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Preview Epsom Guardian, January 31, 2008

Epsom ‘MY SON IS NO KILLER’ See inside for all the latest news 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 31, 2008 CHAV CHIC LEAF IT OUT Style guru on glamour of Books a thing of the past non-achievement at internet school page 6 ppaaggee 99 FOUR-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT You can now with And one lucky reader will win 30% off all a FREE smile cosmetic makeover treatments F R E E C o n s u l t a t i o n w w w. s u r r e y d e n t a l s p a . c o . u k Details inside ADVERTISEMENT To introduce our newly refurbished practice, we want to celebrate YOU! Surrey Dental Spa is offering you the chance to win your perfect smile… that's right, WIN! Before After HOWTO ENTER You will need to book a FREE, no obligation cosmetic consultation with one of our specially trained dentists. THERE ARE THREE WAYS TO ENTER: 1) By Post.Please fill in your details below and send them to Surrey Dental Spa (address on inside back cover) 2) Email us at [email protected] with your contact details 3) Just call on 0208 404 8080 Offer Ends February 29th 2008, so act now! ✁ book me a Free, Please no obligation cosmetic consultation NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: Enter for a 30% discount & the chance to win a Free smile makeover For treatments see inside back cover DOYOUNEEDANEWBOILER? GOVERNMENT GRANTS ARE Epsom AVAILABLE UP TO £2700 FORREPAIRS,BOILERREPLACEMENTS ORFULLCENTRALHEATING INORDERTOQUALIFYFORAGRANT: YOUNEEDTOBEAHOMEOWNER. YOUNEEDTOBEINRECEIPTOFSOMEFORMOF GOVERNMENTBENEFIT. ANDBEOVERTHEAGEOF60ORIFUNDER60 HAVEACHILDUNDERTHEAGEOF16. TELEPHONEGLOWARMCENTRALHEATING FORFURTHERDETAILS 0800 083 0603 SORRYNOTAVAILABLETOCOUNCILTENANTS 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 31, 2008 CHAV CHIC LEAF IT OUT Style guru on glamour of Books a thing of the past non-achievement at internet school page 6 page 9 ‘HE’S NO KILLER’ Dad defends son arrested for ex-wife’s murder Police investigating the murder EXCLUSIVE of Sharon Birchwood arrested byAARONMOON her ex-husband on Monday morning – but his father Colin [email protected] BOSCH Birchwoodclaimedhisson“was stayingrecentlyfollowingthebreak- nomurderer”. downof hissecondmarriage. SpeakingexclusivelytotheEpsom Officers systematically searched Guardian just hours after his son’s WASHING MACHINES throughthehouse,itsgarden,sheds detention, Mr Birchwood said the and garage looking for evidence day’seventshadlefthim“shaking”. which could help them in their in- Exxcel After hours of questioning, Gra- vestigation. hamBirchwooodwasbailedandre- MrBirchwoodsaidhewouldstand leasedfromGuildfordpolicestation by Graham until it was proved he without being charged on Tuesday hadanyinvolvementinherdeath. night. “I’m sorry, but I’m his dad and Hisarrestisthelatesttwistinan there’s no way Graham could have investigation which has rocked the killedher,”hesaid. close-knitAshteadcommunitywho “But if it turns out that he did, live in the road where his former then that’s the end. I would be wifelived. stunned. He used to go into her Colin insisted his son’s name house all the time. He took her would be cleared and it would shopping and helped her emergehehadnoinvolvementinthe whensheneededit.Hewas deathof hisfirstwife. averygoodex-husband. Mrs Birchwood was found on De- “Onthedayhefoundher,he cember 7 in her bungalow in Har- hadlethimself intothehouse riotts Lane, Ashtead, on her bed when his telephone rang. He bound and gagged. She had been stayed on the phone for the best strangled. partof anhourandthenbecauseof FollowingGrahamBirchwood’sar- his diabetes he felt unwell, so took rest, specialist police search teams some medicine. He went into movedintoColin’shomeaddressin Sharon’sbedroomandthat’swhen Epsomandconfiscateda hefoundheronthebed. WAE 24467 number of items, in- “Ispoketomydaughter cluding video wholivesinSpainandshe •7kgLoad • 1200Spin tapes and a 90- said the police have even year-old shot- beenincontactwithher. •SuperQuick15MinuteWash gun, which is According to reports not thought •LEDDisplay-ProgrammeStatus myex-wifeisverydis- tobeconnect- ed to the tressed by it all, they •TimeDelay searchedherhouseas murder in- well because that’s £360 vestigation. .00 where Graham has NOW They then searched beenstaying.” ONLY A Surrey police Graham’s spokeswoman con- mother’s firmed that an ad- 2 YEAR house in Banstead, dressinBansteadand GUARANTEE anaddressinEpsomhad where he been searched as part of has been theinvestigation. 01737 373 113 29 HIGH STREET, BANSTEAD 020 8669 9531 Latesttwist:PoliceofficersremoveitemsfromGrahamBirchwood’s Epsomhouseand,right,SharonBirchwood,whowasfoundstran- 67-71 STAFFORD RD, WALLINGTON gledinherbedroom No other website comes close – log on to yourlocalguardian.co.uk right now for even more news, views, features and sport 4 News EM 02083309554 January 31, 2008 www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Seven days, seven events ■Thursday techniquestohelpyoudeal moreeffectivelywithstress. ListentotheGardenOpera MeetatNewlandsCorner, CompanyperformLaBo- Cobham. Crumplezone: hèmeatStMichaelandAll damagetothe AngelsChurch,Chiswick. ■Monday carandthe ■Friday PeteFirman,JulietMeyers, housein RichardSandling,Prince Sparrow CherryBlackStone,back AbdiandMaffBrownwill FarmRoad fromtheirUKtourwith haveyoulaughingatthe BeverlyKnight,returntothe FightingCocksinKingston. No luck for number 1Pho3tobyAaronMoon Halfmoon,Putney,foralive gig. ■Tuesday ■Saturday HeadtoTheatre503atThe LatchmereinBatterseato Jointhecelebrationsof seetheplayMadFunny WorldWetlandDaywith Just. activitiesincludingturtle Thenumber13hasneverbeen byAARONMOON hesaid.