3r^-v':-'-'-'--'^- '-^- "- - ,JJ^.V- UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY WILLIAM H. DONNER COLLECTION purchasedfrom agift by THE DONNER CANADIAN FOUNDATION I MYSORE ARCH/COLOGICAL SERIES. No. of Volume. MYSORE archj:ological series. EP16RAPH1A CABNATICA VOL. IV. INSCRIPTIONS IN THE MYSORE DISTRICT (PART II) for (^o^emmettt JluMisijeti ^ (^icS^ SozS^.) BT B. LEWIS RIGE, C. I. E. ilemh-T of the Royal Asiattc Society of Ureat Britain and Ireland : Pellow oflhe University o/ liadras t Direcior of ArchiBological Researches in Mysore. -ir^rvs*^ Mysobe Government Press, 1898. 0\ sAi,E BY THR Cdeatoe, Government Book Dep6t, Banoalore. /. t)uX'e.-^>i-'<^5 VOL. IV. Compvising thefollnwiny Tciluqs:— vXv Chamarajnagar -^ ^- ... 1 Yelandur S.^ 2, \,Ky Gundlupet S... ^^V Yedatore yli c( y^Q Heggadadevankote ^NiS^ \^^ Hunsur ^V ... \l\d Krishnarajpet ^^ ^^ ... . / W ^ Nagamangala . (5} '? \y r ) Seringapatam ... Appeiidix ) Nanjangud IV \ » ...