Equation of state for the MCFL phase and its implications for compact star models L. Paulucci,1,∗ Efrain J. Ferrer,2,† Vivian de la Incera,2,‡ and J. E. Horvath3,§ 1Universidade Federal do ABC Rua Santa Ad´elia, 166, 09210-170 Santo Andr´e, SP, Brazil 2Department of Physics, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968, USA 3Instituto de Astronomia, Geof´ısica e Ciˆencias Atmosf´ericas Rua do Mat˜ao 1226, 05508-900 S˜ao Paulo SP, Brazil (Dated: January 26, 2011) Using the solutions of the gap equations of the magnetic-color-flavor-locked (MCFL) phase of paired quark matter in a magnetic field, and taking into consideration the separation between the 1 longitudinal and transverse pressures due to the field-induced breaking of the spatial rotational 1 symmetry, the equation of state (EoS) of the MCFL phase is self-consistently determined. This 0 result is then used to investigate the possibility of absolute stability, which turns out to require a 2 field-dependent“bag constant” to hold. That is, only if the bag constant varies with the magnetic n field, there exists a window in the magnetic field vs. bag constant plane for absolute stability of a strangematter. Implicationsforstellarmodelsofmagnetized(self-bound)strangestarsandhybrid J (MCFL core) stars are calculated and discussed. 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION colors pair. This state can only be realized if the mass ] split between the lightest quarks (up and down) and the E H Neutronstarsaredense,compactastrophysicalobjects strangequarkis smalland/orthechemicalpotential µis which are one possible result of the evolution of massive high enough, a condition usually written as µ & m2s/2∆ . h stellarprogenitors. Determiningwhichisthestateofthe [9],withmsbeingthestrangequarkmassand∆thepair- p matter in the interior of these objects is still an open ing gap. Whenthis conditiondoes nothold,other states o- question, and of the greatest importance for hadronic could be realized (e. g., LOFF [10], kaon-condensate r physics and stellar astrophysics alike. High-quality data phase [11], 1SC [9, 12], homogenous gluon condensate st presentlybeingtakenandanalyzedofferforthefirsttime phase [13], and gluon-vortex lattice [14], among others). a a realperspective to explore this domainof strong inter- This is a subject under intense study. [ actions. Being a possible physical realization of dense mat- 2 Ithasbeenproposedthatthesestarsarenotcomposed ter physics, a common characteristic of neutron stars v of neutron matter, but rather that, given the conditions is their strong magnetization. Their surface magnetic 1 of very high density in their interiors, there could be a fields range from H = 1.7×108G (PSR B1957+20) up 4 phasetransitionfromnucleartoquarkmatter[1,2]. Sev- to 2.1× 1013G (PSR B0154+61), with a typical value 0 eralauthorshaveconsideredanevenmoreextremepossi- of 1012G [15]. There are observational evidences of even 3 bility[3,4]: theabsolutestabilityofthedeconfinedphase stronger magnetic fields in the special group of neutron . 0 (inwhichcase,self-bound-strangestars-wouldexist). If stars know as magnetars-with surface magnetic fields of 1 the milder condition is realized, that is, the deconfined orderB ∼1014−1015G[16]. Inthecoreofthesecompact 0 phase is stable only at high pressure, stars with quark objects the field may be considerably larger due to flux 1 cores (hybrid stars) would ensue. conservationduringthecorecollapseorbyinternalmech- : v Aninterestingtwisttothestabilityproblemwasgiven anisms that can boost a pre-existing seed field [17]. By Xi a decade ago (after an important precursor [5]), when applyingthe equipartitiontheorem,the interiorfieldcan paired matter was studied [6–8] and the pairing energy be estimated to reach values H ∼1019−20G [18]. There- r a was shown to enlarge the window of stability in param- fore,ifcolorsuperconductingQCDphasesconstitutethe eter space. The phenomenon of color superconductivity, neutron matter interiors, it is likely that a treatment in- in which quarks pair according to their color and flavor cluding high field values would be needed. in a specific pattern, would thus introduce a pairing gap At this point, it is worth to underline a main differ- in the free energy of the system due to the attractive ence betweenaconventionalelectric superconductorand color-antisymmetric channel in the interaction between aspin-zerocolorsuperconductorinregardtotheirbehav- quarks. ior in the presence of a magnetic field. Spin-zero color Themostsymmetricpairingstatewouldbe theColor- superconductivity,asthatoftheCFLphaseandthetwo- Flavor-Lockedone (CFL) when quarks of all flavors and flavor 2SC phase, does not screen an external magnetic field because even though the color condensate has non- zero electric