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Epsom WHAT IS KILLING OUR FOXES? See inside for all the latest news 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 10, 2008 SCHOOL OF ROCK POOR START TO 2008 We will, we will teach you Epsom and Ewell in how to rock! 5-0 thrashing page 2 page 86 FOUR-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT SAT & SUN LUNCH BUY 2 TAPAS GET 1 FREE ✁ ✁ La Parada • The Derby Square • Ebbisham Centre • Epsom • Open 7 Days a week • 12pm - 11pm • 01372 739960 DOYOUNEEDANEWBOILER? GOVERNMENT GRANTS ARE Epsom AVAILABLE UP TO £2700 FORREPAIRS,BOILERREPLACEMENTS ORFULLCENTRALHEATING INORDERTOQUALIFYFORAGRANT: YOUNEEDTOBEAHOMEOWNER. YOUNEEDTOBEINRECEIPTOFSOMEFORMOF GOVERNMENTBENEFIT. ANDBEOVERTHEAGEOF60ORIFUNDER60 HAVEACHILDUNDERTHEAGEOF16. TELEPHONEGLOWARMCENTRALHEATING FORFURTHERDETAILS 0800 083 0603 SORRYNOTAVAILABLETOCOUNCILTENANTS 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 10, 2008 SCHOOL OF ROCK POOR START TO 2008 We will, we will teach you Epsom and Ewell in how to rock! 5-0 thrashing page 2 page 86 WHO OR WHAT Inside ■Headleavesfailingschool..page4 ■Ashteadmurderlatest .....page8 ■FillinoutGreenGuardianquestion- naireandyoucouldwin£50.page18 IS KILLING OUR SALE FOXES? MUST END SAT 12 JAN TH Five foxes, two of them mysteriously byHELENCRANE mutilated, have been found dead in [email protected] twoAshteadgardens. The tails of the two mutilated foxes Department of Food and Rural Affairs whichdiedwithinaweekof eachother, (Defra). weremissing. “Peopleneedtogetthemessagethatthey Thelastfoxdiedingreatdistressovera needtobeverycarefulif theyaregoingto period of a week although it was still usepoisonstocontrolrodents.” strongenoughtoevadecapture. Just a few hundred yards away from SurreyPoliceisinvestigatingthedeaths Overdale in separate incidents three of the animals found in two gardens in deaddeerwerefoundclosetoAshtead Overdaleandhasleafletedtheroadasking station but they are thought to have forinformation. beenvictimsof roadaccidentsasthey AnofficialfromNaturalEngland,anen- wanderedfromthecommoninsearch vironmentalorganisation,tookawaythe of food. lastcarcassforfurtherinvestigationandto Incidentsof wildlifedeathsshould testfortracesof poison. bereportedtothepolicewildlifeoffi- ZANUSSI WASHERS AnimalloverRussMillsfoundthreeof cerPCJoMorrison08451252222or thefoxesinhisgarden,thefirstbackin toDEFRAon0800321600. February,thesecondamonthlaterandthe ❑ Do you know what is killing ZWF14070W lastjusttwoweeksago.Theothertwofoxes the foxes? Write to the address 6KgLoad•1400Spin withmissingtailswerefoundinthegar- on page four or email letters@ DelayStart•Quickwash denof aneighbourinJuly. epsomguardian. “Fivedeadfoxesinafewmonthsisab- co.uk LAST PRICE normally high. It may be that someone round here is trying to poison rats and £269.00 miceandthebodiesarebeingeatenbythe foxes,”saidMrMills,whostressedthatdid SALE PRICE notexplainwhytwofoxeshadnotails. HeputoutleafletsinOverdaleandneigh- bouringBroadhurstwarningpeoplenotto £255.00 touchthebodiesof anyanimalstheyfind in their gardens which attract wildlife fromAshteadCommonsearchingforfood. 01737 373 113 “We are particularly concerned about youngchildrenwhomightseewhatthey 29 HIGH STREET, BANSTEAD thinkisatoyanditturnsouttobeamouse oraratthathassuccumbedtopoison.God forbidthattheyshouldputtheirhandsin 020 8669 9531 theirmouths. “Anyonewhofindsadeadanimalshould- 67-71 STAFFORD RD, WALLINGTON n’ttouchitbutreportittothepoliceorthe Mutilatedfoxeshavebeenfound DeadlinepixSU17377 No other website comes close – log on to yourlocalguardian.co.uk right now for even more news, views, features and sport 4 News EM 02083309554 January 10, 2008 Head leaves struggling www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Seven days, seven events school early ■Thursday,January10 Notsuitableforbeginners. Getanintroductiontoemail ■Monday,January14 atEpsomLibrary,from Epsom’sUniversityCollege 10amto11.30am. fortheCreativeArtshosts ■Friday,January11 anexhibitionof100draw- Theheadteacherof aBanstead byAARONMOON school which failed its Ofsted ingsbyAndrzejKrauze, [email protected] HavealaughatBattersea’s inspectionlastmonth,hasquit entitledASeriousGame. JongleursComedyClub, hisjobandbeenreplacedbya measures, meaning that regu- from7.15pm. ■Tuesday,January15 ‘superhead’inabidtoimprove larinspectionswilltakeplace standards. uptoaperiodof twoyears.If ■Saturday,January12 RichmondFilmSociety JohnDarker,theformerhead bythentheschoolhasstillnot screensVolveratRichmond of The Beacon School in Pic- improved, it could be closed Getyourskatesonat AdultandCommunity quetsWay,hadbeenduetore- down. HamptonCourtIceRinkat CollegeinParkshot,from tirethissummerafterleading A spokesman for Surrey HamptonCourtPalace, 8pm. the school since it opened in