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1 Equilibrium distribution functions 0 0 of a homogeneous multicomponent gas mixture; 2 inequality of partial temperatures n a J Yurii M.Loskutov 9 2 Physics Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899 Russia ] h c e Abstract m - t It is shown that the partial temperatures of a homogeneous multicomponent gas a t mixture in the thermodynamical equilibrium cannot be equal to each other. New gen- s . t eral solutions for equilibrium distribution functions of the multicomponent mixture a m are found. Parameters (including partial temperatures) involved in these solutions are - determined by means of physical conditions which follow from a notion of the stable d thermodynamical equilibrium. The found relations of the partial temperatures to the n o mean mixture temperature are dependent on the molecular weights and concentra- c tions of the components. Some possible consequences of the developed approach are [ discussed. 1 v 2 3 4 1 0 1 0 / t a m - d n o c : v i X r a 1 1 General remarks There is a considerable body of work on the study of the distribution functions and kinetic equations (see, e.g., [1]–[12] – this list is quite imcomplete). However up to the present a certain question is overlooked. As shown below, this question is of fundamental importance because it qualitatively changes traditional view on the ther- modynamical equilibrium state. Imagine that we observe collisions of molecules in a mixture of free gases (i.e. gases thataresubject tonoexternalfield)inthestateofthermodynamicalequilibrium. Then the first thing we should notice is that for every time interval ∆t , which equals the 0 mean free time, the number of collisions of particles with velocities v ·v < 0 (I-type 1 2 collisions) will exceed1 the number of collisions of particles with velocities v ·v > 0 1 2 (II-type collisions). This is a direct consequence of the well-known inequality of proba- bilities of I-type and II-type collisions. If the mixture consists of two components then the above considerations can be applied to collisions of similar (i.e., of equal masses) molecules as well as to collisions of different ones. Therefore the case of equal mean kinetic energies of molecules of ”light” and ”heavy” components cannot correspond to the thermodynamical equilibrium state (in equilibrium U = const where U is the internal energy). Indeed, it is well known from classical mechanics that in I-type col- lisions of particles with equal kinetic energies light particles gain energy while heavy ones lose it. In the case of II-type collisions the picture is the opposite. So, as the probabilities of I-type collisions exceed the probabilities of II-type ones, the equality of mean kinetic energies of light and heavy molecules cannot be maintained: the light component will increase its energy to some extent while the heavy component energy will decrease respectively. The energy transfer from the heavy particles to the light ones will stop when the mean energy of molecules of the ”light” component exceeds at a certain value the mean energy of the ”heavy” component. Now in every time interval ∆t the mean collision-induced change ∆T of kinetic energy of molecules of the two 0 α 1In principle, this statement holds not only for binary collisions. 2 components (α = 1 and α = 2) becomes zero. Obviously it is this state which should be called equilibrium. Notice that if the mean energy change is determined with respect to a time interval dt smoothed over many collisions we wouldn’t be able to follow the process of energy redistribution ata”discrete” levelofindividualcollisions. Inotherwords, thecondition dT /dt = 0 generally would not allow to estimate the ratio of the mean kinetic energies α of molecules of one and the other kind at the equilibrium state. This means that the condition dT /dt = 0 corresponds in general to a whole set of solutions for distribution α functions (see Section 2 below). Unlike this, the condition ∆T = 0 would imply