“Asshegotnearershe horseshoe back for a refund makingandponddippingat ■Wednesday known for its lucky qualities sawamancalmlyunloadinghis though.” [email protected] theLondonWetlandCentre and this house in Stoneleigh shoppingfromtheboot. Neighbours said it was the Putyourfitnesstothetest inBarnes. has certainly gone some way it have been declared unsafe “It turned out he had been thirdunluckyincidenttostrike withanewhorseriding provingthisovertheyears. andforcedtheLengthornfami- driving off one of the drive- thehouseinrecentyears,with ■Sunday courseatWimbledonVillage In its latest unfortunate lyintoahotelforthenight. waysinthehouseoppositeand thepreviousownersnearlylos- Stables,whichcombinesex- episode,theunluckyhousein GarryLengthorn,42,saidthat because it’s an automatic, we ingthebuildingtoafirewhich De-stressyourlifebytaking ercisesandstretchesonthe Sparrow Farm Road took the it had all happened when his thinkhejusthittheaccelerator beganafterastraysparkfroma partinawalkledbyaquali- groundandonyourhorse. full brunt of a car which familyhadfortunatelybeenout andlostcontrol. nearbybonfirehittheroof. fiedlifecoachandlearn smashed through its garage of thehouse. “Luckily the driver was un- Thecarissettoremainem- Seemoreeventsandaddyourownat wallonTuesdayafternoon. “My wife left the house at hurt and nobody was in the bedded in the property until events.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Sitting above the crumpled about 4.30pm to pick up our house.Wedidn’tknowthedriv- Fridaythisweekwhenitwillbe Video car,asupposedlyluckyhorse- daughterfromschoolandwhen er very well before this but assessedandbuilderswillbeal- shoe remains untouched, but shecamebackshesawacaron we’ve got to know each other lowed to move in and start news thegarageandbedroomabove ourdriveshedidn’trecognise,” quitewellnow.Imighttakethe structuralrepairs. Seefootageof LONDON & LOCAL LONDON & LOCAL reporterMatt Wattstakinga Routemaster busoutfora Offer testdrive. PLEASE CALL NOW PLEASE CALL NOW FOR OUR FOR OUR Formorevideo FANTASTIC OFFER FANTASTIC OFFER newsonline, checkout ConservatoryShowroom,ChessingtonGardenCentre,nearChessingtonWorldofAdventures NEW NEW yourlocal guardian.co.uk/ videonews WINDOW PACKAGE FULLY FITTED BESPOKE CONSERVATORIES £1695 Competition incVAT ■WinaTimberlandProParka yourlocalguardian.co.uk/ leisure/competitions Most read stories Ultraframe 1500x1010 1500x1010 1500x1010 2000Winners ■FormerRAFofficer scarletfeveratschool 600x1010 killedbyrush-hourtrain ■Sharonlaidtorestin STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: ■Mumseeingredover woodlandburial SHOOTBOLT LOCKING SYSTEM (withNightVentposition) WINDOWS&DOORLOCKINGTOINSURANCECOMPANY’SREQUIREMENT CONTACT US – We’re here to help TRIPLECHAMBERPROFILEPROVIDINGOPTIMUMTHERMALPERFORMANCE EDITORIAL MOTORING FULLYSCULPTUREDFRAMEOPENERS&BEADS AssistantEditor:DannyBrierley Manager:CarolineNichols LOWEGLASS28mm SEALEDUNITS | INTERNALGLAZINGFORHIGHSECURITY FFEENNSSAA RReeggiisstteerreeddCCoommppaannyy [email protected] [email protected] Tel:02083309554 Tel:02083299274 GENUINE EXAMPLE – FITTED DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFIED PRICES Newspaperdeliveries Manager:KarenMcLean 17£735x611392 17£745x611290 17£745x411190 5£001x180910 5£002x100510 11£920x510310 [email protected] [email protected] EXAMPLEPRICES,MADETOMEASUREANYSIZE Tel:08452707451 Tel:02083309979 PHONEFORQUOTESMINIMUMORDER£500 ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT ADVERTISING LEAFLETS 1500x1050 1030x1050 1050x1050 1190x1190 1500x1190 DisplayManager:GerryDevine Sales:JaimeRobins £307 £340 £270 £270 £340 £308 TESTED TO SIX BRITISH STANDARD CLASSIFICATIONS [email protected] [email protected] Tel:02083299420 Tel:02083309501 SSHHOOWWRROOOOMM:: MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9am-9pm FREEPHONE 553344LLoonnddoonnRRooaadd,,NNoorrtthh Callsmaybemonitoredfortrainingpurposes CChheeaammSSuurrrreeyySSMM3388HHWW 0808 155 1222 for a free no obligation quotation please phone MMoonnddaayyttooSSaattuurrddaayy WE’RE AIMING FOR THE HIGHEST STANDARDS 99..3300aamm--66..0000ppmm YourlocalGuardianaimstobringyouthemostimportantlocalnews andinformationinawaywhichisfair,accurateandbalanced. Keepit green:Read us,then recycleus WeadheretothePressComplaintsCommissioncodeofpractice SUTTON GUARDIAN : 104,585 butifyouwishtocommentonanystory,writetothegroupeditor SeanDuggan,atUnecolHouse,819LondonRoad,NorthCheam, YourGuardiansupportsrecycling– SurreySM39BN recycledpapermadeup80.6%oftheraw Copiesdistributedweekly January12007toJuly12007 TheGuardianseriesispublishedbyNewsquestMediaGroup,aGannettCompany materialforUKnewspapersin2006 yourlocalguardian.co.uk January31,2008 EM News 5 Police driving home mobile ban message Hurtling towards a busy byAARONMOON toristsinEwell. roundabout in a village sur- PC Steve Mould, neighbour- [email protected] rounded with schools, these hood officer for Ewell and drivers are more concerned a huge dumpster truck. Ewell East, said the action with the conversations they Ratherthanconcentratingon hadcomeaboutfollowingcon- are having on their mobile his driving, he was chatting cerns raised at a meeting he telephones rather than the away using one hand to steer attendedearlierthismonth. safety of children trying to themonstrousvehicle. Driving using a hand-held crosstheroad. As a result of this problem mobilephonehasbeenillegal Even more worrying was police are beginning a three- for more than four years and thedriverbehindthewheelof month crack down on mo- only last month the