County Council, which over- from10am. 1988. But following the failed sees schools throughout the ■Sunday,January13 ■Wednesday,January16 Ofsted inspection, he left six county,said:“JohnDarkerhas monthsearly. takenthedecisiontoleavehis EnjoyKingstonUniversity’s Guidedcycleridewiththe Government officials said post as headteacher of The lunchtimeconcertatSt Introuble:TheheadteacheroftheBeaconSchool,which PollardsHillCyclists.Meet the school was not providing Beacon School in Banstead John’sChurch,GroveLane, faileditsOfstedinspection,hasretiredsixmonthsahead atPollardsHillLibraryat the students with an accept- ahead of schedule. Mr Darker 9.30am. Kingston,from1.15pm. able level of education follow- hadalreadyannouncedhisde- ofschedule DeadlinepixEP18475 ingtheirinspection.AnOfsted cision to retire at the end of “Shehasbeensecondedfrom addressthechallengesandop- For hundreds more events,go to spokeswoman said they felt the summer term and he has Reigate School where she is portunities presented to en- schools in that category did brought his retirement for- thedeputyheadteacher.Sheis sure that our students receive events.yourlocalguardian.co.uk not have the capacity to im- wardforpersonalreasons. an experienced teacher who thehigheststandardof educa- provethemselves. “Jennifer Thomas has taken has undertaken similar roles tion.” Video Asaresult,followingthein- up the post of acting head- inthepast.” The official Ofsted report spection at the beginning of teacherfromJanuaryuntilthe Mrs Thomas said: “I am de- intothefindingsof theschool news December the inspectors governors make a permanent lighted to be working with all isdueoutlaterthismonth. placed the school into special appointment. atTheBeaconSchool.Weshall ❑yourlocalguardian.co.uk Natureexpert LONDON & LOCAL LONDON & LOCAL TonyDrakeford talksabouta rarewhitecoot Formorevideo Offer newsonline, PLEASE CALL NOW PLEASE CALL NOW checkout FOR OUR FOR OUR yourlocal FANTASTIC OFFER FANTASTIC OFFER guardian.co.uk/ ConservatoryShowroom,ChessingtonGardenCentre,nearChessingtonWorldofAdventures videonews NEW NEW WINDOW PACKAGE FULLY FITTED BESPOKE CONSERVATORIES Competition £1695 incVAT ■WinanAldihamper yourlocalguardian.co.uk/ leisure/competitions/ Most read stories Ultraframe 1500x1010 1500x1010 1500x1010 2000Winners ■Mandiedaftersports fusedChristmasdinner 600x1010 carhitslamppost ■FormerBurghHeath STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: ■Ewellschoolboyre- forensicengineeraward SHOOTBOLT LOCKING SYSTEM (withNightVentposition) WINDOWS&DOORLOCKINGTOINSURANCECOMPANY’SREQUIREMENT CONTACT US - We’re here to help TRIPLECHAMBERPROFILEPROVIDINGOPTIMUMTHERMALPERFORMANCE EDITORIAL MOTORING FULLYSCULPTUREDFRAMEOPENERS&BEADS AssistantEditor:DannyBrierley Manager:CarolineNichols LOWEGLASS28mm SEALEDUNITS | INTERNALGLAZINGFORHIGHSECURITY FFEENNSSAA RReeggiisstteerreeddCCoommppaannyy [email protected] [email protected] Tel:02083309554 Tel:02083299274 GENUINE EXAMPLE – FITTED DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFIED PRICES Newspaperdeliveries Manager:KarenMcLean 17£735x611392 17£745x611290 17£745x411190 5£001x180910 5£002x100510 11£920x510310 [email protected] [email protected] EXAMPLEPRICES,MADETOMEASUREANYSIZE Tel:08452707451 Tel:02083309979 PHONEFORQUOTESMINIMUMORDER£500 ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT ADVERTISING LEAFLETS 1500x1050 1030x1050 1050x1050 1190x1190 1500x1190 DisplayManager:GerryDevine Sales:JaimeRobins £307 £340 £270 £270 £340 £308 TESTED TO SIX BRITISH STANDARD CLASSIFICATIONS [email protected] [email protected] Tel:02083299420 Tel:02083309501 SSHHOOWWRROOOOMM:: MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9am-9pm FREEPHONE 553344LLoonnddoonnRRooaadd,,NNoorrtthh Callsmaybemonitoredfortrainingpurposes CChheeaammSSuurrrreeyySSMM3388HHWW 0808 155 1222 for a free no obligation quotation please phone MMoonnddaayyttooSSaattuurrddaayy WE’RE AIMING FOR THE HIGHEST STANDARDS 99..3300aamm--66..0000ppmm YourlocalGuardianaimstobringyouthemostimportantlocalnews andinformationinawaywhichisfair,accurateandbalanced. Keepit green:Read us,then recycleus WeadheretothePressComplaintsCommissioncodeofpractice SUTTON GUARDIAN : 104,585 butifyouwishtocommentonanystory,writetothegroupeditor SeanDuggan,atUnecolHouse,819LondonRoad,NorthCheam, YourGuardiansupportsrecycling– SurreySM39BN recycledpapermadeup80.6%oftheraw Copiesdistributedweekly January12007toJuly12007 TheGuardianseriesispublishedbyNewsquestMediaGroup,aGannettCompany materialforUKnewspapersin2006 yourlocalguardian.co.uk January10,2008 EM News 5 We will, we will, teach you! Chernobyl children Alocalcharitywhichprovidesrespitefor children from Belarus affected by the Chernobyl disaster is appealing for A musician has opened a rock byAARONMOON