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EQUALITY OF LYAPUNOV AND STABILITY EXPONENTS FOR PRODUCTS OF ISOTROPIC RANDOM MATRICES NANDAKISHOREREDDY 6 1 0 2 n Abstract. We show that Lyapunov exponents and stability exponents are a equal in the case of product of i.i.d isotropic(also known as bi-unitarily in- J variant)randommatrices. Wealsoderiveaysmptoticdistributionofsingular valuesandeigenvaluesoftheseproductrandommatrices. Moreover,Lyapunov 2 exponents are distinct, unless the random matrices are random scalar multi- 1 plesofHaarunitarymatricesororthogonalmatrices. Asacorollaryofabove result, we show probability that product of n i.i.d real isotropic random ma- ] R trices has all eigenvalues real goes to one as n → ∞. Also, in the proof of a lemma, we observe that a real (complex) Ginibre matrix can be written as P product of a random lower triangular matrix and an independent truncated . h Haarorthogonal(unitary)matrix. t a m 1. Definitions and introduction [ Let M ,M ,... be sequence of i.i.d random matrices of order d. Define σ to 1 2 n 1 be diagonal matrix with singular values of product matrix Pn =M1M2..Mn in the v diagonalindecreasingorderandsimilarlyλ tobediagonalmatrixwitheigenvalues n 8 of P in the diagonal in decreasing order of absolute values, for n = 1,2,.... Let n 88 |λn|n1 and|σn|n1 denotediagonalmatriceswithnon-negativen-throotsofabsolute values of diagonal entries of λ and σ in the diagonal, respectively. 2 n n 0 Define σ := limn→∞|σn|n1 and λ := limn→∞|λn|n1, if the limits exist. Then . diagonal elements of lnσ and lnλ are called Lyapunov exponents and stability 1 exponents for products of i.i.d random matrices, respectively. In other words, they 0 6 are rates of exponential growth(or decay) of singular values and eigenvalues of 1 product matrices P , respectively as n→∞. n : v We consider both real and complex random matrices in this paper.For the sake i X ofsimplicity,werestrictourselvesmostlytocomplexrandommatrices. Butallthe definitions and statements, along with proofs, carry over immediately to real case r a (by replacing everywhere unitary matrices by orthogonal matrices). Definition1. ArandommatrixM issaidtobeisotropic ifprobabilitydistribution of UMV is same as that of M, for all unitary matrices U,V. Theyalsogobythenamesofbi-unitarilyinvariantandrotationinvariantrandom matrices. It follows from definition that distribution of UMV is same as that of M, if U,V are Haar distributed random unitary matrices independent of M and each other. M = PDQ be the singular value decomposition of M, then UMV = Date:January13,2016. PartiallysupportedbyUGCCentreforAdvancedStudies. ResearchsupportedbyCSIR-SPM fellowship,CSIR,GovernmentofIndia. 1 EQUALITYOFLYAPUNOVANDSTABILITYEXPONENTS 2 UPDQV. Since U,V are Haar unitary matrices independent of D, then UP and QV are also independent Haar unitary matrices, independent of D. So, it follows that N = UDV, where D is diagonal matrix of singular values of rotation invariant random matrix M and U,V are independent Haar unitary matrices independent of D, has same distribution as that of M. So, N is also isotropicandthiscanbetakenasalternatedefinitionofisotropicrandommatrices. Definition 2. A product matrix M =UDV is said to be isotropic if D is random diagonal matrix with non-negative real diagonal entries and U,V are Haar unitary matrices independent of D and each other. Definition 3. A product matrix M = UDV is said to be right isotropic or right rotation invariant if U is random unitary matrix, D is random diagonal matrix with non-negative real diagonal entries and V is Haar unitary matrix independent of D and U. Lyapunov exponents for products of i.i.d random matrices and criteria for their distinctness have been discussed in [5]. Exact expression for Lyapunov exponents in case of isotropic random matrices has