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Preview Eria carinata (Orchidaceae), Newly Recorded from the Malay Peninsula

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics tSSN1346-7S65 Acta Phytotax. Gcobot. 59 {2):179-lg1 (2008) SHORTCOMMUNICPfi]ION Eria (OrchidaceaNeew)l,y Recorded carinata from the Malay Peninsula NOBUYUKI TANAKAiand TOMOHISA YUKAWA2 'Department ofBota,Kob,eh,i P"clfecturMaZlikinoBotanicalCatdLin.Goduisan420e-a Kbchi781-8125,lapan,' 2lsukuba Botanica iGaiden, AJationa Mllriseu mqflVtitur eand SZrienc eA,makubo 4-1-1 ,foukuba ,lharaki 305-OO05, Jdpan Eria carinata Gibson ex Lindl. (Orchidacea teh)us, far rccorded fror nSikkim-Himalaya to Thailand and Vietnam, is newly rccorded fbr pcninsula Mralaysia. This ncw find marks the southernmost limit of distributi foonr the species. Keywords: Eria carinata, Malay Pcninsula M,alaysia ,ncw record, Orchidaceae The genus Eria Lindl ,(Orchidace caome-) The Genting Highland, located ca. 50 km prises about 370 species. It is widespread in east of Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, has tropical Asia, extending east from India to New recently become one of the most popular resoTt Guinea, Australia and the Pacifi cIslands (O' areas in the Malay Peninsula because of the cool Byrrie 2001, Pearce & Cribb 2002), It superficial- climate at high elevation. ty rescmbles Dencb'obium ,sharing many similari- Although in comparison with other tropical ties in vegetative and reproductive structure. Eria, As{an regions, the orchid flor aof the Malay Pe- however, can be distinguish ebdy the presence of ninsula has been relatively well studied (Ridley eight pollinia while Dendrobium has only fbur 1924, Holttum 1953, Seidenfade n& Wood 1992), (Bos e& Bhattachaijee 1980, Soon 1980). Eria carinata has not been reported from the Ma- In 2007 Mr. Tatsuo Hamada ofKochi Prefec- lay Peninsul a,The species was previously known ture sent a plant of the genus Eria ,with a request to occur from northeastcrn India to Thailand and for it sidentificat itoo nt,he firs atuthor, Nobuyuki Vietnam (Seidenfa d1e98n2, Averyanov 2006). Tanaka. According to Mr, Hamada, it was col- This collection marks the southernmost limi tof lectedintheGentingHighland,Malay Peninsula, itsdistributio(nFig2.). in 1983. The plant was grown in his garden since When Griffit dhescribe di\iphosium aeumi- then and finall yflowered for the firs ttime in 2007 natum Griff :h,e noted that Gibson had called it (Fi g1,). After detail eindvestigati eofn the alco- Eria carinata. Gibson's name, however, was not hol preserved flower ,the plant was identifie das validly published until Lindley' streatment of the Eria carinata Gibson ex Lindl .(sec Xti.phosittm), genus in 1859 (Seidenfa 1d9e8n2, Pearce & Cribb NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeanese SSooccieityety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics k E t C s . " c l aP hN' tel:g xlir/ e hot X;e l: -9.. 2U02). The epilhct `a'ivmgn(gkvJi3, trom (ly'ili'ith6'-htlo"・ei'c dp:edupe. ]eerM'ejoped by s]ienths; fl"ual .X'ips'msi' tcftctuf?fittJk;.itin2, coulti iiot bc vsed I)e- in'act snarrv"'ly Yuic・..'ola taceu.niinstc. 2 -.tr--4,:)' caunc ul' 1ii eeat'iier nan{e, Z;?' iL'it.'ui"iinaf..v I.incIIey Iont o]o .,R !nvn "・ide. t'7tnve rcl,rDso'ping, ca. 2 cni (lS/XO), lon, gs:cpals lanccotat ccu.rM]ate. kgcls on latertd .gcpai sc{c"vlie"ltttc. })al c>cllo"・i sghieep "'ith rec]- blria earinata (iibson ex I.inc 'iif liJ,, Pg'oe .I.inii, di$h ncrx es; petalg eva!c- Ianceelat e},'eilowish Soc. Bot, 3・ trCu lS)'.V }{Flg ,1) .".r"gn with iec{digh nerves; lip X-lebed, yecu{'ved. E t'()sua "'al i. Nvivier ,List no. 7・l{') Y[ 1 832 ・) ,J]orll ,ntid, obex atc-obj{mg. coxinf.)te to ibot of column, red- ,Ei,o'hSo6..s {iLru( gumfin'tijtimt Gri[' ml, Ckti(]u t. lINatv. Hibl ;M): dish hrexxr Rl,atcr aIlohe snturo"'. kee[s .l .centrttl {.184S> i < e e [l n n i l e rt h a n l a t e r a i on e y; c( jh i n' i n u・ 'e a i. l hv. k' ,fofr ?R?oH''ict ii Giar(i. Clmm, 2bi .SS L<4 1 S;46}. cuyvcd. i+oe gofcolunm xkeil-deNelepeci, "'hitc: Pi,ritt eka[i'iintnti {I entll > Ktmt7c. E?Lex ,6.ciisi. ,Pl ,2i polliru Rg. ¢ Ilipsoid .atLaclaccl te ineni- 67E "E 1 S[ )b, lx .ffrartulku' tme. Yi'tt ncJpiphyiie, 1{"hi-,'v neercetspmi,. "・ith stai>・ ' l ' l iLa}lliusutcii'.ibf tNhI`L} :nIn.dia .Bangla{iesh .Bhutun, sh t 'u t hs , F s u L f d o b t t f be vsl'indric-oyoici. t sniaeth. "v 'i et ntu n t m { l M a l a v" Pemlpgula " cbscuiti>' `f-sideci, io g cm jonE, ,l.S-2.5 cm in S vt('eiine itt'.rtn],inc.d tsilAJ,,,IY Sp]t.l'atl.t ns?enin- diam. Lcr(4 t: blt'i {ltehicki>, coAaceou.g. oblt'mg- suln. Lm i'aliw ttrev truTik. rorids{tle, Clt)nti nEgligl"arttl, l:}ncteola tbea.se lkp"rin.f, f],nlo pelio}Lp .apeA eu, .t skesOn 1; .ot' Kvala LLinipu rP.ahttn gStat" .ait. c:i, aeutc.IS ,), 'enJi・ Eon// J3..S-. tcsrn" .",idv: pgt'tole 2 0 0 C } m . } L l j u n c l 9 X l , 7 a t s g " i Y t c v a t " t T ,' fsi gu . F l e " e v m nL. Mtout. 2- -7 ciri loji gJ.n.ft't]resc 'areisnieiieg t'i'oui n: Luitivtujon. F:chui"r 't?Vre'Cn}tTsufoNl[S K,FNE,), bats eot' pseudobulh, erect, le 2t} ein leng. 3- t.o uV'Kgt・h ee reki iinndegb tciLnl;tl cTnoJ iMsr .e l' fiFi` icl'u{eatsm'ag{d.a,ia i''elr 'phrtotvn} ktdtHsrei g( luucs l'/ E,1, ftt'i,t,ttiviaiii< 1exi} 1),,ihnotn ll,A Lttahi rB l'/lo'"eeltlst:leea.1'he lip oC the ]vwnt fiv"e"s fletsche[l NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics July 2eos TANAKA & YUKAWA: Eria carinata. New to Malaysia 181 0xutor- zKrn Vi i-.. '1 /..l1/.:.1...,. /11i1 t Itlt pt・・-nt" M2}0 V t , t ,tL itt t ,. tL tt ・ ttt.t. titt ./tt .tt.'ttIt l,/t・./ ,tt・tttt-t tt1t x"t"tt'-t--'N-t" tV-t ,t-ixtt-"lL t,t iti・'. -l ,Q' ,.) '. ",i :... .,-.' ,t..:,.・ . ..ttt., L. -l....ilJtl[i.lil.,'rl' i-'l'-LTr."L i/ ---t i" r"- t" "' t,r ' l -et i i'/ '/" t'I'L.J.r ,--/t/"-t ',-'''''t".'x, "'g"X" r'v vec:..--i." ・, / i l f.J}?-4---i Lxxe, 1e ×s1 ・ t M 1) r . - t- v '1L1 1 ',,L, ・・ ilt pa; 10N -x- X'-x"t--i iii.llii.I}gt c} .--A { -:--t'i 1 t N-x I 1 ・・, o tt / tspax t/ ,..71 K1..r;V kl -. "-4 el L"o 1 Lx -T4Y o4iEO'\rx 1/ti lixx yl ICtk-aeoLc,b, , . 1 l , o , tt /t ]os s. x" xf 'It1'-L.H. -.- .-. J .- .i1]. :i.."rrr..- .-s\>. t. ir.vUZ -)v" /--v.f ・t [ 1 or}E ]CM) llO 120 l3n F]G, 2, Distributio onf Eria carinata Gibson ex Lindl .Solid circles are based on the herbarium specimens cited in Seidenfaden (1982 a)nd Averyanov (2006 )A .new local{t iyn the Malay Peninsula i sindicat weidth an open circle, to Stcphan Gale for reviewing thc English tnanuscript. cies, Orchid Society of South East Asia, Singa- This research is partl ysupported by Grant-in-Ai dfrom pore. Kochi Prefectur aGlovernment. Pearce, N. R. & P. J. Cribb 2002. The Orchids ofBhu- tan. Flora ofBhutan Vt}1 .3 Part 3, Royal Botanic References Garden Edinburgh and Royal Government of Bhu- tan. Averyanov, L, V. 2006. Rare species of orchids (Or- RidLcVy,b lH.,I YN.L .19R2e4e.v eTh&e CFol.orLat odf. ,tLhoen dMaolna.y Peninsula chidaceae) in the flor aDf Vietnam.Turczaninowia Se i dcnfad en, G . 1982 . 0 rehi d Ge nera inThailand X. Bo s e,9(T3,)i K4,8&-89S.,K, Bhattachaijee1.980,Orchids 7}"icho to s Bila. and Eria Li ndl .Ope ra Botanica 62: of 1-157, IndiaN.aya Prokash,Calcutta. Ho l ttum, R . E. 1 953. 0rch ids of Malaya. A revised fiora Se i dPeennfiandseun l,Ga .r Ma&l aJy.s iJa. W aendod .S in1g9a9p2o,r eT.h eFr Oedrecnhsibdosr go:f of Malaya Vbl. 1, Government Printin gOffice, Olsen & Olsen. Singapore, Soon, T.E. 1980.AsianOrchids.TimcsBooks Interna- Lindley,J. May 1830, Gen.Sp. Orchid.Pl.:69. O'Byrne 2 001. A to Z of Sou th East Asia n O rchid Spe- tional ,Singapore, Receivedfebrztar p2;0, 2008; acceptedJune 26, 2008 NII-Electronic Library Service

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