charge, there is a linear combination of the ∗ [email protected] photonandthe 8thgluon,Aµ =Aµcosθ−G8µsinθ, that † [email protected] remains massless [19]. This combination plays the role ‡ [email protected] of an in-medium or rotatede electromagnetism with the § [email protected] color condensate being always neutral with respect to 2 the corresponding rotated charge Q. Then, an external comes comparable to its rest energy mc2, which for pro- magnetic field can penetrate the color superconductor tons means a field ∼1020G. through its long-range, in-mediumecomponent H. Fur- However, for stars with paired quark matter, the sit- thermore, even though the diquark condensate is neu- uation is rather different. Naively, one might think that tral with respect to the rotated electromagnetisme, some comparablematter andfieldpressuresinthis case would quarksparticipatinginthepairingareQ-charged,sothey occur only at much larger fields, since the quark matter can couple to a background magnetic field thereby af- can only exist at even larger densities to ensure decon- fecting the gapequations ofthe systeme[20–23]. Because finement. In reality, though, the situation is more sub- of this effect, the three-flavor color superconductor in a tle. As argued in [25], the leading term in the matter magnetic field exhibits a new phase that is known as pressurecomingfromthe contributionofthe particlesin Magnetic Color-Flavor-Locked (MCFL) phase [20]. Al- the Fermi sea, ∼ µ4, could be (almost) canceled out by though the CFL and the MCFL phases of three-flavor the negative pressure of the bag constant and in such a paired quark matter are similar in that they both break case,thenext-to-leadingtermwouldplayamorerelevant chiral symmetry through the locking of color and flavor role than initially expected. Consequently, the magnetic and have no Meissner effect for an in-medium magnetic pressure might only need to be of the order of that pro- field, they have important differences too (for physical duced by the particles close to the Fermi surface, which implications of their differences see [24]). becomes the next-to-leading contribution, ∼µ2∆2, with At present, some of the best-known characteristics of ∆ the superconducting gap and µ the baryonic chemi- stellar objects are their masses and radii. The relation cal potential. For typical values of these parameters in between the mass and the radius of a star is determined pairedquarkmatteroneobtainsafieldstrength∼1018G. by the equationofstate (EoS) ofthe microscopicmatter Moreover,the magnetic field can affect the pressure in a phase in the star. If one can find some features that can less obvious way too, since as shown in Refs. [20–22], connect the star’s internal state (nuclear, strange, color it modifies the structure and magnitude of the super- superconducting, etc.) to its mass/radius relation, one conductor’s gap, an effect that, as found in [29], starts would have an observational tool to discriminate among to become relevant already at fields of order 1017G and theactualrealizationofdifferentstarinnerphasesinna- leadsto deHaasvan-Alphenoscillationsofthe gapmag- ture. From previous theoretical studies [8, 25, 26] the nitude [30, 31]. It is therefore quite plausible that the mass-radiusrelationshippredictedforneutronstarswith effects of moderately strong magnetic fields in the EoS different quark-matter phases (CS or unpaired) at the of compact stars with color superconducting matter will core are very similar to those having hadronic phases, be more noticeable than in stars made up only of nu- at least for the observed mass/radius range. As a conse- cleons, where quantum effects starts to be significant for quence,itisverydifficulttofindaclearobservationalsig- field three orders of magnitude larger. This is why an nature that can distinguish among them. Nevertheless, evaluation of a magnetized quark phase is in order. animportantingredientwasignoredinthesestudies: the In this work, we perform a self-consistent analysis of magnetic field, which in some compact stars could reach the EoS of the MCFL matter, taking into consideration very high values in the inner regions. the solution of the gap equations and the anisotropy of Aspointedoutin[18],astrongmagneticfieldcancre- the pressures in a magnetic field. Our main goals are: ateasignificantanisotropyinthelongitudinalandtrans- 1) to investigate the effect of the magnetic field in the verse pressures. One would expect then, that the EoS, absolute stability of strange stars made of pairedmatter andconsequently,themass-radiusratio,becomeaffected in the MCFL phase; 2) to determine the threshold field by sufficiently strong core fields. Given that we are be- atwhich substantialseparationbetweenthe paralleland ginning to obtain real observational