been derived in [20]. In the same paper, explicit calculations and asymptotics have been done in case of Gaussian real ran- dom matrices, also called real Ginibre ensemble. Explicit calculations of Lyapunov exponentsformodifiedComplexGinibreensembleshavebeendonein[7]. Stability exponentshavebeenconsideredfirstinthesettingofdynamicalsystemsin[10]and therein equality of Lyapunov and stability exponents has been conjectured based upon plausible arguments and numerical results. Recent comparative studies ([2], [13]) of Lyapunov exponents and stability exponents in the case of Ginibre matrix ensembles have verified the conjecture to be true in the respective cases. And also ([9]) mentions this in the case of random truncated unitary matrices. For a sum- maryofresultsonthistopic,wereferreaderto[4]. In[2],aproofofthisconjecture in the case of 2×2 isotropic random matrices has been given. In section 3, we give a proof of this conjecture for isotropic random matrices of any order. Anotherphenomenonofinterestinproductsofrandommatricesisconvergenceof probability,thatalleigenvaluesofrealrandomproductmatrixM M ...M arereal, 1 2 n to one as n→∞. This phenomenon has been first studied extensively numerically in case of real Gaussian matrices in [18] and rigorous proofs of those results have beenobtainedin[8]. Numericalstudyofthesamephenomenonforrandommatrices with i.i.d elements from various other distributions uniform, Laplace and Cauchy has been done in [11]. In section 5, we prove the same in case of real isotropic randommatrices,asacorollarytoexistenceanddistinctnessofstabilityexponents, generalizingthecaseofrealGaussianmatricesinthedirectionofisotropicproperty. Asymptotic distribution of first order fluctuations of action of product random matricesisknowntobeGaussian,seeChapterVofpartAin[5]forrelatedcentral limittheorems. Buttheknowledgeofvariancesofthesedistributionshasbeenvery limited until recently. In [2], asymptotic distributions of first order fluctuations of (logarithm of) both singular values and moduli of eigenvalues for product of large number of Ginibre matrices have been computed and shown to be equal. In [9], variances of asymptotic distributions of first order fluctuations of singular values in cases of generalised Ginibre matrices and truncated Haar unitary matrices have been computed. In section 4, we compute first order asymptotic joint probability NANDAKISHOREREDDY 3 density of singular values of P , also that of moduli of eigenvalues of P and show n n them to be equal. Thepaperisorganisedasfollows. Insection2wegiveanalgorithmforgenerating products of isotropic random matrices, using singular value decompositions, which wouldhelpustoseetherelationbetweeneigenvaluesandsingularvaluesofproduct matrices very clearly. Thereafter it becomes very easy to deduce the equality of Lyapunovandstabilityexponentswhichisdoneinsection3. Insection4,wederive firstorderasymptoticdistributionofsingularvaluesandeigenvaluesofP . Infinal n section 5 probability of event that all eigenvalues of product M M ..M of n i.i.d 1 2 n isotropic real random matrices are real is shown to converge to one as n→∞. 2. Products of right isotropic random matrices Let P = M M ..M be product of i.i.d random matrices. P = U σ V be n 1 2 n n n n n singularvaluedecompositionofP withdiagonalentriesofσ indescendingorder. n n From multiplicative ergodic theorem of Oseledec [21], [22] or Corollary 1.3 on page 79of[5],weknowthatundercertainconditionsondistributionofM ,U converges 1 n to a fixed unitary matrix U∞ and |σn|n1 converges to a fixed diagonal matrix σ. But knowledge of matrices {V }∞ is also required in order to study the limiting n n=1 behavior of eigenvalues of P . The advantage with considering isotropic or just n right rotation invariant random matrices is the full knowledge of distribution of {V }∞ . It is a sequence of independent Haar unitary matrices. We refer the n n=1 reader to a recent paper [6] to appreciate and understand the role of Haar unitary matrices in random matrix theory. Let M = U D V for i = 1,2... be sequence of i.i.d right rotation invariant i i i i random matrices where V ,V ... are all independent Haar unitary matrices, inde- 1 2 pendent of positive diagonal matrices D ,D ... and unitary matrices U ,U .... 