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WWW.POLYCOMPOSITE.IR www.polycomposite.ir EPOXY RESINS, CURING AGENTS, COMPOUNDS, AND MODIFIERS An Industrial Guide Second Edition by Ernest W. Flick I n NOY ES PUBLICATIONS PI park ridge, New Jersw. U.S.A. thgirypoC 8 1993 yb tsenrE .W kcilF oN trap fo siht koob yam eb decudorper ro dezilitu ni yna mrof ro yb yna ,snaem cinortcele ro ,lacinahcem gnidulcni ,gniypocotohp gnidrocer ro yb yna -amrofni noit egarots dna laveirter ,metsys tuohtiw noissimrep ni gnitirw morf eht .rehsilbuP yrarbiL fo ssergnoC golataC draC :rebmuN 92-32993 :NBSI O-8155-1322-4 detnirP ni eht detinU setatS dehsilbuP ni eht detinU setatS fo aciremA yb seyoN snoitacilbuP IIiM ,daoR Park ,egdiR weN yesreJ 07656 10987654321 yrarbiL fo ssergnoC noitacilbuP-ni-gnigolataC Data ,kciR tsenrE .W yxopE ,sniser gniruc ,stnega ,sdnuopmoc dna sreifidom : an lairtsudni ediug yb/ tsenrE .W ,kcilF -- dn2 .de .p .mc sedulcnI .xedni NBSI O-8155-1322-4 1. yxopE .sniser .I .eltiT TP1180.E6P56 1992 668’.374--&20 92-32993 PIC www.polycomposite.ir To Evelyn and the late Donald Bartlett and Vella and Phil, Marilyn and wid, Alden and Dottie and their families V Preface sihT koob sniatnoc desnednoc snoitpircsed of erom naht 2800 etad-ot-pu yxope ,sniser gniruc ,stnega yxope sdnuopmoc dna suoenallecsim .sreifidom tI lliw eb of eulav ot lacinhcet dna laireganam lennosrep devlovni ni the erutcafunam dna esu of the lanif stcudorp edam morf these suoirav sniser dna gniruc .stnega yxopE sniser evah decneirepxe suodnemert growth ecnis rieht noitcudortni ni the 1950s. Rather naht gnimoceb a lanoitidart ytidommoc ,meti ,revewoh yeht are won gnimoceb erom of a ytlaiceps .lacimehc New selucelom are ylraluger gnieb ,depoleved dna gnitsixe seno yltnatsnoc ,deifidom ot evig devorpmi ecnamrofrep ni lanoitidart ,snoitacilppa as llew as wen snoitacilppa ni ygolonhcet-hgih areas. erutuF growth appears ot eil ni the noitulove of wen stekram ni the ytlaiceps ecnamrofrep areas. ehT data ni the koob tneserper snoitceles morf 71 ’srerutcafunam evitpircsed ,erutaretil edam at on cost to, ron ecneulfni ,nroh the srekam or srotubirtsid of these .slairetam tI si deveileb that lla of the raw slairetam dna dehsinif stcudorp detsil are yltnerruc ,elbaliava hcihw lliw eb of tseretni ot readers denrecnoc htiw raw lairetam .secnaunitnocsid ehT koob si dedivid otni the gniwollof ruof :snoitces .I yxopE sniseR .II gniruC stnegA .III yxopE sdnuopmoC .VI suoenallecsiM sreifidoM Each raw lairetam or tcudorp si ,debircsed as ,elbaliava htiw lacipyt yassa ro/dna check tniop ,serugif dna osla a feirb noitpircsed gnizirammus tnatropmi serutaef or snoitacilppa of the raw lairetam or .tcudorp vii www.polycomposite.ir viii Preface Each raw lairetam or tcudorp has neeb detsil ni the noitces hcihw smees tsom ;elbacilppa ,revewoh the reader gnikees a raw lairetam or tcudorp dluohs check each noitces hcihw dluoc ylbissop .ylppa owT lanoitidda snoitces lliw osla eb lufesu ot the eht-redaer ’sreilppuS ,sesserddA dna a edarT emaN .xednI ehT elbat of stnetnoc si dezinagro ni hcus a yaw as ot evres as a tcejbus .xedni yM tselluf noitaicerppa si expressed ot the seinapmoc dna snoitazinagro who deilppus the data dedulcni ni siht .koob ,rebotcO 1992 tsenrE .W kcilF NOTICE oT the tseb of ruo egdelwonk the noitamrofni ni siht noitacilbup si ;etarucca revewoh the rehsilbuP does ton emussa yna ytilibisnopser for the ycarucca or ssenetelpmoc of, or secneuqesnoc gnisira ,morf hcus .noitamrofni sihT