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ERIC ED337191: The White House Conference on Library and Information Services. July 1991. Delegate Education Materials. PDF

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Preview ERIC ED337191: The White House Conference on Library and Information Services. July 1991. Delegate Education Materials.

DOCUMENT RESUME IR 053 793 ED 337 191 The White House Conference on Library and Information TITLE Services. July 1991. Delegate Education Materials. White House Conference on Library and Information INSTITUTION Services. PUB DATE 91 23p.; Paper presented at the White House Conference NOTE (2nd, Washington, on Library and Information Services DC, July 9-13, 1991). Reference Materials - PUB TYPE Vocabularies/Classifications/Dictionaries (134) -- Speeches/Conference Papers (150) MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Abbreviations; Definitions; *Information Science; DESCRIPTORS Information Services; *Library Science; Library Services; Reference Materials; *Vocabulary *White House Conference Library Info Services IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This booklet was prepared as a point of reference for the delegates to the White House Conference to familiarize them with the meanings of library and information science related acronyms and terms. he first of three sections of the booklet provides a list of selected acronyms and their meanings. A glossary of selected terms related to library and information services is presented in the second section, and the third includes a list of the types of librarf.es and information facilities to be found in the United States. (MAB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** The White House Conference on Library and Information ServiLes July 1991 U.S. ammonia OF courAvom Off Ice of Educational Raw/arch and Improvvriant EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0 Me documont has bean raciroducod as dionvod from Ms pmson or organdahon of Witting 0 Minor champs have boon muds to improve redroduchon quality. Points of vow or opinions staled in this docir mitnt do not nftsissanly taproot/tit ollicial OEM position ot policy Delegate Education Materials Acronyms *Glossary *Types of facilities J1 0 RrtT A111111 III t Dear Delegate/Alternate: As you prepared for your state preconference, you werc introduced to many acronyms and terms related to library nil information services. As the official delegate, or alternate, for your state deliberation and discussion of issues during you will be receiving materials to prepare you for with the White House Conference. These materials no doubt will contain acronyms and terms booklet which you are not familiar. To assist you we have developed, for reference purposes, this library and containing a list of selected acronyms, a glossary of selected terms related to information services and a list of types of libraries and information facilities. reading background and It will help you to keep this document handy at all times when you are always contact your nearest library context materials that you will receive. Don't forget, you can in this document. for additional assistance if you encounter a term in your reading not covered best Remember, to participate fully in the working sessions during the Conference it is to your interest to be knowledgeable. the White Housc Our warmest rcgards upon your appointment to serve as delegate or alternate to If you have questions, we are as near as your Conference on Library and Information Services. telephone. Call us at 1-800-942-5472. The White House Conference Staff Table Of Contents I. List of Acronyms I 1-4 II. Glossary of Library and Information and Information Related Terms II 1-8 III. Types of Libraries and Information Facilities III 1-6 LIST OF ACRONYMS - Abstracting and Indexing A&I American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS Association of Law Libraries - American AALL - Association of American Publishers AAP Association of School Librarians * - American AASL Association of American University Presses AAUP American Booksellers Association ABA American Bibliographic Center ABC American Council on Education ACE Council of Learned Societies - American ACLS of College and Research Libraries * - Association ACRL American Chemical Society ACS - Association of Data Processing Service Organizations ADAPSO Article Delivery Over Network Information Systems ADONIS - Automatic Data Processing ADP Educational Communications and Technology - Association for AECT Information Resources Management - Association for Federal AFFIRM Federation of Information Processing Societies - American AFIPS Agriculture On-line Access AGRICOLA - Associated Information Managers AIM Information Referral Services - Alliance for AIRS - American Library Association ALA for Library Collections & Tezhnical Services * - Association ALCTS for Library and Information Science Education - Association ALISE for Library Service to Children * - Association ALSC Library Trustee Association * - American ALTA Method for Indexed Data Generalized for Operating System (a library - Access AMIGOS network in the Southwest) American National Standards Institute ANSI Administration on Aging AOA Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association APALA of Research Libraries - Association ARL of Rccords Managers and Administrators - Association ARMA Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies * ASCLA Amc: 'can Society of