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* Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) Blankets and Sheets ¢ Hay-based diet reduces dental needs 355/110 ¢ Winter coolers (HO) 352/15 (MF) 360/12 Adrenal Gland and Adrenal Disorders + Limitations of ultrasound in diagnosing * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 ¢ The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359/36 back pain (MF) 360/16 Chimerism + Butt bar scrapes in the trailer (C) 360/83 Blood and Blood Disorders * Brindle Quarter Horse (RU) 362/78 Alternative Therapies * Mounting block spares a horse’s back « Cauosf aenesmi a (C) 353/82 * The Benefits of Holistic Health Care (F) (MF) 361/13 ¢ EIA transmission in Ireland investigated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary 361/52 (MF) 354/12 Disease (see Recurrent Airway Bandages and Wraps * IRAP therapy for joints (MF) 357/23 Obstruction) American Paint Horses * Wrapping a coronary wound (VS) 351/17 * Stem cells from equine umbilical cord * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 * Wrapping a leg (VS) 357/35 blood (MF) 362/15 Clipping and Clippers ¢ Paint Horse Association bars cloned * Benefits of postoperative stomach ¢ Best Bets for Grooming (F) 356/86 horses (RU) 352/66 bandaging (MF) 362/18 Brain and Brain Disorders * The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359/36 « Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 353/39 * How to handle leg wounds (HO) 362/21 * Lucky Break: Head injury (CR) 351/19 * Young horses may outgrow juvenile Coat and Hair American Quarter Horses Bathing and Cleaning epilepsy (MF) 355/24 * Skin-deep winter coat care (HO) 351/16 ¢ Strength in Numbers (F) 352/50 * Best Bets for Grooming (F) 356/86 ¢* FMaavnoargabilneg psreoigznuorseiss (fCo)r h3o5r7s/e1s0 4 with * A3 5B2a/f2f1l ingC ase of Baldness (CR) * Horse !ndustry Statistics (F) 352/58 IILZ/ & * Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (PF) 353/39 Bedding brain injury (MF) 361/16 ¢ Geneotf isilcvesr c o it colors (MF) * AQHA promotes EVA testing, vaccination «The right bedding for trailers (HO) 354/13 (RU) 355/98 351/14 Breeding and Reproduction * What coat stains reveal (HO) 355/26 * AQHA to manage trail program (RU) * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) ¢ Better Lives for Horses (F) 351/54 * Best Bets for Grooming (F) 356/86 358/79 351/26 * Off toa Good Start (F) 352/28 * The Latesotn Cushing’s (F) 359/36 * Tests available for regional dermal * Problems with “biocompost” bedding * Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 3 ¢ Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 asthenia (MF) 359/14 (MF) 358/24 * How to Feed Your Broodmare (F) ¢ Feefdori conat gshi ne (HO) 361/24 * Quarter Horse museum reopens (RU) ¢ Link between grazing stance and 360/73 Behavior and Behavioral Problems mismatched hooves (MF) 356/19 Cold Back ¢ Breed differences affect lameness ¢ Off to a Good Start (F) 352/28 * Change in mares’ behavior after breed ¢ Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) evaluation (MF) 361/13 * Dealing with a kicker (HO) 353/15 ing (C) 356/113 355/110 ¢ Brindle Quarter Horse (RU) 362/78 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 « Reasons for messy eating habits (HO) Bridleless Riding Colic American Saddlebred Horses 355/28 * Four Ways to Beat the Winter Blues (F) * Seasonal fluctuations in colic incidence * Horse Industry Statistics (PF) 352/58 * Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) 351/34 (MF) 351/6 * Black horsemen celebrated (RU) 355/98 355/110 * Stacy Westfall wins Tulsa Reining * Better Lives for Horses (F) 351/54 * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Change in mares’ behavior after breed Classic (RU) 351/74 * What stomach sounds mean (MF) ing (C) 356/113 355/20 Anemia * Serotonin levels and aggression (MF) C * When to walk a colicky horse (HO) « Cauosf eanesmi a (C) 35 3/8822 357/24 355/26 ¢ Cases in Point (SR) 362 56 * Turning out horses with hind shoes (C) Cardiovascular System and Disorders ¢ Straight Talk About Colic (F) 358/45 357/102 ¢ Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) * Benefits of postoperative stoma h Anterior Segment Dysgenesis * Elimination behaviors (C) 357/106 351/26 bandaging (MF) 362/18 * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 * Vaccine to improve mare behavior (MF) ¢ Heart damage and dental work linked * Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 « Genetics of silver coat colors (MF) 358/2 (MF) 354/17 * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 354/13 * Dangers of doorways (HO) 358/30 * Listening to a horse’s heart (VS) ¢ Horses crave a varied diet (MF) 359/15 355/31 Color and Markings Antioxidants * Why some horses prefer to stand down * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and ¢ Genetics of silver coat color (MF) * Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 hill (C) 359/78 injury (F) 355/42 354/13 * Horse who retains hay in her cheeks (C) * Cardiac effects of long-distance exercise e \SSO¢ lation to allow solid ( olored Appaloosa Horses 359/81 (MF) 356/20 \ppaloosas to compe te (RI * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 * Why a horse rests his foreleg (HO) * Best Bets for Grooming * Association allows solid-colored horses 360/18 Castration * Brindle Quarter Horse (R to compete (RU) 354/74 * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 « Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 * Surgery alleviates marish behavior (MF) Combined Training e Eventi ng Arabian Horses 361/14 Cataracts ¢ Horse Industry Statistics (F) 35: * Sleep deprivation (C) 361/80 « Success of cataract removal (MF) 353/8 Conformation * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) * Soil licking (HO) 362/22 ¢ Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 ¢ Protecting horses from interference * Arabian community shows (RI * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 injuries (HO) 354/19 Chewing ¢ Link between grazing stance and Arthritis Biting « Horse who retains hay in her cheeks (C) mismatched hooves (MF) 356/19 * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 359/81 * How Riding Affects Your Back (F) 351/26 + Bringing an old equine athlete out of ¢ The Weanling Challenge (F) 360/42 GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS « Why Size Matters (F) 361/36 retirement (HO) 357/31 * Managinga long-term limp (C) 358/84 ¢ Two new associations promote halter competition (RU) 362 * Treating arthritis early (HO) 359/20 ¢ Why Size Matters (F) 361/36 sylea me l0( 2 (MF) Medical Fro Conjunctivitis * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 Golan (PER) Perspective * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and Athletic Ability Case Report (RU) ) Roundup injury (F) 355/42 «Why Size Matters (F) 361/36 Contagious Equine Metritis Feature \S R) Special Report * Contagious equine metritis strikes Lipizzans (MF) 358/21 Backs and Back Problems Hands On (TT) True Tale * Wheorisgeh t(-Cc)a r3r5y4i/n8g2 capacity ofa small Health Watch iS) Aftia li bs)4 1S CoDuisgohr de(rsse)e Respiratory System and DECE MEE Ki 2:O 27 Cryotherapy * Horses crave a varied diet (MF) 359/15 Epidermoid Cysts Exercise-Induced Pulmonary * Cold therapy minimizes laminitis (MF) * The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359/36 * Mystery Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) Hemorrhage 358/26 * Hay-based diet reduces dental needs 355/33 * Low-speed work can cause “bleeding” + Alternatives to ice in treating minor (MF) 360/12 (MF) 362/14 injuries (HO) 358/31 * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 Epilepsy * Feeding for coat shine (HO) 361/24 * Young horses may outgrow juvenile Exertional Rhabdomyolysis Cushing's Disease (see also Pituitary * Fall pasture laminitis alert (HO) 361/27 epilepsy (MF) 355/24 « Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) Pars Intermedia Dysfunction * Reasons for weight gain (C) 361/81 351/26 ¢ Undercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 ¢ Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 Epitheliogenesis Imperfecta (see « Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 * Worries about availability of pergolice Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa) «A Manageable Muscle Problem: PSSM (MF) 358/21 Digestive System and Disorders (CR) 360/25 ¢ The Latesotn Cushing’s (1 * Seasonal fluctuations in colic incidence Equine Herpesvirus * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362 (MF) 351/6 * Equine herpesvirus-2 may cause skin Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy * Large grain meals may decrease disease (MF) 351 * Back on Track: Tendinitis (CR) 358/33 D appetite (MF) 351/8 HYV-1: Sort Fact From Fiction (F) _ * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) 355 67 Eyes and Vision Disorders Degenerative Suspensory Ligament 351/26 « Success of cataract removal (MF) 353/8 Desmitis * What stomach sounds mean (MF) quine Infectious Anemia * Genetics of silver coat colors (MF) * Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F)1 353/36 > 23 33/2?0 1A transmission in Ireland investigated 354/13 * Breeds associated with DSLI «When to wala ckol icky horse (HO) (MI) 354/12 * Deceptive Appearances: IIIness and 235959//414123 355/26 lorse health study released (MF) injury (F) 355/42 ¢ Straight Talk About Colic (F) 358/45 359/18 * Good prognosis for eye cancer (MF) Dehydration * Pill-size diagnostic aid (MF) 359/17 inal NAHMS study completed (RU) 357/27 * Accura¢ y of skin-pintcehs t ch ged ¢ Reafors Weoighnt Losss ( F) 360. + 361/73 * Reduce the Risks of Travel (F) 357/60 (MF) 356/22 * Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 * Like Magic: Radiation therapy (CR) * Defensins identified in horses (MF) iquine Influenza 359/25 Diagnosis 362/17 senefits of flu vaccine (MF) 353/7 * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 * Evaluating windpuffs (HO) Benefits of postoperative stomach Equine influenza hits Australia (MF) * I Better Lives for Horses (F) 35 bandaging (MF) 362/18Q 362/14 c * Ultrasound view of equine lary Cases in Point (SR) 362> /56 quine Motor Neuron Disease Farriers and Farriery (see also Shoes + Is Your Horse Sleep Depriv Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate First experimental case of equine motor and