Crown Prosecution Service changed its policy regarding the of- fence. Mostdriverswillstillfacea fine and points on their li- cence, but where driving is unsafe, prosecutors can now press charges of dangerous driving, which if convicted, carriesacustodialsentence. Yetmanymotoristswhouse telephones while driving in Illegalmanouevere:Thistruckdriverchattedawaywhilesteeringwithonehand EP18999 and around the Ewell area still claim they are unaware patrollinginanunmarkedcar their actions are in fact ille- and have plain clothes police gal. officers situated at certain “Ihaveverylittlesympathy points to catch law-breaking forpeoplewhocontinuetouse motorists. their phones while driving Heandhisteamwillalsobe andsaytheydidn’tknow,”PC tackling drivers who congest Mould said. “The law has roads by parking close to beeninplacenowforsolongI schools while dropping off won’t accept people saying andpickinguptheirchildren. thattheydidn’tknow.” The next neighbourhood PC Mould also admitted he meeting is in April, when regularly saw motorists com- communityleadersandpolice mitting the offence, frustrat- willdecideonwhattheywant ingly often when he was off PC Mould and his team to dutyandunabletoact. focuson. Stupidmistake: But when out in a marked Getcaughtdriv- O patrol car, he suspects mo- Whatdoyouthink?Write ingandusinga ●● torists usually come off the totheaddressonpagefour hand-heldphone phonebeforeheseesthem. oremailletters@epsom andriskafine LOFT LADDERS Dangerous:Avandriveruseshisphone DeadlinepixEP18999 To combat this, he will be guardian.co.uk Supplied and fitted for only DeadlinepixEP18999 Cheam Windows £140 NO VAT Reappeal over TO PAY ★PriceincludesNewHatchDoor Downs’ killing ★QualityBritish-MadeLadders ★AlsoBoarding,NewHatches&Lights ★LocalFamilyBusiness ★SatisfactionGuaranteed Police investigating the murder of a Fam4ous For0Our Quality man who was found dead on Epsom 020 8644 3211 Downs racecourse two years ago have renewed their appeal for information uPVC Fa%mous For Our Quality WWIINNDDOOWW RREEPPAAIIRRSS onthesecondanniversaryof hisdeath. Father-of-two Sukhwinder Singh, 27, TTOO DDOOUUBBLLEE GGLLAAZZIINNGG wasfoundstrangledinacarparknear the famous racecourse on January 21, LeadedLight Picture Georgian Sash 2006. Misted/brokensealedunits ● HehadtravelledtoEuropefromIndia Handlesforwindowsanddoors in 2005 to get work and send money ● Windowhingesandstays backtohisfamily. ● DuringavisittotheUKlastyear,Mr Patiodoorswheelsandtracks ● cSoinngfuhs’siofnamovileyrswphoaktehoafdthhaepirpepnaeind.and DISCOUNT ● Alltypesoflocks DON’T REPLACE! Inastatementtheysaid:“Asafamily Bays we cannot begin to describe the pain FENSA High we have been through since the death LOCAL SHOWROOMS REPAIR! of Sukhwinder. StabPleaDtioooDrosors RReeggiisstteerreeddBCCaooymmsppaannyySecuRersiiDtoyors £He has left behind three daughters nohighpressuresales aged10,nineandfour. Plus ~ conservatories - stable doors, NO CALL OUT CHARGE “Sukhwinderwasarockforourfam- WHO ELSE CAN OFFER THIS! ily and he loved us all dearly. folding doors and car ports Open 7 days a week ● Sukhwinderwasanamazingmanand FORAFREEESTIMATEPHONE OPEN: Mon - Sat 9.30-5.00pm Cut this leaflet out he never hurt anyone’s feelings, but ● since his death we have all been in a 020 8770 7555 020 8330 2170 you might need it one day greatdealof pain. “We don’t know why anyone would 3CheamCommonRoad 73HCahmeapmtonCComoumrtoPnaRroadaed FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE wanttokillSukhwinderanditisvery 4488HHiigghhSSttrreeeett AS GOOD AS NEW difficult for us to explain to his three North4C8heHamigh Street, CHNhaomeratphmtoCnhVCeaiolmulartge 3 Cheam Common Road, North Cheam young daughters why they will never seetheirdadagain.” Worcest0e2r0Pa8r7k70 7555 ((eWoapopsrycHepasatmerrpktPoinanrgCk)tStation) CheaWmoVrilclaegseter Park 020 8330 2170 002200 88664411 55003366 Anyonewithanyinformationshould contactSurreyPoliceon01483639660. 6 News EM 02083309554 January 31, 2008 Report into failing NEWSbrief school made public DROP-INHELP:Victimsof crimewillbeabletoreceive helpandcounsellingata newdrop-incentrelaunched inEpsom.VictimSupport Surreyisofferingthefree byAARONMOON serviceeveryMonday, WednesdayandFriday [email protected] morningbetween10amand 12.30pm,alongsideitsusual An Ofsted report into a serviceof contactingvic- Banstead school which the timsbyletterandtelephone EpsomGuardianrevealedlast followingreferralbypolice. month had been placed into ThecentreisbasedatThe “special measures” was offi- OldTownHallinThePa- ciallyreleasedthisweek. rade.Formoreinformation, The Beacon School had its contact01372743650. inspection in December and the publishedreport confirms DANCINGSHOES:Just£13buys the school is inadequate and agreatnightout,afishand failingitspupils. chipsupperandawarm Inspectorssaidtheschool,in glowfromsupportingagood Picquets Way, was failing to cause.TheEpsomMedical givepupilsanacceptablestan- Failing:TheBeaconwasplacedinto“specialmeasures” EquipmentFundisholding dardof educationandtheper- abarndanceonSaturday, sons responsible for leading, managing or governing the teacher from Reigate School, positivesinthereportthatwe March1,from7pmatEpsom schoolwerenotdemonstrating has a history of being placed canbuildon. andEwellHighSchoolin thecapacitytosecurethenec- in failing schools and turning “The report highlighted WestEwell.Musicwillbe essaryimprovements. themaround. high-quality teaching in some providedbypopularband It also said that “significant Asourcesaidthattheacting areas, reflecting excellent TheHogsmillGroupand staff turbulence”andalackof headteacherhadalreadymade classroom