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Preview ERIC ED339104: Communication. Restructuring the Education System Series.

DOCUMENT RESUME EA 023 476 ED 339 104 Arnsparger, Arleen; Ledell, Marjorie AUTHOR Communication. Restructuring the Education System TITLE Series. Education Conmission of the States, Denver, Colo. INSTITUTION PUB DATE 91 NOTE 5p. Distribution Center, Education Commission of the AVAILABLE FROM States, 707 17th Street, Suite 2700, Denver, CO 80202 (No. 5I-91-5; guide $4.00; communications kit $20.00 plus $3.00 postage and handling). Non-ClaSsroom Use (055) PUB TYPE GUides EARS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. *Communication Skills; *Educational change; DESCRIPTORS Elementary Secondary Education; *Information Dissemination; Public Schools; *School District Autonomy; School Organization; *School Restructuring ABSTRACT Redesigning the education system to prepare citizens for the 21st century is a monumental challenge. To accomplish the job, understanding and support must come from people in all parts of the education system and community. Building support and understanding among various groups of people requires effective communication strategies and skills. Nine elements are outlined to form a basic communications plan for restructuring. They are: setting objectives; planning strategies; building support; describing the restructuring message; disseminating materials; using the media; showing progress; anticipating and responding to criticism; and evaluating. A communications kit entitled "Communicating about Restructuring" containing "how to's" and exmples of successful communication tools and tactics is also described in this guide. (RR) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. * Itassoltitita*Itotaltalliartitaisitawasartaltprititawales**********ItapissAmiritow*morissa*****: Restructuring the Education System COMMUNICATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS & DEPARTAIENT OF EDUCATION (yea t k Outshone+ Ratalocn 5n0 fraoschthost4 MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY RONAL RE soumas INFORMATION ED CENTER fERIC) Neoxamao as his LAW t do< whom OtOlthirhhon tho orstlart Noconao nom 4 45"Oosahrtp C Wyee, Chhntillt NU" OStert milts tO ettioThlr °trouts r*O1012p4C1.06 * P woo of *pure** %Wed et thrit ()Mt,- *adz cit TO DIE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Mine 00 Mt neenia"0/ rWIRMIni offICOP INFORMATION CENTER ERIC).- fir Dosmon or poscv 2 Education Commission of the States Y MAIM BEST district or state. Once team members define Why do we need a Contaios& Aziud Questions restructuring, the team develops a commumca- communication plan? bons plan that foams and coordinates all com- 1. Who:is restrucntring? munication dims tbr maximum impact. Redesigning the education system to prepate cit- izens for the 2Ist century is a monumental chal- A basic communications plan for restnictunng 2. Does restructuring change only teachirg and lenge. To accomplish the job. undemanding consists of nine elements: and support must come from people in an parts learning? of the education system and the community. What do we want to accom- 1. Objectives Building support and untkrstanding among phsh? various groups of people requires effective com- 3. What differences will I see in a restructured It aNuires an numication strategies and skills. 2. Strategies How will we accomplish the classroom? understanding that true communication is a two- objectives? a balance of listening to what's way process important to others and presenting your ideas in 4. Are fewer sabjects taught in a restructured 3. Building Support Which groups do we ways that respond to their CONerTts. The corn- need to listen to and sliare infoonation with school? municsirm strawgy for restructuring the educa- about restructuring? tion system is not a method to mampulate others. It is a commitment to maintain honest. open dia- What do we want to say 4. The Message 5. Should schools of fe r fewer subjects? logue and debate about what best meets individ- about the changes we are making at the ual student needs. school. district and state levels? It begins with a communication plan that 6. How does the role of teachers change? grows out of the following questions: How will we gel the message S. Materials What do people warn students to know and be our! Met, 7. What happens to extracurricular activities able to do? How do we talk about what we are doing? 6. Media -- How do re talk about restructur- and vocational education? How do we listen to what others are saying? ing to the media? Can we get the media's With whom should we be talking and work- help in carrying the tesmicturing message? ing? How do we generate more support. both 8. Does restructuring necessarily mean school- 7. Showing Progress How do we show that internally and externally? hued decision making? How do we anticipate and respond to goes- restntetunng works? !leas and concerns about the changes we are ft Anticipating and Responding to Criticism making? 9. Doem'r trying to educate all students mean How do we deal with criticism? What materials should we prepare to mform you're overlooking the average student and people about our effons? 