2 Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems 1 from a BBGKY perspective 0 2 n Rytis Paškauskas1 and Michael Kastner1,2 a J 1 NationalInstitute forTheoretical Physics(NITheP), Stellenbosch7600,South 2 Africa 2 Institute ofTheoretical Physics,UniversityofStellenbosch, Stellenbosch7600, 1 SouthAfrica ] E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] h c e Abstract. Thetimeevolutionofℓ-spinreduceddensityoperatorsisstudiedfor m a class of Heisenberg-type quantum spin models with long-range interactions. In the framework of the quantum Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon - t (BBGKY) hierarchy, we introduce an unconventional representation, different a from the usual cluster expansion, which casts the hierarchy into the form of t a second-order recursion. This structure suggests a scaling of the expansion s . coefficientsandthecorrespondingtimescalesinpowersofN1/2 withthesystem at size N, implying a separation of time scales in the large system limit. For m special parameter values and initial conditions, we can show analytically that closing the BBGKY hierarchy by neglecting ℓ-spin correlations does never lead - toequilibration, but gives risetoquasi-periodictimeevolution withatmostℓ/2 d independent frequencies. Moreover, for the same special parameter values and n in the large-N limit, we solve the complete recursion relation (the full BBGKY o hierarchy), observing a superexponential decay to equilibrium in rescaled time c τ =tN−1/2. [ 1 v 2 1. Introduction 9 4 Equilibration and thermalization in closed quantum systems have recently seen 2 renewedinterest,triggeredbythe impressiveprogressinperformingexperimentswith . 1 ultracoldatoms andions [1]. In these experiments the coupling to the environmentis 0 negligible on the accessible timescales, and they can therefore be regarded to a very 2 goodapproximationasclosedsystems. Typically,equilibration(inasuitablesense)is 1 expected to take place in closed quantum systems [2, 3, 4], but important exceptions : v are known to exist. Failure of equilibration in systems close to integrability has been i X observedexperimentally by Kinoshita et al. [5], and a substantial body of theoretical r and numerical work has been devoted to this problem over the last years (see [6] for a a review). Studying the long-time dynamics of many-body quantum systems in general is a daunting task. For numerical work, one is usually restricted to fairly small system sizes,muchsmallerthanmostexperimentalrealizationsandnotanywhereclosetothe macroscopic regime. The situation is different for integrable systems where analytic solutions may exist and larger systems may be studied. However, these systems are known to show atypical behavior, possibly very different from the non-integrable systems one is often interested in [7]. Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 2 One solvable model (a quantum spin model with Ising-type interactions and subjected to an external magnetic field) for which the long-time evolution can be studied analytically, was proposed by Emch [8] in 1966 and later studied by Radin [9] in more detail. For a certain class of initial conditions, the time evolution of the expectation values of operators A of a certain kind can be calculated analytically for arbitrary system sizes N, showing non-Markovian relaxation to the thermal average in the thermodynamic limit N [8]. This model has been extended by one of us →∞ tothecaseoflong-rangeinteractions,i.e.spin-spininteractionsdecayingliker−α with the distance r on a d-dimensional lattice, where the exponent α satisfies 0 6 α 6 d [10,11]. Asintheshort-rangecase,the expectationvaluesofthe operatorsArelaxto thermalequilibrium,butthey dosoonatime scalethatdivergeswiththe systemsize N: The larger the system is, the longer it takes to thermalize. In fact, the relaxation dynamics becomes so slow that, within a given experimental resolution and for large enough