Shoeing) * Testing for Genetic Disease (I *U ltrasound view of equine larynx (MP) neuron disease (MF) 361/13 * Protecting horses from interference * Perforam filenxigo n test (VS) 354 352/12 injuries (HO) 354/19 * Helping the Hard-Luck Hors« Equine Polysaccharide Storage * No More Lost Shoes (F) 354/44 * What stomach sounds mean (MI Draft Horses Myopathy * Undercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 355/20 * Feead driafnt-cgros s gelding (C) 352/74 * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 * Vet school adds farrier (MF) 359/17 * What coat stains reveal (HO) 355 * Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 353/39 * The farrier’s stance (VS) 361/28 * Listening to a horse’s heart (VS) 355 ¢ Why Size Matters (F) 361/36 Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis * Mystery Solved: Chronic | 1 ¢ Ponzuril may prevent EPM (MF) 352/9 Feed Supplements 355/33 Dust and Dust Control * Oral joint supplements analyzed (MF) Der eptive Appearances: 1} ¢ Are You at Risk for Heaves? (HW) quine Recurrent Uveitis 351/7 injury (F) 355/42 355/101 Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 * Oral hyaluronan may minimize joint Accuracy of skin-pinch test ct * Benefits of dunking hay (MF) 361/12 inflammation (MF) 352/9 (MF) 356/22 * Chronic cough (C) 362/90 quine Systemic Proteoglycan * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) Managing seizures (C) 35 Accumulation 354/54 Straight Talk About Colic (F) 358/4 © lesting for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 * Treating arthritis early (HO) 359/20 ests available for regional de * The Latest on Cushing’s (PF) 359/36 asthenia (MF) 359/14 Elderly and Older Horses quine Viral Arteritis * Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 Pill-size diagnostic aid (MF) * Is Your Horse Sleep Deprived? (F) \QHA promotes EVA testing, vaccination * Sheep supplement for horses (C) 362/93 The Latest on Cushing’s( ) 359/36 353/30 (RU) 355/98 imitations of ultrasound in d * B5r inging an old equine athlete out of Feeders and Feeding Equipment back pain (MF) 360/16 retirement (HO) 357/31 Estrus * Risk of recycling old tractor tires as hay lealth messages in gum colot lhe Latest on Cushing’s (F) 359/36 * Estrous cycle and bone cell activity (MF) feeders (MF) 353/9 360/18 largeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 353/10 Xeasons for Weight Loss (F) Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 * Vaccine to improve mare behavior (MF) Fencing setter Than Ever (SR) 362 Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 98/24 * Fence netting protects against flies (MF) he Paradooxf Progress (B ¢ Surgery alleviates marish behavior (MF) 352/11 iarrhea Encceopnhoamliictsi s of West Nile vaccination 361/14 * 3C5h4e/c2k0i ng for damage after a storm (HO) teasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 (MF) 360/13 Ethmoid Hematomas Fertility * Oibeet saitnyd’ s Nuetffreictt ioonn fertility (MI iHnedaorcta rddaimtaigse and dental work linked * Dinejcuerpy ti(vFe) 3A5p5p/e4a2r ances: Illness and ** ObEensdiotmye’tsr iteifsfe ctt reona tmfeerntti lit(yM F()M F)3 593/5119/ 8 ¢ Large grain meals may decré (MF) 354/17 (MF) 351/8 Eventing Flooring * Caring fora Recumbent Horse Endometritis * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 * Stall Flooring Systems That Work (F) ** OFpeteidoinngafs o rdr maafst-hc ro(sHsO ) gel3 ding 5 (C) * Endometritis treatment (MF) 359/19 ** HoCwo mmRoind inegv enAftfiencgt s iYnojuurr ieBsa c (MkF ()F ) 335557//2725 360/51 * Winter feeding tips (HO) 353/15 Foal Rejection * How to Feed Your Broodmare (I Endoscopy Exercise and Conditioning * Off to a Good Start (F) 352/28 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (1 ¢ MySsetenr y Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) * Determining the cause of sweat (HO) + NAHMS study released (RU) 354/72 399/33 354/19 Foaling * Feeding year-old hay (C) 354/81 * Orange peel and black tea extracts may ¢ Off toa Good Start (F) 352/28 * Orange peel and black tea % extracts may Endotoxins and Endotoxemia benefit athletes (MF) 355/21 * Oxytocin induces labor (MF) 354/17 benefit athletes (MF) 355/21 * Increases risk of laminitis (MF) 362/19 * Cardiac effects of long-distance exercise * Many ill foals have rib fractures (MF) * Caloric needs increase after surgery (MF) (MF) 356/20 3o5y7 /23 355/21 Endurance Rides * Bringing an old equine athlete out of * Reasons for messy eating habits (HO) * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 retirement (HO) 357/31 Footing and Surface Materials 3 9/28 « New endurance ride to follow the + Treating arthritis early (HO) 359/20 * No More Lost Shoes (F) 354/44 * Essential Vitamins (F) 356/69 Santa Fe Trail (RU) 355/96 * Tendons benefit from uphill work (MF) * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 * Feeding watermelon (HO) 357/32 + Cardiac effects of long-distance exercise 360/14 * Nutrient Requiremeofn ts Horses (MF) 356/20 * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 Founder updated (MF) 358/20 * How Riding Affects Your Back (F) * Low-speed work can cause “bleeding” * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) * Straight