1 2 1 2 P =P M =U σ V U D V . n+1 n n+1 n n n n+1 n+1 n+1 Let σ V U D = R σ S be singular value decomposition of n n n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 σ V U D with diagonal entries of σ in descending order. Therefore n n n+1 n+1 n+1 P =U R σ S V =U σ V n+1 n n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 where U = U R , V = S V . Since V is Haar unitary matrix n+1 n n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 independent of preceding matrices {U ,σ ,U ,D }n+1 and {V }n , we have that k k k k k=1 k k=1 V isalsoHaardistributedandindependentof{U ,σ ,U ,D }n+1 and{V }n . n+1 k k k k k=1 k k=1 This gives us the key idea that V U is Haar distributed and independent of n+1 n+1 {V U }n . k k k=1 Remark 4. For {M }∞ , a sequence of i.i.d right rotation invariant random n n=1 matrices, {V U }∞ is a sequence of independent Haar unitary matrices. n n n=1 Observethatσ isdiagonalmatrixofsingularvaluesofσ V U D . Since n+1 n n n+1 n+1 V is Haar unitary matrix independent of {U ,D }n+1, {V }n−1 and preceding n k k k=1 k k=1 diagonal matrices {σ }n , we have that V U is Haar unitary independent of k k=1 n n+1 {σ }n ,{V U }n−1 and{D }n+1. Therefore{V U }∞ isasequenceofi.i.d k k=1 k k+1 k=1 k k=1 n n+1 n=1 Haarunitarymatricesgeneratedindependentlyofi.i.dsequenceofrandomdiagonal matrices {D }∞ . The sequence of singular value diagonal matrices {σ }∞ is n n=1 n n=1 defined recursively by setting σ =D and taking σ to be the diagonal matrix 1 1 n+1 EQUALITYOFLYAPUNOVANDSTABILITYEXPONENTS 4 with singular values of σ V U D in the diagonal, in descending order, for n n n+1 n+1 n=1,2.... Remark 5. The probability distribution of {σ }∞ doesn’t depend on the distri- n n=1 butionofU ,leftsingularvectorsofM . Inotherwords,theprobabilitydistribution 1 1 of {σ }∞ remains the same in the case of i.i.d isotropic random matrices whose n n=1 distribution of singular values is same as that of M . 1 Usingtheseobservations, wehaveanalternatealgorithmofgeneratingproducts of right rotation invariant random matrices P ,P ,...,P ,... sequentially. 1 2 n At the first step, generate M =U D V . Call D to be σ and M to be P . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 For n≥1, at n+1-step, we have P =U σ V and n n n n (1) generate a diagonal matrix D from the distribution of D indepen- n+1 1 dently. Compute singular value decomposition of σ V D to get σ V D = n n n+1 n n n+1 R σ S ,withdiagonalentriesofdiagonalmatrixσ indescendingorder. n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 Call U R to be U and n n+1 n+1 (2) generate a Haar unitary matrix V independently. Set U σ V to n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 be P . n+1 This recursive nature of singular values of isotropic random matrix products has been used in [17] to derive singular value statistics of isotropic random matrix products with singular values of repulsive(Vandermonde) nature. Also, in a very recent study [16], an exact relation between singular value and eigenvalue statis- ticsofisotropicrandommatriceswithrepulsive(Vandermonde)singularvaluesand eigenvalues has been established. 