N, no deviation from the initial state will be observed. A similar phenomenon, going under the name of quasi-stationary states, has received considerable attention in the field of classical long-range interacting systems [12, 13], and in particular in classical gravity [14]. In the classical context, kinetic theory, and in particular the Vlasov (or the collisionless Boltzmann) equation, has been successfully applied to describe these quasi-stationarystates [15, 16, 12, 13, 17]. Such a Vlasov description is known to become exact for long-range systems in the thermodynamic limit, and is therefore also expected to be a good starting point for a description of large but finite systems [18]. The main goal of the present work is to study, similarly to the classical case, the long-time persistence of quasi-stationary non-equilibriumstatesandtheirfinalrelaxationtoequilibriumforlong-rangequantum spin systems within the framework of quantum kinetic theory. We can then test the predictions of the quantum kinetic theory against the analytic result for the Emch- Radin model reported in [10, 11], but the scope of such a kinetic theory goes beyond this model: On the basis of a tested and well-working kinetic theory, equilibration can then be studied for non-integrable generalizations of the Emch-Radin model, or non-integrable long-range variants of the Heisenberg model for which exact solutions are not known. In addition to providing a tool for investigating the dynamics of quantum spin models,ourresultsalsoshedlightonmoregeneralfeaturesregardingtheroleofclosure conditions when truncating the BBGKY hierarchy: The particularlysimple structure ofspin-1/2latticemodelsfacilitatesanalyticcalculationsbeyondwhatcanbeachieved in continuum systems, and an understanding of the effect of approximation schemes is easier to attain. Thearticleisstructuredasfollows: Insection2weintroduceafairlygeneralclass of long-range interacting quantum Heisenberg models with anisotropic interactions, subjected to an external magnetic field, and discuss its relation to the exactly solvablelong-rangeEmch-Radinmodel. AshortintroductiontothequantumBBGKY hierarchy is given in section 3, with special emphasis paid to the role of closure conditionswhentruncatingthehierarchy. Insection4.1,weintroducearepresentation ofthe hierarchy,i.e.acertainchoiceofbasisinthe underlying Hilbertspace,different from the conventional cluster expansion. In section 4.3, the BBGKY hierarchy is expressedintermsofthisrepresentation,andwefindthatithastheformofasecond- order recursion relation. This structure turns out to be crucial for the derivation of ourresults. First,asdiscussedinsection5,therecursionrelationsuggestsascalingof the expansion coefficients and the corresponding time scales in powers of N1/2 with Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 3 the system size N, implying a separation of time scales in the large system limit. The largest time scale is found to diverge proportionally to N1/2 in the large system limit. As a consequence,equilibrationis expected ona time scalethat divergesin the thermodynamic limit, in agreement with what is known about the long-range Emch- Radinmodel. Insection6,weconsiderthelong-rangeanisotropicquantumHeisenberg modelforaspecialsetofparametervaluesandinitialconditionsforwhichcalculations areeasiertoperform. Undertheserestrictions,wecanshowanalyticallyinsection6.1 that closing the BBGKY hierarchy by neglecting ℓ-spin correlations does never lead to equilibration, but gives rise to quasi-periodic time evolution with at most ℓ/2 independent frequencies. Moreover,in section 6.2 we solve the untruncated recursion relation (full BBGKY hierarchy) in the large-N limit, observing a superexponential decay to equilibrium in rescaled time τ = tN−1/2. This behavior and the observed time scale are exact analytic results which are in a perfect agreementwith the Emch- Radin model. A more detailed discussion of these results and their implications on the general considerations of section 5 is given in section 7, and we summarize our findings in section 8. 