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N. Kan 1 Equations of motion in Double Field Theory: from classical particles to quantum cosmology Nahomi Kan1(a), Koichiro Kobayashi2(b), and Kiyoshi Shiraishi3(b) (a)Yamaguchi Junior College, Hofu-shi, Yamaguchi 747–1232, Japan (b)Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi 753–8512, Japan Abstract The equation of motion for a point particle in the background field of double field 2 theory is considered. We find that the motion is described by a geodesic flow in the 1 doubledgeometry. Inspiredbyanalysisontheparticlemotion,weproposeamodified 0 2 model of quantum string cosmology, which includes two scale factors. The report is based on Phys. Rev. D84 (2011) 124049 [arXiv:1108.5795]. n a J 1 Introduction 9 2 Double Field Theory (DFT) [1] is the theory of the massless field with a higher symmetry of spacetime including dual coordinates. Through this theory, Hull, Zwiebach, and Hohm clarified the T-duality ] h symmetry of the massless field, and new symmetry related to the theory. More recently Jeon, Lee, and t Park studied the structure of DFT using projection-compatible differential geometrical methods in [2]. - p Thepresentreportconsistsoftwoparts. Inthefirstpart,themotionoftheparticleinthebackground e fieldinDFTisinvestigated. Weshowthatthegeodesicinthe2D-dimensionaldoubled-spacetimecannot h be the geodesic in the D-dimensional spacetime. The geodesic equation in the D-dimensional spacetime [ is found to be the geodesic flow equation. In the second part, we consider the string cosmology with 1 a bimetric model inspired by the constraint method discussed in the first part. Our method for the v restriction on the metrics functions well, at least in the present reduced model for cosmology. 3 2 0 2 Review of projection-compatible approach 6 . 1 CoordinatesarecombinedwithdualcoordinatestobeXA =(x˜ , xµ)T,wherethesuffixesA,B,...range 0 a over 1,2,...,2D, while µ,ν,... as well as a,b,... range over 1,2,...,D. The constantmetric is assumed 2 1 to be expressed as the following 2D 2D matrix, × : v 0 δa Xi ηAB = δµb 0ν . (1) (cid:18) (cid:19) r a Thesuffixesareentirelyraisedandloweredbythisconstantmetric. Ofcourse,ηACη =δA issatisfied. CB B The generalized metric is defined as follows: gab gaσb HAB = bµσgσb gµν− bµρgσρνσbσν . (2) (cid:18) − (cid:19) Here, g and b are the metric in D dimensions and the antisymmetric tensor, respectively. It should µν µν be noted that AB satisfes AC =δA . CB B H H H The following projection matrices are defined on the basis of the existence of two kinds of metrics. P 1(η+ ), P¯ 1(η ) whichsatisfy P2 =P, P¯2 =P¯, PP¯ =P¯P =0. Fromthese, one can derive the≡id2entitiHes P(∂≡P2)P −=HP¯(∂ P¯)P¯ =0 or P B(∂ )PC =P¯ B(∂ )P¯C =0. A A D A BC E D A BC E H H Now,theprojection-compatiblederivativeisdefined. Inotherwords,boththemetricsare“covariantly constant,” i.e., η = = 0. So, the covariant derivative of the projection of an arbitrary A BC A BC ∇ ∇ H 1Emailaddress: [email protected] 2Emailaddress: [email protected] 3Emailaddress: [email protected] 2 Double Field Theory tensor coincides with the projection of the covariant derivative of the tensor. Jeon et al.