Arachnologische Mitteilungen /Arachnology Letters 52: 7-15 Karlsruhe, September2016 Epigaeic invertebrate community structure in two subtropical nature reserves, Eastern Cape, South Africa: Implications for Conservation management AugustineS. Niba & InamYekwayo doi: 10.5431/aramit5203 Abstract.Epigaeicinvertebratesweresampledatnon-invaded ('IndigenousForest'and'IndigenousGrassland')andalien-invaded ('Eu- calyptus'and'Mixedalien')sub-sitesintheNduliandLuchaba NatureReservesusingpitfalltraps.Atotalof2054specimensbelongingto threephyla(Arthropoda,MolluscaandAnnelida)wascaughtandsortedintosevenOrders, 18families,onetribe,45genera(22identifäed tospecieslevel)and 20 morphospecies. Higherspeciesrichnessoccurred in'Indigenous Forest'and'Mixed Alien'sub-siteswhilehigher specimencountsweremadein invaded('Mixed Alien'and'Eucalyptus')sub-sitesduringsummermonths,peaking inJanuary.Canonical Correspondence Analysis results showthat some measured sitevariables,e.g. litterdepth, grazing intensity, percentageofalien Vege- tation cover, and soil Chemical properties accounted for invertebrate taxa composition and distribution trends at sub-sites. Although habitat-patch level characteristics (including abiotic factors) were importantfor determining species distributions, increased levels of infestation by invasive alien Vegetation across sub-sites did not necessarily impact on epigaeic invertebrates in a predictable manner. Forguiding management decisions, future studies on theeffects ofinvasivealien plants on epigaeic invertebrates should distinguish betweenecologicaleffectsandadverseimpactsonspeciesofConservationconcern. Keywords:alienand indigenousVegetation,environmentalvariables,epigaeic invertebrates, naturereserves,ordination Biological invasions are a main component ofglobal change to yield additional insight into how and underwhich condi- with strong ecological and socio-economic consequences tions invasiveplants alterecosystemfunction andbiodiversity & (Simberloffet al. 2013, Schirmei et al. 2016). Such changes patterns in such habitats (Samways et al. 2012, Samways can affectresidentanimalcommunitiesbymodifyinghabitats Bohm 2012). Schirmei et al.2011),food resources (Wolkovich et al. 2009) The Nduli and Luchaba Nature Reserves (protected are- or biotic interactions (Schweiger et al.2010). Effects on local as), situated in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa fauna can be negative in terms of abundances and diversity fallwithin the Albany Centre ofEndemism,which has high & (Hanula Horn 2011, Holmquist et al. 2011), and functio- levels ofendemic plant and animal extinctions due to sever- & & nal diversity (Schirmei Buchholz 2013). Reported effects al Stressors including invasive alien plants (Smith Wilson ofinvasive species are offen biased towards negative conse- 2002,Preston2003,Oxboroughetal.2010,Egoh etal.2011). & quences (Kumschick Richardson2013),butpositive effects These reserves are growing in significance as elements of the of invasive plants on animals are also known (Schlaepfer et matrix within which raising public awareness for conserving al.2011). indigenous biodiversitycan be undertaken. Monitoringbiodiversityin protected areas (PAs) forms an The goal of this preliminary study was to assess habitat integral component ofassessing their performance and pro- characteristics at a priori selected invaded and non-invaded viding the necessary Information for effective management. Vegetation patches and compare their effects on epigaeic in- In South Africa, PAs play a signiffcant role as refugia, provi- vertebrate assemblages. dinghigh qualityhabitatpatches forinvertebrate biodiversity Conservation even though challenges resulting from their size Studyarea,materialandmethods