EpsomandAshteadresidentsforhelp. school in Epsom to help young TheMidSurreyLinkof ChernobylChil- [email protected] wannabesontheirwaytofameand dren Life Line brings children from the fortune. onestopshopforyoungbands. country,whichwasthemostcontaminat- Richard Henderson from Ewell “Ihopetohaveitupandrunning edfollowingthedisasterin1986,tostayin began teaching budding rock stars within the next four weeks, we’ve theareaforamonth. part time as he and his brother beenworkingonitsinceOctober.” Theyarecurrentlylookingforfamilies began working towards success The building will have its own who would be interested in hosting the withtheirownband. recording studio, two rehearsal childrenwhoareplacedinpairsandare After a couple of offers from rooms,aliveperformanceroomfor 11yearsoldforeithertwoorfourweeks. record companies fell through he group lessons and individual tutor An information evening will be held at moved into teaching full time and rooms. St Giles’ church hall in Dene Road in beganmanagingbands. Richard is also setting up a WAP AshteadonThursdayFebruary7at8pm. He founded the Epsom band the service so that the bands can sell Further information can be found at Flaming Monkeys, who under his ring tones or wallpaper which peo- midsurreylink.org or by calling 01372 managementwentontowinanum- ple will be able to buy and down- 741228. ber of regional awards including load. theXFMRockschoolcompetitionin Alongside himself teaching O 2005, where they beat nearly 200 drums,Richardalsoemploysother ●● otherbands. tutors who teach guitar, bass and He is now enjoying similar suc- vocals. LOFT LADDERS cess with new band Black and “Ithinkthisisthefirstdedicated Supplied and fitted for only Whiteandhopeshisnewcentrewill rock school Epsom has ever had,” £140 helpkickstartthecareersof other Richard added. “Since we started NO VAT buddingrockmusicians. teaching and creating bands from TO PAY “Previously we just hired a func- younglocaltalentwehavehadcon- ★PriceincludesNewHatchDoor tion room at a working man’s club siderablesuccessandnowwehave ★QualityBritish-MadeLadders in Epsom,” Richard said. “It was a our own building we are able to ★AlsoBoarding,NewHatches&Lights bitof ahasslehavingtosetupallof offerevenmoretomusiciansof all ★LocalFamilyBusiness our equipment and then take it all ages.” ★SatisfactionGuaranteed downagainattheend.Butwiththe Formoreinformationvisitrealis- Forthoseabouttorock,wesaluteyou:RobinandRichardHender- newbuildingwe’regoingtohavea ticrock.comorcall01372740300. son,directorsoftheRealisticRockschool 020 8644 3211 Cheam Windows How to have fewer colds Goodmannersandcommonsensecan The PCT said people should always help cut down on colds and flu – ac- carry tissues and use them to catch cordingtoSurreyPrimaryCareTrust coughs and sneezes. Then dispose of (PCT)whichisrunningaCatchIt,Bin them as soon as possible and quickly Fam4ous For0Our Quality It,KillItcampaign. cleanyourhands. Research shows that people are not Dr Ruth Milton, director of public uPVC Fa%mous For Our Quality fully aware of the huge difference health for Surrey, said: “In the UK usinganddisposingof tissuescorrect- around 15 per cent of the population ly and washing hands can make in develops colds and flu each year with helpingpreventthespreadof thecom- many millions of days lost from mon cold and the more serious flu schoolandworkasaresult. LeadedLight Picture Georgian Sash virus. “Eachyeararound12,000peoplealso Already, most adults suffer two to diefromflu,andweallhaveanimpor- five colds a year and infants and pre- tant role in preventing ourselves, our school children have an average of families and others from spreading fourtoeight. germs.” Council tax to be set next month DISCOUNT Bays FENSA High LOCAL SHOWROOMS Epsom residents will find out how much budgetof justonepercent. StabPleaDtioooDrosors RReeggiisstteerreeddBCCaooymmsppaannyySecuRersiiDtoyors their council tax will increase by when TheLocalGovernmentAssociationsaid nohighpressuresales figuresarerevealedatacouncilmeeting that it was facing “the worst settlement Plus ~ conservatories - stable doors, nextmonth. foradecade”. WHO ELSE CAN OFFER THIS! folding doors and car ports ItisduetotakeplaceonFebruary19at Its chairman, Sir Simon Milton, said: thetownhallwherethefigureswillbedis- “Manycouncilleaderswillbescratching FORAFREEESTIMATEPHONE OPEN: Mon - Sat 9.30-5.00pm cussed, before they are revealed to the their heads as they try to work out how generalpublic. theydeliverever-betterservicesforlocal 020 8770 7555 020 8330 2170 There were fears last month up and people with less money than in recent downthecountrythattherewouldbean years and with greater demands on ser- 3CheamCommonRoad 73HCahmeapmtonCComoumrtoPnaRroadaed increased strain on councils as the Gov- vices.” 