constraints on the transverse pressures occurs in the MCFL matter; and EoS of neutron stars [27], it is important to investigate 3) to explore whether there is a range of magnetic field the EoS in the presence of a magnetic field for different strengths, within the isotropic regime for the EoS, that inner star phases to be able to discard those that do not canleadtoobservabledifferencesinthemass-radioratios agree with observations. of stars with MCFL vs CFL cores. In order to understand the relevance of the magnetic The plan of the paper is the following. In Sec. II we field to tell apart neutron stars from stars with paired present the thermodynamic potentials for the color su- quark matter, it is convenient to recall that when the perconducting(CFLandMCFL)modelsusedinourcal- pressure exerted by the central matter density of neu- culationsthroughout. Usingthem,theequationsofstate tron stars (which is about 200−600MeV/fm3) is con- fortheCFLandMCFLphasesarethenfoundinSec. III. trastedwiththatexertedbyanelectromagneticfield,the The pressure anisotropy appearing in the MCFL case is field strength needed for these two contributions to be graphically shown and the order of the field strength re- of comparable order results of order ∼ 1018G [28]. On quiredfor the anisotropic regime to settle is determined. theotherhand,relevantrelativisticquantumfieldeffects The stability conditions for the realization of self-bound (i.e. thoseduetotheLandauquantizationoftheparticle MCFL matter is investigated in Sec. IV, where we find energy modes) will show up in the neutron/proton star that the magnetic field acts as a destabilizing factor for matterwhentheparticles’scyclotronenergyehH/mcbe- the realization of strange matter and prove that only if 3 the bag constant decreases with the field, a magnetized IntheMCFLphaseweassumeauniformandconstant strangestarcouldexist. InSec. V,weappliedtheEoSof magneticfield. Thereliabilityofthisassumptionforneu- MCFLmattertocalculatethemass-radiusrelationshipof tron stars, where the magnetic field strength is expected self-bound and gravitational-bound stellar models. The to vary from the core to the surface in several orders, is main outcomes of the paper are summarized in Sec. VI. based on the fact that the scale of the field variation in Finally, in Appendix A, it is studied the dynamical bag the stellar medium is much larger than the microscopic constant in the chiral limit at H 6=0. magnetic scale for both weak and strong magnetic fields [28]. Hence, when investigating the field effects in the EoS, it is consistent to take a magnetic field that is lo- II. MODEL cally constant and uniform. This is the reason why such anapproximationhasbeensystematicallyusedinallthe As mentioned in the Introduction, a main goal of this previousworksonmagnetizednuclear[28,33]andquark work is to carry out a self-consistent investigationof the matter [34]. EoS of the MCFL phase. For the sake of understanding, andforcomparisonwiththecasewithoutmagneticfield, wearealsogoingtofindthe EoSofthe CFLphaseusing a similar approach. With this aim inmind, we firstneed A. Thermodynamic Potential of the CFL Phase to obtain the thermodynamic potential for each phase. The CFL superconductor can be modeled by the three- The mean-field thermodynamic potential of the CFL flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) theory considered in phase is [32] [32] (see Eq.(10) of that reference). In our case, we ne- glectallthequarkmassessothecolorandelectricalneu- tralities are automatically satisfiedand the only nonzero T d3p 1 ∆ ∆ chemicalpotentialwillbethebaryonicchemicalpotential Ω=− Trlog( S−1(iw ,p))+ η η µ. As known, this effective model displays all the sym- 2 (2π)3 T n G n Z X metries of QCD which are relevant at high densities. Its (1) four-fermion point interaction contains the quark-quark where the sum in n indicates the finite temperature sum attractive color antitriplet channel that gives rise to the in the Matsubara frequencies. The inverse full propaga- diquark condensate. tor here is p/+µ/ P ∆ S−1(p)= η η (2) P ∆∗ p/−µ/ (cid:18) η η (cid:19) with (P )ab = Cγ ǫabηǫ (no sum over η) and P = η =1,2,3labelsthed-s,u-s,andu-dpairingrespectively. η ij 5 ijη η γ P†γ . The gap is ∆ =< GψTP ψ > with quark After summing in n and taking the zero temperature 4 η 4 η 2 η field ψ of colors (r,g,b) and flavors (u,d,s). The index limit, one obtains Ω =− 1 ∞dpp2e−p2/Λ2[16|ε|+16|ε|]− 1 ∞dpp2e−p2/Λ2[2|ε′|+2|ε′|]+ 3∆2 (3) CFL 4π2 4π2 G Z0 Z0 where are the dispersion relations of the quasiparticles. Here we already took into account the well-known solution ∆ = ∆ = ∆ = ∆ , valid for the CFL gap at zero CFL 1 2 3 quark masses. As in [30], in order to have only continu- ε=± (p−µ)2+∆2 ous thermodynamical quantities, we introduced in (3) a CFL