and numbers do arise (Samways 2005, Foxcroft et al. 2011, The studywas carried out in the Nduli and Luchaba Nature Samways et al. 2012). Even within these reserves, alien in- Reserves (Fig. 1).These are situated at 31°30’S, 28°42’E and vasive plants impact invertebrate species composition and 31°35’S,28°45’E,respectively,in the King SabataDalindyebo & distribution patterns differently (Richardson van Wilgen (KSD) Municipality. The two reserves are located about 3.5 2004, Halaj et al. 2008, Foxcroft et al. 2010). Invertebrates km apart and fallwithin the Mthatha moistgrassland biome. constitute a signiffcant proportion of terrestrial and fresh- Nduli Nature Reserve (170 ha) was originally established in & water biodiversity (Hamer Slotow 2002), serve a series of 1951 and re-proclaimed in 1972 in terms of the Cape Nature critical ecosystem functions (McGeoch et al. 2011) and, as a Conservation Ordinance of 1965. Luchaba Nature Reserve consequence,must necessarilybeconsidered in protected area (460 ha) is an un-proclaimed protected area on state land, monitoringSystems (Vane-Wright 1993). managed as a nature reserve by the Operations Directorate & Little is known about habitat-level impacts of invasive of the Eastern Cape Parks Tourism Agency (ECPTA). and indigenous Vegetation on the richness, abundance and Climate at both reserves is characterized by average winter diversityof epigaeic invertebrate taxawithin PAs ofthe Eas- and summer temperatures of 13 °C and 26 °C respectively, tern Cape Province of South Africa. Such studies are likely with average annualprecipitation of 634 mm (DWAF2005). Natural forest in the reserve area is made up ofindigenous trees, e.g.Acacia karroo A. sieberiana A. xanthophloea,Eryth- , , Thiscontributionwaspresentedatthe29thEuropeanCongressof rina caffra and Zanthoxylum capense (Palgraves 2002). Com- Arachnology,Brno,201SAugust24-28. mon grass species in the reserves are Eragrostis curvula E. AugustineS.NIBA,DepartmentofBiological&EnvironmentalSciences,Walter plana E. racemosa Paspalum dilatatum, Ihemeda triandra ,and SisuluUniversity,P/BXI NelsonMandelaDrive,Mthatha5117SouthAfrica; , , E-mail:[email protected] Pennisetum spp.,while invasive alien plant species present in InamYEKWAYO,DepartmentofConservationEcology&Entomology,Universityof Luchaba Nature Reserve comprise Eucalyptusgrandis,Acacia Stellenbosch,P/BagXI Matieland702,Stellenbosch; E-mail:[email protected] mearnsii Lantana camara, Solanum mauritianum and Cestrum , & submitted5.10.2015,accepted11.6.2016,online23.6.2016 laevigatum (Olckers Hulley 1991).Tire geology of the re- 8 A.S.Niba&I. Yekwayo serves comprises predominantly shales and sandstones ofthe for the study. These sub-sites were a ‘Eucalyptus patch’ and Beaufort series ofthe Karoo System.These landforms are in- ‘Mixed Alien patch’ (Tab. 1). Each ofthe four sub-sites was terlaced with dolerite dykes (Acocks 1988). further stratihed into lour square grids (samplingunits = SU) measuring 10 m2 and separated trom each otherby 8-9 m. Samplingsite stratification Site one in the Nduli Nature Reserve (dominated by indige- Invertebratespeciessamplingusingpitfall traps nousVegetation),measuring 130 m2 was mappedout and di- Although the Interpretation ol pitfall trap data is contentious , vided into two sub-sites comprising‘Indigenous Forestpatch’ because the size of catch is not only affected by density, but and ‘Indigenous Grassland patch’each measuring 60 m2.The also the activity of the species being sampled (Saska et al. second site is in the Luchaba Nature Reserve (comprising 2013),thismethodhasbeenwidelyusedforsamplingepigaeic predominantly invasive alien plants), measured 250 m2 and invertebrates because it is less