3. Asymptotic relation between eigenvalues and singular values Asymptotic behaviour of singular values of product random matrices has been discussed in detail in [5]. We combine Proposition 5.6 from Chapter III, Theorem 1.2 and Proposition 2.5 from Chapter IV of part A in [5] to arrive at the following statement (though part A of the book deals with real random matrices mainly, all the statements are true in complex case also, says the author in Introduction). Fact 6. Let M ,M ... be sequence of i.i.d invertible random matrices of order 1 2 d with common distribution µ, such that E(log+(cid:107)M (cid:107)) is finite (spectral norm is 1 used). If there exists a matrix A such that (cid:107)A(cid:107)−1A is not unitary and UAU−1 belongs to support of measure µ for every unitary matrix U, then |σn|n1 converges almost surely to a deterministic diagonal matrix σ and non-zero diagonal elements ofσarefiniteanddistinct. LogvaluesofdiagonalelementsofσarecalledLyapunov exponents. Additionally if we have that E(log|det(M )|) exists and is finite, then as 1 det(σ ) = (cid:81)n |det(M )|, by strong law of large numbers, we get that n k=1 k log(det|σn|n1) converges to E(log|det(M1)|) almost surely and all diagonal ele- ments of σ are non-zero ı.e Lyapunov exponents are all finite. WeUseasimpleideaofcomparingcoefficientsofcharacteristicpolynomialwrit- tenintermsofbothsingularvaluesandeigenvalues,Horninequalities[12]andFact 6regardingconvergenceofsingularvalues,toprovethemaintheoremofthispaper, which states that as n → ∞, eigenvalues of random isotropic product matrix P n NANDAKISHOREREDDY 5 grow (or decay) exponentially at the same rate as that of corresponding singular values. Theorem 7. Let M ,M ... be sequence of i.i.d invertible isotropic random ma- 1 2 trices of order d, such that E(log+(cid:107)M1(cid:107)) is finite. Then, both |σn|n1 and |λn|n1 converge almost surely to the same deterministic diagonal matrix σ, whose non- zero diagonal elements are all distinct. Additionally if E(log|det(M )|) exists and 1 is finite, then all diagonal elements of σ are non-zero. Proof. If Prob(cid:16)M(cid:107)M1∗1M(cid:107)21 =I(cid:17) = 1, then M1 is random scalar multiple of a Haar unitary matrix. In that case both |σn|n1 and |λn|n1 are equal to ((cid:81)nk=1(cid:107)Mk(cid:107))n1I which converges to eE(log(cid:107)M1(cid:107))I as n→∞, by strong law of large numbers. Hence the theorem is true in this case. Suppose Prob(cid:16)M(cid:107)M1∗1M(cid:107)21 =I(cid:17) < 1. Since M1 = U1D1V1, the above assumption ensuresthat,withpositiveprobability,D isnotascalarmultipleofidentitymatrix. 1 So there exists a diagonal matrix A in the support of measure of D such that 1 (cid:107)A(cid:107)−1A is not unitary. By the definition of isotropic random matrices, UAU−1 belongs to the support of measure of M for every unitary matrix U. Therefore 1 by Fact 6, |σn|n1 converges almost surely to a diagonal matrix σ whose non-zero diagonal elements are finite and distinct. Lets say that the first r diagonal entries of σ are non-zero, 1≤r ≤d. Eigenvalues of P = U σ V are same as that of V U σ . For the sake of n n n n n n n simplicity of notation, we write W in place of V U . By remark 4, {W }∞ is a n n n n n=1 sequence of independent Haar unitary matrices. For J ⊆ {1,2,...d}, [M] denotes the determinant of the matrix formed from J matrix M by deleting rows and columns whose indices are not in J. |J| denotes cardinality of J. From here onwards, J is always a subset of {1,2,..d}. det(zI−λ )=det(zI−W σ ) n n n By comparing coefficients of zd−i for i≤r in the above equation, we get (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (1) [λ ] = [W σ ] = [W ] [σ ] . n J n n J n J n J |J|=i |J|=i |J|=i We can see that |[Wn]J| (cid:54) 1 and also, |[Wn]J|n1 → 1 as n → ∞ for every J ⊆ {1,2,...d} almost surely, from Lemma 9, stated and proved after this proof. Also, we have noted earlier in this proof, |σn|n1 converges almost surely to a diagonal matrix σ whose non-zero diagonal elements are finite and distinct, so we have [σ] <[σ] for |J|=i, J (cid:54)={1,2..i}. Therefore [σn]J →0 for any |J|=i J {1,2..i} [σn]{1,2..i} and J (cid:54)={1,2..i} and |[σn]{1,2..i}|n1 →[σ]{1,2..i} almost surely as n→∞, giving us almost surely (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) 1 lim | [λ ] |n = lim | [W ] [σ ] |n =[σ] . n J n J n J {1,2..i} n→∞ n→∞ |J|=i |J|=i Notice that (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) d d | [λ ] |(cid:54) |[λ ] |(cid:54) [σ ] n J i n {1,2..i} i n {1,2..i} |J|=i EQUALITYOFLYAPUNOVANDSTABILITYEXPONENTS 6 as the diagonal entries of λ are in descending order of absolute values and second n inequality follows from Horn’s inequalities [12]. From the above expressions and sandwich theorem, we have that limn→∞|[λn]{1,2..i}|n1 = [σ]{1,2..i} for all i ≤ r. For i > r, limn→∞|[λn]{1,2..i}|n1 = [σ]{1,2..i} = 0, follows directly from Horn’s inequalities. Therefore, limn→∞|[λn]{1,2..i}|n1 = [σ]{1,2..i} for all 1 ≤ i ≤ d. It implies that both |σn|n1 and |λn|n1 converge to the same diagonal matrix σ almost surely. (cid:4) Remark 8. We can observe from the proof of above Theorem that, for a sequence of product random matrices {P =U σ V }∞ which satisfy remark 4, existence n n n n n=1 and distinctness (of non-zero ones) of Lyapunov exponents implies existence of stability exponents and also their equality with Lyapunov exponents. As remark 5 implies that Lyapunov exponents of right isotropic random matrices are equal to that of isotropic random matrices with the same singular value distribution, the above Theorem holds for right isotropic random matrices also. Now we proceed to prove the lemma used in the above proof. Lemma 9. Let {W }∞ be sequence of independent Haar unitary matrices (or n n=1 orthogonalmatrices)oforderd. Then|[Wn]J|n1 →1and|[Wn]J|√1n →1asn→∞ for every J ⊆{1,2,...d} almost surely. Proof. As there are only finitely many J ⊆ {1,2,...d}, it is enough to prove for every particular J ⊆ {1,2,...d} that |[Wn]J|n1 → 1 and |[Wn]J|√1n → 1 as n → ∞ almost surely. For any particular J (|J| = i), since [W ] is determinant of sub- n J block of Haar unitary matrix (or orthogonal matrix), using invariance of measure of W under permutations of rows and columns, we can assume without of loss of n generality that J ={1,2,..,i}. By Borel-cantelli lemma, we know that for a sequence of i.i.d random variables {Yn}∞n=1, Ynn →0almostsurelyifandonlyifE|Y1|isfinite. Therefore log|[Wnn]J| →0 and log|√[Wnn]J| → 0 almost surely as n → ∞ if and only if E|log|[W1]J|| and E|log|[W ] ||2 are finite. Notice that E|log|[W ] ||=−Elog|[W ] |. All we need 1 J 1 J 1 J toshownowisthatlogarithmofabsolutevalueofdeterminantofatruncatedHaar unitary(ororthogonal)matrixhasfiniteexpectedvalue. Thiscanbedonebyusing density of eigenvalues of truncated unitary (or orthogonal) matrices, see [15], [23]. We propose another way of doing this which also sheds some new light on many other aspects of truncated Haar Unitary or orthogonal matrices. we do it for orthogonal case. And unitary case would be a straightforward generalization of that. The idea is to write Ginibre matrix as product of a random lower triangular matrix and an independent truncated Haar orthogonal matrix. Let S be i×d real Ginibre matrix i.e probability density of S is proportional to e−12tr(S∗S)dS, where dS denotes Lebesgue measure on S. By QR decomposition of S i.eGram-Schmidtorthogonalizationofrowsfromtoptobottom, wegetS =TO whereTislowertriangularmatrixwithnon-negativediagonalentriesandOisi×d matrix with orthonormal rows. Lebesgue measure on S can be written in terms of new variables as dS =(cid:81)i T d−jdTdH(O), where dT denotes Lebesgue measure j=1 jj on non-zero entries of T and dH(O) denotes probability measure of first i rows of a d×d Haar orthogonal matrix (see [19] , p. 63). For a geometric derivation of Jacobian of QR decomposition, we refer reader to [14] and also to appendix of NANDAKISHOREREDDY 7 [1] (though there