4488HHiigghhSSttrreeeett ernmentgavethemanoverallincreasein ❑yourlocalguardian.co.uk North4C8heHamigh Street, CHNhaomeratphmtoCnhVCeaiolmulartge 3 Cheam Common Road, North Cheam CheamVillage WWIINNDDOOWW RREEPPAAIIRRSS yourlocal Worcest0e2r0Pa8r7k70 7555 ((eWoapopsrycHepasatmerrpktPoinanrgCk)tStation) Worcester Park 020 8330 2170 guardian.co.uk TTOO DDOOUUBBLLEE GGLLAAZZIINNGG Misted/brokensealedunits ● Handlesforwindowsanddoors ● Windowhingesandstays ● Patiodoorswheelsandtracks ● Alltypesoflocks ● DON’T REPLACE! Take a REPAIR! bite NO CALL OUT CHARGE Open 7 days a week ● Cut this leaflet out toadvertise ● you might need it one day your FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE restaurantin AS GOOD AS NEW 002200 88664411 55003366 call 02083299218 6 News EM 02083309554 January 10, 2008 Police Federation defends its late licence application The new Police Federation byHELENCRANE trainingandconferencefacili- “The Federation is looking headquarters in Leatherhead ties, and accommodation for forward to our headquarters’ [email protected] hasrunintocontroversyeven officers attending the courses move to Leatherhead and to beforethebobbiesmovein. said:“Frontlinepoliceofficers inthespring. fostering good relations with An application for a late have to deal with the unpre- Jan Berry, chairman of the localresidents.” night liquor licence to enable dictability and uncertainty of Police Federation of England thepolicetodrinkuntil2amat 24 hour licensing. We have to and Wales, which represents the new Federation HQ off ensure we have sufficient po- officers from the rank of con- •Whatdoyouthink RandallsRoadhascausedcom- liceofficersonduty24hoursa stable to chief inspector, said: aboutthePolice mentinthepressandanxiety daytodealwiththeincreasing “We would like to reassure Federation’slicence inthesurroundingarea. minorityof peoplewhopersis- localresidentsthatthebarwill application?Writeto Itfollowsawidelypublicised tentlydrinktoexcessandthen beforuseof conferenceguests theaddressonpage condemnation of 24-hour li- causetrouble.” andstaff onlyandnotopento fouroremailletters@ censing by Alan Gordon, vice The Federation, currently the public, and as a result we epsomguardian.co.uk chairmanof thePoliceFedera- based in Surbiton, intends to hope noise will be kept to a tionof EnglandandWaleswho move into its new HQ with minimum. All clear for Police hunt armed Ewell store raiders Anti-graffiticompetition:EpsomandEwellYouth Horton farm PCSOSianBuckleywithHannahSmythandfellow prizewinnersRoyaPahlevaniandChristopherBird Policearehuntingfivearmed suspects went behind the one who has information menwhorobbedaEwellstore servingareaandstolemoney which they feel may be rele- Final word on graffiti Horton Children’s Farm has atgunpointlastweek. from the tills and cigarettes vant,nomatterhowsmall,to been given a clean bill of The incident took place at as the fifth remained on the pleasegetintouch.” health by Defra, the Depart- the Co-op store in Kingston shop floor. In total, about The robbers were wearing ment of the Environment, Road on December 30 just £4,000wasstolen. hooded tops and scarves over FoodandRuralAffairs. before 10pm, when five males Detective Constable Chris their noses and mouths. The AnEpsomgirlhaswonan bid to steer youngsters Aftercomplaintsof animal entered the store through the Tiffin said: “We are treating group consisted of white and anti-graffiti poster compe- awayfromvandalism. neglect from a former em- frontentrance. this incident very seriously black males who spoke with titionandherentrywillbe PCSO Sian Buckley said: ployee – strongly denied by Twoof themenroundedup and appealing to anyone who Londonaccents. printed and displayed in “It was really nice to see managers–aDefrainspector the three members of staff was in the area around the Anyone with any informa- thetown. allthechildrensoenthusi- launched an inspection into and took them to the back of- time of this incident to come tion should contact DC Tiffin HannahSmyth,ayearsix asticaboutthecompetition conditionsatthefarm. fice, with one of the suspects forward. atEpsomCIDon08451252222 student at Riverview Pri- andawareof theeffectsof Thisweekaspokesmanfor carrying a small black hand- “Crimes of this nature are quoting crime reference mary School, designed the graffiti on the borough. I the Government department gun. They ordered the safe to extremelyrareinSurreyand A/07/32201.Alternativelycall winning poster for the hope that the winning saidthattheEpsomfarmhad be opened, stealing the cash Iwanttoreassuremembersof Crimestoppers in confidence competition which was poster will be noticed by beengiventheallclearafter inside, along with lottery the public that we are doing on0800555111. launchedlastNovemberby the community and every- a second inspection by