9. Evaluation How will we measure success holding bat the brigittest? How do we best reach people to tell them in accomplishing our objectives? about what we are doing? Getting Started 10.MR schook, need more mary and ste By using a communication plan as a compass and road map. restructuring advocates can put Begir by selecting a small communications into action the strategies and tactics that will team. The team could include people who are 1 I. How can yoi *oily any amuse in school reach key groups with clear messages about involved in the restructuring effort and have an restructuring. budgets? . interest and/or experience in communications. tA local public relations professional could be 1. Objectives invited to sit on the warn and provide pm hono .12. Can you prove restructuring will improve Objectives should spell out what you want to consultation.) The most effective team involves student achievement? accomplish through communications to caption a diverse group of participants, such as a teacher. the school. district or state's vision of teaching administrator and parent for a school team: and learning. Objectives might include: "To school board member, district administrator. increase parent involvement in the school by principal and/or teacher and businesspeson for a 25%." Or: "To enho the suppon of school district team. board members as advocates for the district Communicating effectively about resmictur- restructuring etIons." ing begins with a thorough undemanding of what is meant by "restructuring- in your Khoo!, 3 BEST COPY AUDIBLE Escaped from the proposed New Mexico com- An effective desenption of restructuring 2. Strategies begins with a focus on the results &sired for stu- muniratkas strategy for restructuring) Strategies describe the ways to teach your dents. How are the changes going to improve objectives. What vehicles will communicate and student learning? A list of "commonly asked I. Bailding &ippon what nwthods will reach the people whose support questions about restructuring" and appropnak A. Identify groups _ma want to reach and devel- acfion is needed? For example. one strategy to answers is helpful. (See box at left.) or Audiences op strategin for reaching them. mach the business community might be to prepare Getting 5. Materials a videotape to be shown by selected individuals at should include, but not be limited to. teach- meetings of kical business organizations. the Message Out ers. administrators, school board members, 3. Building Support To reach key ataliences effectively and effi . business representatives, media. legislators. amity. those restautsible for comnumicatmg Restmetunng an education system depends governor's office. parents, other taxpayers. choose the communication tools best suited for upon suppon and gunicipafion from key groups. B. Consider sating up focus groups. the audience and the message. A range of mate- Building support begins by identifying key indi- nals can be considered. including fact sheets, This is one technique for listening so you viduals and groups whose understanding and brochures. newsletters, examples of restructuring advocacy Is vital to achieving change in the edu- understand what's important to various audi- schools t what will visitors to the school see that catiim system. These people become your net- of classroom activi- ences and what they need to know. is different?). letters, videos work of supporters and advocates. For each ties and face-to-face eommunication. group the communications team targets. a spe- I. ldennfy groups to be brought cific strategy must be developed which outhnes: 6. The Media A together. The information important to that group Special Audience 2. Select facilitators. How best to communicate with that group What. if any. materials should be developed for 3. Train farilitarors. Because the media tnewspapers. radio. televi- the group sion. magazines) reach broad audiences. they are 4. Hold focus groups. To learn what is important to each group. vital to efforts to reach large numbers of people 5. Compik what is learned into an easy begin by LISTENING. Through snategies such In to explain the why and how of resmicturmg. as focus groups. polling and surveying. commu- to-use short report. general. there are three opportunities to work nity forums and one-on-one meetings. you will with the media: when you bring a story idea or C. Bring together ECS commissioners to con- learn what you need to know. The information media to issue to them, when you contact the tailored you pit together (the message) must be munkate with them about restructuring. This cover a specific event and when a reporter wants For to each gmup*s specific needs and interests. both expands the circle of those familiar with to do a story about changes under way in the instance, to talk to businesspeople. you might schools. rar rextructuring dons and helps build a want to describe the outcomes of restructuring in &Cause a simple media strategy is an impor- terms of what new and improved skills and abili- grvup of third-party advocates. might want tant pan of restructuring efforts, you ties graduates will bring to the workplace. to use outstde professional help. D. Mate contact with, at a minimum, the follow- Groups to consider targeting include those . Censider including these elements in the media inside and outside the education system. siKh as ing state organizations: New Mato strategy: school board members, teachers. patents. stu- Alliance of Business, local and rate ChM- dents, legislators. communi'v opinion leaders I. Develop a media mailing list. ben if rononerce. New *Maim School and business people. Boards Association. statewide school admin. 2. Send news releases to announce events, report 4. The Message on progress and announce grams awarded to istrators' organkation. New Mexico PTA and Describing Restructuring suppon restructurmg efforts. New Mexico's AFT and NEA affiliates. Building support for resuucturing the educa- 3, Invite individual reporters to schools that OTC tion system requires describing changes being restructuring so they can see the changes and made in the schools and at the district and state talk to teachers, students and parents. levels in concrete. understandable language. This means NO JARGON. While use of -edu- 4. Develop a simple fact sheet that uses clear cationese" is a logical shorthand for talking with language and answers most commonly assed colleagues and other informed groups. it's a bar- questions about changes under way. rier to understanding for those who do not wotk in education. S. Identify and train those individuals who can serve as spokespeople for the restnicturing effort and be called upon for interviews. efforts reviewing the results of conununications Keeping the media informed will help individ- About the Authors and regularly fme-tuning your methods and uals report fairly when approached by those eth- en:Milk:a- actions, you will be sure that your ical of the restructuring efforts. Aries's Arnsparger is director of conummi- builds understanding nuns approach effectively cations for ECS. Before joining ECS. efforts. 