lairtsudnI ediuG does ton troprup ot niatnoc deliated resu ,snoitcurtsni dna yb sti egnar dna scope dluoc ton ylbissop do so. noitneM of trade seman or laicremmoc stcudorp does ton etutitsnoc tnemesrodne or noitadnemmocer for esu yb the .rehsilbuP yxopE raw slairetam nac eb ,cixot dna therefore eud noituac dluohs syawla eb desicrexe ni the esu of yna yllaitnetop suodrazah .slairetam laniF noitanimreted of the ytilibatius of yna noitamrofni or tcudorp for esu detalpmetnoc yb yna ,resu dna the rennam of that ,esu si the elos ytilibisnopser of the .resu eW ylgnorts dnemmocer that sresu seek dna adhere ot a s’rerutcafunam or s’reilppus tnerruc snoitcurtsni for gnildnah each lairetam yeht .esu Contents and Subject Index NOITCES I EPOXY SNISER Ciba-Geigy Corp. ........................................ 2 ETIDLARA diuqiL yxopE sniseR .......................... 2 lonehpsiB F yxopE sdiuqiL ............................... 4 detanimorB yxopE sdiuqiL ............................... 5 citahpilaolcyC yxopE sdiuqiL ............................. 6 cinortcelE edarG slairetaM ............................... 7 CINOBlARA yxopE snoituloS ....................................... 8 lanoitcnufitluM yxopE sdiuqiL ............................ 11 diloS yxopE sniseR .................................... 13 laicepS sniseR ....................................... 17 UATRIMID ytlaicepS diloS yxopE .................................. 19 CVC Specialty Chemicals, Inc. .............................. 21 ytlaicepS yxopE tcudorP eniL ............................ 21 EPALLO~ ERISYS Dow Chemical .A.S.U ..................................... 22 D.E.R. diuqiL yxopE :sniseR lonehpsiB epyT-A sniseR ......... 22 D.E.R. diuqiL yxopE :sniseR dezylatacerP niseR ............... 23 detuliD sniseR ....................................... 23 locylgyloP epyT sniseR ................................. 23 WOD diuqiL yxopE sniseR .............................. 24 WOD diuqiL yxopE sniseR gniniatnoC a evitcaeR tneuliD ....... 26 WOD dezylatacerP diuqiL yxopE sniseR .................... 26 Hoechst Celanese Corp. ................................... 27 ix www.polycomposite.ir x Contents and Subject Index XOPOKCEB edixopE sniseR ............................. 27 XOPOKCEB detalumroF edixopE niseR smetsyS .............. 30 DUROXIU Polychem Corp. ......................................... 32 JEWEL EZALG yxopE sniseR ........................... 32 JEWEL EZALG ytlaicepS yxopE sniseR .................... 33 laicepS evisehdA sniseR ................................ 34 Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. ................................. 35 TNILFORA retseyloP-yxopE sniseR ....................... 35 FUTOPE yxopE Esters ................................. 36 FUTOPE diuqiL yxopE sniseR ............................ 37 FUTOPE niseR snoituloS ............................... 41 FUTOPE diloS yxopE sniseR ............................. 43 YXOPLEK remotsalE deifidoM yxopE ...................... 44 Rhone-Poulenc, Inc. ..................................... 45 ZER-IPE remotsalE deifidoM sniseR ....................... 45 ZER-IPE yxopE niseR snoituloS .......................... 46 ZER-IPE diuqiL yxopE sniseR ........................... 48 ZER-IPE diloS yxopE sniseR ............................ 50 ZER-IPE elbicudeR/enrobretaW sniseR ..................... 51 XET-IPE yxopE Ester sniseR ............................ 53 detanimorB yxopE sniseR ............................... 55 HELOXY hgiH ecnamrofreP lanoitcnufyloP ZER-IPE yxopE sniseR ........ 