ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(64) ـه1434/م2012 Antonymy and Related Terms ** Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis Lect.Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy 1001 9 1 1001 8 1 / / :لوبقلا خيرأت / / :ميدقتلا خيرأت 1. Introduction The significance of the present work is two fold: first, to determine a borderline between a large web of relations that has been viewed in the field of lexical semantics as antonymy, opposition, oppositeness, contras t, etc. ,and second, to locate antonymy within an umbrella term, viz. incompatibility. Much theoretical knowledge in the present study has been derived from pioneers' works as Lehrer, Lyons, Cruse, Leech, Ljung and others. Diagnosing this large web of relations and terms is grounded on the following hypotheses: (1) earlier pilot work in lexical semantics indicated, to a greater or lesser degree, that the notions of oppositeness, opposition, and antonymy are used interchangeably. It is suggested here that the meaning of each of the notions differs,(2) it is also suggested that the relations holding between the 16 notions under investigation are not the same, and (3) building on hypothesis (2), it is presupposed that the meaning of the notions, though highly related, are different. Most of the discussion below is supported by congruencies and hierarchies which surely help in understanding the notions and their relations. This paper is an extract from Al-Halawachy (1998) titled: Markedness Theory and Antonymy in Arabic with Reference to English. Mosul: Mosul University (Unpublished M.A. Thesis). ** Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis is a Professor of Linguistics, Jadara University, Jordan. *** L. Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy is a Lecturer of Linguistics, University of Mosul. Dept of English/ College of Arts/ University of Mosul/ 5 2 Antonymy and Related Terms Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis & Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy 2. The Problem Investigating a cluster of terms and notions like the one at hand may arise certain queries like the following: (1) Is there any difference between terms like opposition, and oppositeness? (2) Out of the 16 investigated terms which entail which? (3) Can we distinguish a terminological congruence of terms like opposition, antonymy, contrast, etc.? (4) Can we categorize types of oppositeness ? If yes, on what basis? 3. The Aims The main purpose of the present study is to (1) locate antonymy within the so - called incompatibility, and (2) explain the network relation holding between the notions under investigation. 4. Incompatibility The foundation-stone of the whole issue of oppositeness, generally speaking, and of antonymy more specifically is incompatibility. Lehrer (1974: 24) (cf. Lyons, 1963 and 1968: 458 ff) defines incompatibility as part of the sense-relations referring to “[w]ords that contrast in a taxonomy...”. Elsewhere (cf. Lyons, 1977: 288) words incompatibility denotes a sense- relationship “... which holds between lexemes in many-member sets...”. That is, it involves a contrast between sets or members of sets, e.g., animals vs. plants, as can be seen below: Set 1: animals Set 2: plants lion dog etc. VS. flower tree etc. Fig -1- A Sample of Contrasting Sets For Cruse (1986: 93), it is “... [a] relation between classes with no members in common...”. Thus, incompatibility, 52 ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(64) ـه1434/م2012 by this definition, refers to varieties of oppositeness. Yet, in the present study, oppositeness will be dealt with independently, to a certain extent, taking into consideration, basically, the property of inherent banality distinguishing it from other incompatible terms (however, see 4.2 for details). For the time being, it is sufficient to say that incompatibility exhibits a relation (i.e. a contrast) between terms which are not inherently binary (cf. Cruse, ibid: 109,n8).We will benefit from this brief note since it is an explicit statement for granting that the sense-relation, viz. incompatibility embraces antonymy. 4.1. Incompatibility and Opposition Defined in the way shown above, the relation of incompatibility does map neatly the sense of opposition1 and contrast. Accordingly, we understand that the sort of relation holding between incompatibility and opposition is one of relation and its meaning, respectively. This is due to the fact that incompatible terms, within a taxonomy, come face to face with each other. That is, they oppose one another, in such away that they tend to show aspects of differences. Lion can be juxtaposed to flower and all other members subsumed under plants. Though one might infer the same result with regard to oppositeness and opposition (since the former involves the latter), it would be erroneous to conceive of both terms (i.e. incompatibility and oppositeness) as equivalents. 4.2. Incompatibility and Contrast The meaning of contrast is embedded in our daily life encounters, e.g., an action of contrasting between say people, things, entities, etc. which involves a manifestation of some key differences between them (Hornby, 1989: 256 f). Linguistically, “[the] term is used... for a difference between units, especially one which serves to distinguish MEANING in a language” as Crystal (1985: 73) puts it. James (1980), for 5 2 Antonymy and Related Terms Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis & Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy instance, argues for a number of linguistic phenomena which elucidate more of differences than similarities between cultures. So, what can be said about the sort of relation holding between incompatibility and contrast? As embodied in the definition of incompatibility above (see4.1), the relation, viz. incompatibility denotes a contrast between sets and set members. This also means that incompatibility entails both opposition and contrast. Thus, one may