2. Long-range anisotropic quantum spin model Twoquantumspinmodelsareintroducedinthissection. Thefirstone,ananisotropic quantum Heisenberg model with Curie-Weiss type interactions, is the one actually studied in this work. The second one, named after Emch and Radin, is an Ising type quantumspinmodelin alongitudinalmagneticfield, with two-bodyinteractionsthat decay with the distance as a power law. For special choices of the parameters, both modelsagree,andtheknownexactresultsonthe dynamicsoftheEmch-Radinmodel can be used to test the validity of our results regarding relaxation to equilibrium in the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model. 2.1. Curie-Weiss anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model ConsiderN identicalspin-1/2particles,attachedtothesitesofad-dimensionallattice. The corresponding quantum dynamics takes place on the Hilbert space N H = C2, (1) N i i=1 O where the C2 are identical replicas of the two-dimensional Hilbert space of a single i spin-1/2 particle. The unitary time evolution on H is generated by the N-body N Hamiltonian N N H = H + V (2) 1...N i ij i=1 i,j=1 X X i<j consisting of an on-site potential and a spin-spin interaction potential, 1 H = haσa, V = Jabσaσb, (3) i − i ij −N i j a∈I a,b∈I X X where σa denotes the Pauli operators at a lattice site i and i = x,y,z (4) I { } Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 4 is the set of component indices. The spin-spin interaction V is of Curie-Weiss type, ij coupling each spin to every other on the lattice, and the strength of the coupling is determined by a 3 3 matrix J of coupling constants with matrix elements Jab. × The 1/N prefactor in (3) is introduced to render the energy per spin finite in the thermodynamic limit. The long-range interactions, and the N-dependent prefactor they are necessitating, can lead to peculiar properties. In equilibrium, it may happen thatdifferentstatisticalensembles(likethemicrocanonicalandthecanonicalone)are nonequivalentinthethermodynamiclimit,andissuesofthiskindhavebeendiscussed in [19, 20]. In the presentarticle,we will focus onpeculiarities ofthe non-equilibrium behavior of this model. 2.2. Emch-Radin model The Emch-Radin model [8, 9] has a Hamiltonian similar to (3), but with a two-body potential 1 V = Jzzσzσz (5) ij −N ij i j SoincontrasttotheanisotropicHeisenbergmodel’stwo-bodypotential(3),Jzz isthe only nonzero element of the coupling matrix J. Moreover,the spins are associatedto thesitesofad-dimensionallattice,andthecouplingbetweenspinsσz andσz depends i j algebraically on their distance D(i,j) on the lattice, i.e. Jzz D(i,j)−α with some ij ∝ nonnegativeexponentα. The on-sitepotentialpotentialisofthe same formasin (3), but with an external magnetic field h = (0,0,hz) pointing in z-direction. It follows fromthesedefinitionsthattheHamiltonoperatorsoftheanisotropicHeisenbergmodel and the Emch-Radin model have a special case in common: For α = 0 the distance dependence of the Emch-Radin coupling Jzz is eliminated and the Hamiltonian is ij identical to that of the Curie-Weiss anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model with J =diag(0,0,Jzz) and h=(0,0,hz). The permissible initial states in the Emch-Radin model are restricted to density operators which are diagonal in the σx tensor product eigenbasis of H . Under this N condition,ananalyticexpressioncanbeobtainedforthetimeevolutionofexpectation values of operators of the form N A= a σx (6) i i i=1 X with real coefficients a [8]. In the case of short-range interactions, i.e. for exponents i α > d, the time evolution of the expectation values A (t) was analyzed in the h i thermodynamiclimitN in[8]. Thesystemwasfoundtorelaxtoequilibrium,and →∞ the process of relaxation was shown to be non-Markovian. The long-range