7. Showing Progress about and support for your restructuring Arnsporger was a television and radio 'varier, producer and newscaster. She has hosted Measuring the Success muional end local publk television pogroms For More Help and teleconferences. She cimtributed to a vari- of Restructuring ety of other projects fir public television, Mime A communications kit. Conununtionne, of the first things people ask about including a stint as :niter and featured per- One Restructuring. and accompanying workshop former on an award-winning program aired by restructuring is: "Does restnicturing workr who have broad were developed by ECS staff more than 230 PBS stations trationwkle. As a Those responsible for communicating about consultant. Arruparger has produced video and knowledge of communications theory and expe- restructuring at the school. district or state slide prognmu; provided interview and mesa rience in communications practice. The authors level need evidence that changes made in the relations training far corporate e.urstives; and also pmvide communications training for people edwation system file having the desired impact. designed and produced election comae fcr communities in schools. districts, states and the Progress can be shown in vanous wan.. including: broadcast and print media. served by restructuring efforts. hnpmvement in test saxes The kit contains how-to's awl examples of Statistics about students, such as dropout rates. Marjorie Ledeil is a communkations and successful communication tools and tulles. The attendance, drop in disciplinary actions policy adviser for ECS and serves on the hoed examples are drawn from restructuring schools. students. = Anecdotal information from teachers. Public 1 education for * Littleton (Cokwado) districts and stales across the country. The administrators, parents Schools, a district of IS .000 students just south workshop is tailored to efth group of 1unit:s- ti Denver. Before *Pining ECS. Ledell was the 8. Anticipating and in planning pan% and offers step-by-step training manager of public relations and government and carrying out a communications strategy . affairs for Tine Inc.' s cable division. Six also Responding to Criticism has ever-love as a producer and anchor ci her Workshops are suitable for schools. districts freelance own cable television program and as a that want to or state departments of education }Wide who disagree philosophically with writer* more than 20 publications. provide in-depth communication training for restructuring are entitled to their opinions. Some 0 staff. colleagues andior the community at large. critics intentionally distort facts because Me) To main further information about this ECS want schools to reflect their values. not those of workshop and kit, or general advice on the need the majority. Others, however. simply lack suf- Marjorie to and ways to communicate. contact ficient information to understand restructuring Ledell or Arleen Amsparger at ECS, 707 17th and what it means in terms of their own interests. OCopyrip 1891 by eie Education Commissar at the Street. Suite 2700. Donver, Colorado 80201 Criticism an ne minimized by communical- States (ECS). M 'Os reserved 303-299-3600. and by mg clearly, by keeping people intomied ECS a a mama nationwide mamma compact timed To order a kit. send $20 plaS. S3.00 postage binklmg support among key audiences. But. ay 1965 to Magas/tenors, state *platers. Me arnica . and handling to the ECS Distribution Center at ton officials and others develop notices to =rove the communications stratep should acknowkdr quality al education al an *vets the above address: 303-249-3692. and include steps to listen and respond to criti- The ECS aftes mat= 17th Street. SLC0 2700, cisms od concerns that will be expressed pen- Denver, Colorado 80202-3427, 303.299-3500 odically. . na the policy ot ECU) sake Amore action to pre- 9. Evaluation as ponces, pirgains VW employ- vent iistinmination ment practices. Understanding how effective commumcattons This pubicaten was tunded In pan by the Camps effons are and what changes should be made Cameron at New Yok requites evaluating success or failure as you go. l-or example. to evaluate a videotape presenta- For more intonation about Restructurtno tire tion to a tuoincvs audience. place a brief stifVe Eckman System see the other pidnicatians in this PAM Uri, eV Pongee of Mann. A on tables at the business meeting to determine Goins(S1- what the audience got out of the presentation Sias' MeV 44-91-2), $k- A Conwentern ileth; Piwale Sector end anineswer 91-4), If you've sent legislators materials, they saw - iggai11S1-91-31. $4. Addmonal copes al this report give them a phone call to ask whether they have at411.5) ate aiso $4. The set ot 4 pittances is 815 they've any questions: this will tell you whether postage and handtuigla order publican= or fa plus read the materials and find them helpful. By -contact the get mom irdannsnan on ressuchinng. Educason Commission of the States. 707 17th Street, Sin* 2700, Denver, Colorado 80202; 303-2994800. 5 Printed on Mewled Mock BEST COPY Alf

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