management, as theircallerVeronicawho appointment to key teaching an impact on the school. She wellasgoodpastoralcareand willguidebeginners postsduringthelasttwoyears said: “She has been walking effectiveuseof externalagen- throughthetrickysteps. had hindered students’ into lessons and made herself ciestosupportstudents. Fortickets,call0208337 progress resulting in poor ex- very visible to all of the stu- “The report also pointed to 8181.Moneyraisedfromthe aminationresults. dents which has already the quality of teaching this eveningwillbespentonme- Followingtheinspection,the helpedwiththebehaviour.” termbeingsatisfactory,which dialequipmentforEpsom school’s headteacher, John A spokesman for Surrey confirms improvements are GeneralHospital. Darker,resigned,blamingper- CountyCouncilsaid:“Wehave alreadybeingmade. sonalreasons.Hehasbeenre- receivedtheOfstedreportand, “However, we know there is HOLOCAUSTDAY:Crispin placed with a “superhead”, while we accept its findings, work to be done and we will Blunt,MPforReigateand Jennifer Thomas, until the wedonotthinkitfullyreflects workhardtoachievepositives Banstead,showedhiscom- governors make a permanent the hard work and efforts of inallareas.” mitmenttoHolocaust appointment. staff andpupils. ❑ The full report can be MemorialDaybysigninga MrsThomas,ade putyhead- “We believe there are many viewedatofsted.gov.uk bookof commitmentto honourthepeoplewhotried tohelpvictimsandsur- Big screen bid to help ex-servicemen vivorsof oneof history’s greatesthumantragedies. Thebookwasplacedinthe Houseof CommonsforMPs ALeatherheadcharityhas building awareness of the are haunted by recurring tosignandpledgetheirsup- made a cinema commer- charity’sworkandmaking flash backs and who en- portfortheannualdayof Analysing the cial to attract public sup- a public appeal for dona- dure episodes of uncon- remembranceonSunday, port for ex-servicemen tions trollablepanicandfear. January27,theanniversary described as the forgotten Staring Academy Award Currently, Combat Stress of theliberationof discreet charm casualtiesof war. winnersTommyLeeJones, accepts 700 new referrals Auschwitzin1945. Combat Stress, the Ex- Charlize Theron and each year for care at its Services Mental Welfare Susan Saradon, the film residentialhomesorother LOVINGTOUCH:Acharitable of the chav Society, is raising its pro- deals with harrowing formsof supportandhelp. wrappingservicewhich file and hoping to attract humanissuessurrounding Theyoungestisa21-year- tookplaceovertheChrist- more donations with its thosecaughtupintheIraq old who is one of the 216 masperiodinTheMallAsh- first ever big screen ad- conflict. referrals who served in leyshoppingcentre,Epsom, vert. Combat Stress is hoping Iraq. wassosuccessfulitwillbe The charity, which is that the association of the RobertMarsh,directorof returningnextweek.The Wisdom:PeterYorkspecialisesinsocialobservation coming under pressure advertisement’s appeal fund raising and publicity LisaThaxterTrust,which fromtheincreasingflowof and the film’s theme will for the charity, said: “The wasestablishedin1996and Students at the Epsom ment, took place in front referrals, screened its 60- strike a compassionate veterans we look after are helpsproviderelief forchil- campus of the University of a large audience last second cinema advertise- chord amongst cinema- the forgotten casualties of drenwithcancerandtheir College for the Creative Wednesday. ment “The Big Guns for goersfortheUKex-service war. families,raisednearly£8,000 Arts were offered words An honorary graduate Donations” for the first victims. “I hope, with increased inDecember. Encouraged of wisdomlastweekfrom of theUniversityCollege, timeonFriday. Each of wars and con- awareness of the plight of bythegenerosityof local the posh social commen- Mr York is famous for Narrated by the actor flictsthatthearmedforces injuredsoldiersatHeadley people,itwillbeinEpsom tatorPeterYork. writing the Sloane Sean Bean, it can be seen have been engaged in, Court and the Help for fromFebruary7to14,where The lecture, entitled Ranger Handbook and before each screening of particularly Northern Ire- Heroes appeal, we might itssupporterswillbeon The Chavs and the Chav hasbuiltacareerspecial- themovie“IntheValleyof land, Afghanistan and begintobelessforgotten – handtoexpertlygift-wrap Nots – Understanding the isinginsocialandcultur- Elah”. Iraq, have caused many but unfortunately mental Valentine’sDaypresents. glamour of non-achieve- alobservation. The advert is aimed at psychiatric casualties who healthisnotsexy.” Branching out with megastore Live CCTV watched from one point Sainsbury’s in Epsom is store to provide an en- for the car park, to provide CCTVcamerasinReigateand trained CCTV operators at asevidence. to become a megastore, hanced range of products, an additional 36 spaces and Banstead and Mole Valley are Reigate police station which In2007,atotalof 356arrests stocking more clothing, including improved food anewpedestrianwalkway. nowlinkedtoahigh-techcon- willallowoperatorstospotin- weremadeasaresultof CCTV homeware and electrical andnon-foodrangessuchas The car washing unit will trol room to help bring crimi- cidentsastheyhappenanddi- footage. So far this year, 45 equipment, when it takes homeware, cookware, elec- bedemolishedandanewjet nals and antisocial louts to rectpoliceofficerstothescene. arrestshavebeenmade. overneighbouringHalfords. tricalandclothinglines.” washwillbeinstalledatthe justice. The existing analogue and Chief Superintendent for Sainsbury’s intends to Aplanningapplicationhas petrolfillingstation. The control room, which video monitors have been