scenario with 0 6 α 6 d, analyzed in [10, 11], was shown to display a remarkably different behavior: Thetimescaleatwhichequilibrationappearstooccurwasfoundtoincrease proportionally to Nr with r = min 1/2,1 α . This finding implies a diverging { − } equilibration time scale in the thermodynamic limit (see figure 1 for an illustration). The analyticresultsin[8]and[10,11]arenoteasilyextendedtootherparameter values, different initial conditions, or more general observables. We believe, however, thatsimilarquasi-stationarybehavior(i.e.long-livednon-equilibriumbehaviorpersist- ing on a time scale that diverges with increasing system size) shows up under much more general conditions. The aim of this work is to employ quantum kinetic theory Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 5 XA\HtL(cid:144)XA\H0L 1.0 N=103 N=104 0.8 N=105 N=106 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 t 10 100 1000 Figure 1. Time evolution of the expectation value of the observable A for magnetic field h = 0, coupling matrix J = diag(0,0,1), and exponent α = 0. TheplotwasobtainedbyevaluatingwithMathematicatheanalyticformula(9) ofreference[10]forvarioussystemsizesN. Theresultisvalidforarbitraryinitial states and arbitrary coefficients ai in the expansion (6) of A. The expectation valueshowsanapparent decaytowards itszero equilibriumvalue,butonatime scalethatdependsstronglyonthesystemsizeN (notethelogarithmictimescale). Thedecayisonlyapparentas,ontimescalesmuchlongerthanshown,recurrent behavior(Loschmidtechos)occurduetothesystem’sfinitesize. Similarbehavior isobservedforother valuesofαbetweenzeroandthelatticedimensiond. to study the long-time dynamics of long-range interacting quantum spin systems of the Heisenberg type (2) and (3). For the moment, we restrict the analysis to Curie- Weiss-type potentials as in (3), but we expect qualitatively similar results to hold for algebraically decaying long-range potentials with exponents α between zero and the lattice dimension d. 3. BBGKY hierarchy The density operator ρ of an N-spin system is a self-adjoint, positive, trace-class N operator, acting on the Hilbert space H . We use the normalization convention N Tr ρ =1, (7) 1...N N where Tr denotes a trace over all N factors of the tensor product Hilbert space 1...N (1). The expectation value of an operator A with respect to ρ is given by N A =Tr (ρ A). (8) 1...N N h i The time evolutionof the density operatoris governedby the vonNeumann equation i~∂ ρ =[H ,ρ ]. (9) t N 1...N N Reduced ℓ-particle density operators are derived from ρ by tracing out (N ℓ) of N the factors of H , − N F =Tr ρ , (10) 1...ℓ ℓ+1...N N where Tr denotes such a partial trace. The F are again density operators, ℓ+1...N 1...ℓ i.e. self-adjoint, positive operators of trace-class. Since they are all derived from the same ρ , the reduced density operators are not independent, but satisfy a collection N of consistency conditions of the form Tr F =F (11) ℓ 1...ℓ 1...ℓ−1 Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 6 (with the convention of F 1) which we will refer to as the trace property of F . 0 1...ℓ ≡ We will assume in the following that all reduced density operators F are 1...ℓ invariantunder ℓ-permutationsoftheir indicesfromthe set 1,...,N . Forℓ=1,for { } example, this means simply that F =F = =F , (12) 1 2 N ··· and for ℓ=2 this property amounts to F =F i,j,k,l 1,...,N , i=j, k =l. (13) ij kl ∀ ∈{ } 6 6 In the context of continuum (off-lattice) systems, permutation invariance is usually justified by the indistinguishability of particles. For the lattice systems investigated in the present article, the spin degrees of freedom can of course be distinguished by the lattice site they are attached to. Instead, in that context the assumption of permutation invariance amounts to assuming that the system is in a homogeneous state, i.e. different subsystems behave similarly. This assumption is expected to be justified in the Heisenberg model (3) with ferromagnetic coupling Jab > 0, but will be violatedinthe presenceofanti-ferromagnetism. Since theHamiltonian(2)and(3) is permutation invariant as well, the homogeneity of an initial state will be preserved under time evolution. Under the assumption of permutation invariance, the Bogoliubov-Born-Green- Kirkwood-Yvon(BBGKY)hierarchyisobtainedbyapplyingthepartialtraceTr ℓ+1...N to the von Neumann equation (9). For a Hamiltonian of the form (2), the hierarchy can be written as ℓ ℓ ℓ i~∂ F = [H ,F ]+ [V ,F ]+(N ℓ)Tr [V ,F ]. (14) t 1...