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Preview ERIC ED327242: Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost Report for the Illinois Public Community Colleges.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 327 242 JC 910 055 TITLE Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost Report for the Illinois Public Community Colleges. INSTITUTION Illinois Community Coll. Board, Springfield. PUB DATE Jan 91 NOTE 29p. PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) -- Reports - Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Community Colleges; *Educational Finance; *Expenditure per Student: *Expenditures; *Program Costs; Salaries; School District Spending; State Surveys; Two Year Colleges; *Unit Costs IDENTIFIERS *Illinois ABSTRACT Fiscal year (FY) 1990 results of the annual unit cost study of the Illinois public community colleges are presented in this report, based on data on course offerings, enrollments, and costs provided by the colleges. After an initial summary overview, data and analyses are presented, including: net instructional unit cost for FY 1990 compared with previous years; net instructional unit cost since FY 15-4; state average instructional unit cost since FY 1984; 1990 instn tional unit cost; net instructional unit cost by cost categc ies; indirect instructional support unit cost; and net instructional unit cost by the seven instructional cost categories. Highlighted findings included the following: (1) in FY 1990, the state average net instructional unit cost for the 39 community college districts in Illinois was $116.16, an increase of 5.1% from FY 1989; (2) state averages for the cost categories comprising instructional unit costs were $44.12 for direct salaries, $8.56 for direct department cost, $1.74 for direct equipment cost, $45.61 for allocated indirect cost, $15.62 for operation and maintenance, and $0.51 for building rental; (3) state averages for support services included $10.34 for academic administration and planning, $4.62 for learning resources, $9.83 for student services, $3.42 for administrative data processing, $7.75 for general administration, $0.42 for auxiliary services (subsidy only) and $9.25 for general institutional cost; and (4) average unit costs ranged from a high of $177.65 for Health Occupational programs to a low of $83.68 for Adult Basic Education/Adult Secondary Education. A total expenditures report is appended. (GFW) X*******************g*****1*******************************IC********** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********************************It********************************* 4\1 tits tie cez c=1 ;74 Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost Report for the Illinois Public Community Colleges "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Rematch and Improvement V. K. McMillan EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) )( This document his been reproduced as received from tne person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes have been made to ImPose reproduction Quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Points of view or opinions stated in this dOctr ment do MI necessarily represent official OERI positron or poScy. Illinois Community College Board 509 South Sixth Street, Room 400 Springfield, Illinois 62701-1874 Telephone: (217) 785-0123 Lk.) January 1991 Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE FY 1990 Unit Cost Report Illinois Community College Board HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1990 UNIT COST REPORT FOR ILLINOIS PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES The fiscal year 1990 state average net instructional unit cost in the 39 1. public community college districts Illinois in was $116.16. This represents an increase of $5.63 (5.1 percent) from the fiscal year 1989 state average of $110.53. instructional unit costs Net from fiscal year 1984 through fiscal year 1990 are shown in this report (see pages 3 and 4 for details). The fiscal year 1990 state average unit cost measures calculated in this 2. study were: net instructional unit cost $116.16 full instructional unit cost $120.72 total institutional unit cost $130.49 (See pages 5 and 6 for details.) The fiscal year 1990 state average unit costs for the cost categories that 3. comprise instruction in Illinois public community colleges were: direct salary cost $44.12 direct department cost $ 8.56 direct equipment cost $ 1.74 allocated indirect cost $45.51 operation and maintenance cost $15.62 building rental cost $ .51 (See pages 7 and 8 for details.) The state average unit costs for support services in the public community 4. colleges of Illinois during fiscal year 1990 were as follows: academic administration and planning cost $10.34 learning resources cost $ 4.62 student services cost $ 9.83 administrative data processing cost $ 3.42 general administration cost $ 7.75 auxiliary services cost .42 $ general institutional cost $ 9.25 (See pages 9 and 10 for details.) FY 1990 Unit Cost Report The Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost Study analyzed 5. unit cost:: in the seven instrucLional categories utilized for state funding purposes. The differential for funding these seven categories based is on their differential unit costs. The state average unit cost, excluding State Community College of East St. Louis, for each category is shown below: Baccalaureate and General Academic $117.36 Business Occupational $125.92 Technical Occupational $142.45 Health Occupational $177.65 Remedial Education $115.30 Adult Basic Education/ Adult Secondary Education (ABE/ASE) $ 83.68 General Studies $ 94.38 (See pages 11 and 12 for details.) Public service expenditures 6. rose $3.2 million in fiscal year 1990 to $58.2 million. Public service includes non-credit community education and community service activities for governmental agencies, local business and industry, and the general community. 4 U. Illinois Community College Board FISCAL YEAR 1990 UNIT COST REPORT FOR THE ILLINOIS PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Section I - Comparison of Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost with Previous Years 3 Table 1 - State Average Net Instructional Unit Cos:: in Illinois Public Community Colleges Since Fiscal Year 1984 3 Table 2 - Net Instructional Unit Cost in Illinois Public Community Colleges Since Fiscal Year 1984 4 Section II - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost, Full Instructional Unit Cost, and Total Institutional Unit Cost Table 3 - Comparison of Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost by Type of Cost in Illinois Public Community Colleges 5 Table 4 - Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost by Type of Cost and Function in Illinois Public Community Colleges 6 Section III - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost 7 Table 5 - Summary of Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost by Cost Categories in Illinois Public Community Colleges 7 Table 6 - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost by Cost Category in Illinois Public Community Colleges 8 Section IV - Fiscal Year 1990 Indirect Instructional Support Unit Cost 9 Table 7 - Summary of Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost for Indirect Instructional Support in Illinois Public Community Colleges 9 Table 8 - Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost by Instructional Support Areas in Illinois Public Community Colleges 10 Section V - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost in Seven Instructional Categories 11 Table 9 - Summary of Fiscal Year 1990 Net InstrUctional Unit Cost by Seven Instructional Categories in I/linois Public Community Colleges 11 5 iii FY 1990 Unit Cost Report TABLE OF'CONTENTS (Continued) Page Table 10 - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Unit Cost by Seven Instructional Categories in Illinois Public Community Colleges 12 Appendix: Total Expenditures Reports 13 Table A-1 - Fiscal Year 1990 Expenditures by Function in Illinois Public Community Colleges 14 Table A-2 - Fiscal Year 1990 Net Instructional Expenditures by cost Category in Illinois Public Community Colleges 15 Table A-3 - Fiscr: Year 1990 Expenditures by Instructional Support Areas in Illinois Public Community Colleges 16 iv FY 1990 Unit Cost Report rage 1 INTRODUCTION The Unit Cost Study is an annual project involving the direct participation of all public community colleges in Illinois. Each college submits basic data on course offerings, enrollments, and costs to the Illinois Community College Board staff, who in turn check the data for consistency with credit hour claims and financial reports and then compile the various reports of the Unit Cost Study. The Unit Cost study provides the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Board of Higher Education with information needed to perform their planning and coordinating functions. It also provides the individual community colleges with a useful tool in local