Indexers ASI of Information and Dissemination Centers - Association ASIDIC American Society for Information Science ASIS - Bibliographical Center for Research BCR - Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA - Bibliographic Network (Law Library Association) BIBNET * A division of the American Library Association ** A Round Table of the American Library Association I - I i) 1-2 BITNET Becausc Its Timc Nctwork (An international cducation teler lmmunications nctwork) BLAISE - British Library Automated Information Systcm BLLD British Library Lending Division CALA Chincsc-Amcrican Librarians Association CAPCON - Capitol Consortium Nctwork (Consortium of Univcrsitics of thc Washington, DC Metropolitan Arca) CAPTAIN - Computer-Aidcd Processing and Tcrminal Acccss Information Nctwork CAS Chcmical Abstracts Service CATV - Community Antcnna Television (cablc tcicvision) CBEMA Computcr and Busincss Equipmcnt Manufacturers Association CCC Copyright Clcarance Ccntcr CCSSO - Council of Chicf Statc School Officcrs CCLN Council for Computerized Library Nctworks CD/I Compact Disc/Interactive CD-ROM - Compact Disc-Rcad Only Memory CE Continuing Education CI&R Community Information and Referral CIS Congrcssional Information Service CIA Catholic Library Association CLASS - Cooperativc Library Agcncy for Systcms and Services ** CLENERT - Continuing Library Education Nctwork and Exchange Round Tablc CLR Council on Library Resourccs, Inc. CNLIA Council of National Library and Information Associations - Colorado Library Nctwork COLONET COLT Council on Library/Media Tcchnicians COM Computcr output microfilm CONSER Conversion of Scrials - Committee on Scicntific and Technical Information COSATI COSLA Chief Officers of Statc Library Agcncics CRL Center for Research Librarics CRS - Congrcssional Rcscarch Service CRT Cathodc Ray Terminal (computcr monitor sacen) DOE/OSTI Dcpartmcnt of Energy Officc of Scicntific and Tcchnical Information mum - Department of Encrgy - Technical Information Center - Dcpartmcnt of thc Interior DOI DOT Dcpartmcnt of the Transportation DTIC Dcfcnse Tcchnical Information Center ECIA Education Consolidation and Improvement Act Education Commission of thc Statcs ECS ED Departmcnt of Education EDP Electronic Data Proccssing EPA Environmcntal Protection Agcncy ERIC Educational Resources Information Ccntcr FSEA - Elcmentary and Sccondary Education Act EURONET Western Europcan Network - Federal Communications Committcc FCC 1-3 - Federal Library and Information Network FEDLINK Internationale de Documentation - Federation FID - Federal Information Managers FIM Federal Library and Information Center Committee FLICC - Freedom of Information Act FOIA - Friends of Libraries USA FOLUSA - Federal Publishers Committee FPC Federal Register FR - F'ederal Trade Commission FTC Fiscal Year FY - Government Accounting Office GAO Roundtabl,. (ALA) - Government Documents GODORT Printing Office - Government GPO General Services Administration GSA Transportation Request - Government GTR Higher Education Act HEA - Department of Health and Human Services HHS Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Committee Scientific and Technical Information - International ICSTI Federation of Library Associations and Institutions - International IFLA Industry Association - Information IIA - Inter Library Loan ILL and Information Nctwork - Illinois Library ILLINET Indiana Cooperative Library Servicrs Authority INCOLSA - Information Resources Managemcnt IRM - Institute for Scientific Information ISI International Standards Organization ISO - Joint Committee on Printing JCP Library Administration and MaAagement Association * LAMA - Library of Congress LC - Library and Information Technology Association * LITA Library Services and Construction Act LSCA - Machine Readable Catalog MARC Medical Library Analysis and Retrieval System MEDLARS MEDLARS On-line MEDLINE Midwest Region Library Network MIDLNET Information Network and Exchange - Montana MINE Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange MINITEX Library Association; Music Library Association - Medical MLA Advisory Committee - Network NCA - Administrators National Association of Government Archives and Records NAGARA Agricultural Library - National NAL National Archives and Records Administration NARA Aeronautics and Space Agency - National NASA - National Center for Education Statistics NCES Commission on Libraries and Information Science - National NCLIS Endowment for the Arts - National NEA NEH National Endowment for the Humanitics NELINET Ncw England Library Information Network NFAIS National Fcderation of Abstracting and Indexing Services NISO National Information Standards Organization NLM National Library of Medicine NLW National Library Wcck NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSF National Science Foundation NREN National Rcscarch and Education Network NTIA National Tciccommunications and Information Administration NTIS National Technical Information Scrvicc OCLC Onlinc Computcr Library Center, Inc. OERI Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED) OHIONET Ohio Network OSI Opcn Systcms Interconnection Office of Science and Technology Policy (Office of thc Prcsident) OSTP OTA Office of Technology Assessment PALINET Pennsylvania Area Library Nctwork PLA Public Library Association * Pittsburgh Regional Library Center PRLC RAM Random Acccss Mcmory RASD Reference and Adult Services Division * R&D Rcscarch and Development RC Register of Copyrights RLG