ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport in the Shoot Apical Meristem and Forming Leaf Primordia1[C][W][OPEN] Ming-Kun Chen, Rebecca L. Wilson, Klaus Palme, Franck Anicet Ditengou, and Elena D. Shpak* Department of Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 (M.-K.C., R.L.W., E.D.S.); and Institute of Biology II/Botany, Faculty of Biology; Centre of Biological Systems Analysis, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Sciences; and Centre for Biological Signaling Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany (K.P., F.A.D.) ORCIDIDs:0000-0002-1724-2781(R.L.W.);0000-0001-5355-0282(F.A.D.);0000-0002-5702-7517(E.D.S.). Leaves are produced postembryonically at the flanks of the shoot apical meristem. Their initiation is induced by a positive feedbackloopbetweenauxinanditstransporterPIN-FORMED1(PIN1).TheexpressionandpolarityofPIN1intheshootapical meristemisthoughttoberegulatedprimarilybyauxinconcentrationandflow.TheformationofanauxinmaximumintheL1 layerofthemeristemisthefirstsignofleafinitiationandispromptlyfollowedbyauxinflowintotheinnertissues,formationof themidvein,andappearanceoftheprimordiumbulge.TheERECTAfamilygenes(ERfs)encodeleucine-richrepeatreceptor-like kinases,andinArabidopsis(Arabidopsisthaliana),thisgenefamilyconsistsofERECTA(ER),ERECTA-LIKE1(ERL1),andERL2. Here,weshowthatERfsregulateauxintransportduringleafinitiation.Theshootapicalmeristemoftheererl1erl2triplemutant producesleafprimordiaatasignificantlyreducedrateandwithalteredphyllotaxy.Thisphenotypeislikelyduetodeficiencies inauxintransportintheshootapex,asjudgedbyalteredexpression ofPIN1,theauxinreporterDR5rev::GFP,andtheauxin- inducible genes MONOPTEROS, INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE1 (IAA1), and IAA19. In er erl1 erl2, auxin presumably accumulatesintheL1layerofthemeristem,unabletoflowintothevasculatureofahypocotyl.OurdatademonstratethatERfs are essentialforPIN1expression intheformingmidveinoffutureleafprimordia andinthevasculature ofemergingleaves. Leaves are formed during postembryonic develop- auxinmaximaandisinvolvedinthetransportofauxin ment by the shoot apical meristem (SAM), a dome- inboththeepidermisandtheformingvascularstrand shaped organ with a stem cell reservoir at the top and during leaf initiation (Benková et al., 2003; Reinhardt with leaf initiation taking place slightly below in the et al., 2003). PIN1 is the earliest marker for midvein peripheral zone. The initiation of leaf primordia de- formation (Scarpella et al., 2006), which starts to form pendsontheestablishmentofauxinmaximaatthesite before a leaf primordium bulges out of the meristem. ofinitiation(BraybrookandKuhlemeier,2010).Auxinis The mechanisms determining PIN1 expression and po- polarly transported through the epidermal layer of the larlocalizationintheSAMarecentraltounderstanding meristem to the incipient primordium initiation site leafinitiation.IntheL1layeroftheSAM,PIN1ispolarly (Heisler et al., 2005) and then moves inward, where it localized in the plasma membrane toward cells with promotes the formation of a vascular strand (Scarpella higher auxin concentration (Jönsson et al., 2006; Smith etal.,2006;Bayeretal.,2009).Thedevelopingvascular et al., 2006). Formation of the vein is explained by the tissue acts as an auxin sink, depleting auxin in the epi- canalization hypothesis, in which high auxin flux rein- dermal layer (Scarpella et al., 2006). PIN1, an auxin forces PIN1 expression (Kramer, 2008). Of all plasma efflux protein, is a central player in the formation of membrane-localizedPINfamilytransporters,onlyPIN1 has been detected in the vegetative SAM and linked 1This work was supported by the National Science Foundation withtheinitiationofrosetteleaves(Guenotetal.,2012). (grantno.IOS–0843340toE.S.),theGermanResearchCouncil(grant At the same time, rosette leaves are positioned non- no. EXC 294, SFB746), the Bundesministerium für Forschung und randomly in pin1 mutants, suggesting that additional Technik,andtheDeutschesZentrumfürLuftundRaumfahrt. PIN1-independent mechanisms also have a role in *Correspondingauthor;[email protected]. regulating leaf initiation (Guenot et al., 2012). Theauthorresponsiblefordistributionofmaterialsintegraltothe Here,weinvestigatetheroleofERECTAfamilyreceptor- findings presented in this article in accordancewith the policy de- like kinases during leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arab- scribed in the Instructions for Authors ( is: idopsisthaliana).Previously,ERECTAfamilygenes(ERfs) ElenaShpak([email protected]). [C]Somefiguresinthisarticlearedisplayedincoloronlinebutin have been shown to be involved in the regulation of blackandwhiteintheprintedition. epidermis development and of plant growth along the [W]TheonlineversionofthisarticlecontainsWeb-onlydata. apical-basal/proximodistalaxisinabovegroundorgans [OPEN]Articlescanbeviewedonlinewithoutasubscription. (Toriietal.,1996; Shpak etal.,2004, 2005).Triple erecta (er),erecta-like1(erl1),anderl2mutants(ererl1erl2)form 1978 PlantPhysiology(cid:1),August 2013, Vol. 162,pp. 1978–1991, (cid:3)2013AmericanSociety ofPlant Biologists.All RightsReserved. Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport a rosette with small, round leaves that lack petiole Previously, a quantitative trait locus analysis sug- elongation. During the reproductive stage, the main gested that ER regulates total leaf number (El Lithy inflorescence stem exhibits striking elongation defects etal.,2004,2010),andbasedonananalysisofscanning andreducedapicaldominance.ERhasbeenimplicated electron microscope images, it was proposed that the in vascular development, with the er mutation causing numberofformedleavesisdecreasedintheererl1erl2 radial expansion of xylem (Ragni et al., 2011) and pre- mutant (Uchida et al., 2012b). In addition, down- mature differentiation of vascular bundles (Douglas regulation of the ERf signaling pathway in tomato and Riggs, 2005). Recently, the dwarfism of described (Solanumlycopersicum)byadominantnegativeversion mutants was attributed to the function of ERf genes in of ER resulted in reduced leaf formation (Villagarcia the phloem, where they perceive signals from the endo- etal.,2012).ToexploreERffunctioninleafinitiationin dermis (Uchida et al., 2012a). In the epidermis, all three more detail and to obtain quantitative data, we ana- genes inhibit the initial decision of protodermal cells to lyzed single, double, and triple mutants of ERf genes becomemeristemoidmothercells(Shpak et al., 2005). In underlong-andshort-dayconditions.Underlong-day addition,ERL1andtoalesserextentERL2areimportant conditions, no change in the leaf formation rate in for maintaining cell proliferative activity in stomata line- erl1, erl2, er, and erl1 erl2 mutants was detected; how- age cells and for preventing terminal differentiation of ever, er erl1 and especially er erl2 formed leaves at a meristemoids into guard mother cells. The activity of slower rate (Fig. 1A). The smaller number of visible ERf receptors in the epidermis is regulated by a differ- leaves in the mutants could be due to a reduction in ent set of peptides than in the phloem. EPIDERMAL primordia initiation or to a decreased growth rate of PATTERNING FACTOR1 (EPF1) and EPF2 are ex- the formed primordia or both. To address the under- pressed in stomatal precursor cells. They inhibit the de- lying cause of the reduced visible leaf number, we velopment of new stomata in the vicinity of a forming analyzed the structure of SAMs during early seedling stoma (Hara et al., 2007, 2009; Hunt and Gray, 2009). development in er erl2 and er erl1 erl2 mutants. This EPF-LIKE9(EPFL9)/stomagenisexpressedinthemeso- experiment detected a very small but statistically sig- phyll, and, in contrast, it promotes the development of nificant decrease in leaf initiation in the er erl2 mutant stomata (Kondo et al., 2010; Sugano et al., 2010). EPFL4 at day 5 (P , 0.01; based on Student’s t test here and and EPFL6/CHALLAH are expressed in the endoder- below) and at day 7 (P , 0.0001) post germination mis, and their perception by phloem-localized ERfs is (Fig.1B).Inaddition,inererl2,weobserveddecreased critical for stem elongation (Uchida et al., 2012a). longitudinal primordia growth from day 1 to day 3 While ERfs are very strongly expressed in the veg- (Supplemental Fig. S1). While at day 1 there was no etative SAM and in forming leaf primordia, only re- significant difference between the size of the first true centlyhasitbecomeclearthatthesegenesareinvolved leavesinthewildtypeandererl2,fromday1 today3 in the regulation of meristem size and leaf initiation these leaves increased in size 3.17 times on average in (Uchidaetal.,2012b,2013).ItwassuggestedthatERfs the wild type versus 2.67 times in er erl2. Thus, the re- regulatestemcellhomeostasisintheSAMviabuffering duced number of visible leaves in the er erl2 mutant is its cytokinin responsiveness by an unknown mecha- likely caused by both a slight reduction in leaf pri- nism (Uchida et al., 2013). Here, we further investigate mordiainitiation and a reduced rateof leaf elongation. the involvement of ERfs in the control of leaf initiation Thechangeinleafprimordiainitiationwasmuchmore andphyllotaxy.OurdatasuggestthatERfsareessential dramaticintheererl1erl2mutant(Fig.1B).Whileallof for PIN1 expression in the vasculature of forming leaf the wild-type and er erl2 seedlings had formed at least primordia. Based on analysis of the DR5rev::GFP re- two leaf primordia by day 1 post germination, most of porter,auxinmayaccumulateintheL1layeroftheSAM the er erl1 erl2 seedlings (72%) did not have a single inthemutantbutisnotabletomoveintothevasculature, primordium and 28% had only one tiny primordium. consistentwithdrasticallyreducedPIN1pro:PIN1-GFP On day 3, a majority of the wild-type and er erl2 seed- expression there. These data suggest that the con- lings had four primordia, whereas 54% of er erl1 erl2 vergenceofPIN1expressionintheinnertissuesofthe seedlingsdidnothaveany,36%hadone,and10%had SAM during leaf initiation is a complex process in- two. volving intercellular communications enabled by ERfs. Sincechangesintherateofleafformationareeasier The importance of ERfs for efficient auxin transport is todetectwhenplantsaregrowninshortdays,wealso further supported by reduced phototropic response in observedour mutants under those conditions. We did the er erl1 erl2 mutant. notdetectanovelphenotypeinthesingleerl1anderl2 mutants, but er mutants formed leaves at a slightly slowerrate(Fig.1C).Tocheckwhetherthisphenotype could be rescued by the ERpro:ER construct (Godiard RESULTS et al., 2003), we analyzed the rate of leaf formation in ERfsAreCriticalfor theInitiation ofLeafPrimordiaand