ℓ i 1...ℓ ij 1...ℓ ℓ+1 i,ℓ+1 1...ℓ+1 − i=1 i,j=1 i=1 X X X i<j ForagivennumberN ofspins,thisisafinitesetofequations,anditisfullyequivalent tothevonNeumannequation(9)fromwhichitwasderived: AsolutionoftheBBGKY hierarchy is equivalent to an exact solution for the density operator ρ , from which N the reduced density operators F can be obtained via equation (10). 1...ℓ 3.1. Closure conditions Intheform(14),thehierarchyisnotyetparticularlyuseful: Solvingthefullhierarchy isasdifficultassolvingthe vonNeumannequation(andthereforeimpossibleformost casesofinterest). Formanyphysicalproblems,itturnsoutthatn-particlecorrelations are naturally ordered by decreasing relevance, and only those with n 6 ℓ have to be considered(whereℓissomesmallnumber,usuallynotlargerthan4,dependingonthe systemunderinvestigationandthequantityofinterest). Itisthereforeoftensufficient to consider only the time evolution of the first ℓ reduced density operators. Hence a useful computational tool may be derived by truncating the hierarchy at the level of the ℓ-spin reduced density operator. However, the achieved simplification of such a truncation comes at the expense of an approximation. Simply truncating the set (14) after the first ℓ equations results in an ill-defined problem: The ℓth equation, which determines the time evolution of F , requires 1...ℓ F as an input, but the equation determining F has been eliminated by 1...ℓ+1 1...ℓ+1 truncation. To obtain a well-defined system of ℓ equations, a closure condition has to be postulated between F and the lower order reduced density operators. We 1...ℓ+1 Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 7 refertosucharelationamongF andallofthe F ℓ asanℓthorderclosure 1...ℓ+1 { 1...j}j=1 condition. AfrequentlyusedtruncationschemeoftheBBGKYhierarchyisbasedontheso- called cluster expansion [21], where correlation operators G are defined according 1...ℓ to the following scheme, F =F F +G , (15a) 12 1 2 12 F =F F F +F G +F G +F G +G , (15b) 123 1 2 3 1 23 2 31 3 12 123 F =F F F F +F F G +F F G +F F G +F F G 1234 1 2 3 4 1 2 34 1 3 24 1 4 23 2 3 14 +F F G +F F G +G G +G G +G G 2 4 13 3 4 12 12 34 13 24 14 23 +F G +F G +F G +F G +G , (15c) 1 234 2 134 3 124 4 123 1234 and so on. Based on this expansion, a straightforward way to close the BBGKY hierarchy at ℓth order is to express (14) in terms of the correlation operators and set G =0 16k 6N ℓ. (16) 1...ℓ+k ∀ − We shall refer to this approximation as the ℓth order correlationclosure. Needless to say that the accuracy of the approximation will depend on the “quality” of the closure condition. Regardless of the details of the closure, it seems plausible to expect an improvement in the accuracy with increasing order ℓ of the truncation. WehavetestedthisexpectationbynumericallyinvestigatingtheBBGKY hierarchy truncated by correlation closures of various orders. The density operators were expanded in the basis of Pauli matrices and the evolutionwas performedfor the coefficients of the expansion (discussed in detail in section 4). The one-spin reduced density operator in this expansion reads 1 F = 1 + faσa , (17) 1 2 1 1 1 (cid:18) a∈I (cid:19) X where 1 denotes the identity operator on the one-spin Hilbert space. The real 1 expansion coefficients fa are related to the mean spin expectation value, as 1 N N 1 1 σa σa =Tr σaρ =Tr σaF =fa. (18) ≡*N i+ 1...N N i N 1 1 1 1 i=1 i=1 X X The time evolution of the modulus f = (fx)2+(fy)2+(fz)2 (19) | 1| 1 1 1 q is displayed in figure 2 for correlationclosures of orders ℓ=2,3,4. To summarize the simulations,theeffectofincreasingtheorderofthetruncationisratherdisastrousand thelong-timeevolutionisbadlypredictedateitherorder: Accordingtodefinition(10), density operators F have to be positive operators, and this property is conserved 1...