α the state of thermodynamical equilibrium with no energy redistribution between the components, so this condition corresponds to well-defined distribution functions (see Section2below). Itisthesefunctionsthatleadtoaninequalityofmeankineticenergies T of different kind molecules at the equilibrium state. α This conclusion means that the representation of binary distribution function as a product of the one-particle (Maxwell-type) functions would contradict the necessary condition of absence of energy redistribution between the components at the equilib- rium state. To show this, consider the BBGKI-type equations restricted to the case of binary collisions: ∂f ∂Φ (|r −r |)∂F i +(v ·∇ )f = n ik k i ik d3x d3p , (1) ∂t i i i k ∂r ∂p k k k Z i i X ∂F ik +(v ·∇ )F +(v ·∇ )F − i i ik k k ik ∂t ∂Φ (|r −r |)∂F ∂Φ (|r −r |)∂F ik k i ik ik k i ik − − = 0, (2) ∂r ∂p ∂r ∂p i i k k where all the notations are standard. In view of the conditions imposed, the derivative ∂F /∂t in equations (2) can be ignored. Then after an integration over x ,p one ik k k obtains ∂Φ ∂F ∂F ik ik d3x d3p = (v −v ) ik d3x d3p , ∂r ∂p k k k i ∂r ik k Z i i Z ik where r = r − r . Applying now the common (see, e.g., [9, 10, 12]) procedure of ik k i integration with respect to x and letting2 ik F | → F (t,p ,p ), (3) ik |rik|→∞ ik i k 2The notation (3) merely symbolises optionality of factorizing binary functions in single ones in transition to collision integrals with the use of unitary operators which ”move aside” the events at |r |→∞ to the states before and after scattering. ik 3 one puts the equations (1) in the form ∂f 1 = n d3v˜ dσ u [F′ (v′,v˜′,t)−F (v ,v˜ ,t)]+ ∂t 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 Z +n d3v dσ u [F′ (v′,v′,t)−F (v ,v ,t)], 2 2 12 12 12 1 2 12 1 2 Z (4) ∂f 2 = n d3v˜ dσ u [F′ (v′,v˜′,t)−F (v ,v˜ ,t)]+ ∂t 2 2 22 22 22 2 2 22 2 2 Z +n d3v dσ u [F′ (v′,v′,t)−F (v ,v ,t)]. 1 1 21 21 21 2 1 21 2 1 Z Here u ≡ |v −v˜ |, u ≡ |v −v˜ |, u = u ≡ |v −v |, dσ are the differential 11 1 1 22 2 2 12 21 2 1 ik scattering cross-sections of (i, k) molecules, and the primed symbols correspond to the state after scattering; besides that, a transition from integrals over momentum space to integrals over a space of velocities was made for later convenience. In carrying out the limit (3) a hypothesis of correlation moderation principle is usually used, that is thelimiting functionF isreduced toa product of theone-particle ik functions F (t,p ,p ) = f (t,p )f (t,p ). (3a) ik i k i i k k Thus the system (4) becomes closed with respect to single functions, its solutions in the case of thermodynamical equilibrium being Maxwell distributions f = A exp(−m v2/2θ) (5) i i i i with one parameter θ which determines the temperature of the mixture. In the equations (4) there appear probabilities dw = n u dσ of collision and ik k ik ik scattering of particles per unit time. If one replaces these probabilities by probabilities of single collision between particles with velocities v , v per unit volume i k dw ≡ n dw /n σ u dΩ = ik ik ik k ik ik Z 3n dσ v v |v −v | ik ik i k k i = (6) 2π σ |v +v |3 −|v −v |3 ik k i k i following from the expression for dw (n being a number of such collisions per unit ik ik volume), then the corresponding collision integrals in (4) will give the changes of one- particle functions under single collisions per unit volume. Replacement of dw by dw ik ik 4 in (4) together with substitution of ∆f instead of ∂f /∂t will have no effect on the i i distribution functions in the thermodynamical equilibrium state. As for conditions of absence of energy redistribution between the components, they will acquire the form3 ∆T = d3v d3v˜ dw F ∆T + d3v d3v dw F ∆T = 0. (7) 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 2 12 12 1 Z Z The increment ∆T ≡ T′ − T caused by a collision of molecules with masses m 1 1 1 1 and m is determined by 2 T′ −T = µ(u·v)−µ(u′ ·v), (8) 1 1 where µ ≡ m m /m, m ≡ m +m , u ≡ v −v , u′ ≡ v′ −v′, v ≡ (m v +m v )/m. 