[2] found that the covariant derivatives including the following connection have the character, Γ 2P DP¯ E∂ P +2(P¯ DP¯ E P DP E)∂ P . (3) ABC [A B] C DE [A B] [A B] D EC ≡ − They also obtained the action for the generalized metric, which was previously found by Hohm et al. [1] 1 1 S = dxdx˜e 2d AB∂ CD∂ AB∂ CD∂ 2∂ d∂ AB +4 AB∂ d∂ d , − A B CD B D AC A B A B 8H H H − 2H H H − H H Z (cid:18) (cid:19) from the consideration of the projection-compatible geometrical quantities. Here, e 2d =√ ge 2φ and − − − φ is the dilaton field. If we set all the derivatives on the fields with respect to the dual coordinate zero (∂˜a =0), the action for the effective theory for the zero-mode field in string theory is obtained as 1 S = dx√ ge 2φ R+4(∂φ)2 H2 , − − − 12 Z (cid:20) (cid:21) where the three-form field H =db is the field strength of the Kalb-Ramond 2-form b . ij 3 The geodesic equation is not the equation of motion for a particle Next, we consider the equation of motion for a particle. The geodesic equation is given by the following expression Uµ Uν =0, where Uµ dxµ =x˙µ, s being a parameter. ∇µ ≡ ds The corresponding equation in the projection compatible geometry of Jeon et al. is considered to be UA UB =UA(∂ UB+Γ B UC)=0, (4) A A A C ∇ whereUA =(U˜ ,Uµ)T = dXA. FromtheprojectspaceansatzP¯U =0,weareforcedtouseU˜ =g Uν. a ds a aν Moreover,we set ∂˜g =0 as in the interpretation of DFT. Now, we find that the above equation reads 1 Uµ∂ Uν + gνµ(∂ g +∂ g )UρUσ =0. (5) µ ρ µσ σ µρ 2 It is obviously different from the usual geodesic equation in general relativity (or differential geometry). In general, it is understood that the usage of the projection has a problem. 4 Projection and geodesic flow The following Lagrangianis adopted, and the mechanics derived from it are considered: 1 L= X˙AX˙B+λAP¯ X˙B. (6) AB AB 2H Here, λA is an undecided multiplier. The Euler-Lagrangeequation leads to the constraint P¯X˙ =0. We find that the Hamiltonian is defined as 1 H = AB(p λCP¯ )(p λDP¯ ). (7) A CA B DB 2H − − The multiplier can be determined from the Hamilton equation as λ = p +P MB, where MB is an A A AB arbitrary vector. When this is substituted into the above Hamiltonian, we obtain a new Hamiltonian 1 H = PABp p . (8) ⋆ A B 2 Using the new Hamiltonian, we obtain ∂H ∂H 1 1 X˙A = ⋆ =PABp , p˙ = ⋆ = ∂ PBCp p = ∂ BCp p . (9) ∂p B A −∂XA −2 A B C −4 AH B C A N. Kan 3 These equations describe the geodesic flow in the system. The combined equation is found to be 1 X¨A =X˙C(∂ PAB)p PAB∂ PCDp p . (10) C B B C D − 2 Now, let us take the condition ∂˜a = 0 for the correspondence with DFT. If we consider p˜a = 0, we obtainx¨µ+ µ x˙ρx˙σ =0,the geodesicequationinausualD dimensionalspacetime. We haveobtained ρσ thegeodesicequationintheD-dimensionalspacetimefromthegeodesicflowinthe2D-dimensionalspace (cid:8) (cid:9) described by the generalized metric with natural assumptions. 5 A simple bi-metric model We apply a similar method to a modified model for cosmology, which is related to the string cosmology [3]. Inthe modelhere,we considertwometrics, g andg˜. Thoughourmodeldescribesa bi-metrictheory, the degree of freedom is to be mildly restricted. For simplicity of the discussion, we consider b = 0. µν The cosmologicalaction we consider is S =−λ2s dτ 18Tr(M′ηM′η)+Φ′2+e−2ΦV , with MAB ≡ G1˜ G1 , (11) Z (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) where G and G˜ are the spatial parts of the metrics and Φ 2d. Here, we