ℓ by the von Neumann equation (9). In the Pauli representation (17), positivity of F 1 amounts to the condition f 61 (20) 1 | | which,asisevidentfromfigure2,isviolatedforthecorrelationclosuresoforderℓ>3 after relatively short times. So the higher-order correlation closures not only fail to improve on the lower-order ones regarding the relaxation to equilibrium, but they even fail to preserve the basic features of the density operators. We will see in the forthcomingsectionsthatthe latteris anartefactofnumerics,causedby the presence Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 8 1.6 Gaussian 2nd order 1.4 3rd order 4th order 1.2 3rd order Avg 4th order Avg 1 |f| 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 t Figure 2. Time evolution of the modulus |f1| of the coefficient vector f1 parameterizing the one-spin reduced density operator F1. The different curves correspondtocorrelationclosuresofordersℓ=2,3,and4. Theparametervalues in the Hamiltonian (2) are h = (0,0,1), J = diag(0,0.04,1), and N = 400, the initial conditions are chosen as f1(0) = (0.95,0,0) and gℓ(0) = 0 for ℓ > 2 [see (28a)–(28c)]. The constant line at 1 indicates the boundary value of condition (20)atwhichF1ceasestobeapositiveoperator. Remarkably,thelargertheorder ℓofthecorrelationclosure,theearlierthispropertyisviolated. Using,insteadof theoriginal equations, averaged (Avg) timeevolution equations asintroduced in section5wherethefastoscillationshavebeeneliminated,thenumericsimproves significantlyinthesensethatF1remainsapositiveoperatorforthetimesshown. The Gaussian plotted as a solid line indicates the behavior expected from the exacttimeevolutionintheN →∞limit. ofoscillatorydegreesoffreedomwithseveralfundamentallydifferenttimescales. This problem will be dealt with in section 5, where an averaging procedure is defined that eliminates the fast oscillations while correctly reproducing the evolution on the slow time scale. Itisthe mainobjectiveofthepresentpapertoinvestigateandbetterunderstand the effect of the correlation closures at various orders, and in particular the question ofwhetherandhowthistypeofclosureconditioncancorrectlydescribetherelaxation to equilibrium in a long-range quantum spin system in the thermodynamic limit. 4. Representation of the BBGKY hierarchy The derivationof the results reportedin this article depends crucially on a particular expansion of the reduced ℓ-spin density operators in the basis of Pauli operators. Expressed in terms of this expansion, the BBGKY hierarchy reveals a recursive structure which is at the basis of the analytical results obtained. 4.1. Definition of the expansion Inspecting the BBGKY hierarchy (14), one might at a first glance get the impression that the reduced density operators F are coupled by a first order recursion, in 1...ℓ the sense that the time evolution equation of F contains only one further reduced 1...ℓ density operator,F . However,this is not really true, as in fact the variousF 1...ℓ+1 1...ℓ are dependent on each other through trace properties (11). The crucial idea behind Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 9 the expansion introduced in this section is to choose the expansion coefficients such that the trace property is automatically satisfied. Then the resulting coefficients are independent variables,on the basis of which the “true” structure of the equations can be studied. Expanding the first few reduced density operators in the Pauli basis 1,σx,σy,σz , one can verify by inspection that the following choice of expansion { } coefficients satisfies the trace properties (11), 1 F = 1 + faσa , (21a) 1 2 1 1 1 (cid:16) aX∈I (cid:17) 1 F = 1 + fa(σa+σa)+ fabσaσb , (21b) 12 4 12 1 1 2 2 1 2 (cid:16) aX∈I aX,b∈I (cid:17) 1 F = 1 + fa(σa+σa+σa) 123 8 123 1 1 2 3 (cid:16) aX∈I + fab(σaσb+σaσb+σaσb)+ fabcσaσbσc .