Talk About Colic (F) 358/45 357/75 (MF) 362/14 351/26 * Facts About Feeding (F) 358/69 * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 * Undercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 * Help fora hyperthyroid horse (C) 358/88 * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 DEC EMBER. The Annual EQUUS Index Fractures Historic Trails * Obesity-related insulin resistance and Liver and Liver Disorders * Birth order and breakdown risk (MF) « A Cross-Country Ride Like No Other (F) inflammation linked (MF) 361/12 * Horses can carry the hepatitis E virus 352/11 355/54 (MF) 353/8 * Computer-aided placement of orthopedic * New endurance ride to follow the Santa J « A Deadly Mystery: Panicum toxicosis screws (MP) 353/9 Fe Trail (RU) 355/96 (CR) 357/37 * Postsurgical mortality rates (MF) 356/22 Joints and Joint Disorders * Good as New: Fractured elbow (CR) Holistic Medicine * Oral joint supplements analyzed (MF) Long-Distance and Cross-Country 356/32 * The Benefits of Holistic Health Care (F) 351/7 Rides * Real-world fracture repair (C) 356/111 361/52 * Better Lives for Horses (F) 351/54 « A Cross ountry Ride Like No Otthh er (FP) * Many ill foals have rib fractures (MF) ¢ Oral hyaluronan may minimize joint 355/54 357/23 Hooves and Hoof Disorders inflammation (MF) 352/9 ¢ Ezra Cooley s glopal ride (Rl 361/74 * Danofg doeorwrayss (H O) 358/30 * Wrappinga coronary wound (VS) 351/17 * Noise produced by a horse’s joints as * Rib fractures (HO) 359/22 * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) he walks (HO) 353/15 Lymph System and Disorders * BetterThan Ever (SR) 362/50 351/26 * Loopy’s Long Winter: Sequestrum (CR) * The Essentialosn Strangle Ss (F) 361/44 * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 ¢ Stubborn case of thrush (C) 351/83 353/21 * Treating thrush (VS) 353/19 * Performinga flexion test (VS) 354/22 M G * No More Lost Shoes (F) 354/44 * Polyurethane horseshoes provide more * Mystery Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) shock absorption (MF) 355/24 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gaited Horses 355/33 ¢ Good as New: Fractured elbow (CR) ¢ Better Lives for Horse(sPF ) 351/54 * How Riding Affects Your Back (F) 357/75 * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and E3L5 6/32/2 + Anesthesia for MRI procedures (MF) * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 injury (F) 355/42 * IRAP therapy for joints (MF) 357/2 ,3 54/13 > * The Gaits: How They Look and Feel (SR) * Undercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 « Managing a long-term limp (C) 358 * Mystery Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) 359/50 * Link between grazing stance and ¢ Treating arthritis early (HO) 359/20 9II/ 33 * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 mismatched hooves (MF) 356/19 * Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 ¢ Better Than Ever (SR) 362 * Ready to Gait (SR) 359/55 * Cold therapy minimizes laminitis (MF) Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 358/26 Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 Malnutrition Gaits and Gait Analysis * Seasonal hoof changes (HO) 358/28 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) * The Gaits: How They Look and Feel (SR) * Vet school adds farrier (MF) 359/17 Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa * Realitieso f rescuing horses (¢ 359/50 «The Latest on Cushing’s (F) 359/36 * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 * Breed differences affect lameness * Why some horses prefer to stand Manure Management evaluation (MF) 361/13 downhill (C) 359/78 K ¢ Surprisingly Simple Pasture Manage * The Weanling Challenge (F) 360/42 ment (F) 354/38 Gas Gangrene * Active Ingredients (F) 360/64 Kicking * NAHMS study released (RU) 354/72 * Lyric’s Long Battle: Gas gangrene (CR) * Purpose of toe clips (C) 360/81 * Dealing with a kicker (HO) 353/15 * Bug-Proof Your Barn and Property (F) 362/29 * Fall pasture laminitis alert (HO) 361/27 * Turning out horses with hind shoes (C) * Possible causes of stumbling (HO) a3p5e7 /102 ¢ Stall Flooring Systems That Work (F) Genetics 301/27 360/51 * MIT project to sequencDeN A of equine * The farrier’s stance (VS) 361/28 L breeds (MF) 352/12 * Endotoxemia increases risk of laminitis Marsh Tacky Horses * Genetics and parrot mouth (C) 35 > % (MF) 362/19 Lameness * Efforts to preserve the Marsh Tacky (RU) + Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 35 3/39 * Performinga flexion test (VS) 354/22 355/94 * Genetics of silver coat colors (MF) Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 354/13 ¢ Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) « Mystery Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) Massage Therapy * Filly aids study of equine regional 351/26 355/33 ¢ Four Ways to Beat the Winter Blues (F) dermal asthenia (MF) 355/22 * testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 353/39 ¢ Bringing an old equine athlete out of 351/34 * Genes governing personality (MF) retirement (HO) 357/31 356/19 Hyperthyroidism * Managing a long-term limp (C) 358/84 Melanomas * Geneticso f susceptibility to respiratory * Help fora hyperthyroid