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 Substituting in(7)theexpressions (8)and(3a)withaccountfor(5)itiseasytoseethat the first integral in (7) vanishes while the second, which is connected with collisions of molecules of different masses, remains nonzero. This means that the solutions of the form (3a) based on correlation moderation principle do not satisfy the condition of absence of energy redistribution between light and heavy components. Therefore solutions (3a) with the only parameter θ should be replaced by more general solutions depending notonlyontheenergy butalso onotherintegrals ofmotion, thatissolutions with a large number of parameters. As such, a possibility of introducing of various integrals of motion into solutions of the kinetic equations doesn’t contradict anything and is very natural because a Liou- ville equation for the distribution function of a system of N particles can in principle include 6N integrals of motion. Still the question remains how does this agree with the Gibbs distribution which is deduced from rather general considerations? It should be noted here that the Gibbs canonical distribution is obtained under the assumption (guaranteed for systems of a very large number of particles) that boundaries contribute only an ignorable part of interaction energy of neighbouring regions. It will be shown in the following sections that the general solution for equilibrium distribution functions involves terms much smaller than the boundary ones inevitably arising in the tradi- 3To find the mean collision-induced change ∆T , we should take the difference ∆T ≡ T′ −T α α α α multiply it by the probability of collision and scattering dw and after this to sum over all finite ik states and average (by means of F ) over all initial states. The second condition ∆T = 0 will be a 2 2 consequence of the first one in the case of a two-component mixture. 5 tional derivation of the Gibbs distribution. If one ignores them4 the general solution will transform into the Gibbs distribution with all the corresponding implications. On the contrary, if one takes them into account in transition to the single and binary dis- tribution functions, these small terms will give a contribution comparable with that of the energy integral. Thus the above considerations imply that in general the equilibrium distribution functions should depend on several integrals of motion, which involve several free pa- rameters. These parameters are determined by the following physical conditions: 1. The one-particle equilibrium distribution functions of molecules of some kind derived from different binary or many-particle distribution functions should be identical. 2. In order for the state of thermodynamical equilibrium to be stable one should require that the energy density be minimal in this state.5 3. One should require that the average changes of kinetic energy of molecules per unit volume caused by one-particle collisions be equal to zero to guarantee an absence of energy redistribution between the components. It will be shown below that these conditions lead to uniquely determined expressions for equilibrium distribution functions. 2 General solutions of kinetic equations for distri- bution functions of a homogeneous two-compo- nent mixture of free gases in thermodynamical equilibrium Let the system consist of a homogeneous mixture of N molecules with mass m and 1 1 N molecules with mass m . Then, as is well known, the equations (1), (2) will be 2 2 4Strictlyspeaking,theyareneglectedinderivingthe Gibbsdistributionaswell,becausethedensi- ties introducedthere aresearchedfor asfunctions ofaenergyintegral,otherintegralsofmotion(e.g., momentum) being ignored. 5Inthe problemin questionthis conditionis equivalentto that ofminimality offree energy,asthe state of thermodynamical equilibrium with constant number of particles and constant entropy S and temperature θ, characterizing the whole of gas mixture, is considered. 