ask: Can opposition and contrast be regarded as semi-equivalent terms, or not? 5. Oppositeness vs. Incompatibility Adopting Cruse’s (1986: 109, n8) explicit statement mentioned above (see4.1), it is reasonable to say that the sense- relation, viz. incompatibility includes oppositeness. It is true that oppositeness and incompatibility share general characteristic features, yet oppositeness retains certain properties, e.g., binarity (see5.3.) which comes to be seminal in distinguishing members of both relations. For instance, lion and flower represent incompatible terms, but cannot be considered as one type of oppositeness, while other terms, e.g. alive: dead, up: down, happy: sad and the like are said to be so. Thus, one may ask: What would dominate this divergence between these two groups of lexical terms? Generally speaking, it should be noted that what marshals all types of oppositeness is their dependency upon dichotomization (cf. Lyons, 1977: 271). A decade earlier, Lyons (1968: 461) remarked that “[d]ichotomization is a very important principle in the semantic structure of language”. Upon this understanding, it must be noted that this ineluctable feature of twoness must be held for true opposite pairs as Cruse (1986: 258) puts it. A clue to a possible characteristic of dichotomous pairs such as: long: short, good: bad, old: young and so on simply comes from diagnosing their meanings. That is to say, members of these pairs, which are conceivable as opposites are 52 ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(64) ـه1434/م2012 complementary to each other in meaning; they share a number of features of meaning yet show certain marked contrasts (cf. Nida, 1975: 17). What can be inferred, here, is that a sense of similarity must exist between these lexical terms so that they can be judged as opposites (cf. Lyons, 1977: 286), i.e. the difference is NOT absolute. In this light, however, [t]he paradox of simultaneous difference and similarity is partly resolved by the fact that opposites typically differ along only one dimension of meaning. [I]n respect to all other features they are identical, [yet] their semantic closeness along the dimension of difference [would] occupy opposing poles, hence the feeling of difference. (Cruse, 1986: 197) This sense of similarity holds between opposite terms belonging to certain notional or conceptual areas2. Therefore, it is immediately clear that it is possible to categorize various opposite pairs into various semantic fields that match up with each pair. Take the case of size, weight, direction and so forth. The above discussion mirrors that inherent binarity is a principal property of opposites. Since it is a logical necessity, this property would be based on a uni- dimensional axis which has no more than two extremes. Yet, it is not enough to designate opposites by means of this property. The reason is such that it will be possible to find pairs expressing binary contrasts, but they are not satisfactory opposites. Hence, another ingredient of oppositeness could be missing, viz. directionality (Ibid: 259 ff). At this stage, a radical question may be raised here: Is directionality a key element to all types of oppositeness? Antonyms as one type of oppositeness (see5.4. below) obviously are not so far off this trait since, for instance, long: short, denoting length, are above and under average, respectively (cf. Sapir, 1949: 134). What is highly 5 2 Antonymy and Related Terms Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis & Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy significant is that directionality plays an effective role in the identification of opposite terms, generally speaking, and of antonymy, more specifically. To be sure, the property of directionality embraces the concepts of both scale and grading. 5.1. Oppositeness and Opposition Opposition and oppositeness have been used interchangeably in the literature by some scholars. For instance, Cruse (1986: 197f) explains, on one hand, the notion of oppositeness with respect to binarity supported by certain pairs, e.g., good: bad, top: bottom etc. On the other hand, he attempts to uncover the nature of oppositeness by devoting a section entitled “The Nature of Opposition” (257 ff), starting with the following statement3: Opposition is a special case of incompatibility. Long and short, for instance, are incompatibles, since nothing can be at once long and short (relative to the same reference point); but obviously their relationship is different from that between dog and cat. Here, it might appear that their is a sort of a terminological discrepancy, as far as opposition and oppositeness are concerned. Since good: bad as one type of oppositeness involves the meaning of opposition holding between members of this pair, it would be appropriate to say that oppositeness and opposition can be matched up as a relation and its meaning, respectively. Clearly, this reinforces our intuition so far remarked displaying that oppositeness and opposition are two different terms. 5.2. Oppositeness and Contrast Once we diagnose all types of oppositeness, it would be clear that such types include a contrasting process between 03 ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(64) ـه1434/م2012 their members, along with different dimensions. Consider the following contrastive pairs: right: left, kind: cruel, strong: weak and so forth. Thus, oppositeness includes contrast. Now, we may stop, at this point, and think for a while: Does incompatibility involve the meaning of opposition and contrast in the same way as oppositeness? Obviously, incompatibility implies an action of contrasting between sets or members of sets that oppose each others, commonly focusing on differences more than similarities. Yet, oppositeness entails the meaning of both opposition and contrast between members of pairs depending on how we look at these pairs along dimensions. In other words, the sense of opposition and contrast, here, depends on the angle from which we view members of these pairs, i.e., whether similar or different. Upon this understanding, it would be possible to state that opppsition4 connotes the meaning of contrast. That is, they are approximately equivalents from two different perspectives with respect to the two relations, viz. incompatibility and oppositeness. 