shortdaysinsegregatedT2familiesderivedfromfour independent transgenic lines. All four transgenic lines theEstablishmentofPhyllotaxy contained a single ERpro:ER insertion in the er back- ERfsareexpressedinthevegetativeSAMandinleaf ground. Plants containing the construct were easily primordia(Yokoyamaetal.,1998;Uchidaetal.,2013). identified at maturity based on the length of pedicels Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 1979 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Chen et al. To determine whether ERf genes are important for the establishment of phyllotaxy, we attempted to measureleafdivergenceanglesinererl1erl2seedlings growninsoil.However,duetoveryshortpetiolesand the altered shape of leaf blades in the mutant, this approach did not provide reliable data. We then ex- amined leaf phyllotaxy directly in shoot apices using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This experiment demonstrated that leaf primordia divergence angles in er erl1 erl2 mutants strongly deviated from the 137°foundinthewild-typeplants(Fig.2,A–D).While in the wild type, new leaf primordia appeared con- secutively and as far as possible from already formed primordia, in er erl1 erl2, primordia often formed al- most simultaneously immediately adjacent to each other. Measurement of divergent angles between suc- cessive siliques along the main inflorescence stem also demonstrated differences in phyllotactic patterning betweenthewildtypeandtheererl1erl2mutant(Fig. 2, E and F). In er erl1 erl2, we observed decreased stability of the phyllotactic pattern, with an increased number of flower primordia forming at angles signif- icantlydifferentfrom137°. Inthemutant,only 31%of Figure1. ERfgenesregulatetherateofleafformation.A,Therateof flower primordia formed at the angle between 120o leaf formationin ererl1 ander erl2mutants is decreasedcompared and150°,whileinthewildtype,64%did.Theaverage wVinaiitlthuiaettsihoeanrweisimlddertaaymnpsea6ti(cwSaDtl)l.fyoPrrlea3dn1utsctowed3e4rienpgelarronewtrsl.n1Bue,nrTldh2eerarslaodtneegto-edfrmaleyaincfeopdnridbmiytoioDrdnIiCsa. d3.i1v°er(g6eSnEc;ena=ng1l2e6s)oinf flthoewwerilpdritmypoerdainadw1e5r9e.01°386.05°.56° microscopy of fixed samples. A primordium was defined as a bulge (6SE; n = 102) in the mutant. Thus, ERf receptors are over15mm.DPG,Dayspostgermination.Valuesaremeans6SDfor essential for the establishment of leaf phyllotaxy, and 22to25plants.Valuessignificantlydifferentfromthecontrolarein- they contribute strongly to the phyllotactic patterning dicated byasterisks (P , 0.05). C, The rate of leaf formation in ERf of flower primordia. mutantsisdecreasedcomparedwiththewildtype,exceptforerl1erl2 plants, where it is increased. Plants were grown under short-day conditions. D, The reduced rate of leaf formation is rescued by the ERpro:ERconstructintheermutant.Leafformationwasanalyzedin ERf GenesRegulatetheSizeoftheSAM the wild type, er, and T2 families derived from four independent The formation of a leaf primordium requires a suf- transgeniclines:inplantsthatreceivedtheconstruct(L1,L2,L5,and ficient number of founder cells, and reduced leaf ini- L7) from the parental heterozygous plant and in plants that did not (erfromL1,L2,L5,andL7).InCandD,valuesaremeans6SEfor22to24 tiation could be related to decreased meristem size. plants.ErrorbarswereaddedtoA,C,andD,butduetotheirsmallsize However,thisisnotthecasefortheererl1erl2mutant. theyarenotvisibleforsomedatapoints. Recentworksuggeststhatatday9,ererl1erl2mutants have flatter and broader meristems (Uchida et al., and siliques and on plant height. In all four lines, we 2013). To obtain quantitative data at earlier develop- observed that the rate of leaf formation in er plants mentalstages,weanalyzedmeristemsizeatday1and withtheERpro:ERconstructincreasedtothewild-type day 5 post germination. In both cases, we observed levels (Fig. 1D). Analysis of double mutants in short that the meristem in er erl1 erl2 is approximately two days demonstrated that the addition of the erl2 mu- times broader compared with either the wild type or tationtoerfurtherdecreasedtherateofleafformation, er erl2 (Fig. 3, A and B). This result is consistent with while the addition of erl1 did not (Fig. 1C). The phe- the timing of ERf expression in the shoot meristematic notypewasmostsevereinthetripleererl1erl2mutant, region.AnalysisofER,ERL1,andERL2promoter-GUS with leaves appearing approximately 2.4 times slower fusionsdemonstratedthatERfgenesarenotexpressed compared with the wild type. Interestingly, erl1 erl2 inmaturedryseedsorinseedsimbibedinwaterbefore mutants formed leaves at a faster rate than the wild germination (Supplemental Fig. S2, A–C), but their ex- type.Basedonthesemutantphenotypes,weconclude pression becomes noticeable during testa rupture in thatallthreereceptorshelptocontrolleafformationin shootandrootmeristematicregions(SupplementalFig.S2, short days, with ER being more effective than ERL1 D–F). During the next 24 h, the expression of all three and ERL2. The increased leaf formation rate in the ERf genes dramatically increases in the SAM and in erl1 erl2 mutant may be due to improved efficiency of forming leaf primordia (Supplemental Fig. S2, G–I ER in the absence of ERL1 and ERL2, as it does not and M–R). This up-regulation of ERf gene expression needtocompetewiththeotherreceptorsforligandsor