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Epilepsy Research, 13 (1992) 263-265 0920-1211/92/$05.00 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved Author Index to Volume 13 (1992) Adams, F.G., see Duncan, S., 83 Drinkenburg, W.H.I.M., see Ates, N., 43 Anderson, R.E., see Tomlinson, F.H., 49 Duncan, R., see Duncan, S., 83 Andreasen, P., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Duncan, S., Gillen, G., Adams, F.G., Duncan, R. Araki, T., Tanaka, T., Tanaka, S., Yonemasu, Y.., and Brodie, M.J., Interictal HM-PAO SPECT: a Kato, M. and Goto, I., Kainic acid-induced tha- routine investigation in patients with medically lamic seizure in cats — a possible model of petit intractable complex partial seizures?, 83 mal seizure, 223 Dunn, B., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Arneric, S.P., see Faingold, C.L., 95 Duren, A., see Corcoran, M.E., 179 Ates, N., van Luijtelaar, E.L.J.M., Drinkenburg, W.H.I.M., Vossen, J.M.H. and Coenen, A.M.L., Edelbroek, P.M., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 Effects of loreclezole on epileptic activity and on Edhag, O., see Kennebiick, G., 141 EEG and behaviour in rats with absence seizures, 43 Faingold, C.L., Naritoku, D.K., Copley, C.A., Randall, M.E., Riaz, A., Boersma Anderson, Bakker, A.M., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 C.A. and Arneric, S.P., Glutamate in the infer- Bakkeren, J.A.J.M., see Haraldsson, A., 255 ior colliculus plays a critical role in audiogenic Balish, M., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 seizure initiation, 95 Ben-Menachem, E., see Nordborg, C., 121 Fernandez-Guardiola, A., see Fernandez-Mas, R.., Bergfeldt, L., see Kenneback, G., 141 23 Blasberg, R., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Fernandez-Mas, R., Martinez, A., Gutiérrez, R. Bodor, N., see Pop, E., 1 and Fernandez-Guardiola, A., EEG frequency Boersma Anderson, C.A., see Faingold, C.L., 95 and time domain mapping study of the cortical Brodie, M.J., see Duncan, S., 83 projections of temporal lobe amygdala afterdis- Brouwer, O.F., Pieters, M.S.M., Edelbroek, P.M.., charge during kindling in the cat, 23 Bakker, A.M., van Geel, A.A.C.M., Stijnen, Th., Fukushima, Y., see Okada, M., 113 Jennekens-Schinkel, A., Lanser, J.B.K. and Pe- ters, A.C.B., Conventional and controlled re- Gaillard, W.D., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 lease valproate in children with epilepsy: a cross- Gillen, G., see Duncan, S., 83 over study comparing plasma levels and cognitive Gorman, L.L., see Roberts, R.J., 167 performances, 245 Goto, I., see Araki, T., 223 Gutiérrez, R., see Fernandez-Mas, R., 23 Carson, R.E., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Channing, M., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Haraldsson, A., van Engelen, B.G.M., Renier, Cheung, H., Kamp, D. and Harris, E., An in vitro W.O., Bakkeren, J.AJ.M. and Weemaes, investigation of the action of lamotrigine on neu- C.M.R., Light chain ratios and concentrations ronal voltage-activated sodium channels, 107 of serum immunoglobulins in children with epi- Chmelir, T., see Ojemann, L.M., 159 lepsy, 255 Coenen, A.M.L., see Ates, N., 43 Harris, E., see Cheung, H., 107 Copley, C.A., see Faingold, C.L., 95 Hatase, O., see Janjua, N.A., 239 Corcoran, M.E., Lanius, R. and Duren, A., Rein- Herscovitch, P., see Theodore, W.H., 129 forcing and punishing consequences of kindling, Hines, M.E., see Roberts, R.J., 167 179 Hirano, T., see Okada, M., 113 264 Honack, D. and Léscher, W., Intravenous valpro- Loscher, W., see Wahnschaffe, U., 199 ate: onset and duration of anticonvulsant activity Lothman, E.W. and Williamson, J.M., Influence of against a series of electroconvulsions in compar- electrical stimulus parameters on afterdischarge ison with diazepam and phenytoin, 215 thresholds in the rat hippocampus, 205 Honack, D., see L6scher, W., 187 Hosokawa, K., see Janjua, N.A., 239 Mares, P., see Stankova, L., 17 Martinez, A., see Fernandez-Mas, R., 23 Ishida, M., see Okada, M., 113 Matsui, H., see Janjua, N.A., 239 Ishikawa, S., see Takeda, A., 147 Mazurkiewicz, M., Sirvid, J. and Riekkinen Sr., P., Itano, T., see Janjua, N.A., 239 Effects of single and repeated administration of Izumi, M., see Takeda, A., 147 vigabatrin on the performance of rats in a 5- choice serial reaction time task, 231 Janjua, N.A., Itano, T., Kugoh, T., Hosokawa, K.., Meyer, F.B., see Tomlinson, F.H., 49 Matsui, H., Tokuda, M. and Hatase, O., Plasma urea and ammonia in epileptic patients and their Naritoku, D.K., see Faingold, C.L., 95 relatives, 239 Nau, H., see Loscher, W., 187 Jennekens-Schinkel, A., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 Newman, A., see Theodore, W.H., 129 Nordborg, C., Ben-Menachem, E. and Kyllerman, Kamp, D., see Cheung, H., 107 M., Neurovascular microdysgenesis in a case of Kaneko, S., see Okada, M., 113 Unverricht-Lundborg’s disease, 121 Kato, M., see Araki, T., 223 Noro, T., see