for the good of It dialogue, and compromise. structure that forces cooperation, for different centers possess real power, presupposes that the of Speech in_ America Kalven, A Worthy Traditiom _Freedom 5. 63 (Harper & Row 1988). 5 theory. without that condition the practice will not match the crucial in American Tbat is only one reason why it has been so constitutionalism, at least, that the judicial branch was made with life tenure independent by providing the aipointed justices not be reduced--in and guarantees that their salaries will officials retaliation for decisions unpopular with other government or for any other reason. elaborated by Professor recently notion, arresting The legislative whose subjects some are that there Sunstein, that examination might be so debilitating to the political process reach of politics also they should be constitutionalized beyond the Sunstein suggests that keeping potentially deserves mention.6 private property or explosive and intractable issues such as prohibitions on religion off the political agenda by constitutional by limiting their infringement may facilitate the political process factional conflict in government. example may be helpful. A little elaboration of the religion the constitutional Besides acting as an additional support for American the religion, one's exercise to freely right establishment of Constitution's First Amendment ban on government from religious strife. religion was designed to liberate politics religion tends to The "belief that a union of government and animated has religion"7 degrade and government destroy Sunstein, supra note 1, at 639-40. 6. In the EneI, Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421, 431 (1962). 7 violated that New York state officials case, the Supreme Court held composing a nondenominational prayer the Establishment Clause by 6 draft Bulgarian The jurisprudence. Clause Establishment constitution, b.: denominating the Eastern Orthodox Church as the "traditional Bulgarian religion,"8 and the Polish government's activities,' school public into religion of introduction underpinnings of that dangerously appear to ignore the pragmatic belief. majoritarian That departures from leaving all matters to Creldom political processes are sometimes justified to secure human of course, that any or to facilitate democratic rule does not mean, justification ought lesser justification will do, or that any such particular norms as not to be scrutinized carefully before adopting ordinary constitutionally fundamental and so beyond the reach of insofar as politics. A constitutional democracy is legitimate only governed, the government derives its power from the consent of the the people exercise having agents of necessity of the and interests of government government power introduces the separate even Clough schools, and authorizing its use in the state's public individual students could opt not to repeat it. Report of a Constitutional Reform in Bulgaria: A Summary 8. and Eastern 3, The American Bar Association Central Workshop, p. 1991). European Law Initiative (CEELI) (June 19-22, Rapaczynski, Constitutional PolkOdasLn_aland: A_Report 9 58 U. _tee A, weeks before Chi. L. Rev. 595, 606n.24 (1991) ("In August 1990, two prior any without and year the school of beginning the regulation consultations with Parliament, the government issued a fact that introducing religion in public schools, despite the opposed the public opinions polls had indicated that most parents presidential [Although it removed the issue from the move. been paid election campaign,) very little attention seems to have separation of church and to its long-term consequences on the state.") 7 9 the maintenance of their own positions as an officials in additional factor needing control--a factor surely known all too Controlling well among the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe. by effectively rendering them even democratically elected agents constitutional subject to the rule of law is a key ingredient of Assuming the will exists to make democratic politics democracy. establish power- and respect for human rights the norm, and to allocating arrangements that will effectuate those aims, we need to context in address the realities of internal and international and the which the constitutional creation process must take place, built into each specific content of the provisions that ought to be Neither nation by nation country's constitutional framework. delineation of what a workable nor a comprehensive analysis, Some limited is possible here. constitution should include, observations may be of interest, however. Constitutional Creation io_Context in which those who A realist must begin with the conditions In Central would create constitutional democracy find themselves. ideal. The transition and Eastern Europe the conditions are hardly democratic regimes from authoritarian communist systems to free is itself always must overcome significant impediments. Transition and impoverishment economic instance, this In difficult. system-- uncertainty about the nature of the future economic to commitment the of intensity and scope the especially be privatization and the development of a market economy--must 8

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