the argument is for complex case, it easily carries over to real case). The joint probability density of T,O is ((cid:81)ij=1Tjjd−j)e−12tr(T∗T)dTdH(O), upto the normalizing constant. T and O are independent. Let S = [S S ] and 1 2 O = [O O ] with S ,O being square matrices. Then S = TO , where S is real 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Ginibrematrix, O isi×isubblockofad×dHaarorthogonalmatrixindependent 1 ofT. AllNon-zeroentriesofT areindependentrandomvariableswithnon-diagonal ones distributed as standard normal random variables and diagonal elements T j,j distributedassquare-rootofχ2 Chi-squarerandomvariableforj =1,2...,i. (d−j+1) Notice that if d=i we have the usual QR decomposition of S . Therefore 1 Elog|[W ] | = Elog|det(O )| 1 J 1 = Elog|det(S )|−Elog|det(T)| 1 i i 1(cid:88) 1(cid:88) = Elogχ2 − Elogχ2 2 (i−j+1) 2 (d−j+1) j=1 j=1 and similarly E(log|[W ] |)2 = E(log|det(O )|)2 1 J 1 = E(log|det(S )|−log|det(T)|)2 1 ≤ 2E(log|det(S )|)2+2E(log|det(T)|)2 1 i i 1(cid:88) 1(cid:88) = 2E( logχ2 )2+2E( logχ2 )2 2 (i−j+1) 2 (d−j+1) j=1 j=1 i i i (cid:88) i (cid:88) ≤ E(logχ2 )2+ E(logχ2 )2 2 (i−j+1) 2 (d−j+1) j=1 j=1 Since Elogχ2 and E(logχ2 )2 are finite for all n = 1,2..., we have that (n) (n) E|log|[W ] || and E|log|[W ] ||2 are finite, which proves the lemma. (cid:4) 1 J 1 J χ2 Remark 10. Intheabovelemma,M =LO where,since (n) →1indistribution 1 1 √ n as n → ∞, √L → I in distribution as d → ∞. So, dO1 → M1 in distribution as d d→∞. 4. Fluctuations of singular values and eigenvalues Let λ = diag(λ ,λ ,..λ ) and σ = diag(σ ,σ ,..σ ) be as defined n n,1 n,2 n,d n n,1 n,2 n,d earlier for all n = 1,2... . Assume that E(log+(cid:107)M (cid:107)) and E(log|det(M )|) 1 1 are finite, so that Theorem 7 holds. Since M = P = U σ V , the above 1 1 1 1 1 assumptions imply that E(log+σ ) and E(log(cid:81)d σ ) are finite. Ob- 1,1 i=1 1,i serve that −∞ < 1E(log(cid:81)d σ ) ≤ E(logσ ) ≤ E(log+σ ) < ∞ and d i=1 1,i 1,1 1,1 −∞<E(log((cid:81)d σ ))−(d−1)E(logσ )≤E(logσ )≤Elogσ <∞, which i=1 1,i 1,1 1,d 1,1 means that all the singular values of M have finite log-moment. Theorem 7 gives 1 us σ to have all diagonal entries positive and distinct. Usingrecursivestructureofsingularvaluesσ andthefactofalmostsureconver- n 1 genceofσnn toσ,wecanapproximatelog(σn)byasumofni.i.drandomvariables, EQUALITYOFLYAPUNOVANDSTABILITYEXPONENTS 8 to which we can apply central limit theorem to derive the Gaussian nature of first order fluctuations of log(σn). First of all, notice that n det(zI−σ2)=det(zI−P P∗) = det(zI−P M M∗P∗ ) n n n n−1 n n n−1 = det(zI−σ V M M∗V∗ σ ) n−1 n−1 n n n−1 n−1 By comparing coefficients of zd−i for i≤r in the above equation, we get (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) [σ2] = [σ V M M∗V∗ σ ] = [V M M∗V∗ ] [σ2 ] . n J n−1 n−1 n n n−1 n−1 J n−1 n n n−1 J n−1 J |J|=i |J|=i |J|=i V is Haar unitary matrix independent of V ,V ...V and M ,M ...M . n 1 2 n−1 1 2 n−1 So, V is independent of P . Even though V is not independent of P , but n n−1 n n being the matrix of right singular vectors of a isotropic matrix P , it is inde- n pendent of P P∗. So, V is independent of M M∗ = P −1P P∗(P −1)∗ n n n n n n−1 n n n−1 and subsequently V M M∗V∗ . This means that V M M∗ V∗ is inde- n−1 n n n−1 n n+1 n+1 n pendent of V M M∗V∗ and the preceding matrices in the sequence. So, n−1 n n n−1 {V M M∗V∗ }∞ for n = 1,2... (take V to be a Haar unitary matrix in- n−1 n n n−1 n=1 0 dependentofallothermatricesinvolved)formsasequenceofi.i.disotropicrandom matrices with distribution same as that of V M M∗V∗ or V D2V∗ or V σ2V∗. For 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 the sake of simplicity of notation, let us write V M M∗V∗ as X for all n. n−1 n n n−1 n (cid:88) (cid:88) [σ2] = [X ] [σ2 ] . n J n J n−1 J |J|=i |J|=i This equation gives us the required recursive