during germination is not dependent on light, as a other components of the signaling pathway. similarpatternofexpressionwasdetectedinetiolated 1980 Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport Figure 2. ERf genes are important for theestablishmentofphyllotaxy,asev- ident from an analysis of the er erl1 erl2 mutant. A and B, SEM images of SAMs ofwild-type (wt;A) and er erl1 erl2 (B) seedlings. Note the abnormal leaf positioning in er erl1 erl2. Aster- isksdesignatestheSAM,andP1toP4 indicate bulging leaf primordia, with a smaller number corresponding to ayoungerprimordium.Inererl1erl2, the age of a primordium is determined byitssizeandlevelofepidermisdif- ferentiation.Olderprimordiacovering SAMswereremoved.CandD,Thefre- quencyofdivergenceanglebetweentwo successive leaf primordia in wild-type (C;n=41)andererl1erl2(D;n=49) seedlings.EandF,Thefrequencyofdi- vergenceanglebetweentwosuccessive siliques in wild-type (E; n = 126) and ererl1erl2(F;n=102)inflorescences. seedlings (Supplemental Fig. S2, J–L). The increased YODAandaGSK3-LikeKinaseFunctionDownstreamof size of SAMs in er erl1 erl2 is linked with raised ERfsintheSAM expression of WUSCHEL (WUS ) andSHOOT MER- A mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade con- ISTEMLESS (STM; Fig. 4A), key regulators of meri- sisting of YODA, MKK4, MKK5, MPK3, and MPK6 stemdevelopment(Haetal.,2010).Atthesametime, functions downstream of ERf receptors, regulating we observed decreased expression of ASYMMETRIC both stomata development and growth along the LEAVES1 (AS1; Fig. 4B), a MYB transcription factor involvedinthespecificationofcotyledonsandleaves proximal/distalaxis(Bergmannetal.,2004;Wangetal., 2007; Meng et al., 2012). To investigate whether ERfs (Byrne et al., 2000), and of AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), a gene expressed in the incipient leaf primordia use the same signaling cascade in the meristem during (Long and Barton, 2000). A closer look at the mer- leaf initiation, we analyzed the ability of CONSTITU- istemic region in er erl1 erl2 mutants demon- TIVELY ACTIVE YODA (CA-YODA; Lukowitz et al., strated that cells in the L1 and L2 layers were 2004) to rescue the SAM defects of the er erl1 erl2 significantly wider (Fig. 3, C and D); thus, while mutant. Expression of CA-YODA in the mutant in- er erl1 erl2 meristems were twice as broad, the creased leaf primordia initiation and their growth number of cells in the L1 and L2 layers was only rate (Fig. 5, A and B) and decreased the size of the moderatelyincreased.Therefore,theincreaseofthe meristem (Fig. 5C). er erl1 erl2 SAM size cannot be caused solely by in- Recently, it was proposed that a GSK3-like kinase creasedcell proliferation due to WUS overexpression can module the ERf signaling pathway (Gudesblat or by decreased incorporation of cells into leaf et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2012). One of the experiments primordia. supportingthisconclusion demonstrated theabilityof Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 1981 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Chen et al. regionofererl1erl2mutants,weobservedtheexpression of DR5rev::GFP, where the enhanced GFP (eGFP) pro- teinistargetedtotheendoplasmicreticulum(Frimletal., 2003).Inthewild-typevegetativeSAM,theDR5rev::GFP signalwasobservedtoformmaximaintheL1layerand directly below in the internal tissues (Fig. 6, A and B). In er erl1 erl2, we observed very high expression of DR5rev::GFP in the L1 layer of the meristem but no maxima formation (Fig. 6, C and D). A spotted ex- pression of DR5rev::GFP was sometimes noticed in the internal tissues of the SAM, but it did not form well- defined stripes as in the wild type. In addition, DR5rev::GFP expression differed in formed leaf primor- dia. In the wild type,DR5rev::GFP was expressed at the tipsofincipientprimordiainaverylimitedregionofthe L1 layer (Fig. 6, A and B), while in the mutant, the ex- pressionatthetipswasmuchbroader(Fig.6,CandD). But the most dramatic difference of DR5rev::GFP ex- pression was observed in thevasculature of hypocotyls, where this construct was very highly expressed in the wild type but not in the mutant (Fig. 6, E and F). Since Figure3. TheSAMsizeandthewidthofL1andL2cellsintheSAM areincreasedintheererl1erl2mutant.A,DICimagesofmeristematic regionsinthewildtype(wt)andererl1erl2.Themeristemwidthis displayedwithanarrow.Visibleprimordiaarelabeledwithstars.On thewild-typeimages,oneprimordiumisoutoffocusandnotvisible. Imagesareunderthesamemagnification. DPG,Dayspostgermina- tion. Bar = 50 mm. B, Comparison of the SAM width. Values are means6SDfor22to25seedlings.C,CloseupDICimagesofmeri- stematicregionsinthewildtype andererl1erl2at 3 dpost germi- nation. The cell walls in the L1 and L2 layers are traced for better visualization. Both images are under the same magnification. Bar = 10mm.D,Averagewidthofcells6SDinL1andL2layersoftheSAM inwild-typeandererl1erl2seedlings(n=6)at1dpostgermination. InBandD,valuessignificantlydifferentfromthecontrolareindicated byasterisks(P,0.005). bikinin,ahighlyspecificinhibitorofGSK3-likekinases, torescuethestomata-clusteringphenotypeoftheererl1erl2 mutant(Kimetal.,2012).Wefoundthattreatmentof er erl1 erl2 with bikinin can also partially rescue leaf initiation(Fig.5D).Unfortunately,itwasnotpossible tomeasuremeristemsize,asbikinintreatmentchanged