56 Shell Chemical Co. ...................................... 57 EPON sniseR dna niseR snoituloS ......................... 57 EPON sdiuqiL-sniseR .............................. 57 EPON sdiloS-sniseR ............................... 58 Powder gnidloM/gnitaoC Powder sdiloS .................. 59 EPON detanimorB-sniseR snoituloS .................... 61 EPON snoituloS-sniseR ............................. 61 EPON seitlaicepS-sniseR dna lanoitcnufitluM sniseR ....... 65 EPONOL sniseR ................................... 66 lonehpsiB A ...................................... 67 SHELL stneuliD/setaidermetnI ............................... 68 CARDURA EPONEX sniseR ...................................... 69 SHELL sniseR for detnirP gniriW Boards .................... 70 SECTION II CURING AGENTS qjinomoto Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Contents and Subject Index xi ERUCIJA tnetaL gniruC stnegA ........................... 74 ERUC-ESY yxopE gniruC stnegA ......................... 75 Anhydrides and Chemicals Inc. ............................. 78 edirdyhnA yxopE smetsyS ............................... 78 AC-METHYL BASF Carp ............................................. 82 NIMORAL enimA srenedraH ............................. 82 Buffalo Color Corp. ...................................... 83 ciniccuslynecedoD edirdyhnA ............................ 83 cilahthpordyhaxeH edirdyhnA ............................ 83 lyhteM cilahthpordyhaxeH edirdyhnA ....................... 84 CIDAN lyhteM edirdyhnA ............................... 84 ciniccuS edirdyhnA .................................... 84 Ciba-Geigy Corp. ....................................... 85 srotareleccA ......................................... 85 citahpiIA senimA ..................................... 87 sedirdyhnA .......................................... 89 citamorA senimA ..................................... 91 citahpilaolcyC senimA ................................. 94 ERUCAGRI 261 cinoitaC rotaitiniotohP ..................... 95 sedimayloP .......................................... 96 laicepS srenedraH ..................................... 99 Gray Valley Products Inc. ................................ 101 ERUCKCIUQ 195X tsaF gniyrD evitcaeR edimayloP .......... 101 CVC Specialty Chemicals, .cnI ............................. 102 gniruC srotareleccA/stnegA ............................. 102 ERISYS Dow Chemical U.S.A. .................................... 103 gniruC :stnegA citahpilA senimayloP dna stcuddA ............ 103 D.E.H. gniruC :stnegA citamorA senimayloP ...................... 104 CURITWE gniruC :stnegA sedirdyhnA ............................. 10.5 gniruC :stnegA sedimayloP ............................. 107 KUWM.ID, EUREDVR, ANWIDE gniruC :stnegA citylataC gniruC stnegA .................... 108 Emerson & Cuming, Inc. ................................. 109 :sevisehdA gniruC stnegA .............................. 109 :stnaluspacnE gniruC stnegA ............................ 111 Henkel Polymers Division ................................ 112 DIMANEG yxopE gniruC stnegA ........................ 112 DIMASREV yxopE gniruC stnegA ........................ 114 ENIMASREV yxopE gniruC stnegA ...................... 116 Hoechst-Celanese Corp. ................................. 121

2. GY 6010-type epoxy designed for casting and filament winding For prepreg used in rigid and multilayer printed circuit boards (MIL P-18177 type
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