ani- scratchcards. all we can to find the people ❑ For more crime news, go policeandthecouncilina onewilllearnfromit.” malwelfareofficers. Astheydidso,theothertwo responsible.Iwouldurgeany- toyourlocalguardian.co.uk FREE Sunday family buffet Exclusive dishes to Shehnai •GoanLambShankSpringlammarinatedintraditionalGoan 12.30am - 6pm spicefullofflavourwithfreshgarlicgingerandcorinaderserved withriceandvegtable •DuckXacuttiCombinationofroastedstaraniseed,avantri, Bottle of wine fenugreek,redGoanchilli,coconut,andcinnamonallcontributing tothisspecialdishservedwithbabyvegetableandlemonrice Children welcome with orders •FishMazadarFilletoffishcookedwithfinelychoppedginger, vinegarandfreshlimejuiceservedwithsteamriceanbdvegetable Disabled facilities •ChickenChetinandHotandspicydishofmadraswithfresh over £25 groundspice,peppersandspringonionservedwithriceandv egetablewithatouchofcoconut. (takeawayonly) SHEHNAI when you present this voucher 9 Craddocks Parade, Craddocks Avenue, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1QL 01372 273818 • www.shehnairestaurant.co.uk Valid until 31st Jan 08 yourlocalguardian.co.uk January10,2008 EM News 7 Saved from Common Teen pregnancy rates at a low Epsom and Ewell has one of the lowest whichisthehighestratethroughoutwest- ratesof pregnancyingirlsagedbetween ernEuropeandsixtimeshigherthanHol- 13and15yearsoldinthecountry,asother landandthreetimesmorethanFrance. byHELENCRANE areasthroughoutEnglandandWalescon- Accordingtothefigures,theworstarea [email protected] tinuetorise. was the London borough of Lambeth The Government statistics show that where 19.5 school girls out of 1,000 are Awomanwhofelloniceandbroke everyday21girlsagedbetween13and15 falling pregnant each year compared to her leg in three places as she in England and Wales fall pregnant – EpsomandEwell’s2.8ayear. walked in an isolated area of AshteadCommonhaspraisedher Access theatre rescuers. Central Locksmiths Dog walkers heard Charlotte Dummigan’scryforhelpasshelay on the ground in agony and one Disabled people who are keen on THE SECURITY SPECIALISTS dance and drama should sign up for wenttosummonassistancewhile freeworkshopsrunbytheFreewheel- ■FullRangeofUPVCDoorand theothersstayedwithher. ersTheatreCompanyinLeatherhead. WindowFittings inStock. They called one of the common TheworkshopsruntoEasterandare rangers, Sean O’Kelly, who told ■DIYSales designed to meet the needs and abili- themtocheckthefootpathnumber tiesof theparticipants,includingpeo- writtenonthenearestsignpost. ■FullFittingsService plewhousewheelchairs. The information helped track The Freewheelers brings together down the injured woman and FreeCall guidetheambulancetoher. disabled and non-disabled actors and 0500 103740 supporters, production teams and the The accident happened before localcommunity. Christmas as she walked her two spaniels on the common. After For more information contact: Viv 62CentralRoad,WorcesterPark,Surrey,KT48HY Colvill on 01932 860950 or email being taken to St Helier Hospital OpeningTimes: Mon-Tue9-5•WedClosed•Thus,Fri9-5•Sat9-1 [email protected] for complex surgery on a broken leg she is now recovering at her wtttpwtwalwseh£pipioRByeohhdtann4auaouIS“““eshiaariaeei.tentdmrnmIIIgithdlrenhthncakdgktThganmewwweanteMtiieamcchhBonasnrwdaaiCahrIoatirenennygganssscselnapnaaovssddaontdaWsspaneauavwsD.huamahowsrrrrlopIenowehtnupsntyismiakrtigbleocwocimttiudphylsrumogiadhceestama.lpodjvhylgmhfdetsuaBuaostifeyewocbeeegnosnfdirpsraeiaflgtreridaadccnurnudsnicrsoraneraysmutelplehphuesnC.ioetig”wmfwdatbdbtaesenea,gluhebe,eeogerrd3adrsmrayliakcslr.yv8bsglnftawfdieli.deeoIioeot3teeabgd,hnhrhaencrsrd0abslAeyaBgrarmeeetparlartedhseudpflohynefuibphyoantruspdrtres’apyothrtobsieuetw--egiadoelttmhnaghiinhbheouandeei,p9wTmphtnybdge”erstf.--0aaaoIiapnrlrturliktatrtttslOIknrcorhhheshaTntki““Rie’sytnntoeaeneKnhITata,aeingthegpargytweehxnh£ikaeteadaflceDh1ogdtdernnlMomfdeetyhyueorouhrvdelhwraeegllosr(wdemC:deeeuniagurshS.Tarnnwoepdvt.ymamneihtrshraewomlacedtaenijertleennhgoookhyent,ewebchm)asaetfrk2Omaahoiinwwraa0esntrrpnp’egunKnnvaisif2radmtectrpdodtseo0icrkeohhlcalipaworIvoatlamnetrlfy.mshehsfjhiubsfk,uetudksrreoellAwtris.e,e£eeeadosetnsh1eettsttif-sthewohucootdesotmtaceyhdpnmGwaabFaiptdmrdenhUeeeeit,tkddrooe“cLCeLttLdooha“tpkgtvcptcme1hhosnaoWeilanacle0iemnmtboMgMeaechyecbwsenmmoassYyrehscn.tpgnssowusaEbaetofWfondvlDAouaahtwlsecerflhueiaRatutaatatursemevnnyns9lerinereu.G9dpscmfrhwt9moTseaht•UeiwirhhihccWreagbttAkauteeeeyosaheihnlrlinrRlrbdaceeeaereaW’otamrrmeArrsdonwaonesafNersrigtktocancieroehs•eernlucTsgshelDgrneceEeephooaostaucoSnEeowh.ensCotle”corerems,ythpmeatolsmlfamheneaosartgeeeionoh-tmdrrtnyoe-:-- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••••••••••00■■■■■DD■■■■■BBPCFDLEO2■■■■■■■225■aiem■■rroFFop■■■r■toooo■■t■■enuuge■iYt■WWe■■kko■■00ell■ns/■rNNll■■He■■uueeC/re■g■ii■■PPFa■■nnnn8■r■ieBa■■OO■■uurvRRddr■n//a■bb■■nts■■eMBbb88■ooao■mgCC■■■■cnFll■wwti■xee■■iiCC■■oinill■ccc-■leeHHe■■ens66s■■1aRR■rh■eeLL/■■sst■■AAtti■p0E■eppeeh■■eAA■■ii■DH■Cspp44aadp■■sae■■LL■■bbaa■■mGG■■RRsaoiaa■■RSiiiiW■■n■■yLLrrlll11■o■■■iile■■gssGGe■tt7■ii-r■■Ci■■ayype■O&s&■llnrr■■OO■■l■sdEEa■lIIe■■daa■■Ruenn■11■iSSa■■dss■■oUUra■tss■eypp■■■■euuzzw■n■pUaa■■s■■99dTTrr■■rr■■■■aaaii■■naeeT■■■■inn■■ssnnri11■■■■rccw■t■e■■a■■see■■d■■■■degg■■55■■■■ee■■■■■■k■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ toanhourwillgoupby10p applying to long-term park- VerticalSlides•PatioDoors•Conservatories MISTED & BROKEN SEALED UNITS? to60pandfortwohoursfrom ersonly. FORGENERALADVICEANDFREEQUOTESCALL 0800 037 1317 FREE ESTIMATES • NO CALL OUT CHARGE TEL:02086533232 FAX:02082390020 TRADING STANDARDSAPPROVED 7 TEXT:07815129126 •Double-glazedWindow&DoorRepairs DOUBLEGLAZEDWINDOWS ANYSIZEWITHHIGHSECURITY •BrokenorBentHingesReplaced Tell us LOCKSFULLYFITTED •PatioDoorWheelReplaced what s £1499 •Window&DoorHandlesReplaced happening FROM +VAT •AndAllOtherGlazingRepairsUndertaken in your A. SAWYER GLAZING neighbourhood TheCausewayCarshaltonSM52LZ Tel: 020 8647 6564 Mobile: 07984 983805 Call02083309554 FENSA www.doubleglazing4less.co.uk [email protected] AS/A2 & GCSE 97% OF STUDENTS at Surbiton High School RATED OUR TUTORS AS EASTER REVISION COURSES EXCELLENT OR GOOD With amazing On-line support throughout the year Call now for a Course Brochure and EXAM SUCCESS FREE Desktop Revision Planner WITHOUT 01727 827000 THE www.justincraig.ac.uk STRESS! Improve grades and techniques Gain confidence and motivation Small groups & Individual help Enthusiastic helpful tutors 8 News EM 02083309554 January 10, 2008 Sharon’s husband is IT whizz is appointed at Trust An IT and business expert has been boardandseniormanagementlevelin ‘a suspect’, says dad appointed as a non-executive director business development, marketing and of the board of the troubled Epsom projectmanaging,tookuphisappoint- and St Helier University Hospitals mentlastmonth. NHSTrust. His particular interests are the care Peter Rawlinson, who is a senior and rehabilitation of stroke patients manager of a global IT company and as well as the education and employ- has more than 30 years experience at mentof peoplewithdisabilities. byAARONMOON Your blood will not be given in vein [email protected] The former husband of Ashtead murdervictimSharonBirchwood isbeingtreatedasasuspectinthe Blooddonorclinicsarebeingheldlocally AclinicisalsobeingheldonFriday,Jan- investigation, according to his fa- next week in Banstead and Ashtead. uary18,between1.30and4pmand5and ther. DonorscanturnuponTuesday,January 7.30pmatAshteadPeaceMemorialHallin ColinBirchwoodclaimsthathis 15, between 2 and 4.30pm and 5.30 and WoodfieldLane.Formoreinformationon son, Graham, has been inter- 7.45pmatStPaul’sChurchHallinWarren givingblood,visitblood.co.uk. viewedonseveraloccasionsbyde- Road. ❑yourlocalguardian.co.uk tectives. He also revealed that his carwasseizedbypolicewhohave been carrying out forensic work onit,aftertheydiscoveredhisson Got a story? Call 020 8330 9554 had been using it when he found MrsBirchwood’sbody. MrsBirchwoodwasfoundbound WINNER OF andgaggedatherhomeonDecem- ber 7 and a postmortem showed she died from asphyxia about 24 hoursearlier. Best Health and Speaking of the circumstances surrounding her death, Colin Birchwooddescribeditallas“abit Dead:SharonBirchwood,whowasfoundboundandgagged Beauty Salon kinky”. Hesaidhissonwasadiscjockey tacted me so I haven’t mentioned amountof forensicworkhadbeen andstoredmanyof hisrecordsin it.” carriedout. the loft space at Mrs Birchwood's Graham Birchwood remarried She said: “We will never com- house, often letting himself in afterhisdivorcefromSharonand ment on the details of an investi- withhisownkeytoretrievethem hastwoteenagesons,oneof which gationwhiletheinvestigationisin if shewasnotathome.Hesaidhis began university last September, progress. Until there is sufficient sonhadbeenasuspectinthecase studyingforabusinessstudiesde- evidence to charge an individual fromtheverybeginning. gree. withanoffence,investigationoffi- He added: “He’s been inter- Colin Birchwood added: “It’s so cerswillkeepanopenmind. viewed by the police quite a few sad to see what it’s doing to the “Manyitemshavebeenremoved times.Hesaidtheofficerswereall family. Graham has very bad dia- for forensic examination in addi- veryfriendlyandallonfirstname betes, he’s lost a few toes from it tion to the forensic work at the terms with each other. Graham’s and all of this is just making it scene. This detailed work forms no murderer, but there’s a couple worse.” partof theinvestigationonwhich www.hairlocation.co.uk of people that would spring to A