costly, efficient and easy to use was also divided into two sub-sites, each measuring 60 m2 (Southwood & Henderson 2000, Parr & Chown 2001, Un- CÖO Ö“ in CM Mthatha Dam CöO Ö“ o CO Mthatha Luchaba PortStJohns Nature Reserve EastLondon CööO— PortElizabeth ucno Nyandeni Local Municipality Nduli Nature Resi Mthatha Legend O Southerwood (SW) Mthatha (built-uparea) Nature Reserve WSU Municipal boundaries Dams Rivers National routes Arterial routes Mapcompiledby: \ VictorBangamwabo, \ Main roads CartographicUnit,DisciplineofGeography, UmversityofKwaZulu-Natal,PMB,2013 Kilometers Secondary roads Fig.1:Mapofthestudyarea,KingSabaDalindyebo(KSD)Municipality,EasternCapeProvince,SouthAfrica InvertebrateCommunitystructureinsubtropicalnaturereserves 9 Tab.1:SitedescriptionandsamplingunitlabelsatNduliandLuchabaNatureReserves SiteName Sub-sites Samplingunitlabels DominantVegetation/disturbanceregime Site 1: NduliNature Indigenous Forestpatch (1F) IFA,IFB,IFC,IFD Native acacias,Podocarpussp.,Erythrinasp. Reserve Minhuallygrazed Indigenous Grasslandpatch IGA,IGB,IGC,IGF) Nativegrasses e.g.Eragrostiscurvula Paspalumdilata- , (IG) tum Pennisetumsp. Riehandsedges , Moderatelygrazed Site2: LuchabaNature Eucalyptuspatch (EU) EUA,EUB,EUC,EUD Gum trees {Eucalyptusgrandis) Reserve Highlygrazed MixedAlien patch (MA) MAA,MAB,MAC,MAD Lantanacamara,Acaciamearnsii,Solanummauritianum Indigenous herbs Highlygrazed & derwood Fisher2006).In this study,fourpitfall traps,each Data on soil characteristics were collected once during each madeupofa250mlblueplasticcupwitharimdiameterof7.5 ofthe four seasons ofthe yearwhile the rest ofthe measured cm and 9.5 cm deepwere sunkinto the groundin squaregrids variableswere collected monthly. within each sampling unit such that the open end of the cup wasflushwith thegroundsurface.Trapswere filledwith soapy Dataamalysis water as a trapping medium, and left open in the ground for Data setswere collated for each samplingunit (SU) for each 24 hours to capture soil-surface dwelling (epigaeic) inverte- month and arranged in data matrices as proposed by Clarke brate specimens (Forbanka&Niba2013).Trapped specimens & Gorley (2006).Tte Statistical Software progrant DIVER- were sorted front flyingarthropods,preserved in 70% alcohol, SE in PRIMER V 6 (Clarke &Warwick 2001) was used to and transported to the laboratory for preliminary identifica- determine Shannon diversity index (H’) and Pielou’s even- tion. Identification was done using a Zeiss Stereo dissecting ness index (J) for species data. Ordination methods attempt microscope (Model STEMI DV4) and field guides (Picker to give a broad overview of invertebrate community struc- & et al. 2004). Spider identities were confirmed using reference ture and patterns across site samplingunits (Clark Gorley works by Dippenaar-Schoeman &Jocque (1997). Ants were 2006, Ter Braak & Looman 1995). Tie Computer Software CANOCO & identified at the Biosystematics Division of the Agricultural package (Ter Braak Smilauer 2002), which Research Council (ARC) in Pretoria. Unidentified morpho- combines into one algorithm Correspondence Analysis species were coded and preserved in 70 % alcohol for future (CA) on species data and weighted multiple regressions on Identification bytaxon specialists. Specimen datawas collect- environmentalvariable data,was used.Tiis technique related ed in 64 traps per month across all sites during 12 sampling species composition to knownvariations in the environment. months front May2010 to April2011. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) in CANOCO produced an ordination diagram inwhich points represented Measurementofenvironmentalvariables species and sites, and vectors (arrows) represented measu- A number of environmental variables were hypothesized to red site (environmental) variable gradients. Such a diagram be important in determining faunal composition and distri- shows patterns of Variation in species composition that can & bution across sampling units at the sites (Avuletey Niba be explained best by the measured site variables (Ter Braak & 2014) andwere nteasured as follows: Looman 1995). i) Soil pH, phosphorus, potassium and zinc contents were determined by collecting (through digging) 200 g of Results top soil santples to the depth of 10 cm in each SU. Tie A total of2054 specimens belonging to three phyla (Arth- samples were analysed at the Mthatha Dam Soil Ana- ropoda, Mollusca and Annelida) was caught and sorted into lytical Services Laboratory using standardized protocols seven Orders, 18 families, one tribe, 45 genera (22 identified & for measuring soil Chemical properties (Soon Warren to species level) and 20 morphospecies. The Araneae cons- 1993) tituted the richest order with eleven families and 21 genera ii) Litter depth (cm) was measured using a calibrated woo- (10 identified species) followed by the Coleoptera with four den rulerplaced perpendicularlyon the soil surface to de- families,one tribe (Hopliini),and 13 genera (seven identified termine the depth and thickness of the litter to species). Most specimens collected belonged to the order iii) Grazing intensity was assessed by classifying available Hymenoptera at 60% (58% Formicidae) while the Stylom- düng and degree oftrampling as 0 (none), 1 (low),2 (me- matophorawas represented by one family and one species.A dium) and 3 (high) total of 20 morphospecies collected from traps were sorted iv) Extent of alien plant coverwas estimated by determining into two morphospecies ofthe Annelida, three of woodlice the percentage oftotalareaof SU surface coveredbythese (Crustacea), two of millipedes and centipedes (Myriapoda) plants and 13 morphospecies of ticks, mites and scorpions (other v) Percentage (%) shade (insolation) was estimated as Arachnida). Indices ofspecies diversity and evenness trends amount of sunlight that penetrated the SU during the at across sub-sites are shown inTab.2. Onlyspecimens iden- sampling interval between 11:30 am and 13:30 pm on tified to tribe, genus and species levels were included in the clear sunnydays multivariate analyses. 10 A.5.Niba&I. Yekwayo Tab. 2:Taxonomie profile and abundance of epigaeic invertebrate taxa ORDER /Family/Tribe/ Code1, EU MA IF IG total sampiedatsub-sitesintheNduliandLuchabaNatureReserves Genus/Species aOrder or higher taxonomic level (Phylum/Class), bCode names used in analyses Scarabaeidae ORDER'/Family/Tribe/ Code1, EU MA IF IG total Anachalcosconvexus Ana 2 2 Genus/Species Boheman, 1857 ARANEAE Anisonyxeditns Ani 4 4 Peringuey, 1902 Araneidae Aphodiussp. Aphsp 2 2 Cyclosasp. Cycsp 3 3 Diplognathagagates Dip 1 2 3 Clubionidae Förster, 1771 Clubionasp. Clusp 2 2 Gymnopleurussp. Gymsp 4 4 Dysderidae Hopliini [tribe] Hoptr 23 10 33 Dysderacrocata Dys 3 3 1 2 9 Khepernigoaeneus Khe 1 3 4 C L. Koch, 1838 (Boheman, 1857) Eutichuridae Sisyphussp. Sissp 2 4 6 Cheiracanthiumfurculatum Che 1 2 6 9 Tenebrionidae Karsch, 1879 Pachyphaleriacapensis Pac 5 1 2 8 Eresidae Laporte de Castelnau, 1840 Dresserussp. Dresp 1 2 3 Psammodesbertolonii Psa 5 5 Guerin-Meneville, 1844 Gnaphosidae HYMENOPTERA Xerophaeuscrustosus Xer 2 2 Purcell, 1907 Formicidae Zelotesuquathus Zel 3 1 2 6 Camponotussp. Camsp 71 258 179 112 806 FitzPatrick,2007 CarebaraviduaF. Smith, 1858 Car 1 3 4 Eycosidae Messorcapensis(Mayr, 1862) Mes 1 1 Hognasp. Hogsp 2 1 3 Pheidolesp. Phesp 117 74 32 16 223 Pardosacrassipalpis Par 211 184 10 35 440 Polyrhachisgagates Pol 3 3 Purcell, 1903 F.Smith, 1858 Pardosasp. Parsp 