planning, evaluation, and management. The study provides the basic cost information for determining the credit hour grant rates that are the basis for state financial support to public community colleges. In addition, the Unit Cost Study an is accountability report the to citizens of each public community college district. Every effort has been made in the design of the Unit Cost Study to ensure comparability among colleges. The effective utilization of the Fiscal Management Manual by the colleges establishes consistency in financial data from college to college. In addition, the ICCB has developed a Unit Cost Study Manual which proviees detailed procedures for conducting the Unit Cost Study. Specific descriptions and definitions of the basic functions and cost centers also are contained this manual. in caution must be Nevertheless, exercised making in direct comparisons among colleges. Environmental characteristics and historical trends vary among public community colleges and must be taken into consideration when comparing unit costs. Several factors which may contribute to high unit costs are high faculty salaries, a high proportion of vocational curricula, and low enrollments. On the other hand, high enrollments and a large proportion of low-cost curricula are among factors which .ontribute to low unit costs. The Unit Cost Study consists of basic enrollment and cost data. Direct instructional cost data are supplied by each college for each instructional area offered. These data include midterm enrollments in student semester credit hours; costs for direct instructional salaries; direct departmental such costs, as contractual services, supplies, travel, and et,uipment; and direct instructional equipment costs. Indirect costs also are by each college in total dollar amounts. The Unit Cost Study computer programs allocate these indirect costs each to function (instruction, organired research, public service) and then to each instructional area on the basis of the proportion student of semester credit hours generated given in a instructional area. The unit costs in this report are shown for a student semester credit hour. The unit "student semester credit hour" is an output measure of instruttion, defined as one student taking one semester credit of coursework. (Colleges on the quarter system convert quarter hours to semester hours.) One full-time equivalent (FTE) student is defined as 30 student semester credit hours. 7 _ FY 1090 Unit Cost Report Page 2 The Unit Cost Study includes all expenses from both general operating and restricted purposes fdnds of the community colleges that are expended for instruction, organized research, and public service. It includes expenditures from local taxes, student tuition and fees, other local sources, state grantr, and federal grants. Also included are expenses for equipment and building repairs, renovations, and remodeling that are locally funded and are not reimbursed by the state. Not included are the full costs for the construction of new facilities, site purchase, site improvement, or interest and principal on any bonded indebtedness. Building depreciation costs are included the in Full Instructional Unit Cost. Finally, a report is available upon request which lists the fiscal year 1990 statewide average net instructional unit cost by instructional subject area designated by the program classification system codes and six-digit (PCS) Classification of Instructxonal Program (CIP) codes for all public community colleges in Illinois. This report details the cost per student semester credit hour by each cost category for each instructional subject area and is similar to detailed reports showing the unit cost and total cost by instructional subject area previously produced for each community college. 8 FY 1990 unit Cost Report Page 3 Section I COMPARISON OF FISCAL YEAR 1990 NET INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT CrIST WITH PREVIOUS YEARS The results of the Fiscal Year 1990 Unit Cost Study show that the state average net instructioval unit cost the public community colleges in of Illinois has increased from $110.53 in fiscal year 1989 to $116.16 in fiscal year 1990, an of $5.63 increase (5.1 percent). Table 1 shows the state average net instructional unit cost and the annual percent change since fiscal year 1984. Table 1 STATE AVERAGE NET INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT COST IN ILLINOIS PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES SIUCE FISCAL YEAR 1984 FY 1984 FY 1985 FY 1986 FY 1987 