themeristemshapefromdometoconcaveinbothwild- typeseedlingsandthemutant,andwewerenotableto clearly define the meristematic zone. Together, these ex- perimentssuggestthatintheSAM,thesignalfromERfs is transduced by a mechanism similar to that during epidermis development or plant elongation along the Figure4. Analysisofgeneexpressioninererl1erl2.AandB,Real- proximal/distal axes. timeRT-PCRanalysisofselectedgenesin5-d-oldwild-type(wt)and ererl1erl2seedlingsexcludingroottissues.Theaverageofthreebio- logical replicates is presented. Error bars represent SD. Values signifi- AuxinDistribution IsAbnormal inererl1 erl2Seedlings cantlydifferentfromthecontrolareindicatedbyasterisks(P,0.05). C to F, In situ analysis ofPIN1 expression in the SAMs of wild-type The formation of an auxin maximum in the meri- (CandE)andererl1erl2(DandF)seedlingsusingantisense(CandD) stemisthefirstsignofnewleafprimordiuminitiation. orsense(Eand F)PIN1RNA probes did not detect anydifferencein Todeterminethedistributionofauxininthemeristematic expressionpattern.Allimagesareunderthesamemagnification. 1982 Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport Figure5. CA-YODAandbikininrescueleafin- itiationin er erl1 erl2. A to C, Expression of CA-YODAincreasestherateofprimordiaforma- tion (A) and leaf primordia elongation (B) and decreases meristem width in er erl1 erl2 (C). Values are means 6 SD for 22 to 25 seedlings. DPG, Days post germination. In A to C, all er erl1erl2valuesaresignificantlydifferentfromthe wild type (wt; P , 0.01); all CA-YODA er erl1 erl2valuesaresignificantlydifferentfromererl1 erl2(P,0.01).D,Increasedleafprimordiaini- tiation in 8-d-old seedlings grown on 30 mM bikinin. Values are means 6 SD for 18 to 23 seedlings. The value significantly different from thecontrolisindicatedbyanasterisk(P,0.001). the formation of auxin maxima in the meristem and however, observe higher WUS expression in the mu- auxin flow onto the vasculature are critical for leaf ini- tant (Fig. 4A). WUS inhibits auxin signaling; specifi- tiation(BraybrookandKuhlemeier,2010),theobserved cally, it promotes the expression of TOPLESS (TPL), a abnormalitiesinauxindistributioninererl1erl2should corepressor of auxin signaling (Szemenyei et al., 2008; be unfavorable for efficient leaf initiation. Busch et al., 2010). However, we did not observe any The changed distribution of auxin in er erl1 erl2 change in TPL expression in er erl1 erl2 (Fig. 4B). Thus, correlates with drastically reduced expression of the weconcludethatwhileERfsregulatethedistributionof auxin-inducible genes MONOPTEROS (MP), IAA1, auxinintheSAM,theydonothaveasubstantialimpact and IAA19 (Fig. 4B). However, we were unable to on auxin biosynthesis. detect substantial changes in the expression of en- zymes involved in the biosynthesis of auxin. The con- version of Trp to indole-3-acetic acid with the help ERfsAreEssentialforPIN1ExpressionintheVasculature of TAA1/WEI8 (for TRYPTOPHAN AMINOTRANS- ofLeafPrimordia FERASE OF ARABIDOPSIS1/WEAK ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE8)andYUCCA(YUC)enzymesisamain As auxin distribution in the SAM is critically de- biosynthetic pathway in auxin production (Stepanova pendent on the PIN1 auxin transporter, we investi- etal.,2008,2011;Taoetal.,2008)andisessentialforleaf gatedtheexpressionofthePIN1pro:PIN1-GFPconstruct primordia formation (Cheng et al., 2007). WEI8/TAA1 (Benková et al., 2003). In the wild-type SAM, we ob- encodes a Trp aminotransferase responsible for the co- served PIN1 expression in the L1 layer and in the sub- nversion of Trp into indole-3-pyruvate in the first step epidermal provascular tissue directly beneath forming of Trp-dependent auxin biosynthesis (Stepanova et al., leaf primordia (Fig. 7, A, B, and E), as published pre- 2008; Tao et al., 2008). In the wild type and in the mu- viously (Heisler et al., 2005). The PIN1-GFP fusion tant, our analysis detected similar expression of the protein wasmostlylocalized inthe plasmamembrane TAA1pro:GFP-TAA1 construct in the SAM and in the (Fig. 7E). However, some of it was present in small margins of leaf primordia (Supplemental Fig. S3). roundvesiclesthatarepresumablyvacuoles(Marhavý Consistent with this, real-time reverse transcription etal.,2011).Intheererl1erl2mutants,thePIN1pro:PIN1-GFP (RT)-PCRanalysisdemonstratedsimilarlevelsofYUC1 construct was more highly expressed in the L1 layer in the wild type and er erl1 erl2 and only a very slight of the SAM compared with the wild type (Fig. 7, E decrease of TAA1 expression in er erl1 erl2 (Fig. 4B). In and F). Most of the protein was localized in presumed addition, the expression of PLETHORA3 (PLT3) and vacuoles, but it was also present in the plasma mem- PLT5,transcriptionfactorsinvolvedintheregulationof brane. Quantification of PIN1-GFP subcellular accu- auxin biosynthesis (Pinon et al., 2013), was only very mulationinL1layercellsdemonstratedthatasimilar slightly reduced in er erl1 erl2 (Fig. 4B). We did, number of PIN1-GFP molecules reaches the plasma Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 1983 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Chen et al. At the same time, the expression of PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP in the vasculature of roots was not altered (Fig. 7, G and H). We did not observe any change in PIN1 mRNA accumulation (Fig. 