Surrey Police spokeswoman we were not prepared to com- mind. But the police haven’t con- admitted that a substantial ment.” We Manufacture Offers valid until £23.50 Sat 2nd February We Install... plus 1/2 Price THE COMPANY THAT DOES IT ALL... back, neck & shoulder massage only Windows, doors, conservatories £12.50 manufactured by us Offernotvalidwith •Aluminium&PVCu Lina,TerriorSharon Take a •AlltocurrentFensaregs. bite •FREE no-obligation quotes EstablishedHair ★ Hair Extensions &BeautySalon •No hard-sell •High security locking systems ★ Massage •Enquiries welcome from individual, commercial and architect practices ★ Waxing •Trade & DIY enquiries welcome ★ •PVCu or aluminium - colours or Threading woodgrain effect ★ State Registered •Facias,soffits and guttering, toadvertise Hairdressers supplied and fitted your ★ restaurantin Yuko Hair FamilyBusinessEstablished25Years call (fensano.22692) Straightening Selsdon PLEASE CALL 020 Windows 020 8395 1540 toadvertise y8ou3r 29 12 The Market Wrythe Lane 266SelsdonRoad,SouthCroydonCR27AA restaurantin 020 8681 4003 Carshalton c9al2l 18 Surrey, SM5 1AG yourlocalguardian.co.uk January10,2008 EM News 9 Officers to Road accidents injuries march over Ambulance crews were carscollidedjustbefore7pm called out to two road acci- onFriday,January4. dents.ThefirstwasinLeret A motorist in her 40s was Way, Leatherhead, at the taken to East Surrey Hospi- junction with Epsom Road. tal with facial injuries after A man in his 20s was taken hercarlefttheroadinHurst backpay cut to Epsom General Hospital Road, Walton-on-the-Hill, at withfacialinjuriesaftertwo 9amonSunday,January6. Off-duty police officers from byHELENCRANE SurreyPolicewillbejoiningup [email protected] to 15,000 of their colleagues fromacrossEnglandandWales decisionof thePoliceArbitra- onamarchincentralLondon. tion Tribunal and to pay offi- The furious coppers will be cers the recommended 2.5 per takingpartinarallyorganised cent pay rise backdated to Disgust:StanHebborn,chairofSurreyPoliceFederation by the Police Federation to Septembereffectivelydelivered showangerandfrustrationat policeapaycutinrealterms. what they say is the Govern- ByonlybackdatingtoDecem- “Theyfeelthatwearenotwor- “Policeofficershaveabsorbed ment’srecentbetrayaloverpay. ber 1, the deal is only 1.9 per thytoreceivethepaythathad unprecedented levels of addi- The rally, due to be held on cent,belowthe2percentblan- beenawardedtousbyadueand tional work with new threats January 23, is the only way ketpaypolicyintroducedbythe lawful process. How can they thathavehadtobecontained, policeofficerscanlegallyshow Government for public sector saythatthejobpoliceofficers and ever increasing demands theirangerovertheirpayand workers. doisnotunique?” fromtheGovernment,commu- theirlackof trustintheHome Stan Hebborn, chairman of Bob Quick, Surrey Police nitiesandsocietyasawhole. Secretary,JacquiSmith,asthey SurreyPoliceFederation,said: Chief Constable,addedhissup- “Officers are asked to put are prohibited from joining a “Thiswillsignifythefeelingof port to the campaigning offi- theirlivesonthelineeveryday.” tradeunionortakinganyform disgust and distrust the rank cers. He said: “This decision TheGovernmentclaimsthat of industrialaction. andfilepoliceofficershavefor will needlessly destabilise in- paying the full award would The federation said that the the Home Secretary and the dustrialrelationswithinthepo- make it impossible to keep to decisiontakenbytheHomeSec- PrimeMinister,whoquitesim- liceserviceatatimewhenwe itspublicsectorpayguidelines retarynottoratify,infull,the plycannotbetrusted. canleastaffordit. tokeepinflationatbay. Foot and mouth areas: keep out Surreyresidentsareignoringtheongoing PeterDenard,SurreyCountyCouncil’s footandmouthrestrictionsandentering trading standards manager, said nobody premiseswherethediseasewaseitherdis- shouldbeundertheimpressionthatallthe Allmusicalinstruments,equipment, coveredorwhereitwasstronglysuspected country’sfootandmouthrestrictionshave accessoriesandsheetmusic. overthesummerandearlyautumn. beenliftedandpeoplecontinuingtodoso Professionalguitarrepairs EpsomCommonwasoneareaputunder couldfaceafineorevenimprisonment. andsetupon-site. precautionary measures in September Hesaid:“Somerestrictionswillremain 2007,whenthediseasebegantore-emerge. inplaceuntilSeptember2008.” Open:10-5.30Mon-Sat 26ChurchStreet,Leatherhead (oppLeatherheadTheatre) Tel:01372 377600 Web: www.molemusic.co.uk PRACTICAL Presentstheir CATWALK SHOW PHILOSOPHY ON 13TH JANUARY A TEN WEEK INTRODUCTORY COURSE designedto expand your thinking and help QueenstandWeddingFair towards a deeper understanding of yourself EpsomDowns and the world around you. AMAZING JANUARY The material presented draws on the wisdom of the great teachings of east and west, and gives