(21c) 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 aX,b∈I a,Xb,c∈I (cid:17) We introduce severaldefinitions to facilitatethe generalformulation. Forthe purpose ofcountingtheparticle(subscript)indices,wedefine,for16n6ℓ6N,thesetP (ℓ) n consisting of all n-element permutations (p ,...,p ) of particle labels p 1,...,ℓ 1 n i ∈ { } such that p < p for all 1 6 i < j 6 n (i.e. all sequences are strictly increasing). i j Consideringforexamplen=2,wehaveP (ℓ)= (1,2),(1,3),...,(1,ℓ),(2,3),...,(ℓ 2 { − 1,ℓ) . Moreover,we use the notation } n σa = σai (22) p pi i=1 Y with p P (ℓ) and the component multi-index a = (a ,a ,...,a ) with a . n 1 2 n i ∈ ∈ I Withthesedefinitions,thegeneralpatternbehind(21a)–(21c)canbecapturedbythe formula ℓ F =2−ℓ fa σa, (23) 1...ℓ n p nX=0aX∈In p∈XPn(ℓ) with the convention fa 1. 0 ≡ Byinspectionofthelasttermsin(21b)and(21c),itfollowsthatfabandfabchave 2 3 to be symmetric with respect to permutations of their superscript indices in order to makesurethattheresultingexpressionsforF andF aresymmetricunderparticle 12 123 exchange. Asaresult,notallcomponentsfa areindependentvariables. Inparticular, ℓ any element fa′ is equal to the element fa(m), where ℓ ℓ a(m)=(x,...,x,y,...,y,z,...,z) (24) m elements x is a permutation of a′ wit|h t{hze c}omponents x, y, z arranged in contiguous blocks of m , m , and m labels. Hence, all independent components of f can be labelled x y z ℓ uniquely by a triple of nonnegative integers m=(m ,m ,m ), m >0, (25) x y z i where m +m +m =ℓ. In the following, notationin terms of a and m=m(a) will x y z be considered as equivalent, fa fm. ℓ ≡ ℓ Equilibration in long-range quantum spin systems from a BBGKY perspective 10 The numberofindependentcomponentsoffm isequaltod(ℓ)=(ℓ+1)(ℓ+2)/2. ℓ Therefore the N-spin density operator is described by N 1 D(N)= d(ℓ)= (N +1)(N +2)(N +3) 1 (26) 6 − ℓ=1 X independent real variables, a number substantially smaller than the 4N real variables necessarytoparameterizeanarbitraryHermitianoperatorontheN-spinHilbertspace H given in (1). N 4.2. Relation to the cluster expansion Inordertoimplementthe correlationclosures(16),weneedtoexpressthecorrelation operators G in terms of the expansion coefficients fa1...aℓ. Substitution of the 1...ℓ ℓ expansion (23) of F into the cluster expansion (15a)–(15c) leads to 1...ℓ G =2−ℓ gaσa , (27) 1...ℓ ℓ (1,...,ℓ) aX∈Iℓ where ga are expressed in terms of fa by relations of the type ℓ ℓ fab =gab+fafb, (28a) 2 2 1 1 fabc =gabc+fafbc+fbfca+fcfab 2fafbfc, (28b) 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 − 1 1 1 fabcd =gabcd+fafbcd+fbfacd+fcfabd+fdfabc 4 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 +fabfcd+facfbd+fadfbc 2 2 2 2 2 2 2fafbfcd 2fafcfbd 2fafdfbc 2fbfcfad − 1 1 2 − 1 1 2 − 1 1 2 − 1 1 2 2fbfdfac 2fcfdfab+6fafbfcfd. (28c) − 1 1 2 − 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 The correlation closures of orders ℓ = 2,3,4 discussed in section 3.1 are obtained by setting g =0. ℓ+1 4.3. BBGKY in terms of the expansion coefficients Substituting the expansions (23) into the BBGKY hierarchy (14), the time evolution equations for the coefficients f can be obtained. After a cumbersome but rather ℓ straightforward calculation which is reported in Appendix A, one finds the BBGKY hierarchy in terms of the coefficients f to be ℓ ~ ∂ fa =va (f )+λva (f )+(1 ℓλ)va (f ), (29) 2 t ℓ ℓ0 ℓ ℓ− ℓ−1 − ℓ+ ℓ+1 where the definition λ=1/N has been introduced. Moreover,we defined ℓ va (f ) = hb εaibcfa−ai+c, (30a) ℓ0 ℓ − ℓ b,c∈I i=1 X X ℓ va (f )= εaibcJbajfa−ai+c−aj, (30b) ℓ− ℓ−1 − ℓ−1 b,c∈I i,j=1 X X i6=j ℓ va (f )= Jbd εaibcfa−ai+c+d, (30c) ℓ+ ℓ+1 − ℓ+1 b,c,d∈I i=1 X X