structure, n (cid:80) [X ] [σ2 ] (cid:88)[σ2] = (cid:89) |J|=i k J k−1 J. n J (cid:80) [σ2 ] |J|=i k=1 |J|=i k−1 J Notice that k-th term in the product is convex combination of i-th order prin- cipal minors of matrix Xk. Because of the almost sure convergence of |σn|n1 to σ (a diagonal matrix with distinct diagonal entries), k-th term in the product is approximately [X ] for all large values of k, almost surely. Using the above k {1,2..i} equalities, positivity of principal minors of hermitian matrices and the inequality log(a+x) ≤ log(a)+ x for x,a ≥ 0, we can get lower and upper bounds for log- a arithm of singular values σ with both bounds being very close to same sums of n i.i.d random variables for large values of n. We get, for all n n n (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (2) log([X ] )+E ≤log( [σ2] )≤ log([X ] )+E +F k {1,2..i} n,i n J k {1,2..i} n,i n,i k=1 |J|=i k=1 where E =log(cid:32)(cid:89)n [σk2−1]{1,2..i} (cid:33),F =(cid:88)n |(cid:88)J|=i [Xk]J[σk2−1]J . n,i (cid:80) [σ2 ] n,i [X ] [σ2 ] k=1 |J|=i k−1 J k=1J(cid:54)={1,2..i} k {1,2..i} k−1 {1,2..i} By using the inequality, [σ2] (cid:54) (cid:80) [σ2] (cid:54) (cid:0)d(cid:1)[σ2] , and using n {1,2..i} |J|=i n J i n {1,2..i} the inequalities 2 of singular values, we get that for all i=1,2..d and n=1,2,.. log(σ2 )≥(cid:80)n log( [Xk]{1,2..i} )+E −E −F −log(cid:0)d(cid:1) (3) n,i k=1 [Xk]{1,2..i−1} n,i n,i−1 n,i−1 i log(σ2 )≤(cid:80)n log( [Xk]{1,2..i} )+E −E +F +log(cid:0) d (cid:1), n,i k=1 [Xk]{1,2..i−1} n,i n,i−1 n,i i−1 NANDAKISHOREREDDY 9 (say E =F =0 and [X ] =1 for all n=1,2,..). n,0 n,0 n ∅ The similar bounds can be obtained for moduli of eigenvalues also. We obtain thembyshowingclosenessbetweenmoduliofeigenvaluesandsingularvalues. From Horn’s inequalities [12], we have |[λ ] |(cid:54)[σ ] for i=1,2..d. Using the n {1,2..i} n {1,2..i} equation 1, we can get the following inequalities for i=1,2,..d and n=1,2,..,, (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) d log(| [W ] [σ ] |)−log (cid:54)log(|[λ ] |)(cid:54)log([σ ] ). n J n J i n {1,2..i} n {1,2..i} |J|=i WritingthedifferencebetweenupperboundandlowerboundasH andusingthe n,i above inequalities, we get (4) log(σ )−H (cid:54)log(|λ |)(cid:54)log(σ )+H . n,i n,i n,i n,i n,i−1 where H =0, H =log (cid:0)d(cid:1)−log(|[W ] |)−log(| (cid:80)|J|=i[Wn]J[σn]J |), for n,0 n,i i n {1,2..i} [Wn]{1,2..i}[σn]{1,2..i} all i=1,2..d, n=1,2,..,. Now we shall see the limiting behavior of En,i, Fn,i and Hn,i. Since |σn|n1 converges almost surely to σ, a diagonal matrix with distinct positive diagonal entries, as n → ∞, it follows from basic calculus that almost surely [σn2]{1,2..i} (cid:80)|J|=i[σn2]J converges to one with error term going down to zero exponentially fast and so E n,i converges almost surely to a finite random variable E as n→∞, for i=1,2,..d. i If limsupn→∞[[Xn]{[1X,2n..]iJ}[[σσnn22−−11]]{J1,2..i}]n1 < 1 almost surely, then ,by the root test for convergence of a series, (cid:80)n [Xk]J[σk2−1]J converges almost surely k=1 [Xk]{1,2..i}[σk2−1]{1,2..i} as n → ∞. We already know that limn→∞[[σn2[σ]{n21,]2J..i}]n1 = [σ2[]σ{21,]2J..i} < 1 for J (cid:54)= {1,2..i}. Since {X }∞ is a sequence of i.i.d isotropic random matrices and n n=1 [X ] has same distribution for all J such that |J| = i, we have by triangle in- n J equality that E|log( [X1]J )| ≤ 2E|log([X ] )| ≤ 2E|log([σ ] )| < ∞ [X1]{1,2..i} 1 {1,2..i} 1 {1,2..i} (becauseallthesingularvaluesofM (orσ )havefinitelog-moments). Thereforeby 1 1 Borel-Cantelli lemma 1 log( [Xn]J ) → 0 or [ [Xn]J ]n1 → 1 almost surely as n [Xn]{1,2..i} [Xn]{1,2..i} n→∞. So, for J (cid:54)={1,2..i}, limsupn→∞[[Xn]{[1X,2n..]iJ}[[σσnn22−−11]]J{1,2..i}]n1 = [σ2[]σ{21,]2J..i} <1 which implies (cid:80)n [Xk]J[σk2−1]J converges almost surely as n → ∞. k=1 [Xk]{1,2..i}[σk2−1]{1,2..i} Therefore F converges almost surely