re- East Surrey Police, Adrian build a single-storey rear been submitted to Epsom Behind the scenes, there opened for business on Tues- placedwithdigitalequipment. Harper, said: “CCTV is a very extension to Halfords and andEwellBoroughCouncil. will be changes to the ser- day,hasbeenremodelledwith Thisprovidesimprovedqual- effective tool in the fight create a mezzanine floor to Sainsbury’s will not need vice yard with new fencing a new monitoring and control ity, recovery and retention of againstcrime.Notonlydoesit accommodate its coffee planningpermissiontotake installed to improve securi- areaforoperatorsinstalled. imageswhichwillhelpSurrey actasadeterrenttocriminals shop, which will be relocat- over Halfords as part of its tyif plansarepassed. The network of 163 cameras Police both track incidents as butwearealsobringingmore edfromtheoriginalstore. store but it will need plan- AspokesmanforHalfords, will send pictures to highly theyoccurandusethefootage offenderstojustice.” A spokesman for Sains- ningconsenttobuildanex- the motoring store which bury’s said: “The proposal tension to the Halfords has superstores in Sutton Join the debate will create a larger store building which the super- andNewMalden,refusedto and a much improved shop- market says “will square commentonthescheme. forum.yourlocalguardian.co.uk ping environment for cus- off”thetwosites. tomers. It would allow the Therearechangesplanned ❑yourlocalguardian.co.uk yourlocalguardian.co.uk January31,2008 EM News 7 Family of injured soldier Taking on the cowboys A new scheme is being source which can be tapped have hope for his future launched in Epsom to stop into by residents who need people being ripped off by workdoneattheirhome. cowboytradesmen. The idea for the service Epsom and Ewell Borough came from the Affordable Council is recruiting handy- HousingAuditandAgeCon- menandwomenwithavari- cernEpsomandEwell. ety of skills to build up a Morehandymenwithskills register of tradesmen who ranging from gardening to The family of a soldier who byALITAHOWE must have been in business odd jobs and repairs are wasparalysedbyamortarjust [email protected] foraminimumof twoyears, needed, especially contrac- threeweeksafterbeingsentto are a sole operator or in a torswhocanundertakeelec- Iraq,havespokenof theiropti- he was flown back to the UK, smalllocalfirmandbewill- tricalworkandissueNICEIC mism now that he has been Stephen’s family were told he ing to undergo a Criminal (electrical certificates) and transferred to Headley Court, had a 20 per cent chance of RecordBureaucheck. also plumbers both CORGI the world famous specialist survival. The Handyman Referral andnon-CORGIregistered. military medical centre out- MrVausesaidStephen,who Scheme, which will be Callthecouncil’scustomer sideEpsom. communicatesthroughacom- launched in the spring, is contact centre on 01372 Stephen Vause, 20, served puter, will receive intense freetojoinandwillbea re- 732000. with 4th Battalion, The Rifles speech and mobility therapy in Wiltshire, and he hoped and was moved Formorelocalnews,visit being around Group stop phone mast from the Royal yourlocalguardian.co.uk other soldiers Hospital for would boost his Neuro-Disability in Putney, to recovery. Headley Court Defence Medi- A £5million Help for Heroes The construction of a mobile bile masts in less than one cal Rehabilitation Centre on appealwaslaunchedlastyear phone mast in Chipstead was squaremileof theschool. Monday. toraisemoneytobuildaswim- halted on Sunday after more A Radio Action spokesman Jim Vause, Stephen’s father, mingpoolandnewrehabilita- than100angryprotestersbarri- saidthe10workmenremained who lives in Broadlands Way, tion facilities at Headley cadedthesite. formorethantwohoursbefore New Malden, said: “He has Court. Residentsandparentsblocked turningbackafterdiscussions comeonsowell. The rehabilitation centre twotrucksandtwocranesfrom withresidents. “Weknowitisgoingtobea which has already been ex- accessing the proposed mast He said the group was con- longprocessbutthismovewill panded, is seeking planning siteonSandownRoadinabidto cernedaboutthehealtheffects be brilliant for him and we permission for a further ex- stopthetransmitterbeingfixed of mobilemasttransmissions, hope Headley Court will help pansion to cope with the in- toabuildingoppositeChipstead particularly on children. It is pushhimonabitfurther.” creasing demand for its ValleyPrimarySchool. believed phone company T StephenwaspostedtoBasra facilitiescausedbytheflowof Theprotesters,undertheban- Mobilewanttofixthemastto inMaylastyearafterpassing critically injured servicemen Helpforahero:StephenVause,beforeleavingforIraq, nerof theRadioActiongroup, thefirstfloorof thebuildingin out in April, but was hit by a and women from Afghanistan withfatherJim said there was already 15 mo- SandownRoad. mortarblastonJune1.When