4, B–F), suggesting that ERf genes might regulate PIN1 protein localization and stability. The patterns of DR5rev::GFP and PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP expression in the er erl1 erl2 mu- tant imply that ERfs are involved in the regulation of auxin flow in the SAM and into incipient organ primordia. An analysis of free ends, branching points, and loops formed by vasculature in mature first and sec- ond leaves suggested that ERf genes do not have an obviouseffectonleafvascularpatternformation(Fig. 8E).Butdoesthereducedflowofauxincorrelatewith any changes in early procambium development? To answer this question, we analyzed the shape of cells in the forming midvein of similarly sized young leaf primordia (Fig. 8, A and B). The identity of midvein cells was determined by PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP expres- sion, which can be detected in most er erl1 erl2 leaf primordia by increasing the sensitivity of GFP de- tection(Fig.8B).Inthewildtype,cellsintheforming midveinwereelongatedinthelongitudinaldirection, but in the mutant, they lost the directionality of ex- pansion, becoming nearly round (Fig. 8, C and D). This result suggests a role for ERfs during the very early steps of vasculature differentiation. We also observedchangesin thebehaviorof L1 cellsinererl1 erl2 leaf primordia. These cells expand mostly peri- clinally, and ERfs do not control that direction of Figure 6. Auxin distribution, as determined by the activity of the expansion (Fig. 8, C and D). But the increased size synthetic auxin response element DR5, is abnormal in er erl1 erl2. of L1 cells in the er erl1 erl2 mutant suggests that Inthewildtype(wt),theDR5rev:GFPsignalis detectedintheSAM ERfsareinvolvedintheregulationofthecellcyclein inareasofpresumptiveleafprimordiainitiation,attipsofleafprimordia, the L1 layer of leaf primordia. A similar increase in and in vasculature (A, B, and E). In er erl1 erl2, the DR5rev:GFP the size of L1 layer cells was observed in the SAM construct is expressed broadly in the L1 layer of the meristem, (Fig. 3D). includingitscenter(CandD).Theexpressionatthetipsoftheforming primordiaisbroader,butitisabsentfromthevasculature(C,D,andF). A,C,E,andFareconfocalimageswithGFPsignalingreen.InAand C,theDAPIsignalisinblue.BandDaresemiquantitativecolor-coded PhototropicBendinginererl1 erl2 heatmaps,withblueindicatinglowintensityandredindicatinghigh intensity.Bars=20mminAtoDand100mminEandF. Phototropic bending of hypocotyls depends on asymmetric auxin transport (Went and Thimann, 1937; Ding et al., 2011). Because our analysis of DR5rev::GFP expression indicated that ERfs are es- membrane in the wild type and in er erl1 erl2. The sential for efficient auxin transport into hypocotyls, measurements also confirmed increased cytoplasmic we speculated that phototropic responses might be accumulation of PIN1-GFP (Supplemental Fig. S4). affected in er erl1 erl2. Analysis of the response of WespeculatethattheincreasedaccumulationofPIN1 seedlingstounilateralwhitelightconfirmedthatthe in L1 layer vacuoles might be a consequence of PIN1 bending of er erl1 erl2 hypocotyls was severely im- overexpression. In the plasma membrane of L1 cells paired (Fig. 9, A and B). Auxin transport is also intheererl1erl2mutant,wealsooftenobservedpolar important for hypocotyl elongation in light-grown localization of PIN1-GFP (Supplemental Fig. S4B). but not in dark-grown seedlings (Jensen et al., 1998). PIN1 was present in the plasma membrane of sub- While the elongation of er erl1 erl2 hypocotyls was epidermal cells in the meristem; however, the ex- slightly but statistically significantly increased over pression was broad, and no canalization of PIN1 the wild type during growth in darkness (P , 0.005), expression was observed (Fig. 7, C, D, and F). An- after transition to light, it decreased approximately other difference was dramatically reduced PIN1pro: 2-fold(Fig.9,CandD).Thesedataindirectlysupportthe PIN1-GFP expression in the vasculature of forming hypothesis that ERfs are involved in the regulation of ererl1erl2leaves(Fig.7,BandD;SupplementalFig.S5). auxin transport during photomorphogenesis. 1984 Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport Figure 7. In the er erl1 erl2 mutant, PIN1 is absent from the leaf primor- dium vasculature and is mislocalized in the SAM. A to D, In the internal layers of the wild-type (wt) meristem, PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP expressionis lim- ited to the place of incipient leaf primordia formation (A and B), while intheererl1erl2mutant(CandD), no such confinement is observed. PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP expression was alsoabsentfromleafprimordiavascu- lature in the mutant (compare A and B with C and D). E and F, While the constructisexpressedintheL1layerof themeristeminboththewildtype(E) and er erl1 erl2 (F), the levels of ex- pression and subcellular localization are different. G and H, Identical ex- pressionofPIN1pro:PIN1-GFPinroots of the wild type (G) and er erl1 erl2 (H).InA,C,andEtoH,theGFPsignal isingreen.InAandC,theDAPIsignal isinblue.InGandH,cellwallswere stained with FM4-64 (red). B and D are semiquantitative color-coded heat maps, with blue indicating low inten- sity and red indicating high intensity. Bars=20mminAtoD,10mminEand F,and50mminGandH. DISCUSSION promote