Rcsearch Libraries Group, Inc. Rescarch Librarics Information Network RLIN ReadOnly Mcmory ROM SAA Socicty of Amcrican Archivists SBA Small Busincss Administration SLA Spccial Libraries Association SOLINET Southeastern Library Network SSP Society for Scholarly Publishing ULC Urban Libraries Council UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VILINET Virgin Islands Library and Information Network Whitc House Confcrcncc on Library and Information Services WHCLIS Whitc Housc Conference on Library and Information Services Taskforce WHCLIST WLN Western Library Nctwork Young Adults Services Division * YASD TERMS GLOSSARY OF SELECTED LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RELATED brief summary of a complete document. See also full text. Abstract: library collection or used as a verb or noun to indicate gaining entry to a Access: information system for the purpose of retrieving specific documents or information. letter or letters of each word or major a word formed from the initial Acronym: word in a compound term. See your brochure of acronyms. gift. the process of obtaining library materials by purchase, exchange or Acquisition: and also makes them available, a person who has care of the archives Archivist: under proper safeguards, to historians and researchers. videotapes and nonprint materials such as films, filmstrips, sound tapes, Audiovisual: other media. microcomputers, the use of automatic data processing equipment, such as Automation: done manually. to accomplish work intensive tasks that were once of parallel lines or bars, representing a graphic code arranged in a series Barcode: in a data that is interpreted by a scanner into digital signals for storage computer. See also light pen. they can be identified and found readily, an orderly listing of materials so Bibliographic control: identifying usually by author, title, subject or some other key word or number. records about published documents a database containing descriptive Bibliographic database: (books, articles, reports, recordings). of a work. a uniquely identified work or part Bibliographic item: online bibliographic data bases as tht.. basis an organization that maintains Bibliographic utility: libraries and other for providing information products and services to clients. a draft of proposed legislation. Bill: the 1979 White House Conference on Sources for terms and definitions include the glossary prepared for Information Science, Dictionary :A Library and Information Services, ALA Glossary of Library and Technology, Draft Revised Library Information Technology 2nd ed., Dictionary of New Information activities. 199x) and glossaries prepared by states for their preconference Statistics Standard (Z39.7 9 11-2 Block Grant: grants made directly to States in accordance with a formula based on the number of persons to be served or on the amount of Federal or State money available. In Stateadministered grants, the State itself is the grantee and may award grants to subgrantees on either a discretionary or formula basis. Bookmobile: usually a van, bus or truck equipped to carry books and other library materials and serves as a traveling branch library. Cable television: aibo called CATV (community antenna television) and originally used to improve television reception in outlying areas. The cable carrying the television signal has a vast informationcarrying capacity and can be used for other purposes besides transmitting the television signal. Cable offers the potential for home TV owners to call up services such as news, financial, computeraided learning, information retrieval from databases and information from a broadcasting source, perhaps a library, on demand. Capital expenditures: funds expended for the acquisition of or additions to fixed assets such as building sites, new building additions, new equipment (including major computer instabtions), initial book stock, furnishings for new or expanded buildings and new vehicles. This excludes Keplacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library materials and investments for capital appreciation. Card catalog: a file in which bibliographic records are on separate cards arranged in a desired order--author, title, subject--in card trays. Categorical grants: formula grants earmarked for certain types of libraries and required by law to go to those libraries. CDROM (compact diskread only memory) a 4.75 inch optical memory storage disk which can be read only, not erased or uptsated like a floppy disk or tape. Classified material: memoranda, reports and other documents emanating from government departments, industrial and other corporations, research associations, etc., which are of a secret and confidential nature. They are classified as 'top secret', 'secret', 'confideibtial' and 'restricted' in descending order of secrecy and are treated variously in libraries. Also called classified information. Clearinghouse: an organization that collects and maintains information in a specialized area, monitors research and development in relevant fields, and provides referral to other relevant information sources. Common carrier: a telecommunications company that is regulated by an appropriate government agency and that offers communications services to the general public such as a telephone company. Community profile: a formal assessment of the area served by the library in order to better target services to the people to be served.

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