horse (C) * Breed differences affect lameness * Methods of delivering chemotherapy infections (MF) 357/27 295900 /00/6A Q evaluation (MF) 361/13 (MF) 354/14 * Tests available for regional dermal « Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 asthenia (MF) 359/14 Laminitis ¢ Reasons for weight gain (C) 361/81 * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) 351/26 Missouri Fox Trotting Horses * Defensins identified in horses (MF) Icelandic Horses * Weight-carrying capacity of a small horse * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 362/17 * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 (C) 354/82 ¢ Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 * Avoid Laminitis (Chart) 355/41 ¢ Brindle Quarter Horse (RU) 362/78 Immune System and Disorder: ¢U ndercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 Moon Blindness see Equ * Benefitso f flu vaccine (MF) 35 * Research funds in honor of Barbaro (RU) Uveitis) Girth Galls * Testfoir Gnengeti c Disease (F) 355/93 ¢ Guarding against girth galls (HO) ¢ Vaccine dosage (C) 353/82 * Resechaair rendcowehd in Barbaro Mounting 357/31 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 veterinarian’s honor (RU) 356/103 ¢ Four Watoy Besat the W * Orange peel and black tea extracts may *C old water helps minimize laminitis 351/34 Grooming benefit athletes (MF) 355/21 (MF) 358/26 * Deawlithi a ncolgd-b ack * Skinwin-terd coeat cearep (H O) 351/16 * Endometritis treatment (MF) 359/19 * The Latest on Cushing's (F) 23 59/36 355/110 * Best Bets for Grooming (F) 356/86 * Fall pasture laminitiasl ert (HO) 361/27 ¢ Mounting block « The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359/36 Injections * Increases risk of laminitis (MF) 362/19 (MF) 361/13 * Giving an intramuscular injection (VS) * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 Guttural Pouch Mycosis 362/27 Muscles and Muscle Disorders * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and yric’s Long Battle: Gas gangrene (CR) Laryngeal Hemiplegia ¢ Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) 351/26 injury (F) 355/42 362/29 « Ultrasound view of equine larynx (MF) * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) »3/2 /2S Y 352/12 * Seasonal myopathy disorder misdiag H isects and Insect Control nosed (MF) 354/14 ence netting protects against flies (MF) Lavender Foal Syndrome * The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359/36 Heaves (see Recurrent Airway Obstruction) 352/11 * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) ¢ A Manageable Muscle Problem: PSSM len quick barn chores (HO) 356/28 23953//23 9 (CR) 360/25 Herd behavior ’otomac Horse Fever: The Final Piece of * Mounting block sparesa horse’s back * Friends in Need (BP) 351/96 he Puzzle (F) 357/50 (MF) 361/13 * How to feed grain to a herd (HO) 360/21 sug-Proof Your Barn and Property (F) ¢L eGauitlhte-rF rePer odLeuactthse r Care (F) 355/85 ¢ Indentation from a kick (C) 361 ) ¢ Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 357/87 * Buddy system in herds (HO) 361/24 Fly mask maintenance (HO) 358 2 ) «Ten quick barn chores (HO) 356/28 N acts About Feeding (F) 358/69 Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal sattling botflies (HO) 359/20 Ligaments and Ligament Disorders Asthenia Flies attracted to equine urine (MF) * Breeds associated with DSLD (C) Narcolepsy « Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 360/13 355/113 * Is Your Horse Sleep Deprived? (F) 35 3/30 * Filly aids study of equine regional * Limitations of ultrasound in diagnosing dermal asthenia (MF) 355/22 Insulin Resistance back pain (MF) 360/16 National Animal Health Monitoring ¢ Tests available for regional dermal *U ndercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 * Possible causes of stumbling (HO) System asthenia (MF) 359/14 * The Latest on Cushing's (F) 359 36 361/27 * NAHMS study released (RU) 354/72 DECEMBER. .2:0:O:7 * Horse health study released (MF) -arasites and Parasite Control ¢ Strength in Numbers (F) 352/50 * Equine influenza hits Australia (MF) 359/18 * Surprisingly Simple Pasture Manage * Kentucky Derby Museum seeks 362/14 * Final NAHMS study completed (RU) ment (F) 354/38 missing Derby trophies (RU) 352/67 * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 361/73 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) + Mystery of Phar Lap’s death may be * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 * BetterThan Ever (SR) 362/50 354/54 solved (RU) 352/67 « Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 * Dewormer dosage (C) 358/87 * Halls of Champions (F) 353/62 * Chronic cough (C) 362/90 Nervous System and Neurological * Battling botflies (HO) 359/20 * Russell Baze is winningest jockey (RU) Disorders * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 353/79 Ringbone * Lucky Break: Head injury (CR) 351/19 * Reasons for weight gain (C) 361/81 * Research funds in honor of Barbaro * Managinga long-term limp (C) 358/84 * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) * Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 (RU) 355/93 351/26 «John Henry celebrates his 32nd Ringworm * Ponzuril may prevent equine protozoal -arrot