FY 1988 FY 1989 FY 1990 Average Net Instructional Unit Cost $79.24 $84.87 $92.03 $99.82 $103.92 $110.53 $116 16 Percent Change from Previous Year +13.4% +7.1% +8.4% +8.5% +4.1% +6.4% +5.1.Z Table shows the net instructional unit 2 for each costs the public of cnmmunity colleges in Illinois since fiscal year 1984. College of DuPage-Open Campus only operated between fiscal years 1982 through 1985; therefore, cost data are limited to those years. In addition, fiscal year 1985 was the final year the Chicago Urban Skills Institute functioned as a separate college in the City Colleges of Chicago. Although the unit cost study has been modified during the past thirteen years, the comparability of instructional costs from year to year has been preserved. 9 FY 1990 Unit Cost Report Page 4 6 Illinois Community College Board Table 2 NET INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT COST IN ILLINOIS PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES SINCE FISCAL YEAR 1984 Dist. No. District/Co1lece FY 1S84 FY 1985 FY 1986 FY 1987 FY 1988 FY 1990 irr 1989 522 Belleville $ 72.24 $ 84.20 $ 92.65 $ 99.37 $ 90.89 $ 90.60 $ 97.55 503 Black Hawk (92.47) (85.61) (97.50) (95.13) (97.93) (107.02) (114.81) Bast 79.49 85.11 133.85 121.09 114.06 150.96 151.57 Quad Cities 94.87 85.71 90.97 90.79 95.08 100.06 109.40 508 Chicago (69.47) (67.43) (74.70) (88.28) (88.40) (98.70) (108.77) City-Wide 64.35 75.94 58.01 76.59 78.18 89.40 100.77 Daley 84.52 86.39 93.51 99.95 97.94 110.99 121.44 Kennedy-King 94.61 114.32 75.80 90.35 88.27 99.56 109.84 Malcolm X 83.14 97.65 65.42 76.56 74.38 83.81 93.68 Olive-Harvey 87.69 )3.27 75.06 87.30 86.74 94.55 104.45 Truman 84.02 93.71 70.41 82.37 82.64 90.91 100.86 Urban Skills 48.76 28.46 --- --- --- --- --- Washington 93.49 102.82 102.66 122.84 128.12 137.87 147.36 Wilbur Wright 92.72 101.73 97.62 110.70 111.45 127.67 131.82 77.0 507 Danville 81.76 91.07 111.05 114.20 117.55 126.02 502 DuPage (77.63) (88.32) 92.46 96.30 100.01 98.95 '101.90 Main 84.09 94.38 --- --- --- --- --- Open 59.29 71.91 --- --- --- --- --- 509 Elgin 96.25 105.58 112.90 115.68 120.54 119.89 116.78 512 Harper 83.17 96.19 111.40 119.94 127.43 130.54 138.01 519 Highland 71.73 91.83 96.65 96.31 98.15 112.47 115.74 514 Illinois Central 82.19 92.20 101.15 99.98 101.44 112.35 115.99 529 Illinois Eastern (63.42) (60.63) (61.94) (72.38) (84.01) (75.74) (85.54) Frontier 39.21 37.53 41.02 56.38 72.59 62.33 69.49 Lincoln Trail 66.92 73.33 68.93 84.67 105.75 97.96 109.84 Olney Central 73.48 71.39 74.17 82.08 99.41 90.11 101.53 Wabash Valley 73.00 64.96 65.85 69.53 70.46 64.14 73.14 513 Illinois Valley 83.83 77.07 E9.53 93.05 94.62 104.20 110.99 525 Joliet 90.02 102.30 107.10 121.07 17,3.63 136.09 122.41 520 Kankakee 70.61 73.82 74.32 76.65 75.79 96.62 92.89 501 Kaskaskia 86.72 91.27 97.49 101.72 101.74 106.63 108.75 523 Kishwaukee 78.74 90.57 102.28 108.08 115.42 122.06 127.56 532 Lake County 92.42 107.85 116.73 121.96 131.13 126.17 133.44 517 Lake Land 82.21 87.39 103.48 100.09 92.34 96.01 95.80 536 Lewis 5 Clark 80.04 89.51 88.86 91.26 101.64 118.95 111.09 526 Lincoln Land 92.43 101.59 99.99 103.37 103.42 105.83 112.20 530 Logan 83.20 94.05 93.42 92.72 98.55 100.39 104.48 528 McHenry 80.31 89.12 105.46 102.01 109.35 120.90 123.85 524 Moraine Valley 77.84 88.74 84.31 90.10 94.92 117.12 112.93 527 Morton 97.43 104.48 119.55 121.29 130.83 128.46 137.92 535 Oakton 96.62 108.15 114.88 115.38 120.89 123.49 125 20 505 Parkland 86.18 93.44 106.67 126.05 134.98 131.58 127.11 515 Prairie State 88.94 111.02 123.14 122.43 119.13 122.28 126.02 521 Rend Lake 97.02 94.16 103.02 101.39 102.47 109.29 120.65 537 Richland 97.88 110.49 106.50 107.50 121.92 130.24 132.88 511 Rock Valley 94.92 78.00. 99.65 114.67 120.99 135.04 136.32 518 Carl Sandbr.rg 84.29 88.44 103.17 106.37 108.42 109.65 125.89 506 Sauk Valley 84.62 99.93 110.98 106.60 115.71 120.25 124.04 531 Shawnee 75.18 89.82 88.85 94.66 92.22 95.29 110.81 510 South Suburban 74.72 85.47 86.74 96.11 117.96 117.97 141.43 533 Southeastern 79.95 89.77 88.16 86.45 83.82 96.14 98.79 534 Spoon River 86.18 106.76 121.23 111.90 116.07 116.53 134.29 601 State Comm. Coll. 108.74* 128.17 128.56 121.51 136.66 147.78 159.35 504 Triton 88.12 101.40 114.99 129.15 131.03 132.64 143.34 516 Waubonsom 92.98 91.07 117.11 96.66 162.54 143.30 130.48 _Alai 539 John Wood 100.58 Ilooll 105.13 121.63 124.72 134.48 STATE AMAGER $ 79.24 $ 84.87 $ 92.03 $ 99.82 $103.92 $110.53 $116.16 *Estimatad -Reports Not Submitted 10

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