andIraq. btwsAPSheeTeexrstxehouewokuxueae.aglef2lllhiyn4aein-wsayRcsdsoeseaoaaaiuedrgtult-staolattoolceednckdlceRTvohduoiuercaaeertodsdiwidmnioaaknTmynw,TadaaJiadndaswCnnwahowuonregaardttrthlwhkythloiWa2nedfs2noget,oodhatwssrhcmeDearlaaweoresrtfenoseitdriancnwentgescietdavhueaeswxdksiInclhnivaunisertmperoaoenbcsnchheetthoaoroirietfsnosJhl.fauaeAinflsjtiradceecocDtaphukePraokenedsaseltd.insrkseiek,h.pbeiHxialsryErePnsga1waer9id0cead8kiys4:- AupehA‘ebpstLorytas“rhhovheahleleeaeaaBAOpHodlermTeaaneerarnrepunlnosnmtnraaydreaeheeeteuewadnmxo,saond.gasnwavaeamoac1lucloclhBtdsidnyis7oehawscadoedsp,reLroftryaspnalsrtit.atesooswlrmhhtojhmre,dhunjeutjTmekhurpafyeon2dtdshnlohtsemechy5oaagogpiiunukdo,”sneissepercgldarerh,gy’osioesacshvsdseseoaftndhholdioorhslClq1cneaasonluPeaww5twuoeshsysoud.ttirly,tuoahmueateeyaswmbrsolJtaseiinssslahtkehnttavaaaetrnoeeeayceraanonlsenndddyaessssetttf-,- jhlcc❑awrhsntnlffsroroyiehupaaeetiaaoBMHvoonyttepdruipvdteomvyeatkiordyrluesi.neslccaiuanbeerelcoJaeukci’vrernga’etsurhtdfeselrhesnitind.dosetdsddeem’ntoeoeticorpewuiaorffrdaiebscfgertdehntialheeealoawaggmifnstnowesptmsaRluihiicnlituvisetiaopsseeesosthterntiyrneshe1fitsobtshhdcnifochri0hafaloeeaiieadtifaemaisnnenpwedsth.dystnwncndepgaemashwh.ohcpscyeioacesdme.eeeoerearorxa,esytora.sBmwhahfuheandlbtoenaaraskaeetutgeelfdddooerrrsl----- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••••••••••00■■■■■DD■■■■■OCDLBBPFE2■■■■■■■225■aiem■■orrFFop■■■r■toooo■■t■■enuuge■iYt■WWe■■kko■■00ell■ns/■rNNll■■He■■uueeC/re■g■ii■■PPFa■■nnnn8■r■ieBa■■OO■■uurvRRddr■n//a■bb■■nts■■eMBbb88■ooao■mgCC■■■■cnFll■wwti■xee■■iiCC■■oinill■ccc-■leeHHe■■ens66s■■1aRR■rh■eeLL/■■sst■■AAtti■p0E■eppeeh■■eAA■■ii■DH■Cspp44aadp■■sae■■LL■■bbaa■■mGG■■RRsaoiaa■■RSiiiiW■■n■■yLLrrlll11■o■■■iile■■gssGGe■tt7■ii-r■■Ci■■ayype■O&s&■llnrr■■OO■■l■sdEEa■lIIe■■daa■■Ruenn■11■iSSa■■dss■■oUUra■tss■eypp■■■■euuzzw■n■pUaa■■s■■99dTTrr■■rr■■■■aaaii■■naeeT■■■■inn■■ssnnri11■■■■rccw■t■e■■a■■see■■d■■■■degg■■55■■■■ee■■■■■■k■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Road,neartotheAsdastore. “Crimes such as this are rare in East • FELTHAM • HORSHAM • WIMBLEDON • GUILDFORD • LEATHERHEAD • saarAiedsassbhheeetwwweaeasnlakp1ep.d3r0otphamcrhoeuadgnhdby3tha.2em0pwamno,owdshhedoe daSmeutraariepleypdeaadnleidnscgwrtiepothaiaonvnyeoonbfeetewhnehgosiuvwseapnsecaint,vtsehoriysI SUTTON PWELRCOMEE TOMTHE IWOERLDROF KINGSTO GFUetLtLhe10besYtEdAeRalGwUitAhRWANinTseEaEl ttiroiend.Htoesthtoepnhpeurshaenddhsetrarotnatoctohneveflrosoar- pdaayrtiacfutelarnroaorneaanodf TreacdowgonristhesotnheTusuess-- ESEY• N•CO andassaultedher. pect from the description, or believes OL UL M D bePtowlieceens4a0idantdhe50m-yaenarws-aosldm,6ifxte1dinraacned, tchioeuys,mtoaycohnatvaectsCeaetnershoammetChIiDngonsu0s8p4i5- EY• SON S • of medium build. He had braided, col- 1252222quotingreferenceB/08/1577.” RT HA lar-length hair, stubble and a two to ❑yourlocalguardian.co.uk CHE MPT E• ON LocalManufacturer•Windows•Doors Cafe goes plastic REIGAT •NEW FOVRerGticEaNlESRliAdLesA•DPVaICtiEoADNoDorFsR•ECEoQnUseOrTvEatSoCrieAsLL OYDON• MALDEN TE0L:8020086053302323F7AX:012038213970020 cCohnidcaitgioonRsoicmkpCoasfeedinonEiptssolimcehnacsehaaftderexcotrna- E•CR ••100’sofsatisfiedcustomers •WIND 7 TEXT:07815129126 ceTrhneswofefriceerrasisaesdkebdyfSourrareryevPioelwiceo.f theli- BRIDG ••••AAlnlyyoduersiwgninddorawwsnaanndddbouoirltstionyuoPuVrCreoqruhiraermdwenotosd SOR• DANOYUBSLIZEEGWLITAHZEHDIGWHINSDECOUWRSITY pdceuenrb,cliepcuonbnuliitschaesnacgfere.otuynadnsdofthceripmreevaenndtidoinsoorf- ORD•WEY ••••••1CL0ihnoyeoesasorepiPnersneum8r.ai0en0rcafemobrtayilcolku1er0d.f0rgi0eupnamdraly7n,tdleoaecyaslacowmepeakny SURBITON FLORCOKMSF£UL1LY4FIT9TED9+VAT EpsomandEwellCouncil’sdecidedtoim- HF ••DiscountforOAPs •M htphoaesdecaltpuhrbeefcweorenerdneittipialolantsattxihciatatenlaedlplhtgholanatsestlehinseew.vietnhuine HAM•AS 080C0all no0w8on3(Sut1ton8) 03 ITCHAM Thepoliceandcouncilwillnowbework- EN •M K O ainllgthcleocseolnydwitiiothnsthaereliacdenhseereedtotoe.nsurethat TWIC www.premierwindowssouth.com RDEN FENSA www.doubleglazing4less.co.uk • ADDLESTONE •WALTON • EPSOM • STAINES • COBHAM • BYFLEET • ESHER • 8 News EM 02083309554 January 31, 2008 Closure threat to the Officers get in touch with community A new police surgery where people Jackson of the Epsom and Ewell ‘lifeblood’ of villages can meet their local Police Communi- NorthSaferNeighbourhoodTeamand ty Support Officers (PCSOs) and dis- will run every Tuesday between cuss their concerns about crime and 2.30pm and 3.30pm at Stoneleigh disorder has been launched in Library. Stoneleigh. Thesurgeryisdesignedtoprovidea The new surgery will be hosted by weekly point of contact for the com- PCSOs Graham Freeman and Steve munityandpolice. A campaign is under way to save byHELENCRANE vitalfabricof ourcommunities.In the Kingston Road post office in particular,theyarealifelineforour [email protected] Leatherheadfromclosure. elderlyfolk.WebelievethatRoyal Itisoneof seveninMoleValley housethem,warnedtheMP.More Mail’s decision is wrong and that whichcouldshutanditwillbethe than4,000postofficeshaveclosed theyshouldre-consider.“ elderly,thedisabledanddisadvan- overthepast10yearsandanother Theconsultationperiodhasjust tagedwhowillbemostaffected,ac- 2,500aretoshut. startedandwillrunforsixweeks. cordingtoMoleValleyMPSirPaul “TheGovernmentfailstorealise Post Office managing director Beresford. these post offices are often the AlanCook,said,“Takingthedeci- The proposed closure is part of lifeblood of the community,” Sir sion to close any post office is al- theprogrammetomakeradicalre- Paulsaid.