12 9 2 4 27 Streblognathusaethiopicus Stre 3 2 5 (F. Smith, 1858) Pisauridae Tetraponerasp. Tetsp 2 2 Afropisanrasp. Afrsp 2 2 Techno?nyrmexsp. Tecsp 60 49 67 46 252 Nilus(Ihalassius) sp. Thasp 5 19 1 25 BEATTODEA Salticidae Blaberidae Evarchasp. Evasp 2 15 1 5 23 Bantuasp. Bansp 3 1 4 Habrocestumdotatum Hab 1 4 2 7 Peckham &Peckham, 1903 Blattidae Deropeltiserythrocephala Der 2 2 13 17 Hyllusargyrotoxus Hyl 5 2 3 10 (Fabricius, 1781) Simon, 1902 STYEOMMATOPI 0RA Langonawarchalowskii Lan 2 1 11 14 1 Wesolowska,2007 Valloniidae Ihyenesp. Thysp 2 2 Valloniasp. Valsp 2 4 6 DIPLOPODA Thyenulaaurantiaca Thy 2 3 5 (Simon, 1902) 2 morphospecies 10 Thyenulajuvenca Simon, 1902 Thyj 3 3 ISOPODA Theridiidae 3 morphospecies 2 ANNEEIDA Theridionsp. Thesp 1 1 Thomisidae 2 morphospecies 2 ARACHNIDA Xysticussp. Xyssp 10 2 2 5 19 COEEOPTERA (Acari,Scorpiones) 13 morphospecies 41 Chrysomelidae Totalno.oftaxa 18 26 29 23 Plagioderasp. Plasp 1 1 [onlytribeorlower]/sub-site Sagrasp. Sagsp 1 1 Total no.ofindividuals/ 529 635 447 270 Sonchiasternalis Son 3 1 4 sub-site(N) (Fairmaire, 1888) Margalef’sindex(d’) 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.3 Hydrophilidae Shannondiversityindex(IE) 1.8 1.6 1.3 2.0 Hydrophilussp. Flydsp 1 3 4 Pielou’sevennessIndex(J) 0.55 0.52 0.42 0.63 1 Invertebratecommunitystructureinsubtropicalnaturereserves 1 Spatio-temporaldistributionofspeciesacrosssites cieswere clumped atthe centre ofthe ordination,and related CCA Three invertebrate species Pardosa crassipalpis, Camponotus to certain measured environmental variable gradients. ( sp. and Technomyrmexsp.) occurred throughout the year atall ordination axes one and two (Tab. 4a) suggested that neither sub-sites, and fourteen taxa (genus and species) were recor- axis accounted for much Variation in species data. Variance ded only from indigenous (forest and grassland) Vegetation accounted for by measured environmental variables for both sub-sites while eight were sampled exclusively from invaded axes was 45.1 %. Monte-Carlo permutation tests were not (Eucalyptus andMixed alien) sub-sites.24taxaincludingone significant for axis one (F=1.54, P>0.05). However, intra-set tribe (Hopliini) occurred in both invaded and non-invaded correlations extracted gradients of soil Chemical properties sampling units.Tire Mixed Alien patch had the highest spe- (e.g. pH and Potassium (K) content), percentage shade (in- cimen count while the grassland patch had the lowest (Tab. sulation) andgrazing intensitythatpositivelycorrelated with 2). Species richness peaked in summer (January and Februa- axis one ofthe ordination tri-plot, and mayhave determined ry) while highest specimen counts occurred inJanuary at the theoccurrenceofmosttaxaattheIndigenousGrasslandsam- Mixed Alien and Eucalyptus sub-sites. Specimen counts for pling units, e.g. Cheiracanthiumfurculatum and Psammodes Camponotus sp. accounted for overall high abundance trends bertoloniiat SU IGB and Dresserus sp. at SU IGA. in August at the Indigenous Forest sub-site. Gradients of percentage alien Vegetation cover and litter deposition negativelycorrelatedwith axis one of the ordinati- Responseofepigaeicinvertebratesto measured on output (Tab.4b).Thesevariableswere rnostlyimportant in sitevariables determining species composition and distribution at the Eu- Results of all measured environmental variables are shown in calyptus,MixedAlien and Indigenous Forestsub-sites.Litter Tab. 3.The species-samplingunits- environmental variable depth explained the distribution ofhabitat-restricted specific (CCA ordination) tri-plot (Fig. 2) indicated that most spe- species e.g. Carebaravidua atsamplingunit EUA. Tab.3:Meanand ränge(inbrackets)ofmeasuredenvironmentalvariablesatsamplingunits(A-D)duringthesampling period intheNduliandLuchaba NatureReserves.EUA-EUD(Eucalyptus),MAA-MAD(MixedAlien),IFA-IFD(IndigenousForest),IGA-IGD(IndigenousGrassland)sub-sites Variables EUA EUB EUC EUD MAA MAB MAC MAD IFA II B IFC IED IGA IGB IGC IGD (Units) Leaflitter 3.6 3.5 4.7 3.9 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.7 3.8 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 depth (cm) (1.5-5) (1-7) (2-8) (2-5) (0-2) (0-3) (0-2) (0-2) (0-3) (2.5-6.5) (1-4) (1-3) 0 0 0 0 Alienveg. 