add the constant potential V ≡ totheLagrangianandλ istheconstantthatrepresentsthe scaleofstringtheory[3]. Theprimedenotes s differentiation with respect to τ. We now define the “pseudo”-projection matrices P = η+M, P¯ = η−M and we wish to enforce 2 2 PM P =P¯M P¯ =0 using some constraints. Now, the LagrangianL with the constraint term is ′ ′ Λ λ 1 LΛ = s M′ABM′AB +Λ¯ABP¯ACM′CDP¯DB+ΛABPACM′CDPDB Φ′2 e−2ΦV . (12) 2 −8 − − (cid:20) (cid:21) The Hamiltonian of the system becomes 2 4 λ 1 λ H = ΠAB s P¯ACΛ¯ P¯DB+PACΛ PDB Π2 + se 2ΦV , (13) Λ −λ − 2 CD CD − 2λ Φ 2 − s (cid:20) (cid:21) s (cid:0) (cid:1) where the conjugate momentum for M and Φ are represented by ΠAB and Π , respectively. We AB Φ consider simplification by using the assumed relation, P2 P and P¯2 P¯. The symbol is used to ≃ ≃ ≃ indicate this assumed approximationadopted by us. Finally, we obtain the Hamiltonian 8 1 λ H ΠABP ΠCDP¯ Π2 + se 2ΦV . (14) ∗ ≡−λs BC DA− 2λs Φ 2 − 6 “Minisuperspace” version of the bi-metric model Next, we examine the previous procedure of modification in the minisuperspace model. We suppose A˜(τ)δab 0 M = . (15) AB 0 A(τ)δ µν (cid:18) (cid:19) The Hamiltonian for the minisuperspace version of our modified model is found to be 2 1 λ H = (ππ˜+π˜π AπAπ A˜π˜A˜π˜) Π2 + se 2ΦV . (16) ∗ −λsD − − − 2λs Φ 2 − A special solution can be found for the Hamilton equations. The solution is 1 2 2 A˜(τ)= exp C(τ τ ) , A(τ)=A exp C(τ τ ) +δ, (17) 0 0 0 A0 (cid:20)−√D − (cid:21) (cid:20)√D − (cid:21) whereA ,τ ,andδ areconstants. Thesimilaritytotheknownstringcosmologicalsolution[3]isobvious, 0 0 up to the possible constant deviation δ in A. For the solution, we find that AA˜ 1 when τ + . → → ∞ 4 Double Field Theory 7 Quantum cosmology of the bi-metric model Quantum cosmologicaltreatment of the string cosmology has been widely studied [3]. In our model, the minisuperspace Wheeler-DeWitt equation is obtained as 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2 λ 2 A A A˜ A˜ + + se 2ΦV Ψ=0, (18) (cid:20)λsD (cid:18) ∂A∂A˜ − ∂A ∂A − ∂A˜ ∂A˜(cid:19) 2λs∂Φ2 2 − (cid:21) where Ψ is the wave function of the universe. To simplify the description of the system, we use the following variables: x= √D lnA/A˜, y = √D lnAA˜. Up to the ordering, we have 4 4 1+e (4/√D)y ∂2 ∂ 1 e (4/√D)y ∂ ∂2 "− −2 ∂x2 − ∂y − −2 ∂y + ∂Φ2 +λ2se−2ΦV#Ψ=0. (19) If we assume a solution of the form, Ψ(x,y,Φ) = X (x)Y (y)Z (Φ), we find the non singular real k kK K solution for Y (y) at y =0 as follows: kK 1+√1 k2+√k2 2K2 1 √1 k2+√k2 2K2 YkK(y)=e−√k2−2K2yF − − , − − − ,1;1 e−2y , (20) 2 2 − ! where F(α,β,γ;z) is the Gauss’ hypergeometric function. IfK = k,Y (y)hasamaximumaty =0(seeFigure1). Whenweconstructawavepacketforthe k k ± ± cosmologicalwave function [3], the peak of this wave packetin terms of parameter y is naturally located at y =0. Thus, the approximate scale factor duality AA˜ 1 is expected even at the “beginning” of the ≃ quantum universe. The detailed investigation on the behavior of the universe is left for future research. Figure 1: 3D-plot of Y (y). kk References [1] C. Hull and B. Zwiebach, JHEP 0909 (2009) 099; JHEP 0909 (2009) 090. [2] I. Jeon, K. Lee and J.-H. Park, JHEP 1104 (2011) 014. [3] For a review, M. Gasperini and G. Veneziano, Phys. Rep. 373 (2003) 1.

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