smooth cutoff depending on Λ. q ε=± (p+µ)2+∆2 CFL q ε′ =± (p−µ)2+4∆2 CFL q ε′ =± (p+µ)2+4∆2 CFL q 4 B. Thermodynamic Potential of the MCFL Phase Becauseofthisseparation,itisconvenienttointroduce three sets of Nambu-Gorkov spinors that correspond to Let us consider now the case with a rotated magnetic positive-, negative- and zero-charged fields. The details ofthisprocedure,aswellasadiscussionofRitus’method fieldH,whichcouplestothechargedquarksthroughthe [35], used to transform the charged spinor fields to mo- covariant derivative of the NJL Lagrangian. The mag- mentumspaceinthe presenceofamagneticfield,canbe neticeinteraction leads to the separation of the original found in [21]. After integrating in the fermion fields, do- (u,d,s)quarkrepresentationinto neutral,positively and ing the Matsubarasum andtaking the zero temperature negativelychargedspinorsaccordingtothequarkrotated limit, we can write the MCFL thermodynamic poten- charges in units of e = ecosθ, with θ being the mixing tialasthe sumofthecontributionscomingfromcharged angle of the rotated fields, (Ω ) and neutral (Ω ) quarks. C N e u u u d d d s s s r g b r g b r g b (4) Ω =Ω +Ω (5) MCFL C N 0 1 1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 with Ω =−eH ∞ (1− δn0) ∞dp e−(p23+2eeHen)/Λ2[8|ε(c)|+8|ε(c)|], (6) C 4π2 2 3 n=0 Z0 ee X Ω =− 1 ∞dpp2e−p2/Λ2[6|ε(0)|+6|ε(0)|]− 1 ∞dpp2e−p2/Λ2 2 [2|ε(0)|+2|ε(0)|]+ ∆2 + 2∆2H, (7) N 4π2 4π2 j j G G Z0 Z0 j=1 X and The effects of confinement can be incorporated by adding a bag constant B to both Ω and Ω . CFL MCFL ε(c) =± ( p2+2eHn−µ)2+∆2 , Besides,inthemagnetizedsystemthepureMaxwellcon- r 3 H tribution, H2/2, should also be added [18]. Hence, the q thermodynamic potential of each phase is given by ε(c) =± ( p2+2eeHen+µ)2+∆2 , 3 H e r q ee Ω0 =ΩCFL+B, (8) ε(0) =± (p−µ)2+∆2, ε(0) =± (p+µ)2+∆2, and ε(0) =±p(p−µ)2+∆2, ε(0) =±p(p+µ)2+∆2, 1 a 1 a H2 ε(20) =±p(p−µ)2+∆2b, ε(20) =±p(p+µ)2+∆2b, ΩH =ΩMCFL+B+ 2 , (9) q q e respectively. beingthedispersionrelationsofthecharged(c)andneu- While Λ and B must be given to solve the system, tral (0) quarks. In the above we used the notation the gaps ∆ , ∆, and ∆ have to be found from their CFL H 1 respective gap equations ∆2 = (∆± ∆2+8∆2 )2 a/b 4 H q TheMCFLgaps∆and∆ correspondtothecasewhere ∂Ω H CFL =0, (10) the (d,s) pairing gap, which takes place only between ∂∆ CFL neutral quarks, is ∆ = ∆, while the (u,s) and (u,d) 1 pairing gaps, which receive contribution from pairs of charged and neutral quarks, become ∆2 = ∆3 = ∆H. ∂ΩMCFL ∂ΩMCFL =0, =0. (11) The separationof the gap in two different parameters in ∂∆ ∂∆ H the MCFL case, as compared to the CFL, where ∆ = 1 ∆ =∆ ,reflectsthe symmetrydifferencebetweenthese It is worthto mention that if we take into accountthe 2 3 twophases[20]. Hereagain,Λ-dependentsmoothcutoffs particle-antiparticlechannelsintheNJLmodelherecon- were introduced. sidered, it is possible to claim that the bag pressure can 5 be explicitly calculated in the chiral limit of this model the system normal stresses (pressures) can be obtained as an effective bag ”constant” that depends on the dy- from the diagonal spatial components, the system en- namicalmassesandchiralcondensates. Thiswasdonein ergy density, from the zeroth diagonal component, and [36] by adopting a particular version of the NJL-model theshearstresses(whichareabsentforthe caseofauni- [37] that had four- and six-point interaction terms. At formmagneticfield)fromtheoff-diagonalspatialcompo- the highdensitiesrequiredfortherealizationofboththe nents. Then, the energy-density, longitudinal and trans- CFL and MCFL phases, the NJL-derived bag pressure versepressuresofthedensemagnetizedsystemaregiven contribution to the thermodynamic potential would re- respectively by duce to its zero density value [36]. A natural question 1 1 1 in the context of the present work is whether the exter- ε= hτ00i, p = hτ33i, p = hτ⊥⊥i (12) nal magnetic field could effectively modify the vacuum βV k βV ⊥ βV pressure found in [36]. It turns out that no significant here the equantum-statisticeal average of thee energy- modification can occur for field strengths below 1020G, momentum tensor is given by as shown in the Appendix. Therefore for the range of fields relevant for our calculations, if one were to adopt Tr τρλe−β(H−µN) thesamemodelasin[36]thefieldeffectscanbe ignored. hτρλi= (13) Z We must also underline that the fact that this NJL- (cid:2) (cid:3) e derivedbagconstantispracticallyinsensibletothemag- where e netic field for a realistic range of field strengths does not β preventthe”actual”bagconstantingeneraltobesignif- τρλ = dτ d3xτρλ(τ,x) (14) icantly sensible to the magnetic field. First of all, the Z0 Z bag constant obtained within a NJL model is model- and Z is the epartition function of the grand canonical