54 54 79 70 70 68 71 72 0.8 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 (%) (30-80) (30-100) (50-100) 20-100) (40-90) (60-90) (50-90) (50-80) (0-5) (0-5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shade (%) 50 31 72 68 62 63 67 67 85 81 67 71 87 90 84 91 (30-70) (20-40) (30-80) (30-90) (30-90) (40-90) (40-90) (40-90) (70-100) (70-90) (50-80) (50-100) (70-100) (80-100) (70-100) (70-100) Potassium 187 169 194 162 231 167 179 164 233 194 232 217 3348 392 381 273 (ppm) (90-220) (80-190) (75-210) (100-180)(200-250)(120-186)(144-220) (98-193) (210-256)(200-263)(183-231)(184-224)(250-368)(320-410)(340-422)(210-310) Phosphorus 20 27 15 17 34 23 24 22 12 22 21 19 18 22 17 30 (ppm) (14-23) (11-45) (11-21) (14-21) (24-48) (12-26) (14-30) (15-25) (9-18) (10-24) (13-27) (15-30) (8-31) (11-31) (12-26) (11-35) Zinc (ppm) 0.3 0.4 0.05 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 (0.2-0.5) (0.1-0.6) 0.1-0.8) (0.1-0.8) (0.2-0.8) (0.1-0.3) (0.1-0.6) (0.1-0.3) (0.1-0.4) (0.2-1.7) (0.4-1.6) (0.1-0.6) (0.2-0.5) (0.2-0.8) (0.2-0.8) (0.2-0.6) Grazing 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 intensity (1-3) (1-3) (0-3) (2-3) (1-3) (1-3) (1-3) (1-3) (0-2) (0-2) (0-0) (0-0) (0-3) (1-3) (0-2) (0-2) PH 4.9 4.2 3.9 4 3.5 3.1 3.2 3.9 4.8 5.6 6.5 5.9 4.3 4.7 4.5 4.5 (4-5.5) (4-6) (4-6.6) (3.8-4.5) (3.8-5) (3-4.2) (3-4) (4-5.1) (4.5-6) (4.3-7) (5.2-7.S) (5-6.2) (4-5) (4-7.8) (4-5.5) (4-5.8) Tab. 4a: Summary of the first two CCA axes weightings. Variances ex- Tab. 4b: Intra-set correlations between each ofthe measured environ- plained by the two axes are given. Monte-Carlo permutation tests for mental variables and the first two canonical axes using pooled inverte- Axis 1: (F=1.154, P>0.05) and for all four axes (Global: F=1.68, P<0.05). bratespeciesdata recordedatsub-sites inthe Nduliand Luchaba Nature 'Significant Reserves Axes 1 2 Allfour Intra-set Inter-set axes Correlation Correlation Eigenvalues 0.27 0.20 Variable CCAl CCA2 CCAl CCA2 Species-environmental variable 0.97 0.94 Litterdeposition -0.40 -0.37 -0.29 -0.39 correlations GrazingIntensity 0.54 0.34 0.41 0.55 Cumulativepercentagevarianceof 14.7 26 PH 0.03 -0.32 0.74 0.03 species data Cumulative%variance species/envir. 25.5 45.1 Potassium K 0.52 0.55 0.51 0.52 var.relations PhosphorusP 0.24 -0.26 -0.06 0.24 Totalinertia 1.85 Zinc Z -0.26 -0.44 0.43 -0.27 F-ratio 1.54 1.68 AlienVegetation -0.34 0.02 -0.67 -0.34 p-value 0.33 0.04* Shade 0.55 0.32 0.38 0.56 12 A.S.Niba&I. Yekwayo Discussion and moderategrazing intensityrespectively,andare more Sta- It is still poorly understood whether general patterns in im- hle ecosystems. Generally, native plants are associated with a pacts ofinvasive plants exist and whether these patterns are higherdiversityandabundance olherbivoreinsects (Schirmei related to certain ecosystems or animal traits (Kumschick et et al. 2016).This is often explained by co-evolutionary adap- al. 2015). Moreover, progress in understanding invasion im- tations of native insects to leafstructural traits or to Chemical pacts is challenged in severalways (Schirmeiet al.2016).Im- compounds of native plants (Harvey&cFortuna 2012). Eight pacts are oftennotordifferentlydefined (Jeschke etal.2014), invertebrate