Mouth birthday (RU) 356/100 * Realities of rescuing horses (C) 359/82 myeloencephalitis (MF) 352/9 * Genetics and parrot mouth (C) 352/76 * Research chair endowed in Barbaro * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and veterinarian’s honor (RU) 356/103 Rocky Mountain Horses injury (F) 355/42 aso Fino Horses * Long toe grabs banned at California * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 * EHV-1: Sort Fact From Fiction (F) 355/67 * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 tracks (RU) 356/103 ¢ Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) ¢ Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Churchill Downs provides quarantine 355/110 stalls (RU) 357/95 S ¢ Postsurgical mortality rates (MF) Pastures * Life-size bronze statue of Seabiscuit 356/22 * Surprisingly Simple Pasture Manage unveiled (F) 358/76 Saddles and Saddle Pads ¢ Serotonin levels and aggression (MF) ment (F) 354/38 * Speed record set on synthetic surface * Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) 357/24 acts About Feeding (F) 358/69 (RU) 358/79 355/110 ¢ Uneven sweating (HO) 357/33 all pasture laminitis alert (HO) 2364011//927 * A New Start (BP) 358/104 * The Science of Riding (F) 356/57 * Managing seizures (C) 357/104 * Kentucky Derby trophy won by Wat * Guaagrainsdt giirthn gallgs (H O) * Economics of West Nile vaccinatio Peruvian Paso Horses \dmiral found (RU) 359/71 357/31 (MF) 360/13 * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Racetracks to compile injury statistics * On Exhibit: Schroeder Saddletree + First experimental case of equine motor (RU) 360/72 Factory Museum (RU) 359/72 neuron disease (MF) 361/13 ituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction * Screen rights to Barbaro’s story sold * Cases in Point (SR) 362/56 ndercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 (RU) 361/73 Sarcoids Worries about availability of pergolide * Low-speed work can cause “bleeding” * Methods of delivering chemotherapy Nose and Nasal Disorders (MF) 358/21 (MF) 362/14 (MF) 354/14 * Deceptive Appearances: Illness ant he Latest on Cushing’s (F) 359/36 « Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 injury (F) 355/42 argeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 Racking Horses * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 Scars and Scarring Nursemares neumonia ¢ Strength of scar tissue (C) 351/85 * New protocol can induce lactation (\ ingering cough (( Rainrot « Care for an old scar (C) 360/80 i3.9 //26 * Rhodococcus equi vaccine tested (MF) * Heading off rainrot (C) 358/86 360/14 * Realities of rescuing horses (C) 359/82 Scintigraphy Nutrition (see Diet and Nutrition * Better Lives for Horses (F) 351/54 Poisons and Poisoning Recumbency * Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 * Animal Poison Control Center Hotiine * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) (MF) 351/11 351/26 Seasonal Atypical Myopathy O* bOebseistiyt y’s effect on fertility S\Ma yfsettyet ryo f omf uPlhbaerr ryL ap’lse avdeesa th( C) ma3y5 1/be8 2 Recurrent Airway Obstruction * Smeiassdoinaagln omsyeodp at(hMFy) di3s5o4r/d1e4r solved (RU) 352/67 * Parallels between heaanvd eastshm a * Why Size Matters (F) 361 No predictor for red maple poisoning (MF) 351/10 Seizures ¢ Reasons for weight gain (C) 361 survival (MF) 353/6 * Are You at Risk for“Heaves”? (HW) * Lucky Break: Head injury (CR) 351/19 Older Horses (see Elderly and Older Seasonal myopathy disorder misdiag 355/101 * Managing seizures (C) 357/104 nosed (MF) 354/14 * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 Horses) * Common Poisonous Shrubs and Trees Sequestra Ossifying Fibroma (Chart) 359/33 Reining and Reining Horses + Loopy’s Long Winter: Sequestrum (CR) * Libby’s Last Chance: Agg * Cfolomwmeorns P(Cohart)i 3s60/o3W1e endso anud sWil d * SCtlaascsyi c Wes(tRfUa)l l 3w5i1n/7s4 Tulsa Reining 353/21 (CR) 354/27 * Risks posed by wilted leaves of the red * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352 8 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Osteochondritis Dissecans maple (HO) 362/22 * How Riding Affects Your Back (F) Syndrome * Oral hyaluronan may minimiz ) * Testing for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy * Mandy McCutcheon earns $1 million inflammation (MF) 352/9 esting for Genetic Disease (F) 353/39 (RU) 360/72 Shipping Fever Overo Lethal White Syndrome «A Man ible Muscle Problem: PSSM * Reduce the Risks of Travel (F) 357/60 (CR) 360/25 Reproduction (see Breeding and * Testing for Genetic Disease (1 Reproduction) Shoes and Shoeing Potomac Horse Fever * No More Lost Shoes (F) 354/44 ¢ Potomac Horse Fever: The Final Piece 0 Rescue Organizations + Polyurethane horseshoes provide more the Puzzle (F) 357/50 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) shock absorption (MF) 355/24 Pain and Pain Management 354/54 ¢ Turning out horses with hind shoes (C) ¢ Caring fora Recumbent Horse (I Pregnancy * The Questions of Slaughter (PER) 357/102 351/26 * How to Feed Your Broodmare (F) 353/46 359 7/13 * Puropf tooes cleips (C) 360/81 ¢ Sore throats in horses (HO) 3 * Oxytocin induces labor (MF) 354/17 * Equine rescue groups meet to help * Is Your Horse Sleep Deprived? * Helptihen Hagrd -Luck Horse (F) 354/54 at-risk horses (RU) 361/75 Sinus Fistulas 353/30 * Change in mares’ behavior after breed * The Paradoxo f Progress (BP) 362/104 ¢ Sinus fistula treatment (MF) 353/7 * Determinitnhge cause of swee ing (C) 356/113 354/19 * Targeted Winter Care (F) 362/38 Respiratory System and Disorders Skeletal System and Disorders * Deawlithi an colgd-b acked hors« * Parallels between heaves and asthma * Birth order and breakdown risk (MF) 355/110 Pressure Sores (MF) 351/10 352/11 * Good as New: Fractured elbow (CR) * Caring fora Recumbent Horse ¢ Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) * Computer-aided placemoef onrtth o 356/32 351/26 351/26 pedic screws (MF) 353/9 ¢ Straight Talk About Colic (F) 358/45 * Improved S. equi vaccine (MP) 352/10 * Estrous cycle and bone cell activity * Wry tail (HO) 359/23 Purpura Hemorrhagica * Sore throats in horses (HO) 352/i7 (MF) 353/10 * Time it takes bute to take effect (HO) * The Essentials on Strangles (FP) * Lingering cough (C) 353/85 ¢ Libby’s Last Chance: Aggressive bone 359/23 * NAHMS study released (RU) 354/72 tumor (CR) 354/27 * Why some horses prefteor stand down R * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and hill (C) 359/78 injury (F) 355/42 injury (F) 355/42 * Limitofa ulttraisooundn isn diag Racing and Racehorses * Genetics of sus¢ eptibility to respiratory * Dealing with a cold-backed horse (C) back pain (MF) 360/16 * Synthetic surfaces mandated for Califor infections (MP) 357/27 355/110 * How to apply a poultice (VS) 360/23 nia tracks (RU) 351/74 * Reduce the Risks of Travel (F) 357/60 * Tildren for treatment of spinal * Surgery alleviates marish behavior (MF) * Birth order and breakdown risk (MF) * Rhodococcus equi vaccine tested (MF) osteoarthritis (MF) 358/22 361/14 352/11 360/14 * Rib fractures (HO) 359/22 The Annual EQUUS Index + Butt bar scrapes in the trailer (C) Swellings Toxic and Hazardous Plants « Vaccine dosage (C) 353/82 360/83 * Evaluatinga windpuff (HO) 351/16 + Safety of mulberry leaves (C) 351/82 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 * Why Size Matters (F) 361/36 * Oral hyaluronan may minimize joint * No predictor for red maple poisoning * NAHMS study released (RU) 354/72 inflammation (MF) 352/9 survival (MF) 353/6 * EHV-1: Sort Fact From Fiction (F) 355/67 Skin and Skin Disorders + A Baffling Case of Baldness (CR) 352/21 * Seasonal myopathy disorder misdiag * AQHA promotes EVA testing, vaccination * Equine herpesvirus-2 may cause skin * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and nosed (MF) 354/14 (RU) 355/98 disease (MF) 351/7 injury (F) 355/42 * A Deadly Mystery: Panicum toxicosis + Vaccine to improve mare behavior (MF) + Skinwin-terd coaet cearep (H O) 351/16 + Lyric’s Long Battle: Gas gangrene (CR) (CR) 357/37 358/24 * Strengtohf scar tissue (C) 351/85 362/29 * Common Poisonous Shrubs and Trees * Economics of West Nile vaccination (MF) + A Baffling Case of Baldness (CR) 352/21 (Chart) 359/33 360/13 * Methods of delivering chemotherapy Swimming * Common Poisonous Weeds and Wild * R. equi vaccine tested (MF) 360/14 (MF) 354/14 ¢ Swimming Lessons (F) 358/62 flowers (Chart) 360/31 * The Essentialosn Strangles (F) 361/44 * Filly aids study of equine regional * Risks posed by wilted leaves of the red * Final NAHMS study completed (RU) dermal asthenia (MF) 355/22 T maple (HO) 362/22 361/73 * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and injury (F) 355/42 Tack Trailers and Trailering W * Accuracy of skin-pinch test challenged * Tack safety check (VS) 352/19 * The right bedding for trailers (HO) (MF) 356/22 * Guilt-Free Leather Care (F) 355/85 351/14 Watering and Watering Supplies * Why splinters are serious in horses * The Science of Riding (F) 356/57 * The preferred route for long-distance * Caring fora Recumbent Horse (F) 351/26 (HO) 356/27 trailering (C) 353/84 * The Ins and Outs of Waterers (F) 352/44 * Best Bets for Grooming (F) 356/86 Teeth and Dentistry * Rest stops during cross-country * Feeding watermelon (HO) 357/32 * Heading off rainrot (C) 358/86 * Genetics and parrot mouth (C) 352/76 transport (MF) 356/18 * Bug-Proof Your Barn and Property (F) + Tests available for regional dermal * Sinus fistula treatment (MF) 353/7 ¢ Trailer partitions (C) 356/110 357/87 asthenia (MF) 359/14 * Heart damage and dental work linked * Reduce the Risks of Travel (F) 357/60 * Facts About Feeding (F) 358/69 * Like Magic: Radiation therapy (CR) (MF) 354/17 + Butt bar scrapes in the trailer (C) 360/83 * What's New About Water? (F) 359/61 359/25 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 * Answers Unlimited (SR) 362/66 * Care for an old scar (C) 360/80 ¢ Messy eating habits (HO) 355/28 Trails and Trail Riding ¢ Creek as a source of water (C) 362/91 * Bruise basics (HO) 361/26 - Virginia requires registration for equine * One to Make My Own (F) 352/36 dental technicians (RU) 357/92 ¢ Strength in Numbers (F) 352/50 Weanlings Slaughter of horses * Horse who retains hay in her cheeks (C) « The Colt Progresses (F) 354/63 * The Weanling Challenge (F) 360/42 * Legislation introduced to ban slaughter 359/81 * Crossing a road (VS) 356/30 of wild horses (RU) 354/73 * Hay-based diet reduces dental needs + Take the Trail Rider’s Pledge (F) 356/76 Weight and Weight Management * Court upholds Texas horse slaughter (MF) 360/12 * How Riding Affects Your Back (F) 357/75 * Helping the Hard-Luck Horse (F) 354/54 ban (RU) 355/93 * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 * AQHA to manage trail program (RU) *U ndercover Laminitis (F) 355/7 ¢ Slaughter Prevention Act proposed (RU) 358/79 * Facts About Feeding (F) 358/69 355/99 Telogen Defluxion * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 * Factors affecting foal’s gender (MF) * Illinois Legislature considers equine * A BafflingC ase of Baldness (CR) 352/2 359/14 slaughter ban (RU) 356/98 Training * Reasons for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 « The Questionso f Slaughter (PER) Tendons and Tendon Disorders + Desensitization training proves effective * Reasons for weight gain (C) 361/81 357/13 « Mystery Solved: Chronic lameness (CR) (MF) 352/8 ¢ US. District Court judge halts horse 355/33 * Linda Tellington-Jones (F) 352/60 Weight-Carrying Ability slaughter (RU) 357/90 « Back on Track: Tendinitis (CR) 358/33 * Preparing a horse for shows (HO) 355/26 * Weight-carrying capacity of a small horse * Proposed legislation would permit sale * Tendons benefit from uphill work (MF) * Ray Hunt (F) 356/44 (C) 354/82 of horse meat overseas (RU) 357/90 360/14 + Average equine attention span (MF) * Illinois horse slaughter plant resumes « Age and tendon injury risk (MF) 362/17 357/22 West Nile Virus operations (RU) 358/75 « Swimming Lessons (F) 358/62 ¢ Horse health study released (MF) 359/18 * Fight over slaughter continues in Illinois Tennessee Walking Horses * Economics of West Nile vaccination (MF) (RU) 359/69 ¢ Backcountry Diary: One to Make My Tumors 360/13 Own (F) 352/36 * Methods of delivering chemotherapy Sleep and Sleep Disorders * Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 (MF) 354/14 Wheelbarrows * Is Your Horse Sleep Deprived? (F) * Backcountry Diary: The Colt Progresses * Libby’s Last Chance: Aggressive tumor ¢ Workhorses With Wheels (F) 358/50 353/30 (F) 354/63 (CR) 354/27 * Sleep deprivation (C) 361/80 ¢ Roundtable meeting about eliminating * Good prognosis for eye cancer (MF) White Line Disease soring (RU) 357/95 357/27 ¢ Undercover Laminitis (F) 355/72 Squamous Cell Carcinomas * Easy-Gaited Horses (SR) 359/47 * Help fora hyperthyroid horse (C) 358/88 + Like Magic: Radiation therapy (CR) * Breeds That Gait (SR) 359/52 * Like Magic: Radiation therapy (CR) Wild Horses 359/25 359/25 * Ban on wild horse slaughter proposed rhoroughbreds (RU) 354/73 Stabling and Turnout ¢ Birth order and breakdown risk (MF) Twitches * New reality TV show (R U) 359/70 * Four Ways to Beat theW inter Blues (F) 352/11 Ear twitching (C) 359/78 * Nevada license plate (R U) 360/72 351/34 ¢ Strength in Numbers (F) 352/50 ¢ Terms feranad willd (C) 360/81 ¢ Checking for damage aftera storm (HO) ¢ Horse Industry Statistics (F) 352/58 lying Up (see Exertional Rhabdomyolysis) ¢ Preservinga Natural Resource (PER) 354/20 ** OHlalylmsp iocf sChhoawm pijounmsp e(rF) G3e5m3 /6Tw2i st is U 3601/6 * Turning out horses with hind shoes (C) * S3t5r7ai/g1h0t2 Talk About Colic (F) 358/45 * eR3uu5st3sh/ea7ln9la tiBzaezed i(sR Uw)i nn3i5n3g/e7s7t jockey (RU) *U lRceearsso ns for Weight Loss (F) 360/34 *W iEnvadlpuuaftfinsg a windpuff (HO) 351/16 * Managinga long-term limp (C) 358/84 ******* WR(TTThHrehaCCeOeryahha g)r satoe lWonitlSnieneeic3sgadn z6 gen0e ca/lfW r2ooMiitr1oua hnnf gtrW tghitehet e ioirrgws(s Ch C th)etC a(aaoFrl r3eL)llf 6 oyee2 s(e3nF/sd6()g 9 1He0(/gO F3r3))6a6 (2iF )/n 333 36658009t /o// 342a420 herd *«**¢ JSRRLvuo33iceeenh55frtsvsn5e0eeeee -//reiaas91inlHirr30ne zecc a0ednhhr rr iiyba(g'cfrFnhhsu)o’ta nssni d zr3s3e f5h2 o 8eonr/i ndnsn7B dto 6aaorhb trw iouberneatdo rh rood f’ao s(yiRfUS n ) e3sa(5BBtbR6aaoiU/rrrs)y1bbc 0aau3rrsi oootl d (RU) *+U¢* lBULbA33aetlinc65tkmrt t1 2irae//Uptras11na as9o2uto i uLsiuinnuonvna dedsl s ( MvofFDifo) ree wuv Hleot3olr6rfo 0sa/epes1qsom6 uue inn(ndFte ): i3ln 5aC1drys/yit n5ax4(g CnRo()sM iFn)g ¢*«***W* WoSDNHTitnearouACjrrcawHanusege rMedpenpsyStg spt te oti i idh(vns hnF eat)agW nPounaiof ddd3 niA ln5tyspcetc5eWp o a /rerro4 (a orlu2SreneC tRnaglaai) nerdrs wcayes eso u3eseu6Tdw :(n2F rod/)(euC 5s(a)In6R l3t Udl6m)( n32 e@He5/nsO(13 s)tV3/8 S 5 8 )45a / 3n76d232 5/12/11 7 Strangles (RU) 361/73 ¢ Better Than Ever (SR) 362/50 * New Thoroughbred racetrack in Erie, PA * Improved S. equi vaccine (MP) (RU) 362/77 Uveitis > For your convenience 352/10 * Deceptive Appearances: Illness and ¢ The Essentialosn Strangles (PF) 361/44 Thrush injury (F) 355/42 ¢ Stubborn case of thrush (C) 351 The 2007 Annual EQUUS Sweating * Treating thrush (VS) 353/19 V Index is available on * Determining the cause of sweat (HO) 354/19 rhyroid Gland and Thyroid Disorders Vaccines and Vaccinations * Uneven sweating (HO) 357/33 * Help fora hyperthyroid horse (C) * Improved S. equi vaccine (MI )3 92/10 * What’s New About Water? (F) 359/61 358/88 ¢ Benefits of flu vaccine (MF) 3 53/7 DE COE MBER: .2:0:0:7

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