5.3. Binarity vs. Non-binarity A term like liquid fails to manifest a real opposite with solid or gas. The reason is that liquid is part of a three-term system, i.e., liquid, solid, and gas (cf. Hurford and Heasley, 1983: 114). The contrast here is non-binary. These can be found, usually, in the form of related terms, bounded with each other in terms of cycles or ranks (These concepts will concern us later, see n.5). Relying on the relation of incompatibility, so far discussed, it is highly significant to note that incompatible terms which are subsumed under sets can be captured in terms of binarity that involves, certainly, the meaning of opposition. For example, the term lion can be juxtaposed to flower to frame binary incompatible terms. But, lion equally opposes to further members of the set plants. Such a binary relation, thus, is not inherently encapsulated with such lexical terms. On the 0 3 Antonymy and Related Terms Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis & Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy contrary, all binary oppositions or contrasts (as discussed above, see4.2) are framed, almost always, in terms of many members that accord with each other. Strictly speaking, male: female stands as a binary contrast holding the meaning of opposition according to a single parameter, viz. sex. So such a parameter stresses the property of inherent binarity holding for such a pair as one example of many others. To sum up the argument, let us make the picture more revealing. Supposing that X= incompatibility, A= opposition, B= contrast and Y= oppositeness, we can have: X both A, B Y both A, B X=Y , where means includes. This is only true in mathematics, whereas in logical semantics and in the light of the remarks so far presented, notice that X Y; rather X \\ Y (where \\ means parallel to); that is both incompatible and oppositeness are equal in status. And this is evident in a pair like strong: weak vs. lion: flower. 5.4.Oppositeness: Taxonomies The topic of classifying oppositeness is too thorny to be exhausted comprehensively. One major problem has to do with terminologies with types, especially what concerns antonymy (cf. Lehrer and Lehrer, 1982: 483). Thus, in the literature, oppositeness has been classified differently by various scholars, e.g., Lyons (1968: 460 ff; 1977: 281 ff), Palmer (1981: 94 ff), Fromkin and Rodman (1988: 214 ff), also Cruse (1986: 198 ff), to name but a few. Of all available taxonomies, I found Cruse’s (1986) taxonomy (reproduced below) more adequate to follow: 05 ADAB AL-RAFIDAYN, VOL.(64) ـه1434/م2012 Oppositen ess complementa directiona lity antonymy rity reversives satisfactive polar equipollent intractives sc ounteracti overlappin ves g antipodals reversives conversecso unterpart and s Fig -2- orthogonal Classification of Oppositeness This is but a rough sketch, which will be reformulated in the following argument, given only to show that antonymy is located as a subordinate term to oppositeness. Though oppositeness is taken, here, as a super ordinate term, one might be faced with a terminological overlapping as far as oppositeness and antonymy are concerned. The reason is that antonymy has widely been used in the literature as an equivalent to refer to all types of opposites. This is made clear in Lyons (1977: 286) who writes: “... antonymy was coined in the nineteenth century to describe... oppositeness of meaning...” (cf. also Lyons, 1968: 460). Not surprisingly, then, most authors have addressed the standard technical term referring to all types of oppositeness as antonymy. But, oppositeness replaces antonymy since it is more precise in the usage for the reason that members of opposite pairs are related to each other in various ways, e.g., high: low, left: right, front: back, etc. (see again Lyons, 1977; 270f). Along with this line of thinking, Hurford and Heasley (1983: 114) remark the falsity of such a traditional view (i.e., using antonymy for all 0 0 Antonymy and Related Terms Prof. Dr. Dinha T. Gorgis & Dr. Huda F. Al-Halawachy opposites),for it “... is not adequate, as words may be opposite in meaning in different ways, and some words have no real opposites” (cf. also Kempson, 1977: 84). From this platform, “[a]long one parameter, man stands in opposition to woman, but along another parameter man stands in opposition not to woman, but to boy ” as (Kempson: ibid) remarks (cf. also 4.2 above). It would be convenient to approach a taxonomy where oppositeness is taken as the umbrella lumping different types one of which is antonymy (cf. again Kempson, 1977: 84).From this exposition, we can infer the following: Incompatibility is dealt with as a super ordinate term to oppositeness. And since antonymy is subordinate to oppositeness as explained above, then, by definition, it would be appropriate to locate antonymy under incompatibility. For instance: terms like good, excellent, very good, average, fair, poor, bad, etc. are incompatible with each other, being situated in a taxonomy, namely, a scale of MERIT with respect to the antonymic pair good: bad5.To round off the argument, we feel that the sort of relations holding between incompatibility, oppositeness, and antonymy, can be best captured in a form of a tabulated features where incompatibility is the super ordinate term which embraces oppositeness that includes antonymy. Table - 2 - A Matrix of Features Defining Incompatibility, Oppositeness and Antonymy General incompatibility Oppositeness Antonymy features Binarity + (not inherent) + (inherent) + (inherent) Scaling + (not all types) + Gradability + (not all types) + 5.4.1. Complementarity: 03