species occurred only at the highly grazed inva- controversies about invasion impacts ölten rely on case stu- ded (Eucalyptus and Mixed Alien) sub-sites. dies,but meaningful generalisations based on single cases do High invertebrate species richness and abundance occur- notexist(Ricciardietal.2013).In this study,the impactofin- red during the rainy summer rnonths ofJanuary-February vasive plants on epigaeic invertebrates varied across sub-sites probably as a result ofoptimal habitat conditions which fa- with neutral and decreasing effects on species diversity and voured maturation for various invertebrate taxa. This period abundance. The majority (24 taxa) occurred at both invaded is also characterized by high ambient temperatures which and non-invaded Vegetation sub-sites, while 14 taxa occur- may have resulted in higher levels of invertebrate activity redexclusivelyatindigenous (forestandgrassland)Vegetation and their catch rates in traps. Even though the diversity and sub-sites,possiblydue to the fact thatthese sites had minimal abundance patterns of invertebrate taxa (e.g. beetles, ants) o Fig.2:CanonicalCorrespondenceanalysis(CCA)ordinationofinvertebratespecies(A),sitesamplingunits(o),andmeasuredenvironmentalvariables(/) usingpooleddatacollectedatNduliand Luchaba NatureReserves.SitedescriptionandsamplingunitlabelsseeTab. 1,speciesCodenamesseeTab.2. Invertebratecommunitystructureinsubtropicalnaturereserves 13 have been shown to be influenced significandy by seasonali- ventory for comparison with existing regional baseline data ty (rainfall) and temperature (Davis 2002, Hahn &Wheeler for protected areas in South Africa. Although invertebrates 2002), other intrinsic factors could also have influenced the remain critically important across a ränge ofprotected areas rate at which specimens were caught e.g. thermoregulation, management objectives in the country, they should be expli- & bodysize,motivationorplasticityin dialrhythms (Atienza citly and clearly linked to these objectives (McGeoch et al. & Farinos 1996,Wallin Ekbom 1994).Extrinsiclactorscould 2011). Furthermore, for guiding management decisions, fu- potentiallyirnpacton catch rates e.g.Vegetation structure,soil ture studies on the eftects of invasive alien plants on epigaeic surface litter (Hatten et al.2007) aswell aslimitations associ- invertebrates should distinguish between ecological eftects atedwith samplingdesign or short-term disturbances at sites and adverse impacts on species of Conservation concern. (Mitchell 1963). Litter deposition was lound to be an important variab- Acknowledgements le gradient influencing the composition and distribution of Funding for this project was provided by the National Research invertebrates across the Eucalyptus, Mixed Alien and Indi- Foundation (NRF) and the Directorate for Research Development, genous Forest sub-sites. High specimen counts at the Euca- WalterSisuluUniversity.We thankthe Eastern Cape Parks &Tou- rismAgency(ECPTA) and theNduliand LuchabaNature Reserve lyptus dominatedsub-site couldprobablybe due to abundant Managementforpermission to undertake this study. leaf litter deposition used by some taxa e.g. Pachyphaleria capensis as growth Substrate for egg-laying and shelter from predators anddesiccation (Albelho &Gra9a 1996,Maguraet References al.2004, Hills et al.2008,Tererai et al.2013). Acocks JPH 1988 Veld types of South Africa. - Memoirs ofthe Grazing intensity can influence the distribution oi inver- BotaniMcal&SurveyoMfASouthAfrica57: 1-146 tebrate species either positively or negatively depending on Albelho Graya 1996EftectsofEucalyptusafforestationon grazing pressure (Souminan & Olofsson 2000). 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