“Itisthemostvulnerable ways difficult and we know will ductionsinthenumberofbranches whowillbehitthehardestbycuts concernmanyof ourcustomers.” throughouttheUK.Theotherpost andrisklosingtheirindependence. SirPaulandCounHallareurging officesareinAbingerHammer,Eff- “Manyof thesevenselectedare people to write in protest against ingham Junction, Holmbury St where the post office income is a theclosurestoGaryHerbert,Net- Mary,LeatherheadRoad,Bookham, necessary support to the village work Development Manager, Na- MicklehamandSouthStreet,Dork- shop,thelifebloodtothevillage.” tionalConsultationTeam,Freepost ing–andtheknock-oneffectcould Council leader Tim Hall said: ConsultationTeamoremailconsul- be the closure of the shops that “Localpostofficesarepartof the [email protected] Residents still prepared to fight plans F R O M H E R E A planning application which holdersfrombuildingablockof However, the application for causedcontroversyamongEwell flatsintheirgrounds. the four one-bedroom block of residentshasbeenwithdrawn. Thebuilding,whichisaformer flats was withdrawn on Thurs- Residentsof thegradetwolist- homeof EpsomandEwellCoun- day last week. If another appli- ed building Tayles Hill House cil’sfirstCharterMayor,Chuter cation is submitted, residents werelastweekpreparingtobuy Ede, is also located within the arevowingtochallengeitatthe thepropertytopreventthefree- EwellVillageconservationarea. planningcommittee’smeeting. Epsom Wearenowrunningadirecttrainevery15minutesbetweenEpsomand LondonWaterloofrom7.30pmto10.00pmMondaytoSaturday.Pluson Sundays there are now 3 direct trains an hour between Epsom and Burns’Nightcelebrations:RotarianAdrianO'Loughlin, DorkingandadirectserviceeveryhourbetweenEpsomandGuildford. MasterofCeremoniesGlenGrant,BurfordBridgeHotel ChefRickSmithandPiperMajorGordonMullen Formoreinformationandtoenterafreeprizedrawtowin£50 A little taste of Scotland ofrailtravelvouchers,visitsouthwesttrains.co.uk/epsom About150LeatherheadRotar- Burford Bridge Hotel in iansandtheirguests,manyin Dorking. traditional Scottish dress, During the evening the Ro- tuckedintohaggis,neepsand tarians held a raffle which Freeprizedrawcloseson29thFebruary2008.Youmustbeaged18orovertoenterthefreeprizedraw. tattiesattheirannualBurns’ raised£750fortheSurreyAir Termsandconditionsapply,seewebsiteforfulldetails. Night celebration at the AmbulanceFund. W e s t m e a d B u s i n e s s G r o u p Fully Serviced Offices and Light Industrial Units CROYDONA23 SUTTON CROYDON CENTRALCROYDON Airport House Westmead House Challenge House Wrencote House PurleyWay Westmead Road Mitcham Road High Street Croydon Sutton North Croydon Croydon 0 2 0 8 7 8 1 1 9 6 6 Let us run your office while you run your business yourlocalguardian.co.uk January31,2008 EM News 9 Midwife care Books? They’re ancient history was ‘lacking’ Thedaysof exercisebookscouldbecom- ingtoanendataschoolwhichhasintro- ducedanewinternetlearningsystem. TadworthPrimaryisoneof thefirstin the area to introduce a virtual learning environment (VLE). It launched the new Fifteenmidwiveshavebeenre- byKEVINBARNES schemeinSeptemberandisnowrollingit cruitedtolocalNHShospitals outamongitsotherstudents. [email protected] aftermothersandbabieswere Gary Peters, ateac her at the school, found to be at risk from poor the poor performance rating said:“Allschoolsarealsorequiredbyleg- standardsof maternitycare. forstaff levels,ascoreof just islation to introduce a VLE over the fol- A Government watchdog oneoutof amaximumof five. lowing couple of years. After looking at said that staffing levels and There can be no guarantee of theoptions,wedecidedthatcombininga postnatal treatment at Epsom top quality care without the VLE and a new school website was the and St Helier NHS Trust fell rightstaffinglevels.” bestwayforwardandmeantthatwe’dbe well below approved stan- Samantha Jones, chief exec- aheadof mostotherprimaryschools.” dards. utiveof thetrust,toldpatients Thenewsystemallowsteacherstopost Mothers surveyed for the that the “least well perform- homework,courseinformationanduseful firstreviewof maternityunits ing” rating did not mean the weblinksontothesiteaswellasenabling bytheHealthcareCommission servicewasunsafe. thestudentstosubmitandhaveworkre- complained about the lack of She also said that £600,000 turnedtothemelectronically. one-on-onecareduringlabour. had been invested in improv- RoseberySchoolinEpsomofferedassis- One quar- ing facilities tance to Tadworth Primary in installing ter of expec- 2007ratings.healthcare and perfor- thenewsystemandhelpedtocombineit tant women commission.org.uk mance since withtheirnewwebsite. were left the review withoutacontactnumberfora wascarriedoutearlylastyear. THE DENTURE CLINIC midwife,andmorethanathird “While our dedicated staff hadnochoiceoverwherethey workhardtoprovideexcellent coulddelivertheirbaby. quality maternity services to Tom Brake, the MP for Car- our patients at all times, it is shalton and Wallington, said: clear that there have been “This is a very disappointing areas where we could have result for our maternity ser- donebetter,”shesaid. vices. “Since the start of 2008, we “No aspect of care achieved havealreadyrecruited15addi- even the average score, let tional midwives and two new alone a good or best perfor- senior midwives, significantly mance. improving staffing across our Ourclinicconcentratesexclusivelyonmaking “Of particular concern was maternityunits.” denturesandusesrevolutionarynewtechniques. Dr.StewartwasthefirstBPSqualifieddentist Meet your councillor – no intheUK Youwillbenefitfrom: ■Excellentfittingdentures appointment necessary ■Anextremelynaturallook ■Non-surgicalfacelifteffect ■Difficultdenturecasessolved ■Enjoymentineatingrestored Epsom’s Liberal Democrat The first two surgeries ■Youwill......smilewith councillors will be holding will be held on Saturday, confidence” two surgeries every month February9,attheEbbisham Callnowforyourfree consultation beginninginFebruary. Centre and the Longmead 020 8404 1456 Local residents can visit DayCentreinEpsom. councillors without an ap- On March 8, the surgeries Homevisitsavailable pointment on the second willbeheldattheEbbisham Saturday of every month Centre and Concorde Hall, LondonRoadNorthCheam between10amandnoon. Hortonfootpath,Epsom. Learning:JoeyFowler,KatieDyson,DaisyStillandCharlieScottDeadlinepixEP19044 website:www.thedentureclinic.co.uk yourlocalguardian.co.uk MISTED & BROKEN SEALED UNITS? FREE ESTIMATES • NO