integument growth (Pillitteri et al., 2007), regu- lateantherdifferentiation(Hordetal.,2008),andpromote ERfsRegulateMultiple DevelopmentalProcesses, adaxialleafidentity(Xuetal.,2003).Here,weinvestigated includingLeafInitiation the role of ERf genes in the vegetative SAM during leaf Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) form the largest class initiation.AnalysisofleafformationinvariousERfamily of membrane receptors that, in addition to classical mutants suggested that all three receptors synergistically plant hormones, play fundamental roles in plant regulatephyllotaxyandtherateofleafinitiation,withER growthanddevelopment(MorilloandTax,2006).The playing the major role, just as in the regulation of stem abilityofRLKstoperceivediverseextracellularsignals elongation (Shpak et al., 2004). During short days, we ob- and transmit them through the plasma membrane servedbothdecreased(iner,ererl1,ererl2,andererl1erl2) enables cell-to-cell communications that are necessary and increased (in erl1 erl2) rates of leaf initiation in the for coordinated cell proliferation and differentiation. mutants, suggesting that the ERf signaling pathway is Like classical hormones, a single RLK can regulate a notonlymechanisticallynecessaryforleafinitiationbut variety of growth and developmental processes. For that it might also be used to adjust the timing of this example, the RLK FERONIA mediates pollen tube process. Unfortunately, it is not possible to investigate rupture in the female gametophyte (Escobar-Restrepo this further in ER overexpression lines, as such trans- etal.,2007)aswellasroothairelongation(Duanetal., genic plants are phenotypically indistinguishable from 2010). The RLK SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG regu- the wild type, possibly due to posttranscriptional reg- lates the shape of flower organs, ovule development ulationofER expression (Karveetal.,2011) orbecause (Chevalieretal.,2005),leafpatterning(Linetal.,2012), the signaling is limited by some other component. and also controls the specification of epidermal root hairs (Kwak et al., 2005). ERfsAreNecessary forPIN1ExpressioninIncipient The ERfs constitute another group of RLKs that is LeafVasculature involved in the regulation of different aspects of plant development (van Zanten et al., 2009). In addition to The plant hormone auxin is central for organ initia- theirfunctioninthephloemandepidermis,ERfreceptors tion by the SAM, regulating the rate of their formation Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 1985 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Chen et al. Figure 8. ERf genes are important for longitudinalcellelongationinthede- veloping midvein. A and B, Confocal images of PIN1pro:PIN1-GFP expres- sioninyoungleafprimordia.Theimage in B was taken with higher sensitivity. Bars = 20 mm. C, Average span of midvein and epidermis cells in young leafprimordiaofthewildtype(wt)and ererl1erl2.Sixto17cellsinmidveinor in epidermis were measured in six to eightprimordia.D,Averageratioofcell length to cell width for midvein and epidermiscellsinyoungleafprimordia. InCandD,valuessignificantlydifferent fromthecontrolareindicatedbyaster- isks(P,0.02).E,Nodifferencesinthe generalpatternofveinsofmaturefirst or second rosette leaf (n = 10) were detected in er erl1 erl2. In C to E, errorbarsrepresentSD. (plastochron) and their arrangement on the stem increased sensitivity of er plants to auxin (Woodward (phyllotaxy). A decrease in either auxin transport or et al., 2005). Transcriptome analysis suggested that ER auxin biosynthesis reduces the rate of organ initiation might promote the growth of the inflorescence via the (Lohmann et al., 2010; Guenot et al., 2012). Earlier modulation of auxin signaling (Uchida et al., 2012a). studiesofsingleermutantsdidnotdetectadirecteffect Speculating that redundancy in ERf gene function of ER on auxin homeostasis, but they did uncover an might have prevented an earlier elucidation of ERf’s Figure9. Phototropismandlight-dependenthypocotylelongationareimpairedinererl1erl2.A,Phototropicresponseofwild- type(WT)andererl1erl2hypocotyls.Seedlingsweregrownfor3dindarknessandthenfor24hinunidirectionalwhitelight. Bothimagesareunderthesamemagnification.Bar=2mm.B,Hypocotylcurvatureafter24hofunilaterallightillumination. C,Hypocotyllengthafter3dofgrowthindarkness.D,Hypocotylelongationafter24hofunilateralwhitelightillumination. InBtoD,n=13to15anderrorbarsrepresentSD.Valuessignificantlydifferentfromthecontrolareindicatedbyasterisks (P,0.01).[Seeonlinearticleforcolorversionofthisfigure.] 