to a finite random variable F as n → ∞ n,i i for all i=1,2..d. It follows from Lemma 9 that log(|[W√n]{1,2..i}|) → 0 almost surely as n → ∞. n Again from Lemma 9 we get that limn→∞|[Wn]{[1W,2n..]iJ}[[σσnn]]{J1,2..i}|n1 = [σ][{σ1,]2J..i}. So, for J (cid:54)= {1,2..i}, lim [Wn]J[σn]J = 0, which implies that n→∞ [Wn]{1,2..i}[σn]{1,2..i} log(| (cid:80)|J|=i[Wn]J[σn]J |)→0almostsurelyasn→∞. Therefore H√n,i →0almost [Wn]{1,2..i}[σn]{1,2..i} n surely as n→∞ for all i=1,2,..d. EQUALITYOFLYAPUNOVANDSTABILITYEXPONENTS 10 For simple notation, denote 1(E − E − F − log(cid:0)d(cid:1)), 2 n,i n,i−1 n,i−1 i 1(E − E + F + log(cid:0) d (cid:1)) by (cid:15) and (cid:15) respectively. (cid:15) , (cid:15) be 2 n,i n,i−1 n,i i−1 n,i n,i n n the vectors ((cid:15) ,(cid:15) ,..(cid:15) ), ((cid:15) ,(cid:15) ,..(cid:15) ) respectively. Denote the vectors n,1 n,2 n,d n,1 n,2 n,d (H ,H ,..H )and(H ,H ,..H )byH andH respectively. Observe n,0 n,1 n,d−1 n,1 n,2 n,d n n that limn→∞(cid:15)n and limn→∞(cid:15)n are finite and limn→∞ H√nn,i = limn→∞ H√nn,i = 0 almost surely. Denote [Xn]{1,2..i} byL2 andL bethevector(L ,L ,..L ). Wecansee [Xn]{1,2..i−1} n,i n n,1 n,2 n,d that {L }∞ is a sequence of i.i.d random vectors, whose distribution is same as n n=1 (cid:16) (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:17) that of L = (L ,L ,..L ) := (cid:112)[V∗D2V] , [V∗D2V]{1,2},.. [V∗D2V]{1,2,..d} , 1 2 d {1} [V∗D2V]{1} [V∗D2V]{1,2..d−1} where V is Haar unitary matrix independent of random diagonal matrix D and D is distributed like diagonal matrix D of singular values of M . With a slight 1 1 abuse of notation, σ be the vector (σ ,σ ,..σ ) and let λ be the vector n n,1 n,2 n,d n (λ ,λ ,..λ ) and |λ | be (|λ |,|λ |,..|λ |) for all n=1,2.... n,1 n,2 n,d n n,1 n,2 n,d The inequalities 3 and 4 can be written in vector notation as (cid:15) √ (cid:18)log(σ ) (cid:19) √ (cid:18)(cid:80)n log(L ) (cid:19) (cid:15) √n ≤ n n −ElogL − n k=1 k −ElogL ≤ √n 2 n n n 2 n H √ (cid:18)log(σ ) (cid:19) √ (cid:18)log(|λ |) (cid:19) H √n ≤ n n −ElogL − n n −ElogL ≤ √n. n n n n Since limn→∞ H√nn,i = limn→∞ H√nn,i = 0 and limn→∞(cid:15)n, limn→∞(cid:15)n are finite almost surely, √n(cid:16)log(σn) −ElogL(cid:17) − √n(cid:16)(cid:80)nk=1log(Lk) −ElogL(cid:17) → 0 and n n √n(cid:16)log(|λn|) −ElogL(cid:17) − √n(cid:16)(cid:80)nk=1log(Lk) −ElogL(cid:17) → 0 almost surely as n n n → ∞. By multivariate central limit theorem for sum of i.i.d random vectors, √n(cid:16)(cid:80)nk=1log(Lk) −ElogL(cid:17)convergesindistributiontoaGaussianrandomvector, n whose co-variance matrix is same as that of logL. TounderstandtherandomvectorL,observethatbyapplyingGram-Schmidtor- thogonalizationprocesstothecolumnsofDV(=M)fromlefttoright,wecanwrite DV as product of a unitary matrix Q and a upper triangular matrix R with non- negative diagonal entries and L ,L ,..L are going to be the diagonal entries(from 1 2 d left top to right bottom) of the upper triangular matrix R. Geometrically speak- ing, L is length of the first column vector of DV, L is length of the projection of 1 2 second column vector onto the orthogonal complement of the space generated by the first column vector and similarly L is length of the projection of i-th column i vector onto the orthogonal complement of the subspace generated by the first i−1 column vectors of DV(or M). Since D is almost surely non-singular, L ,L ,..L 1 2 d are positive almost surely. Forj >i,letM denotetheprojectionofj-thcolumnofM(=DV)ontothe j⊥(i) orthogonal complement of subspace generated by first i columns of M. Because of rightrotationinvarianceofdistributionofM,themarginalprobabilitydistribution of M is same as that of M , for any k > i. From QR decomposition of k⊥(i) j⊥(i) M, we can see that the length of M is L and the length of M i⊥(i−1) i i+1⊥(i−1)

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