CALL OUT CHARGE TRADING STANDARDSAPPROVED Forallthe latestnews, •Double-glazedWindow&DoorRepairs ortoleavea •BrokenorBentHingesReplaced commenton •PatioDoorWheelReplaced oneofour •Window&DoorHandlesReplaced forums,visit •AndAllOtherGlazingRepairsUndertaken ourwebsite A. SAWYER GLAZING TheCausewayCarshaltonSM52LZ Tel: 020 8647 6564 Mobile: 07984 983805 yourlocalguardian. co.uk [email protected] AS/A2 & GCSE 97% OF STUDENTS at Surbiton High School RATED OUR TUTORS AS EASTER REVISION COURSES EXCELLENT OR GOOD With amazing On-line support throughout the year JUSTIN Call now for a Course Brochure and EXAM CRAIG SUCCESS FREE Desktop Revision Planner WITHOUT EDUCATION THE 01727 827000 www.justincraig.ac.uk STRESS! Improve grades and techniques Gain confidence and motivation Small groups & Individual help Enthusiastic helpful tutors 10 News SM 02083309554 January 31, 2008 Sterilisation failure Humanerrorataspecialunit byHELENCRANE without proper Sterilisation at Epsom General Hospital couldhavebeencarriedoutby [email protected] wasthesourceof themistake differentpeople. that sent unsterilised instru- tion process, sufficient to de- The report concluded: “The mentstotheoperatingtheatre stroy any blood-borne viruses investigationfoundmanydedi- atStHelierHospitalbutithas buttheydidnotgothroughthe cated staff members who beenimpossibletotrackdown final of stage of the Sterilisa- wantedtodeliverahighquali- thepersonresponsible. tionprocess,theautoclave. tyservice.Theyindicatedthat That is the conclusion of a As soon as the mistake was lack of leadership made their reportontheincidentwhichis discovered the HSDU service jobsmoredifficulttomanage.” tobepresentedtotheboardof wassuspendedandsomeelec- The report said a thorough EpsomandStHelier’sUniver- tivesurgerywascancelled. review should be undertaken sity Hospitals NHS Trust to- An internal investigation of the sterile services depart- morrow(Friday). wascarriedout,followedbyan ment and the tracking system Eight people underwent external inquiry carried out of items sent for Sterilisation surgery with non-sterile in- byexpertsfromthreedifferent shouldbeupgraded. struments in November as a hospitals. An external company has result of the mistake at the Theirreportsaidthatithad beencarryingoutSterilisation HospitalSterilisationandDis- not been possible to identify servicesfortheTrustsincethe infectionUnit(HSDU). the member of staff responsi- mistakewasdiscovered. The instruments were thor- blebutitwaspossiblethatthe Atthetimeof theincidentDr oughly washed and went various stages involved in the Lindy Steven who was the through a high level disinfec- instruments leaving the unit medical director at the trust, said:“Iwouldliketoreassure ALPHA SKIP HIRE LTD local people that expert medi- cal advice has confirmed that therisktopatientsof anyform of cross-infectionisextremely 191-193Western Road, Mitcham, low.” SW19 2QD yourlocalguardian.co.uk Mybike:ThewinnersofSmarterTravelSutton’sbikedesigncontest DeadlinepixSU19065 Handload Service Available Getting your Office: 020 8685 0009 Law in the real world Mobile: 07985 168 831 dream bike Fax: 020 8648 1119 • Been sacked? www.alphaskiphire.co.uk • Need to sack someone? t: 020 8642 2235 Five school pupils saw their dreams become reality last week when they Email: • Call Mark at Cuff and Gough were presented with mountain bikes e:[email protected] [email protected] solicitors for a FREE chat customisedwiththeirowndesigns. w: www.cuffandgough.com The children were winners of a competition to design a dream bike. Waste Carriers Licence Entries were judged by a team of No:TSE 389562 urban artists and cycling officers from Smarter Travel Sutton. Brook- field Primary School also won a bike activitydayforitsimpressivecontri- butiontothecompetition. Court orders dog to be controlled Awomanhasbeenorderedbythecourts tokeepherrottweilerundercontrol. Stevie Patricia Andrews, from Maldon Road, appeared at Sutton Magistrates’ CourtonFriday,January25,afterfailing tocontrolherdog. Thecourtorder,madeafteracomplaint bySuttonPolice,statesthatAndrews,45, mustkeepamuzzleonherdogwhenitis outsidethebackorfrontof herflat.She Pay a small mustalsokeepthedogundercontrolatall timesinpublicareas. deposit, have Books for ward installation in the next few months and... VALUE HIGHLYCOMPETITIVEPRICES PAY NOTHING YoungcancerpatientsattheRoyalMars- onwindows,doors,conservatories&claddings denhospitalinSuttonnowhaveastackof CONFIDENCE28yearsexperienceofmanufacturing FOR A WHOLE YEAR! newbookstolosethemselvesinthanksto WallingtonwomanJoSodha. andinstallingtoallBritishStandards Ms Sodha donated nearly £500 pounds INNOVATION [email protected] worthof booksinmemoryof herfather Internallyorexternallybeaded5-chamber www.suttonwindows.com Avinash Pabari, who received treatment sculptureduPVCsystem&aluminiuminmanycolours at the Marsden for a decade before pass- QUALITY ingawayinAugustlastyear. Chosenforthe“HOUSEOFTHEFUTURE”atthe “We regularly gave donations to the IdealHomeExhibition CancercampaignandIwantedtocontin- SECURITY ue that tradition following my father’s FeaturedonMetropolitianPoliceCrime PreventionDisplay death. I opened my home and hosted a booksaleinaidof thehospital,”shesaid. Join FFEENNSSAA RINGUSNOWTO REGISTERED ARRANGEAFREE COMPANY ESTIMATEONOUR the GGF FREE PHONE debate 36THEBROADWAY 0800 CHEAM 110-112BECKENHAMROAD 150HIGHSTREET 8BELLEGROVEROAD BECKENHAM ORPINGTON WELLING 212289 forum.your 020 8770 9300 02086633103 01689831362 02083036396 localguardian.co.uk 7DAYSAWEEK CONSERVATORYSHOWSITEatHawleyGardenCentre,Dartford01322278820

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