OFFER practical guidance for applying it in daily life. There is plenty of opportunity for lively BuyyourBridalGownand discussionwithlikemindedpeople,andtoreview getoneBridesmaidsDress whathas been discovered in experience. FREE Nopriorknowledgeofthesubjectisnecessary– (whenpresentingthisadvert) onlyanopenandinquiringmind.Newcourses start in September at: Hours:Mon-Fri10am-5pm&Sat9am-5pm LateNightWednesday“Byappointmentonly” SUTTON: Thur. evenings 17th Jan, 7.15pm attheFriendsMeetingHouse,10CedarRoad CROYDON:Thur.evenings17th Jan, 7.15pm and Sat. mornings starting 19thJan,10.30am Bothat13AddiscombeGrove,EastCroydon CoursesalsoheldinBROMLEY-pleasecallfordetails FEEfor10weekcourse:£60(concessions;studentsunder25,£20). ENROLMENTSfrom30mins.beforefirstsessionorcalltoregister. SESSIONSlastabout2hrsincludingabreakforlightrefreshments ENQUIRIESpleasetelephone:020 8688 2634 oremailto: [email protected] CROYDON & BROMLEY Croydon SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY Bromley T:020839340492-6 • RoseberyParade,KingstonRoad,Ewell, School of SurreyKT172EJ•E:[email protected] 13AddiscombeGrove, EastCroydon,Surrey. Philosophy www.philosophyincroydon.org W:www.fromthismomentbridal.co.uk ABRANCHOFTHEFELLOWSHIPOFTHESCHOOLOFECONOMICSCIENCE,REGISTEREDCHARITYNO.313115. 10 News SM 02083309554 January 10, 2008 Library set to make a splash Children at Beddington Park Primary Schoolaredivingintobooksaftertheir library was revamped with an under- watertheme. Pupils, unaware of the new design, werestunnedtofinddustybookshelves replacedbydolphinsounds,wavywalls andbeanbagrocks. Theaquaticsettingwasachievedwith Extrapatients:TheRoyalMarsdenHospitalinSutton,whichhastakenin the help of local companies and patientsfromitsfire-struckcounterpartinChelsea DeadlinepixSU18656 Sutton transfer Anoushka Burrell, environment co-or- dinatorattheschool,whodrewonher loveof scubadiving. Shesaid:“Thelinksbetweenreading leading to imaginative and accurate writing are well documented, and we for fire patients are celebrating this and embedding it intotheschoolenvironment. “All the children commented on how amazingtheroomlookedandhowthey couldn’twaittogetintheretoborrow Underthesea:BeddingtonParkPrimarySchoolis books and use the room at lesson makingwaveswithitslibrary’snewdecor times.” Cancer patients evacuated from the fire- byHEATHERDARLINGTON struckRoyalMarsdenHospitalinChelsea [email protected] havebeenreceivingtreatmentinSutton. Nearly 1,000 staff and patients were Foundation Trust said they were very forcedtoleavetheworld-renownedtreat- luckytohavetheirsistersiteandthatvalu- ment centre in west London when fire able records and research material had brokeoutlastWednesday. beenunaffectedbythefire. Patientscurrentlyundergoingpotential- Threewardsof thefireravagedhospital lylife-savingradiotherapytreatmentwere havenowreopenedallowinganumberof transferredtotheDownsRoadsiteinSut- patientsbackin. tontocontinuetheircourse,whileotherpa- Chief executive Cally Palmer said the tientsweremovedtotheRoyalBrompton move was testimony to everyone’s hard HospitalinFulham. work. Actress Maureen Lipman, whose hus- Sheadded:“Thefactthatwecanopenour bandJackRosenthalwastreatedattheSut- doorslessthanaweekafterthisserious ton site before his death from cancer in fireisatributetotheimmensehardwork 2004,saidshewasshockedbythenews. of thewholeteam.Butwestillhaveagreat “Thisisaboutasbadasitgets,forfireto deal to do over the coming weeks and hitacancerhospital,”shesaid.“Obviously months – cleaning, repairing, rebuilding it'squiteshocking.Restassuredthatevery- andrefurbishingourChelseahospital–in onewhohaseverhadanythingtodowith order to deliver the excellence in cancer theMarsdenwillrallyanddowhathasto care,treatmentandresearchthattheRoyal bedone.Everyonewillgetoutthereand Marsdenisrenownedfor.” raisemoney.” Investigations are continuing into the AspokesmanfortheRoyalMarsdenNHS causeof thefire. Pay a small deposit, have installation in the next few months and... VALUE HIGHLYCOMPETITIVEPRICES PAY NOTHING onwindows,doors,conservatories&claddings CONFIDENCE28yearsexperienceofmanufacturing FOR A WHOLE YEAR! andinstallingtoallBritishStandards INNOVATION [email protected] Internallyorexternallybeaded5-chamber www.suttonwindows.com sculptureduPVCsystem&aluminiuminmanycolours QUALITY Chosenforthe“HOUSEOFTHEFUTURE”atthe IdealHomeExhibition SECURITY FeaturedonMetropolitianPoliceCrime PreventionDisplay FFEENNSSAA RINGUSNOWTO REGISTERED ARRANGEAFREE COMPANY ESTIMATEONOUR GGF FREE PHONE 36THEBROADWAY 0800 CHEAM 110-112BECKENHAMROAD 150HIGHSTREET 8BELLEGROVEROAD BECKENHAM ORPINGTON WELLING 212289 020 8770 9300 02086633103 01689831362 02083036396 7DAYSAWEEK CONSERVATORYSHOWSITEatHawleyGardenCentre,Dartford01322278820

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