6 satisfied at the state of thermodynamical equilibrium by arbitrary functions of two variables (separated by semicolon) (pi) (pk) 2 F = F µ − ; (pi) + (pk) . (9) ik ik ik  mi mk!    In order for one-particle distribution functions obtained from the binary ones to have the form of Maxwell-type distributions the two-parameter solutions (9) should be an exponential of quadratic combinations of momenta. Thus, the general solution F 12 should have the form (p1) (p2) 2 F = A exp −C µ 1 − 1 −C ((p1) + (p2) )2 , 12 12  1 12 m1 m2! 2 1 1    where (p1) and (p2) denote momenta of particles with masses m and m, respectively. In 1 1 1 2 what follows it will be more convenient to introduce two parameters θ and λ instead 12 of two constants of integration C and C , so that 1 2 C ≡ (1−λ)/2θ , C ≡ (1+λ)/2mθ . 1 12 2 12 Dealing with F and F in a similar way, we obtain6 11 22 1 λ F = A exp − (p1)2 + (p1)2 + 0 ((p1) + (p1) )2 , 11 11 ( 2(1+λ0)θ1m1 " 1 2 1−λ0 1 2 #) 1 λ F = A exp − (p2)2 + (p2)2 + 0 ((p2) + (p2) )2 , (10) 22 22 ( 2(1+λ0)θ2m2 " 1 2 1−λ0 1 2 #) 1−λ m m 2λ F = A exp − (p1)2 + (p2)2 + ((p1) + (p2) )2 . 12 12 ( 2θ12m "m1 1 m2 1 1−λ 1 1 #) Herethesuperscripts (1),(2)ofthemomentap refertothemolecular species (m ,m ), i 1 2 λ = λ(ε), ε ≡ (m −m )/(m +m ), and λ ≡ λ(0). The parameter λ describes the 2 1 2 1 0 degree of correlation of particle momenta in equilibrium. It is easy to see that the conditions dT /dt = 0 corresponding to (7) under substitution of dw instead of dw α ik ik are satisfied by a family of equilibrium solutions (10) with arbitrary λ and λ, as was 0 stated in Section 1. If one assumes λ = λ = 0 in (10), functions F will factorize 0 ik and partial temperatures θ and θ will become equal to each other by virtue of the 1 2 6In [13] the solutions for distribution functions of similar molecules are taken with the parameter λ = 0. Such solutions satisfy the system of equations (1), (2) as well. It would be more consistent, 0 however, to consider λ as the limit of λ(ε) as ε→0, where ε≡(m −m )/m. 0 2 1 7 condition 1 of Section 1. This is in contradiction to the condition 3 of Section 1. Hence particular solutions with λ(ε) = 0 cannot correspond to thermodynamical equilibrium, i.e. more general solutions with λ(ε) 6= 0 should be taken as equilibrium ones. The solutions (10) also arise from a many-particle distribution function F satisfying the stationarity condition on every interval ∆t . It has the form 0 F = Aexp − 1 N1(11) (p1)2 + λ0P2(11) −  2(1+λ0)θ1m1 iX1=1 i1 1−(N1(11) −1)λ0      − 1 N2(22) (p2)2 + λ0P2(22) − 2(1+λ0)θ2m2 iX2=1 i2 1−(N2(22) −1)λ0     N(12) N(12) 1−λ m 1 m 2 − (p1)2 + (p2)2 + 2θ m m i3 m i3 12 1 iX3=1 2 iX3=1   2λP2 (12) + , (11) 1− N(12) +N(12) −1 λ+ N(12) −N(12) ελ 1 2 1 2  (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)  where  N(11) N(22) N(12) N(12) 1 2 1 2 P ≡ (p1) ,P ≡ (p2) ,P ≡ (p1) + (p2) , (11) i1 (22) i2 (12) i3 i3 iX1=1 iX2=1 iX3=1 iX3=1 indices i , i , and i labelthe molecules corresponding to collisions (m , m ), (m , m ), 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 (11) (22) (12) (12) and (m , m ), while N , N and N , N are the numbers of molecules of the 1 2 1 2 1 2 (11) (12) (22) (12) two kinds in the associated groups, the relations N +N = N , N +N = N 1 1 1 2 2 2 being satisfied. In the case of a large number of molecules the terms in (11) with N(αβ) in the α denominator will be small compared to the others, since, due to the chaotic nature of molecular motion7, the momenta P cannot exceed the momenta (pα) by a significant (αβ) amount. If one neglects these terms then by virtue of relations 1 1−λ 1 1 = = = , (1+λ )θ θ (1+λ )θ θ 0 1 12 0 2 0 following from the indistinguishability of molecules of the same kind, one obtains the Gibbs distribution with the unique temperature θ and all corresponding implications 0 7The reference frame is chosen so that the mean momentum of molecules of the mixture is equal to zero. 8 for binary and single distribution functions. Unlike this, if one takes these terms into account when deriving single and binary distribution functions then their