Takeda, A., 147 Kenneback, G., Bergfeldt, L., Tomson, T., Spina, E. and Edhag, O., Carbamazepine induced bra- Ojemann, L.M., Wilensky, A.J., Temkin, N.R., dycardia — a problem in general or only in sus- Chmelir, T., Ricker, B.A. and Wallace, J., Long- ceptible patients? A 24-h long-term electrocardio- term treatment with gabapentin for partial epi- gram study, 141 lepsy, 159 Kondo, T., see Okada, M., 113 Okada, H., see Takeda, A., 147 Kubova, H., see Stankova, L., 17 Okada, M., Kaneko, S., Hirano, T., Ishida, M., Kufta, C., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 Kondo, T., Otani, K. and Fukushima, Y., Ef- Kugoh, T., see Janjua, N.A., 239 fects of zonisamide on extracellular levels of Kyllerman, M., see Nordborg, C., 121 monoamine and its metabolite, and on Ca** de- pendent dopamine release, 113 Lanius, R., see Corcoran, M.E., 179 Otani, K., see Okada, M., 113 Lanser, J.B.K., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 Lee, G.P., see Roberts, R.J., 167 Patsalos, P.N., see Sander, J.W.A.S., 89 Leiderman, D.B., Balish, M., Sato, S., Kufta, C., Peters, A.C.B., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 Reeves, P., Gaillard, W.D. and Theodore, W.H., Peterson, S.L., 7-Chlorokynurenic acid antagoni- Comparison of PET measurements of cerebral zes the anticonvulsant activity of D-cycloserine blood flow and glucose metabolism for the loca- in maximal electroshock seizures, 73 lization of human epileptic foci, 153 Pierson, M. and Liebmann, S.L., Noise exposure- Leiderman, D.B., see Theodore, W.H., 129 induced audiogenic seizure susceptibility in Spra- Liebmann, S.L., see Pierson, M., 35 gue-Dawley rats, 35 Loscher, W., Wahnschaffe, U., H6nack, D., Witt- Pieters, M.S.M., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 foht, W. and Nau, H., Effects of valproate and Pop, E. and Bodor, N., Chemical systems for de- E-2-en-valproate on functional and morphologi- livery of antiepileptic drugs to the central ner- cal parameters of rat liver. I. Biochemical, histo- vous system, | pathological and pharmacokinetic studies, 187 Loscher, W., see Hénack, D., 215 Randall, M.E., see Faingold, C.L., 95 265 Reeves, P., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 metkin, A., Blasberg, R., Leiderman, D.B., Rice, Renier, W.O., see Haraldsson, A., 255 K., Newman, A., Channing, M., Dunn, B., Simp- Riaz, A., see Faingold, C.L., 95 son, N. and Herscovitch, P., PET imaging of opi- Rice, K., see Theodore, W.H., 129 ate receptor binding in human epilepsy using Richardson, E.D., see Roberts, R.J., 167 ('SF]cyclofoxy, 129 Ricker, B.A., see Ojemann, L.M., 159 Theodore, W.H., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 Riekkinen Sr., P., see Mazurkiewicz, M., 231 Tokuda, M., see Janjua, N.A., 239 Riggle, T.A., see Roberts, R.J., 167 Tomlinson, F.H., Anderson, R.E. and Meyer, Roberts, R.J., Gorman, L.L., Lee, G.P., Hines, F.B., Panoramic imaging of brain pH; and CBF M.E., Richardson, E.D., Riggle, T.A. and Var- during penicillin and metrazole induced status ney, N.R., The phenomenology of multiple par- epilepticus, 49 tial seizure-like symptoms without stereotyped Tomson, T., see Kenneback, G., 141 spells: an epilepsy spectrum disorder?, 167 Vancutsem, P.M. and Schwark, W.S., Effects of Sander, J.W.A.S. and Patsalos, P.N., An assess- fluoroquinolone antimicrobials alone and in con- ment of serum and red blood cell folate concen- junction with theophylline on seizures in amyg- trations in patients with epilepsy on lamotrigine daloid kindled rats. Mechanistic and pharmaco- therapy, 89 kinetic study, 59 Sato, S., see Leiderman, D.B., 153 van Engelen, B.G.M., see Haraldsson, A., 255 Schwark, W.S., see Vancutsem, P.M., 59 van Geel, A.A.C.M., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 Simpson, N., see Theodore, W.H., 129 van Luijtelaar, E.L.J.M., see Ates, N., 43 Sirvi6, J., see Mazurkiewicz, M., 231 Varney, N.R., see Roberts, R.J., 167 Spina, E., see Kenneback, G., 141 Vossen, J.M.H., see Ates, N., 43 Stankova, L., Kubova, H. and Mares, P., Anticon- vulsant action of lamotrigine during ontogenesis Wahnschaffe, U. and Loéscher, W., Lack of chan- in rats, 17 ges in seizure susceptibility during the estrous Stijnen, Th., see Brouwer, O.F., 245 cycle in kindled rats, 199 Wahnschaffe, U., see Loscher, W., 187 Takeda, A., Okada, H., Tanaka, H., Izumi, M., Wallace, J., see Ojemann, L.M., 159 Ishikawa, S. and Noro, T., Protein binding of Weemaes, C.M.R., see Haraldsson, A., 255 four antiepileptic drugs in maternal and umbili- Wilensky, A.J., see Ojemann, L.M., 159 cal cord serum, 147 Williamson, J.M., see Lothman, E.W., 205 Tanaka, H., see Takeda, A., 147 Wittfoht, W., see Loscher, W., 187 Tanaka, S., see Araki, T., 223 Tanaka, T., see Araki, T., 223 Yonemasu, Y., see Araki, T., 223 Temkin, N.R., see Ojemann, L.M., 159 Theodore, W.H., Carson, R.E., Andreasen, P., Za- Zametkin, A., see Theodore, W.H., 129

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