1986 Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. ERECTA Family Genes Regulate Auxin Transport roleinauxinbiosynthesisordistribution,weanalyzed The analysis of the er erl1 erl2 mutant advances our those processes in the triple mutant. understanding of how auxin transport contributes to Our data point to the importance of ERfs for auxin leaf initiation and vasculature development. First, in transportintheshootapicalmeristemandsuggestthat spiteofseverelydisruptedauxintransport,theererl1erl2 abnormal phyllotaxy and reduced leaf primordia ini- mutant is able to produce leaf primordia (albeit more tiation in the er erl1 erl2 mutant might be related to slowly), supporting the idea that there should be a inadequate accumulation of auxin into maxima in the PIN1-independent mechanism ofleafinitiation(Guenot L1 layer and to poor transport of auxin into forming etal.,2012).Second,auxintransportintotheinnerlayers midveins of incipient leaf primordia. In the mutant, of the meristem is believed to be a trigger for pre- PIN1 is severely down-regulated in the vasculature of procambial cell selection (for review, see Scarpella forming leaf primordia. Consistent with this, the ex- and Helariutta, 2010). However, while PIN1 expres- pression patterns of DR5rev::GFP and TAA1pro:GFP- sion is severely reduced in veins of forming leaf pri- TAA1 in er erl1 erl2 are highly similar, suggesting that mordiain ererl1erl2seedlings, theveinsarestillable while auxin is synthesized in the mutant, it is not ef- toformandnosignificantdifferenceinthegeneralvein fectively transported from the place of biosynthesis. patterning is detected. Thus, there should be other Whereas in the wild type, auxin accumulates in the triggers of preprocambial differentiation besides auxin vasculatureofhypocotyls,inererl1erl2,itistrappedin transport. the L1 layer of the meristem, and its ability to form a WeproposethatERfgenesareessentialforimparting maximum or move downward into the vasculature is the ability to efficiently transport auxin to the meriste- severely decreased. This alteration of auxin distribu- maticcellsthatformaleafmidvein.Intheinflorescence tion is consistent with a reduced expression of the stem, ERf genes are expressed in the phloem, where auxin-inducible genes MP, IAA1, and IAA19. More- they regulate communication between the endodermis over, phototropic bending and light-dependent hy- and phloem (Uchida et al., 2012a). While the exact pocotyl elongation, two developmental responses outcomeofthiscommunicationisunknown,ERfgenes dependent on auxin transport, are impaired in er erl1 are likely to control some aspect of vasculature differen- erl2. tiation and growth. By analogy, ERf-enabled communi- ERfs seem to regulate PIN1 expression at the post- cationsmightbeessentialfortheproperdifferentiationof transcriptional level; however, the mechanism of this vasculatureinthemeristem.Thus,ourdatasuggestthat regulation remains to be determined. To that end, it ERfs are needed for polarized elongation of preprocam- would be valuable to investigate the connection be- bial cells, which might result from the induction of effi- tween ERfs and cytokinin signaling. Cytokinins are cientauxintransport.Thishypothesisneedstobefurther critical for SAM function; they promote stem cell explored in mutants with reduced or enhanced auxin identity at least in part through the up-regulation of transport. WUS (Gordon et al., 2009). A reduction in cytokinin levels leads to a smaller SAM (Werner et al., 2001; Miyawaki et al., 2006; Kurakawa et al., 2007), while RoleofERfsinMeristemMaintenance knockout of ABERRANT PHYLLOTAXY1 (ABPH1), a type A Arabidopsis response regulator (ARR) and Leaf primordia form at the flanks of a SAM, and a putative negative regulator of cytokinin signaling, their initiation pattern depends on the size of the increasesmeristemsize(Giulinietal.,2004).Moreover, meristem (Hamada et al., 2000; Giulini et al., 2004). changes in cytokinin signaling affect both the plasto- ER is known to regulate the size and function of inflo- chron and phyllotaxy (Giulini et al., 2004; Miyawaki rescence meristems; the er mutation enhances meri- et al., 2006). The ability of cytokinin to regulate the stem defects in CLAVATA pathway mutants (Dievart initiation of leaf primordia is likely related to both the et al., 2003; Durbak and Tax, 2011) and in the mutant impact on SAM size and on auxin transport. Cytoki- of the nucleotide-binding (NB)–Leu-rich repeat-type nins can down-regulate PIN1 by triggering its lytic UNI protein (Uchida et al., 2011). The decreased initi- degradation(Marhavýetal.,2011),andtheexpression ation of leaf primordia could be a side effect of de- ofABPH1intheincipientleafprimordiumisnecessary creased meristem size. However, the shoot apical for PIN1 expression (Lee et al., 2009). The increased meristem of the mutant is larger than the wild type; size of the er erl1 erl2 meristem and the elevated ex- thus, in theory, there should be an adequate supply pression of WUS imply an increased accumulation of ofcellsthatcouldberecruitedforprimordiainitiation. cytokinins that would disrupt PIN1 expression and In the er erl1 erl2 mutant, the larger meristem and leadtoreducedleafinitiationinthemutant.However, reduced initiation of leaf primordia are linked with this conclusion is not consistent with the ability of higher expression of key regulators of meristem exogenouscytokinins to rescue leaf initiation in er erl1 maintenance,CLAVATA3(CLV3),WUS,andSTM,and erl2 (Uchida et al., 2013). More detailed analyses of with lower expression of AS1 and ANT, genes ex- cytokininbiosynthesisandsignalinginthemutantare pressedduringtheinitiationofleafprimordia(Uchida needed to understand whether ERfs regulate PIN1 etal.,2013;thisstudy).However,theroleofERfgenes expression in the vasculature through the cytokinin in the SAM seems to be different from that of the signaling pathway or by an independent means. CLAVATA signaling pathway (Uchida et al., 2012b). Plant Physiol. Vol. 162, 2013 1987 Downloaded from on April 11, 2019 - Published by Copyright © 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.