dependent. Besides, a well-known shortcoming of the ensemble given by NJL theory is that it cannot describe the confinement- deconfinement transition, which is a basic feature of Z =Treβ(H−µN) (15) QCD and the one most directly relevant for introduc- ing a bag constant in a model of unconfined quarks. On withH denotingthe systemHamiltonian, N theparticle the other hand, it should be highlighted that the CFL number, and β the inverse absolute temperature. and MCFL phases can be also found independently of In the CFL phase p =p =p, and following the pre- k ⊥ any NJL model, using weak-coupledQCD inthe limit of scription (12), the pressure and energy density is found asymptotically large densities. In this case the bag pres- as a function of the thermodynamic potential (8) as sure cannot be explicitly calculated, so one has to rely on the MIT model analysis to impose some restrictions ∂Ω0 ǫ =Ω −µ , (16a) to the rangeofvaluesitcantake. Therefore,throughout CFL 0 ∂µ the present paper we assume we have an undetermined bag pressure B which may or not depend on the mag- p =−Ω (16b) netic field. Below, unless otherwise specified, whenever CFL 0 a fixed value of the bag constant is used, we take B=58 while for the MCFL, due to the anisotropy introduced MeV/fm3,whichiscompatiblewithboththeMITmodel by the uniform magnetic field, p 6= p , and the energy and the zero density value of B found in [36]. k ⊥ density and pressures are found as function of the ther- modynamic potential (9) as (see Ref. [18] for detailed derivations of the formulas for the pressures and energy III. EQUATIONS OF STATE density in a magnetic field) In this Section we derive the EoS for the CFL and ∂Ω MCFL phases using their respective thermodynamic po- ǫ =Ω −µ H, (17a) MCFL H ∂µ tentials (8) and (9), along with their gap solutions ob- tained from (10) and (11), respectively. The values of the free parameters G and Λ are chosen to produce a pk =−Ω , (17b) CFL gap∆ =10 MeV,which is within the plausible MCFL H CFL rangeofvaluesthat∆ cantakeinnature[38],andis CFL small enough to decrease the dependence of our results ∂Ω p⊥ =−Ω +H H (17c) onthe scaleΛ [32]. Then, throughoutthe entire analysis MCFL H ∂H we take: G=4.32 GeV−2 and Λ=1 GeV. As it is known [39], the energy density and pres- Notice that in the MCFL phasee, because of the pres- e sures can be obtained from the different components of ence of the magnetic field, there is a splitting between k the macroscopic energy-momentum tensor. In the ref- the parallel p (i.e. along the field) and the trans- MCFL erence frame comoving with the many-particle system, verse p⊥ (i.e. perpendicular to the field) pressures. MCFL 6 FIG. 1. Paralleland perpendicular pressuresas a function ofthe FIG.2. Splittingoftheparallelandperpendicularpressures,nor- magneticfieldintensityforrepresentativevaluesofµandbagcon- malizedtothezerovaluepressure(p(H =0)),asafunctionofthe stantB. magneticfieldintensityforµ=500MeVandB=58MeV/fm3. We call attention that in Eq. (16) (Eq. (17a)) the gap If we use is a function of µ (µ and H) found by solving Eq. (10) ∂Ω ∂Ω (Eq.(11)). The anisotropic nature of the system in the − H =− MCFL =N, (18) MCFL phase is an importeant feature that will be dis- ∂µ ∂µ cussed later in connection to stellar models. toexpressthechemicalpotentialµintermsofthebaryon The magnetic field dependencies of the parallel and numberdensityN,plugitintothegapsequations(11)to transverse pressures in (17a) are plotted in Fig. 1. Sim- ilarly to what occurs in the case of a magnetized uncou- findthegapsintermsofthefieldH andN,andsubstitute pled fermion system at finite density [18], the transverse everythingintotheenergydensity(17a),wecanseethat pressure in the MCFL phase increases with the field, the energy density per baryonnuember (Fig. 4) increases while the parallel pressure decreases and reaches a zero with increasing magnetic field, in contrast to previous value at field strength of order & 1019 G for the den- claims based on a CFL model at H 6= 0 with only one sity under consideration (µ = 500 MeV). We see from gap that was fixed by hand [41]. Fig. 1 that Ω and ∂Ω /∂H do not exhibit the Hass- e H H van Alphen oscillations as happens with other physical quantitiesinthe presenceofaemagneticfield[30,31,40]. IV. STABILITY CONDITIONS This is due to the high contributionof the pure Maxwell term in ΩH and ∂ΩH/∂H, which makes the oscillations Havingthe EoSfor MCFL matter,we cananalyze the of the matter part negligible in comparison. conditions for this matter to become absolutely stable. The splittingbetweenpearallelandperpendicularpres- This is done by comparing the energy density at zero sures, shownin the verticalaxis of Fig.2, growswith the pressureconditionwith thatofthe ironnucleus(roughly magnetic field strength. Comparing the found splitting 930 MeV). Depending on whether the energy density of with the pressure of the (isotropic) CFL phase, we can the MCFL phase is higher or smaller than this value, address how important this effect is for the EoS. Notice the content of a magnetized strange quark could be or that for 3×1018 G the pressures splitting is ∼ 10% of not made of MCFL matter. If the energy of the MCFL theirisotropicvalueatzerofield(i.e. theonecorrespond- phase is smaller than 930 MeV for only a specific range ing to the CFL phase). in pressure (or density), this would imply metastability. InthegraphicalrepresentationoftheEoSinFig. 