final contribution will turn out to be comparable with that of other terms. Indeed, it can be easily verified that each integration over one of the momenta (pα) is equivalent to decreasing of the corresponding N(αβ) in (11) by unit. Therefore the solutions (10) α (11) (22) (12) (12) correspond to the solutions (11) with N = 2, N = 2, and N = N = 1, the 1 2 1 2 other N(αβ) being equal to zero. α We can find solution (10) by another way. Let us introduce a new value H˜ ≡ logF 12 and find itsmean change (but not the change of the mean) ina unit of time which takes place by collision and scattering. To make this it is necessary to take the difference in H˜ before and after collision (i.e. H˜′−H˜) multiply this difference by the probability of collision and scattering in a unit time (i.e. by n u dσ ) and after this to integrate 12 12 12 over all finite states and average over initial (i.e. by means of F before scattering) 12 states. Then dH˜ = n (logF′ −logF )F dσ u d3p d3p d3x d3x = dt 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2 1 2 Z n F′ = − 12 (F′ −F )log 12dσ u d3p d3p d3x d3x . 2 12 12 F 12 12 1 2 1 2 Z 12 From this expression one can easily find that dH˜ ≤ 0 . dt The equality is achieved if logF′ = logF . Thus, logF is the additive integrals of 12 12 2 the motion of two bodies that is described by (10). In accordance with the condition 1 of Section 1, imposing a requirement of the iden- tity of one-particle distribution functions derived from F and F , that is demanding ii ik that f = F d3 (p1) = F d3 (p2) = A exp − (p1)2 /2m θ , 1 11 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 Z Z n o f = F d3 (p2) = F d3 (p1) = A exp − (p2)2 /2m θ , 2 22 2 12 1 2 1 2 2 Z Z n o one obtains the relations between the parameters8 1+ελ 1−ελ θ = θ , θ = θ . (12) 1 121−λ2 2 121−λ2 8These relations couldalso be obtainedfrom(11) if one lets N(11) =1 or N(12) =1 and N(22) =1 1 1 2 or N(12) =1, the other N(αβ) being equal to zero. 2 α 9 To establish a relation between the temperatures θ , θ , and θ and the mean temper- 1 2 12 ature of the mixture θ we make use the condition of minimality of the energy density E of the system in thermodynamical equilibrium formulated at the end of Section 1: ∂E(λ)/∂λ = 0, where E(λ) = n θ +n θ , θ and θ being determined by (12). This 1 1 2 2 1 2 implies 1−λ2 θ = C , 12 n+(n −n )ελ 1 2 where n = n +n . The constant C = n θ +n θ , which equals to the mean kinetic 1 2 1 1 2 2 energy density of the mixture, may be set also as nθ. Thus one finds (1−λ2)nθ θ = , 12 n+(n −n )ελ 1 2 (13) (1+ελ)nθ (1−ελ)nθ θ = ,θ = . 1 2 n+(n −n )ελ n+(n −n )ελ 1 2 1 2 We can obtain expressions (13) from (12) if we require that the mean temperature of the mixture (θ) will be determined by the formula θ = (n /n)θ +(n /n)θ that with 1 1 2 2 the physical point of view is quite clear. A remarkable thing here is the dependence of partial equilibrium temperatures θ 1 and θ on molecular weights and concentrations of the components. If due to some 2 reasons the molecular mixture splits into a set of subsystems with an substantial dom- ination of molecules of some sort in each of them (with n ≫ n in some subsystems 2 1 and n ≫ n in others) then the partial temperatures θ and θ of subsystems will 1 2 1 2 practically become equal — see (13). This effect is due to the fact that collisions of molecules of different types which account for inequality of θ and θ will occur only in 1 2 the vicinity of boundaries of subsystems. In view of the above the heat transfer from a cold body to a hot one becomes impossible. Finally, we establish a relation between λ and ε making use of the third condition formulated at the end of Section 1, namely that of absence of the energy redistribution between molecules of the mixture under collisions in thermodynamical equilibrium. Taking into account in (7) that the integral containing F is identically zero, one 11 obtains the equation d3v d3v (T′ −T )F dw = 0, (7a) 1 2 1 1 12 12 Z 10

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