3the To find the maximum value of the bag constant re- highly anisotropic behavior of the magnetized medium quiredforthestabilitytoholdatzeromagneticfield,and is explicitly shown. While the magnetic-field effect is then use it as a reference when considering the MCFL significant for the ǫ − pk relationship at H ∼ 1018 G, case, we will start our analysis investigating the stabil- with a shift in the energy density with respect to the ity in the CFL phase. We call reader’s attention that in zero-fieldvalueof∼200MeV/fm3 forthesaemepressure, all our derivations we work within a self-consistent ap- thefieldeffectintheǫ−p⊥ relationshipissmallerforthe proach, in which the solutions of the gap equations are same range of field values. substituted in the pressures and energies of each phase 7 FIG. 4. Energyper baryon number as afunction ofthe baryonic densityofMCFLmatter fordifferent values ofthemagnetic field, labeled as in Fig.3. We see that increasing the magnetic field in- creasestheenergyperbaryon,thusmakingthematterlessstable. Taking into account that in the CFL phase each of the three flavors have the same number density (which is correct as long as one does not introduce the strange massandhastoimposechargeneutrality),wehaven = A 1(n +n +n ) = 1N. Hence, the energy density per 3 u d s 3 particle becomes ǫ µ ∂Ω µ CFL 0 CFL 0 =− | = N| =3µ (21) n n ∂µ µ0 n µ0 0 A A A withµ denotingthechemicalpotentialatzeropressure. 0 For the CFL matter to be absolutely stable, its energy density per particle should be smaller than the lowest FIG. 3. Equation of state for MCFL matter considering parallel (upperpanel)andperpendicular(lowerpanel)pressuresfordiffer- energy density per baryon found in nuclei, i.e. that cor- ent values of H˜: zero field (solid line), 1017G (dashed line) and responding to the iron nucleus. Hence, 5×1018G (dotted line). Notethat thelow valueofH =1017Gis not distinguishable in the plots, being merged with the zero-field ǫ curve. ThevalueofthebagconstantwasfixedtoB=58MeV/fm3. CFL ≤ǫ0(Fe56), (22) n A where ǫ (Fe56) = 1 m(Fe56) ≈ 930MeV. This condi- 0 56 tionconstraintsthemaximumallowedvalueofthechem- beforeimposingthe conditionsofequilibriumandstabil- icalpotentialtobeµ =310MeV. Usingthisresultback ity. 0 in (19) we can determine the value of the maximum bag constant for absolute stability to hold. The obtained re- sult is shown in Fig. 5 (horizontal axis). This bag con- A. H =0 Case stant value is within an acceptable range. Moreover, it is of the same order as the one given in reference [8] for The stability criterion for CFL matter in the absence m =0. s of a magnetic field is very simple. Following Farhi and Jaffe’s [42] approach, we can determine the maximum value of the bag constant that satisfies the stability con- B. H 6=0 Case dition at zero pressure. With this aim, we first impose the zero pressure condition in Eq. (16), to get When H 6=0 the situation is different. Now, both the B =−ΩCFL (19) parallel and perpendicular pressures in Eq. (17a) need ∂Ω tovanishsimultaneously. Therefore,the twoequilibrium CFL ǫ =−µ (20) CFL ∂µ conditions become 8 supply the pressure to compensate the one due to the field. For such systems, keeping B constant in the EoS pk =−Ω −B− H2 =0, (23) is in principle possible. Under this assumption we con- MCFL MCFL 2 sidered a fixed B-value in Fig. 3. ∂Ω ∂eB Todeterminethemaximum”bagconstant”allowedfor p⊥ =H MCFL +H +H2 =0 (24) MCFL eachmagneticfieldvalueinthe stableregion,weneedto ∂H ∂H simultaneouslysatisfytheequilibriumequations(23)and Whereweareasesumingthattheebagconestantdepends (24), as well as the stability condition in the presence of e e on the magnetic field. It is not unnatural to expect that the magnetic field the applied magnetic field could modify the QCD vac- uum, hence producing a field-dependent bag constant. ǫMCFL =−µHe ∂ΩMCFL| − H2 One can readily verify that Eqs. (23)-(24) are equiva- n n ∂µ µHf 2n A A A eleqnutiltiborriueqmuipreoipnkMt.CFL =0 and ∂pkMCFL/∂H = 0 at the =3µe −3H2 ≤ǫe(Fee56) (27) H 2N H Equation (24) can be rewritten as e e Notice that because the nucleons’ rest-energy are modi- ∂B fiedinthepresenceofamagneticfield,theenergydensity H =M − ∂H (25) of iron ǫHe(Fe56) is now field-dependent. Taking into ac- count the field interaction with the anomalous magnetic whereM =−∂Ω e/∂H isthesystemmagnetization. moment[28], the nucleons’energyspectrumatH 6=0,is MCFL e IfweweretoconsiderthatthevacuumenergyB doesnot given by depend on the magnetic fieeld, we would need E = [ c4m2+c2(p2) +κ Hσ]2+c2p2, i=p,n M =H, (26) i i ⊥ i i z r q (28) to ensure the equilibrium ofethe self-bound matter, a Fortheproton(i=p),andneutron(i=n),thefollowing condition difficult to satisfy since it would imply that parameters hold respectively, the medium response to the applied magnetic field (i.e. m =938.28MeV, κ =µ (g /2−1), the medium magnetization M) is of the order of the ap- p p N p plied field that produces it. Only if the MCFL mat- (p2) =2leH, l=0,1,2,..., (29) ⊥ p ter were a ferromagnet this would be viable. The other possibility for the equilibrium conditions (23) and (24) m =939.57MeV, κ =µ g /2, n n N n to hold simultaneously is to have a field-dependent bag (p2) =p2+p2, (30) constantcapabletoyieldnonzerovacuummagnetization ⊥ n 1 2 M0 = −∂Be ≃ H. From the discussion at the end of In (29)-(30), µ = e~/2cm is the nuclear magneton, ∂H N p Section II and the results of the Appendix, it is clear andthe Lande g factors aregivenby g =5.58and g = p n that this conditieon cannot be satisfied if the bag con- −3.82, respectively. stant were the one found in [36]. However, as argued The proton and neutron rest energies can be obtained before, such a bag constant is model-dependent and was from (28) at zero momentum obtained within a theory that does not exhibit confine- ment. Hence, we cannot discard the possibility that the E(0) =m c2+ σ(g /2−1)e~H, actualbagconstantismuchmoresensitivetotheapplied p p 2 p m c p magneticfield. Wemustrecallthatinotherphysicalsce- σ e~H narios, bag constants depending on external conditions En(0) =mnc2+ 2gn/2m c (31) n suchastemperatureand/ordensityhavebeenpreviously considered [43]. Luckily, in the approach we follow here It would take a magnetic-field strength larger than 1020G to have the secondterms in the RHS of Eqs. (31) we donotneedto formulatea theoryforthe H-modified vacuum, as we only need to know the relation between comparable to the first ones. For the field range con- sidered in this paper (H ≤ 1019G) it is then consistent B and H under equilibrium conditions. e to neglect the field correction in the iron energy density, The following comment is in order. The fact that the bag conestant needs to be field-dependent for self-bound thus making ǫHe(Fe56)≈ǫ0(Fe56)=930MeV. starsinastrongmagneticfieldisadirectconsequenceof Then, finding µe as a function of H in (27) and sub- H thelackofacompensatingeffectfortheinternalpressure stituting it back in (23), we can numerically solve produced by the magnetic field other than that applied e by the vacuum (an exception could be of course if the B(H)=−ΩMCFL(µHe,H)−H2/2, (32) pairedquarkmatterwouldexhibitferromagnetism). For gravitationally bound stars, on the other hand, the sit- to determine tehe stability windowein theeplane H versus uation is different, since the own gravitational field can B for the MCFL matter to be absolute stable (Fig. 5). e 9 V. STELLAR MODELS The most immediate application of the EoS for the MCFL phase is to construct stellar models for compact stars composed of quark matter. There are two distinct possibilities: new magnetized “strange stars”, if quark matter in the MCFL phase is absolute stable (the pos- sibility explored in the last section); and hybrid stars, if the MCFL matter is metastable (stars would contain a MCFL core surrounded by normal matter). As long as the magnetic field strength is not much larger than the threshold value ∼ 1018G, at which the pressure anisotropy starts to become noticeable, both cases can be investigated by integrating the relativis- tic equations for stellar structure, that is, the Tolman- FIG.5. StabilitywindowforMCFLmatterintheplaneH˜ vs. B. Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) and mass continuity equa- The curve shown corresponds to the borderline value ǫ/A = 930 tions, MeV. dm =4πr2ǫ (33) dr dP ǫm P 4πr3P 2m −1 =− 1+ 1+ 1− (34) dr r2 ǫ m r (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) writteninnaturalunits,c=G=1. Giventhatthissetof differential equations apply only to isotropic EoS, while our results for the pressures indicate a rapidly growing anisotropyofthe EoSbeyondthe thresholdfield(Fig.1), ourapproachisprobingthelimitsofthevalidityofspher- ical models based on isotropic EoS. A. Magnetic CFL Strange Stars Based on the analogy with Ref. [1, 4], we construct stellar models using the EoS with parameters inside the stabilitywindow,thatis,foraself-boundmattercase. In Fig. 7we presentthe mass-radiusrelationfortwo values FIG. 6. Baryonic density at zero pressure conditions for MCFL e of the magnetic field, when the anisotropy is still small matter as a function of the magnetic field H considering the field dependence ofthebagconstantgiveninEq. (32). (a few parts per thousand, see Fig. 3) and when the anisotropy cannot be neglected (a few per cent, Fig. 3). Foreachofthesevaluesofthefieldwehavecalculatedtwo curves,oneconsideringthepressuregivenbytheparallel (dotted line) and the other given by the perpendicular one(dashedline),andcomparedthemwiththezerofield The inner region, which corresponds to smaller bag con- mass-radius relation in Fig. 7. stants for each given H, is the absolutely stable region. Even though the calculations in Fig. 7 should be con- Note that, contraryto FarhiandJaffe [42], we didnot sideredasjustanexample,weseethattheperpendicular e impose a minimum value for the bag constant because pressure provides a “harder EOS” while the parallel is we haveno clearindicationfromexperiments ofthe pos- “softer”. Therefore, the former choice renders a higher sible behaviorof this parameterwhen a magnetic field is maximum mass. applied to a system. From those Figs. we conclude that one must restrict oneselfto weakmagnetic fields, whenthe deviationfrom AsshowninFig. 6,thevalueofthechemicalpotential spherical symmetry is very small (of order 0.001 %), in µHe found from the stability condition (27), grows with order to justify the use of Eqs. (33) and (34). If the increasing H, in good consistency with our assumption magnetic field in these compact stars is too high, say of zero quark masses and deconfined quark matter. In H˜ & 1018 G (at µ = 500 MeV), the spherically sym- summary, oeur results indicate that a condition for the metric TOV equations cannot be employed because the MCFL matter to be absolutely stable is to have a field- deviations become important and lead to significant dif- dependent bag constant. ferences with respect of realistic axisymmetric models, 10 FIG. 8. Mass-radius relation for the EoS given in [8] for CFL matter without magnetic field for two different values of the gap parameter, ∆ = 0 (dashed) and ∆ = 100MeV, and the results obtainedheresettingH˜ =0(solidline). B. Hybrid Stars The construction of models for the so-called “hy- brid stars” faces the same problem as before when the magnetic-field-inducedpressureanisotropyisconsidered. Workingoutsidethe stability windowsrenderEoSwhich are valid only above a certain critical density, not all the way down to zero, since MCFL matter would be fa- vored at high density only. Thus, the stellar models be- long to the so-called hybrid type, in which a core of the high-density matter is present. Again, the value of the magnetic field induces an increasingly large anisotropy, FIG. 7. Mass-radius relation for magnetized strange CFL stars andbagconstantB=58MeV/fm3. ThefulllineindicatestheM- which in turn forces the construction of axisymmetric R relationfor zeromagnetic field, whereas the dashed anddotted (not spherical) stellar models. In this way, it can be lines represent the MR relation calculated with the parallel and modelled within the isotropic TOV formalism only for perpendicularpressures,respectively,forH˜ =1.7×1017 G(upper relative pressure differences in the ballpark of ∼10−3. panel)andH˜ =3×1018 G(lowerpanel). Fig. 9 displays a hybrid sequence obtained by em- ploying the well-known Bethe-Johnson EoS for nuclear matter and using the Gibbs criteria for determining the value of the transition pressure between exotic and nu- yet to be constructed taking into account the pressure clearmatter. Thesecurveswerecalculatedusingtheper- asymmetry. (this is why the M-R sequences in Fig. 7 pendicularpressure(formagnetizedstars)asanexample. lower panel should not be trusted, and we stress again As expected, the appearance of an MCFL core softens that they should be considered just as an example). We the EoS, rendering lower maximum masses than “pure” shall address this issue elsewhere. hadronic models. The main feature of considering the Fig. 8 comparesour result for zero magnetic field EoS existence of magnetic field for hybrid MCFL stars is to withthe onepresentedinreference[8]. Itshowsthatthe switch the point where the hybrid sequences begin, i. e. curves calculated using NJL + B and bag model with where the stars start exhibiting a CFL core. Since the small ∆ are quite similar. Nonetheless, it is important differenceintheEoSforlowfieldMCFLmatterandCFL tostressthatthecalculationsofthepresentworkfeature matter is of just a few percent (see Fig. 3), and because a self-consistent gap parameter (not a constant), which the star radius depends mainly on the nuclear EoS, ob- varies according to the particle density. servational data of maximum mass and minimum radii